Library reopening from August

From August 2020 it will be possible for members to visit the Library again but due to Covid 19 there are restrictions in place.

We will not be able to have more than 3 people in the library at any one time, so flexibility on visiting dates may be necessary. Maidstone Museum's policy is to manage the numbers of people on site so to visit the library you will need to make an appointment first, either with the Museum or the Librarian.

If visiting Tuesday, Friday or the weekend email the Museum directly on to make arrangements. You do not need to contact the Librarian.

Wednesday and Thursdays are booked for existing volunteers so you will not be able to visit those days unless you makes plans with us in advance. You do not need to email the Museum but do email the Librarian at

Please note that you are required to wear a face mask while moving about the Museum building.

Thank-you for your understanding.


Library Acquisition: Cobham Landscape Detectives


Bones found in Kent church likely to be of 7th-century saint