The Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Brenzett
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Bishopsbourne Church
Monumental Inscriptions in The Church and Churchyard of All Saints Biddenden
The Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Brenzett
The Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Brenzett in Kent noted by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Dawn Weeks, checked by Zena Bamping.
In the churchyard. South west portion
502. William BURGESS late of this parish died 31 May 1853 aged 67. Mary his wife 12 October 1866 aged 76. Left surviving by Mary his wife 13 children: Eliza, Stephen, Caroline, William, Robert, Mary, Peter, Thomas, Louisa, James, George Alexander, Elizabeth, Fanny Ann.
503. (Footstone) RT 1795 (probably belongs to the next).
504. Hannah wife of Richard TURNER late of this parish died 11 February 1799 aged 31. Richard son of above died 25 November 1795 aged 2 months. Left surviving one son and three daughters; Daniel, Elizabeth, Susanna and Mary.
505. Richard TURNER late of this Parish died 4thMarch 1833 aged 76.
506. Sarah, wife of Richard TURNER late of this Parish died 10thMarch 1811 aged 50.
507. Charles GRIST died 1stJune 1840 aged 39. He had issue by Mary his wife ten children: Charles, Giles, Mary Ann, John, George, Adolphus, Eliza, Thomas, Elizabeth, Harriet who died an infant.
508. George GRIST late of this parish died 23 August 1830 aged 36. Left issue surviving by Elizabeth his wife 2 sons and 2 daughters: Giles, Elizabeth, Louisa and George. Also Elizabeth his wife 5 March 1875 aged 86.
509. (Flat, in rails) Charlotte wife of Charles SNOAD of Brookland, who d….. 1815 aged 21. Left surviving one daughter: Louisa. Above Charles Snoad d…. 18, 1818 aged 29 years.
510. (Altar in rails) Sacred to the memory of Thomas GRIST late of Brookland, Grazier, who died 2 January 1850 aged 56. He had issue by Elizabeth his wife (now living) 4 children 3 of whom viz: Elizabeth, Susanna and Giles, survive him and Thomas who died 1 October 1831 aged 8 years 10 months. Elizabeth wife of the said Thomas Grist died 17 December 1860 aged 74.
511. Charlotte wife of William BURGESS died 6 March 1875 aged 63.
512. (Small cross) FL 1873. AML 1875. JBL 1880.
513. Lucy LEES née KERSHAW formerly of Monk Bretton, Yorks, died at Brenzett 8 March 1877 in 25th year. Also her 3 children: James Booth Lees "Jemmie" died 4 April 1880 aged 8 years 7 months.
South of the church
514. Henry CHEESEMAN and Mary his wife late of this parish died 2 February 1762 in 66th year of her age. He died 26 March 1764 aged 77. Left surviving 2 children Thomas and Henry.
515. Thomas CHEESEMAN late of this parish who was unfortunately drowned in passing from a neighbours house to his own 14 February 1771 aged 49. Sarah his wife caused this memorial to be erected. She died 20 November 1780 aged 58.
516. (Altar in rails) To Giles GRIST of Brookland, Grazier, who died 25 August 1811. Had issue by Elizabeth his wife six sons and (?3) daughters viz: Giles and John died infants, Elizabeth, William, Ann, George, Joseph, Harriot and Charles survive. Elizabeth his wife died 24 March 1828 aged 65.
517. William GRIST of this parish died 26 October 1825 aged 38. Left issue by Ann his wife 2 sons and 1 daughter: Giles, John and Susanna. Susanna daughter of above died 12 March 1826 aged 9 years.
518. George SNOAD of this parish and Sarah his wife. He died – September 1820 aged 55. She died – November 1805 aged (?41) ………………….. Elizabeth, George, Ann, Ephraim, M………….., and Mary Ann………………
519. Alfred son of George and Ann SNOAD died 12 June 1839 aged 20.
520. Ephraim Hemings SNOAD late of Ashford in this county died 12 July 1856 in 57th year leaving his widow with 6 sons and 7 daughters.
521. (Large alter tomb in rails) Top: Here lieth the body of William SNOAD (Junior) / late of Brookland Gentleman / who died March …..17(6 or 9) / aged ….. years / ………………….. / ………… Charles ………../………………. / On south side: William Snoad died 18 January 1810 aged –5 years (first figure is broken – it may be 8).
522. (Another altar tomb in same rails) In memory of George SNOAD of Dean Court in this parish died 21 April 1782 aged 51. Left issue 4 sons and 5 daughters. Also William Snoad died 4 December 1795 aged 69. Elizabeth Snoad wife of George Snoad died 25 March 1806 aged 71.
523. Mary BEARD died 13 November 1804 aged (?15) years and 3 months.
524. Isaac BEARD died 26 January 1841 aged 81. Mary his wife died 22 February 1840 aged 80. Left surviving one son, John, who erected this stone.
525. Mary wife of John BEARD of this parish died 5 November 1868 in 74th year
526. John BEARD died 21 March 1877 aged 86.
527. Ann wife of Charles SNOAD of parish of Brookland, died 10 December 1798 aged 25. Near lie 3 sons: James Terry Snoad, George Snoad and James Terry Snoad who died in infancy. Left surviving William, Ann, Charles and Mary.
528. John SNOAD of the parish of Brenzett died 11 March 1805 in his (?27th year). Left surviving Dorothy his wife one son: John Marriott, and one daughter, Dorothy.
529. Ellen SNOAD died 21 February 1822 aged 4.
530. Martha wife of Charles SNOAD Gentleman of Brookland died 25 September 1827 aged 47. Left surviving 8 children, 4 sons and 4 daughters: Elizabeth, Charlotte, George, James, Thomas, Martha, Henry and Ellen. Also Charles Snoad who died 2 August 1830 aged 60.
531. Edward MAPLESDEN died ….. February 1810 aged 59. Left issue by Hester his wife 3 sons: Edward died in infancy, Richard, John survive who (?erected). Esther his wife died …. May 181(?6) aged 6(?8).
532. Mary BEARD died 21 November 1829 aged 9 years 6 months.
533. Amy BEARD died 2 March 1810 aged 1 year 1 month.
534. Robert BARROWS died 14 April 1774 aged 55. Adieu my wife, my daughters dear adieu etc.
535. Thomas FISHER late of this parish died 13 March 1845 aged 8(?6). Mary relict of above died 4 September 1845 aged 85. Left one son and 4 daughters: Thomas, Elizabeth, Joanna, Sarah and Elizabeth.
536. Mary COSTEKER died 16 August 1818 aged 30. Also Charles FISHER 2 September 1824 aged 26. Also Edward Fisher who died (?in Singapore) 16 October 1825 aged 30.
In the eastern part of the yard
537. (Under east window) John FISHER died 12 September 1772 aged 39.
538. Thomas FISHER died 13 August 1744 aged 51. Also Mary widow of Thomas Fisher January ye 22, 1763 aged 74.
539. Mary wife of Thomas FISHER, 13 January 1771 aged 39. William their son 28 January 1771 aged 3 weeks.
540. Susanna wife of Thomas FISHER died 12 February 1774 aged 23.
541. Thomas FISHER Gentleman of this parish died 25 December 1818 aged 83. He had issue by Mary his first wife 2 sons and 3 daughters: Thomas, William, Catherine, Mary and Elizabeth. And by Susanna his second wife one son Edward. He was a Jurat of Romney Marsh 50 years to whose memory a monument is erected in the church (no 569). Anna his third wife died 23 February1810 aged 73.
542. Caleb CAISTER of Sellinge died 4 August 1810 in 63rd year. Ann his wife died at Wye in this county 10 December 1841 aged 88.
543. John HONYSETT of this parish died 30 May 1781 aged 28.
544. Elizabeth wife of James BOURNE of this parish died 7 November (?1788) aged (?25). Ann his second wife died 22 May 1810 aged 50.
545. John MAYLAM died 15 February 1781 aged 40. Mary widow of John Maylam died 16 August 1786 aged 70. William died at Gosport 13 May 1787 aged 38. Thomas died at Dymchurch ……
546. Thomas MAYLAM of this parish one of the Jurats of Romney Marsh 6 August 1757 aged 47. Left issue by Mary his wife surviving him 4 sons and 2 daughters: Thomas, Ann, John, Mary, William and James. Also James Maylam son of above Thomas and Mary died 7 February 1773 aged 21.
547. Thomas SLOMAN died 21 June 1738 in 6(2)? year.
548. Elizabeth wife of Thomas SLOMAN died 15 April 1758 in 86th year.
549. George SLOMAN died …. April 1780 in 7(..?) year.
550. Thomas SLOMAN of this parish died …. M….. (?March) 177-.
551. George AUSTIN died 13 February 1853 aged 70. Ann his wife 8 March 1856 aged 69. Leaving surviving Francis, Dinah, Harriett, Elizabeth, Naomi and Mary Ann.
552. (Broken headstone) Elizabeth SHARWOOD wife of William Sharwood of this parish died ……… 1813 aged 59. Left issue ………….. Elizabeth, Stephen …………..
553. (In centre of eastern part) Henry SMITH of this parish blacksmith, died 20 May 1809 aged 79.
554. (North eastern part) Mary wife of William REELY died 19 March 1798 aged 30.
555. (Headstone broken) William Reely died 19 March 1812 aged (?35). Hannah (?his wife) ………….. (Footstones WR, HR).
556. (Ditto). Footstones WR, AR.
North side of yard.
557. Jeffery FRIEND late of Brookland, Yeoman, deceased who died 14 May 1771 aged 40. Erected by his wife whom he left surviving and 2 sons and 4 daughters. His wife Lucy Friend died 17 May 1812 aged 83.
558. John CAPELING of this parish died in Guy’s Hospital 6 March 1879 aged 66. Martha his wife died 27 March 1878 aged 60.
559. Charles RICKON died 4 July 1862 aged 47. Left surviving Ann his wife and 6 children. Also Louisa Frances Rickon daughter of above died 22 January 1875 aged 25.
560. Thomas MORRIS died 28 April 1866 aged 71. Elizabeth his wife 10 June 1857 aged 60. Left surviving 1 son and 4 daughters.
561. (Head face down) Footstones WHM 1845. RW 1847.
562. Ernest Albert son of Edward and Eliza SMITH born 20 February 1878 died 9 January 1880.
563. Frank son of Edward and Eliza SMITH died 26 February 1871 aged 3 years.
In the church
564. (in north chapel a monument with effigies of two men): Dedicated to the memmorie of John FAGGE Esquire sonne of John Fagge of Rye in the county of Sussex Gentleman who married one of ye daughters and heires of Clement COBB of Canterbury in the county of Kent Gentleman, by whom he had issue two sonnes and fower daughters. He departed this life the 22day of June Anno Domini 1639. Here also lyeth interred the body of John Fagge of Rye in the county of Sussex Gentlemen, sonne of ye above said John Fagge, who married Elizabeth daughter of Barnabe HODGSON of Framfield in the county of Sussex Gentleman by whome he had issue one sonne and one daughter. He departed this life the 25day of July Anno Domini 1646. His surviving sonne caused this monument to be erected. On the front edge of the monument are two shields of arms, that on the left is arg. two bends vair (Fagge) impaling arg a chev.between 3 cocks gu (Cobb). That on the right is Fagge impaling erm on a chief gu. 3 swords points upwards arg (Hodgson). On the east and west ends are the Fagge arms.
In the nave
565. (Flat stone) Here lieth interred the body of William BEAN. He died February the 15th 1763 aged 66 years.
566. (Flat stone) Arms a chev. between 3 leopards faces impaling a chev between 3 stags trippant attired etc: Anna WENTWORTH dyed October 2nd 1761 aged 57. Hear lieth the body of the Reverend Mr John Wentworth Rector of Snargate upwards of 6 years and Vicar of Brenset 32 years. He died May the 26th 1770 much lamented by all his acquaintance aged 62 years. Rachel second wife of the above John Wentworth died on the 18th of December 1800 in the 90th year of her age and is buried at Stoke Newington, Middlesex.
567. (Flat stone) Here lyeth invalted? to the memory of our dear friend William SNOAD, who departed this life ye 26 day of March 1761 aged 65 years. Having left a widow and three children viz: William, George and Mary. Here also lieth the body of Mary his wife who departed this life January the 22nd 1763 aged 58 years.
568. (Mural) In loving memory of Rhoda CAPELING died 24 June 1903 aged 56 years. Erected by her daughter Elizabeth E PALMER, Calefornia.
569. (Mural) Sacred to the memory of Thomas FISHER Gentleman of this parish departed this life December 25, 1813 aged 83. He was a Jurat of Romney Marsh 50 years. His remains are interred at the south east corner of the churchyard. (see No. 541).
Index of Names, Places and General
Names Index
Austin 551
Barrows 534
Bean 565
Beard 523 524 525 526 532 533
Bourne 544
Burgess 502 511
Caister 542
Capeling 558 568
Cheeseman 514 515
Cobb 564
Costeker 536
Fagge 564
Fisher 535 536 537 538
539 540 541 569
Friend 557
Grist 507 508 510 516 517
Hodgson 564Honysett 543
Kershaw 513
Lees 513
Maplesden 531
Maylam 545 546
Morris 560
Palmer 568
Reely 554 555
Rickon 559Sharwood 552
Sloman 547 548 549 550
Smith 553 562 563
Snoad 509 518 519 520 521
522 527 528 529 530 567
Turner 504 505 506
Wentworth 566
Place Index
Ashford, Kent 520
Brenset 566
Brenzett 513 528
Brookland 509 510 516 521 527 530 557
Calefornia 568
Canterbury 564
Dean Court 522
Dymchurch 545
Framfield, Sussex 564
Gosport 545London
Guy’s Hospital 558
Monk Bretton, Yorkshire 513
Rye, Sussex 564
Sellinge 542Singapore 536
Snargate 566
Stoke Newington, Middlesex 566
Wye, 542
General Index
Blacksmith 553
Grazier 510 516Jurat of Romney Marsh 541 546 569
Rector 566
Reverend 566Vicar 566
Yeoman 557