Roman Treasures of the Moselle Valley, An archaeological study tour

For those members of the Society who missed the KAS trip to Trier in 1989, or for members who would like to pay a return visit, the Dept. of Archaeology, University of Manchester, have arranged the above tour. This will take place on Friday 9th to Sunday 18th August 1991. A very full and interesting programme has been planned and in addition to the visit to Trier, other places to be visited will include Schwarzenacker (a partially excavated Roman Town), Bitburg (late defences and Museum) and many more excellent museums and sites. The party will be led by Mr. Colin Baddeley who has been conducting tours to the German Moselle Valley for several years. He has invited any KAS members interested to join the tour. Cost is £445, (single supp. £50). This includes travel (sailing from Ramsgate), half board accommodation, all sites and museum fees etc. Full details may be obtained from Moswin Tours Ltd. Moswin House, 21 Church St., Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5QB. Tel. 0533 714982.


The Origins of Plaxtol Church


Kent Record Collections