Monumental Inscriptions of All Saints Church
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Monumental Inscriptions of Christchurch Burial Ground, Upper Luton Rd, Luton, Chatham
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Littlebourne Church
Monumental Inscriptions of All Saints Church
Monumental Inscriptions of All Saints Church, noted by Roger Thornburgh & All Saints Churchyard extension, now known as Loose cemetery recorded by members of the Loose Area History Society in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
1a. The following memorial inscriptions in Loose Church were meticulously and comprehensively researched and transcribed in the late 1970s and early 1980s by Roger Thornburgh of the Loose Area History Society. Several of the stones were illegible then, and even more are illegible now, due to weathering over the years.
In the Church
1b. Chancel, altar area, south wall: In Memory of Richard BEALE, Merchant. Born in this parish and buried in Hamburgh, who gave five hundred pounds for an augmentation of the Curacy of this parish in ye year of our Lord MDCCII. This tablet was erected by Henry BRIGGS, Curate.
2. Chancel, altar area, south wall: Underneath are deposited the mortal remains of William POST of Hayle Place, Gent. who died December 1786. Aged 85 years. And of Mary his wife, who died January 1768. Aged 62 years. Also of William Post Esqr. Barrister at Law, son of the above, formerly of Hayle Place and late of Canterbury, who died 29th April 1806. Aged 67 years. And of Mary his wife who died 15th July 1802. Aged 55 years.
3. Chancel, altar area, north wall: To the glory of God and in grateful Memory of Arthur Maxwell BURY, Vicar of this parish 1931-1936. Electric light was installed in this church by the people of Loose.
4. Lady Chapel, south wall above window: In Memory of Maria Sophia MARSHAM the beloved wife of Rr Admrl Jones Marsham of Hayle Cottage in this Parish and daughter of Walter Jones Esqre of Ballinamore, C. Leitrim, Ireland and Hayle Place who departed this Life Decr 21st 1861 Aged 55.
5. Lady chapel, south wall: William Gale TOWNLEY Rector of Upwell Norfolk Born 6 Nov 1827 Died 4th Sept 1869 Aged 41. (William Townley married into the MARSHAM family and was Curate at Boxley, 1861).
6. Lady Chapel, south wall: In memory of Walter JONES Esqr of Ballinamore, C. Leitrin, Ireland; and Hayle Place in this Parish Eldest son of the Rt Honble Theophilus Jones and Lady Catherine daughter of the Earl of Tyrone; who departed this Life on the 29th day of March 1839 aged 84 years. Also Catharine Jones wife of the above who died December 12th 1846 Aged ?? years.
7. Lady Chapel, south wall: In memory of Theophilus JONES Esqre Admiral of the White of Hayle Cottage in this Parish, 2nd son of the Rt Honble Theophilus Jones of the C. of Leitrim, Ireland and Lady Catherine, daughter of the Earl of Tyrone who departed this life on the ?? day of September 1835 aged 77 Years.
8. South wall, west of main door: Sacred to the memory of Mrs Elizabeth FRANK, sister of the Revd Thomas Frank obiit 4th February 1778 aged 85. The Revd Thomas Frank Rector of Cranfield in Bedfordshire and 60 years Minister of this parish; eldest son of the Revd Thomas Frank, Rector of Cranfield and Archdeacon of Bedford, by Anne his wife, daughter and heiress of Thomas WILLIAMS Esqre of Gloucester obiit 23 September 1782 ætat 83. Mrs Susanna Frank, his youngest sister, obiit 12th March 1805, ætat 100. Mrs Susanna Frank, daughter of the Revd Walter Frank (brother of the above Thomas) Rector of Cranfield and Vicar of Chatham by Christian his wife obiit 26 January 1807 ætat 64. Mrs Christian Frank, eldest daughter of the above Walter Frank obiit 22nd June 1807 ætat 74. Elizth, daughter of the Revd Walter Frank by Christian his wife, Niece of Admiral LAKE, a Commissioner of the Admiralty, obiit 13th January 1817, ætat 73. Her sole surviving relative is Mary, wife of Edwd PENFOLD Esqre and grandaughter of Thos. CRISPE Esqre of Loose Court whose wife Martha was Daughter of the Revd Thomas Frank, Archdeacon of Bedford and Rector of Cranfield by his wife Anne, daughter of Thomas, the son of Sir David WILLIAMS Bart (of Guernevet, in Co. of Brecon) who was one of the Judges of the Court of Kings Bench by Elizabeth his wife, the sister of Sir Thomas HAZLEWOOD, Bart.
9. South wall, a brass plaque: In loving Memory of Elizabeth Ann, wife of General FORREST, G.B. and only daughter of the late William Margesson PENFOLD of Loose Court. Born March 31st 1827, died March 20th 1887. "Until the day break and the shadows flee away". Also in affectionate remembrance of Edward Hollingworth Penfold, only son of William Margesson Penfold of Loose Court, born December 6th 1822, died July 24th 1894. "Heaviness may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning". Mrs Forrest left £300 to be invested for the poor of this parish, the income to be distributed by the Vicar and Churchwardens, and Mr E.H. Penfold left the sum of £500 for a like purpose but the income to be distributed at the discretion of the Vicar.
10. Wall tablet, east of main door: In affectionate and grateful remembrance of William PEALE of Loose, who died 26th Septr 1879, Aged 80 years. Also of Kate Peale, his Widow, who died April 15th 1882, Aged 82 years. Their loss will be long felt by the poor, of this & other Parishes, to whom they were unceasing Benefactors. "When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me".
11. Window, east of main door: In loving memory of Charles Nigel STISTED, born 29 Aug 1891, died 7 Aug 1901.
12. Window: west wall, above entrance to nave: To the glory of God and in loving memory of Susanna wife of James (?Makett) HODSOLL of Loose Court born May 18(??) died May 8 1871. Erected by her Children October 1875.
13. Window, north wall of nave: In Reverence of God and for the greater adornment of this church and in Memory of Elizabeth Isabella Sophia MARSHAM and Frances Penelope Marsham who entered into rest on September 1st 1883 and February 9th 1890, their brother and 2 sisters dedicate this window.
14. Window, North wall: In reverence of God and for the greater adornment of this Church and in Memory of Catharine Penelope JONES and Sophia Jones who entered into rest on Jany 6 1886 and Feby 5 1890, their nephew and 2 nieces dedicate this window.
15. North wall, tablet: Sacred to the Memory of Mary Ann, wife of John COVENEY of Bridge House Loose who died May 10th 1884 Aged 86 years. Also to the above named John Coveney who died November 4th 1889 Aged 95 years. "With long life will I satisfy Him, and shew him my salvation". 91st Psalm, 16th verse.
The floor of the ChurchWhen the floor of Loose Church was taken up in 2003 as the final phase in the reordering of the Church, Roger Thornburgh took the opportunity to record the graves and inscriptions on stones that had previously been hidden. Now, only the following two are visible, the remainder being once again hidden from view.
16. Nave, SW corner in front of the door to the tower. A Ledger slab of York stone, with the head towards the west: [?In Memory of] [Ar]th[ur Charles] Apli[N KING] born March 16th 1833 died November 27th 1835. (Burial Register: Arthur Charles Aplin King, 30 November 1835, aged 2 years 8 months ‘of Chatham’).
17. Just behind the Chancel arch, in the middle. A Ledger stone with head towards the west: Here lyeth ye body of Phebe AVSTEN davghter of Henry and Alice Avsten of this parish who was bvried Jvne ye 17th 1690 aged 34 yearse. In Memory of Frances the Wife of Jno AUSTEN Tanner in this Parish died Febry the 14th 1759 Aged 57 years. Also in Memory of the above said John Austen died the 3rd day of May 1765 Aged 61 years. Left Issue 4 Sons and 2 Daughts Henry, Frances, Ann, John, Benjn and Willm. (Phebe’s sister Sarah married Henry WALTER, Vicar of Loose from 1666 to 1712. They are buried nearby in a vault under the Nave floor).
Under the North aisle.
18. North Aisle, NW corner. End panel of a table tomb: Edward JONES Son of Thos [and] Mary Jones, died April 16th 1745 in t[he 2]7th Year of his [Age].
19. West end of the N. Aisle. Headstone with prettily decorated top: Mary daughter of Nicholas and Mary BARBUR died May ye 9th 1766 Aged 12 years. Tanner in this Parish.
20. N. Aisle. Headstone, face up with head to the west: In Memory of John FARLEY of this Parish Victualler he died March 5 1776 Aged 54 years. Left issue John, Edwd, Robert, Joseph, Isaac, and Elizh. Also Jane wife of the above John Farley died Decr 1st 1797, Aged 83 years. (Insurance documents 1770: John Farley, papermaker).
21. Middle of N. Aisle. Headstone, with head towards the east, but face down so name known.
22. N. Aisle, against north wall. Headstone, head of stone against north wall: In Memory of James CROWDER of the Parish of Maidstone who departed this Life October the 23rd 1799 Aged 67 years. Also Elizabeth wife of the above James Crowder who departed this life Decr the 19th 1813 Aged 79 years.
23. N. Aisle, near the easternmost of the two north wall windows. Headstone, head to the east: Here lieth ye Body of Rebeoca the Wife of Robert SMITH of this Parish. She died October ye 19th 1761 Aged 60 years. Here also Lieth the Body of the said Robert Smith who died ye 3rd of June 1774 Aged 72 years.
24. N. Aisle, adjacent to the rood steps pillar. Fragment, consisting of a small curved top. No inscription legible.
25. S. Aisle, built into base of the wall. Remaining fragment of a large gravestone: [Name not visible] died 3 Nov. 1691 aged 37 years. (Burial Register: William WILKENS, buryed the 27th November. [Only adult buried in November 1691]).
26. The stones in the Nave, date from the 18th or 19th Century. There are also at least two vaults, one belonging to the WALTER family, the other to the PEALE family.
27. Nave, equidistant between the two westernmost arcade pillars. Ledger stone, head towards the south: XI Mariæ Dorotheæ STARCK. Ob. die Oct 24th 1821 [æt] menses VI. (Burial Register records the burial of a child on 31 October 1821, aged 6 months, by J.A. Ashbourne, vicar of Linton).
28. Nave, just south-west of centre. Ledger stone (broken), head towards the north: Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Elizh FRANK late of this Parish whose remains lie here interr’d. She died Febry ye 4th 1778 Aged 85 years. Also of the Revd Thomas Frank Rector of Cranfield in Bedfordshire and for Sixty Years Minister of this Parish died Septr 23rd 1782 Aged 83 years.
29. Nave, virtually in the centre. Ledger stone, head towards the west. The vault to which the inscription refers is on the north side of the stone: Here lyeth the Body of Sarah the wife of Henry WALTER Minister of Lo[ose] who departed this life o[n] Nov. the 26th 1700 Aged 7[.] years. Left issue 8 Daught[ers]. Also Here lyeth ye Body of A[....] POST ye beloved Wife of Willm. Post Jun. Braz[ier] at Maidstone Elder Daughter of Henry Walter Min[ister] of this Parish, And of ye a[bove] named Sarah his Wife w[ho] departed this life Octo. 21st in ye yeare 1711 Aged 3[.] years. Left issue one Daugh[ter] & 3 sons. [H]oc fub Saxo dormit, una cum charifs [C]onjuge et prædilecta Filia Ann [?] [H]enricus Walter A.M. hi[c] [Pa]rochiæ Vicarius, Vir Pietate P[ro]bite[] [..]orum Svavitate ac Literatura [.....] ui Pastorali Munere in huic Eccle[sia] LVI Annis functus non fine O[.....] [..]os instuxit Mærore decefsit xx Decembris Anno [Salutis 1712] [Aetatis 74 [..]ollarumantibus Septem [Fi]liabuis [..]uarum Martha, Natu mini[...] Hæc Parenti optimo dicavit. (On the north side of the ledger stone is the 18th C Walter family vault).
30. Nave, east of the centre: Ledger stone, head towards the west: Entrance to Mr PEA[LE’s vault]. Within this Vault are deposited the Remains of Richard PEALE late of Maidstone Gent. Obt 4th November 1785 æt 51, leaving three Sons Edward Richard & John, him surviving. Also Mrs Mary Peale his widow formerly Mary OSBORNE, Spinster of this Parish. Obt 6th April 1795, æt 60. Also the above named Richard Peale their second son, obt 12th July 1802, æt 31. [l]eaving two Children, Elizabeth Mary & William, him surviving. Also Elizabeth, the Wife of the [a]bove named Edward Peale obt 2nd November 1828, æt 41. Also Elizabeth the widow of the above named Richard Peale the Younger obt 24th Sept 1836 æt 65. Also the above named El[izh] Mary Peale their daughter obt 3rd Feby 1837 æt 38. Also the above named Edward Peale obt 29th Septr 1844 æt 7[8]. Also the above named John Peale obt 29th Septr 1860 æt 8[7]. (The Vault to which the inscription refers is on the south side of the stone).
31. Nine stones lie under the present Chancel floor, only one (that for AUSTEN) now visible.
32. Nave, east end, covered by Chancel step. Ledger stone, head towards the west: First inscription not legible enough to identify a person. Second inscription: [Here] lieth ye Body of [J]ohn COOMBE[R] [C]arpenter who die[d] [J]an ye 3rd 1715 Aged 35 years. (Burial Register: John Coomber of Maidstone, 7 January 1715).
33. Under the Chancel arch. Ledger stone, head towards the north: Subter Hv[nc] Lapidem Sepvltvm est Corpus Gratiæ NICHOLS MDCLXXVI. Here’s .............../.(Burial Register: Grace Nichols, 30 Aprill 1678).
34. Chancel, under the E window on the south side. Ledger stone, head towards the west: Remember Thy creator in the days of Thy youth. Here lieth the Body of William BUFKIN Esqr who died the 8th day of January Anno Domini 1648. Here also lieth the Body of Sibylla wife of John MARTIN Esqr who departed this Life the 30th Day of May Anno Domini 1724 in the 78th year of her age. Here also lieth the Body of John Martin Esqr who departed this Life June the 7th in the Year of our Lord 1730 in the 79th Year of his age. Here also lieth the Body of Edwd Martin Esqr late Major in the 24th Regmt of Foot, Eldest Son of Denny and the Honble Frances Martin, he died Jany 12th 1775 in the 52nd Year of his Age. Here also lieth the Body of Denny Martin FAIRFAX, D.D. 3rd Son of Denny and the Honble Frances Martin, he died April 3rd 1800 in the 74th Year of his Age.
35. Chancel, under the E window towards the south. Ledger stone, head towards the west: And Thovgh after my skinne wormes destroy this body yet shall I see G[od] in [my] flesh. Here lieth ye Body of Ka[t]h[er]ine FLVDD the wi[f]e of Levin Flvdd D. of Physicke and [d]aughter of Ralph BVFFKIN Esqr together with hi[r] 3 children Mary Levin and Thomas.
36. Chancel, under the E window, just south of centre. Ledger stone, head towards the west: Here lyeth the Body of Xpopher LAMB Gent one of the sonnes of Robert Lamb of Leedes in Kent Gent whoe dyed the 20 of October Anno 1625 ætatis sve 89.
37. Chancel, under the E window, just north of centre. Ledger stone, head towards the west: [Catherine] LAMB wyf Xpo[pher LAMB] Gent a dafter of [Marga]ret GRIGSBY died [......] of Decembar 1590.
38. Chancel, under the E window towards the north. Ledger stone, head towards the west: Blessed are the d[ead which] die in the [L]ord. Here lyeth the Body of Anne BVFKIN the wife of Raphe Bvfkn [erased line] Esqvire who died the 27 day Febrvary Anno Domini 1638. Here also lyeth the Body of Hannah Wife of Denny MARTIN Gent who Dyed August 9th 1719 in the 32nd year of her Age. Denny Martin Esqr died the 15th Feb. 1762 Aged 71.
39. Chancel, under the E window on the north side. Ledger stone, head towards the west: The Memory of the Just shall be Blessed. Here lieth the Body of Ralph BUFKIN, Esqr of Loose, in the County of Kent, who died the 22nd Day of Decr Anno Domini 1638. Here also lieth the Body of Ralph Bufkin Esqr (the Son of the above named Ralph and Anna his Wife) who died the 10th Day of Feby in the Year of our Lord 1710 in the 84th Year of his Age. Here also lieth the Body of the Honble Frances MARTIN Wife of Denny Martin Esqr Daughger of the Rt Honble Thomas Lord FAIRFAX. She [d]ied Decr 13th 1791 in the 89th Year of her Age.
In the churchyard40. Headstone: In memory of Sarah the beloved wife of Thomas KEMP of this parish, who died on the 22nd day of April 1857 aged 49 years. She lived and died in peace. Also Thomas Kemp died Nov 23rd 1875 aged 70. Also John their infant son died Decr 13th 1832. Also Henry, their son, died March 8th 1840 aged 4 years. Also Richard Jude their son died April 22nd 1863 aged 23 years. "Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord". And William aged 40 and Jane aged 24 their children. Footstone: S.K. 1857. (Burial register: John Kemp’s death 13 Dec 1831, burial 18 Dec 1831. Sarah Kemp’s burial 29 April 1857, aged 50. She was ‘of Loose Court’).
41. Headstone and kerbstones (kerbstones originally had iron railings): Sacred to the Memory of Ann the beloved wife of John MOORE o f this parish who died March 21st 1849 aged 57 years. Also the above John Moore who died September 29th 1881 aged 86 years. Also of their deceased children: Harriot died May 17th 1829 aged 1 year. William died June 16th 1832 aged 1 year. Mary Ann died August 22nd 1836 aged 15 years. Louisa died July 8th 1839 aged 16 years. Rosena died Novr 25th 1839 aged 4 years. Emily died April 20th 1840 aged 3 years. Edward died May 24th 1840 aged 11 years. Ellen died May 11th 1843 aged 17 years. Left surviving two sons John and George.
42. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mr William HYDE who died May 31st 1839 aged 76 years. Also Mrs Ann Hyde wife of the above who died Janry 31st 1843 aged 74 years. Also Sarah Hyde who died Novr 30th 1818 aged 21 years. Also Frederick Hyde who died Decr 19th 1836 aged 19 years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord".
43. Headstone: To the Memory of Thomas FRENCH Paper Maker of this Parish who died March 11th 1795 aged 58 years. Left issue three sons and three Daughters (viz). George, Thomas, Henry, Sarah, Frances and Mary. Footstone: T.F. 1795.
44. Headstone: In Memory of Henry FRENCH of this parish Paper Maker who died March the 1st 1775 aged 66 years. Also Mary wife of the above Henry French died March the 27th 1783 aged 73 years. Left surviving issue by Mary his wife 4 sons and 3 daughters (viz). Henry, Thos, Willm, George, Mary, Elizth and Jane.
45. Headstone: In [Memory of] George FRENCH [of] this Parish who died Novr 12th 1796 Aged 29 years. Also Thomas French of this Parish died Decr 14th 1797 Aged 24 years.
46. Headstone: Sacred to th[e Memo]ry of John FROUD [of th]is Parish who [died S]eptember 2nd 1870 [age]d 69 years Al[so] Charlotte wife of the above who died March 28th 1877 aged 72 years. Left surviving one son George.
47. Headstone: "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord". In Memory of John FROUD of this Parish who died May 2nd 1833 aged 61 years. Also Hannah wife of the above who died Octr 26th 1826 aged 51 years. Also 3 of their children who died in their infancy. Left surviving 6 sons & 2 daughters (viz). John, Robert, George Henry, Thomas Britten, Edward, William, Charlotte & Mary.
48. Altar tomb. North: In memory of [Jos]eph AMIES [.....who die]d May 1st 18[5]9 ......................./.................../(Space for two more lines but it might have been left empty). .........../wife died August 8th 1884 [Ag]ed 75/years. East: In Memory of Thomas Amies who died September 21st 1881 [ag]ed [--] years. [He] brought down [my str]ength [in] my [jo]urney and s[h]o[rtened my] days. South: In Memory of Susanna Shewin TOOTH daughter of John and Sarah Tooth of Cranbrook, wife of Joseph Amies died January 21st 1837 aged 67 years. Their son Edward died February 21 1811 aged ../. Top: John Tooth Amies also Elizabeth wife of the above died September 8th 1889 aged 82 years. (West face of tomb now completely illegible).
49. Headstone: In Memory of Martha, Wife of Willm UNDERDOWN of this Parish who Departed this Life September the 13th 1775 aged 55 years. Also John Underdown who died Decr 14th 1847 Aged 65 years. Also Sarah Underdown wife of the above died March 1st 1883 aged [9]6 years.
50. Headstone: "In the midst of life we are in death". Sacred to the Memory of Mary the beloved wife of Thomas BOURNE of this Parish who departed this life Septr 12th 1872 aged 56 years. "Then are they glad because they are at rest; And so he bringeth them unto the haven where they would be". Psalm VII.30. Erected by her affectionate niece Ann BRISTOW. Also of the above Thomas Bourne who died April 2nd 1887 aged 74 years. Footstone: M.B. 1872. T.B. 1887.
51. Headstone: In Memory of Sarah wife of Richard BRISTOW, Daughter of Charles and Mary MILLS. She died March the 25th 1804 Aged 31 years. Left issue 3 Daughters. Also Mary D[a]ughter of the above who died [Decr] the 3rd 1815 Aged [20]. The above Richd Bristow died July 10th 1827 Aged 69.
(Last line of inscription below ground level. Mary Bristow 10 Dec 1815 aged 20. She is described as being of Boughton Monchelsea).
52. Slab: In Memory of Mary Wife of Charles MILLS who died July the 1st 1788 Aged --/years. Left Issue [8 sons] and 1 Daug[hter]. Also Richd their son died Septr 10 179[6] Aged 18? years. Charles Mills died the 15th of December 1824 Aged 82 years. Left 6 Sons and [3] daughters. "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found. Call ye upon him while he is near". Also Joseph their son died Feby 9th 1846 Aged [75] years. Also Mary DOUST Daughter of the above Charles Mills died April 16th 1853 aged 65 years. (Burial register: Joseph Mills of East Farleigh).
53. Headstone: Here lieth ye Body of Ann the wife of Mr Willm QUELCH of this Parish who dep[arted t]his life Fe[bruary ] 1744 Ag[ed] -4/ years. Here also lieth ye Bodies of 3 of their Children all died in there Infancy.
54. Headstone: [Here lieth] ye B[ody of] Char[les HOPPER] of ys [Parish] .........../ July ye 2 ./ 1]73[3] [Aged ../ years]. Here al[so lieth ye Body] of Hannah his Wife. She departed this life February ye 16th 173[6] In the 97th year of her [Age] * (*below ground level).
55. Headstone, with two winged cherubs carved into the top): In memory of Thomas DAW late of this Parish, he departd this life Novemr the 15th 1765 Aged 46 years. Also in Memory of Richd BOORMAN Late Husband to the Widow Daw who Died Octor 9th 1780 in the 45 Year of his Age.
56. Headstone and body stone: T.R. 1851. (TR would seem to be the Thomas RANDALL , son of John and Elizabeth Randal [1845 and 1877]. Burial Register: Thomas Randall 5 Oct 1851).
57. Headstone, body stone and footstones. Headstone: In Memory of Daven[port] WARR[EN] of this Parish who departed this life October [the ]th 1815 aged 6[5] years. Al[so Elizabeth Wife of [the above w]ho d[ied Decr] 1827 [Ag]ed [79 Years]. ....................../................./................/ Wife ................../. Footstones: DW 1815. EW 1827. (Burial Register: Davenport Warren 29 Oct 1815; Elizabeth Warren 15 Dec 1827. Davenport is described as being ‘opposite Salts Road’).
58. Head and body stones: Sacred to the Memory of John RANDALL, of this Parish, who died Octr 27th 1845, aged 63 years. Also Elizabeth wife of the above who died November 27th 1877 aged 87 years. Also John, son of the above John and Elizabeth Randall of this Parish, who died Octr 9th 1842 aged 28 years. Also Ann, their daughter, who died May 31st 1845 aged 20 years. Also Thomas their son who died September 29th 1851 aged 34 years. Also Elizabeth Tooth Randall died 27th October 1891 aged 72.
59. Headstone: To the Memory of George FRENCH who died December the 21st 1791 aged 44 years. Also Susanna his Wife who died March the 11th 1792 aged 42 years.
60. Headstone: He[re lieth] Inter[red the bo]dy of Tho-s [......]ND w[ho died] ................/. [Aged] 80 y[ears]. .................../. Erected by his Loving Cousin Hannah CROWNAGE being his sole Executrix.
61. Headstone: Here [lieth] [ye Body] of John CR[OWNA]GE [of this Par]ish. He dep[arted] [this Life Dece]mr 31 1[743]. [Aged ../ Yea]rs. [Here liet]h ye Body of [Jane his] Wife. She died Ja[nuary] ye 7th 1745 aged 74 y[s]. Likewise Jane their Daugr. She died July ye 10th 17[34] aged 16 years. (Last two lines of memorial below ground level. Burial register: John Crownage 5 Jan 1744. Jane Crownage [dau] 12 July 1734).
62. Headstone: In Memory of Mary wife of [He]nary GOLDING of [this Parish] Gent & Daughter of Jo[hn? and A]nn TAYLOR of Maidstone. Sh[e died] 24th of Sepr 1741 Aged 35 years. [Like]wise three Children John Ann & Elizabeth. Also the said Henr Golding, Gent died Decemr ye 23rd 1765 Aged 60 Years. Left Surviving Issue one Daughr Mary.
63. Headstone: [In Memory of] [Elizabe]th B[ULL....] daughter of Wi[ll]i[am] [and] Mary ELLIOTT who departed this Life December the 10th 1815 Aged 48 years. Left Issue one Son George.
64. Coffin shaped tomb. North, 2 panels: (Left) In memory of Elizh Wife of John BOORMAN of this Parish who died Decr 26th 1787 Aged 51 years. (Right): With patience to the last She did submit and Murmur’d not at what the Lord thought fit. After a ling’ring Illness, smart and pain When Physicians skill and Physick were in vain She with a Christian courage did resign Her soul to God at his appointed time. South, 2 panels: (Left) In Memory of Mrs Lydia LINK second wife of the late John Boorman who died November [28th] 1829 Aged 74 years. (Right)] In Memory of John Boorman of this Parish who died Febry 9th 1810 Aged 84 years. (West) Also Jno their Son died March 12 1761 Aged 11 months. (East) blank. (Burial Register: Lydia Link 4 Dec 1829).
65. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Rebecca, wife of William HUNT Paper Maker of this Parish who died Decr 21st 1863 Aged 60 years. Leaving issue James, Robert, Ann, Eliza, Emily, Jemima-Mary & William Henry. Also William Hunt who died Octr 19th 1877 aged 84 years.
66. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Ann, wife of John WEST of this Parish, who died Decr 17th 1821 Aged 55 years. Also to the above John West who died Septr 19th 1856 Aged 81 years. This Stone is Erected by their Affectionate Son Wm West. Also William, son of the above who died May 7th 1868 Aged 71 years. Footstone: A.W. 1821, J.W. 1856. (Burial Register: John West 24 Sept 1856, aged 81, of Boxley).
67. Headstone: In Memory of Susanna, Relict of the late Mr Charles MILLER of Rochester who died suddenly on the 11th day of December 1860 aged 74 years. "Be Ye also Ready". Footstone: S.M. 1860.
68. Head and footstone: Erected to the Memory of Michael GOLDING formerly of this Parish who died March the 13th 1793 Aged 57 years. Also Mary his wife died Feby 29th 1816 Aged 76 years. Also Michael Golding grandson of the above died June 11th 1880 Aged 74 years. Also Eliza wife of the above died April 4th 1885 Aged 74 years. Footstone: M.G. 1793. M.G. 1880. E.G. 1885 (inscribed on West face).
69. Head, body and footstone: "In the midst of Life we are in Death". Sacred to the Memory of Ann wife of Robert GOLDING of Boughton Monchelsea who died [January] ././ 1808 Aged 29 years. [Left] issue one son Robert. [Also the a]b[ove Rob]ert Golding .....[ May 1828 Aged 53 years. ......../Rob[ert the]ir son ......../.... aged 77 Years. Footstones: North A.G. 1808. South: R.G. 1828.
70. Headstone: Here lieth ye Body of Elizabeth the Wife [of] Willm MUDDLE Clark [of] this Parish. She died ye 6th of Decemr 1747 Aged 84 Yea[rs]. Also the Body of Willm Muddle Being Clark of this Parish 61 years. He died ye 23rd Day of Sepr 1753 Agd. 90 yes. Near this place lieth ye Body of John Muddle Likewise Five more of their Chil. 3 Sons & 2 Daughts Left surviving Issue 4 Sons George, Willm, Edward and Tho.
71. Headstone. Left panel: Here’s Interr’d ye Body Willm WILKINS late of Boughton Munchelsea Tanner Eldest son of Jon & Mary Wilkins of this Parish who died Novr ye 9th 1723 Aged ?7 years. Right panel: Also ......./Mary his wife. She died Sepr ye 23 1735 Aged 44 years. Likewise Thos. Youngest son died June ye ../ 1733 in ye 11 [Year......]. Below: ................../ John Willi[am ..............Thomas].
72. Headstone. Left panel: Here lieth ye Body of Edward CASTREET of this Parish Gent who departed this life December the 9th 1734 Aged 74 years. Right panel: Here also lieth ye Body of Mary Castreet W[ife of] Edwd Castreet Gent. She departed [this] life October ye 27th 1721 Aged 64 years. Bottom: Left Issue One Son & 3 Daughters. Likewise here lieth ye Bod[y of] Edward Castreet S[on of the] said Edward and Mary Castreet. He departed this Life April ye 1st 1747 Aged 52 years.
73. Slab, headstone and footstones. Headstone: Erected to the Memory of William SHADGETT of this Parish who died Octr 15th 1855 Aged 75 years. Also Mary wife of the above died May 14th 1849 Aged 65 years. Also Edward son of the above died Octr 4th 1855 Aged 28 years. Left surviving four sons and two daughters, William, Josiah, Thomas, George, Sarah & Amelia. Slab: Also to the Memory of Susannah the beloved wife of Thomas Shadgett who died June 27th 1872. Also of Thomas Shadgett of Holly Lodge, Loose who died October 25th 1903 Aged 87 years. Footstones. North: W.S. 1855. South: M.S. 1849.
74. Altar tomb, mounted on 2 steps. Entrance slab on West side with the word ‘Entrance’ cut into it. North: In Memory of Mary CHARLTON wife of Thomas Charlton of this Parish who departed this Life August 28th 1840 Aged 67 years. Also of the above Thomas Charlton who died Jany 24th 1855 Aged 80 years. South: In Memory of Joseph Charlton of this Parish son of Willm and Ann Charlton late of Aylesford. He died July the 2nd 1790 Aged 88 years. Left Issue one Daughter Ann. "Whilst in this World I did remain/my latter end was grief and pain/But when the Lord did think it best/He took me to a p[ace o]f rest". Also William son of Joseph [and An]n Charlton died the 24th of Septr 1788 [Aged 1 Yea]r and 9 months. East: Sacred to the Memory of John Charlton, late of Aylesford who departed this life Septr 29th 1811 Aged 63 years. In Memory of Martha wife of John Charlton who departed this Life Septr the 15th 181[8] Aged 63 years. Also Mary wife of the above John Charlton who was born February the 12th 1750 Died February the 11th 1819. (Burial register: 1849?). West: In Memory of Mary Charlton [.....] daughter [of] Willm and Ann Charlton lat[e o]f [Aylesf]ord She d[ied] [Octr ] the 12th 179[0] Aged [19?] years. (Burial Register: Mary Charlton 19 Oct 1790, spinster from Aylesford). Top: In Memory of Mary wife of Thomas Charlton, of this Parish who died Novemr 9th 1781 Aged 33 Years. Left Issue Three children (viz). Sarah, Thomas and Elizh [4 lines of verse in italics, illegible]. Here also lieth the Body of the above named Thomas Charlton who departed this life Septr 1st 179[3] Aged 56 years. Sarah Charlton Daughter of the above Thomas and Mary Charlton who departed this life July the 12th 1807 Aged [34] years. Edward John second son of Thomas and Mary Charlton Junr died April 5th 1825 Aged 27 years. To the Memory of Thomas son of TP and MW Charlton died Octr 12th 18[25] Aged 4 months. Alfr[e]d son of TP & MW Charlton died ../ March 1835 Aged 8 months. [M]ary Eliz? Daughtr of Thos. and Mary Charlton died 18th Jany 18[37] Aged 26 years. Also of Sarah daughter of the above named TP and MW Charlton who died December 22 1839 Aged 15 months.
75. Head and footstone. Headstone: Erected [to] the Memory of [Joh]n William WILSON [died 3?]1st May 1885 in his 75th year. Sarah, wife of [John] W. Wilson who died .1st 187[1 ag]ed 58 y[ea]rs. [S]arah el[dest] daughter of John W. and Sarah Wils[on] [of thi]s parish, who died July [1841 ag]ed 5 years and 4 mon[ths]. [Jo]hn their son, who [died in infan]cy April 27th 1845. Footstone: J.W. 1845. S.W. 1871.
76. Head and footstone: In fond remembrance of George WILSON fourth son of John W. Wilson who died September 11th 1877 aged 24 years. "Not lost but gone before".
77. Head and body stone: In Memory of Samuel FIELD of this Parish who departed this Life Ju[ly] the 28th 1818 Aged 68 Yea[rs]. Also Mary his [Wif]e who died April 19th 18../ Aged 84 Yea[rs]. Left Issue Surviving [Three] Sons and One Daughter (viz) Samuel, Ann, Edward and John. (Two coffin stones lie in front of the headstone: the end of the southern one has S.F; the end of the northern one has M.F.).
78. Head and footstone. Headstone: In Memory of William EATON of this Parish. He died June the 5th 1803 Aged 75 years. Left issue one son William. Also James their son who died in 1761 Aged 20 months. Also Judith Wife of the above William Eaton. She died November the 15th 1807 Aged 72 years. Footstone: W.E. 1803 (Date is now below ground level. A coffin stone lies in front of headstone).
79. Head and body stone: Sacred to the Memory of James ELGAR of this Parish who departed this Life the 16th August 1845 Aged 56 years. Also Ann relict of the above who died Feby 29th 1872 Aged 79 years. (A coffin stone lies in front).
80. Head and footstones. Headstone: In Memory of William SKINNER of this Parish, who died Jany 19th 1842, Aged 64 years. Also Elizabeth relict of the above died March 23rd 1850 Aged 75 years. And of their deceased Children Eliza, died Decr 27th 1810, Aged 7 years. Sarah died June 27th 1830 Aged 23 years. Marianne died July 3rd 1831 Aged 19 years. John died Feby 23rd 1832 Aged 28* years (Burial register gives age as 26). Left surviving 2 sons William and Thomas Randall. 4 separate footstones: E.S. 1810, S.S. 1830. M.S. 1831. J.S. 1832. W.S. 1842. (The 4 footstones now stand in a line against the churchyard wall, opposite, and S. of, the church porch, together with those for Daniel and Elizabeth WOOD).
81. Headstone: Here lieth ye Body of Will. son of Will. GILBERT & Jane his Wife who was borne March ye 9th 1691 & died Jan ye 24th 1693, also ye Bodies of Eliz. & Jane their twins who were born Mar ye 26th 1696. Eliz. died Aprl 17th, Jane July 7th in ye same yer. "We are called by Christ in our infantcy".
82. Headstone: [Here] lyeth [ye Bod]y of Jane wife [of Wi]ll GILBART of this Pa[rish] who departed ys life [M]arch ye 27th 1722 [A]ged 66 years. Left [Issu]e one Son & one Daughter. Here also lieth ye Body of Willm Gilbart beloved Husband of (more below ground level).
83. Head and footstones: In this Grave lie the Remains of Danl WOOD & Elizth his Wife. Daniel died Sepr 28th 1829 Aged 95 years. Elizth died February 11th 1823 Aged 92 years. "They shall come to their Graves in a Good Old Age/And bring their Sheaves with them". Also Sarah, wife of Daniel Wood, son of the above who died May 12th 1840 Aged 78 years. 2 separate footstones: D.W. 1829, E.W. 1823. S.W. 1840. (The 2 footstones now stand against the churchyard wall, opposite, and S. of the church porch, and flanking those for the SKINNER family).
84. Slab, headstone and body stone: Sacred to the Memory of James TATE of Maidstone obt. January 7th 1853 ætat 70. Also Ann the beloved wife of James Tate obt July 16th 1832 ætat 68. Also Ann daughter of James & Ann Tate obt. August 7th 1841 ætat 23. William Lancefield son of Tom & Mary OAKLEY of Maidstone and grandson of the above James & Ann Tate nat. June 1st 1864, obt. Septr 17th 1864. (Coffin stone lies on a slab in front).
85. Headstone, with winged cherub at top: In Memory of John RANDAL of this Parish Junr Departed this life Septemr ye 2nd 1770 Aged 55 years. Left Mary his wife & Issue by her One Son and One Daughter Willm and Elizh. Here also lieth the Body of Mary his Wife. She Died Octor ye 30th 1771 Aged 59 Year.
86. Slab (apparently blank) and headstone: In Memory of [Wil]liam RANDALL of this Parish. [He] departed this Life February the 2nd 1811 Aged 66 years. [Al]so Hannah wife of the above. [She d]ied Septr 3rd 1834 Aged 86 years. Left Issue Surviving Four Son and Four Daughters. [Als]o Thomas their son who departed [thi]s life June the 3rd 1811, Aged 20 Years. "Far from my Home in anxious care/My wan[dering] fate was led". (Stone flaked below this last line).
87. Slab and coffin stone (this stone does not appear to belong to the grave): Beneath in a vault are deposited the remains of James Harborough GEERE one of the Common Council of the Corporation of Maidstone died Novr ../ 1824 Aged 59 years. Also of Mary Ann DANN the wife of James Dann of Hunton, the Daughter of Thos and Elizh Geere of this Parish died Septr 27 1826 Aged 39 years. Left issue one son (viz) James.
88. Headstone: In Memory of Elizh Wife of Richd LARKIN of this Parish [w]ho died Febry 7th 1792 Aged 37 years. [Left Iss]ue 2 Sons & 1 Daughter [viz] Elizh, Richd and John. Also the above Richd [L]arkin, died June 30th 1831, Aged 84 years. [Also] Mary wife of Richd [LAR]kin Junr died March 1st [1844 A]ged 72 years. [Left Issue 4] Children viz. [Richa]rd, John G[eorge?] and Elizh-Alice. (Bottom lines below ground level).
89. Headstone: Here lieth ye Body of Mary [.....]............../............../and [............] Linton who died Septem the 17th 1744 Aged 26 years. (Burial Register: 3 Marys buried in 1744, one in March, one on 31 August and one on 18 September, so it is likely that this gravestone commemorated the death of the second of the three, who was the daughter of William & Frances HARRIS).
90. Headstone: Here lieth the Body of Mary HARRIS daughter of Richard Harris of Cranbrook who departed this Li]fe.................Novem[ber......../ Aged ../.
91. Headstone: Here lieth ye Body of Elizabeth daugh[ter of J]ames BEL[LIN]GHAM of Woodhurst who Died Jan ../ 1706 aged 2./. (Burial Register: James BELLENGHAM 8 Jan 1707, the New Year having started on 1 Jan).
92. Headstone: In Memory of Thos ROBINSON of this Parish. Departed this life February the 19th 1771 Aged 62 years. Also Martha his Wife] who died Febry 22nd 1782 Aged 69 Years. Left Issue by Mart[ha] ......... Ja....../ Also James son ....../June 2nd 1816 [Aged 67]. (Burial Register: Thomas’s surname is spelt ROBERTSON. He is described as Husbandman. Martha’s surname is spelt Robinson. There may be more of the inscription below ground level).
93. Slab: In Memory of John GODDEN of this Parish Yeoman? who departed this Life Decr 31st 1729 Aged 71 years. Likewise Elizabeth his wife. She departed this Life Novr 26th 172[5] Aged 69 years. Also John Godden died June 21st 1766 Aged 87 years. Also Margaret wife of John Godden died March 27th 1728 Aged 80? years.
94. Slab and headstone. Headstone: [Here lyeth] the [Body of .....] GODDEN [wife ofRobe]rt Godden [and daug]hter of ............../. [She departed] this L[ife] .......ly/ 17../.....[age] .../ years. Left issue two s[ons] [and]one daughter. Slab: In Mem[ory of] M[ar]y Beloved Wife[e of R[......]OR[T?} who died ...../ Aged ../. [Also o]f Willi[am .....] [who d]ied Oct ../..../ [A]ged 77.
95.Slab (blank) and headstone: In Memory of Mercy wife of George BRISLEE of Maidstone. She departed this Life September the 22nd 1798, Aged 36 years.
96. Headstone: Here lieth the Body of Ann WOOLLET daughter of Richard Woollet [E?lle?r]. Shee departed this life October ../ 1688 Aged ../ years and 5 [m]onts. (Burial Register: Ann Woollet 7 Oct 1688).
97. Chest slab and headstone. Headstone: In Memory of Elizabeth BONNER who died September 29th 1797 Aged 69 years. Chest slab: Beneath lie the Remains of Harriet, the beloved wife of Richd Salisbury BILEY Esqr of this Parish who died November 17th 1837 Aged 52 years. Also the aforesaid Richd Salisbury Biley Esqr who died January 21st 1843 Aged 77 years.
98. Headstone: In Mem[ory] of Edwd KENN[ARD} who died Ap[ril ..] 1827 Aged 6[3]. (Burial Register: Edward Kennard 15 April 1827).
99. Headstone: [Her]e [Liet]h ye Body of [R]obert WILLKINS of ys Parish, Son of Tho. Willkins of ?East/West – farly died [M.....] 1741 [Aged .. Ye]ars. ......../youngest ..../died [.........], ye 16th [1]742 Ag[ed 7?]5 Years Left issue [.. ]ons and 7 Daughters. (Burial Register: Robert Willkins 5 May 1741, described as ‘Alehouse keeper’).
100. Head and body stone: [In Mem]ory of T[homas ELLI]OTT of this Par[ish] who died March 21st 1[788 A]ged ../ Years. Also ............ daughter of Joh[n ......] of Ilsie ................../ he died. (Burial Register: Thomas Elliott 29 March 1788).
101. Headstone, with winged cherub head and ornamentation at top: In Memory of Sarah wife of John ATHAWES who died January 19th 1776 Aged 41 Years. Left surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters, John, Peter, Mary and Elizh.
102. Headstone: In Memory of [El]izh MILL[S} Died Fe[b] ............ (probably another 4 lines of text would originally have followed. Probably dates from the 1700s).
103. Headstone: In Memory of James MILLS who died January 7th 1850 Aged 74 years. Also Elizabeth wife of the above who died July 14th 1850 Aged 72 years. Also James Mills their son who died May 7th 1845 Aged 40 years. Also Ann his wife who died Feb 7th 1849 Aged 42 years. Also Henrietta Mills and Joachim DUNN who died in their infancy. Also Elizabeth Mills who died May 6th 1898 Aged 92 years. "He brought down my strength in my journey and shortened my days".
104. Head and footstone. Headstone: no visible inscription. Footstone: E.W. 1820. (Burial Register: Edward WILKINS of East Farleigh, 20 April 1820, aged 10).
105. Headstone: In Memory of Richard MARTIN of this Parish. Died July the 9th 1776 Aged 32 years. Left Mary his wife and Issue by her one Daughter [Mar]y.
106. Headstone: In Memory of Martha wife of John BONNY Senr of this Parish who died June 3rd 1794 Aged 46 years. Also the above John Bonny Senr who died Sept 5th 1805 Aged 60 years. Sarah, wife of John Bonny Junr of Maidstone died May 11th 1799 Aged 24 years. Left issue 4 Sons & 1 Daughter. Also Ann, wife of John Bonny Junr died Sepr 19th 1818 Aged 36 years. Left Issue 3 Sons & 3 Daughters. John Bonny of Maidstone Husband of the above Sarah & Ann died Dec ......./.
107. Head and coffin stone: In Memory of Elizh wife of Joseph SILK of this Parish. She died Jan 1st 1791 Aged 39 years. Left issue surviving one Son and Three Daughters, viz. Benjamin, Mary, Elizh and Sarah. "Weep not for me my children dear/I am not dead but sleeping here/I’m free from all my care and pain/Till [C]hrist shall raise me up again". Also [the a]bove Joseph Silk of thi[s Parish V]ictualler. He died Feb 17 ..../Aged 79 Y[ears].
108. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Rose wife of James WOOD of this Parish who died July 31 1831 Aged 62 years. Leaving issue 1 Son & 2 Daughters. Also the above James Wood who died August 31 1[85]1 Aged 84 years. "Teach us to feel anothers woe/And mend the faults we see/That mercy I to others shew/That mercy shew to me". ................./................/ Also Sarah daughter of the above James Wood who died Decr 23rd 1871 Aged 79 years. Also ......./ who died Feb ........../ Aged 10? years.
109. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of John THOMAS of this Parish who departed this Life August 10th 1831 Aged 35 years. Left surviving Mary his wife, 3 Sons and 1 Daughter, (viz) John, Henry, William and Mary. (There seems to be a remnant of a 6-line verse at the bottom of this stone).
110. Wall tablet: This tablet was erected by voluntary contribution as a tribute of respect to the Memory of Mary the wife of Thos BOTTLE of this Parish in consideration of her promptitude at all times in rendering assistance to her sick neighbours. She departed this Life 19th of March 1836 Aged 55 years and her remains were deposited near this spot.
111. Head and coffin stone: Sacred to the Memory of Thomas CHARTERIS Esqr fourth son of Charles Charteris Esqr of Amisfield Castle, Dumfrieshire Scotland who departed this Life the 15th of June 1834 Aged 47 years. Also of Elizabeth widow of the above and wife of Joseph KNOTT who departed this life the 29th of April 1847 Aged 63 years.
112. Small marble block, with pot holder, on plinth. South face: George H. BENTLEY aged 80. East face: Victor E. Bentley aged 18. (?1960s).
113. Small block, with pot holder, on plinth: F.WATERS died 15 Feb 1966 Aged 88 years.
114. Headstone: "In the midst of Life we are in Death". In Memory of Elizabeth, daughter of Willm & Jemima RUSSELL who died Novr 17th 1850 Aged 21 years. This stone was erected by her affectionate brother William. Also Jemima wife of William Russell who departed this Life January 10th 1856 Aged 52 years. Footstone: E.R. 1850. J.R. 1856.
115. Headstone, with large cross at top: In Loving Memory of Eliza South HORNE who died Octr 7th 1888 Aged 32 years. "Hallowed be Thy tomb when worth/commands a tear/.Though death may still the gentle heart/and seal the kindly eye/Good deeds shine forth beyond the grave/Their memories never die". Also Eliza Horne mother of the above died 25th May 1891 Aged 62 years. "In their death they were not divided". 2 Sam.1. "Oer the silent grave I shed affections tear/but thou art only gone where I must soon appear". Footstone: E.S.H. 1888. E.H. 1891. (Burial Register: Eliza Horne of Kensington, 23 Oct 1888; Eliza Horne of Maidstone Union, 30 May 1891).
116. Headstone, with raised cross at top: Sacred to the Memory of Maria the beloved wife of Andrew HORNE who died February 18th 1866 Aged 64 years. Left surviving three sons and three daughters (viz) Andrew, Eliza, Stephen, James, Maria, and Abigail. "With patience to the last she did submit/And murmured not at what the Lord thought fit/But with a Christian courage did resign/Her soul to God at his appointed time". Also the above A[ndre]w Horne who d[ied .......Yea]rs. [Several lines missing]. Footstone: M.H. 1866. A.H. 1885. A.H. 1907. (Burial Register: Maria Horne, 25 Feb 1866, 64; Andrew Horne, 7 Feb 1885, 86; Abigail Horne, 23 April 1907, 57).
117. Headstone. East: Here [liet]h the [Bod]y of Richd PE[IRC]E of this Parish Wheelwright. He died April the 1st 1698 Aged 58 years. An[n his] wife died April 29th 16[99] Aged 65 years. Abram PEIRCE, Son of ye above died Septr 11th 1741 Aged 73 years. Also Elizh his wife died Septr 18th 1744 Aged 77 years. West: Ann KNIGHT died April the 19th 1808 Aged 73 years. (Burial Register: Abraham Peirce, wheelwright).
118. Head and (possibly) 2 coffin stones: To the Memory of William PEENE of this Parish ,Tanner who died Octor the 2nd 1767 Aged 51 years. Mary his daughter died April 8th 1789 Aged 33 years. Also Mary wife of the said Willm Peene died Septr ?14th 1795 Ages 77 years. (Iron fence once surrounded the Peene graves.).
119. Incorporated into the wall that surrounds the Peene family headstones: In front of this stone lie the remains of William Gurden PEENE, Esq. M.D. of Cambridge, late of Maidstone, born Decr 8th 1794, died June 21st 1853. Sarah, sister of the above, born Augt 4th 1793, died Jany 4th 1855. Samuel Udall Peene, brother of the above, born May 5th 1796, died June 2nd 1871. Mary, sister of the above and widow of Samuel Hawtayne LEWIN, born May 6th 1797, died March 1st 1873.
120. Footstone: Mary PEENE 1789.
121. Headstone, with carved top: Sarah the second wife of William PEENE died November the 19th 1810 Aged 45 years.
122. Headstone, with carved top: In memory of William Peene, Tanner who died Septr 27th 1797 Aged 46 years. Left issue 4 children (viz) Sarah, William Gurden, Samuel Udall, and Mary.
123. Headstone, with carved skull and angel;s head at top: To the Memory of Francis HAMMOND of Bo[ughton] Monchelsea, Ta[nner] who died [Oct ?] 1766 Aged ../ years. (Burial Register: Francis Hammond 13 Oct 1766, bachellor).
124. Headstone: In affectionate remembrance of Elisabe[th Ma]ry the bel[oved wife] of Robert Th[...] SMITH & Daughter [of ............]ARRIS of thi[s Parish] who died Nov[ember ../ 1878 Aged 32 years. "I long to be with Jesus/Amid the Heavenly Throng/To sing with saints His praises/To learn the angels song". (Burial Register: Elisabeth Mary Smith 2 Dec 1878).
125. Headstone: In fond remembrance of Edward James, eldest son of Edward James & Julia ANTRUM who died January 31st 1870 Aged 6 years. "He gathers the lambs with His arms/and folds them to His bosom". Also of the above Edward James Antrum who died October 26th 1912 Aged 76 years. "Rest in Peace". Also of the above Julia Ant[rum] who died Oct[ober ......]. A[ged ?7.
126. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Charlotte wife of William ANTRUM of this Parish who died February 1st 1874 Aged 64 years. Also William Antrum who died Octr 14th 1898 Aged 86 years. And Susan Antrum second wife of the above died January 10th 1899 Aged 79 years.
127. Head and coffin stone: In [Mem]ory of [........] CHAR[LT]ON lat[e .....sec]ond son o[f ....] an[d......] Cha[rlton o]f th[is Parish] ......................../[so]ns and tw[o daughters]. (Below ground level, partly hidden - Here lieth one son who died in his infancy).
128. Altar tomb. South side: Here lieth the Body of Thomas JONES of this Parish Fuller who depard this Life Octor ye 13th 1746 Aged 61 years. West side: Edw[ard Jones son] of Th[oms and Mary Jones] died Apr[il in] the 27th [Year of his] Age. North side: Also here lieth the Body of Mary wife of Thomas Jones departed this Life Octor ye 17th 1771 Aged 80 years. East side: Likewise John son of Thomas a[nd] Mary Jones died May 22nd 1745 in ye 25th year of His Age.
129. Head, two coffin stones and footstone. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of John GREEN who died December 27th 1824 Aged 69 years. Also Patience, wife of the above said John Green, who died Decr 16th 1832 Aged 70 years. William son of John and Patience Green of this Parish who departed this Life Octr the []th 1807 Aged 20 Yea[rs]. Footstone: W.G. 1807. (Burial Register: William Green, 20 Oct 1807).
130. Headstone and slab. Headstone: In Memory of Mrs Mary HABGOOD wife of James Habgood of Fish-Street Hill London and Daughter of William and Elizabeth JONES who departed this life March 8th 1804 Aged 42 years. Slab: In Memory of Fourr children of Thomas Jones of this Parish by Mary his Wife. Edwd the first bornd died ....../1713 Aged one. Mary died ...../1719 [Aged .. Years] [Thomas] died Oct [..] 1720 [Aged Years] [Thomas] youngest died [] 1731. He died in His infancy. East side: Mary ye daughter of Thom[as and] Elizabeth HOPE of Boughton died ye 13 of Decm. 1747 Aged 23 years. North side: [] Sarah Hope died August the 9th 1787 Aged 68 years. Elizh widow of the late Samuel DENNIS D.D. formerly President of St Johns College Oxford Daughter of Joseph & Elizh CHARLTON of Loose who died March 3rd 1831 Aged 86. South side: Here lyeth intered the body of Thomas FISHER late of Boughton Munchelsea Free Mason who departed this life the 54 year of his Age. Here [lyeth] intered also the Body of Elizabeth his W[ife who de]parted this life the 19 day of Apri[l in the year] of our Lord 1694 [in the .....] yeare of her age. West side: [H]ere lyeth interred the body of Thomas Fisher late of Boughton Monchelsea Tanner and s[on] of the beforesaid Thoma[s Fis]her & Elizabe[th] his wife [who de]parted th[is] Lif]e March] the 21st [in] the [Year of our Lord] 17[12] A[]. Top face: only some traces visible. ..... Daughter..... Franci(?e)s 28th 1771. (Burial Register: Thomas Fisher, 25 March 1712, ‘buried in linen’, ‘50/- was paid to ye poor’).
131. Pedestal. East: James CASTREET late of Chart by Sutton Valence Malster died April 3 1733 Aged 63 years. North: James Castreet late of Maidstone sole issue of James & Elizabeth on the other side hereof died March 16 1745 Aged 47 years & is here buried. West: James WHATMAN late of this Parish Tanner died September 15 1725 Aged 69 years. South: Mary wife of James Whatman late of this Parish Tanner died February 26 1726 Aged 66 years. Elizabeth only sister & wife of James Castreet of Sutton Valence.
132. Head and body stone. Very poor condition. East: [..............] CHARLTON late of [.........]. She died the [..] Jan [....] Ag[ed]. West: [In me]mory [of.....] [.....]tone. [....]she d[ied ..........] 1799 Aged [..] 3 Sons T[..........ed]wd Joh[n].
133. Headstone: In Memory of George PIPER died May 2nd 1753 Aged 40 years. Also Sarah his wife died August 24th 1762 Aged 57 years. Sarah their Daughter the Wife of Abram KNIGHT died April 21st 1782 Aged 39. George Knight their son died July 27th 1780. Also John their son died Feby 27th 1782 Boath [i]n th[ei]r Infancy.
134. Headstone: Here lieth the Body of Ann OVERY Late Wife of Walter JONES, Abraham PIERCE and Stephen Overy. She died May 24th 1787 Aged 91 years. Left issue by her first Husband one son William Jones.
135. Headstone: Here’s interr’d ye Body of Ann JONES Spinster Eldr Daught. of Tho. Jones Sen by Ann his fist Wife who [de]parted this life Aug. ye 13th 1710 Aged 26 years.
136. Headstone, tools and skull & crossbones at top: Here Lieth ye Body of Thoms J[ON]ES Fuller who departed this Life April ye first 1709 Aged 57 years. Left issue 2 sons & 4 Daughters.
137. Headstone: Here resteth the Body of Walter JONES Fuller who departed this Life the 28 Day of December Anno Dom. 1678 in the 60 yeare of his age and left issue one son & 2 daughters.
138. Headstone: Here lieth the Body of Walter JONES late of Boughton Mounchelsea. He died April 5th 1725 Aged 38 years. Left Issue: one Son and one Daughter, Willm and Mary. Here also lieth the Body of Mary, wife of George PIPER, Daughr of Walter Jones. She died Decr 20th 1710 Aged 20 years. Also Elizh wife of Willm Jones, died June 8th 1791 Aged 58 years. Left Issue 1 Daughr Mary. Likewise the above William Jones died Novr 7th 1800, Aged 80 years.
139. Headstone: Tho[ma]s CHARLTON of this Parish died April 16th 1742 Aged 71 years. Chapman his Wife died March ye 28th 1730 Aged 54 years. John Charlton son of [the] above said Thomas and Ch[apman] Charlton died Decem[ber ......] Aged 57 Y[ears].
140. Head and footstone. Headstone: In Memory of [A]br[a]ham KNIGHT late of Stapehu[r]t who died Nov. 21st 18[..] Aged 58 years. Also Elizabeth his second wife died Septr 2nd 1794 Aged 42 years. Likewise Abraham his son died August 1st 1793 Aged 26 years. Footstone: A.K.
141. Wall stone: Here lieth ye body of John CHARLTON son of Abraham Charlton of Loose who died Mar ye 15th 1662 aged 74 yea. He left issue John Thomas [.] Mary Susan and Ann.
142. Wall stone: Here lyeth interred the body of John CHARLTON of Linton he departed this life the 25th day of November Anno Dom. 1700 Aged 78 years. He left issue 4 sons and 3 daughters Thomas Beniamin Richard and William Elizabeth Mary and Ann.
143. Wall stone: Here lieth ye body of John CHARLTON son of John Charlton of Linton who died Sept ye 15 1683 aged 22 y. Behind him he left a good nam his neighbours al can tell I wish we al may doo ye same and so in Heaven dwell.
144. Wall stone: Here lyeth ye body of Abigaile wife of John CHARLTON of Linton who departed this life September ye 16th 1711 aged 78 years.
145. Headstone: In Memory of John MEAD of this Parish Butcher who died May 1st 1793 Aged 74 years. Also Martha his Wife died Decr 24th 1792 Aged 74 years. Left issue surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters (viz). Zebulon J[ames Elizth and Mar]tha [Thomas their son buried] [Jan] 23th 17[66].
146. Headstone: Believe and look with triumph on the tomb in a brick [vault?]. Beneath are deposited the remains of James MEAD of this Parish who departed this Life Septr 28th 1831 Aged 77 years. Also Elizh wife of the above who departed this Life April 7th 1830 Aged 66 years. Also Martha their daughter and wife of Edward FIELD who departed this Life Feby 27th 1829 Aged 29 years. Also William son of the above James and Elizh Mead who departed this Life Sept 24th 1848 Aged 55 years. Also James their son who died Feby 4th 1850 Aged [] years. Also Thomas their son who died March 29th 1861 Aged 55 years. Also Zebulon their son who died March 6th 1859 Aged 52 years.
147. Wall stone: [.......] the sons and [..... Will]m and Elizh [........]5th 1734 Ag[ed ..] [ ]emr ye 12th 17[4]2 Ag[ed ..]. M[a]ry the Widdow of John [ALLEN] from Sittingbourn. Died Au[gust .. 17]47 [A]ged [5]6 years. John Allen [Son o]f the above M[ary] died M[arch ..] 1753 Aged 22 Y[ears]. [Mary?] died Jan [...] Mar[gar]et [...] Di]ed Au]gust ..[....] Near th[is ....] John. (Burial Register: Mary Allen 12 August 1747, John, the son, 10 March 1753).
148. Headstone: In Memory of Sarah TATTON relict of the late Joseph Tatton who died June 16th 1855 Aged 84 years. "By touch ethereal in a moment slain/She felt the power of death but not the pain./Swift as the lightning’s glance her spirit flew/And bade this rough tempestuous world adieu./Short was her passage to that peaceful shore/Where troubles cease and dangers threat no more".
149. Headstone: In Memory of Mary daughter of Thos and Jane THOMAS of this Parish who died Septr the 27th 1801 Aged 12 Years & 7 Months.
150. Headstone: In Memory of Mary MEAD wife of Johnston SANCTO who departed this Life January 14th 1837 in the 69th year of her age. A virtuous wife and a loving mother. "Farewell fond Husband and my friends/Don’t mourn nor grieve for me./But praise we all the Blessed Lord/who from affliction set u[s free]. Left is[sue ................]/ Also [.....] John [..........].Footstone: M.M.S. 1837. J.S.
151. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Joseph GREEN of this Parish who died April 7th 1849 Aged 57 years. Also David son of the above died in his infancy Jany 15th 1839. Left issue surviving by Margaret his wife four sons and three daughters, Charles Connell, Ann Frances/Connell, Susanna Francis/, Joseph, Isabella and William. Also of Margaret wife of the above who died April 18th 1881 Aged 85 years.
152. Flat topped table tomb. Top slab: John CRISPE late of Boughton Mounchelsea, son of Thos Crispe of this Parish died the [..] of April 1770 in the 40 year of his Age. Here also are deposited the remains of Thomas Crispe of Loose Court in this Parish Gent. Father of the above John by Martha his wife nat. 20 Dec. 1699 obiit 14 Febr 17182 ætat 83. Also John Crispe of Loose Court Gent. son of the above John Crispe of Boughton Monchelsea by Elizh his wife nat. 8 Novr 1762 obiit 19 August 1792 ætat 30. Elizh widow of the above John Crispe of Boughton Mon. Gent died the 27th day of July 180[4] Aged 79 leaving one surviving child Mary. Also Richard Elmstone an infant son of Edward & Mary PENFOLD of Loose Court died 29 Decr 1792. North side: Sarah ye wife of John Crispe of this Parish dyed the 12th of February 1712 Aged 50 years. West side: John Crispe late of this Parish died ye second of December 1738 Aged 84 years. South side: Mary Crispe, of this Parish spinster died the 5 of Decembr 1767 Aged 67 years. East side: Martha the wife of Thos Crispe of this Parish died the 21st of Feb 1741 Aged 44 years.
153. Altar tomb. North face: Erected to the memory of Mary, the truly aimiable and beloved wife of Edward PENFOLD Esqr and sole surviving issue of John, the only son of Thomas CRISPE, Esqr of Loose Court; (by Martha, his wife) died 30th Jany 1842 in her 85th year after a happy union of nearly sixty years, with full reliance on Gods mercy through Christ her Redeemer. [A]lso the above named Edward Penfold Esqr of Loose [Cou]rt who died in the 90th year of his age Jany 19th 1848. George the youngest son of Edward and Mary Penfold, born 13th Nov. 1798, died 20th April 1807. East face: Also Charlotte third daughter of Edward and Mary Penfold, of Loose Court, who died May 17th 1869 Aged 79 years. South face: In Memory of Ann, the beloved wife of Wm. M. Penfold Esqr and elder daughter of Edwd HOMEWOOD Esqr. She left issue two children Edwd Hollingworth, and Elizh-Ann. Also of the ab[o]ve Wm. Margesson Penfold Esqr eldest son of Edward and Mary Penfold late of Loose Court who died April 14th 1876, at S[t H]elen[S Pr]eston Brighton aged 89 years. West face: In Memory of Edward Penfold Esqr second son of Edward and Mary Penfold who died at Tiverton Devonshire October 21 1861 Aged 73 years. (A slab on the west side marks the vault entrance – inscribed ‘Entrance’).
154. Wall stone: To the Memory of Humphrey John PAYNE who died Octr 15th 1800 Aged 9 years. Also Elizabeth Anne Payne, who died June 26th 1803 Aged 16 years. A tribute of Parental affection.
155. Headstone. East face: To the Memory of Thomas CRISPE who died Jan. 7th 1826 Aged 63 years. Also to Mary Wife of Thos Crispe of this Parish who died February the 12 1819 Aged 52 years. Also Elizabeth Crispe who died Jan 19th 1831 Aged 70 years. West face: In Memory of John Crispe of this Parish who died Dec the 26th 1805 Aged 72 years. Also Elizabeth his wife died Dec the 23rd 18[05] Aged 80 years. Left issue surviving one son and two daughters (viz) Thomas Elizabeth and Mary. Footstone: E.C. 1805.
156. Pillar. East side, top: Stat Parcarum Ordo Non Cunabulis Parcit Atropos. Pillar face: [........] Ben[jamin] [C]HAR[LTON] [C]hirurg[...] xxix. D[.]A.D. [..............] [.......] [.....] Sarah. South side, top: Una Manet Nox Calland Semelvia Jetui. Pillar face: Intus [...] sunt ci[....]. Saræ Ch[arlton] viduæ nup[....] Benja[min] Charl[to]n chirur[....] obit 18 [...] [S]eptembr . .[..] domini [....] [an]no ætatis [..] [R]eliquit Filium Unum et Filia [T]re. West side, top: Cras []rimus Umbra se[]em Properamus ad unam. Pillar face: [.... h]ere [lieth the bo]dy of [.]wife of [..........]ard [.........of] Pimps [Court, Ea]st Far[leigh, Dau]ghter [of .....]and [.....Char]lton [........]She de[parted this] Life [.....]. (Burial Register: Benjamin CHARLTON 2 June 1712. Sarah Charlton 23 Sept 1719).
157. Footstone: J.M. 1850. E.M. 1850.
158. Footstone: R.W. 1825. (Burial Register: Robert WILSON, 1 Feb 1825,, aged 70).
159. Footstone: E.W. 1830. (Burial Register: Elizabeth Wilson of Tovil, 10 Feb 1830).
160. Headstone: Jane wife of John MASTERS Died Octo. ye 15th 1710 Aged 50. [John Mas]ters the [.......] died Nov ye [..] 1716 Aged 59 years. (Burial Register: John Masters 6 Nov 1716).
161. Headstone: In Memory of Robert WILSON of this Parish who departed this Life Febry 18th 1779 Aged 52 years. Also Elizabeth wife of the above Robert Wilson who departed this Life May the 15th 1782 Aged 57 years. Also John Wilson, grandson of the above died August 25th 1854 Aged 67 years. Also Sarah wife of John Wilson died [..................]. Footstone: R.W. 1779. E.W. (This footstone belongs to the headstone and grave of Robert and Elizabeth WILSON). (Burial Register: Robert Wilson, miller, Feby ye 21st 1779).
162. Headstone. East side: Sacred to the Memory of Thomas PEARNE Draper of Dovor who departed this Life April 20th 1841 Aged 47 years. Also William his son who died Feby 16th 1853 Aged 15 years. Frances Ann MEAD relict of the above and wife of David DOEL who departed to Christ December 2nd 1885 Aged 78. Also Thomas Pearne their eldest son (music seller) who entered into rest Jany 1st 1919, aged 82. West side: David Doel (Dyer of Westbury Wilts) overcame at the last Gen. XLIX 19 March 22nd 1876 Aged 78 and is interred in the other Cemetery. Footstone: T.P. 1841.
163. Slab: Here lyeth Interrd ][ye] Body of Judith wife of John PEIRCE of Maidstone wh[o died ......26] [.......]. Left issue one Son [........]Mary & Jane.
164. Kerbstones. West: In loving memory of. South: Edward James COULTER born May 9th 1857 died March 4th 1923 Sexton of this Parish for 25 years. East: Peace at last. North: Also of Mercy Coulter who died Oct 5th 1939 aged 81 years.
165. Headstone: This stone is erected by his affectionate sisters. Sacred to the Memory of George FROUD who died Seper 16th 1858 aged 23 years. "Not dead but gone before". Also Geo. Hen. Froud who died July 2nd 1868 aged 58 years, 31 Clerk of this Parish. He hath gone to his rest. Also Harriet, wife of the above George Henry Froud died 10th May 1898 aged 85. "Rest where none weep, till the eternal morrow". Footstone: G.F. 1858. G.H.F. 1868. (This footstone leans against the wall near the west porch door).
166. Head and footstone. Headstone: illegible. Footstones. South: H? H? J. J H?. North: [[] H?. [1]829.
167. Headstone: In Memory of Thomas Britton FROUD died Aug. 5 1881 aged 29. "Thy brother shall rise again".
168. Head and footstones. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of James PAIN of this Parish who died April 1st 1828 aged 53 years. Also Susanna his wife who died July 7th 1843 aged 67 years. Left issue 5 sons and 3 daughters (viz) James, George, Charles, Henry, Willm, Mary, Susanna and Charlotte. Footstones. South: J.P. 1828. North: S.P. 1843.
169. Headstone: Sacred [to t]he Mem[ory of Mary] wife of Thomas Hal[] Daughter of Thomas [] of this [Parish] who depart[ed t]his Life [S]eptember th[e....] Years. Footstone: M.H. 1793. (Burial Register: Mary, wife of Thomas HALL, 4 Oct 1793, and their daughter 6 days later).
170. Slab: To the Memory of Mary Ann eldest daughter of the Revd Francis Thos GREGORY and Sarah Mayhew his wife who departed this Life June 22nd 1853 aged 19 years. "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it".
171. Block of stone: Sacred to the Memory of Fitzroy Holland MACLEAN third son of Lt. Colonel Fitzroy Donald Maclean late 13th Hussars who died 13 April 1881 aged 4 years & 11 months.
172. Headstone: To the memory of Elizabeth daughter of the Revd Frans Tho. GREGORY and Sarah Mayhew his wife. Born Octr 22nd 1843 died Jany 24th 184[4].
173. Headstone: [James?] EDMEADS died Apr 2 18[] aged 62 years. Also Sarah wife of the above died March 15 1886.
174. Footstone: M.J. 1734.
175. Headstone: Mary BOTTLE died Februy the 8th 17[1] aged 18 years. (Burial Register: Mary Bottle, 14 Feb 1771, daughter of Thomas and Frances Bottle)
176. Headstone: [William WALTER] of this Parish who died August the 4 1818 aged 32 years.
177. Headstone: In Memory of Edward WOOD who died July 21st 1895 aged 62 years leaving a widow, 3 sons and 2 daughters. Also of Ann wife of the above who died 10th January 1914 aged 82 years. Footstone: E.W. 1895. A.W. 1914.
178. Headstone: [.] of [................] STARTUP of this Parish who died Janry 19th 1863 aged 63 years. Also of Mary, widow of the above, who died June 22nd 1884 aged 67 years leaving Mary his widow 2 s[.............] Emi[ly ............].
179. Slab and kerbstone: Walter Hugh MOORE and his wife Jane.
180. Headstone: In Affectionate Remembrance of Richard SEARS died February 22nd 1842 aged 53 years. "Yea though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I will fear no evil. For Thou art with me: Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me". Also Sarah Sears the beloved wife of the above who died December 29th 1859 aged 68 years. "I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness".
181. Head and kerbstone: M. DAY 1760.
182. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Charles QUESTED who departed this life July 15th 1841 aged 7 years.
183. Headstone: In Memory of Ha[rrie]t PE[RRYMAN] [died ....] [aged 6? years].
184. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Edward TUCKER who d[ied] August 16th 1839 Aged 78 ye[ars]. Also beneath the Vestry lieth Elizabeth wife of Edward Tucker of this Parish who died April 16th 18[25] Aged 65 years. She was an affectionate wife and a kind and indulgent mother. Also Edward their son who died March 6th 1793 aged 4 years. Likewise Elizabeth their daughter who died March 30th 1793 aged 6 years.
185. Headstone: Here [Lyeth] ye Body of [Mar]y late wife [of] Benjamin JARVIS. She died [......]y ye 28 1734 aged 76 years. She was a virtuous wife and a most indulgent mother. (Burial Register: Mary JERVIS of East Farley, widow, July 31 1734).
186. Headstone: Heres Inter’d the Body of Willm HARRIS Paper-Maker Late of this Parish. He died April the 213th 1741 aged 84 years.
187. Headstone: Elizh Wife of J[ohn] FARLEY Paper Maker and former wife of Josh DEAN, having languished many months in extreme pain depart[e]d this Life Jany t[he] 23rd 1765 in the 55th year of her Age. Left surviving issue by both 2 sons and 6 daughters. The said John Farley died September the 2nd 1775 [Ag]ed 57 years.
188. Headstone: H[ere] lyeth ye Bod[ies of] Ben[ja]min JARVIS L[ate] of the Parish of [East Farle]y Freemason who depart[ed this] Life June ye 2[2]nd 1723 Aged 7[ Y]ears. Left issue by Mary his second wife 2 sons and 2 daughters. [......] John Edwd Mary & Ann. [.....] Here also lyeth ye Body of Ann first wife of ye said Benjm Jarvis. She departed ys Life June ye 6th 1685 Aged 25 years.
189. Headstone: In a Vault below lie the remains of Charlotte Farish DORNFORD the youngest daughter of the Revd Richard BOYS, M.A. Incumbent of this Parish, (Chaplain to the Honble East India Company at St Helena from 1811 to 1829) who died in Perfect Peace, confidently trusting in Her Redeemer the 4th September 1854 aged 32. "Thou wilt keep Him in Perfect Peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee". 26th Isaiah 3rd v. Also the remains of Agnes, the wife of the Revd R. Boys, who died the 15thg August 1862 aged 81. Also of Helena Frances Boys, daughter of the above who died the 8th Feby 1864 aged 49. Footstone: Also to the Memory of the above named Richard Boys who departed this Life Feby 23th 1866 aged 82 years. "His hope of Glory was Christ in Him".
190. Slab and cross: To the Memory of Dulcibella daughter of the late Henry BELL Esqr of Newbiggin House, Northumbreland died June 8th 1853 aged 43 years. Also Susan Jane Bell, widow of the above Henry Bell died August 11th 1871 aged 83 years. And of John MOORE Esqr of Rosemount, Loose, died April 21st 1881. Also of Matilda Jane Moore, widow of the above John Moore died November 20th 1891 aged 83 years.
191. Slab and kerbstone: To the Memory of Mary-Ann the beloved daughter of Charles and Elizabeth CHILDS of this Parish who departed this Life 20th of March 1854 aged 5 years and 2 months. Also Emma Helena Alice Childs died May 21st 1878 aged 18 years. "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away".
192. Headstone: In Loving Memory of our Dear Mother Elizabeth CHILDS who departed this Life February 8th 1895 aged 72 years. "Not dead but sleepeth". Luke 8th C. 52v. "I came to Jesus as I was/Weary and worn and sad/I found in Him a resting place/and He has made me glad".
193. Slab: [In Mem]ory of [Mary Ann MANSEL [......] Parish [depart]ed this Life [Octobe]r 26th 1854 [Aged 7]4 years. ["For as in Ada]m all died even so in Christ shall all be made alive". 1 Cor. xv c.22v. "It is the Spirit that quickeneth/the flesh profiteth nothing". John vi c 63v. Also Charles CHILDS of this Parish who departed this Life May 6th 1884 aged 68 years.
194. Slab: Sacred to the Memory of Eliz. Olivia LOSTE, Relict of George THORPE Esqre, Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire who died July11th 1857 aged 74 years. "They also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him". Thessns ivc 14v. Inscribed in grateful and affectionate remembrance by their only surviving child J.F. Thorpe.
195. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Lucy, wife of William WENHAM who died Novr 29th 1849 aged 40 years. Footstone: L.W. 1849.
196. Headstone: Edward FARRANT aged 9 also George Charles aged 74.
197. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of [F]rances CLIMPSON of this Parish, widow, who died Jany 18th 1854 aged 65 years. [L]eft surviving is[sue 3 s]ons [J]ohn Thomas and Edw[ard.
198. Head and footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Thomas BONNY of this Parish who died Sept 26th 1864 aged 52 years. Left surviving Elizabeth, his wife, 4 sons, and 4 daughters, viz. William, Thomas, James, George, Sophia, Mary, Elizabeth & Emily Augusta. "In the midst of life we are in death". Also Elizabeth, wife of the above, who died April 7th 1902 aged 82 years. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above who died Septr 30th 1902 aged 46 years. Footstone: T.B. 1864. E.B. 1902. E.B. 1902.
199. Headstone: In Memory of Cornelia the beloved wife of Charles DYKE of this Parish who died Nov 16th 1859 aged 59 years. Also of Charles Dyke who died March 20th 1872 aged 78 years.
200. Slab: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". Sacred to the Memory of Charlton Gibbs DENNIS younger son of Ralph and Mary Elizabeth Dennis who died at Detling in this county July 20th 1857 aged 30 years. Also of Ralph Dennis father of the above who died at Roseacre in this county March 2nd 1858 aged 67 years. Also of Mary Elizabeth widow of the above Ralph Dennis who died in London April 3rd 1866 aged 66. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive". Cor. xvc. 22v.
201. Headstone: In Memory of Hannah WILKINS of this Parish who died July 6th 1848 aged 24 years. Left surviving two sons (viz) Edward & Thomas. Also Albert Mark son of Edward and Esther Wilkins of this Parish, who died March 25th 1866 aged 4 months. Also Edward Wilkins of this Parish who died Janry 26th 1876 (after a long and lingering illness) aged 57 years. This stone was erected by Edward, son of Hannah, nephew of Edward Wilkins. Also Louisa daughter of the above Edward and Esther Wilkins died 22nd May 1894 aged 16 years. Also Elizabeth wife of Edward Wilkins died 15th April 1910 aged 89 years.
202. Headstone: Rebecca REEVES died Novr 1896 aged 75. Thomas and Mary Reeves, her parents, and Frances, her sister. "Light and shadow ever wander o’er the green that binds their graves".
203. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Fanny daughter of Wilm CRAMPTON & Elizh-Ann COLEBROOK, of this Parish died Septr 6th 1838 aged 4¾ years. "Death seized the treasure to the desert given: claimed the fair flower and planted it in heav’n".
204. Head and coped stone. Headstone: In loving Memory of Joseph BARKER of this Parish born February 1st 1811 died June 24th 1878. Also of Ann wife of the above born April 2nd 1815 died August 3rd 1857. Also of the deceased children of the above. James Sells, born Novr 27th 1837 died Janry 26th 1838. Sarah Ann, born Febry 14th 1839 died April 29th 1839. Ruth, born March 9th 1844 died March 5th 1845. Stephen, born Decr 31st 1847 died June 17th 1866. Sarah Grace who died in infancy. "He Giveth His Beloved Sleep". Cope stone, south side: In Memory of James Barker died March 4th 1855 aged 80 years. Also of Ann, wife of the above died January 18th 1857 aged 74 years. North side: Also of John, fourth son of James and Ann Barker died January 19th 1859 aged 43 years.
205. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of James WHITE son of William & Sarah White who died Feby 19th 1866 aged 18 years. "Watch ye therefore lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping".
206. Headstone: In memory of John GILMORE born 15th January 1815 died 24th March 1897 aged 82. For 48 years a faithful and devoted servant to the late Admiral Jones MARSHAM of Hayle Cottage. Also of Charlotte his wife born 9th April 1813 died 27 Dec 1888 aged 73. Stone: J.G. [189]7. C.G. 1888. (Burial Register: Charlotte Gilmore, 1 Jan 1889, aged 75).
207. Headstone: In Memory of William Henry TYRELL who died in New Zealand Septr 7th 1865 aged 34 years. Buried in Auckland cemetery. Also of Ann, wife of John TYRRELL of this Parish, mother of the above who died March 21 1838 aged 32 years.
208. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Lydia the beloved wife of Edward FROUD of this Parish Butcher died Octr 10th 1879 aged 63 years. "Alas the vital spark has fled, repel the thought that I am dead, and let this soothe the troubled breast, that her Thou lov’d has gone to rest". Also the above Edward Froud who departed this Life April 25th 1889 aged 75 years. Also Ellen Patterson STEVENS daughter of the above Edward and Lydia Froud, and wife of Edwin Stevens of London who was laid to rest August 8th 1889 aged 44 years.
209. Headstone: Sacred [to the] Memory of [Hen]ry WOOLLETT [wh]o [d]ied Oct 22nd 1877 aged 38 years. ["Blessed a]re the dead which die in the L[ord"].
210. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of George JONES who died Septr 24th 1864 aged 60 years leaving a widow and 2 daughters (viz. Cecelia & Phoebe) to lament their loss. Also of Sarah wife of the above who died Decr 15th 1890 aged 82 years. Footstone: G.J. 1864.
211. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Abel KITE of this Parish who died November 25th 1865 aged 26 years. Footstone: A.K. 1865.
212. Slab: Sacred to the Memory of Susanna wife of John Tooth AMIES Junr of this Parish and daughter of John – CHARLTON and Martha HUBBLE who died August 18th 1866 [Ag]ed 38 years. [Several indistinct lines]. Also the above John Tooth Amies born 25th Sep 182[9] fell asleep 20th Decr 1918. "Till the Dawn".
213. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Harriet daughter of John and Frances MASTERS who died Feb[ruary] 26th 1834 aged 20 years. Also of Harriet her daughter who died De[cem]ber 31st 1833 aged 4 months. Also of George their son who died May the 3rd 1836 aged 2 years. Also the above John Masters who died March 24th 1860 aged 85 years. Also Frances wife of the above who died March 23rd 1862 aged 82 years. Footstones: H.M. 1833. H.M. 1834. (Burial Register: Harriet Masters, 2 Feb 1834, ‘of Maidstone’).
214. Headstone: In Memory of Anna Maria CUMMINGS who departed this life April 13th 1837 aged 29 years.
215. Slab: Sacred to the Memory of Mary Catherine FORSTER late of The Avenue Regents Park, London who departed this life 15th December 1841 aged 64 years.
216. Headstone. Face: Sacred to the Memory of Ann wife of James CHITTENDEN of this Parish who departed this life September the 15th 1837 aged 30 years. Also Mary, his second wife who died Feby 23rd 1848, aged 30 years. Also Mary their daughter who died Septr 11th 1852 aged 23 years. Also the above James Chittenden, who died June 1st 1878, aged 73 years. L[eft] issue surviving 3 daughters (viz) Ann, Mary and Jane. "Kind Angels watch the sleeping dust/Till Jesus comes to raise the just./Then may we wake with sweet surprise,/and in our Saviour’s image rise". Reverse: In loving Memory of Ann wife o[f Ja]mes Chittenden who died 6th April 1900 aged 84.
217. Headstone: "Thy Will be Done". In loving Memory of George FROUD of this Parish who died June 16th 1899 aged 70 years. "Peace, perfect Peace". Also of Harriet, wife of the above, born Nover 12th 1835, died Septr 19th 1925. Interred at Woodland Cemetery, U.S.A. Also of Frederick John, son of the above who died Septr 16th 1876 aged 1 year and 8 months. Also of William Froud of this Parish, who died Decr 18th 1880 aged 65 years. Also of Elizabeth wife of the above William Froud who died March 13th 1904 aged 91 years.
218. Head and kerbstone: [.......] [John GAMMON] who died November [ 1863] aged 66 years. Also of Charlotte Gam[mon] wife of the above who died January 13th 1879 aged 79 years. "Gone to be with Christ which is the better". Erected by her affectionate brother Thos. B FROUD of Gunnersbury Middlx March 1881. Kerbstone: In affectionate remembrance of Thomas G. Froud who died March 12th 1923 aged 40 years. (Burial Register: Thomas Gammon, 29 Nov 1865, 66).
219. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Richard FRENCH of this Parish who died Janry 19th 1865 aged 85 years. Also Harriet wife of the above who died Septr 20th 1856 aged 75 years. Also Martha, daughter of the above who died Janry 1st 1848 aged 32 years. Footstone: R.F. 1865. H.F. 1856. M.F. 1848. (Burial Register: Harriet French, 23 Sept 1855, aged 75).
220. Slab: In Memory of Ida Isabella, infant daughter of Albert Frederick STYLE, born June 8th 1870 died September 7th 1870.
221. Footstone: H.K. 1840.
222. Footstone: J.K. 1832. (Burial Register: John Kemp 18 Dec 1831, aged 8 months).
223. Footstone: M.U./J.U. (Possibly stone for Martha and John UNDERDOWN).
224. Headstone: In Memory of Robert BRISTOW died Nov 9 1875 aged 64 years. He died in peace.
225. Footstone: F.C. 18[5]4.
226. Footstone: H.W. 1848.
227. Footstone: H.W. 18[7]6. (Possibly that for Henry WOOLLETT).
228. Headstone: In Memory of Charles Edwd MERCER who died April 3 1848 aged 8 years and 9 months.
229. Footstone: F.[]. 1839. (Burial Register: only person with initial F is Fanny KELLY, 24 Feb 1839, aged 2 weeks).
230. Headstone: In Memory of Edmund HADLOW died Dec 13 1864 aged 68. Also Mary Ann wife of the above died 1st Nov 1873 aged 73.
231. Footstone: H.M. 1833.
232. Footstone: J.R. 1805. (Burial Register: James ROBINSON, 9 June 1805, aged 12 years, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Robinson).
233. Footstone: T.R. [no date].
234. Small stone: Henry HIGHAM 18[ ]. Elizabeth [ ].
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Transcriptions of Memorial Inscriptions in All Saints Churchyard extension, now known as Loose cemetery, recorded by members of the Loose Area History Society in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Several headstones, now illegible.
235. Head and footstone. Headstone: Affectionate Remembrance of the deceased children of Charles and Mary Ann ALBURY of this parish. Harry died August 12th 1883. Aged 21 years. Julia died Sept. 7th 1868. Aged 11 years. Mary Ann died Oct. 11th 1871. Aged 19 years. Sarah Ann died August 15th 1874. Aged 23 years. ……./Joanna ……../……../ Charles Albu../……../ who fell asleep in Jesus ……../1893. Footstone: H.A. 1883.
236. Head and kerbstone: In Ever Loving Memory of Rev. William ARCHER, for 10 years Minister of the Baptist Chapel, Loose, who was called to higher service 9 Nov. 1906. Aged 38. "Jesus my heart’s dear refuge". Also his wife Elizabeth Archer died 11th June 1960. Aged 92.
237. Head and kerbstone: In Loving Memory of my dear husband John Walter ASHBY who passed away May 19th 1918. Aged 68 years. "Twilight and evening bell/and after that the dark/and may there be no sadness of farewell/when I embark". Also of Clara Ashby, wife of the above, who passed away Novr. 16th 1925. Aged 77 years. "After all life’s struggles/and the earthly life is done/My greatest wish is then fulfilled/to meet my dearest one".
238. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of James ASHBY who departed this life December 19th 1902. Aged 80 years. "My flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever". Psalm LXXIII v.20. And of Ann Elizabeth his wife who passed away July 7th 1902. Aged 79 years. "Peace, perfect peace". Footstones: J.A. 1902. A.E.A. 1902.
239. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Careiff ASHBY who died March 26th 1890 aged 34 years. "In the midst of life we are in death".
240. Headstone: In Memory of Ernest Charles AVARDS. Died 13 April 1900 aged 10 years.
241. Footstone. H.B. 1876.
242. Headstone: In memory of Susan[. ] BAKER who died April 16th 1869. Aged ../ years.
243. Headstone: [………]ce/ of Alfred George [BE]NNETT, …/Oct/…/…zoye…/….which sleep …./…..ring with him ……/…..Harriet BENNETT….mothe./…./above/…die./…rd 1888. a…/ Footstone. A.G.B. 1873.
244. Headstone: In Memory of Elizabeth BIDEWELL. Died 6th April 1906. Aged 70. "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God".
245. Head and kerbstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mary BONNY who passed away May 10th 1914. Aged 69 years. Also of George Bonny, brother of the above, who passed away Jan. 21st 1921. Aged 60 years. At rest. Also of James Bonny, brother of the above, who passed away March 12th 1929. Aged 77 years.
246. Head and footstone: In Loving Memory of Thomas BONNY. Died June 23rd 1911. Aged 63 years. "Peace, perfect peace". Also Mary Ellenor Bonny. Died Dec. 5th 1885. Aged 6 years. Also Harriett, wife of the above. Died Feb. 18th 1933. Aged 83 years. Footstone: T.B. 1911. M.E.B. 1885.
247. Head and footstone: In Loving Memory. John BUSBRIDGE of this parish. Died April 6th 1900. Aged 76 Years. "His was a calm sweet dying bed/no fear, no dread had he/Jesus has set him free". Also of Louisa, wife of the above, died Feb. 5th 1907. Aged 75 years. "Not gone from memory/not gone from love/but gone to our Fathers home above".
248. Cross: In Loving Memory of Thomas Harris BUSBRIDGE, late of Pimps Court, East Farleigh. Born 23 Dec 1842. Died 28 Dec 1900. "Thy Will be done".
249. Headstone: In Memory of Sarah Ann, wife of the late John CHAPMAN of Canterbury, who died February 1 1871. Aged 81 years. Also of Sarah Ann, daughter of the above and wife of John TYRRELL of this parish, who died February 20th 1877 in the 63rd year of her age. She died in peace. Also of John Tyrrell who died October 15th 1883 after 33 years faithful and devoted service in the family of the late Col. Walter JONES of Hayle Place. Aged 77 Years.
250. Head and kerbstone: Now the labourer’s task is o’er". In Loving Memory of Ada Mary, the beloved wife of John Thomas COLE. Died March 7th 1917. Aged 54 years. John Thomas Cole, died Dec 4th 1945. Aged 89 years.
251. Headstone: In Loving Memory of our dear brother Fredrick George COLLINS, who departed this life 3rd June 1897. Aged 33 years. Also Fredrick James Collins, nephew of the above who died 13th June 1896. Aged 4 years. And Lily Maud Collins who died 27th November 1896. Aged 5 months. "Gone but not forgotten".
252. Slab: In Loving Memory of our dear son George Thomas COLLINS. Born 12th August 1888, died 7th May 1908. "Fain I would have stayed with thee. The Lord he said it cannot be. Thy Will be done".
253. Slab and headstone: In Loving Memory of Marian Elizabeth COMPERE. Born July 10 1862, died Dec. 6 1891. "Requiescat in Pace".
254. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Harriet the dearly loved wife of Justinian COOPER, who died 26th August 1901 aged 62 years. Also the above Justinian Cooper who died 9th November 1908 aged 70 years. "With Christ which is far better".
255. Headstone: In Loving Memory. Willie COST[..]N (?COSTAIN) who fell asleep [in Je]sus 29th December 1[…] [ag]ed [.]7. Also ……../Cost…/who/…../ littli/…../hed l……/not/……/but……/.
256. Commonwealth War Grave: 290358 Corporal W.E. COULTER Suffolk Regiment. 16th October 1919. At rest in the Lord. (The Suffolk Regiment Crest at top of stone).
257. Wall stone: Sacred to the Memory of Mary Ann, wife of John COVENEY, of Bridge House, Loose, who died May 10th 1884, Aged 86 years. Also the above named John Coveney, who died November 4th 1889. Aged 95 years. "With long life will I satisfy Him, and shew Him My Salvation". 91st Psalm, 16th verse.
258. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Alice, the beloved daughter of William & Maria DADSON. Died June 28th 1909. Aged 22. Also William, the beloved husband of Maria Dadson. Died April 6 1915. Aged ??. Also of the above Maria Dadson. Died March 20 1922. Aged 67.
259. Head and footstone: In ever Loving Memory of Ambrose DAW, who entered into rest June 7th 1901. Aged 67 Years. "Peace, perfect peace". Also Eliza Daw, second daughter of the above who died Novr. 3rd. 1907. Aged 51 years. Also Eliza, wife of the above who entered into rest October 4th 1915. Aged 82 years. "Thy Will be done". Footstone: A.D. 1901, E.D. 1907, E.D. 1915.
260. Kerbstone: In Loving Memory of Daniel DAW. Died March 3 1905. Aged 52. "Rest in peace". Also Elizabeth his beloved wife. Died July 17 1928. Aged 78.
261. Slab and footstone: In memory of Joseph DIVERS. Died November 13th 1866.. Aged 43 years. A faithful servant to …………./o/…………esor. (remainder flaked off). Footstone. J.D. 1866. There are two more small stones lying loose here. E.A.D. 1896, and W.D. 1900.
262. Small stone: S.F. 1892.
263. Head and footstone: Erected to the memory of Mary Ann FARMER, wife of Thomas Cruttenden Farmer, who departed this life Decr. 22nd. 1853. Aged 53 years, and was buried in Highgate Cemetery. Also the above named Thomas Cruttenden Farmer who d[…..]ed this life May 2./[.]ged 73 years. Blessed ……../. Footstone. T.C.F. 1869.
264. Headstone: [……] Robert FRENCH. Died Oct ../1880/…../…../….. French/…./….. French/……./.
265. Cross: Thomas George FROUD, born July 29th 1861, died September 10th 1910. "Peace, perfect Peace".
266. Slab and footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Frances, the beloved wife of William-Henry FRYER of this parish, who departed this life September 28th 1874. Aged 50 years. Left surviving five sons and two daughters, viz: William Frank, Mary Ann, Harry, John, George, Cornelious & Frances. "What Joy! When she resigned her breath/for as her eylids close she smiled in death". Also the above Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Thomas REASON, who died March 23rd 1884.. Aged 24 years. Interred at Bromfield Shropshire. "She is not dead but sleepeth". Also William Henry Fryer of this parish, husband of the above, who died January 19th 1919. Aged 90 years & 10 months. Footstone. F.F. 1874. W.H.F. 1919.
267. Headstone: In Memory of Mahala, the beloved wife of William GAMMON, who departed this life Sept. 4 1884. Aged 33 years. "Brief life is here our portion". Also Herbert George, eldest son of the above. Died Sept. 9 1898. Aged 16 years. And Edith Cecelia Ann, daughter by a second wife. Died April 11th 1895. Aged 23 months. Also Alfred Waller, son of the above. Died June 11th 1909. Aged 24 years. Also Lucy Eliza, wife of the above. Died 18th Dec. 1927. Aged 77 years.
268. Headstone: "The memory of the just is blessed". Prov. x.7. Sacred to the Memory of George GAMMON. Died 4th Octr. 1905. Aged 65 years. Also of Mary Ann, widow of above. Died 4th Jany. 1918. Aged 74 years. Also Albert George, son of above. Died 21st July 1930. Aged 68 years.
269. Altar stone and kerbstone: In Loving Memory of Dorothy GILES. Died March 11th 1911. Aged 9 years. "Jesus who gave himself for me/…../Him/the night is far/…..(?spent)/he say/at hand/…….".
270. Stone and cross: In Ever Loving Memory of Frederick GOLDSMITH who died Oct 10 1910 aged 44 years.
271. Pedestal and kerbstone: Sacred to the Memory of Martha Jane GOODALL. Born January 13th 1856. Died March 16th 1927. Lily Augusta ……./ Died ……/Aged ../.
272. Head and footstone: In Loving Memory of Eric Tyler GOULD. Born 23rd March 1900. Died 6th October 1900.
273. Headstone: […]ory of William ……/GRAYLAND/.. [L]oose/w../…./6th April 1895. Aged 82 years. Also of Mildred his first wife, who died 21st March 187(?5).. Aged 6[.].
274. Cross. North side: In Loving Memory of Henry GURNEY. Born Sept. 27th 1817. Died April 11th 1906. West side: In Loving Memory of Mildred Ethel MAY (Dollie), daughter of Henry and Susan Gurney, who died November 12th 1901. Aged 24 Years. South side: In Loving Memory of Susan, the beloved wife of Henry Gurney, who fell asleep 23 Octr. 1903. Aged 67 years.
275. Head and kerbstone: Sacred to the memory of Caroline, the beloved wife of Robert HODGE (and only child of William and Caroline REED). Died Novr. 5th 1889. Aged 32 years. Also Rose, daughter of the above. Died Octr. 23rd 1886. Aged 9 weeks. Also of the above Robert Hodge. Born Octr. 30th 1856. Died Sept. 2nd. 1930. "I will trust and not be afraid". Isaiah XII.v.2. "Oh! weep not for the blessed dead/they are but gone before./Their schooling days of pain are past/and ours will soon be o’er".
276. Headstone: In memory of George, eldest son of Robert and Susanna HODGE, killed in action April 19th 1917. Aged 24 years. Buried at Gaza, Palestine. "Lo! I am with you always, even unto the end". Also Robert, brother of the above. Died Novr. 26th 1920.. Aged 26 years. "Let not your hearts be troubled". Also of the above Susannah Hodge, who passed over June 23rd 1936. Aged 86 years. "Come unto me and I will give you rest".
277. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Richard HODGE who died 7th July 1884 aged 79 years. Also of Eliza his wife who died 27th September 1879 aged 60 years.
278. Head and kerbstone: In Loving Memory of our little son Jack HOOD, who fell asleep Feb. 26th 1921. Aged 4 years. "He shall gather the lamb in his arms".
279. Kerbstone: Sacred to the Memory of Anne HOPE. Died Febry. 14th 1883. Aged 50. "Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him".
280. Headstone: In Loving Memory of James HORTON, who died 13 Oct. 1895. Aged 67 years. "He is not dead but sleepeth". Also of Harriet, wife of the above, who died 20 Sep. 1907. Aged 79 years. Erected by the family.
281. Headstone: In Memory of William JACKSON. Died 23rd March 1882. Aged 75. A faithful servant at Hayle Place for 53 years.
282. Slab and wall stone: James Durant KINGDON. Died 26 January 1899. Aged 68. Also Eleanor Katharine Kingdon his wife. Died 20 March 1928. Aged 84. To the Glory of God and in memory of the Revd. J.D. Kingdon, who was Vicar of this parish from 1884-1899. This cross is erected by his parishioners and friends.
283. Head and footstone. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Charles LARKIN [of] this parish, who died 20th Sept. 1902. Aged 74 years. "The Lord shall give his people the [Ble]ssing of peace". Psalm XXIX iii. Also Eleanor Frances, daughter of the above, who died 27th March 1882. Aged 15 years and 8 mo[nths]. "Safe in the arms of Jesus". Footstone. C.L. 1902. E.F.L. 1882.
284. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Lily LARKING who departed this life May 21st 1917. Aged 48 years. "Rest in peace". Also of George Edwin Larking. Died Feb. 4th 1929. Aged 64 years.
285. Head and footstone: [………….]/LAWRENCE ……../the above/……..OBERTS/. Footstone. H.R. 1879. E.L.
286. Head, foot and kerbstone: Sacred to the Memory of Alfred William LEE who died 10th May 1872. Aged 41 years. "So He giveth his beloved sleep". Also Mary, wife of the above, who died at Sittingbourne 5th May 1897. Aged 69. Footstone. A.W.L. 1872.
287. Head and footstone: Headstone: In Loving Memory of Sarah LIDGATE who died Dec ../ 1886. "We cannot tell ….fall/Beneath God’s …..rod/One must be ….. us all/Pepared to meet ……". Also of Sarah ………er/who departed …../January 30th 1892.. Aged ../. Footstone: S.L. 1886
288. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Sarah Annie, wife of Charles LUCKHURST of this parish, who departed this life January 4th 1903. Aged 56 years. "Thy Will be done". Also of the above Charles Luckhurst who died October 16th 1911. Aged 69 years. "Peace perfect peace". Footstone: A.L. C.L. (no dates).
289. Recumbent Cross and kerbstone. Kerbstone, east side: In Memory of Elizabeth Isabelle Sophia, youngest daughter of the late Revd. George F.J. MARSHAM. Born August 11, 1843, died September 1 1883. "Until the day dawn". South side: And of Sophia JONES. Born March 23 1813, died Feb. 5 1890. 4th daughter of Walter Jones, Esq. West side: In Memory of Marcia Elizabeth Maria, daughter of the late Revd. George F.J. Marsham. Born 4th 1840, died December 25th 1898. North side: In Memory of Catherine Penelope Jones. Born Octr. 29 1807, died Jany. 7 1886. Aged 78. 2nd daughter of Walter Jones Esq. of Ballimor C. ?Leitram and Hayle Place. Cross: In Memory of George Marsham. Died Dec 2 1927.. Aged 78. "R.I.P".
290. Cross and kerbstone: Henry Charles McALPINE, born 6th May 1849, died 18th Oct. 1894. Sacred to the memory of Maria Louisa McAlpine. Died 13th Sep 1935 aged 88 years. Also Kenneth McAlpine, born ? April 18??.
291. Stone: In Loving memory of Charlotte MASON. Died Jan 11th 1912 aged 68 years.
292. Slab: In Loving Memory. James MERCER of this parish, who died Sept. 18th 1892. Aged 46 years, leaving a widow and 11 children. "A light from our household gone/the voice we loved is still/A place is vacant in our house/which never can be filled". Also W. Edward, beloved son of the above, who died July 16th 1897. Aged 27. Interred at Gibraltar. Also of Mary Hannah Mercer, widow of the above James Mercer, who died Sept. 23rd 1912. Aged 62 years.
293. Cross and kerbstone: In Loving Memory of Ann, the beloved wife of W.H. MILLER, who died June 1st 1912. Aged 62 years. "Strong in her faith in God". Also of the above William Horton Miller, who died …./14th 1931. Aged 78 years. Also in Loving Memory of Catherine Elizabeth (Katie) their daughter, and wife of S.F. MCKENZIE, who fell asleep at Shanghai Decr. 5th 1922. Aged 41 years.
294. Head and footstone. Headstone: In loving Remembrance of Thomas MOON. Died Dec 13th 1896. Aged 59 years. "Gone before". Footstone: T.M. 1896.
295. Cross and kerbstone: Edward Marsham MOORE (Priest), Jany. 17 1844 - Sept. 5 1921. And Lucy his wife, Dec. 31st 1944. Aged 93 years. Also their son, Commander Aubrey Edward Duncombe Moore, R.N. Died 9th Oct. 1916 (sic). Aged 66. Beloved husband of Ann Moore. R.I.P.
296. Commonwealth War Grave: Commander A.E.D. Moore, Royal Navy. 9th October 1946, age 66.
297. Coffin stone: Sacred to the Memory of Sarah, the beloved wife of James MURRELLS, who died 2nd. Feb 1875. Aged 63 years. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". Sacred to the memory of James Murrells, who died July 7th 1882. Aged 76 years. "Unto you therefore which believe He is precious" "Ive bid the world a glad farewell/Ive done with suffering now/and never more one passing grief shall shade my peaceful brow".
298. Kerbstone: In Loving Memory of William Brunyn MUSGRAVE, youngest son of John and May Musgrave. Killed in the Harrietsham disaster October 11th 1931, Aged 19 years. "We cannot Lord thy purpose see that all is well that’s done by thee".
299. Stone: In Loving Memory of Peter NORRIS who departed this life 26 December 1890. Age 96 years. "Lies silent in the grave".
300. Head and kerbstone: In fond Remembrance of Charles PARKER who died November 6th 1875. Aged 49 years, leaving a widow and 8 children. "I came to Jesus and I drank of that life giving stream. My thirst was quenched, my soul revived. And now I live in Him". Also Sarah Grace, youngest child of the above, who died November 20th 1875. Aged 15 months. "And now she rests, our little one has laid life’s trammels by, has left earth’s fairest summer scene for flowers that never die". Also Willie, son of the above, who died March 11th 1877. Aged 18 years. Also Harriett, widow of the above. Born July 6th 1837. Died April 29th 1916.
301. Slab: In Memory of William PARKER who died 21st April 1872. Aged 71 years. "Awaited patiently for the Lord and He inclined unto me and heard my cry". Psalm XV vi.
302. Commonwealth War Grave: 2069400 Leading A.C.W. Gwendoline PEACH, Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. 26th February 1944. Age 22. "Farewell, dear husband. My life is past. Peace perfect peace". On kerb. "Peace perfect peace". Gwendoline Peach. Died Feby. 26th 1944. Aged 22 years.
303. Wall stone: In affectionate & grateful Remembrance of William PEALE, of Loose, who died Septr. 26th 1879. Aged 80 years. Also of Kate Peale, his widow, who died April 18th 1882. Aged 82 years. Their loss will be long felt by the poor, of this & other parishes, to whom they were unceasing benefactors. "When the ear heard me, then it blessed me/And when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me".
304. Body stone and railings: In Loving Remembrance of William PEALE OF Loose, who died Septr. 26th 1879. Aged 80 years. "Blessed is he that considereth the poor. The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble". Psalm XLI. i. Kate, widow of William Peale. Born 3rd December 1799. Died 15th April 1882. "It is sown in weakness. It is raised in power". I Cor. XV. 43.
305. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Samuel PEARSON who died May 6th 1897. Aged 82 years. "Blessed is he who trusteth in Thee O Lord. On Christ the solid rock I stand./All other ground is sinking sand".
306. Commonwealth War Grave: Gone but not forgotten. 32911 Private P.B. PERRIMAN, Northamptonshire Regt. 13th June 1918.
307. Headstone: Ellen Elizabeth PITCHER. Born August 20th 1849. Died September 10th 1915. Faithful servant and friend for 27 years in a family who still cherish her memory. "Rest in the Lord". Psalm XXXVII.7.
308. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of James RANSLEY. Died July 29th 1869. Aged 37 years. Left surviving Phoebe his wife, 4 sons & 3 daughters, viz. John, Celia, Mary Ann, George, Stephen, James & Sarah. "Dear wife my time is past/Love remained while life did last/and after me no sorrow take/but love my children for my sake". Also of Phoebe, wife of the above, who died May 8th 1895. Aged 58 years. Also of Celia, daughter of the above, who died April 8th 1876. Aged 17 years.
309. Headstone: In Memory of Robert RAYNER. Died 13th Feby. 1906. Aged 79. "His end was peace".
310. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Caroline, wife of ……/REED of this parish, who died Aug. 11th 1885. Aged 61 years. Also the above William Reed who died Sep. 26 1889. Aged 79 years.
311. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Caroline Elizabeth RHODES. Died February 6th 1896. Aged 30 years.
312. Headstone: In Fond Remembrance of Olive, wife of Thomas RIPLEY, who died July 22nd 1872. Aged 59 years. Left surviving 6 children, viz: Olive, Thomas, Moses, William, Mark and Cecelia to mourn their loss. "Husband dear my time is past/Love remained while life did last/But now for me no sorrow make/But love the children for my sake".
313. Stone: [In ever lov]ing Memory of Daisy RUSH. Died July 20th 1916. ?Lived [?] Age 47. [Peace] perfect peace.
314. Book: In Loving Memory of [M]y dear [Husb]a[n]d C[harle]s E. SHAW who died ?18 March 1921. Aged 40. "In ……/in……/O Lord. A[bide] with me".
315. Shield with inscription, on low pedestal: In Loving Memory of Charles Frank SHAW who died 20th December 1929. Aged23 years. "Never forgotten".
316. Stone: In Memory of Lydia SLOGRAVE. Died November 11th 1886. Aged 81 years. "Not lost to memory/Not lost to love/But gone to her Father’s home".
317. Headstone: In Loving Memory of John Henry SMITH who died 29th Jan 1886. Aged 78 years. Also Mary Smith, wife of the above who died 26th Oct 1823 (1893). Aged 82 years. "Her end was peace". "Gently the passing spirit fled/sustained by grace devine/O may such grace on us be shed/and make our end like Thine".
318. Head and kerbstone: In affectionate Memory of Henry SMITH of this parish, who died August 13th (?15th) 1915. Aged 63 years, leaving a widow, one daughter and four sons to mourn their loss. Also Adelaide Emma, wife of the above, who passed away Nov. 19th 1946. Aged 92 years.
319. Cross with three standing tablets: In Loving Memory. …./ STACE. Died April ../ 1819. Aged ?66. Also Emma Louisa, wife of the above, who died Dec. 10th 1927. Aged 71.
320. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Lily Dorothy STEVENS. Died June 16 1906. Aged 5 months. "Deeply loved/Never forgotten".
321. Cross on 3-tier plinth, and kerbstone: East face: In Loving Memory of Charles Nigel, elder son of Major C.H. STISTED. Born 29 Aug 1891. Died 7 Aug 1901. Also of his father, Charles Harcourt Stisted, Major the Royal Scots, of Egerton House. Born 24 June 1857. Died 29 January 1940. "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you". North face: In Loving Memory of Cecilia Craigie Stisted. Born 7 December 1867. Died 8 July 1955. "And the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it. West face: Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
322. Headstone: "Jesus saith I am the resurrection and the life". In Loving Memory of Edward STYANCE who died December 29th 1877. Aged 72 years. Also Rebecca, his beloved wife, who died December 1st 1878. Aged 70 years. "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want". Left surviving 2 sons and 4 daughters, viz: Thomas, William, Mary Ann, Sarah Ann, Elizabeth and Mercy.
323. Head and kerbstone: In Loving Memory of Charles Percival THOMSETT. Died 23rd November 1919. Aged 68 years. Also Anne Matilda Thomsett, wife of the above. Died 1st February 1944. Aged 90 years. "They shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts/in that day when I make up my jewels".
324. Head and kerbstone: To my dear wife Elsie TYE. Died Nov. 22 1931. Aged 30 years. "Until".
325. Headstone: In Loving Memory of George TYLER, a devoted husband and father. Died August 1st 1923 aged 51. "Honour through life, Courage in death".
326. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Rupert Henry TYLER, the beloved son of Walter and Sarah Tyler of this parish, who died 23rd May 1891. Aged 16 years. "Is it well with the child? It is well".
327. Small Maltese cross: In Loving Memory of Mary Jane, daughter of Eliz & Samuel V[…].ER of Islington. Died at ?
328. Fallen cross and kerbstone. East side: In Loving Memory of Susan, wife of (remainder buried). West side: Also the said Edward VINSON who died December 15th 1916. Aged 7[9] years.
329. Head and kerbstone: In Loving Memory of our mother, Mary Ann WAITE who entered into rest 8th Nov. 1901. Aged 57 years. "Looking for that blessed hope". Z.C. Titus B[v]. Also of our father Francis George Waite. Born February 16th 1848. Died April 2nd 1931. Interred in Parklawn Cemetery, Toronto, Canada.
330. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Joseph WATERS who died October 27th 1882. Aged 40 years. Leaving a widow, 1 son and 2 daughters. "He is not here but gone before". Also of Alfred William, son of the above, who died November 18th 1900. Aged 33 years. Interred in Newcastle Cemetery, Natal, S.A. Also of Ellen, beloved wife of the above Joseph Waters, who departed this life June 29th 1922. Aged 70 years. "Sweet rest at last". (The area below this has flaked off).
331. Stone: In Loving Memory of George WELLS. Died January 6 1919 aged 68 years.
332. Head, foot and kerbstone. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Thomas C. WELLS. Died Jan 7 1914. Aged 51 years. "Until the day break". Footstone: Also of Ronald Harold BOON, who died 18th April 1925, Aged 6½ months. "Safe in the arms of Jesus".
333. Kerbstone: In Loving Memory of Anne WILLIAMS. Born 11th July 1834. Died 13th January 1915. And Susan Ellen COOMBS. Born 20th June 1857. Died 22nd Feby. 1921.
334. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Rebecca, wife of William WILSON of Maidstone, who died July 23rd 1887. Aged 49 years. "We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed". I Cor.XV. Chap. 51 verse. Footstone: R.W. 1887.
335. Body stone. North side: In Loving Remembrance of William WILSON, who departed this life November 16th 1898 in the 84th year of his age. South side: Also of Jane Wilson his wife. Departed this life November 13th 1900 in the 81st year of her age.
336. Cross on plinth, and kerbstone: In Loving Memory of John WINTERFLOOD. Died July 22nd 1917. Aged 60 years. Also of Ellen his wife. Died July 8th 1917. Aged 54 years. "Rest at last".
337. Headstone: Sacred to the memory of Francis WOODGER of this parish, who departed this life 20th January 1884 in the 57th year of his age. "Remember me O my God". Also of Ann, wife of the above. Died 16th March 1915(?3). Aged 83 years. "Have mercy on me O god". Psalm LI, verse 1.
338. Headstone: In Loving Memory of Emma Matilda, wife of Captain James WRIGHT, late R.A. Died October 12th 1937. Aged 62 years. "Resting in peace".
339. Headstone: In Remembrance of Eliza YOUNG, wife of James Young of this parish, who died January 19th 1877. Aged [.]4 years. ……./……./All our fon[…..]….. dignify th../[me]et ……/[……..] we [……….] linger.
340. The War Memorial
To the Glory of God and in grateful Memory to the men of Loose
who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918
William Edward ANTRUM
Sidney Montague APPS
Albert George APPS
Charles Ivo BARKER
Edward Victor BONNER
Bertie William CLARK
Edward William COULTER
Arthur James COULTER
Christopher DADSON
David EZRA
John Greville FULKESFrederick GOLDEN
John Hugh GOULD
William E. Gladstone GREY
John Gladstone GREY
William Charles GURR
George HODGE
Reginald E. JONES
Lewis John KEMBER
Alfred Vernon LANGLEY
Frank Herbert MOON
William Edward NORRIS
Frank Benjamin PERRIMAN
William Charles PETTITT
Frederick C. SPURGEON
Charles John WINTOUR
Charles Ivo Baker was the son of Levi Barker and nephew to Sir John Barker who was the founder of Barkers' of Kensington departmental store; all of whom were born in Loose. Jill Coles (a Barker descendent) 29-09-2010
Vivian J. BACK
James J. BODY
Kenneth A. BRAY
Norman CLOKE
Alfred C. CULVER
Reginald L. GRAEFE
George E. MARTIN
Geoffrey C. MERCER
Robert E. MERCERFrancis T. NOLAN
Stanley O. PIERCE
Gordon A. SCULL
Edward R. TADMAN
Phillip E. TAYLOR
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
Alpin 16
AMIES 48, 212
ANTRUM 125, 126, 340
APPS 340
ARRIS? 124
Ashbourne 27
ASHBY 237-239
AUSTEN 17, 31
H.B. 241
BACK 340
BARKER 204, 340
BELL 190
BODY 340
BONNER 97,340
BONNY 106, 198, 245, 246
BOON 332
BOORMAN 55, 64
BOTTLE 110, 175
BOYS 189
BRAY 340
BRISTOW 50, 51, 224
Britten 47
Britton 167
BUFKIN 34, 39
BUSBRIDGE 247, 248
BVFFKIN 35, 38
Careiff 239
CASTREET 72, 131
CHARLTON 74, 127, 130,
132, 139, 141-144, 156,
200, 212
CHILDS 191-193
COLE 250
COLLINS 251, 252, 340
Connell 151
COULTER 164, 256, 340
COVENEY 15, 257
Craigie 321
CRISPE 8, 152, 155
Cruttenden 263
DADSON 258, 340
Davenport 57
DAW 55, 259, 260
DAY 181
DEAN 187
DENNIS 130, 200
DOEL 162
Duncombe 295
DUNN 103
Durant 282
Dyer 162
DYKE 199
ELLIOTT 63, 100
Elmstone 152
EZRA 340
S.F. 262
FAIRFAX 34, 39
Farish 189
FARLEY 20, 187
FIELD 77, 146
FRANK 8, 28
FRENCH 43-45, 59, 219,
FROUD 46, 47, 165, 167,
208, 217, 218, 265
Gale 5
GAMMON 218, 267, 268
Gibbs 200
GODDEN 93, 94
GOLDING 62, 68, 69
GOULD 272, 340
GREEN 129, 151
GREGORY 1710, 172
GREY 340
Gurden 119, 122
GURR 340
HALL 169
Harborough 87
Harcourt 321
HARE 340
HARRIS 89, 90, 186
Hawtayne 119
HODGE 275-277, 340
Holland 171
Hollingworth 9, 153
HOOD 278
HOPE 130, 279
HORNE 115, 116
HORTON 280, 293
M.J. 174
JARVIS 185, 188
Johnston 150
JONES 4, 6, 7, 14, 18, 128,
130, 134-138, 210, 249,
289, 340
Jude 40
KEMP 40, 222
KITE 211
KNIGHT 117, 133, 140
LAMB 36, 37
Lancefield 84
LARKIN 88, 283, 284, 340
LEE 286
J.M. 157
Makett 12
Margesson 9
MARSHAM 4, 13, 206, 289,
MARTIN 34, 38, 39, 105,
MASTERS 160, 213, 340
Maxwell 3
MAY 274
Mayhew 170, 172
MEAD 145, 146, 150, 162
MERCER 228, 292, 340
MILLER 67, 293
MILLS 51, 52, 102, 103
MOON 294, 340
MOORE 41, 179, 190, 295
NORRIS 299, 340
PAIN 168
PARKER 300, 301
Patterson 208
PEALE 10, 26, 30, 303,
PEENE 118-122
PEIRCE 117, 163
PENFOLD 8, 9, 152, 153
PERRIMAN 306, 340
PIERCE 134,. 340PIPER 133, 138
POST 2, 29
RANDALL 56, 58, 86
REED 275, 310
ROBINSON 92, 232
RUSH 313
Salisbury 97
SHAW 314, 315
SILK 107
SKINNER 80, 83
SMITH 23, 124, 317, 318
STEVENS 208, 320
STISTED 11, 321
STYANCE 322, 340
TAYLOR 62, 340
THOMAS 109, 149
Thornburgh 1a
TYE 324
TYLER 272, 325, 326
TYRRELL 207, 249
Udall 119, 122
V[…].ER 327
Waller 267
WALTER 17, 26, 29, 176
WATERS 113, 330
WELLS 331, 332
WILKINS 71, 104, 201
WILSON 75, 76, 158, 159, 161, 334, 335
WOOD 80, 83, 108, 177
WOOLLETT 209, 227
Amisfield Castle,
Dumfrieshire 111
Auckland cemetery 207
Aylesford 74
Ballinamore, County Leitrim,
Ireland 4, 6, 7, 289
Bedford 8
Boughton 130
Boughton Monchelsea 51,
71, 123, 130, 138, 152
Boxley 5, 66
Bromfield, Shropshire 266
Cambridge 119
Canterbury 2, 249
Chart by
Sutton Valence 131
Chatham 8, 16
Cranbrook 48, 90
Cranfield, Beds 8, 28
Detling 201
Dover 162
East Farleigh 52, 104,
185, 188
Pimps Court 248
East/West Farleigh 99
Gaza, Palestine 276
Gibraltar 292
Gloucester 8
Guernevet, Brecon 8
Gunnersbury, Middlx 218
Hamburgh 1b
Harrietsham 298
Highgate Cemetery 263
Hunton 87
Islington 327
Kensington 115
Kirton in Lindsey,
Lincolnshire 194
Leeds 36
Linton 27, 89, 142-144London 200, 208
Fish Street Hill 130
The Avenue,
Regents Park 215
Bridge House 15, 257
Egerton House 321
Hayle Cottage 4, 7, 206
Hayle Place 2, 6, 249,
281, 289
Holly Lodge 73
Loose Court 8, 9, 12, 40,
152, 153
Rosemount 190
Maidstone 22, 29, 30, 62,
84, 87, 95, 106, 119,
131, 163, 213, 334
Maidstone Union 115
New Zealand 207
Newbiggin House, Northumberland 190
Newcastle Cemetery, Natal,
South Africa 330
Parklawn Cemetery,
Toronto, Canada 328
Rochester 67
Roseacre, Kent 200
Sittingbourne 147
Sittingbourne 286
St Helena 189
St Helens Preston,
Brighton 153
Staplehurst 140
Sutton Valence 131
Tiverton 153
Tovil 159
Upwell, Norfolk 5
Westbury, Wilts 162
Wheelwright 117
Woodhurst 91
Woodland Cemetery,
U.S.A. 217
13th Hussars 171
24th Regmt of Foot 34
Northamptonshire Regt. 306
R.A. 338
Royal Scots 321
Suffolk Regiment 256
Corporal 256
Major 34, 321
Captain 338
Col. 249
Lt. Colonel 171
General 9
Commonwealth War Grave 256, 296,
302, 306
Honble East India Company 189Navy
Admiral 8, 206
Admiral of the White of 7
Commander 295, 296
Rear Admiral 4
R.N. 295
Royal Navy 296
Royal Airforce (R.A.F.)
Leading A.C.W. 302
Women’s Auxiliary Air Force 302
Alehouse keeper 99
Baptist Chapel, Loose 236
Barrister at Law 2
Brazier 29
Butcher 145, 208
Carpenter 32
Churchwardens 9Clerk 70, 164
Common Council of the Corporation 87
disaster 298
Draper 162
Electric light 3
Free Mason 130
Fuller 137
Husbandman 92
Judge 8
Loose Area History Society 1a
Malster 131
Merchant 1b
music seller 162
papermaker 20, 43, 44, 65, 186, 187
servant 281, 307
Tanner 17, 19, 71, 118, 119, 122, 123,
130, 131
Victualler 20, 107
Yeoman 93