Trying to get a project off the ground?

The Local Heritage Initiative for the South East Region may be able to help! The LHI is a national grant scheme, managed by The Countryside Agency, that helps local groups to investigate, explain and care for their local landscape, landmarks, traditions and culture. Funding comes via the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Nationwide.

Some examples of recent grants include the ‘Kentish Plats’ project, awarded to the Kentish Cobnuts Association to enable work with local communities and growers to interpret the history of this traditional industry and the ‘Heritage Tales’, which aimed to introduce children to the landscape heritage of the North Downs through a series of plays and performances.

Who can apply?
New or existing community and voluntary groups as long as they have an open bank/building society account and a constitution/set of rules.

What size grants are available?

Do I have to raise any cash?
There is a minimum cash contribution of 5%

Is there a closing date?
No, LHI is open all year and is expected to run for at least 10 years. A 3-month decision is guaranteed between Sept-May. During the summer this could take a little longer.

How can I find out more?
Application pack - 0870 9000401
General advice – Kevin Haugh or Lisa Birch on 01622 765222
The Countryside Agency, Sterling House, 7 Ashford Road, Maidstone ME14 5BJ or


Churches and Castles provide Essential Habitat


Dave Perkins PhD, MSc, MIFA, Director - The Trust for Thanet Archaeology