Monumental Inscriptions in St Martin's Church, Acrise
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Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Paddlesworth Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Canterbury, St Peters Church
Monumental Inscriptions in St Martin's Church, Acrise
The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L. L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891. His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leave something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date. Transcribed and typed by Christine Pantrey
In the church
317. On the South Wall of the chancel is a brass formerly on a tomb:-
Here lyeth the Bodie of Mary the wyfe of Peter HEYMAN of Sellinge in Kent Esqvier Daughter and coheir unto William TIRREL of Beches in Essex Esqvier, She had issue, Anne, Jane, Syzan and Martha. Jane had issue by John HONYWOODE of Elmested in Kent Esqvier, Katherin who made this monument. She died the 7th day of Jvne Anno Domini 1601. Beinge of the age of 76 yeares. ANTIQVA FVIT ORTA DOMO , OIA VIXIT INIVIT VIRSO PVDICA THORVM, SPONSA PVDICA POLYM.
319. There are many monuments to the PAPILLONS formerly of Acrise Place – from the end of the 17th century – with their own arms – three butterflies.
L L Duncan Acrise, 5th October 1891
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 17th March 2008
1. On a very Neat Monument, on The North wall. [not drawn: TURNER (1.26) (Chartham) imp. (Griffin note: PAPILLON) Az. a chevn. betw. 3 butterflies arg.]. Memoriae S. Viri eximij Gulielmi Turner, Arm. Nuper de Hospitio apud Londinenses vulgò vocato Gray’s Inn. Natus fuit in Domo Carmelitarum dissolutâ juxta Cantuariam 1 Decemb. 1660. Denatus in eâdem Domo 24 Sept. 1729. Vir, Pietate erga Deum, Benevolentiâ erga Homines, Affectû erga suos, summè insignis. Juris Anglici municipalis Impendio peritus. In Causas Forenses agendo, felicitèr facundus; Clientûm fidelis Patronus: Ab Omnibus, praecipuè a suis, Maerore desideratus. Hoc Monumentum lugens posuit Anna Maria, fidessima Conjux, non immemor Conjugij sui; Filia Natu Minima Thomae PAPILLON Arm. Quae cum Marito dilectissimo vixit Annos. ML. Decemq Liberos enixa est; Quorum VII in eodem Sepulchro infra requiescunt: Supersunt reliqui vix Gulielmus, Anna Maria, et Elizabetha. Supradicta Anna Maria Uxor obijt 7 Octob. 1738. Aet. 73.
2. On a Flat Stone, under The Figure of a Woman, is a Brass Plate, with this Coat and Inscription. [Arg. a chevn. az. with 3 conquefoils or betw. 3 martlets sa. imp. Arg. 2 chevronels az. the upper with a cresct. or for diffce. a border engrailed gu.]. (Griffin note: HEYMAN and TYRELL). Here lieth The Body of Mary, the Wife of Peter Heyman of Sellinge in Kent, Esquier, Daughter and Coheire unto William TYRRELL of Beches in Essex, Esquier. She had Issue, Jane, Suzan, and Martha; Jane had Issue by John HONYWOODE of Elmstead in Kent, Esquier, Katharin, who made this Monument. She died the 7th Day of June Ano. Dni. 1601, beinge of the Age of 76 Yeres. Antiquâ fuit orta Domo; Pia vixit, inivit,/Virgo pudica, Thorum ,Sponsa pudica Polum.
3. On a Brass Plate, on Another. The Arms defaced. Here lieth the Body of Alexander HAMON Esq. who departed this Life the 22d. of Aprill 1613.
4. On Another Flat Stone. Here lie the Bodies of Thomas, Henry, Jane, Philip, Thomas, and Ralph, the Children of William TURNER Esq. and Anna Maria, his Wife, at the several Times following. Thomas died the 9th of Sept. 1690 aged 3 Months and 10 Days. Henry dyed the 3d,. of June 1694 aged 1 Year, 2 months and 20 days. Jane died the 12th of Nov. 1697 aged 3 years, 5 months and 8 days. Philip died ye 17th of September 1706 aged 8 years, 9 months 20 days. Thomas died the 17th of March 1701/2 aged 11 months and 14 days. Ralph died the 10th of September 1706 aged 3 years, 3 months, 11 days.
5. Another Flat Stone, The Inscription not to be made out.
In The Body.
6. On a Neat Monument on The East Wall, on ye South Side. [not drawn: PAPILLON (as before) imp. Arg. on a pile az. 3 dexter gauntlets arg.] (Gr. note: JOLLIFFE). Near this Place are interred the Bodies of Mrs Ann Papillon late Wife of Mr Philip Papillon of London, Marchant, and eldest Daughter of William Jolliffe of Carswell in the County of Stafford Esq. Who departed this Life the 10th Day of Feb. 1692/3. And Ann, Daughter of the said Philip & Ann Papillon, who departed this Life the 2d. Day of March 1693/4. Aged 1 Year and 20 Days. Also Jane the First Child. B.21, D.25 June 1690 (B.21 = born 21st, D.25 = died 25th). David, the 2d. Child, only surviving.
7. This Church, which is very small, consists of the Chancell and Body only. In The Tower, which is very low, hangs 1 little Bell, inscribed thus: Thomas PALMAR made Mr. (Thomas Palmar made mee 1664, Edward MARKS, C.W. – Stahlschmidt, 129).
8. It is a Rectory, in the Gift of the King. It is dedicated to St. Martin. The Present Rector is ……../
9. On a Wooden Rail in the Church Yard. Here lieth Nathaniel JOHNSON of African Extraction, born in Maryland, sent young to the Proprietor Saml. HYDE Esq. who used him tenderly whilst He lived as did his Daughter the Widow of William SEYMOR Esq. She encouraged his Instruction, and Baptism, and left him a kind Legacy for Life, wch. a Consumption ended the 28th of January 1755. Sensible of his Death, he ask’d Forgiveness, and had, through Xt. great Confidence of it, for that he had pleas’d all his Masters. Learn, You, who have had more Instruction.
HAMON 318, 3; HEYMAN 317, 2; HONYWOODE 317, 2; HYDE 7; JOHNSON 9; Jolliffe 6; MARKS 7; PALMAR 7; PAPILLON 319, 1, 6; SEYMOR 7; TIRREL 317; TURNER 4; TYRELL 2; TYRRELL 2;
Acrise Place 319
Beches, Essex 317, 2
Carswell, Staffordshire 6
Elmested, Kent 317, 2
Maryland, U.S.A. 9
Sellinge 317, 2
African Extraction 9
Churchwarden 7
Marchant 6