Annual General Meeting

An innovation at the A.G.M. was a report on the work of the Fieldwork Committee. Its chairman, Chris Pout, used a Powerpoint presentation and concentrated on the Society's equipment which is available for members to borrow (after training) and the last season's excavations at the Roman villa at Minster in Thanet.

The meeting took place at the Angel Centre in Tonbridge and there were over 50 members present. Before and after the meeting they were able to look at displays by the Centre for Kentish Studies and some local societies and stalls selling books.

The elections to the Council saw Chris Pout elected as a new member and the retirement of two long-serving members, Alec Miles and Ray Rolinson. There was no change to the other Council members and officers.

In the afternoon Dr Derek Renn spoke on New Light on Kent Castles. He put forward some aspects of castles in and around Kent that are not always considered such as displaying their owners' status as well as dominating their communities.


Roving Reporter


Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Conference