Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Cheriton Church
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The Monumental Inscriptions in Folkestone Church
Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hawkinge Church
Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Cheriton Church
The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Cheriton Church, noted by 28th September 1891 Leland L. Duncan.
The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891. His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.
Transcribed and typed up by Christine Pantrey
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 9th April 2008
Cheriton Church.
218. Brass with figure of a lady: Heare lyeth the Body of Joane BRODNAX the wife of Robert Brodnax who had issue by the said Robert syx sonnes and eyght daughters and She departed this worlde the 23 daye of January 1592 Beinge of the age of XXXIX yeares. Lyve well and dye never Dyee well and live ever.
219. Brass of a robed priest, standing erect and praying: (Illustrated).
Orate f (?) uia Johis CHILD antibz magr ae quoda Rector is Ecclie ………… ……………….. ……………. …………. …de Cheryton q Obiit Vo die feabr. Ao dni MCCCC lxxiiij cuis aie ppiciePur de. Amen.
220. Another brass with figure of a priest in Eucharistic vestments: Inscription: Hic iacet dns Thomas FOGG quoda filis Johis Fogg ? mi litis istis Ecclie quota rector q obiit 12 Kt. Augusti. Ao Do 1602.
221. Flat stone in Nave:- Zouch BROCKMAN Gent, son of Zouch Brockman of this parish Esquire. dyed 5 of November 1680 aged 22. Luck Brockman ob. 2 (March?) 1718 aetat 11 septiman. (sic) H. B. ob. 21 October 1710. Abigail Brockman obyt X die May 1722 aetatis sua 6 Septiman.
222. Another flat stone in Nave:- Henry BROCKMAN Gent son of Zouch Brockman of this parish Esquire dyed 21st January 1664 aged 17. William Brockman Gent, son of Zouch Brockman Esquire of Cheriton dyed 29th May 1696 aged 45. Hee had issue by Mary his loving wife three sons and six daughters.
223. There is another much worn:- ……… ………. ……….. …….. ……son of William B……. of this parish, Gent………..07 aged….…………………………………. …………………………………..
224. Flat stone at West end of Nave- Cheriton. Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Harriet S………… D….. Ins who d… …….. dgate Oct…………..1818 aged………years.
225. In North Chancel under the squint:-Here lieth interred the Body of Mrs Elizabeth RALEIGH Grand daughter of the famed Sir Walter Raleigh who died at Endbrook the 26th day of October 1716 aged 30 yeares.
226. Another on North wall of North Chancel:- Here lieth ye body of Francis CHISMAN who died ye 27th of January Ao. Di. 1664 aged 63 yeares.
227. On floor – West end of North aisle:- Here lieth the Body of Richard CVLLEN who Departed this life ye 28th of June in ye yeare 1648 beinge aged 61 yeares and left issue one sonne and three daughters.
228. Another :- Here Lieth interred ye Body of Mr Robert HOBD…..(Hobday) of ye parish of Folkestone He died June ye … 170… aged 45 yeares.
228a A third is illegible .
Notes from Cheriton Churchyard.In Western Part:229. In Memory of Ann WYATT died March 28th 1865 aged 63 years.
230. Seath FRIEND yeoman late of the parish of Newington died 21st March 1807 aged 58. Left surviving by Ann his widow four sons and one daughter: John, Thomas, Richard, William and Elizabeth. Also Richard Friend son of above died May 5th 1790 aged seven months. Also Ann wife of Seath Friend died September 4th 1818 aged 61. Left surviving the same issue.
231. Martha wife of William STOCKWELL died November 6th 1710 aged 39. William Stockwell died May 5th 1710 aged 41. Left two sons and one daughter: John, William and ……… (underground).
232. Bartholomew TAYLOR of Newington Yeoman died 17th October 1741 aged 63.
Stones North of Chancel- on a line with East end:-233. Elizabeth wife of John CAISTER of this parish died 1st February 1721 aged 48. Left three sons and two daughters. John Caister died 14th November 1753 in ye 88th year of his age. William his son died 1st August 1737 in ye 23rd year of his age.
234. Ann wife of Thomas WIBORNE died 12th February 1724 aged 50. Left two sons and two daughters. Thomas Wiborne late of this parish, Carpenter died 21st February 1724 aged 49.
235. Mary wife of Thomas CAISTER Died 11th December 1760 in 51st year. Left six sons and one daughter: Thomas, William, John, James, Henry, Caleb and Elizabeth. Above Thomas Caister, 28th March 1771 in 72nd year.
Cheriton 28th September 1891.
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Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 9th April 2008
In The Chancell.
1. On a brass Plate, under The Figure of a Priest, on a Flat Stone. Hic Jacet Dominus Thomas FOGGE quondam Filij (sic) Johannis Fogge Militis, istius Ecclesiae quondam Rector qui ob. 12 Kl. Augusti A.D. M……/.
2. On a Brass Plate, under The Figure of a Priest, on a Flat Stone. Orate pro Aiâ Johis CHILD in Artibus Magistri, et quondam Rectoris Ecclesiae de Cheryton, qui obijt v. Die Decembris A.Dni. MCCCCLXXIIII (1574). Cujus Aie ppicietur Deus. Amen.
3. On a Brass Plate, under the Fig. of a Woman, with an Hat, and a Ruff – on a Flat Stone. Heare lyeth the Bodye of Joane BRODNAX The Wife of Robert Brodnax, who had Issue, by the sayd Robert, Syx Sonnes, and Eyght Daughters. She departed this Worlde the 23d. Daye of January 1592/3 beinge of the Age of XXXIX Yeares. Lyve well and dye never;/Dye well and Lyve ever.
4. Seven Other Ancient Flat Stones, none of them legible.
5. On each Side of this Chancell are 7 Pillasters, which support Mitred Arches; and under each Arch is a Stone Bench or Seat. They seem to have been intended for Stalls. The 2 Seats next the Altar, on each Side, are about 8 Inches higher than the rest.
In The North Chancell.
6. Under a round Arch in the North Wall lie The Figures in Stone, at full Length, of a Man and a Woman, as they seem; For they have both of them long Garments, but that of [the] Figure which I take to be the man, is shorter than the other. They are both greatly defaced, and broken. I could find No Inscription, or Coat Armour, by which I could tell who they were Cut for.
7. Here are four Ancient flat Stones without Inscription.
8. The East Window of this Chancell seems to have been a very fine One, from its broken Remains. On ye Top of it is still to be seen a small Representation of the Crucifixion.
In The Body.
9. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred The Body of Mr William BROCKMAN of this Parish Gent. who died Sept. 19 1707. Aged 25 Years. Also here lieth interred, the Body of James BROCKMAN, Gent. Brother of the abovesaid William Brockman, who died July the 30th 1712. Aged 22 Years.
10. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Henry BROCKMAN Gent, Son of Zouch Brockman of this Parish Esq. who died the 21st of January A.D. 1664/5. Aged 17 Years. Here also lieth interred the Body of William Brockman Gent. Son of Zouch Brockman Esq. of Cheriton. He died the 29th of May A.D. 1696 Aged 45 Yeares. He had Issue by Mary his loving Wife 3 Sonnes and 6 Daughters.
11. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Elisabeth BROCKMAN, Daughter of William Brockman of this Parish Gent. who died Octob. the 15th 1707. Aged 19 Years.
12. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Zouch BROCKMAN of this Parish Esq. who died the 5th of November A.D. 1680. Aged 22 Yeares. Lucia Brockman obijt 23 Martij 1718/9. Aetatis 11 Septiman. H.B. obijt 21 Octob. 1719. Abigail Brockman obijt x Die Maij 1721. Aetatis suae 6 Septimanis.
In The South Isle.
13. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Robert HOBDAY of the Parish of Folkestone. He died June 20 1709. Aged 45 Years.
14. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Richard CULLEN, who departed this Life the 28th of June in the Yeare 1648, being aged 61 Yeares. and left Issue 1 Sonne and 3 Daughters.
15. One other Flat Stone without Inscription.
16. Under a round Arch in the South Wall is the Stone Statue, at Full Length, of a Woman, habited like those in the North Chancell; but, without either Inscription or Coat.
17. In The same Wall are 2 Nitches, like confessional Chairs.
18. This Church consists of The Great and North Chancells, The Body and an Isle to the South.
19. In the Tower, which is at the West End, hang 4 Bells thus Inscribed.
1. Joseph HATCH made Me. 1632. (Coz. 1634).
2. Joseph Hatch made Me. 1632. (Coz. 1634).
3. Joseph Hatch made Me. 1607. (Coz. 1607).
4. Sit Nomen Domini benedictum. (Coz. Sit, etc). (Stahl. 219. whole ring of 4 recast into 6, all Mears & Stainbank, and all 1881). (S. gives the previous 4 as 1634 for 1&2, 1607 for 3, Sit nomen for 4).
20. In The Church Yard, is an Ancient Altar Tomb sans Inscription – and Memorials of CAISTER, HAMMOND, HART, HAYWARD, PILCHER, SAFORY & VALYER.
21. This Church was dedicated to St. Martin. It is a Rectory in the Patronage of James BROCKMAN Esq. The present Rector is the Revd. Mr. E. PARKER, who is also rector of Newington adjacent. 1759.
Index of Names and Places
Name Index
BROCKMAN 221, 222,
9-12, 21
BRODNAX 218, 3
CAISTER 233, 235, 20
CHILD 219, 2
CULLEN 227, 14
FOGG 220
WYATT 229Places Index
Endbrook 225
Folkestone 228, 13
Newington 230, 232, 21
GeneralCarpenter 234
yeoman 230, 232