Lees Court Estate: Call for Research

Are you a history enthusiast with a passion for research? Here’s an exciting opportunity to contribute to the ongoing work at Lees Court Estate, an 800-year-old estate under the Stewardship of KAS Patron, The Countess Sondes. The Society invites members to carry out additional research to enrich the Estate’s history and complement ongoing archaeological work.

Lees Court was built in 1652 on the site of an earlier house, by Sir George Sondes whose family had bought the estate in 1600 (Historic England).

‘Authentic Memorials of Remarkable Occurances and Affecting Calamities in the family of Sir George Sondes, Bart.’

The Society has made fascinating archaeological discoveries, including three burial monuments dating back to the Neolithic period in Stringmans Field. We now seek researchers to explore the more recent history of nearby Stringmans Farm, Badlesmere, including its lands, buildings, and occupants through the ages.

If you're interested in participating, please get in touch with Keith Parfitt, Chair of the Fieldwork Committee, at Keith.parfitt@kentarchaeology.org.uk


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Canterbury Commemoration – a fire, Thomas More and Thomas Becket