Monumental Inscriptions of Herne Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Higham Churchyard
Monumental Inscriptions of Harbledown Church & Hospital
Monumental Inscriptions of Herne Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Herne Church, noted by Bax & Rice May April 1897. Pages 96 to 106 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield.
Names in churchyard
No B(ax's)
1. White, Collard, Reynolds, Fairman, Glover, Hutt (1757), Cotton, Hilder 1809 1813, Ewell of Hearn 1700, Sladden (several), Tassell, Cook, Ashbee early in NE part, late in NW part, Claden of Herne Parsonage.
Stones on N side.
2. 1 skull and foliage work Here lieth the body of Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Margaret WHITE, wife of Thomas Vandepeer was born June ye 23rd 1703 and died February 9th 1741. Mary ye daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Vandepeer was born September 9th 1740 and died November 11 1749. Left one son Thomas surviving he was born July 24th 1733.
3. 2 double HS three sculls, bones etc. Here lieth ye body of John WHITE son of Thomas & Margaret White. He departed this life November 27th 1739 aged 34 years.
Here lieth ye body of Thomas White son of Thomas and Margaret White. He departed this life September 14th 1739 aged 23 years.
4. HS In memory of Robert TRITTON of this parish who departed this life April 1 1797 aged 72 years. Also of Mary his wife who died October 22nd 1783 aged 73 years. She left issue by her former husband John Collard three sons and two daughters Thomas, Elizabeth, John, Margaret and Henry, an indulgent wife, a tender mother, hospitable to all her friends and acquaintance.
5. HS 2 sculls, crossbones Here lieth buried the body of Margaret ye wife of Thomas WHITE of this parish who had issue 2 sons and 2 daughters. She departed this life April ye 5th 1725 in ye 45 year of her age.
6. HS 2 sculls, 3 hourglasses (2 laid side ways), bones etc. Here lieth the body of Thomas WHITE of this parish who had issue by *Elizabeth his *[NB Elizabeth is cut over "Margt"] wife 2 sons and 2 daughters viz. Elizabeth, John, Mary and Thomas of whom one daughter Mary surviving and wife of John Collard who died January 10th 1746 aged 73 years.
7. HS 2 sculls, cherub’s between In memory of John COLLARD of this parish who departed this life January 18th 1758 aged 47 years and left issue by Mary his wife 3 sons and 2 daughters viz. Thomas, Elizabeth, Ino…, Margaret and Henry. All ye that pass this way along behold how sudden I was gone. As God to me short time did give take constant care how ye do live.
8. HS In memory of Martha daughter of John and Martha COLLARD of this parish who died October 12th 1787 aged 19 years. Oh! shade revered this frail memorial take: Tis all alas thy sorrowing friends can make this clay cold shrine ye corps enshrouded here this holly hillock bath’d with many a tear, those kindred flowers that on thy bosom grow, fed with the precious dust which lies below ee’n those rude brambles which embrace thy head and this green sod that forms the sacred bed, are richer, dearer, to thy parents heart than all the monuments of proudest art. Also of five other children of the above John and Martha, Robert died March 25th 1773 aged 3 years, Thomas died December 25th 1773 aged 8 months, Margaret died October 21st 1774 aged 3 years, Sarah died July 18th 1783 aged 3 months, James died June 21 1784 aged 2 months.
9. HS cherub’s head and wings, scroll work Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Elizabeth BING widow of the late Mr. John Bing who departed this life the 22 day of April 1756 aged 75 years.
10. HS scull and bones Here lieth the body of John BING of this parish who died the 15th of October 1752 aged 60 years.
11. HS In memory of Frances daughter of William CURLING and Char…… Hilton who died March 2…… aged 9 year
12. Double HS Here lieth ye body of Thomas EGERTON late of this parish. He departed this life ye 11 day of August 1727 in ye 74 year of his age.
13. HS broken at edge [Her]e lieth the body of Elizabeth ye wife of Thomas EGERTON she died August ye ………. 60/9……..
14. HS 2 sculls Here lieth ye body of Jane daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth EGERTON who died December ……………………..
15. HS Sacred to the memory of William CURLING HILTON who died June 28th 1824 aged 35 years. Also of Charlotte wife of the above who died January 28th 1873 aged 81 years.
16. Double HS 2 cherub’s heads In memory of Ann ASHBEE wife of William Ashbee of this parish she died 1st February 1773 aged 34 years. Likewise of James their son he died 10 September 1774 aged 9 months. Also of William Ashbee late of Beltinge Farm died April 16th 1812 aged 83 years.
17. HS scull and bones Here lieth the body of Elizabeth wife of Thomas SUTTON of this parish who left issue one son. She died March 25 1729 aged 57 years.
18. HS Head above Here lieth the body of John SUTTON son of Thomas and Elizabeth Sutton who died August the 11 17..3 aged 57 years.
19. To the memory of Job LAWRANCE late of this parish, miller, who departed this life August the 28th 1795 aged 78 years.
20. HS cross in circle (drawing) Charlotte HILTON who died May 19th 1870 aged 21 years. (small caps) Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou are with me.
21. HS of wood not a ?rail In memory of Hanna KENNETT wife of William Kennett who departed this life aged 28 years. She left surviving one child Ann Frances. Afflictions sore long time I bore [8 lines].
22. HS scull and bones – close to N porch Here lieth ye body of Catherine WICKS widdow of Richard Wicks late of this parish who died ye 6th of March 1726/7.
23. Short thick HS like a milestone near E window 1652 CCG
24. Under the East window upon the E wall (outside) Mr. Thomas BELSEY died December 5th 1811 aged 62 years. MB 1839, WB 1839, JM 1842, EB 1878. Vaults in front of this: (a) Elizabeth Belsey died 14th February 1878 aged 79 years. (b) Mary Milles died 14th August 1822 aged 78 years.
25. Tablet at E end of S aisle (outside) probably of cast iron The family vault of Mr. John COLLARD BROOMFIELD erected May 1806.
26. On the S side of the churchyard. Double HS only one side filled 2 cherub’s head and scroll work In memory of Mr. John TASTALL departed this life the 24th December 1784 aged 54 years. He left a widow and one son. (blank).
27. HSS In memory of WHIDETT? family.
28. HS In memory of Thomas FAIRMAN of the parish of Chislett, yeoman died October 30th 1828 aged 78 years. Left surviving three daughters Sarah, Martha and Elizabeth.
29. HS Sacred to the memory of Sarah wife of Thomas FAIRMAN of the parish of Chislet who died December 31 1815 aged 57 years. Left issue surviving 3 daughters Sarah, Martha and Elizabeth.
30. HS 2 sculls Here lieth ye body of Isaac CHIDDICK who departed ys life at Sea Street in this parish February 18th 1713.
31. HS In memory of Daniel FAIRMAN of this parish who died October 17th 1792 aged 63 years. He left surviving Sarah his wife and two daughters Martha and Mary.
32. HS In memory of Sarah wife of Daniel FAIRMAN late of this parish who died October 19 1806 aged 72/3? years. She left surviving 2 daughters Martha and Mary.
33. HS 2 sculls and bones, an hourglass between Here lieth ye body of Thomas FAIRMAN who left issue 2 sons by Martha his second wife. He died March 6th/16th 1736 aged 59 years. Also 2 sons and 1 daughter ……………………
34. HS In memory of John HOY who was accidentally killed while on duty at Herne Bay Railway Station 23rd June 1879 aged 40 years. Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matt. XXIV.44.
35. HS scull Here lieth the body of Richard REYNOLDS son of Richard Reynolds and Mary his wife of this parish who departed this life March 2 1755 aged 24 years.
36. Double HS Here lies ye body of John REYNOLDS son of Richard and Mary Reynolds departed this life 7th day of September 1743/7 aged 10 years. Also Mary Reynolds daughter of Richard and Mary Reynolds departed this life 5th day of September 1750 aged 17 years.
37. HS ornamental work on top Here lieth interr’d/buried the body of Mary REYNOLDS the wife of Richard? Reynolds of this parish who died November …. 1742 aged 36? years. She left issue 4 sons and 1 daughter viz. Thomas, Richard, Edward, John and Mary. 4 lines more probably poetry.
38. HS apparently obliterated
39. HS Here lye the bodys of Thomas and Elizabeth, son and daughter of Edward and Elizabeth REYNOLD of this parish. Thomas died August 1715 aged 3 years. E…….. died June ye 24th ……………….. years. (much sunk forward).
40. HS 2 sculls Here lieth ye body of Edward REYNOLDS late of this parish who had issue by Elizabeth his wife 5 sons and daughters. He died April 6th 1738/88 aged 58 years.
41. HS Here lieth the body of Mary the wife of Francis FAIRMAN of this parish. She died June ye 2nd 1760 aged 58 years.
42. HS Sacred to the memory of Richard PORT who departed this life July 24th 1797 aged 43 years. Also Mary the wife of Richard Port who died June 1st 1840 aged 85 years.
43. 5 "Glover" stones 1801-1834.
44. HS Cherub’s head and wings (near the West door of church) Here lieth the body of Thomas HUTT late of this parish who departed this life 10 February 1751 aged 58 years. He left issue 1 daughter Mary wife of Ino….. Wilson (a line of small writing).
45. HS (with hourglass) Here lieth ye body of Elizabeth widow of Richard HUTT late of ys parish who died June 1, 1757 aged 58 years. 4 lines of poetry.
46. HS Here lieth the body of John KNOWLES who departed this life April 9 1810 aged 88 years fifty of which he served the office of Clerk of this parish with credit to himself and satisfaction to his superiors. by Mary his first wife he had 4 sons and 1 daughter. John who died in his infancy, William who died 1776 aged 26 years. Mary who died January 1776 aged 25 years. By his second wife he had 1 son William who died July 1806 and buried [5 or 6 more lines faint].
47. Here lyeth ye body of …. love we …. departed …….. life ……. May …. ye year of our Lord 1680 aged 51 yeares. TS.
48. HS In memory of John COTTEW late of this parish, glazier who died December 31 1787 aged 85 years. Also of Ann wife of the above who died June 2, 1762 aged 62 years.
49. HS cherub’s head and wings Here lieth the body of John COTTEW, glazier son of John and Ann Cottew of this parish who departed this life May 22nd 1759 aged 24 years. Weep not for me my friends most dear I am not lost but sleeping here. Also near this place lie his ancestors.
50. HS all caps Beneath reposes the mortal remains of William Davey LE GRAND Esq. eldest son of the late William Le Grand, Esquire of Canterbury born February 13th 1810 died January 29th 1876. "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith".
51. HS North West side of churchyard In memory of Susanna wife of William CAREY of this parish who died 9 January 1815 aged 72 years. Same HS Right hand half In memory of William CAREY late of this parish who died 19 August 1818 aged 76/0 years.
52. HS scull above Here lyeth the body of William EWELL of Herne who died the 29 of October 1769 aged 68 years. NB. This adjoins a tombstone of the same pattern possibly to a relative of the family.
53. HS double cherub’s heads and wings one above the other In memory of Mary wife of John BUSBRIDGE of this parish who departed this life the 16th of April 1776 aged 74 years. 6 lines of poetry. Also the above said John Busbridge who departed this life on the 23 of February 1770?
54. HS Sacred to the memory of Stephen BUSBRIDGE who departed this life February 13th 1846 aged 57 years. Also Ann Maria Busbridge who departed this life December 9th 1838 aged 21 years.
55. HS Sacred to the memory of Caroline daughter of James and Jane TASSELL who died March 29 1839 aged 9 years. Arthur died February 5th 1852. Fanny-Jane died July 26th 1852. Edith died October 5th 1852. Emily died October 5th 1853.
56. Sacred to the memory of Sidney infant son of James and Jane TASSELL who died January 28 1827/37 aged 5 months. Also of Charles H. who died ……………
57. HS (Inscription on back of No. 49 first to Busbridge) To the memory of Thomas BUSBRIDGE late of HM Customs who departed this life at Herne Bay March 4th 1854 in the 77th year of his age.
58. HS Sacred to the memory of James TASSELL, yeoman, of Rhodes Court, Selling formerly of Wye in this County died July 12th aged 67 years. Also Mary, wife of the above died February 15th 1837 aged 65 years.
59. HS Sacred to the memory of Theodore son of James and Mary TASSELL who departed this life September 11th 1826 aged 10/40 years.
60. HS Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth daughter of James and Mary TASSELL of Wye who after a lingering illness born with patience and resignation departed this life the 10/19 of February 1821/4 (more lines).
61. TASSELL stones – difficult to make out – indecipherable.
62. HS with an extraordinary cherub’s head In memory of Mr. Richard COOK late of this parish surgeon who died ye 12th August 1775 aged 52 years. Mary Tassell wife of Mr. Richard Cook who died November 22 1792 aged 90/96/66 years.
63. Another HS apparently to TASSELL much obliterated.
64. HS To the memory of Theodore TRITTON son of Richard and Elizabeth Cook late of this parish. He died at Cold Harbour, Wye December 23 1827 aged 37 years.
65. On the NE side In memory of Edward BROWN of Herne Bay who died February 21st 1847 aged 68. Also of Barbara his widow who died June 25 1856 aged 62 and of six of their children viz. Barbara, Elizabeth, George, Fanny, Sarah and Thomas.
66. HS Sacred to the memory of John BROWN of this parish who died June 9th 1863 aged 88 years. Also Elizabeth late wife of John Brown (Lower Red Lion, Herne Street) who departed this life the …… day of December 1855 aged 75 years. Also two sons of the above, Thomas Brown.
67. HS Sacred to the memory of Richard KENNETT late of this parish who departed this life 3rd of September 1818 aged 63 years. He left surviving his wife three sons and three daughters. Be ye faithful in hopes of a joyful Resurrection.
68. HS Sacred to the memory of Mary KENNETT late of this parish who departed this life 4th of January 1814 aged 18 years. Weep not dear friends nor grieve no more I am not lost but gone before.
69. HS Sacred to the memory of Harriett KENNETT late of this parish who departed this life October the 23rd 1837 aged 32 years. Weep not for me my parents dear I am not dead but sleeping here, my illness was ………… but ……… God (6 lines).
70. HS Sacred to the memory of Jane widow of the late Mr. Richard KENNETT of Beltinge in the parish of Herne who died 21st June 1840 aged 73 years. Left surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters. This heavenly calm within the breast is the dear pledge of glorious rest (2 verses).
71. HS (all caps) W end of churchyard To the memory of Ferdinand Stanley Head BRYDGES, youngest son of the late Sir S. Egerton Brydges Bart. of Denton Court, near Canterbury who departed this life at Herne Bay December 6th 1843 aged 39 years. Also of Mary, relict of the above named Sir S. Egerton Brydges Bart. and daughter of the late Revd. William Robinson Rector of Burfield, Berks, brother to Matthew, first Baron Rokeby who departed this life at Herne Bay November 27 18….. (sunk).
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
ASHBEE 1, 16
BING 9, 10
BROWN 65, 66
BUSBRIDGE 53, 54, 57
Claden 1
COLLARD 1, 4, 7, 8, 25
COOK 1, 62
COTTEW 48, 49
CURLING 11, 15
EGERTON 12, 13, 14, 71
EWELL 1, 52
FAIRMAN 1, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 41
CCG 23
Glover 1, 43
Head 71
Hilder 1
HILTON 15, 20
HOY 34
HUTT 1,44, 45
KENNETT 21, 67, 68, 69, 70
REYNOLDS 1, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40
Robinson 71
TS 47
Sladden 1
SUTTON 17, 18
TASSELL 1, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
Vandepeer 2
WHITE 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
Places IndexBeltinge Farm 16
Beltinge, Herne 70
Berks 71
Burfield, Berks 71
Canterbury 50
Chislet 28, 29
Cold Harbour, Wye 64
Denton Court, near Canterbury 71
Hearn (Herne?) 1
Herne 57
Herne Bay 34, 65, 66, 71
Herne Parsonage 1
Lower Red Lion, Herne Street 66
Rhodes Court, Selling 58
Sea Street, Herne
Wye 58, 60General
accidentally killed 34
Clerk of this parish 46
glazier 48, 49
HM Customs 57
miller 19
Railway Station 34
Rector 71
surgeon 62
yeoman 58