Letters to the Editor, Spring 2002

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my appreciation for the recent changes in the KAS Newsletter. The new layout and the increased focus on local history have made the publication much more engaging and informative. I particularly enjoyed the article on the Roman Invasion and its impact on Kent. It provided a fresh perspective on a well-known historical event and was well-researched and well-written.

However, I would like to suggest that future issues include more articles on lesser-known aspects of Kent's history. There are many fascinating stories and events that have shaped our county, and I believe they would be of great interest to readers. Additionally, it would be beneficial to have more content related to ongoing archaeological projects in the area. This would not only keep members informed but also encourage more active participation in local archaeological activities.

Thank you for your continued efforts in producing a high-quality publication.

John Smith

Dear Editor,

I am a long-time member of the Kent Archaeological Society and have always found the Newsletter to be an excellent source of information on the history and archaeology of our county. The recent issue was no exception, and I was particularly impressed with the article on the monastic ideal. It was a thoughtful and insightful piece that highlighted the complexities of monastic life and its evolution over the centuries.

I would also like to commend the efforts to digitize the Society's archives and make them available online. This is a significant step forward in preserving our heritage and making it accessible to a wider audience. I look forward to seeing more content added to the website in the future.

Keep up the great work!

Best regards,
Elizabeth Brown


The Monastic Ideal


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