Studying and Sharing Kent’s Past

'Studying and Sharing Kent's Past' is the title of the Report of the Working Party on the future role of the Society, following the suggestion by an ordinary member. The Working Party acknowledges considerable assistance from the members who commented in writing or at meetings.

The themes of the Report emerged in the opening statement, headed The Challenge, and this is printed below. Comments from members are most welcome.

The Challenge to the Society

Our Society is challenged by the increasing specialisation of interests in the study of the past, which is resulting in isolation in research, diversity of organisations, fragmentation of resources and inadequate advocacy of our discipline. Co-operation and information sharing must be the way forward. The strength of our generalist approach is reflected in the use, in our title, of the word archaeology in the traditional sense, covering all aspects of the study of the past. We exist to serve, represent and include all, reconciling different interests wherever possible.

Our membership list testifies to the tradition of open recruitment of amateurs and professionals, forming a meeting place for mutual support and learning. We are proud of our diverse membership, ranging from academic professionals to interested laypersons, each bringing valuable perspectives and skills.

In the face of increasing specialisation and the proliferation of niche organisations, our Society stands as a bastion of inclusive scholarship. We recognise that the study of history and archaeology is not the preserve of an elite but a collaborative endeavour that benefits from the contributions of a broad and engaged membership. Our challenge is to maintain this inclusivity while fostering a supportive environment where rigorous research and vibrant dialogue can flourish.




Membership Secretary