Olive trees are native to the Mediterranean Basin, but are now cultivated around the world. The olive tree is a drought tolerant evergreen, with oblong silvery green leaves.
They are generally short and squat, rarely exceeding fifteen metres in height. The trunks of olive trees are generally twisted and gnarled . The fruit of the olive tree are also called "olives", and are green or black depending on when they are harvested. 80% of olives are used for the production of olive oil. Olives grown for consumption are known as "table olives".
The olive tree is a symbol of friendship and reconciliation, healing and light; an olive branch is a symbol of peace. In the bible there are several references to olive oil being used for annointing, cleansing and healing. Mark 6.13 says:
They cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.
In the story of Noah's ark, the dove returning with an olive branch is seen as a symbol of new hope for mankind.
Olive oil is also mentioned in the bible as a fuel for lamps, soaking the wicks and giving light. The word "olive" in Greek means "to shine". The Hebrew word for olive tree is "es shemen" which means "tree of oil".