Collections of notebooks of past members of the KAS
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Notebooks Box 1, Work by Cozens, Richard Culmer, and notes on Church Visitations. 4
Notebooks Box 2, Notes on Churches, Parish Workhouses, Meopham, Twisden History. 5
Notebooks Box 3, Notes by Torr on Rectors, Church Fonts, notes relating to Clergy 1400-1650s and Letters to Lieut. Wm Twisden. 5
Notebooks Box 4, Material on the history of Meopham, Leland L. Duncan’s Church Visits, Notebooks by Dunkin, Cozens Memorial Inscriptions, papers of Miss Collard from Alkham, material on Lydd 6
Notebooks Box 5, Memorial Inscriptions from Kent, notes from Maidstone Parish Registers, Torr’s Architectural notes on East Kent Churches. 6
Notebooks Box 6, Leland L. Duncan’s manuscripts on Kent Lay Subsidies, Wills from Canterbury Prerogative Court, Monumental Inscriptions, and Notebooks by J.R.T. on the Twisden portraits and the manuscripts acquired by Capt. James S. Twysden, March 1917 7
Notebooks Box 7, L. L. Duncan’s Monumental Inscriptions of Kent Churchyards. 8
Notebooks Box 8, L. L. Duncan’s Monumental Inscriptions of Kent Churchyards, Notes on Kent Wills, Church Bells by Parish, Notes by E.H.W. Dunkin including Deeds enrolled on Close Rolls relating to Kent. 8
Notebooks Box 9, Torr Architectural Notes on Churches, Church Visitations, E.H. W. Dunkin Notebooks on Kent Wills. 9
Notebooks Box 10, Kent Wills at Lambeth, L. L. Duncan’s Manuscripts regarding wills in Canterbury Prerogative Court, E.H.W. Dunkin’s Church notes on Rochester. 10
Notebooks Box 11, V.J. Torr’s notebooks on the Streatfield Collection 11
Notebooks Box 12, V. J. Torr’s notebooks on the incumbents of Kent Parishes. 12
Notebooks Box 13, V. J. Torr’s notes on incumbents of Kent parishes. 13
Notebooks Box 14, M.S. notes by L. L. Duncan on Monumental Inscriptions, Notes by Dunkin, Church notes, Architectural notes on Churches, Arthur Hussey notes on Churches, The Saunders collections and other misc. items. 14
Notebooks Box 15, Whatley M.S. on Ancient Buildings visited, Incumbents of Parish Churches by
E.W. Dunkin, L. L. Duncan notebook on Monumental Inscriptions. 14
Notebooks Box 16, Twysden Letters. 15
Notebooks Box 17, Notes for a history of the Twisdens by Sir John Francis Twisden 15
Notebooks Box 18, Biographical details of members of the Twisden family and notes towards a history of the Twisdens. 16
Notebooks Box 19, Notes on the origins of the Twysden/Twisden family and Sale Catalogues. 17
Notebooks Box 20, Manuscript notes by Sir John Twisden. 17
Notebooks Box 21, Notebooks by Gordon Ward 18
Notebooks Box 22, The Canterbury & York Society Journal volumes from the early 1900s and the 1960s 18
Notebooks Box 23, V. J. Torr notebooks on Church matters. 19
Notebooks Box 24, V.J. Torr Architectural notes on Kent Churches. 19
Notebooks Box 25, Material for a History of Addington by James Gracie Maddan, 1956, Manors of the Archbishop of Canterbury, KAS papers, Pedigree for the Upton Family 1400-1700s, Statues of King George IV, and notes by F. Jessup on Wills. 21
Notebooks Box 26, V. J. Torr notes on epitaphs, L. L. Duncan’s manuscript catalogue, copies of the letters of Lieut Willam Twisden compiled by John R. Twisden, 1908, misc. notes on wills. 21
Notebooks Box 27, V.J. Torr’s transcription of the Faussett Church notes. 22
Notebooks Box 28, F. W. Hardman’s notes on Dover Castle, Gordon Ward’ s notes on the Constabulary of Dover and the De Montforts: notes of General Fane Lambarde, Notes on Essex Churches and misc. material by unknown authors 23
Notebooks Box 29, Arthur Hussey notebooks on Churches. 24
Notebooks Box 30, Arthur Hussey notes on churches and the Oxenden family, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey and Sussex 25
Notebooks Box 31, Index to the Hussey collections, notes by Arthur Hussey on the Friars. 26
Notebooks Box 32, Report of KAS meeting July 1906, details copied from Liber Institutionim, Bishops’ Certificates, Rochester and misc. items. 26
Notebooks Box 33, L.L. Duncan’s notes on Lewisham, envelope with material relating to Sussex, East Kent Wills and correspondence from Arthur Hussey 27
Notebooks Box 34, L. L. Duncan notes on Churches. 28
Notebooks Box 35, L. L. Duncan’s notes on Wills from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. 30
Notebooks Box 36, L. L. Duncan’s notes on incumbents of Kent and Sussex Churches, notes on Archbishops, notes from Chichele. 32
Notebooks Box 37, L. L. Duncan’s notes on Archbishop Parker’s visitations 1500s and other visitations to the 1700s. 33
Index of the archive of Peter James Tester
Index of past members’ papers in the KAS Archives at Marsham Street, Maidstone
Collections of notebooks of past members of the KAS
The following notebooks by past members of the society are held in Store and can be consulted by appointment. Please note that all MI’s have been transcribed and can be consulted on the Research Section of the website: http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/Research/research.htm
Notebooks Box 1, Work by Cozens, Richard Culmer, and notes on Church Visitations.
Publication No. | Contents |
No ref | Cozens MSS 1795 |
158 Vol.2 | Abbot Moore’s visitation for Diocese of Canterbury 1786 |
159 Vol .3 | Abbot Moore’s visitation for Diocese of Canterbury 1786 |
161 | Abbot Moore’s visitation for Kent 1788 |
162 Vol. 1 | Manners Sutton visitation for Kent 1806 |
163 Vol.2 | Manners Sutton visitation for Kent 1806 |
160 Vol. 4 | Abbot Moore’s visitation for Kent 1786 |
166 | Manners Sutton visitation for Kent 1807 |
164 Vol. 3 | Manners Sutton visitation for Kent 1806 |
167 | Archbishop Longley visitation for Kent 1864 |
165 Vol. 4 | Manners Sutton visitation for Kent 1806 |
168 Vol. 2 | Archbishop Longley visitation for Kent 1864 |
170 | Archbishop Seckers’ notes on diocese of Canterbury churches 20 October 1860 |
169 Vol. 3 | Archbishop Longley visitation for Kent 1864 |
171 Vol. 1 | Analysis of 1511 Warham visitation of diocese of Canterbury |
172 | Lambeth visitation of Archbishop Moore 1786 |
173 Vol.1 | Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia St Radiegund’s and Langdon |
174 Vol.2 | Collectanea Anglo-Premonstratensia Langdon(Cd) & Bayham 1497 |
175 | A/deacon Canterbury - A/deacon Heads, A/deacon Heads, list of clergy 1750. Conventicles etc 1669 & 1676 |
176 | State of Kent church fabrics |
177 | BMDs at Alkham 1691 - 1835 |
178 | Canterbury & Glasten controversy about St Dunstan 1508 |
179 | Obits (?) 1418 TO 1432 |
180 | Dean and Chapter news from Canterbury by Richard Culmer |
181 | Notes on pamphlet (Animad Versions) by Richard Culmer |
182 | Regr Morton I 159A précis of (Latin) visitation of dioc.Rochester (15th cent) |
183 | Duncombe on Herne church (notes) |
184 | Travels of Dr Richard Pocock, Bishop of Ossory 1764 |
185 | Low sides – Sussex, Warks, Cumberland, Norfolk, Leics, Beds |
186 | Single, two and three seals by various churches in different counties |
187 | Altar tables and stone mensal in various counties |
188 | Sundials and church furniture by date |
189 | List of Royal Arms by reign |
190 | List of Royal Arms by county |
191 | Episcopal effigies and brasses by city |
192 | Ecclesiastica Quaedam – Oxford and Cambridge colleges; and various counties |
193 | Abbot’s returns for 1632-1639 |
Notebooks Box 2, Notes on Churches, Parish Workhouses, Meopham, Twisden History.
Number | Contents |
1 | Address book with index of incumbents of various parishes in England – 1250- 1957 |
2 | Hoadleys Basileia – (British Museum Add.Ms. 22725) |
3 | Throwley Register; Wilkes; Montresor letters; Harwell Pedigree; various letters to Rev. Scott Robertson late 1880s. |
4 | M.S. Vol.ii.Meopham. Chapter ii. General notes; exterior, interior. |
5 | M.S. Vol.iii. Meopham. Chapter iv. Altars, roof, Arms, etc. |
6 | M.S. Vol. Iv. Chapter vii. Burials, etc. |
7 | M.S. Vol. Viii.l Parish workhouse; population; churchwardens, etc. |
8 | M.S. Vol.11. General notes on architectural details, especially arches; register extracts. |
9 | M.S. Vol. Ix. The Village Greens |
10 | M.S. Vol.xi. C. Priesthouse continued; Dene Manor; roads; Rochester. |
11 | M.S.Vol. xii. XIVth century ‘Peeps’. |
12 | M.S. Vol. Viic. Meopham |
13 | Vol. Iva. The Bells. |
14 | Twisden History, Bradbourne, Leeds, etc. |
15 | Contents of churches of Sussex, 1872 |
16 | Small notebook with details of Kent church drawings |
17 | Notebook with details of Kent church drawings |
18 | Notebook with details of Kent church drawings |
Notebooks Box 3, Notes by Torr on Rectors, Church Fonts, notes relating to Clergy 1400-1650s and Letters to Lieut. Wm Twisden.
No. | Publication No. | Contents |
1 | 20 | Torr. Small notebook. Church fonts |
2 | 8 | Torr. MIs. Reg. Reg. Roff. 1769 (2) |
3 | 9 | Torr, MIs. List of Rectors of various parishes. |
4 | 138 | Pole- Tillotson, Hutton, Herring, Bancroft, Laud, Juxon. |
5 | 7 | Torr MIs. Orlestone-Willesborough. |
6 | 8 | Torr MIs . Wittersham-Appledore. |
7 | 9 | Torr MIs. New Romney-Lydd. |
8 | Copies of letters etc. from and to Lieut. Wm Twisden, made by T.E.T. | |
9 | Small reporter’s notebook with details of Rectors | |
10 | Vii | Institutions and collations to Benefices in the Diocese of Canterbury, December 1858 |
11 | Very small notebook with details of various Clergy, 1400- 1650s. |
Notebooks Box 4, Material on the history of Meopham, Leland L. Duncan’s Church Visits, Notebooks by Dunkin, Cozens Memorial
Inscriptions, papers of Miss Collard from Alkham, material on Lydd.
Number | Contents |
1 | MS Vol. 1. The written history of Meopham, handwritten. |
2 | Vol. 1. Meopham church, handwritten notes. |
3 | Vol. Iii. Meopham Wills, charities, doles, etc. |
4 | MS Vol. IVC. Meopham church, plate, registers, wills, etc. |
5 | C. Final. Meopham church, Chapter IX. |
6 | MS Vol. X. Meopham church, Chapter XVII. |
7 | Hardback book, signed Leland L. Duncan, September 1885. Notes on details of churches visited. |
8 | 7 Exercise books in plastic folder – Dunkin. 1. Saxon churches, 2. Pipe rolls. 3. Beckenham, 4. Chislehurst tithe map + 3 books of various notes. |
9 | Plastic folder containing exercise books and loose pages with extracts from Sexton’s books and registers. |
10 | Exercise book re. Lydd and rural parishes of Romney Marsh, containing index. |
11 | Exercise book in plastic folder , possibly part of Vol.XIII, Tenterden Wills. William Curteis’ Will. |
12 | Exercise book in plastic folder – Latin – papers of Miss Collard of Wolvert, Alkham |
13 | Plastic folder containing Mss of diary by Dr John Leland, bon 1691. Last date 1750. Mostly religious jottings copied out by L.L. Duncan 1886. |
14 | Arlingham, list of parish clerks and vicars; details of various other churches; bells; pedigrees. |
15 | Plastic folder containing letters of Earl Sydney. |
16 | Book of Cozens Memorial Inscriptions , 1795, for parishes in Dover area – Alkham- Whitfield. |
Notebooks Box 5, Memorial Inscriptions from Kent, notes from Maidstone Parish Registers, Torr’s Architectural notes on East Kent Churches.
Number | Contents |
1 | List of aisleless naves, chancels, naves, rood screens, altar rails, hall houses, etc. |
2 | List of sedelia in churches in various counties. |
3 | Memorial inscriptions - Chartham to Wye. |
4 | Memorial inscriptions – Great Chart to Willesborough. |
5 | Memorial inscriptions – Wingham to Ash. |
6 | Memorial inscriptions – Coldred to Word. |
7 | Memorial inscriptions – Hastingleigh to Nackington. |
8 | Very small notebook containing details from Maidstone parish registers; Wills; churches, etc. |
9 | Plastic folder with various notes from churches; wills; ? Dartford/Brasted/Crockenhill area. ?? L.L. Duncan. |
10 | Plastic folder with Torr’s Architectural notes of (mainly east) Kent churches, 1929- 30, with list on back of front cover. |
11 | Plastic folder containing Torr notebook, 1919, of architectural details of churches, with index at front |
12 | Extracts from books – 1862-. |
13 | Ancient Deeds calendar. |
Notebooks Box 6, Leland L. Duncan’s manuscripts on Kent Lay Subsidies, Wills from Canterbury Prerogative Court, Monumental Inscriptions, and Notebooks by J.R.T. on the Twisden portraits and the manuscripts acquired by Capt. James S. Twysden, March 1917.
Number | Contents |
1 | Leland Duncan’s manuscripts – Misc. Volume Vol. III. Kent Lay subsidies, Nonae Kent, Parochial inquisitions. |
2 | Leland Duncan’s manuscripts – Wills. Canterbury Prerogative Court, Cranbook Vol.I. |
3 | Leland Duncan’s manuscripts – Misc. Volumes Vol.I. Kent Lay Subsidies. |
4 | Leland Duncan’s manuscripts – Misc. Volumes Vol. VI. Notes from parish registers, New Romney, Lydd, St Mary in the Marsh. |
5 | Leland Duncan’s transcripts – Misc. Vols. Vol. VII, Charing 1590-1685, parish register. |
6 | Leland Duncan’s manuscripts – Misc. volumes Vol. IX. Charing Churchwarden’s accounts 1590-1697 and notes on church, etc. |
7 | Leland Duncan’s manuscripts – Monumental Inscriptions Vol. XIX. Goudhurst, with index. |
8 | Plastic folder containing Misc. Vol. V. (Chantry Certs), used in Kent Records Vol. XII, ‘Kent Chantries’ 1936. |
9 | Plastic folder containing Misc. Vol. IV. (Chantry Certs), used in Kent Records Vol. XII, ‘Kent Chantries’ 1936. |
10 | Leland Duncan’s manuscripts – Misc. Vol VIII. Shadoxhurst, brief account of the parish, begun by Charles Nairne, M.A. Rector of the parish 1836. |
11 | Sir J.R.T.’s catalogue of Twysden-Twisden portraits. |
12 | Notes of the manuscripts acquired by Capt. James S. Twysden at the sale of the collection of Twysden manuscripts, March 1917, revised March 1936. |
Notebooks Box 7, L. L. Duncan’s Monumental Inscriptions of Kent Churchyards.
Number | Contents |
Vol.1 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Ash next Wrotham churchyard, Horton Kirby churchyard |
Vol.2 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Old Romney, St Mary in the Marsh, Newchurch, Snave, Fairfield, Snargate, Dymchurch, Burmarsh, Ivychurch, Brenzett |
Vol.3 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Brookland II, with index |
Vol.4 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Woolwich 1 |
Vol.5 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Woolwich 2 |
Vol.6 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Misc. Churches, Brook, Hinxhill, Stowting, Hastingleigh, Brabourne, Wye, Boughton Aluph, Elmstead and Hunton notes. |
Vol.7 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Hartley, Ridley, Longfield, Fawkham, Kingsdown, Knockholt, High Halden and Martin notes. |
Vol. 8 & 10 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Vol. 8 Newenden, Ebony, Isle of Oxney. Vol.10 Rolvenden II, in church. |
Vol.9 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Rolvenden church and churchyard. Noted June and July 1919 |
Vol.12 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Westwell, Stalisfield, Pluckley, taken September 1920 |
Vol.13 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Tenterden 1 – May, June and July 1919 |
Vol.14 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Tenterden II, with index, May, June and July 1919 |
Notebooks Box 8, L. L. Duncan’s Monumental Inscriptions of Kent Churchyards, Notes on Kent Wills, Church Bells by Parish, Notes by
E.H.W. Dunkin including Deeds enrolled on Close Rolls relating to Kent.
Number | Contents |
Vol.15 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Charing, Little Chart. Taken in September 1920 |
Vol.16 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Old Romney, with index. St Mary in the Marsh, with index. Taken in July 1920 |
Vol.17 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards - Biddenden – taken in June 1920 |
Vol.18 | L.L. Duncan’s MIs of Kent Churchyards – Bethersden churchyard |
1 | Church notices in the parish of Lee, Kent, taken by Joseph and Charles Perkins Gwilt, 1830, copied by Leland L. Duncan December 1919 |
2 | Notes on Williams Wills PCC, en Maidstone Museum 13 Dec 1886. |
3 | En Maidstone Museum, Introduction |
4 | No. XL. Kent Wills in Prerogative Court of Canterbury , references |
5 | No.XIII. The church bells of Kent, by parish |
6 | No.II. Notes in vicars of Kent, noted March 13, 1876 |
7 | No. IV. Ms notes made by the late E.H.W. Dunkin, presented by his widow April 1916 |
8 | Deeds enrolled on Close Rolls relating to Kent, 1-3 Elizabeth. (E.H.W. Dunkin, 1916) |
Notebooks Box 9, Torr Architectural Notes on Churches, Church Visitations, E.H. W. Dunkin Notebooks on Kent Wills.
Number | Contents |
1 | Large book – Visitation presentments, AD 1560. St Alphage, Canterbury, Tanner, Bodleian Library, Population of Kent 1377-1578, St Mary’s Dover, Maison Dieu, St Marys in the Castle, Dover, Old St Martins or St Martins le Grand, Dover, St Nicholas, Dover, St John the Baptist, Dover, St James, Dover, St Peter, Dover, St Martins Priory, St Mary the Virgin, Dover, Leybourne Castle, Notes on Sittingbourne environs, Arch. Moore, Provost of Wingham College, relics of Ancient Milton. |
2 | E.H.W. Dunkin, Calendar of Kent Wills at PCC, 1361-1576 (1916) |
3 | Canterbury Cathedral notes |
4 | Notes of MIs and Coats of Arms at Goudhurst and Cranbrook |
5 | Architectural notes on churches, Kent & Sussex, 1930-1931 |
6 | Misc. Burials (e.g. Greenwich) & Wills and notes |
7 | ? Torr notebooks. Notes on church architecture, 1924, with index. |
8 | East Kent Deaneries |
9 | ? Torr notebook 1952-1954, notes on architecture of Kent churches |
10 | Torr, church architectural notes |
11 | No.VIII. Notes made by the late E.H.W. Dunkin. Presented by his widow, April; 1916 |
Notebooks Box 10, Kent Wills at Lambeth, L. L. Duncan’s Manuscripts regarding wills in Canterbury Prerogative Court, E.H.W. Dunkin’s Church notes on Rochester.
Number | Contents |
21 | Kent Wills at Lambeth, Book 1. Warham, Kempe, Stafford, Chichele |
22 | Kent Wills at Lambeth, Book II. Chichele, Arundel. |
23 | Kent Wills at Lambeth, Book III. Arundel II, Arundel I. |
24 | Kent Wills at Lambeth, Book IV, Arundel, Courteney, Sudbury. |
57 | L.L. Duncan’s Manuscripts. Wills at Canterbury Prerogative Court, Vol. XI, Romney Marsh. |
58 | L.L. Duncan’s Manuscripts. Wills at Canterbury Prerogative Court, Vol. XII. Lydd. |
59 | L.L. Duncan’s Manuscripts. Wills at Canterbury Prerogative Court, Vol. XIII. Tenterden, Rolvenden and Sandhurst. |
60 | L.L. Duncan’s Manuscripts. Wills at Canterbury Prerogative Court, Vol. XIV. Hawkhurst, Newenden and Benenden. |
61 | L.L. Duncan’s Manuscripts. Wills at Canterbury Prerogative Court, Vol. XV (unfinished). Bilsington and Bishopsbourne. |
1 | L.L Duncan’s Manuscript. Misc. Volumes. Vol. II. Kent lay subsidies. Chantry of Chiddingstone. Particulars of Grants, Books 258 and 259. Henry VI, Edward III, Richard II, Henry VIII, Henry VI, Henry V. Wyngeham, Langport, St Martin, Allowsbridge, Worth, Strete. |
2 | Index. MS Book of Wills, by L.L. Duncan |
3 | En Maidstone Museum 13 December 1886. Pedigrees and notes on Bird family. |
4 | No.III. Church notes (historical). Diocese of Rochester by E.H.W. Dunkin. Presented by his widow April 1916. |
5 | No. VI. Bishops of Rochester, by the late E.H.W. Dunkin, presented by his widow, April 1916. |
Notebooks Box 11, V.J. Torr’s notebooks on the Streatfield Collection.
Number | Contents |
32 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32353 – Acrise - Bexley. Ad finem: Fisher drawings of brasses. |
33 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32354 – Bicknor - Burmarsh. |
34 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32358 – Capel –le-Ferne – Chiddingstone. |
35 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32358 – Capel-le-Ferne – Chiddingstone. |
36 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32359 – Chilham – Cudham. |
37 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32360 – Darenth – Dover and Add. 32361 Dover – Dunkirk. |
38 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32363 – Fawkham – Gravesend. |
39 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32364 – Greenwich – Guston. |
40 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32365 – Hadlow – Hougham. |
41 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32366 – Hucking – Leysdown. |
42 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32367 – Lydden – West Malling. |
43 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32368 – Marden – Northbourne. |
44 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32369 – Northfleet – Penshurst. |
45 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32369 – Penshurst – Preston (Wingham); Add. 32365 – Hoo St Werbergh – Hougham. Frontispiece with list of finished volumes. |
46 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32370 – Queenborough – Rochester (Castle etc.) |
48 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32371 (ff. 183-234) Sandhurst, St Mary Sandwich, St Peter Sandwich, St Clement, Sandwich, Seal, Seasalter, Sellinge, Selling. |
49 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32372 – Sevenoaks – Stelling. |
50 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32373 – Stockbury – Tudeley. |
51 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32373 – Stockbury – Tudeley. |
52 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32374 – Tonbridge – Westwell. |
53 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32374 – Tonbridge – Westwell. |
54 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32375 – Whitstable – Yalding. List of drawings by Fisher and others. |
55 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32353 - General (1) – Adisham – Newington, Hythe. |
56 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32368 – General (2) – Newington, Sittingbourne – Tong. |
57 | Streatfield. Classification of Artists. |
58 | V.J. Torr Ms. Streatfield Collection Add. 32353 – Brasses. Ash, Sandwich – Thurnham. |
Notebooks Box 12, V. J. Torr’s notebooks on the incumbents of Kent Parishes.
Number | Contents |
81 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - of Kent parishes - – Pevington, Ickham, Little Mongeham, Postling, Ivychurch, St Peter Sandwich, St Clement Sandwich, St Mary Sandwich, Elmstone. |
82 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - of Kent parishes - – Acrise, Betteshanger, Buckland (Dover), Loose, Davington, Chislet, Harrietsham, Stone in Oxney. |
83 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Willesborough, Penshurst, Saltwood & Hythe, Wrotham R&V, Warehorne, Bradbourne, NewRomney, St Peter Thanet. |
84 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Minster in Thanet, Margate St John, Stonar, Sarre, Herne, Littlebourne, Hartlip, Stockbury. |
85 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Crayford, Eynsford R&V, Norton, Keston, Leysdown, East Peckham, Bircholt. |
86 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Sibertswould, Brookland, Swalecliffe, Appledore & Ebony. |
87 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Isle of Grain, Graveney, Goodnestone (Faversham), Goudhurst, Brook, Milstead, Rodmersham. |
88 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Mersham, Chart Sutton, Little Chart, Sturry, Seasalter, Cheriton, Chiddingstone, Adisham & Staple, Wickhambreaux, Teynham. |
89 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Selling, Brasted, Wichling, Darenth, Meopham, Tong. |
90 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Ashford, Whitstable, Folkestone, Sundridge, Nackington, Elmstead, Hastingleigh, Shoreham and Otford. |
91 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Ospringe, Throwley, Boughton Aluph, Sevington, St Margarets atCliffe, West Cliffe, Coldred. |
92 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Canterbury – (All Saints, St Alphage, St Peter, Holy Cross, St Dunstan, Eastbridge Hospital, St Mary Northgate), Hothfield, Hope. |
93 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Canterbury (St Martin, St Paul, St George, St Mary Magdalene, St Mildred, St Margaret, St Mary Bredin, St Mary Bredman, St Andrew). |
94 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Marden, Eastling, Sellinge, Godmersham & Challock, Hawkinge, Stourmouth, Newnham. |
95 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Monkton, Birchington and Wood Chapels, Eastchurch, Charing, Chevening, Lyminge R&V, Northfleet R&V, Milton Sittingbourne. |
96 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Otterden, Wormshill, Frinsted, Ham, Eastry and Word, Orlestone, Hackington. |
97 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Waldershare, Shoreham. |
98 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Doddington, Lydden, Headcorn, Kingston, Knowlton, Preston (Faversham), Preston (Wingham), Boughton Malherbe, Chillenden, Chartham, Rainham. |
99 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Patrixbourne and Bridge, Milton (Canterbury), Hayes (Kent), St Nicholas at Wade. |
100 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - – Langley, Linton, Halstead, Orgarswick, Hunton. |
Notebooks Box 13, V. J. Torr’s notes on incumbents of Kent parishes.
Number | Contents |
101 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Upper Hardres, Elmley, Hinxhill, Hollingbourne R&V, Cliffe at Hoo, East Langdon, Lenham, Blean, West Hythe, Crundale. |
102 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Woodnesborough, Stalisfield, Kingsnorth, Tilmanstone, Bekesbourne, Westwell, Thanington. |
103 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Monks Horton, Boxley, Bearsted, Newchurch R&V, Charlton by Dover, St James Dover, St Peter Dover. |
104 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Ospringe – Pevington. |
105 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Newington (Sittingbourne), Newington (Hythe), Bonnington, Eastbridge, Kingsdown (Sittingbourne). |
106 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Archdeaconry of Canterbury, East Malling, Benenden, High Halden, Harbledown (St Michael), Ifield, Ightham, Whitfield. |
107 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Great Chart – Elmley. |
108 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Acrise – Bicknor. |
109 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Faversham – Harrietsham. |
110 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Bexley – Crayford. Woodlands. |
111 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Hougham – Newnham. |
112 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Westbere, Tunstall. |
113 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Sheldwich, Smarden, Waltham. |
114 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Newenden, Hever, Eastwell, Murston, Warden, Lydd, Hernehill, Boughton under Blean, Sutton Valence and East Sutton, Ringwould. |
115 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Elham, Nonington and Womenswould, West Langdon, Ridley, Bexley, Buckland (Faversham), Westenhanger, River. |
116 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Kennington, Kenardington, Sittingbourne, Lower Halstow, Great Mongeham, Ulcombe, Stowting. |
117 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Bicknor, Chilham and Molash, Aldington and Smeeth, Wootton, Ripple, Sevenoaks R&V, Gillingham. |
118 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Burmarsh, Dymchurch, St Mary in the Marsh, Old Romney, Snargate, Snave, Brenzett. |
119 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Wittersham, Woodchurch, Great Chart, Deal, Tenterden, Lymne, Ruckinge. |
120 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Sandhurst, Reculver, Luddenham, Rolvenden, Faversham, Fordwich, Upchurch, Gillingham. |
121 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes – Bethersden, Barfreston, Bredgar, Borden, Hawkhurst, Biddenden, Staplehurst, Shadoxhurst, Farningham, Frittenden, Bobbing. |
122 | V.J. Torr Ms. Incumbents of Kent parishes - Otham, TempleEwell, Bishopsbourne and Barham, Falkenhurst, Lynsted. |
Notebooks Box 14, M.S. notes by L. L. Duncan on Monumental Inscriptions, Notes by Dunkin, Church notes, Architectural notes on Churches, Arthur Hussey notes on Churches, The Saunders collections and other misc. items.
Number | Contents |
1 | Dens of Hundreds of Somerden and Westerham (Wealden part). |
2 | ? Leland Duncan notebook – MIs of Biddenden with plan of churchyard at front. |
3 | Notebook. Contents – Gillingham church, Hartlip church, Newington, Upchurch, Horsmonden (Rectors), Austen extracts from registers of Goudhurst, Godmersham and Wye; Throwley Wills; Sandwich Wills and rectors; Sandwich St Mary; Selling registers; Penshurst, Lullingstone, Knowlton Court and church; Norborne and Sandwich, Bishop of Ross’s Ordinations; Grelenersh Sevenoaks notes; Chevening rectors; Letters of last Stuart, Duke of Lenox. |
4 | Notebook. Architectural details. Contents – Sketches of Goudhurst, Marden, Staplehurst, Frittenden; Leeds; Benenden; Wittersham bells; Bromley, Shoreham, Otford, Little Chart, Hucking, Thurnham, Broomfield, Otham, Detling, Hollinbourne, Lenham, Wichling, Lenham (Maylams House), Detling (Gateway), Boughton Malherbe, Lenham (Chapel Farm), Boughton Malherbe rectory, Lenham forge, Boughton Malherbe, Bearsted, Maidstone (Archbishop’s Palace), Teddington, Seaford. |
5 | Notebook. Architectural notes on churches in Northants, Lincolnshire, Surrey, Hampshire and Kent. October 1933-April 1934. |
6 | Notebook. Saunders collection. Churches listed – Kent by deaneries, 19th C. Name of church and date. |
7 | Maidstone Records. Extracts from an old book belonging to Mr Burgess, Knightrider Street, Maidstone. (lent my Mr. F. Wallis). |
8 | Very small notebook with misc. notes, 12th C onwards. |
9 | Notes on various Kent churches. Details of vicars, repairs and purchases for church, etc. |
10 | South Weald, Hemel Hempstead, BMDs. Copy of Tower pedigree 10 April 1889. |
11 | Various BMDs, details from Close Rolls, including Sheerness, Dartford, Bethersden and misc. notes. |
12 | The Churches of Kent, Sussex and Surrey, notes relative to different places and churches, collected by Rev. Arthur Hussey, London, 1852, transcribed 1918. |
13 | Package of loose leaf notes, E.W. Dunkin papers 1958. |
Notebooks Box 15, Whatley M.S. on Ancient Buildings visited, Incumbents of Parish Churches by E.W. Dunkin, L. L. Duncan notebook on Monumental Inscriptions.
Number | Contents |
1 | Whatley Ms. Record of some ancient buildings visited. Some summaries of books on same. Some general notes gleaned from anywhere. Book 1. (W.E. Whatley, 18 Ashgrove Road, Bromley. |
2 | Whatley Ms. Record of some ancient buildings visited. Some summaries of books on same. Some general notes gleaned from anywhere. Book II. (W.E. Whatley, 18 Ashgrove Road, Bromley. |
3 | Incumbents of the parish churches in Kent. E.W. Dunkin, Kidbrooke, Blackheath. Loose leaves including Berry’s Genealogies, Kent; Thorpe’s Reg.; Roff. |
4 | ? Leland Duncan notebook. Notes on parishes and MIs of Ringwould, East Langdon, West Langdon, Coldred, Sibertswold, Waldershare, Eythorne, Betteshanger, Knowlton, Woodnesborough, Dover Deanery. |
Notebooks Box 16, Twysden Letters.
Number | Contents |
1 | Twysden, Letter Book. Vol. I. Misc. letters to and from Dr. John Twysden, 19th and 20th C. |
2 | Twysden, Letter Book. Vol. II. Misc. letters to and from Dr. John Twysden, including Miss Conway, Miss K. Winser, A.W. Hughes, Miss Ross, L.A. Toke. |
3 | Twysden, Letter Book. Vol. III. Misc. letters to and from Dr. John Twysden, including Miss S. Thompson, Miss Aileen Twysden, Col. Willis, Lady Twysden. 20th C. |
Notebooks Box 17, Notes for a history of the Twisdens by Sir John Francis Twisden.
Number | Contents |
1 | Twisden. Notebook. Twisden History. Extracts No. 1 for use as notes. |
2 | Twisden. Notebook. Twisden History. Extracts No. 2 for use as notes. |
3 | Twisden. Notebook. Twisden History. Extracts No. 3 for use as notes. |
4 | Twisden. Notebook. Twisden History. Completed chapters. |
5 | Twisden. Notes of searches made for history of Twisden family. J.R.T. 1913 |
6 | Twisden. Miss Zoё King’s catalogue, with annotations by Sir J.R. Twisden. |
7 | Twisden. Copies of the correspondence of Lieut. William Twisden , R.N. with some later letters, copied by Sir John Francis Twisden, with some observations of his own. |
8 | Twisden. Diary. 1 June 1874 to 28 October 1876. |
Notebooks Box 18, Biographical details of members of the Twisden family and notes towards a history of the Twisdens.
Number | Contents |
1 | Twisden. Diary, Sunday 23 February 1879 – 1 January 1880. |
2 | Twisden. Vol. I. Biographical details of Elizabeth Twisden, Elizabeth Heneage, Sir Henrye Finch, Sir W. Twysden (1st Bart), Sir Henry Wiat, Thomas E. Twisden, Roger Twysden. |
3 | Twisden. Vol. II. Biographical details of Jane Twisden, Sir Roger Twisden (2nd Bart), Lady Anne Montague, Richard Manningham, Sir W. Twysden (6th Bart), Sir W. Twysden (3rd Bart), Col. Tolminson, Anne Twysden, Lady Anne Finch, Thomas E. Twisden, Col. Twysden, Sir W. Twysden (5th Bart), Sir T. Wiat (younger), Sir Moyle Finch, Sir Thomas Wiat. |
4 | Twisden. Vol. III. Biographical details Sir T. Wiat (younger), Mary Kirk, Sir Roger Twysden (2nd Bart), Isabelle Saunder, Sir John Papillon Twisden. |
5 | Twisden. Biographical details of Twysdens By E.T. Twisden (for her collection). |
6 | Twisden. Biographical details of Dr. John Twysden, Margaret Twysden. |
7 | Twisden. Copies of Twisden documents – Arms, notes from All Souls College, Oxford, notes on Sir Edward Dering , notes copies from the Book of Common Prayer, |
8 | Twisden. Contents of the note books of Sir Roger Twysden and his son Sir William. (British Museum. Add Mss. 34163-5). |
9 | Twisden. Notes on sales of land in Ryarsh, Offham, West Malling area. At back of notebook details of marriage licence of Roger Twisden of Badbourne and Margaret Marsham, 1667, and Felix Wylde and Mrs Ellinor Twisden, 1674-5. |
10 | Twisden. Extracts from the papers of Capt. John Twisden, R.N. and copies of letters from a book entitled “Mr Jas. Easton’s Letter Book” 7 November 1835. |
11 | Twisden. Book of notes and extracts from “A Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England from 1066 to 1870”. |
12 | Twisden. Contents of the note book of Sir William Twysden Add. Mss 34168. Contents from the accounts of Sir Roger Twysden, Add. Mss 34162. Contents of account book of Sir Roger Twysden , Chelmington and Romney Marsh, Add. Mss 34166. |
13 | Twisden. Contents of the boxes numbered 1-13 containing papers, etc. Of the Twysden-Twisden history. |
14 | Twisden. Bound book. Catalogue of Bradbourne Library. |
15 | Twisden. Twisden history. 2 notebooks by Sir John Twisden.
Notebooks Box 19, Notes on the origins of the Twysden/Twisden family and Sale Catalogues.
Number | Contents |
1 | Twisden. Bound book – ‘Book of Origins’. Notes on the origins of the family Twysden-Twisden, by J.R. Twisden., 1910. |
2 | Twisden. Notes for the ‘History’. Documentary History of the family of Twysden and Twisden Vol II, Bradbourne by Sir John Ramskill Twisden. Mainly manuscript notes. |
3 | Twisden. Bound collection of Sale Catalogues.
Notebooks Box 20, Manuscript notes by Sir John Twisden.
Number | Contents |
1 | Twisden. Manuscript notes by Sir John Twisden of ‘Controversial letters’, Twysden-Whetenhall, 1658-9. Now in Lambeth Palace Library, purchased at the Crispe Sale 1921. |
2 | Twisden. Letters to Sir John Twisden, mainly relating to the ‘History’. Mainly from C.F. Millet, includes postcard sent from Jerusalem, 19 July 1934. |
3 | Twisden. Sir John Twisden’s notes of Calendar of the Collection of documents relating to the Twysden family belonging to F.W. Tyler of ….. Kent (probably documents from the Larking collection). |
4 | Twisden. Documentary History of the family of Twysden and Twisden Vol I, by J.R. Twisden, 1913. A copy of all the entries in the Sale Catalogue of the Larking collection of MSs, 7 and 8 April 1892, relating to the family of Twisden and Twysden. |
5 | Twisden. Vol 6, compiled 23 September to October 1937. ‘Twisden history as it stands’, 23 September 1937. (See note on page 2 for message from Sir John Twisden to any future editor). 3 loose leaf pages of misc. notes. |
6 | Hand list of the writings of Sir Roger Twysden, Kt, Bt, by Sir J.R. Twisden, Bt, compiled and used in the compilation of Chapter X, (Book I) of the Twysden History. |
Notebooks Box 21, Notebooks by Gordon Ward.
Number | Contents |
1 | Gordon Ward. Bound book. An Analysis of the section of Domesday Book relating to Kent. |
2 | Gordon Ward. Bound book. Memoranda et Carta Anglo-Normanorum in Cancia. |
3 | Gordon Ward. Bound book. The Constables of the de Montfort family and the honour of the Constable of Dover Castle. |
4 | Gordon Ward. Bound book. The Hundred of Folkestone. |
5 | Gordon Ward. Bound book. Pinnenden. With letter to Ward from ?Hardmen at Walmer, 15 January 1935. |
6 | Gordon Ward, Andred – Saxon Dens. |
Notebooks Box 22, The Canterbury & York Society Journal volumes from the early 1900s and the 1960s
Number | Contents |
1 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part XI, September 1907. |
2 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part XIV. June 1908.. |
3 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part XX, December 1909. |
4 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part XXII. June 1910. |
5 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part XXX. June 1912. |
6 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part XL. September 1914. |
7 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part LII. December 1916. |
8 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part LXXII. March and June 1923. |
9 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part LXXVIII. September and December 1926. |
10 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part LXXXIII. September and December 1928. |
11 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part XCIII. September and December 1932/March 1933. |
12 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part CXXXIII. 1965-6. |
13 | The Canterbury & York Society Journal. Part CXXXV. 1966-7. |
Notebooks Box 23, V. J. Torr notebooks on Church matters.
Number | Contents |
1 | Pink folder 1. 4 V.J. Torr notebooks.
containing transcripts of many letters and papers said to have been found in the study of Mr Dell, Secretary to Archbishop Laud. |
2 | Pink folder 2. 2 V.J. Torr notebooks
Northfleet, Sevenoaks, Shorne. |
3 | Pi nk folder 3. V.J. Torr notebook Sketches of early drawings of Surrey churches. |
Notebooks Box 24, V.J. Torr Architectural notes on Kent Churches.
Number | Contents |
1 | Pink folder 1. V.J. Torr notebook Sketches of early drawings of Surrey churches. |
2 | Pink folder containing 9 small notebooks by V.J. Torr.
Wrotham, Kennington, Hoath, Nackington, Coldred, Preston, Northgate |
(Canterbury), Whitstable, Preston (Wingham), Luddenham, Waldershare, Whitfield, Guston, Stelling, Stourmouth, Westwell, Chislet; list of rectors of Bishopstone ; MI for George Marshall of Boughton Aluph, 1619. Notebook dated 29 Aug 1924.
| |
3 | Pink folder 3. Containing 5 notebooks by V.J. Torr.
Notebooks Box 25, Material for a History of Addington by James Gracie Maddan, 1956, Manors of the Archbishop of Canterbury, KAS papers, Pedigree for the Upton Family 1400-1700s, Statues of King George IV, and notes by F. Jessup on Wills.
Number | Contents |
1 | Large notebook: Material for a History of Addington, collected with a commentary by James Gracie Maddan, 1956. |
2 | Sulings of the manors of the Archbishop of Canterbury |
3 | KAS pamphlets and circulars: proposed establishment of an ‘Excavation branch’; Court Rolls of Manors Law of Property Acts 1922 and 1924 KAS ‘Account book’ |
4 | Pictures: Seal High Street, 1937. Decorated for the Coronation. Alfred J. Kempe, Esq. FSA 13 postcards relating to Seal, including the church, The Wilderness, Wildwood, High Street, etc. 2 colour postcards, 1 of hop picking, 1 of men collecting wood. 1 black and white postcard of Fordwich church. |
5 | Handwritten pedigree for Upton family 1400s – 1700s. Pamphlet ‘To the Rt. Hon. Edward Geoffrey, Lord Stanley – These Memoirs of a fellow patriot’ Detailed notes on painted glass in churches of Hackington (St Stephen’s church); Selling; Nackington, Canterbury (St Peter), 29 June 1881 |
6 | Statutes: King George IV, 21 June 1827. |
7 | Black ring binder with handwritten details of Wills from series 99/70/…, 13th C. ? Compiled by F. Jessup, Esq. Thame, Oxon. |
Notebooks Box 26, V. J. Torr notes on epitaphs, L. L. Duncan’s manuscript catalogue, copies of the letters of Lieut Willam Twisden compiled by John R. Twisden, 1908, misc. notes on wills.
Number | Contents |
1 | Pink folder. V.J. Torr notebook: Epitaphs, part 1. (folder says 2 notebooks – only 1 there) |
2 | Green folder. Leland Duncan manuscripts catalogue List of the late Leland Duncan’s manuscripts in the KAS room. Letter to Mrs C. Noble from County Archivist regarding West Malling Parish Festival items requested, 13 May 1975 List of Addington parish records held in Kent Archives Office. |
3 | Copies of the letters of Lieut. William Twisden compiled by John R. Twisden 1908. |
4 | Green ring binder. Handwritten details from various Wills 13th C. From series 98/… |
Notebooks Box 27, V.J. Torr’s transcription of the Faussett Church notes.
Number | Contents |
1 | (1)Faussett/Torr church notes, Volume 1. 1937-1940. With index Adisham- Westcliffe |
2 | (2) Transcript of Bryan Faussett MIs. With index. Adisham-Womenswould. By V.J. Torr |
3 | (3)Transcript of Bryan Faussett’s notes on churches of Canterbury by V.J. Torr, 1944. |
4 | (4) Transcript of Bryan Faussett MIs. With index. Ashford-Mersham. |
5 | (5)Transcript of Bryan Faussett MIs. With index. Acrise-Lydd |
6 | (6) Transcript of Bryan Faussett MIs. With index. Ash next Sandwich-Harbledown, St Nicholas. |
7 | (11) Zechariah Cozens’s (projected) History of Kent, Vol. II. Begun by V.J. Torr, 1 June 1944, completed April 1947. |
8 | 2 volumes (bound together)
Notebooks Box 28, F. W. Hardman’s notes on Dover Castle, Gordon Ward’ s notes on the Constabulary of Dover and the De Montforts: notes of General Fane Lambarde, Notes on Essex Churches and misc. material by unknown authors
Number | Contents |
1 | Green folder, containing newspaper cuttings of Essex churches, mainly 1934-35. Donated by Miss White, Overdene, Pall Mall, Leigh on Sea. |
2 | Constabulary of Dover and the De Montforts: notes of General Fane Lambarde and Dr.Gordon Ward, and Vincent Borraugh Redstone (extracted from Dr Ward’s file April 1937). |
3 | Hardbound book ‘Manor of Saint Margaret at Cliffe, alias East Court, alias Palmers’ (from book of Court Rolls lent by Mr S.J. Knott of Messrs. Worsfold & Hayward, Dover, March 1924) |
4 | F.W. Hardman’s typed and handwritten notes on Dover Castle, including the Castleguard Service; Pipe Rolls; The King’s Constable; Fees of the Knights; Lord Wardens, etc. Includes several letters to F.W. Hardman, 1930s. |
5 | Green notebook with notes of the Masters of the College of St. John the Evangalist, Cambridge, 1537-1838; Masters Diary, 1656; rough family trees; Grays Inn admissions, 16C. Author unknown. |
6 | Canterbury Chapter books. Notebook with various notes on Canterbury Cathedral. Author unknown. |
7 | Bound notebook ‘Notes on Somersetshire’. Author unknown. |
8 | Bound notebook containing details of Wills 15C. Author unknown. |
9 | Softbound notebook containing notes on various vicars; 18th C. diary (author unknown; misc. genealogical details. Author unknown. |
10 | Small bound notebook containing details of Prince of Orange; details of Cobham pictures; details from parish of Tonbridge. Author unknown. |
11 | Small bound notebook with details from Clerkenwell Registers, 17C. ; details from various Wills; notes from various publications. Author unknown. |
12 | Small bound note book containing details of various Wills; genealogical details of various families; Author unknown. |
13 | Small bound notebook containing details of various Kent Wills. Author unknown. |
14 | Small soft bound green notebook: ‘Six Preachers in Canterbury Cathedral’. Author unknown. Author unknown. |
15 | Bag containing 4 unbound notebooks, author unknown.
16 | 4 tiny notebooks containing genealogical details of various families; church details, 15th and 16th C. Author unknown. |
Notebooks Box 29, Arthur Hussey notebooks on Churches.
Number | Contents |
1 | Hussey notebooks. Bound together
2 | Hussey notebooks. Gillingham church. Details of burials, gifts to the church; Wills, rough family trees and genealogical details. |
3 | Hussey notebooks. Newnham. Various details; details from Wills, details from Leger book of Davington Priory, rough family trees and genealogical details. |
4 | Hussey notebook. Loose pages relating to details on Foots Cray, Horton Kirby, St Paul’s Cray. |
5 | Hussey notebook. Newington next Sittingbourne. Bound notebooks of details including burials, details from Wills, 15th and 16th C. |
6 | Hussey notebooks. Together in envelope. Notebooks on Minster in Thanet.
7 | Hussey notebook. Fairfield church. Details, including burials, restoration of church, details from Wills, etc. Mainly 16th C. |
8 | Hussey notebook. Ospringe. Details including Chapel of St Nicholas, houses, etc. |
9 | Hussey notebook. Hope. Details including burials, details from Wills, etc. 16th C. |
10 | Hussey notebook. Ospringe. Details, 13th, 14th and 15th C. Mainly details of events. |
11 | Hussey notebook. Bonnington. Details, including details of Rectors, burials, marriages, church repairs, etc. Mainly 15th and 16th C. |
12 | Hussey notebook. Hope. Chapel at Crowthorne – St. Mary. Details. Gifts,etc. 13th – 16th C. |
13 | Hussey notebook. Midley. Details. Burials, etc. 15th and 16th C. |
14 | Hussey notebook. Cranbrook. Details. Milkhouse – Chapel of the Holy Trinity. 15th and 16th C. |
15 | Hussey notebook. Sevenoaks. Details. Chapel of St John the Baptist. 14th – 16th C. |
16 | Hussey notebook. Charing. Pack containing items relating to the Hudson family including family tree, genealogical details, etc. 16th – 18th C. |
Notebooks Box 30, Arthur Hussey notes on churches and the Oxenden family, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey and Sussex.
Number | Contents |
1 | Hussey notebook – Stoke-in-Hoo, St Peter and St Paul, 1389. Chantry details including gifts, repairs, exchanges, etc. |
2 | Hussey notebook – Stoke-in-Hoo, Chapel at Malmains, 1304. Chantry details, including gifts, repairs, exchanges, etc. |
3 | Hussey. Notes on Furnese family, from Henry born 1629 to Sir Henry born 1716. |
4 | Hussey notebook – Headcorn, St Peter and St Paul, Chantry of St Mary, 1466. Gifts, repairs, exchanges, etc. |
5 | Hussey. Hand written tree from John de Rokesley,c.1300 – Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland. |
6 | Hussey notebook – Knole Manor House, including details of James Fiennes; repairs, Thomas Bourchier (1454-1486), John Morton, and various other owners. |
7 | Hussey notebook – Mottinden Friary, Holy Cross. Chantry details including gifts, Wills, burials, etc. |
8 | Hussey notebook – Headcorn, Chapel at Braurefeyr Manor. Details of licence to Juliana de Leybourne. |
9 | Hussey notebook on Oxenden family, including family trees (from about 1491)details of BMDs, Wills, etc. |
10 | Hussey notes. Pink folder. Notes early 1900-1914.
Notebooks Box 31, Index to the Hussey collections, notes by Arthur Hussey on the Friars.
Number | Contents |
1 | Bound book. Index to the Hussey collections (Arch. Cant LIV, 75). |
2 | Green folder containing Hussey notes on Black Friars, Canterbury. Brotherhood of St Nicholas (the parish clerks). Chantry details, 11th to 17th C. Including gifts, Wills, burials, etc. |
3 | Yellow folder containing
Notebooks Box 32, Report of KAS meeting July 1906, details copied from Liber Institutionim, Bishops’ Certificates, Rochester and misc. items.
Number | Contents |
1 | Bound notebook (slightly water damaged). Handwritten Report of the KAS meeting at Canterbury, 17, 18 and 19 July 1906. (Shorthand writer H. Igglesden, Kingsbridge, Canterbury. With press cutting at front. |
2 | Handwritten ‘Institution’ copied from ‘Liber Institutionim’, Vol. 5. |
3 | Handwritten details copied from the Bishops Certificates – Rochester Diocese. |
4 | Handwritten details copied from Additional file of ‘Institutions in Miscellaneous Portfolios now being sorted 1866’.? Livett |
Notebooks Box 33, L.L. Duncan’s notes on Lewisham, envelope with material relating to Sussex, East Kent Wills and correspondence from Arthur Hussey.
Number | Contents |
1 | Leland Duncan. Blue folder containing various notes on Lewisham, including details of the church, Wills, Manor of Lewisham, notes from Hasted on adjoining parishes, details from State papers, the Priory of Lewesham, copies of Lewisham burial register 1568-1700; Calendar and extracts of Lewisham Wills proved at Rochester 1542-1800; Copy of Philpott’s Calendar of Fines Henry III. |
2 | Leland Duncan. Envelope containing
Notebooks Box 34, L. L. Duncan notes on Churches.
Number | Contents |
1 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.10 Notes on Reculver and Horton Kirby churches. |
2 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.15. Notes on reproduction of oil painting at Lambeth Palace; ‘The Three Towers of Canterbury Cathedral (W.D. Caroe); St Cross, Winton; Boxgrove. |
3 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.16. Notes on the font at Farningham Church. |
4 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.17. Notes and some MIs of Barfreston, Bicknor, Canterbury Cathedral, Cobham, Cudham, Etchingham (Sussex), Eynsford, Herne, Hythe, Lenham, Leveland, Maidstone, Meopham, Minster, Rochester Cathedral and St Margaret, Ruckinge, St Margaret at Cliffe, Throwley, Winchelsea (Sussex); Strolls on the Kentish Coast, 1856 and 1857. |
5 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.18. Details of Kent and London area church windows |
6 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.19. Details from Home Counties Magazine X (1908) re. Throwley church, St Mary’s Sandwich, St James Sandwich, St Clement Sandwich, St Peter Sandwich, Ash, Stourmouth. Extracts from ‘A Topographical Survey of Kent’, by Richard Kilburne, 1659; note on Sutton Valence; extracts from Robert Plott’s notes on a journey in Kent, 1693. |
7 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.20. Notes on Felpham, Middleton, Climping, Capel le Ferne, Ewell, Appledore, Moldash, Womenswold, East Langdon and Groombridge church. |
8 | Leland Duncan notebook. No. 21. Notes on Richard Neile (1562-1640); (DNB vol.40, 1894, by Rev. W.H. Hutton; ‘A Walk through Rochester Cathedral’; notes on Edward Boughen (1587-1660?) |
9 | Leland Duncan notebook. No. 22. Notes on 11 monuments in Cobham church; notes from ‘The Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire by Sir Henry Chauncy, on Stevenhaught/ Stigenace/ Stevenedge, Leceworthe (Letchworth), Welei (Willien),; notes from Home Counties Magazine vol.12 (1910) on people from St Peter, Dover, St Mary the Virgin, Dover, 16th and 17th C. |
10 | Leland Duncan notebook. No. 23. Notes from ‘A Book in 4to, written and tricked by the hand of Richard Scarlett the Painter-Stainer’ – Harl. MS 1366; contains coloured sketches of Coats of Arms; details of various monuments in Canterbury Cathedral. |
11 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.24. List of ‘Kentish Fonts photographed by me’ – also includes some in Redbourne (Herts), Devon, Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Middlesex, Surrey, Sussex , Surrey, Essex and Somerset |
12 | Leland Duncan notebook. No. 25. List of porches and lecterns in Kent churches. |
13 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.26. Notes on Kentish sedilia, some from Arch. Cant, David Wells 1790, Chatham, Rochester, Maidstone, , Bobbing, Northfleet, and notes of Walcott, David Wells, |
Browne Willis (Rochester Cathedral), Pocock and Cruden (Milton, Gravesend), Brayley (West Kent), Denne (Upchurch). | |
14 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.27. Notes on Kent church towers, naves, spires, porches, etc. |
15 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.28. Notes on candelabra, lych gates, roof lofts, fonts, etc. In Kent churches. |
16 | Leland Duncan notebook. No.29. Notes on drawings in Kent churches. |
17 | Leland Duncan notebook No.30. Notes from Harl MSS (1808) on collection of monuments and Arms in churches of Kent |
18 | Leland Duncan notebook No.47. Maidstone Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Vol. I. (Extracted and edited). |
19 | Leland Duncan notebook No.48.. Maidstone Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Vol. II. (Extracted and edited). |
20 | Leland Duncan notebook No.50. Kentish Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Cranbrook Vol. II. (Extracted and edited). |
21 | Leland Duncan notebook No.51. Abstracts of all the Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury prior to 1560 for Charing, Little Chart, Detling, Eastwell, Egerton, Godmersham, Harrietsham, Headcorn, Holingbourne, Kennington, Langley, Leeds. |
Notebooks Box 35, L. L. Duncan’s notes on Wills from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Number | Contents |
1 | Leland Duncan notebook No.52. Abstracts of all the Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury before 1560 for Ashford, Boxley, Bearsted, Boughton Malberb, Boughton Monchelsea, Challock. |
2 | Leland Duncan notebook No.53. Abstracts of all the Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury between 1382 and 1558 for High Halden, Woodchurch, Ebony, Appledore, Warehorne, Wittersham, Stone in Oxney, Kingsnorth, Great Chart, Shaddoxhurst, Smarden, Frittenden. |
3 | Leland Duncan notebook No.54. Details from Goudhurst Wills, 1493-1559, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. |
4 | Leland Duncan notebook No.55. Abstracts of all the Wills of Biddenden folk proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1458-1559. |
5 | Leland Duncan notebook No.56. Details of Kentish Wills, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury for Marden, Staplehurst.1471-1558. |
6 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.60. List of Kent Fonts, drawn by R.S. Miles. Acrise to West Malling. |
7 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.61. List of Kent Fonts, drawn by R.S. Miles. Marden to Yalding. |
8 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.62. List of British Museum sketches of Kent churches, drawn by R.S. Miles. (In the 23 volumes of the Streatfeild Collection). |
9 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.63. Kent churches, T. Fisher drawings; Hassell drawings; list of Sussex church ground plans. |
10 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.64. List from Book of Water Colours, KAS Room, Maidstone Museum, presented by Mr & Mrs Beauchamp Wadmore, 1919; notes on architectural details in various Kent churches. |
11 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.65. Notes from NBR Kent, various architectural details. |
12 | Leland Duncan Notebook No. 66. Notes from Surrey Archaeological College XIX 1906 on Surrey and Sussex churches. |
13 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.67. Notes on fonts, Royal Arms, branches, cClocks, etc. in Kent parishes – Adisham- Worth. |
14 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.68. Notes on Bibles, plate, etc. in Kent churches. |
15 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.69. |
Notes on church plate, etc. taken from Book from County Archives Office, Maidstone, DRa/Vez. | |
16 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.70. Notes from Lambeth MSS 1126. 1663 Canterbury Diocese valuation, part 1. (Canterbury Deanery) |
17 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.71. Notes from Lambeth MSS 1126. 1663 Canterbury valuation part 2. (Lympne Deanery) |
18 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.72. Notes from Lambeth MSS 1126. 1663 Canterbury valuation (Ospringe Deanery). |
19 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.73. Lambeth Ms. 1126. A Catalogue of all the Benefices and promocons within ye Diocese and Jurisdiccon of Canterbury, with the state of every particular parish as it stood at October 1663. |
20 | Leland Duncan Notebook No. 74. Lambeth MSS 1126. Livings within the Peculiar or Immediate jurisdiction of Canterbury. Shoreham Deanery. |
21 | Leland Duncan Notebook No. 75. Visitations of Archdeacons of Canterbury – Badlesmere, Boughton under Blean, Coldred, Denton, St James, Dover, Eastling, Eastwell, Ewell, Hougham, Leveland, Luddenham, Lydden, St Margaret at Cliffe, River, Sibertswold, Swingfield, Teynham, West Cliffe, Woodnesborough, Wootton. 16th and 17th C. |
22 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.76. Details from Home Counties Magazine X, 1908 on Sheldwich, Stalisfield, Otterden, Newnham, Littlebourne, Graveney, Goodnestone next Faversham, Selling, Preston next Faversham, Linstead, Norton, Ospringe, Doddington, Preston next Wingham, Elmstone, Wickhambreaux, Wingham. |
23 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.77. Incumbents of parishes in Kent and Sussex, 13th – early 20th C. |
24 | Leland Duncan, transcriptions of Lewisham and Lee wills. |
Notebooks Box 36, L. L. Duncan’s notes on incumbents of Kent and Sussex Churches, notes on Archbishops, notes from Chichele.
Number | Contents |
1 | Leland Duncan Notebook No. 78. Indexed list of Incumbents of Kent and some Sussex churches. |
2 | Leland Duncan Notebook No. 80. Details of various Rectors of Kent parishes; list of Incumbents in various Kent churches, including personal details and views, etc. |
3 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.124. List of Ordinations by Archbishops of Canterbury 11th – 15th C. |
4 | Leland Duncan Notebook No. 125. Archbishops’ Ordinations, - Langham, Sudbury, Courtenay, Stafford, Bourgchier, Morton, Whittlesey, Islip, Arundel, Chichele, Peckham, Winchelsey. |
5 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.126. Kent Parishes and churches and incumbents, Thorpe, Harris and Hasted. |
6 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.127. Notes from Chichele (I), 9 June 1414-20 November 1416. |
7 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.128. Notes from Chichele (II), 20 November 1416-24 January 1420. |
8 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.129. Notes from Chichele (III), 1 February 1420 – 18 October 1421. |
9 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.130. Notes from Chichele (IV), 23 October 1421 – 1 December 1425. |
10 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.131. Notes from Chichele 7 August 1425-27 October 1429. |
11 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.132. Notes from Archbishops Langham and Islip. |
12 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.133. Notes from Archbishops Stafford (1450-52) and Bourgchier (1465). |
13 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.134. Notes from Archbishops Dean, Kemp, Morton, Bourgchier (1454-65). |
14 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.135. Notes from Archbishop Cranmer, (1533-1552). |
15 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.136. Notes from Archbishop Whitgift Register Vol. 1. 1583-91-2. (A-T) , Vol. 2 1592- 1597, Vol.3, 1597-1603-4, Post Mortem; Archbishop Stafford Register. |
16 | Leland Duncan Notebook No 137. Notes from Archbishop Abbot’s Register Vol.1 1611-1618, Vol. 2 1619-1629, Vol.3 1629-1633. Archbishop Cornwallis Register 1768-1783 Archbishop Moore’s Register 1783-1805. . |
17 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.139. Notes from Archbishop Tenison Register Vol. 1 (1695-1705), Vol. 2 (1705-1715). Archbishop Sheldon Register (1663-1677). Archbishop Wake Register Vol. 1 (1716- 1725), Vol. 2 (1725-1736). |
18 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.141. Notes re. Archbishop Warham’s Visit to Diocese of Canterbury 1511, Vol. 1. |
19 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.142. |
Notes re. Archbishop Warham’s Visit to Diocese of Canterbury 1511, Vol.2. | |
20 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.143. Notes from Archbishop Parker’sRegister Vols 1 and part of Vol.2 (1560-1575). |
21 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.144. Notes from Archbishop Parker’s Visit to Diocese of Canterbury 1569. |
Notebooks Box 37, L. L. Duncan’s notes on Archbishop Parker’s visitations 1500s and other visitations to the 1700s.
Number | Contents |
1 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.145. Notes from Archbishop Parker’s Visitation 1569, transcribed by Arthur Hussey. From Home Counties Magazine Vol.5. |
2 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.146. Notes from Archbishop Parker’s Visitation 1573, by Claude Jenkins (Arch. Cant. XXXIX (1911). |
3 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.147. Notes from Archbishop Green’s Visitation 1710-11. (Chapter Library of Canterbury). |
4 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.148. Notes from Archbishop Head’s visit to Diocese of Canterbury 1750. |
5 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.149. Notes from Archbishop Secker’s Queries to Diocese of Canterbury Incumbents (1759-1768). |
6 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.150. Notes from Archbishop Secker’s Visitation to Diocese of Canterbury 1758, (Lambeth MSS 1134) |
7 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.151 Vol. 3 of Transcript of Archbishop Secker’s Visitation to Diocese of Canterbury 1758 |
8 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.152. Vol. 4of Transcript of Archbishop Secker’s Visitation to Diocese of Canterbury 1758. |
9 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.153. Vol. 5 of Transcript of Archbishop Secker’s Visitation to Diocese of Canterbury 1758. |
10 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.154. Vol. 6 of Transcript of Archbishop Secker’s Visitation to Diocese of Canterbury 1758. |
11 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.155 Vol. 7 Transcript of Archbishop Secker’s Visitation to Diocese of Canterbury 1758. And (General index) |
12 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.156 Transcript of Archbishop Secker’s Visitation to Peculiars in the Deanery of Shoreham 1759.. |
13 | Leland Duncan Notebook No.157 Transcript of Archbishop Moore’s Primary Visitation to Diocese of Canterbury 1786.. |