Some Monumental Inscriptions of Chislet Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Hoath Church
Monumental Inscriptions of St Margaret's Church, St Margaret's Street, Rochester
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Chislet Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Chislet Church, noted by Bax & Rice Thursday Thursday 13 April 1897. Pages 112-115 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added 7th July 2008.
No B(ax's)
1. AJ on N side of church – arms above Here lieth the body of David DENNE of Chislet who departed this life October 3 1772 aged 67 years. Also Ann wife of the above David Deene died July 12 1780 aged 72 years. Likewise David son of David and Ann Deene (sic) died June 11 1777 aged 29 years.
2. Arms above Here lieth the body of Thomas DENNE of Chislet who departed this life May 29 1717 aged 72. Here lieth the body of Mary wife of Thomas Denne of Chislet Court who departed this life May 16 1731 aged 67.
3. HS cherub’s head In memory of Robert DENNE and Mary his wife. He died September 30 1772 aged 74. She died April (March) 5th 1744 aged 50.
4. HS Hourglass surrounded by foliage work In memory of Elizabeth wife of Stephen WARMAN and Ann Denne of this parish she died 2 September 1764 aged 26 years.
5. HS In memory of Mr. John DENNE who departed this life November the 7 1781 aged 31 years and left surviving a wife and five children 2 sons and 3 daughters.
6. HS 2 cherub heads (very mummy like faces) In memory of John Denne ………./Also of Anne his wife late of this parish/……….she died 27 September 1766 He died October 24th 1777/ ………..aged 75 years aged 82 years. They left surviving 2 sons John and William.
7. HS 2 cherub’s heads Here lieth interr’d the body of Elizabeth the wife of Thomas DENNE who died the 2 of April 1755 aged 23 years. Left surviving one son (viz) Thomas.
8. HS Cherub’s head, a skull on either side Here lieth the body of Jonathan son of Jonathan and Hannah DENNE of ys parish who died May 22nd 1766 aged 21 years. 4 lines of poetry.
9. HS double Here lies the body of Hannah DENNE wife of Jonathan Denne of this parish who died September 16 1762 aged 53. Left issue 2 sons viz. Henry and John. Here lies the mortal part of a beloved wife. Here lies the body of Jonathan Denne late of this parish died ……. May 1775 aged 68 years.
10. HS In memory of John? DENNE …………….
11. HS In memory of Mary the wife of Henry DENNE of this parish who died February 4th 1790 aged ….. years.
12. HS In memory of Mr. Henry DENNE of this parish who died July 17 1792 aged 60 years.
13. HS Cherub’s head, trumpets In hopes of a joyful resurection (sic). Here lieth the body of Stephen BRICE of this parish Gent who died the 27th of February 1746 aged 62. Also here lieth the body of Elizabeth his wife who died the ……. November 1764 aged 69/0 years. (6 lines)
14. HS 3 sculls above Here lieth ye body of Elizabeth wife of Joseph GREENSTREET of Harbledown, daughter of Stephen and Sarah Brice late of this parish. She left issue by ye said J. Greenstreet …. son …. daughter/s. She died 1736 aged 51 years.
15. HS Hourglass, flaming torch, a figure bursting from the limb, cherub’s head above it In memory of Anna, wife of William SHARP she died July 15th 1787 aged 44 years. Also 3 children, Anna died June 26th 1777 aged 9 months, William died November 18th 1780 aged 1 year, Sealy died September 2nd 1782 aged 3 months.
16. NB There is another HS To "SHARP" adjoining.
17. HS (close to the W door) …….. Anthony MAY late of this parish Carpenter who departed this life February …. 177… …….. years. Lines of poetry.
18. HS Cherub’s head Here lieth the body of Ann MAY wife of Anthony May of this parish who departed this life March the 29 1752 aged 55 years. Left issue one son viz. James.
19. On the N side a large vault The family vault of Mr. John COLLARD Prospect House, Herne March 1839.
20. HS 2 cherub’s heads, hourglass between In memory of Richard DAVIS late of the City of Canterbury. He died 11 February 1770 aged 61. Also of Mary his wife she died 4 May 1762 aged 53 years. Likewise of Mary wife of Thomas Parker of the City of Canterbury and daughter of the above Richard and Mary Davis she died 10 March 1771 aged 33 years.
21. HS In memory of Thomas PARKER late of the parish of St. George the Martyr in the City of Canterbury who died January 31 1878 aged 65 years. Also of George PARKER GOYER? grandson of the above Thomas Parker who died September 20 1788 aged 10 months.
22. HS Here lieth ….. body of William MAY …… departed this life …. 1st of January 1778 aged 31 years. (4 lines of poetry). Near this place also lieth John May and John May and Elizabeth May ………… (sunk).
23. At the E end of the church is an iron plate let into the wall The family vault of Mr. Thomas DENNE Reculver erected November 1814.
Stones on the S side
24. HS 2 sculls, cross bones Here lieth ye body of John FAIRMAN late of this parish who departed this life January 20th 1732 aged 67 years.
25. HS 2 sculls, cross bones Here lieth ye body of Mary FAIRMAN wife of John Fairman late of this parish who died December 25th 1735 aged 71 years.
26. Besides the names already enumerated there are many others including 6 to Gurney, 1 Gurney Holman, Holloway, Minter, Nash, Wootton (of this pr. Minster), Collard (numerous), high tomb to John Wacher of this p. 1821. Informed by the sexton that all the epitaphs have been printed.
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Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added
In The Chancell.
27. On a Neat Monument, on The North Wall. [¼ly: 1&4). Sa. a stag statant arg. 2). Arg. on a bend gu. 3 fusils arg. 3). Or, a griffin segrt. & a border gu. [BOYS – V.J.T]. Near This Place lieth the Body of Elizabeth, Wife of Thomas JONES of Chislet Court Esq. who departed this Life May 4 1724 aged 69 Years. Also, near this Place, lieth the Body of Mary Jones, Daughter of Thomas Jones Esq. and Elizabeth his Wife; who departed this Life Oct. 11 1728 aged 31 Years. Near this Place lieth the Body of William JONES Gent, only Son of Thomas Jones Esq. and Elizabeth his Wife; who departed this Life Dec. 2 1739 aged 38 Years.
28. On a Monument on the South Wall. (Shield of HUNT as at Page 114) (Reculver). Near this Place lieth buried The Body of Stephen Hunt, late of this Parish Gent. and eldest Son of Jonas Hunt, who lieth buried in ye Parish Church of Preston near Faversham; He died the 4th Day of August 1680 in the 39th Yeare of his Age.
29. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Elizabeth, Wife of Thomas JONES of Chislet Court Esq, who departed this Life May 4 1724 aged 69 Years.
30. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of Mary JONES, Daughter of Thomas Jones of Chislet Court Esq. and Elizabeth his Wife who departed this Life Oct. 11 1728 aged 31 Years.
31. On Another. Here lieth The Body of William JONES Gent, only Son of Thomas Jones of Chislet Court Esq. and Elizabeth his Wife; who departed this Life Dec. 2 1739 aged 38 Years.
32. On Another. [Or, a chevn. checky arg. & az. betw. 3 water-buckets sa. ROSE]. Hic jacet Edvardus …………./Gens Antiqua et bellica…../Sic placnisse ferunt, nec…./Rosa vocant./Rosa virens, mutato Nomime, florida Rosa,/Sic maneat semper cujus ……/Stemmata florescant ………./ Obijt vicessimo quarto Die …./Anno Domini MDCLX…/.
33. Some Remains of good Glass in the Middle Window on ye South Side.
34. The Arch, between The Chancell and the Body, is a round one.
In The Body.
35. Is only 1 Flat Stone, and that without Inscription – it appears to be very ancient and has been inlaid.
36. This Church consists of the Chancell, Body, and 2 Side Isles. The Steeple stands in the Middle, between The Chancell and the Body; in it hang 6 Bells, all cast in the Year 1729 by Samuel KNIGHT.
37. It is call’d St. Maries; and is a Vicarage in The Gift of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. The Present Vicar is the Revd. Mr. N. SYMONS 1760.
38. In The Church Yard, are Memorials of BRETT, COLLARD, DENNE, FAIRMAN, HADLEY, KNOWLER, MAY and SHRUBSOLE – and 3 very Ancient Altar Tombs without Inscription.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
COLLARD 19, 26, 38
DENNE 1-12, 23, 38
FAIRMAN 24, 25, 38
Gurney 26
Holloway 26
Holman 26
JONES 27, 29-31
MAY 17, 18, 22, 38
Minter 26
Nash 26
Parker 20, 21
SHARP 15, 16
Wacher 26
Wootton 26
Places IndexCanterbury 20
St. George the Martyr 21
Chislet Court 2, 27, 29-31
Harbledown 14
Preston near Faversham 28
Prospect House, Herne 19
Reculver 23GeneralCarpenter 17
Minster 26
sexton 26