Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard at Headcorn

In the late 1890s the Lewisham author and antiquarian Mr Leland L. Duncan embarked on a project of recording the early memorial inscriptions in a large number of Kent churchyards. In visiting the sites he carried with him a small pocket field notebook in which he recorded the inscriptions in his own shorthand, in pencil, and what follows is a careful transcription of what he noted in the churchyard at Headcorn. Typed up by Christine Pantrey  January 2002.

The Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard at Headcorn in Kent
 noted July 1923 by Leland L. Duncan.

South-West Yard.

1. Altar by Porch):- Here lyeth ye body of Jane WATERS wife of Richard Waters who departed this life May ye 1(?9) 1710 in ye 55th year of her age. South: ….h ye body of Richard W….. of this parish who….December ye 2…. 17(?2) (?0) in…. (?6) 9 year of his age. West-end: James son of Richard and Jane Waters of ys Parish died June ye 1st 1735 in ye 33rd year of his age.
East-end: ye body of …. Daughter of Jane Waters who departed this life …. 1724 in ye 20th year of her age.

2. (Cross):- To Our Beloved sister Gerty daughter of Edwin and Rebecca TRIPP [no date but c. 1880 or 1890 modern].

3. (old):- Ye body of Jane wife of William KITE…….[under grass….] of Staplehurst.

4. James WATERMAN of this parish, June ye 4th 1738 aged 68. Martha his wife 17th June 1740 aged 64.

4a. [Headcorn LLD 4]. Insert. Skull // Hourglass? Here lieth // the body of James WATERMAN of this parish who departed this life June ye 4th 1738 aged 68 years.
Here also lieth the body of Martha his wife who departed this life June ye 17th 1740
aged 64 years.

5. (Small cushion):- William infant son of Arthur and Elizabeth HUBBLE born and died February 10th 1919.

6. William CHILDREN, May ye (?) Anno Domini 1712 in ye 74th year. Jane his wife, Decamber ye 18th 1696 in ye 51st year.

7. …. Body of… hn. …LDREN… parish…. Departed….ife September 19 Anno Domini , o in….4th -ear of his …. ft issue three sons and one daughter. Right-half: …. B…. wife….
CHIL…. who departed this life August ye 1st 1712 aged 33 years. She left issue had(?) sons whereof One surviving.

8. (Altar):- South-side: John CHILDREN late of this parish Gentleman, son of John Children Gent by Ann his wife, died October 26th 1791 aged (?5) 3 years. North: Likewise John CHILDREN Senior who died August – 1768 aged 56 years. Left issue by Ann his wife one son John. East-end: Sarah wife of John CHILDREN died November 1766 (?) Left issue
D…., …., John (?), D…., and…..

9. John HODGES, 22nd August 1831 aged 29.

10. ….n GROVE of this parish, October ye …2(?) 1746 aged 85. Mary his wife March 25th 1750 aged 79. Mary Grove their daughter, January ye 3rd 1744 aged (?3) 8 years. Hannah Grove died April 1731 aged 48 years.

11. Sarah wife of William DAY and daughter of Mr Thomas GREENHILL of this parish died 26th December 1846 in 69th year, leaving three sons and four daughters. Above William Day, 5th September 1850 aged 73.

12. Richard GREENHILL, 6th August 1768 aged 70. Left issue by Mary his wife two sons and two daughters viz Thomas, Richard, Elizabeth and Mary. Likewise Mary wife of above died 14th September 1776 in 69th year.

13. Anthony DIVE of this parish December ye 14th 1693 aged 53. He left issue two sons and three daughters viz Anthony, Christopher, Mary, Martha and Elizabeth. Elizabeth wife of Anthony Dive of this parish, October ye 10th 1724 aged 81.

14. (Altar) :- North-side. Mr Christopher DIVE died May ye 1st 1759 aged 77. Ann his wife died March ye 21st 1775 aged 79. Christopher Dive son of above Christopher and Ann died October the 17th 1774 aged 43.

Sarah wife of Thomas GREENHILL of this parish, 12th March 1790 aged 37. Left issue three daughters: Sarah, Margaret and Ann. Thomas Greenhill, 18th September 1815 aged 76. Ann Greenhill DAY daughter of William and Sarah DAY, 10th November 1817 aged 15 years.

Elizabeth wife of Richard GREENHILL of this parish, March 4th 1785 aged 47. Left issue one son Thomas. Also Richard son of the above Richard and Elizabeth Greenhill died 6th February 1783 aged 5 . The above Richard Greenhill died 12th May 1818 aged 76.

John STOKES of this parish, 18th April 1845 aged 25. Catherine his wife, 10th February 1864 aged 51. John their son died 6th December 1847 aged 3 years.

18. Mary wife of Christopher FULLAGAR of this parish, 7th November 1769 aged 77. Also six children . Left issue William, Christopher, Mary and Sarah.

19. Edward BATES of this parish, 28th October 1885 aged 72. He lived in the service of Mrs BLINKHORN, Abbey Court Boxley upwards of 40 years.

Western Yard.
20. John HAFFENDEN, 3rd November 1881 aged 69. Philadelphia his wife, 1st January 1881 aged 79.

Matilda EVENDEN, 26th May 1897 aged 45.

22. (In same rails as 21):- The family stone of John EVENDEN of this parish. Sarah wife of above , 18th April 1869 aged 52. Also two children died in infancy. Above John Evenden 19th July 1883 aged 68.

23. John husband of Amelia JOHNSON, 3rd March 1895 aged 83. Amelia his wife, 17th June 1905 aged 83.

24. Anne Hellen wife of Tilden CHRISTMAS and daughter of Adrian Hardy HAWORTH Esquire F. L. S. of Chelsea, Middlesex, died December 26th 1864 aged 39.

25. John CRETTENDEN of this parish 1st June 1767 aged 69. Left issue three sons, James, Martin and William.

26. Ammy (sic) daughter of James and Ann CRETTENDEN of ys parish, 21st August 1752 aged 22.

27. Elizabeth wife of James HYLAND of this parish, 1st May 1849 aged 33. James Hyland, 12th July 1869 aged 54. Also their deceased children: Elizabeth died 16th January 1843 aged 1 year, Elizabeth Ann died 25th October 1844 aged 4 years, Elizabeth Ann died 24th February 1848 aged six months, Robert 10th March 1848 aged 2 years. Left surviving two children Mary and Edward. Edward Hyland died 21st October 1855 aged 11 years.

28. Mary Ann eldest daughter of James and Mary TURK of this parish, 2nd January 1875 aged 25. Above Mary Turk, 30th June 1878 aged 60. Above James Turk 10th December 1883 aged 65.

29. Mary Ann GIBSON wife of James Henry Gibson, 24th March 1906 aged 60. Above James Henry Gibson, 5th May 1911 aged 66. Alfred son of above, 18th January 1879 aged nine weeks.

30. Fanny wife of Silvester WAGHORNE of Tonbridge, 7th January 1922 aged 78.

31. Elizabeth wife of Thomas GOODWIN of this parish, 3rd July 178(0 or 6) aged 69. Left issue two sons Thomas and John. Above Thomas Goodwin, 15th July 1791 aged 77.

32. John GOODWIN of this parish, 21st February 1829 aged 73. Mercy wife of John Goodwin of this parish, 3rd June 1806 aged 50. Left issue two daughters Elizabeth and Mercy, also four daughters died in infancy.

33. William WHITE of this parish, 2nd May 1866 aged 56. Mary his wife, 3rd October 1877 aged 66. Erected by John White their son.

34. Henry son of Henry and Mary KINGSNORTH of this parish who died 11th … 1797 aged ? Also Henry their son died February – 1799. Likewise Joseph their son died – 1805 aged 9 ….. ? poetry.

35. Charlotte wife of Dive MILNER of this parish, 22nd March 1853 aged 53. Harriet daughter of above, 13th June 1823 aged three weeks, Dive son of above 26th May 1825 aged eighteen months, Charles- John son of above, 31st March 1863 aged 29. Above Dive Milner, 17th December 1875 aged 76.

36. Ann daughter of Titus and Ann SPICER of this parish, 21st March 1813 aged eight months.

37. Sophia wife of Richard CHILDREN of this parish, 3rd April 1861 aged 69. Above Richard Children born 12th September 1789 died 3rd February 1869.

38. William TASSELL of this parish, 14th November 1837 aged 68. Left issue five sons and five daughters. Mary his wife, 18th February 1860 aged 77.

39. Thomas TASSELL of this parish, 11th May 1871 aged 67. Ann his wife, 21st February 1883 aged 84.

40. James DEAN of this parish, 23rd August 1863 aged 67. Jemima wife, 13th September 1884 aged 83. Sarah GILES daughter of above, 28th May 1849 aged 30. Stephen - HILLS son of above, 3rd March 1864 aged 39. Edward son of above died in America, 27th September 1871 aged 44. James Frederick son of above, 9th November 1881 aged 60, interred at Cheriton.

41. Sylvester Rutherford SKINNER second son of David Skinner surgeon of this parish, 25th October 1869 in 41st (80?) year, leaving a widow and four children. Anna- Louisa second wife of above, 16th June 1893 [ no age].

42. James LUCKHURST of this parish, 10th June 1843 aged 66. Left issue by Ann his wife two sons and three daughters: Charles, Sophia, James, Louisa and Elizabeth-Ann. Ann wife of above, 12th November 1845 aged 62.

43. Elizabeth wife of James LUCKHURST of this parish, 23rd April 1800 aged 59, had issue two sons and one daughter. Above James Luckhurst of this parish, 31st December 1809 aged 62.

44. William TASSELL of this parish, 25th September 1877 aged 75. Catharine his wife, 4th June 1884 aged 73.

45. Margaret daughter of George ….. STAN………… arish…. …. …. 181.. in 13th……… ….

46. Susanna wife of George STANDEN of Kelsham in this parish, 31st March 1829 aged 46. Left surviving two daughters Olivia and Elizabeth. Above George Standen 26th April 1853 aged 73.

47. Ann relict of the late William SKINNER of Battle Sussex,since wife of James OTTAWAY formerly of this parish, died 31st January 1851 aged 66.

48. (coped):- Charlotte Louisa RUTHERFORD child of Sylvester Rutherford and Anna – Louisa SKINNER of Daventery , Northants, born 20th August 1860 died 20th March 1861.

49. Elizabeth Ann child of David SKINNER surgeon of this parish and Mary-Ann his wife, born 5th August 1832, died 11th March 1841.

50. Emily Mary daughter of David and Mary Ann SKINNER of this parish, 16th May 1865 aged 31.

51. Elizabeth wife of George OYLER of this parish, 27th June 1888 aged 62. Frank youngest son of above, 21st May 1866 aged 5. Above George Oyler, 8th June 1891 aged 67.

52. Joseph Hodges WILLSON, 13th January 1844 aged 62, also four children who died in infancy. Left issue eight sons and two daughters. Judith his wife, 28th July 1851 aged 68. Joseph Hodges their son, 20th April 1858 aged 50. Oliver their son, 10th October 1861 aged 35. Mary their daughter, 5th June 1870 aged 65.

53. Jane wife of William WENHAM of Sutton Valence (Blacksmith), 31st July 1871 aged 60. Above William Wenham, 18th June 1879 aged 74. Left surviving two sons and one daughter:
William Young, Stephen and Patience.

54. John MANNERING of this parish, 6th September 1844 aged 76. Elizabeth his wife, 15th November 1847 aged 78. Left surviving three sons and two daughters.

55. (coped):- Emily and Elizabeth daughters of John and Emily MANNERING of the parish of Cranbrook. Emily died 27th July 1859 aged 7, Elizabeth 8th August 1859 aged 8.

56. Emily wife of John MANNERING of Cranbrook, 15th January 1874 aged 56. Above John Mannering died at Dover, 28th October 1878 aged 71.

57. Elizabeth BUSBRIDGE wife of John Busbridge late of Staplehurst and daughter of John and Elizabeth M……of this parish died April 2nd 1… Also John son of above died 25th January 1819 aged seventeen months. Also Robert who died in infancy.

58. Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth BUSBRIDGE and Grand-daughter of John and Elizabeth MANNERING, 5th August 1842 aged 21.

59. Mary daughter of John and Elizabeth MANNERING of this parish, July 18th 1805 aged 4.

60. Thomas CASINGHAM died 30th January 1813 aged 73. Left issue one daughter Elizabeth. Also Ann his second wife died December 4th 1819 aged 81.

61. Thomas GROUNS of this parish, 25th June 1853 in 94th year. Elizabeth his wife, 6th November 1843 in 81st year, by whom he had issue three sons and three daughters: Thomas, George, David, Elizabeth, Ann and Mercy. David son of above, 7th June 1853 aged 58.

South of Tower.
62. Here lyeth interred the Body of Richard NE(?W);END who departed this life about the latter end of November in the yeare of our Lord one thousand of 581.

63. ………..all gone….. The yeare…………..Lord…….. ………..1656.

North Yard.
64. Ann wife of John PECHE of this parish, gent, and only daughter of John and Mary FULLAGAR died January ye 4th 1754 aged 22. Also the body of foresed John Peche gent, 2nd October 1778 aged 58. Left issue by Elizabeth his second wife John and Elizabeth. … 1815

65. John FULLAGAR of this parish, yeoman, who died December 21st (or 4th) 17—aged 70. Also Mary his wife, October 19th 1763 aged 69.

66. Philadelphia wife of James POTTER of this parish, 22nd November 1838 aged 52. Left surviving seven sons and three daughters. Said James Potter, 22nd August 1849 aged 66. Ann his second wife, 25th November 1846 aged 56.

67. (coped):- Charles POTTER, 3rd December 1899 aged 74. Sarah Elizabeth his wife, 23rd January 1891 aged 70.

68. William CHILDREN of this parish, 3rd September 1831 aged 76. Mary his wife 5th November 1831 aged 75. Left surviving four sons and six daughters viz George, William, Richard, Robert, Lydia, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Jane.

69. Edmund PECHE of this parish, July 20th 1753 aged 7(?6), left issue two sons William and John. Also Sarah Peche wife of Edmund Peche died August 30th 1728 aged 54.

70. Elizabeth wife of Richard POTTER of this parish, 16th September 1812 aged 65. Left issue three sons and one daughter: Thomas, James, William and Elizabeth. Above Richard Potter, 17th April 1815 aged 70.

71. William son of Thomas and Mary POTTER of Biddenden who was drowned 7th November 1811 aged 6. ‘In my youth was snatched (away) When with my brother was at play. It was decree’d by God above A watery grave to be my doom.

72. William HICKMOTT of this parish, 20th November 1755 aged 41. Elizabeth his wife, December 17th 1791 aged 69. Left three sons and one daughter: William, Thomas, James and Elizabeth.

73. James HICKMOTT of this parish, 31st May 1853 aged 66. Martha Ann his wife, 19th June 1854 aged 63. Left issue four sons and one daughter: Stephen, Thomas, John, Charles and Barbara.

74. curb in rails no name.

75. John GEORGE, 20th December 1914 aged 68.

76. John PEARSON, 10th September 1898 aged 78. Caroline his wife, 31st July 1853 aged 34. Also two children, Emily died 20th March 1852 aged 5 and Jane died in infancy, leaving John, Hannah and Mary Ann.

77. Willliam PEARSON late of the parish of Smarden, 8th February 1835 aged 49. Leaving three sons, William, Edward and John. Mary his wife and daughter of William and Sarah HICKMOTT of this parish, 9th September 1845 aged 66.

78. (cross-head):- Norman William BUCHANAN 20th August 1911 aged 66.

79. Charles Herbert son of Aaron and Susan BELLINGHAM 20th August 1902 aged 27.

80. Mary Ann widow of Thomas PAIGE, 4th January 1905 aged 75. Jane PARKS sister of above, 9th October 1908 aged 75.

81. Stephen PARKS for 52 years wheelwright of this parish, 14th February 1872 in 81st year. Elizabeth wife of above, 2nd December 1866 aged 72.

82. Edwin son of Stephen and Elizabeth PARKS of this parish, 4th June 1848 aged 21. George their son, 15th April 1849 aged 29.

83. William KITE of this parish, yeoman, 16th March 1761 aged 50. Mary his wife, 2nd March 1764 aged 52.

84. To two sons of Robert and Mary JOY, Alfred died January 28th 1823 aged 12, Robert 24th February 1823 aged (?)17.

85. Robert HOOKER of this parish, 12th October 1815 aged 86. Mary his wife, August 21st 1803 aged 72. They lived together 53 years and two months and had issue ten children.

86. Stephen HOOKER, 6th September 1902 aged 55. Also Wilfred S. DANIELS, 7th Buffs East Kent Regiment, killed in action in France, 12th August 1917 aged 20. Also Eli A. Daniels second Oxford and Berks(?) Regiment killed in action in France 1st October 1918 aged 23. Grandsons of above.

87. James PERREN of this parish, 19th April 1782 aged 61. Elizabeth his wife, 25th June 1784 aged 67. Issue two sons Waters and Thomas.

88. Large Headstone c1800 surface quite gone.

89. Here Lyeth the Body of Mr Peter WHETCOMBE who departed this life ye 6th day of December in the (5 ?)3 year of his age Anno Domini 1693. Nere lyeth also the body of Mrs Ann Whetcombe wife of Mr Peter Whetcombe who departed this life the 13th day of March aged 43 years 1699/ 1700.

90. James WEEKES, 30th August 1817 aged 41. Left issue surviving by Elizabeth his wife one son and one daughter viz Lewis and Louisa. Also Alfred their son who died in infancy.

91. Thomas WEEKES, 31st January 1797 aged 65. Left issue by Ann his wife four sons and six daughters: John, Thomas, William, James, Ann, Elizabeth, Sarah, Susanna, Mary and Amy. Ann his wife died 13th August 1799 aged 58.

92. Elizabeth wife of John COOPER who departed this life ye May Anno 1688 aged 41. Left issue two sons, Christopher and John and ….. daughters Elizabeth, Mary 4…….. …….. buried.

93. Here Lyeth the Body of John COOPER of Hedcorne who departed this life the 18th day of February Anno Domini 1698/9 aged 59 yeares. His wife Elizabeth Beare Him 8 children. ‘Altho He was in Life Good and Just………… ……

94. Mary wife of John WITHERDEN of this parish, yeoman, 1st May 1757 aged 23. Left issue one daughter Ann. Also John Witherden of this parish, 27th November 1801 aged 85.

95. Mary wife of Thomas RANSLEY, 19th March 1773 aged 60. Above Thomas Ransley, 11th February 1779 aged 65. Issue two sons and – daughters James, Thomas, Mary and Sarah.

96. Sarah wife of James OULET of this parish, February 28th 1793 aged 49. Above James
Oulet of this parish, schoolmaster died 8th December 1794 aged 61. Left issue three sons and one daughter: Thomas, Samuel, Jesse and Elizabeth.

97. Charles LIDDIARD 15th September 1917 aged 73.

South of Church East of porch.
98. (small cross):- Dorothy Somerville WARREN died 12th April 1894 aged 4.

99. (small) :- Philip Thomas SOMERVILLE child of Philip and Elizabeth Somerville WARREN born 17th January 1888 died 20th October 1888.

100. (small figure):- Millicent Irene Eulake? child of French and Harriette SOMERVILLE, 31st January 1892 aged five months.

101. (flat cross):- Mary HALTON wife of Arthur Edward STUART born 26th January 1843 died 31st December 1903. Arthur Edward Stuart of Shenley born 31st December 1850 died
7th September 1893.

102. ( small cross):- Ernest George LEWIS fifth son of the Rev. George
and Irene Lewis, born 6th July 1888 died 14th February 18….

103. ( small cross):- Brian Townsend Somerville WARREN died 10th October 1898 aged six weeks.

104. (small cross with 103):- Donald Somerville WARREN, 2nd February 1893 aged 15 days.

105. (Tablet let into East side of porch):- Thomas YEATES late of Smarden, 3rd April 1722 aged 88, Ann his wife, September 9th 1718 aged 77, and Mary GREENHILL their daughter died in 1726 aged 68. Also Frances Yeates Grand-daughter of above died 8th September 1773 aged 53.

106. (in rails):- Elizabeth wife of Isaac HOLMWOOD of this parish, 17th April 1874 aged 76. Above Isaac Holmwood 26th June 1886 in 92nd year. Also Fanny
youngest daughter of above, 6th October 1884 aged 49. [Above is both on the large stone covering a vault and on a headstone on it].

107. Alice VULLIAMY, 27th February 1902 aged 37.

108. Elizabeth wife of Stephen LOWDELL and daughter of Thomas and Ann JAKES (added note says YATES) died 7th August 1707 aged (? 3 or 7)7. (see below).
108 a. Canterbury Marriage Licence vol. iv. LOWDELL, Stephen of Chatham bachelor and Elizabeth YATES of Headcorn spinster. At Headcorn or Smarden September 23rd 1699 (so age probably 37 not 77).

109. John BUDDES died 14th day of August 1694.

110. (coped):- Beatrice Sylvester wife of Frances John COPNER died 7th October 1909 [ no age].

111. Thomas OARE of this parish, 17th April 1799 aged 88. Left issue surviving one daughter Ann and one daughter Mary. Likewise of Hannah his wife who died 16th April 1810 aged 75. Also Elizabeth their daughter died 12th September 1770 aged 2 years.

112. (coped):- Roland BURDEN died 9th February 1871 aged 5. Blanche E. C. Burden died 24th January 1871 aged 12. Beatrix E. Burden, 7th February 1871 aged 1 ½ years.

113. (small coped):- Maude Constance BURDEN, 25th February 1865 aged 1 year.

114. (Large Altar):- Here lieth Interr’d the body of Edward PYNDE son of Edward Pynde, gent of ys parish who died July ye 3rd 1733 aged 40 years. Left issue two daughters Elizabeth and ..arah. North Side: Here also lieth Interrd the body of Elizabeth PYNDE wife of Edward Pynde aforesaid who died May ye 16th 175(0 or 9) aged 60.

115. (large altar):- Under this Tomb in a vault are deposited the remains of Elizabeth PYNDE who departed this life the 20th of May 1775 in the 77th year. John Pynde late of Boughton M……son of Edward Pynde late of this parish died March (?9 ) 1771 aged 6(?1).

116. Here Lyeth Buried the Body of Edward PYNDE of this parish who dyed 26th April Anno Domini 1717 aged 67 years, three months and odd days. Sarah wife of Edward Pynde departed this life October ye – Anno Domini 1724 in ye 64th year. They left issue two sons and three daughters.

117. Elizabeth wife of Samuel FULLAGER of this parish, 16th November 1810 aged 66. Samuel Fullager, 25th February 1817 aged 74.

Eastern part of the Yard.
117a. Merott HOMEWOOD died……….. 1887 aged 58. Also Anne wife of above 17th April 1896 aged 57.

118. (Left side):- ye Body of John RAMSDEN of this parish, December ye (?15th) 1728 ……………….. ……………..gone.
(Right side): …….red wife of J…. Ramsden ………… gone.

119. Abraham SHILLING of this parish, 15th November 1890 aged 74. Ann his wife, 27th November 1889 aged 67. Elizabeth Jane daughter of above, 17th November 1862 aged 3. Emily Jane daughter of above, 9th October 1897 aged 49. Also of Private Richard Henry SHILLING 5th Buffs, Grandson of above, died of Euterie fever in Mesopotamia, 18th September 1916 aged 21.

120. ( cross flat and cushion):- In Loving Memory of Arthur GATEHOUSE, PRIEST, Vicar of this parish 1912-1917 died 27th June 1917 aged 50.

121. (curb):-: "Mother" Alice FREEMAN died 20th June 1920 aged 92.

122. Thomas PRICE of this parish, 29th January 1856 aged 84, leaving …..ah his wife and five daughters. Sarah his wife, 5th August 1859 aged 78.

123.  John PACKHAM died December 17(?3)4 aged (?6 or 9) 2. Left three sons and – daughters. Sarah his wife, of this parish, died 20th December 1734 aged 63.

124. Peter PACKHAM of this parish died March ye 6th 1757 aged 76. Mary wife of Peter Packham….. ……… …… Left issue (?3) daughters: Elizabeth, Mary and Judeth.

125. Mary wife of Thomas NORRIS of this parish died 20th June 1772 aged 58. Left issue two sons Whitcomb and Thomas. Above Thomas Norris, 14th June 1777 in the 52nd year.

126. Whitcomb NORRIS son of Thomas and Mary Norris, 3rd July 1785 aged 36 years.

127. Jane wife of John UNICUME, 18th November 1882 aged 74. Above John Unicume, 5th September 1892 aged 87.

128. Elizabeth wife of Robert MERCER of this parish, 18th August 1829 aged 22. [space for him not filled in].

129. Robert MERCER of this parish, 18th February 1822 aged 65. Also Ann wife of above, 2nd October 1847 aged 83. Left surviving four sons and five daughters: Thomas, John, Robert, George , Ann, Mary, Elizabeth, Harriott and Jane.

130. Harriott daughter of Robert and Ann MERCER of this parish, 17th February 1801 aged 1 year.

131. Winefred wife of Robert JOY of this parish, died A….. 13th 1803……[gone]. Left…. ons and two daughters Viz John, Robert, William, James,…. , Thomas, Joseph, Winefred and …h. A…. Annn second wife of …… died January 21st 1823 aged 78. Above Robert Joy died April… .. aged 70.

132……….m WOOD of this … …..eb the 18th 1808. Sarah wife of …. …. 1783 aged 61 years. Left issue four sons and . daughters viz Mary, (?John), Elizabeth, Sarah, William, Hannah, Daniel, Winefred, Henry and (?Ann).

133. Frances second wife of Thomas OTTAWAY, 51 years Clerk of this parish, she died October 12th 1842 aged 76. Left issue two sons and one daughter: Charles, John and Harriot. Also Harriot the wife of Frederick James HILL and daughter of above died at Hythe in this County, 16th November 1847 aged 42, leaving five young children.

134. [? Thomas] OTTAWAY of this parish died April….. 43 aged 80; and Philadelphia wife of Thomas Ottaway who died 25th March 1790 aged 50. Lydia their daughter died February 8th 1788 aged eleven months. Left issue two sons Thomas and Richard. Likewise …….d son…………[gone].

135. Frederick James HILL late of Her Majesty’s Inland Revenue who died at Ashford, 7th August 1870 aged 63. Harriott wife of above died at Hythe within this County, 16th November 1847 aged 43.

136. Thomas JUDE, 2nd November 1752 aged 61. Also Jane Jude relict of ye said Thomas died October 26th 1767 aged 71. They left issue two sons and seven daughters of whom three daughters survive viz Elizabeth, Sarah………[under grass].

137. Mary FLEET died May the 18th 1716 aged 2 (?8).

138. (altar) south)):- William FLEET of this parish, yeoman died December 21st 1741 aged 80. (North):- Elizabeth wife of William Fleet died September 17-.0 in ye 60th year.

139. (cross):- Kitty loved daughter of W. H. and E. KELLEY died at "Cranmore" 5th April 1920 [ late of West Hartlepool].

140. John WOOD late of Smarden, 31st March 1881 aged 85, leaving a widow and ten children: five sons and five daughters: Louisa, Charles, Harriett, Eliza, Jane, Ann, John, Henry, William and Clark. Mary his wife, 25th February 1890 aged 84.

141. Thomas HICKMOTT of this parish, 28th January 1872 aged 49; Leaving a widow, two sons and four daughters.

142. Anna Grace wife of George GIBSON, 9th August 1909 aged 42.

143. (cross):- Florence MUNN of Hayland, Smarden, 18th May 1887 aged 15.

144. Edward MUNN of Hayland Farm, Smarden, 22nd December 1907 aged 73. Ann his wife, 4th March 1909 aged 73. Leaving six sons and three daughters.

145. Edward BRITTENDEN, 20th February 1867 aged 87. Harriot his wife, 23rd November 1874 aged 85. Elizabeth BUSH daughter of above, 17th April 1872 aged 40.

146. Hehemiah? BUSH son of Edward and Harriet BRITTENDEN of this parish, 22nd May 1847 aged 11 years and ten months. Also Frederick Bush (? Late of this parish) died 1859 aged – 7 years.

147. George MERCER of this parish, 2nd January 1882 aged 77, leaving issue one son and one daughter: George and Julia Lavinia. Also Emma Lavinia wife of above, 7th February 1895 in 71st year.

148. In memory of [Richard] CRITTENDEN of this parish, February (?9th) 1747 aged 57. Mary wife of Richard Crittenden, September ye 13th 1775 aged 64.

149. Stephen OSMAR of this parish, 3rd March 1775 in 63rd year. Mary wife of Stephen Osmar of this parish, 23rd November 1764 aged 42. Left issue two sons: Stephen and George.

150. Ye body of Stephen OSMAR, yeoman and his wife. He died 1- ..ay 1722 in ye 91st year. She died October y… 1736 in ye 87th year. They left issue four sons and two daughters: ………, John, William, Franie? (Francis),……… ………

151. Richard WOOD of this parish, 13th December 1811 aged 76. Frances his wife, 31st January 1817 aged 77. Left issue three sons and three daughters: Frances, Richard, William, Sarah, Benjamin and Elizabeth.

152.  Here Lieth the Body of …….O BARTEN, yeoman of this parish, July ye 1st 1746 aged 37. "Weep not dear friends nor shed a tear for as you are ….re……….re.

153. James FLEET of this parish, 22nd March 1758 aged 69. Ann his wife 9th October 1752 aged 65.

154. (small , coped):- Reginald infant son of John and Harriett BURKITT, 10th July 1876 aged nine weeks.

155. Robert BUCKALL of this parish, yeoman, February 23rd 1806 aged 24.

156. Thomas LOUDWELL of this parish, 15th March 1824 aged 88. Mary his wife, 28th November 1809 aged 74. Likewise John their son, 8th March 1804 aged 38.

157. (Large stone, surface decayed, on a coffin tomb behind is):- Thomas Oare MERCER eldest son of Robert and Ann Mercer died 5th January 1863 aged 72.

158. (surface decayed):- In memory of ……… CARTER of this parish who died ……….. ……….Mary his wife died………180(?2)……..Left…….. …….. ……. Dau…..………, Eliza …h, …………..nd Ann. [on back]:- Sarah wife of John CARTER of this parish, died 1st May 1848 aged 67. Above John Carter, 6th March 1858 aged 81. Left issue surviving: George, Edward, Samuel, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Sarah and Selina.

159. William CARTER, 7th May 1757 aged 40. Hannah his wife, 22nd March 1797 aged 80.

160. The Deceased children of John and Sarah CARTER of this parish: William, 28th June 1831 aged 20; Jane, 10th September 1841 aged 25; Sarah 12th January 1865 aged 52.

161. William CARTER of this parish, 7th December 1803 aged 64, erected by his daughter. Also Thomas Carter brother of above William Carter, 21st June 1779 aged 39. Also Mary his wife, 21st November 1800 aged 76.

162. Elizabeth CARTER of this parish, 10th January 1882 aged 74. Samuel Carter brother of above, 10th January 1892 aged 69.

163. Stephen son of Stephen and Mary GOODWIN of this parish who died of the Sm…… …. 1800 in the ……….[gone].

164. George CARTER of this parish, 12th December 1861 aged 47. Susannah his wife, 8th October 1843 aged 30, leaving one son and five daughters.

165. Selina CARTER, 28th June 1902 aged 84.

166. Sarah wife of William BOORMAN, wheelwright of this parish, 3rd November 1755 aged 67. Likewise Benjamin their son died in infancy. Left surviving three sons and two daughters: William, Thomas, John, Elizabeth and Sarah. The said William Boorman, 26th December 1771 aged 79.

167. John TUR.. [TURLY?] of this parish, died June ye 6th 1754 aged 44.

168. John TURLEY of Staplehurst but formerly of this parish, 18th March 1816 aged 74. Hannah his wife, 20th September 1826 aged 74. Left issue by Hannah his wife two children: George and Mary. Also of John, Elizabeth, Sarah, John, Samuel and Susannah, sons and daughters of John and Hannah Turley who died in infancy.

169. Stephen LINK who was blind for many years, died 17th March 1886 aged 78. Mary Ann his wife, 29th January 1893 aged 83.

170. Lydia wife of Charles SMITH late of Croydon, Surrey, 7th October 1870 aged 63.

171. Elizabeth wife of Edward CARTER, 29th July 1899 aged 79. Above Edward
Carter, 13th March 1904 aged 83.

172. Henry QUANTOCK, 24th March 1902 aged 62.

173. John MILLEN of this parish, 17th November 1764 aged 50. Elizabeth wife of John Millen of this parish, 15th August 1762 aged 47. Left issue three sons and three daughters: John, William, Thomas, Ann, Elizabeth and Hannah. Also three children deceased.

174. Susannah wife of William GOODWIN of this parish, 7th January 1802 aged 66, left issue one son William. Aforesaid William Goodwin died 2nd October 1821 aged 82.

175. William GOODWIN of this parish, 22nd November 1834 aged 69.

176. John WAGHORN of this parish, 22nd January 1833 aged 47. Left issue four sons and four daughters. Elizabeth his wife, 13th January 1859 aged 68.

177. Esther wife of James IGGULDEN of this parish, 16th September 1851 aged 30. Elizabeth daughter of above died in infancy. Left issue surviving three sons and one daughter. Also John Waghorn, brother of above Esther G. died 27th January 1891 aged 80.

178. Alfred fourth son of the late Charles WAGHORN of this parish, 11th June 1879 aged 33. Charlotte wife of above Alfred Waghorn, 5th December 1887 aged 49.

179. William Alfred TONG, 20th July 1854 aged 34. Elizabeth his wife, 31st October 1898 aged 86. "The pale consumption struck the fatal blow, the pains were lasting tho’ the effects were slow".[of which?].

180. Charles WAGHORN of this parish, 13th July 1868 aged 54, leaving a widow and seven children: five sons and two daughters. Also two children of above died in infancy. Also Elizabeth wife of above, 26th December 1899 aged 82. Charles their son, 14th May 1893 aged 54.

181. James MILLENER late of Minster, Sheppy, 11th January 1861 aged 39. Maria wife of above, 9th June 1873 aged 49. James son of above, 1st March 1852 aged eight months. Jane daughter of above, 22nd January 1854 aged seven months. Elizabeth daughter of above, 28th January 1861 aged eight months. Left surviving a widow and five children. Glad(ys ?) Jane daughter of above 12th August 1875 aged 17.

182. Stephen John SAWYER of this parish, 18th June 1870 aged 47, leaving Mary Ann his widow, two sons and four daughters. Mary Ann his wife, 23rd September 1872 aged 47. Harriet third daughter of above, 19th February 1871 aged 17. John, eldest son of above, 23rd July 1873 aged 21.

183. (small cross):- Frederick H. C. HOMEWOOD, 19th April 1901 aged eighteen months.

184. (iron cross):- E. M. 1907.

185. (Flat):- William MERCER, 20th January 1822 in 26th year. Elizabeth his relict, 20th June 1863 in 67th .

186. Joseph SMITH, 13th March 1865 aged 51. Frances his wife, 10th May 1877 aged 65. Frances their daughter, 29th December 1857 aged 13.

187. (coped cross):- Florence Mary MYRING wife of T. H. Myring and daughter of Robert and Jeanne FULTON of Melbourne, Victoria, died 25th March 1897 aged 37.

188. Fran… …n.nd……..of this parish, 5th April 1803……..Also Ann wife of above Francis ALEXANDER, 5th October 1788 aged 54. Also Ann MANWARING of Cranbrook daughter of above Francis and Ann Alexander, 2nd September 1803 aged 23.

189. Eliabeth wife of William CHAYNEY of Boughton Malherb, 26th January 1829 in 61st year. Left surviving six sons and six daughters: William, Thomas, George, Jesse, John, Francis, Ann, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary, Jane and Ollif. Above William Chayney, 10th September 1858 aged 88.

190. (small cross):- William MERRELL, 17th December 1875 aged 76. Hannah his wife, 23rd October 1895 aged 87.

191. (small cross):- Elizabeth wife of John HEATHFIELD of this parish, 20th May 1898 aged 68. John Heathfield, 29th May 1909 aged 83.

192. (small cross):- Jesse FAREWELL , 31st December 1872 aged 38. Thomas Farewell,
9th November 1910 aged 70.

193. Harriet widow of the late William WESTON of Mayfield, Sussex, 25th June 1877 aged 64.

194. Benjamin PARKS of Lewisham, Kent, born 5th June 1810 died 5th April 1870 . Also Sarah and Mary Parks daughters of Benjamin and Sarah Parks died in infancy. Sarah wife of above died at Redhill, Surrey, 20th October 1878 aged 68.

195. Elizabeth wife of Joseph POOLE of this parish, 26th December 1825 aged 25. William their son, 17th March 1836 aged 17. Merelar their daughter, 22nd December 1837 aged 12, leaving one daughter Charlotte. Above Joseph Poole (no.E) died 17th October 1856 aged 65. [The entry in first case has been filled in].

196. William STEVENSON, 31st October 1915 aged 84. For 46 years member of the Strict? and particular Baptist Church at Staplehurst, 38 years of which as Deacon and servant of the church. Erected by above church and congregation.

197. Walter CHAINEY, 25th February 1915 aged 70. 

198. Mary wife of James ELGAR of this parish, 26th March 1782 aged 57. Left issue one son and one daughter: James and Mary. Above James Elgar, 24th November 1799 aged 77.

199. Edw(?in) (?ard) son of James and Mary ELGAR of this parish, died March - -…. aged…. months.

200. Mary wife of John PARKS of this parish, and daughter of Benjamin and Ann PARKER of Egerton. She died 28th August 1762 aged 31. Left issue one son John who died January 18th 1763 aged nine months.

201. Henry PARKES late of this parish. 1st August 1804 aged 49. Thomas Parks (no E) 7th June 1843 in 88th year. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Parkes died 21st August 1847 in 86th year.

202. Three little coffin stones- no inscription to be seen.

203. John PARKS of this parish, 16th August 1871 aged 86. Sarah his wife, 19th July 1868 aged 78. Also the deceased children of above. Mary Ann 24th November 1887 aged 79. Emiline, died 3rd August 1825 aged 5 years; William, 16th June 1828 aged 4 years, Rachel, 29th June 1828 aged five months.

204. Ellen DAY died at Ramsgate, 10th March 1877 in 63rd year.

205. Sarah wife of John DAY Victualler of this parish, 6th February 1855 aged 67. Left surviving issue three sons and two daughters: David, Charles, Alfred, Ellen and Esther.

206. Elizabeth wife of John DAY Victualler and daughter of Waters and Mary PERREN, 12th April 1811 aged 31. Also three sons and two daughters died in infancy. Left issue surviving Elizabeth, Mary-Ann, Ann and Eliza. Above John Day died 5th July 1846 aged 68 Leaving Sarah his second wife, three sons and two daughters.
207. John NANE of this parish, 5th July 1872 aged 80. Elizabeth his first wife, 9th January 1823 aged 30.

208. David and Ann son and daughter of William and Ann DAY of this parish, David born the 16th of May 1786, died the 21st May 1787. Ann born the 25th October 1790 died the 11th November 1790.

209. William DAY of Linsted but formerly of this parish died 2nd February 1832 aged 80. Ann his wife, 30th June 1825 aged 72. Left issue surviving two sons and two daughters: William, John, Martha and Elizabeth.

210. (small cross) :- Elizabeth FIELDER, infant twin daughter of John and Ellen FUGGLE and Grandchild of the late Thomas Fielder Fuggle of Fowle Hall Yalding died 12th March 1889 aged fourteen months.

211. John MYLAM formerly of this parish, February…. Aged 79. Also Elizabeth wife of above died October 15th 1834 aged – 7. Left surviving eight sons and daughters.

212. Thomas CHATFIELD who with his horse was drowned in passing through the River Lee in the parish of Hunton?, 23rd August 1830 aged 59.

213. William TOMSETT of Maidstone, 3rd October 1844 aged 67. Leaving Sarah
his widow.

214. William MARTIN, 23rd August 1885 aged 72. Ann his wife, 14th January 1884 aged 72.

215. Daniel BUSS late of Romden Farm, Smarden, 24th August 1869 aged 75. Mary Ann his wife, 1st August 1875 aged 65. Leaving a widow, five sons and one daughter: William, George, Daniel, Mary Ann, James and Charles.

216. Jesse son of Daniel and Mary Ann BUSS of this parish, 24th July 1839 aged I year eleven months.

217. James BUSS son of Daniel and Mary Ann Buss of Romden Farm, Smarden, 10th September 1874 aged 32.

218. Mary Ann wife of Thomas ATTAWAY, 17th April 1894 aged 58. Leaving two sons Charles and Albert. Above Thomas Attaway, 7th December 1911 aged 82.

219. (cross):- Alice fifth daughter of Charles and Elizabeth BUSS of Romden, Smarden, 22nd December 1902 aged 23.

220. (in same enclosure as 219):- Elizabeth wife of Charles BUSS of Smarden, 5th April 1919 aged 69.

221. Robert Pyner DAWSON of this parish, 12th December 1888 aged 62. Also of deceased children of above: Ada died 7th June 1865 aged eleven months, Maria 23rd April 1880 aged 12 years ten months.

222. James TIPPEN, 16th April 1902 aged 76. Mary Ann his wife, 6th February 1910 aged 79. Mary Jane daughter of above, 25th July 1870 aged 15.

223. Charlotte wife of Thomas PARKS, 19th August 1892 aged 47.

224. Henry CAPON born 13th January 1884 died 8th November 1889.

225. [?Ann] wife of Thomas T…. of the parish of Smarden, Oct….. 1835 aged 65. Left surviving one daughter Peggy. Above Thomas TURK, 28th November 1836 aged 73.

226. Charlotte wife of William MERCER of this parish, 29th March 1875 aged 37, leaving one son and two daughters: William, Charlotte and Margaret. William son of above, 25th June 1875 aged four months. Above William Mercer, 30th October 1909 aged 75.

227. Margaret wife of Edward BROWN, 31st July 1872 aged 42. Left issue two sons and two daughters: Edward Mercer, William Ernest, Ellen Amy and Margaret Mercer.

228. John MERCER of this parish, 8th April 1865 aged 72.

229. John son of John and Peggy MERCER of this parish, 2- April 1835 aged 2 years six months.

230. Thomas son of John and Peggy MERCER of this parish, 20th January 1844 aged 17.

231. Thomas BLINKS son of Thomas and Harriot Blinks of this parish, 24th April 1840 aged 8.

232. Thomas BLINKS of Hawkhurst, 6th October 1886 aged 85. Harriet his wife, 16th November 1885 aged 83.

233. John son of Daniel and Mary HODGES, 25th July 1854 aged 39, leaving Emma his widow.

234. Mary wife of Daniel HODGES late of Kingsnorth Farm Ulcomb and daughter of Robert and Ann MERCER of this parish, 23rd September 1851 aged 62. Above Daniel Hodges, 28th June 1866 aged 80. Left surviving one son and two daughters: John, Frances- Shirley and Mary-Ann.

235. (coffin):- Elizabeth daughter of Daniel and Mary HODGES, 6th February 1850 aged 22.

236. (coffin):- Two infant children of Alfred and Frances-Shirley BOORMAN of Sturry near Canterbury: Jane born 9th February 1847 died 10th February 1849. Betsy born 18th July 1845 died 12th December 1849.

237. (coffin):- Two infant children of Alfred and Frances-Shirley BOORMAN of Sturry near Canterbury: Mary-Ann born 27th January 1853, died 6th March 1854; Annie born 27th August 1856, died 10th October 1863.

238. (coped cross):- Alfred BOORMAN 26th September 1897 aged 80. Frances – Shirley Boorman, 15th July 1908 aged 91.

239. (cross):- Ernest WYMAN born 15th December 1870, died 19th January 1904.

240. (sundial):- Thomas HOOPEN fecit 1768.

241. Richard PENFOLD of this parish, 16th August 1845 in 69th year. Sarah his wife, 18th March 1852 in 69th year. Also Emma MILLEN their daughter, 1st October 1846 in 22nd year. William their son, 1st April 1848 in 37th year.

242. Jane Maria PENFOLD daughter of William and Elizabeth Penfold of this parish, for 18 years faithful servant of J & W. REDHOUSE esquire, died 25th December 1884 in 49th year.

243. Jesse NORRIS of this parish, 25th September 1873 aged 42. Elizabeth his wife, 23rd February 1871 aged 36, leaving five children: Jesse, Jane Eliza, Elizabeth, Julia and Maria.

244. Curb: no name.

245. Charles FARMER 17th January 1883 aged 65. Erected by his employer whom he
served faithfully many years.

246. (curb):- John REEVES of Hastings 21st May 1905 aged 58.

247. Henrietta Maria wife of Charles HAYWARD, 7th December 1905 aged 55.

248. Edith Louisa wife of Walter J. TAYLOR, 3rd January 1899 aged 36. Emily – Nora daughter of above, 30th April 1915 aged 31.

249. Henry WATERS, 23rd July 1881 aged 38.

250. Joseph BAUGHURST of this parish, 13th November 1881 aged 61, leaving a widow. Hannah his wife, 16th August 1897 aged 73.

In slip along South Border .
251. (cross by old Oak):- Elizabeth Mary ORTON, 20th May 1903.

252. John HOLLIS, 6th August 1901 aged 73. Louisa his wife, 28th November 1901
aged 75. Charles son of above died at sea, 26th April 1881 [no age].

253. (wooden cross):- Frank Stephen ROOTS, 26th March 1906 aged 2 years.

254. (small cross – iron):- George E. CROUCH, 3rd June 1895 aged six weeks.

255. (small cross):- A. J. MARTIN, 5th January 1895 aged ten weeks.

256. Abraham I I I I I died the 23rd ….? 1791. Left issue.. sons …. …. Daughters Abraham, John………………..

257. Thomas CHAYNEY of this parish, 10th March 1815 aged 80. Elizabeth his wife, 25th October 1815 aged 78. George their son, 24th April 1780 aged 2. Elizabeth OSMER their daughter, 27th October 1788 aged 22. Ann THORP their daughter, 19th September
1794 aged 26. Left surviving two sons and one daughter: Thomas, William and Sarah.

258. Robert JOY of this parish, 30th January 1855 aged 69. Sarah his wife, 3rd January 1857 aged 81. Left issue surviving four sons and three daughters: John, Jesse, Edwin, Thomas, Sarah- Ann, Winefred and Elizabeth.

259. Robert TASSELL of this parish, 8th July 1871 aged 93. Mary Ann his wife, 26th May 1871 aged 82.

260. Robert TASSELL late of Hernden Green Farm in this parish, 26th January 1886 aged 75.

261. George MERCER, 11th July 1910 aged 63.

262. (wooden cross):- James Heaver GODFREY, 20th September 1909 aged 73. Ann Godfrey, 15th March 1910 aged 66. John Godfrey killed in action in Italy, 31st October 1917 aged 28.

Eastern continued:
263. (coped):- Kate wife of John THURSTAN, second daughter of the late Edward SILOESTER of Worth, Sussex, 1st November 1882 aged 26. Guy Silvester infant son of above died 16th November aged twenty days.

264. Annie BARTON, 13th July 1888 aged 21. Frances Barton, 15th December 1895 aged 24.

265. (small coped):- Mabel Charlotte BURDEN, born 13th July 1883 died 18th May 1884.

266. Ann CLARK widow of Jonathan Clark of this parish, 7th October 1869 aged 85. Gilbert Clark son of above, 10th September 1855 aged 34.

267. Elizabeth wife of Charles J. CHAPLIN, 20th April 1885 aged 45. Above Charles J. Chaplin, 9th May 1886 aged 51.

268. Thomas MILLS, 20th November 1900 aged 77. Lydia his wife, 28th February 1902 aged 81.

269. Charles BOURNER, 9th July 1913 aged 73.

270. Eleanor Louisa (HELLA) wife of William CROWNS, 16th March 1903 aged 38.

271. Charlotte wife of John JONES of Wick Farm, Headcorn, 16th December 1906 aged 62.

272. Robert Benjamin BOORMAN, 7th December 1916 aged 65. Dorcas his wife, 15th May 1909 aged 53. Also Richard James SKINNER, Grandson of above, 23rd April 1917 aged 3 years nine months.

273. Edward James ROGERS, 1st November 1912 aged 76. Victoria Rogers, his wife, 1st September 1922 aged 80.

274. (cross):- Henry COVENEY. 28th January 1909 aged 56.

275. Herman Archie DUNGEY only son of Walter and Jennette Dungey, 22nd August 1912 aged 24.

276. (cross):- Alice Jane, wife of John J. BRAKEFIELD, 5th May 1912 aged 51.

Remaining 27 stones are all of recent date. L. D. 19th July 1923.

In the Church.
Kent’s Chapel.
277. (Brass on floor):- In Memory of William BORDEN of this parish who died in 1531 and was buried in this chapel between his wives Joan and Thomasine. This brass was placed here A.D. 1904 by Mrs R.V. COOK of Philadelphia, U.S.A. born Lavinia BORDEN, his descendant.

In chancel
– mural – north- tablet:-
278. To William PECHE, gent, who came to this parish in 1685, only son of Josiah Peche late of Ferring in Sussex, gent, who died in January 1703 aged 68. He had by his first wife, Mary Peche: Elizabeth and Frances; by his second wife, Margaret Peche: William Frances, Edmund, John, Josiah and Lydia, and by his third wife. Jane Peche, one son Matthew. This monument was erected by Josiah and Matthew Peche. [There is a shield above but nothing on it].

On East wall: North of altar:-
279. William PECHE, gent, died 12th February 1769 aged 60. Also Mary his former wife died 11th August 1762 aged 47. To whose pious memory this Monument was erected by Ann his second wife. Underneath: Lieth the Body of the above ……. (Ann?) wife of the Reverend ……… vicar of this……..aged 53.

In nave floor is a brass to:
280. John BYRD sonn of William Byrd of the parish of Headcorne, who was borne the 10th of May 1629 and in the tyme of his sicknesse delivered many Godly exortations? to his parents takinge his leave of them with such unexpected expressions as are not common in so
yong a child. He departed this life ye 31st of January Anno Domini 1636.

281. In South aisle is an arched tomb with CULPEPPER in spandrils. Left side and right side of shield show no difference. Over West door of Tower same arms differenced as above.

282. West End of South aisle – mural: To the Pious Memory of the Reverend Mr Samuel WHISTON son of Mr Jonathan Whiston, late of Northampton is this Monument erected .He was Vicar of this parish from the 2nd of May 1673 to the 31st of July 1716, on which day he died in the 75th year of his age and lies Buried near this place.

283. Sacred to the Memory of the Reverend David EVANS, 38 years Vicar and Curate of this parish who died April 4th 1801 aged 72. Erected by his only son, David Evans, Vicar of Runton
in Shropshire. "Surge ad judicium".

284. Four modern brasses, but no other tablets or monuments.
In Nave are some slabs of Bethersden marble but nothing on them

L.D. July 1923.

285. In yard of Baptist Chapel are several stones to LOVE and others
1854 onwards.
N.B. There are some slabs under carpet in Quire with inscriptions ?17th century.

Index of Names

Names IndexIllegible.45, 63, 202, 244, 256.
BARTEN(ON) 152, 264
BLINKS 231-2
BOORMAN 166, 236-8, 272
BURDEN (BORDEN) 12, 113, 265, 277
BUSH 145, 146
BUSS 215-7, 219, 220.
BYRD 280.
CARTER 158-165, 171
CHAYNEY 189, 197, 257
CHILDREN 6, 7, 8, 37, 68
CLARK 140, 266
COOPER 92, 93
CRITTENDEN) 25, 26, 148
DAY 11, 15,204-6, 208-9
DIVE 13, 14, 35
ELGAR 198-9
EVERDEN 21, 22.
FLEET 137-8, 153
FULLAGER 18, 64, 65, 117
GIBSON 29, 142
GOODWIN 31, 32, 174, 175
GREENHILL 11, 12, 15, 16, 105
HICKMOTT 72, 73, 77, 141
HILL 133, 135
HODGES 9, 42, 233-5
HOMEWOOD 117A, 106, 183
HOOKER 85, 86
JOY 84, 131, 258
JUDE 136.
KITE 3, 83.
LEWIS 90, 102
LINK 169
LOVE 286, [ also some in Baptist Chapel not recorded].
LOWDELL 108, 156
M 184
MANNERING ) 54-9, 188
MARTIN 214, 255
MERCER 128-130, 147, 157, 185, 226-230, 261
MILLEN 173,241
MILLEN 173 (amended 14/3/2002)
MUNN 143-4
NORRIS 125, 126, 243.
OARE 111, 157
OSMAR(ER) 149-50, 257
OTTAWAY 47, 133-4, 218
PARKES (PARKS) 80-82, 194, 200, 201, 203, 223
PEARSON 76, 77
PECHE 64, 69, 278, 279
PERREN 87, 206
POTTER 66, 67, 70, 71
PYNDE 114, 115, 116
PYNER 221.
SKINNER 41, 47-50
SMITH 170, 186
SOMERVILLE 98-100, 103-4
TASSELL 38-9, 259, 260
TONG 179
TURK 28, 225
TURL(E)Y 167, 168.
VANE 207
WAGHORN 30, 176, 178, 180
WARREN 98, 99, 103-4
WATER(S) 87, 206, 249
WEEKS 90, 91
WHITCOMB(E) 89, 125, 126
WOOD 132, 140, 151
WYMAN 239.
YATES (YEATES) 105, 1087


Monumental Inscriptions at St Peter & St Paul Church, Dymchurch


A seventeenth-century inventory for Westenhanger Castle and Sturry Court