Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Fawkham
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Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Knockholt
Inscriptions in the Churchyard, of Hartley
Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Fawkham
Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Fawkham, Kent, taken September 1890. A complete transcription of Vol. VII of L.L. Duncan's manuscript notebook of Monumental Inscriptions for Hartley, Ridley, Longfield, Fawkham, Kingsdown, Knockholt High Halden and the Martin Family. The original is lodged in the Library of the Kent Archaeological Society.
Frank Bamping 2 March 2000
Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Fawkham, Kent.
Taken September 1890
On the North side of the Yard
1. Head Thomas KILLICK son of Henry and Margaret Killick of this Parish died April 2 1809 aged 1 month and 1 day. Also Margaret Killick daughter of the above died February 8 1817 aged 6 years and 10 months. Also Phoebe Killick died 20 October 1819 aged 2 years and 6 months.
2. Head Mr Henry KILLICK of this Parish died 29 April 1819 aged 44 years. Also Henry Valentine Killick died January 4 1884 in his 79th year.
3. Head Mr William DURHAM of this Parish and of Surrey Place, Old Kent Road, died 4 May 1853 aged 72.
4. Head Margaret DURHAM wife of William Durham died March 20th 1862 aged 82.
5. Head Elizabeth Margaret Knight DURHAM daughter of William and Margaret Durham died May 29 1837 aged 13 years.
6. Head Mary Knight DURHAM daughter of William and Mary Durham died 26 April 1822 aged 3 weeks.
7. William PANKHURST died 29 March 1878 aged 81. Eliza his daughter died 8 January 1884 aged 47.
8. Caroline wife of the Rev W. CRESSWELL died 16 March 1848.
9. Maria WALLIS wife of Samuel Wallis died 13 May 1818 aged 53.
10. Flat Grave Rev George CUFF, M.A., died 17 November 1886 aged 57, Rector of this Parish.
11. Small stone near the church F.D. 1819
12. Head In memory of the following children of Henry and Elizabeth MUNGEAM of this Parish, Frank died 1 March 1865 aged 19
John Cooper died 18 May 1865 aged 11
Clara Fletcher died 11 February 1865 aged 8 years 10 months
Walter died 8 February 1865 aged 7 years
Ernest William died 11 March 1865 aged 5 years.
13. Head Thomas CHAPMAN of this Parish died 8 August 1796 aged 39.
The following are by the East end of the Chancel
14. Head To the following children of John and Jemima COOPER of this parish,
John died 9 February 1813 aged 15 months
Frederick died 5 September 1813 aged 1 month
Owen died 11 November 1822 aged 16 months.
15. Head Mary COOPER, widow, of this Parish died 1 October 1822 aged 83.
16. Head Mr Thomas COOPER of this Parish died 24 August 1785 in his 51st year.
17. Head William COOPER son of Thomas and Ann Cooper and brother to Israel and Mary Ann Cooper died 25 May 1814 aged 11 years.
18. Head Mr William COOPER of this Parish died 20 September 1857 aged 49. Also Elizabeth wife of the above died 31 May 1870 aged 63.
19. Head Mr William COOPER of this Parish died 7 March 1859 aged 79.
20. Head James WEBSTER died 12 December 1854 aged 4 years. Sarah Webster died 20 November 1854 aged 5 years.
21. Head James Mair WEBSTER died 4 January 1867 aged 46. Leaving issue 5 sons and 1 daughter.
22. Head William WEBSTER died 23 March 1881 aged 23.
23. Edwin WEBSTER died 29 April 1886 aged 29.
24. Head Sarah PARKER died February 25 1878 aged 79. Harriet Parker died 3 December 1879 aged 67.
25. Head Elizabeth Ann PARKER died 26 December 1885 aged 70. Also Charlotte Parker died 21 May 1886 aged 65.
26. Head Elizabeth wife of Richard PARKER died February 21 1845 aged 62. May her soul rest in Peace. Richard Parker died 17 January 1851 in his 74th year. They had issue viz - Elizabeth who died November 4 1811 aged 6 years, Anne, Sarah died February 25 1878 aged 69 years, Mary, John, Harriet, Richard, Robert died August 22 1877 aged 63 years, Elizabeth Anne, Joseph, Charlotte, Thomas died February 8 1829 aged 8 years and George, also Anne Parker who died 13 March 1890 aged 83 years.
27. Head Mary wife of George BOTTING died March 21 1882 aged 70
28. Head Joseph CROSS of this Parish died January 30 186.. in his 63rd year.
On the South side of the Yard29. Altar tomb Here lyeth ye Body of John UNDERHILL of this Parish, Yeoman, who de-parted this life December ye 15 1731 aged 49 years. Here also lieth ye Body of Mary widow of John Underhill Sen. and mother of the above sd John Underhill who dyed June ye 30 1727 aged 80 years.
30. Head Robert ALLEN of this Parish died 2 November 1766 in his 63rd year. Hester wife of the above died 12 September 1799 aged 85. Also their children viz Hester, Thomas, Stephen and Ann. He left issue five sons and five daughters.
31. Head Thomas BELLSHAM of this Parish died 30 May 1789 aged 88. Left issue one son and one daughter viz Thomas and Roseanner. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Bellsham of this Parish died 19 April 1786 aged 83.
32. Head Lydia wife of Thomas BELLSHAM died December 22 1777 aged 46. Also issue deceased William and Lydia. Left issue surviving four daughters viz Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary and Ann. Mr Thomas Bellsham died April 2 1815 aged 87.
33. Head Mary BELSHAM died 6 January 1803 aged 35.
34. Cross Emily Charlotte LYELL born 15 October 1851 died 11 April 1887.
35. Cross In loving memory of our little one Marjorie Guise Lyell aged 1 year and 8 months died 12 April 1886.
36. Head Robert BIRD died 27 June 1889 aged 70.
37. Altar tomb Mr Thomas YOUNG died July 18 1852 aged 68. Also Susanna Young wife of the above died September 2 1859 aged 80. Also Mr William Young son of the above late of Hartley died May 22 1859 aged 41 years.
38. Head cross Thomas John YOUNG died 6 January 1888 aged 23 years.
39. Head Maria YOUNG daughter of the late William and Ann Young of Lowfield Street, Dartford, died 23 January 1881 aged 80.
40. Head Elizabeth wife of Thomas YOUNG of this Parish died 22 December 1810 aged 50. Left issue seven children viz Amy, Thomas, Jane, James, Mary, John and Sarah. Also the aforesaid Thomas Young died January 30 1828 aged 72. Also William Young son of the above died January 5 1806 aged 18.
By the West end of the Yard41. Head Here / Lieth ye Body of / John RABSON / late of ye Parish of Ash/ He died March ye 18th 1739 aged 77 years.
42. Head Here lieth ye Body of / Ann wife of John RABSON / who died February ye 4th / 1723 aged 48 years.
43. Card in a Case Thomas Henry HILLS died May 8 18... aged 17.
44. Head Mrs Elisabeth SPILLET died 3 October 1825 aged 61. Also Mr Richard Spillet 9 April 1837 aged 90.
45. Head Ann Margaret daughter of James and Susanna CROUCH died 15 October 1874 aged 3 weeks.
46. Large Tomb Sacred to the memory of / the Rev F.W. HOHLER / Rector of Winstone and Colesborne in the County of Gloucester / who died at Fawkham Manor July 19th 1871 / also to the memory of / Frederick Hodgson Hohler / eldest son of the above / who died on the 21st day of March 1873 / aged 38.[on the other side]
Sacred to the memory of / Jane Harriet HOHLER / widow of the Rev Frederick Williams Hohler / formerly Rector of Winstone and Colesborne, Gloucestershire / born March 12th 1799 died July 1st 1888.
End of Fawkham Churchyard
Thorpe on page 992 &c. of his Registrum Roffense gives the following -
Fawkham Church
In the Isle
46. On a gravestone this inscription -
Here lyeth the body of Mr John Skudder of this Parish who departed this life September 1704 aged 59 years. Here also lyeth the body of Mrs Elizabeth wife of the said Mr John Scudder who departed this life March the 13th 1728/9 aged 70 years.
Above are the arms viz -
On a fesse three cinquefoils in chief. Crest on a wreath a fox passant.
48. On a gravestone a brass plate with the following in Roman Capitals -
AEtatis 37. Here lyeth interred the body of Thomas Walter, gent, who deceased the 15th day of Maye 1601, second sonne of Thomas Walter, gent, deceased.
49. On a gravestone a brass plate with this inscription in Roman Capitals -
AEta. 51 / Here lyeth interred the Bodye of Robert / Walter, Gent. third sonne of Thomas Walter / Gent. deceased the which Robert deceased / the 15th day of January 1620, leaving behinde / him his wife Anne six sonnes (viz) John / Thomas, Robert, Francis, Maxfeild and / Isack and five daughters Anne, Dorcas, Alce / Dorothie and Rebeccha.
50. On a gravestone a brass plate with this inscription in Roman Capitals -
Here lies the body of Mris Jane Smith late / wife of John Smith, cittizen and draper of / London, daughter of Mr Thos. Walter, gent. / who deceased at London ye 16th day of July / 1621 and was here enterred ye 18th of ye / same in the 47 yeare of her age.
51. A small mural monument of white marble on the North side with this inscription -
Near this place in this church lyeth the body of Mr Richard Kingsland late of this parish who departed this life the 31st day of March 1731 aged 54. Also the body of Mr Richard Kingsland his only son who dyed the 17th day of June 1730 in the 32nd year of his age. Mr William Everest erected this monument in memory of them.
In the Chancel
52. On the North side within the rails on a gravestone a brass plate with this inscription in Roman Capitals -
Here lyeth interred Richard Meredyth, esquire, clarke of the catrye unto queene Elizabeth and unto Kinge James, who deceased the fifte of June 1607 leaving behind him Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Humfrey Michell, esquire, and fower sonnes, Humfrey, Richard, Edmond amd John -
Above the plate a shield of brass with his Arms, viz - a Lion rampant gorged with a collar and a hain thereto affixed reflexing over his back; charged on the shoulder with a mullet.
On the South side within the rails on a gravestone is a brass plate with the following inscription in Roman Capitals -
53. Here lyeth interred the body of Dorcas Walter / the eldest daughter of Humphrey Michell of old / Windesor in the Countie of Bark. Esquier, the / wife and widdow of John Walter of this / parish & Countie Esquier who departed this life / uppon the Seaventh day of May Anno Domini / 1630 and in the 57 yeare of her age.
On the South side within the rails, on a gravestone is the following inscription in Roman Capitals -
54. Here lyeth interred the bodie of Michael Smith, gent, who tooke to wife Dorothy Walter, youngest daughter of Thomas Walter of this Parish, gent, and departed this life the fourth day of August anno domini 1633 aeatis suae 56.
On the South side is a mural monument of white marble with this inscription in Roman Capitals -
55. Neare unto this place lyeth the body of Bennett Warde, widow, somtyme wyfe of captaine Ambrose Warde of Hith in the county of Kent, esquire, by whome she was the mother of foure sonnes, John, William, Ambrose and George, and three daughters Alice, Bennet and Elizabeth. She was the daughter of Thomas Turney of Brockwell in the parish of Saltwood, in the said county Esquire. She lived a mayd 22 yeares, a wife 32 yeares and widdowe 24 yeares, having performed the part of both a constant and lovinge wyfe and of a kynd and carefull mother, livinge in the feare of God, and dying in the faith of Christ Jesus, and here resteth in hope of a glorious resurrection. She departed this life the 12th day of March Anno Domini 1641 being of the age of 78 yeares. This monument was erected and set up in remembrance of her the 31st day of May, anno domini 1644.
Above are these arms viz - azure a cross patee or. At the bottom on each side 2 coats viz - azure a cross patee or, impaling argent a chevron sable between three cows tripping sable.
56. On the East side is a mural monument of touch and alabaster, with the effigies of a gentleman and lady in the dress of the time, kneeling at an altar beneath them, on a tablet of black marble is the following inscription in Roman Capitals -
Here lieth interred in an assured hope of a joyfull resurrection John Walter late of this parish Esq., Justice of the Peace and corum within this countie in the raygne of kinge James and our now dread soveraigne king Charles, in which place hee approved himself just, upright and sincere, administringe true judgment and justice without respect of persons. Hee tooke to wife Dorcas Michel, the eldest daughter of Hunphrey Michel late of Olde Windsor, in the countie of Bark. Esq. with whom hee lived comfortably, happy and religiously 36 yeares, and at whose truely christian motion agreeinge with his owne charitable disposition, hee by his last wil and testament hath given and bequeathed unto the poore bountiful legacies, as unto two of the poorest men of this Parish, unto two of the poorest men of the parish Ashe, and unto two of the poorest men of the parish of Hartley, in this countie, unto every of them large coates of good russet cloathe from this forth for ever; moreover unto two of the poorest widowes of women in every of the said three parishes unto every of them a gowne of good russet cloath; and this gift to begin immediately after the decease of his said deere wife Dorcas and soe to continue to the end of the world; which legacies the said poore people are to receive yearly upon the XXVth day of December, caled Christmas Day; upon which day they are to repaire to his dwellinge house in this Parish, between eight and nine of the clocke in the morninge and from thence to come to this place, where he hath appoynted a sermon for them and for his paines he hath bequeathed to the minister of this church Xs a yeare for ever; moreover after sermon the said poore people are again to returne to his howse and there receive a plentiful dinner; and for the due performance of this his charitable deedes hee hath tyed and bounde certaine landes for ever. Thus did this good gentleman blesse and honour his Saviour in his poore members. Hee departed this life upon the XXVIIth daye of Februarie in the yeare of our Lord 1625 and in the yeare of his age 68, commendinge his sowle into the hands of his maker, leaving his bodie to this place. His charitie to the poore and the sorrowe for his losse unto his deerly beloved wife who in respective affection unto him and his everlivinge and neverdyinge memorie, hath erected and set up this monument.
Above the figures are these arms viz - azure a fesse dauncette or, between three crowns embattled of the 2nd impaling three leopards heads reversed, jessant fleurs de lis or, a chief crenelle ermine. On the top of the monument his single coat as above.
Thorpe continues -
The coloured glass in the windows of this church is of great antiquity - In the body of the church in a window on the South side are these arms viz - azure six stars of six points each placed three, two and one.
57. In a window on the North side are two coats the same viz - or a cross gules charged with five castles of the first between four fleurs de lis azure issuing out of as many turfs vert. These are the arms of the Grandisons. In the same window is the coat of the Fawkhams viz - argent a fesse gules in chief two roses or roundels. The colour is faded but the coat in the South window of the chancel may explain it viz - argent a fesse gules in chief two roundels of the second.
In the East window are the arms of England, but the whole field as well as the three lions are greatly corroded by time.
The West window is almost entire, the preservation of which is owing to its having been wired on the outside. In it are several portraitures, as the Virgin Mary teaching the young Jesus to read. The figure of an ancient man with a staff in his hand, 58. probably designed for Walleran de Faukham who flourished here in the reign of Henry the Second or some one of that family, as the arms of Fawkham above described are over his head.
(The end of Thorpe's notes on this Parish)
In addition I have a rubbing of the following brass plate in the church - Aeta 76
59. Here lyeth interred the body of Thomas Walter gent. who deceased the 18th day of Maye 1608. Leavinge behind him two sonnes viz John and Robert, and fower daughters Johan, Anne, Jane and Dorothie
Compiled by Zena Bamping
Name Index
Allen, 30.
Bellsham, 31, 32, 33.
Bird, 36.
Botting, 27.
Chapman, 13.
Cooper, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
Cresswell, 8.
Cross, 28.
Crouch, 45
Cuff, 10.
Durham, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Everest, 51.
Faukham, de, 57, 58.
Grandison, 57.
Hills, 43.
Hohler, 46.
Killick, 1, 2.
Kingsland, 51
Lyell, 34, 35..
Meredyth, 52.
Michell, 52, 53, 56.
Mungeam, 12.
Pankhurst, 7.
Parker, 24, 25, 26.
Rabson, 41, 42.
Scudder, Skudder, 46.
Smith, 50, 54.
Spillett, 44.
Turney, 55.
Underhill, 29.
Wallis, 9.
Walter, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 59.
Warde, 55.
Webster, 20, 21, 22, 23.
Young, 37, 38, 39, 40.
PLACES [Fawkham]
Ash, 41, 56.
Brockwell in Saltwood, 55.
Dartford, Lowfield Street, 39.
Fawkham Manor, 46.
Hartley, 37, 56.
Hythe, 55.
London, 50.
Old Windsor, Berks., 53, 56.
Surrey Place, Old Kent Road, 3
Winstone & Colesbourne, Glocs., 46.