Monumental Inscriptions from St John the Baptist Church, Meopham
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Monumental Inscriptions from St John the Baptist Church, Meopham
Monumental Inscriptions from St John the Baptist Church, Meopham, noted by Meopham Historical Society. Index created by Ted Connell. Including a plan (84KB) of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
The original text runs to 73 pages. Here the text has been consolidated to make the format match other M.I.'s on this Website.
The Monumental Inscriptions of St. John’s, Meopham, were first recorded in the ‘Church Monthly’ of July 1898 by the vicar, the Rev. L.W. Lewis. This list included names and years of burial and the location was indicated by the relevant compass point relating to the church. It was later incorporated in C.H. Golding-Bird’s ‘History of Meopham’ in 1934. These entries provide a most useful source of comparison with ours of a century later. Some 20 names of individuals, all buried before 1898, have been revealed in our own recordings but, curiously, are missing from the original list. These are mainly 18th century gravestones on the south side of the church. On the other hand there are over 50 individuals recorded by L.W. Lewis which we have been unable to trace. More than half of these are listed as north of the church and may now lie beneath the tarmacced paths. Others are recorded as west of the church and on the verge of the widened A227. For the benefit of researchers these names are listed alphabetically with their original locations in the appendix. Lewis spoke hopefully of a possible map of the churchyard but none appeared. A later attempt to record the tombstones was made in 1972 by Mr. H.W. Davies and lodged at the Centre for Kentish Studies in 1975 (Ref. TR 1893/1). Four documents were submitted, containing 70 individual inscriptions, but it is a far from complete survey and no accompanying plan appears to exist. However, a comparison with our survey reveals four inscriptions of which we had no trace. Details of these are also in the appendix.
Our survey was undertaken by eight volunteers from the Meopham Historical Society and has taken three years to bring to completion. The churchyard was divided into 11 sections, each with its own plotted map, and each has been indexed both alphabetically and by location. Two similar general indexes and a plan of the whole churchyard are included. (not included in this webpage) In cases where the same surname occurs more than once the entries are chronologically listed. Similar indexes with a plan are included for the memorials in the church itself. Original spellings, punctuation and spaces for illegible letters have been strictly adhered to and slashes indicate the division of lines in the inscriptions. Where doubts have arisen about the dates Burial Registers, Bishop’s Transcripts and Golding-Bird have been consulted; hence occasional italicised abbreviations, such as BR, BT, GB with alternative solutions. 266 gravestones survive and 510 individuals have been identified. The earliest surviving inscription is that of Richard Masters of Camer, 1689. The Old Churchyard was officially closed in 1923 and later burials (not included in this survey) are in the new graveyard on the west side of the A227.
Members of the Historical Society who participated in this survey:- Surveyor:- Jack Preston, Indexer:- Jim Ford
The recorders:- Sheila Bodiam, Sheila Farmer, Joan Goodwins,
Pictures of the team at work
Ann Kneif, Renee Phippen, Suzanne Edmeades-Stearns
The book jacket:- Jane Paffard (daughter of a member) The computerisation of the text:- Ann Kneif
J. O. Goodwins, December 2000
© of Meopham Historical Society
In the ChurchyardArea A
1.(A1) Cross on base In loving memory of / GEMRICKIE GARD / died May Base … ho died
2 (A2) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory / of / ANN WARRINGTON / died 8th May 1903 / aged 49 [40?] / also of / HENRY WARRINGTON / husband of the above / died 9th October 1919 [1910?] / aged 62
3 (A3) WHA(R)TO(N) and W(H)IF(FIN) Headstone and footstone In loving memory / of / M.. ..HOMA…. ....H / (ent)ered into rest April 1..(?) [16? 18?] / aged 85 years / MARY ANN WHA(R)TO(N) / SARAH ELIZABETH W…IF(FIN) / sisters of the above / inter(red) in this church-yard / our Dead are living unto …Footstone B.T.W. 1904
4 (A4) Headstone In / loving memory / of / FRANCES C.G. CLARK STEVENS / who died 9th February 1896 / aged 15 years / She sleeps in Jesus free from pain / our loss though great to her is gain / beloved by all who knew her here / and to her parents none more dear / yet hope through Jesus death is given / that soon we’ll meet with her in heaven / also ARTHUR C. STEVENS / father of the above / died 13th Dec 1932 aged 74 / and of his wife MARY / died 24th September aged 78
5 (A5) Pedestal and cross In loving memory of / GEORGE CALLER / who died Augst 11th 1902 / aged 28 years
6 (A6) Pedestal and cross In loving memory / of / JOHN CALLER / who died December 2 1899 / aged 52 years / His end was peace / calmly he passed away
7 (A7) 3 tier pedestal with cross (detached) West facing side: top tier: In loving memory / of / our dear sister / middle tier: MAY STANLEY / died March 9th 1902 age 20 / not gone from memory East facing side: bottom tier: Not gone from love / but gone to her Father’s / home above
8 (A8) Headstone and footstone East side: In memory of / Mr. WILLIAM BROWNFIELD / who died October 31st 1862 / aged 68 years / also of MARY ANN BROWNFIELD / wife of the above / born November 30th 1796 / died August 12th 1878 aged 82 years / in affectionate remembrance of / two grandsons of the above / JAMES CHARLES HALL / who was drowned at sea / on the 19th of December 1872 / aged 22 years / and of / THOMAS BAYLIS HALL / who died of typhoid fever at sea / on the 19th January 1878 / aged 16 years / also / WILLIAM HENRY BROWNFIELD / son of the above / …rn March 12th 1832 died May 6th 1885
West side:In memory of / HARRY AUGUSTUS HALL / grandson of / WILLIAM AND MARY ANN BROWNFIELD / and brother of J.C. & T.B. HALL / who died in California 27th June 1890 / in his 35 year
Footstone W.B. 1862, M.A.B. 1878, J.C.H. 1872, T.B.H. 1878, W.H.B.1885, H.A.H. 1890
9 (A9) Headstone and footstone In / affectionate remembrance / of / EMMA CALLER / who died Decr 31st 1899 / aged 53 years / Thy will be done Footstone CALLER
10. (A10) 3 tier pedestal with standing cross attached Top tier: … loving memory of / my dear husband / ALBERT …ER / w……. / aged …. Years. Middle tier: B[lesseed] are the dead which die in the Lord / also EMMA / beloved wife of the above / born Oct 28th 1862 died Jan 3rd 1947 / resting
11. (A11) Headstone and footstone In loving memory / of / JOHN STEVENS / died Feby 16th 1906 / aged 80 years / also / ROSETTA, his beloved wife / died Jany 25th 1903 / aged 73 years / also / CLARA daughter of the above / died Feby 19th 1873 / aged 2 years / "Thy will be done"
Footstone J.S. 1906, R.S. 1903, C.S. 1873
12. (A12) Cross on two tier pedestal base Top tier: … lov… …..y / H.RR… / widow … … (la)te / THOMAS ADES / of Brede Sussex / died Nov 13 1898 aged 6(4) Lower tier: also / HOWARD / youngest son of the above / died Dec 20 1876 aged .8 / R.I.P.
13. (A13) Small headstone and footstone C C / COOMBES / died July 2nd 1861 / aged 7 months Footstone CCC 1861
14 (A14) Twin head and body stones Left-hand Sacred / to the memory of / JOHN FIGGESS / who / departed this life / May the 26th / 1851 / aged 92 years Right-hand Sacred / to the memory of / REBECCA wife of / JOHN FIGGESS / who / departed this Life / February the 8th / 1854 / aged 84 years
15 (A15) Headstone and coffin shaped slab East facing: Sacred / to the memory of / THOMAS LATHAN / who departed this life / December 17th 1846 / aged 62 years / also ANN wife of the above / who died April 29th 1879 / in her 84th year West facing: In / memory of / RICHARD son of / JOSEPH and MARIA FIGGESS / of Northfleet parish / who died December 7th 1848 / aged 17 months
16. (A16) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to / the memory of / Mr. EDWARD COOMBE.. / of this pa.. / ho ..eparted this l… / November 12th 18.. / aged 69 years / also / SARAH wife of the above / who departed this l… / November 18th 1861 / aged 67 years Footstone E.C. 1858, S.C. 1861
17. (A17) Badly eroded. No inscription decipherable.
18. (A18) Cross on three tier pedestal base Top tier: In loving memory / of Middle tier: WILLIAM C…. / born August 3…. / died Decer 4th 1897 Bottom tier: also of CHARLOTTE ELLEN / wife of the above / born November 21st 1835 / died November 8th 1915
19. (A19) Headstone and footstone In affectionate remembrance / of / JOHN BUTCHER / who died January 11th 1871 / aged 75 years / also of ELIZABETH / second wife of the above / who died April 26th 1877 / aged 71 years / "For if we believe that Jesus died and / rose again even so them also which leep in / Jesus will God bring with him" / also ANN and SARAH / daughters of the above JOHN BUTCHER Footstone ..B 1871, EB 1877
20. (A20) Headstone and two footstones Sacred to the memory / of / MARTHA LOTT / sister of / MARY BLACKMAN / who departed this life / (at Gravesend) on the / 28th November 1818 / aged 15 years / MARY BLACKMAN / wife of JOHN BLACKMAN / & eldest daughter of / MATTW & MARY LOTT / who departed this life / May 24th 1818 in the / 26th year of her age / also the above / JOHN BLACKMAN / who departed this life / April 21st 1820 / aged 32 years / left issue two sons / vizt WILLm and JOHN Two footstones M.B. 1818, M.L. 1818
Area B
21. (B1/B2) Twin headstone (leaning) Left-hand In ….. / of ANN FRENCH / wife of / JOHN FRENCH / of this parish / Died 29 …. ar. 1762 / aged 65 years / [BR 2nd April] Right-hand ……… / JOH.. FRENCH / of this …… / who ……. / Nov …….. / aged … years [BR 1777 24th November and GB 1777 burial]
22. (B3) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of ANN daughter of / JOHN & MARGARET FRENCH / of this parish who departed / this life the 25 of April 1806 / aged 49? Years
Footstone A.F. 1806
23. (B4) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. THOMAS FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / November 30th 1810? / aged …. Years / left issue two sons and three daughters / (viz) JOHN THOMAS SARAH / ANN MARY … / also SARAH his wife / who departed this life / December 29th 1849 / aged 74 years Footstone T.F. 1810, S.F. 1849
24. (B5) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. WILLIAM FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / the 28th of September 1818 / aged 60 years
25. (B6) Headstone In affectionate remembrance / of / MARY FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / September 9th 1874 / aged 65 years / "the dust returns to the earth as it was and / the Spirit returns unto God who gave it" / Ecclesiastes 12.7.
26. (B7) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / ANN FRENCH / who departed this life / the 5th of May 1851 / aged 46 years Footstone A.F. 1851
27. (B7a) A coffin shaped stone with a kerbstone. No headstone. No markings. Possibly a FRENCH? In alignment with several other French tombstones.
28. (B8) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / ARTHUR and MARY JANE BALE / for many years / schoolmaster and schoolmistress / at Siesey, Boston, Lincolnshire On small cross – inscription face down in grass, so very clear. In memory of ARTHUR BUGGS / died Aug. 2nd 1912 Possibly marble – in excellent condition [BR Arthur 29th April 1894, Mary Jane 11th March 1904]
29. (B9) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / HENRY BUGGS / late of this parish / who departed this life / December 28th 1846 / aged 57 years / "come unto me all ye that labour and are / heavy laden and I will give you rest" / Matthew 11 Chap 28th verse / he left issue by HARRIOT his wife / one son and two daughters / viz: JAMES, MARY ANN, / and ELIZABETH / also HARRIOT BUGGS / wife of the above / who died April 9th 1856 aged 66 years / "purge me, with his …. And I shall be clean / wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow" / 51st Psalm 7th verse Footstone H.B. 1846, H.B. 1856
30. (B10) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / HENRY son of / HENRY and HARRIOT BUGGS / who died July 5th 1826 / aged 9 years / also RICHARD JAMES / who died February 4th 1834 / aged 15 years / likewise HARRIOT / who died March 8th 1834 / aged 9 years / "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken / away. Blessed be the name of the Lord" / Job 4 Chapr 21 verse Footstone H.B. 1826, R.J.B. 1834, H.B. 1834
31. (B11) Headstone and footstone No inscription visible. Stone flaking very badly. Footstone buried against headstone.
32. (B12) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth / the body of / THOMAS SHARMER / of this parish Junr / who died Octor ye 14th / …. Ye 37th year / …. His age Footstone ..S 1737
33. (B13) Headstone The body … / ANN DAI…E / wife of WILL: D…… / late of East G… / and daugh… / (S)KARM… / of …… .arish / ye 30th of J..n. / aged 51 (57?) years
34. (B14) Pedestal and kerbstone Cross on 3-tier pedestal within rectangular kerbstone with raised corners East facing pedestal, top tier: In / loving memory / of Middle tier: ROBERT HENRY FRENCH / DIED April 10 1918. / aged 74 years. Bottom tier: "after he had seved his own generation he fell on sleep West facing pedestal, top tier: Also / KATE LUCY / his wife Middle tier: died May 22 1928 / aged 74 years
35. (B15) Headstone and coffin shaped stone on ground Sacred / to the memory of / HARRIOT wife of / JOHN FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / January 8th 1871 / aged 57 years / also EMMA FRENCH / who died in her infancy / left issue / JOHN THOMAS WILLIAM HARRIOT / SARAH ANN ROBERT HENRY MARY / GEORGE MARGARET and EDWARD / JOHN FRENCH / died Sepr 17th 1883 aged 76 years
36. (B16) Headstone and 2 footstones Sacred / SARAH …. of / Mr JOHN R?..E..NEY / of this parish departed this life / on the …….. 18..9 / also two children of the above / who died in their infancy
2 footstones – no inscription visible
37. (B17) Headstone h…e / lyeth … body / of EDWARD BELL / who departed this / life … 6 …. / aged 59? / also his father (and) / mother lies by … / reader (st)and of … / Thy remembrance keep / for in this (gra)ve a / fr…nd of Ch(rist) doth / sleep [GB 1724]
38. (B18) Headstone and 2 footstones To the / memory of MARGARET wife of / JOHN FRENCH / of this parish she departed this / life the 14 October 1780 / aged 56 years / also JOHN FRENCH departed / this life the 7th October 179.. / aged 68 years 2 footstones M.F. 1780, J.F. 179..? [BR 1795]
39. (B19) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / ROBERT FRENCH of this / parish who departed this life / the 24th of November 1802 / aged 40 years Footstone R.F. 1802
40. (B20) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory / of / JOHN NORTON / who died 2nd April 1908 / aged 73 years / also of JANE MORGAN / sister of the above / who died 4th February 1910 / aged 79 years / "gone but not forgotten"
41. (B21) Headstone and footstone In memory / of / RICHARD BUGGS / of this parish / who died May 1st 1808 / aged 70 years / also MILDRED BUGGS / wife of the above / who died October 2nd 1786 / aged 46 years / (left issue 4 sons) / likewise SARAH FAIRMAN / daughter of the above / who died June 2nd 1785 Footstone no initials
42. (B22) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mrs MARY BUGGS / of the parish of Ash in this county / who died March 1st 1831 / aged 67 years / "Remember now Thy Creator in the days of Thy / youth while the evil days come not, nor the years / draw nigh when Thou shalt cry I have no pleasure in them" / Ecclesiastes / Chap XII verse 1 / also GEORGE BARKAWAY / who died September 23rd 1831 / aged 5 months / also HANNAH YOUNG / who died May 12th 1875 / aged 74 years / ….. pray Footstone M.B. 1831, G.B. 1831
43. (B23) Headstone and footstone In memory of / Mr WILLIAM BUGGS / died June 6 1819 aged 56 / Mr WILLIAM son of the above died / June 6 1817 aged 28 / ANN BARKAWAY died May 15 1806 / aged 1 year / JESSE BARKAWAY died June 16 18…? / aged 3 years 10 months / grandchildren of the above Footstone W.B. no date
44. (B24) Headstone and 2 footstones In memory of / Mr THOMAS LAURIE of this parish / who departed this life 31st may 1808 / in the 22nd year of his age / left issue one son, THOMAS / also his son THOMAS LAURIE / who departed this life 1st SepTR 1859 / aged 51 years Footstone on left T.L. 1808, T.L. 1859
Footstone on right (not related) E.S. 1831, R.S. 1832
45. (B25) Headstone In / memory of / MARY BUGGS of this parish / who departed this life 28th Sept 1804 / aged 64 years / also THOMAS BUGGS husband of the above / departed this life 3rd Octr 1804 / aged 76 years 2 footstones M.B. 1804 T.B. 1804
46. (B26a) Headstone and footstone East facing: In memory of / CHARLES / the beloved son of / WILLIAM And NAOMI JEAL / who departed this life / January 29th 1878 / aged 15 years / also / WILLIAM JEAL / father of the above / who passed peacefully above / February 22nd 1903 / aged 70 years / also NAOMI JEAL / called to rest April 19 1912 / aged 80 years / a faithful wife and loving mother West facing: In / affectionate remembrance / of / MARY wife of / WILLIAM LANE, / of this parish / who died March 19th 1872 / aged 67 years / also / WILLIAM LANE / husband of the above / who died April 9th 1882 / aged 80 years
47. (B26b) Footstone ML 1872, CJ 1878, WL 1882, WJ 1903, NJ 1912
48. (B26c) Footstone leaning against wall backing the A227 G.B. 1860 reference to GEORGE BUGGS buried 10 July M.B. 1878 reference to MARY, wife of GEORGE BUGGS buried 12 February No headstone survives. Provenance:- burial register
49. (B27) Footstone leaning against wall backing the A227 M.B. 1818 reference to MARY BLACKMAN see No. 20 (A20)
50. (B28) Footstone leaning against wall backing the A227 M.L. 1818 reference to MARTHA LOTT see A20
51. (B29) Footstone (no details visible) leaning against wall backing the A227
Area C
52. (C1) Headstone and footstone In affectionate remembrance / of / ELVIRA / the beloved wife of / JAMES BUGGS / who died November 3rd 1868 / aged 41 years / "Thy will be done" / also JULIA BUGGS / who died March 10th 1870 / aged 7 years / "the Lord giveth and taketh, blessed be / the name of the Lord" / also the above JAMES BUGGS / who exchanged life for immortality / August 9th 1890 aged 69 years / "Home at last Thy labour done. / Safe and blest the victory won. / Jordan passed from pain set free / Angels now have welcomed thee.
Footstone E.B. 1868, J.B. 1870, J.B. 1890
53. (C2) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY BUGGS / who died 17th May 1894 / Aged 34 years at base of headstone J. Steel Gravesend (stonemason) Footstone H.B. 1894
54. (C3) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / RICHARD BARNARD / who died October 8th 1837 / aged 59 years / also HANNAH wife of the above / who died December 9th 1856 / aged 77 years / also JAMES their son / born 25th September / died 11th December 1815 Footstone R.B. 1837, H.B. 1856, J.B. 1815
54. (C4) Headstone and footstone In memory of / ROBERT HILLS / who died 5th July 1813 aged 77 years / left issue two sons and six daughters / "in the gay scene too oft of giddy youth / he sought his God and chose the paths of truth: / those paths he trod to life’s meridian stage / those paths pursu’d to long extended age / Pain he endur’d but from affliction’s flame / like Gold refulgent from the furnace came / till in full age and well prepared for death / calm and unruffl’d he resigned his breath / Reflection / perhaps some critic, or perhaps some friend / may ask ‘and what’s the good these lines intend?’ / Live o’er his life and such shall be thine end" / MARY wife of the above / ROBERT HILLS / who died the 20th February 1820 / aged 85 years Footstone R.H. 1817, M.H. 1820
55. (C5) Twin headstone and two body tombs with initials at foot of each Left-hand Sacred / to the memory of / Mr THOMAS EDMEADES / of the parish of Darenth / who departed this life / the 30th of March 1820 / aged 80 years Right-hand Sacred / to the memory of / ANNE relict of / THOMAS EDMEADES / departed this life / 13th of December 1832 / aged 83 years At foot of body tombs T.E. & A.E.
56. (C6) Headstone, body tomb and footstone In sacred memory … / …ANOR EDMEAD.. sis… .. / THOMAS EDMEADES of Stone who / …. this li… the .. November 1802 / aged … years Footstone – at foot of body stone E.E. 1802 [BR Elizabeth 9th November]
57. (C7) Headstone and body stone Memory / ALICE wife of / Mr. THOMAS CUCKOW / of this parish / who died the 30th of March 1821 / aged 77 years / also the above THOMAS CUCKOW / who died the 23rd of April 1821 / aged 80 years / left issue three sons / JOHN THOMAS and RICHARD
58. (C8) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth / the body of / ELIZA SALMON / sister of WILL… / SALMON of ys parish / she died in ye year / 1710? / aged … years Footstone totally illegible
59. (C9) Headstone and footstone Here lieth / the body of ELIZABETH / wife of THOMAS / PLUMMER of this parish / she departed this life Feb / ruary 28th 1759 in the / 47 year of her age / here lieth also the body / of the said THOMAS / PLUMMER he departed / this life Aug the 22nd 1764 / aged 62 years Footstone E.P. 1759, T.P. 1764
60. (C10) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth the body of / RICHARD PLUMMER late / of the parish of Greenwich / in Kent who dyed Octor. / the 24th 1741 aged 74 yr. Footstone RP 1741
61. (C11) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth the body / of WILLIAM BUGGS / cityson and cook of / London. He departed / this life February 4th / A.D. 1756 in the / 30 year of his age / "short was my days / the longer is my rest / God called me hence / because he knew it best" Footstone W.B. 1756
62. (C12) Headstone and footstone Here li… / the body of / ELIZAH PLUMMER / widow who depar / ted this life De / cemr. ye 25 in ye / year of our Lord / 1772(?) & in ye 84 / year of her age Footstone EP 1772?
63. (C13) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / KATHARINE daughter of / THOMAS & SARAH SALMON / of this parish / departed this life the … of / June 181? Aged 11 years [BR 1810 7th June]
64. (C14) Headstone In memory of / THOMAS SALMON / late of the parish of Farningham / who departed this life / the 27th of October 1822 aged … years
65. (C15) Headstone In memory of / Mrs. SARAH SALMON / wife of Mr. THOMAS SALMON / of Farningham in this county / who died May 9th 1832 / aged 61 years
66. (C16) Headstone In / memory / of SARAH wife of / DAVID TERRY / of ye parish who died 9 June 1763 / in the 58th y… of her age / also LYDIA wife of the above said DAVID TERRY / who died ye 16th of July 1765 / in the 40th year of her age / left issue one son JAMES / of DAVID TERRY / died April the 9th 1777 / aged 68 years [BR 4th April 1777]
67. (C17) Headstone(in two pieces) and footstone In memory of / Mr. JOHN NEVILL late of this parish / who departed this life May 12 1771(?) / aged 61 years / also here lieth the body of JANE NEVILL formerly wife of / the … JOHN NEVILL who departed / this life Oc….. 1801 aged 82 years Footstone JN 1771
68. (C18) Headstone Here / … Bo… / W….. / JOHN …… / parish …. / March …. / in ye 9th ye …. / his age
69. (C19) Headstone To / the memory of / Mr. JOHN WOOD / of this parish who / died June ye 30th 178?.. / aged 70? Years [BR 1750 3rd July]
70. (C20) Headstone and kerbstone East side: In / loving memory of / a dear wife and mother / MAY MEAKIN / Who died 27th December 1960 / aged 66 years / cremated at Medway Crematorium / at rest / also GEORGE MEAKIN / husband of the above / who died 22nd Nov. 1964 / aged 82 years / cremated / also FRED MEAKIN / brother of the above / died 23rd Dec. 1967 / aged 83 years / cremated West side: In loving memory / of / SAMUEL MEAKIN / died 11th July 1892 / aged 46 years / "the memory of the just is blessed" / also CAROLINE MEAKIN / wife of the above / died 26th April 1925 / aged 70 years / "I came to Jesus as I was / weary and worn and sad / I found in him a resting place / and he has made me glad"
71. (C21) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the / memory of / HARRIET / wife of JAMES KILLICK / who departed this life / November 20th 1861 / aged 67 years / "be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye / think not the Son of Man cometh / Matt. 24th 44th / JAMES KILLICK / died December 9th 1889 / aged 97 years / also / SUSANNAH THOMAS & EMMA AMELIA / children of the above who died / in their infancy Footstone H.K. 1861, J.K. 1889
72. (C22) Small 3 tiered pedestal and kerbstone Top tier: In loving memory / of / THOMAS KILLICK Second tier: who departed this life / April 6th 1891 / aged 53 years / "the memory of the just is blessed" Bottom tier north side: J. Steel Gravesend (stonemason)
Area D
73. (D1) Headstone and body stone In memory of / ELIZABETH SHEPHERD / wife of JOHN SHEPHERD of / Ditton in the county and daughter of / THO. And CATHARINE SALMON / late of Boxley who departed this life / the 20. of May 1814 / aged 50 years / left issue two daughters / viz: ELIZABETH and MARY ANN At end of body stone: E.S. 1814
74. (D2) Double headstone In memory of / CATHERINE wife of / THOMAS SALMON / late of Boxley who departed / this life November ye 30 1781 / aged 56 years / also WILLIAM son of the above / THOMAS and CATHARINE SALMON / who departed this life July the / 31 1785 aged 32 years
75. (D3) Headstone In memory of THOS SALMON / late of Boxly farmer departed / this life January the 26th 17..8 / aged 43 years / left CATHERINE his wife and issue / by her two sons and one daughter / WILLM THOSS and ELIZ. [BR Thomas 2nd February 1768]
76. (D4) Double headstone and footstone Left-hand In / memory of / THOS son of / THOS and / CATHERINE SALMON who / died Decem 25 / 1762 aged 9 / months Right-hand Also / (??) WHIFFIN their / Son died A…l / 6 1765 aged / 9 months Footstone illegible [BR Whiffin 10th August 1763]
77. (D5) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth / the body of WILLIAM / SALMON of this parish / who departed ys life / …th of June 1746 / …. 72 years / left …ue 3 sons / WILL. WHIFFIN & THOS Footstone WS 1746
78. (D6)Headstone and footstone Here lieth / ye body of ELIZA / wife of WILLIAM / SALMON of ys parish / yeom & daughr of / RICHD WHIFFIN / late of ys parish / who died June ye 12 / 1726 in ye 40th / year of her age Footstone: E.S. 1726
.79. (D7) Double headstone and two footstones Left-hand Here lyes ye / body of RICHD /WHIFFIN of ys / parish yeỡ: who / died March / ye 4th 1725 in / ye 91st year of / his age Right-hand Here lyes / the body of / JANE Ye wife / of RICHARD / WHIFFIN of ths / parish who part: this life / ye 16th of April (1708) Footstones R.W. (no date), J.W. 1708
80. (D8) Headstone and two footstones In / memory of WHIFFEN SALMON / of this parish who departed this life / the 18th of March 1791 / in the 72nd year of his age / also WILLIAM SALMON / who departed this life March the 14th / 1796 aged 81 years Two footstones: (one with no inscription) WS 1791
81. (D9) A large table tomb surrounded by a body stone and a headstone
East facing: In / memory of five children of / ROBERT EDMEADES son of THOS / EDMEADES of Minster in the Isle of Sheppey / and ANN his wife viz:- / ROBERT died 1st May 1817 aged 17 months / ROBERT 29th Dec 1819 6 months / CATHERINE 6th Jany 1822 11 months / ESTHER ELIZH 25 Jany 1833 11 months / KATE 27th Augt 1833 6 years / also the above named ROBERT EDMEADES Esqr / late solicitor at Sheerness and father of the above children / who died the 20th January 1863 aged 71 years / also ANN wife of the above ROBT EDMEADES Esqr / who died the 23rd November 1881 aged 90 years
West facing: In memory of / MARY EDMEADES / wife of THOMAS EDMEADES / of the parish of Minster in the Isle of Sheppey / daughter of ROBERT and MARY HILLS / of this parish who departed this life the 12th July 1801 aged 37 years / also the above named / THOMAS EDMEADES / who died on the 14th day of March 1832 / aged 71 years / also REBECCA EDMEADES / daughter of the above / who died on the 20th November 1850 / aged 36 years [BR Robert (father) 27th January 1865, Mary 1800, GB Rebecca 1830]
81. (D10) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of JOSEPH MUNDAY / (late of Higham in the county of Kent) / departed this life the 17th of April / 1798 aged 37 years / also MARY daughter of the above / died the 9th of November 1794 / aged 1 year 7 months / left issue 1 son and 3 daughters / viz: ROBERT ANN ELIZABETH / and SUSANNA At foot of body stone J.M. 1798
82. (D11) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / MARY wife of / JOSEPH LANGFORD / of this parish / who died October the 26th 1831 / aged 63 years / left 1 husband with three sons / and three daughters / to lament their loss / also the above / JOSEPH LANGFORD / who died November the 18th 1839 / aged 78 years Footstone ML 1..1, JL 1839
83. (D12) Headstone and two footstones RICHARD MASTER… / of this parish died May … / 1689 aged 33 years / JOAN ye wife of RICHD ~ / MASTERS (since ye wife of / WILL: EDMEADS of Nustead) / died June ye 3rd 1717 aged 51 / years / Memento mori Footstones RM 1689, second has no inscription
84. (D13) Headstone and footstone (belonging to D12) To the memory / of ELIZABETH GUNNING / wife of ROBERT GUNNING of / the parish of Cobham. She was / a loving wife a tender mother / and a good neighbour. Lived well / respected and died much lamented / was sister of GEORGE MASTERS / of this parish. She dep / arted this life the 17th day of September / 1736 aged 48 years / also ROBERT GUNNING / died May 8th 1770 aged 85 years Footstone JM 1717 (belonging to D12)
85. (D14) Headstone and two footstones (one belonging to D13) In / memory of / CATHARINE GUNNING / daughter of ROBERT and ELIZABETH GUNNING / late of Cobham who departed / this life the 13 day of July / 1783 in the 56 year of her / age Two footstones E.G. 1736 (belonging to D13), CG 1783
86. (D15) Headstone Here / lyeth ye body / of ELIZ. The / wife of RICHARD / HARWOOD who / died (of the / smallpox) / June ye 5 1710 / aged 46 years
87. (D16) Headstone RICHARD / HARWOOD / who dyed of / the smallpox [remainder of inscription buried] [GB 1710]
88. (D17) Headstone and two footstones In affectionate remembrance / of / WILLIAM THOMAS ATKINS / who died July 6th 1890 / aged 32 years Two footstones one no visible inscription – largely buried, WTA 1890
89. (D18) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory / of / JOHN ATKINS / who died Aug 9 1901 / aged 77 years / also KEZIA his wife / died June 11 1902 / aged 74 years
90. (D19) Headstone and footstone In loving memory / of / JESSE LANE / who died January 6th 1906 / aged 61 years Footstone no inscription
91. (D20) Body stone with sculpted cross South facing side: In loving memory of / FLORENCE MARION GOLDING BIRD / wife of C.H. GOLDING BIRD F.R.C.S. / senior consulting surgeon to Guys Hospital / born Sept. 3 1853 died March 23 1919
North facing side: In loving memory of / CUTHBERT HILTON GOLDING BIRD B.A.M.B., F.R.C.S. / senior consulting surgeon to Guys Hospital / born July 7 1848 died March 6 1939 / aged 90 years
92. (D21) Headstone To / the memory of / HANNAH wife of JOSEPH / MUNN the elder she died February 15th 1715 in the / 34(54?) year of her age [BR and GB 1745]
93. (D22) Headstone Left-hand In / memory of JOSEPH MUNN / of this parish who / departed this life / November the 9th / 1788 / aged 83 years Right-hand Also / to the memory / of MARGARET wife of / JOSEPH MUNN / who departed this life / September the 30th / 1803 / aged 89 years "With patience to the last he did persist / and murmurd not in what the Lord thought [best] / He with a Christian courage did resign / His soul to God at his appointed time" // "Here rests recalled from this stage of life / A tender mother and a virtuous wife"
[BR and GB Margaret 6th April 1805]
94. (D23) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr ROBERT MUNDAY / who departed this life / the 11th of April 1809 / aged 42 years / brother to the late Mr JOSEPH MUNDAY / interr’d near this place Footstone RM 1809
95. (D24) Headstone and two footstones Sacred / to the memory of / THOMAS HART / late of this parish who died / May 19th 1829 / aged 67 years / also of / HANNAH / wife of the above who died / July 7th 1809 / aged 45 years / they had issue / MARY, THOMAS, CHARLOTTE, / ELIZABETH, SARAH, JOHN, / ANNE-JOHANNA and WILLIAM / three of whom only survived them / viz: / THOMAS SARAH and WILLIAM
Two footstones H.H. 1809 and T.H. 1829
96. (D25) Headstone Left-hand In memory / of RICHARD / SUTHERDEN / of this parish / who departed / this life Septr / the 21st 1780 / aged 70 years Right-hand In memory / of SARAH wife / of RICHARD / SUTHERDEN of / this parish who / departed this life / Decembr 1st 1765 / aged 48 years [BR and GB Sarah December 7th 1763]
97. (D26) Headstone and footstone East facing: In / memory of / JANE CHARLOTTE RICH / daughter of / WILLIAM and JANE RICH / who died 28th April 1808 aged 5 years / "Afflictions sore long time she bore / physicians were in vain / till God did please death should her ease / and free her from her pain" / Mrs JANE RICH died May 30th / 1815 aged 44 years West facing: Also / THOMAS GEE RICH / died 2nd Feby 1810 aged 5 years / and / ANN ELITH RICH / died 14th Feby 1811 aged 4 years / ALFRED died in his infancy
Footstone JCR 1808, JR 1815
98. (*D27) Headstone, bodystone and footstone In memory of / JEMIMA wife of / ISAAC BLISSETT / of the parish of Strood / and daughter of / JOSEPH and MARGARET MUNN / who departed this life April 7th / 1799 aged 47 years / "Farewell dear husband I am gone before / to pay the way and pay kind nature’s score / you soon must follow for you cannot stay / when our Saviour calls you must obey" // "With wailing tears I mourn her end / losing my double comfort wife and friend" Footstone JB 1799
99. (D28) Headstone [Here] / lieth t… b… / JOHN son of JOSEPH M… [and] / MARGARET M… of this / parish who died Sept 30th 1777 / aged 26 years / "My tender parents dear grieve not for me / for at the Judgement Day a Saint I hope to be / It was Gods will to call me in my bloom / [do] n.. grieve and think I am gone too soon [GB gives John MUNN this year of burial. See D22]
100. (D29) Headstone Left-hand In memory of / WILLIAM MUNN / son of JOSEPH & / MARGARET MUNN / of this parish who / departed this life / May 21st 1766 in the / 21st year of his age Now by my kindred here I lie / God hath decreed] [that I] must die / and [tho] my bed is in the dust / I hope to rise among the just Right-hand Also in memory / of THOMAS MUNN / son of JOSEPH & / MARGARET MUNN / who departed / this life April 30th / 1766 in the 18th year of his age When in this world I did remain / my latter end was grief and pain / But when the Lord did think it best / He took me to his blessed rest
101. (D30) Large marble cube surrounded by ornate ‘dish’ and pedestal (now lost) on a three tiered plinth West facing: Here / lieth interrd the body of / Mr JOHN PHILLIPS / of this parish who departed this / life the 3rd of March 1741 / aged 43 years North facing: Also / lieth interred the body of / Mrs MARGARET PHILLIPS / who departed this life MDech* 16 1790 / aged 84 years South facing: Here lieth the body of / Mr THOMAS PHILLIPS / who died the 16th of March 17..9 / aged 52 years East facing: Here / also lieth interr’d the body of / Mr JOHN PHILLIPS who departed / this life February the 13th 1801 / aged 68 years * Possible mason error. Month could be March or December [BR Thomas 22nd March 1789, Margaret 23rd December 1790]
102. (D31) Headstone, bodystone and footstone Here lies interr’d the body / of JOHN ALLCHIN / of this parish yeoman / who departed ys life March ye 23rd 1760 / aged 43 years // left issue two children JOHN and MARY / he was a loving husband & tender father / died well respected and much lamented Footstone JA 1760
103. (D32) Headstone and bodystone Sacred to the memory of / MARY daughter of / JOHN and MARGARET PHILLIPS / relict of JOHN ALLCHIN of this parish / and wife of THOMAS EDMEADES / of Stone who died May the 21st 1800 / aged 72 years / left issue one son and two daughters / viz: JOHN MARY and ANN N.B. D32a Small unmarked grave lying between the feet of D31 and D32 Possibly connected? A child of this marriage?
Area E
104. (E1) Headstone (badly flaking) To the … / of SAR … MUNNS / w … TH O … / MU … Cobham / who departed this life / January 26 (?) 1729 (?) / Aged 34 years / 3 children one … / … daugh … THOM … / MARY & SARAH
105. (E2) Headstone and footstone (leaning against headstone turned sideways. Apparently not connected to headstone – date 1800) Here lyeth / the body of RICKEBY / TIESDELL son of NICHO / & ELIZA TIESDELL / of this parish he died / Dec ye 1737 aged / 31 years left issue by / SUSANh his wife one son / SAMUEL
106. (E3) Headstone (leaning) and footstone Left-hand In memory / of / NICH. TIESDELL / who died / Oct. 6th 1766 / aged 88 years Right-hand In memory / of ELIZABETH the wife of NICH. TIESDELL / who died March 13th 1769 / aged 95 years Footstone N.T. 1766
107. (E4) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / MARY wife of NICHOLAS REEVES / of this parish who departed this life / the 21st of December 1776 / aged 36 years / also SUSANNA second wife of the above NICHOLAS REEVE departed / this life the 8th February 1800 / aged 73 years / NICHOLAS REEVE husband of the / above who departed this life / Sep. 18 1817 / aged 81 years
Footstone dated 1800 no initials – next to E2. Probably connected with this headstone.
108. (E5) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. DAVID HUNT / native of this parish / who died at Sheerness 7th Septr 1836 / aged 79 years / also Mrs. ELIZth HUNT wife of the above / native of Ludesdown / who died at Sheerness 25th Decr 1840 / aged 79 years / leaving 3 sons & 5 daughters Footstone D.H. 1836, E.H. 1840
109. (E6) Headstone and footstone (leaning against headstone) In memory of / DAVID HUNT of this parish / departed this life Jan 20 1801 / aged 7 ? years / also ANN wife of above / departed this life Dec 11th (?) 1808 (?) / aged 77 years Footstone D.H. 1801
110. (E7) Headstone and footstone In Memory / ELIZABETH wife of / WILLIAM JOHNSON / who departed this life / the 7 (?) October 1816 (?) aged 31 years / by sickness died / in death did …. and / … impossible to decipher … / … impossible to decipher … / the above WILLIAM JOHNSON / who departed this life / … December 1836 aged 81 years
Footstone E.J. 1816, W.J. 1836 [BR William 23rd Dec. (burial)]
111. (E8) Headstone (leaning sideways, flaking. Piece of lead projecting on one side – was this stone once connected to another?) Sacred / to the memory of / SARAH wife of JOSEPH PARKER / of this Parish departed / the 1st September 1796 / aged 52 years / left issue three sons + two daughte .. / JOHN JOSEPH RICHARD / ANN SARAH / also the above JOSEPH PARKER / departed this life / aged 81 years
112. (E8a) Table tomb, two feet in height on a ridged plinth – sandstone – large. Here lyeth the body of Mr / URIDGE COX son of Mr THOMAS / and ELIZABETH COX who depar / ted this life September the / 17th 1704 in the 17th year of / his age / EDWARD MARKETT buried …eby / 28th 171- aged 12 days / Mrs ELIZth COX wife of Mr / THOs COX died Feb. 1717 / aged 52 / ANN SPRAT daughr of Mr COX / March 20th 1717 aged 33 / ELIZth daughr of Mr COX / Febr 20th 1719 aged 33 / MARY MARKETT Febr 2nd 1724 / aged 9 days / THOs MARKETT May 31st 1728 / aged 9 years 8 months / GEORGE MARKETT Jany 9th 1733 / aged 3 years 8 months / JOHN MARKETT Esqr obiit Novr VIIIn / AD MDCCLn aetatis suae LXXIn / ANN MARKETT wife of JOHN / MARKETT Esqr obiit Decr XXIXn / AD MDCCLn aetatis suae LVIIn [GB Edward Markett 1714]
113. (E9) Headstone Here / lyeth the body / of EDWARD / SAUNDERS / … (yeoman?) .o of Cobham / who dyed Octor ye / 12th 1726 aged / 54 years / by JANE his beloved / wife he left issue / daughters: JANE / HANNAH
114. (E10) Headstone Here lyeth / ye body of / NICOLAS PIGGOTT / who departed this / life January ye 16th / the yeare of Our / …. –70- and in / …. 34 yeare of / his age [GB 1701]
115. (E11) Pedestal (polished marble) Top tier: In ever loving / memory of / Second tier: RALPH HART TWEDDELL / of Meopham Court / Died 3rd Sept. 1895 aged 52 / "The Lord hath need of him" / Bottom tier: and of HANNAH MARY / his wife / died 28th Oct. 1914 / Aged 69
116. (E12) Headstone and footstone In memory of / ELIZABETH SALMON / who died September the 21 1789 / aged 76 / also of JOHN SALMON / who died August the … 1791 / aged 86
Footstone E.S. 1789, J.S. 1791 [BR John 17th August 1791]
117. (E13) Headstone and footstone In memory of ROBT NORRIS / of this parish who died Sept. / 25th 1747 in the 64th year / of his age / also of MARY his wife / who died Febry … 1751 / aged 61 y… / …… / left issue one dau … ELIZTH Footstone M.N. 1751 [BR 27th February]
118. (E14) Headstone and body coffin Sacred / to the memory of / RICHARD SNELLING / who died November 29 18.. / aged 45 years / also RICHARD SNELLING / Son of the above / who died December 10th 1819 / aged 4 years / Also SARAH SNELLING / wife of the above / who died April .. 1871 / Aged 81 years / her end was peace [GB 1833]
119. (E15) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / MARY wife of / JOHN NEVILL / of this Parish / who departed this life / May 9th 1822 age 28 years / also of ELIZABETH / second wife of the above / who departed this life / January 21st 1849 / aged 65 years / "house and riches are the inheritance / of fathers: and a prudent wife is / from the Lord" Proverbs chap 19th / verse 14th / also of the above / JOHN NEVILL / who departed this life / June 17th 1859 / aged 79 years / "love not sleep lest thou come / to poverty. open thine eyes / and thou shalt be satisfied with bread" / Proverbs chap 20th verse 13th Footstone M.N. 1822, E.N. 1849, J.N. 1859
120. (E16) Headstone and footstone leaning against headstone In / loving memory of / ANNE NICHOLLS / wife of / THOMAS NICHOLLS Esq / of / Lindenwood Meopham / who died / Feb. 29th 1908 / aged 88 years Footstone AN 1908
121. (E17) Pedestal 3 tiered plinth East side: top tier In / loving memory / of / middle tier EMILY WOOD / the beloved wife of / STEPHEN WOOD / bottom tier who entered into rest at Harvel / 15th Novr 1915 aged 53 / "when I was in trouble I called upon / the Lord and he heard me" Psalm CXXI North side: top tier Also / middle tier STEPHEN WOOD / who died / 18th March 1935 / aged 73 years / bottom tier honour thy father and / thy mother
122. (E18) Celtic cross 6ft high on double pedestal In loving memory of / MARY / wife of HENRY WATSON / late of Newcastle-on-Tyne / born Decr 17 1842 / died Jany 20 1907
123. (E19) Stone cross on triple pedestal plus rectangular kerbstone with stone urn At the foot East side: top tier In / loving memory / of / middle tier WILLIAM JOHN LAKER / who died May 27th 1908 / aged 64 years / ‘Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace’ / bottom tier also ANNIE MARIA wife of the above / died May 9th 1930 aged 84 North side: also / their / daughter / middle tier MABEL ANNIE / ROWE / died Nov. 6th 1956 / aged 73 years / bottom tier blank South side: also / WILLIAM / middle tier husband of MABEL / died April 20th 1968 / bottom tier blank
124. (E20) Headstone and footstone In / memory of / THOMAS NORDISH / of this parish who died the 7th / Of January 1814 aged 50 (?) years / left issue three sons and two / Daughters THOMAS HENRY / JOHN MARY and ANN / also ANN wife of the above / THOMAS NORDISH who died / supporting stone obscuring bottom line Footstone T.N. 1814
125. (E21) Headstone and footstone In memory of / HANNAH wife of PHILIP BUGG / of this parish / who departed this life June 27th 1815 / aged -?9 years / left issue two sons and two daughters / viz: THOMAS, PHILIP, MARY, SARAH Footstone H.B. 1815
126. (E22) Headstone and footstone In memory of / HENRY NORDISH / who departed this life / the 31st of January 1821 / aged 61 years / he that lies mouldering in the dust / was honest prudent wise and just / he lived in love, he died in peace / lets hope his joys will never cease Footstone H.N. 1821
Area F
127. (F1) Headstone and footstone Here R…. / body of …. WIL / CROWHURST of …… / parish son of WILLm … / CROWHURST of Rootham / who died Feb. 27th 1718 / aged 46 years
Footstone (sideways – leaning against headstone) W.C. 1718
128. (F2) Double headstone, 2 footstones Left-hand Here …th / the b..y of / THOMAS / CROWHURST / of this parish he / ……. Life / the 28 of Decr / 176.. / in the …. Year / of his age Right-hand H….. / the …. / MARY wife / Of THO..S / CROWHURST / of This parish / departed this life / Dec.. 6… 1711 / aged 38 years
2 Footstones M.C. T.C. (no dates) [GB Thomas 1768]
129. (F3) Headstone Here / lyeth the body / THOMAS son of / THOMAS and MARY / CROWHURST of this / parish he departed this / May 7th 1750 / age 26 years Footstone (lying sideways against headstone) T.C. (no date)
130. (F4) Two headstones – each broken off and one partially wedged beneath Horse chestnut. Two footstones, one horizontal incribed surface, face downwards. (1) who d… / the 3rd of August / also ANN wife / JOHN DAL … / who departed this / the 21st of June 1837 aged (2) in memory of / WILLIAM DALTON / of this parish .. / who depart… / the 6th Dec 17.. Footstones (1) JD 1825, AD 1837 (2) WD 1797 (possibly not connected with headstone? See BR entry) [BR William 1793 14th Dec]
131. (F5) Kerbstone with ornate corners shaped as crosses North side of kerbstone: In loving memory of JOHN BELLAMY / JEPSON died 18th January 1904 aged / 59 years // also MARY ELIZABETH, wife / of the above died 15th November / 1919 aged 72 years West side of kerbstone: Gates and sons / Frindsbury (stone mason)
132. (F6) Headstone In / memory of / MARY ANNA / wife of / SAMUEL LARCOMB / who died November 6 1905 / aged 76 years / also the above named / SAMUEL LARCOMB / who died at Hook Green Meopham / March 1 1913 / aged 82 years
133. (F7) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mrs. CAROLINE WILLIAMS / the beloved wife of / WILLIAM ELLIOTT WILLIAMS / of this parish / who died at Luddesdown Septb 30th 1857 / aged 34 years / leaving issue one son WILLIAM
134. (F8) Headstone and 2 footstones (one might belong to F7 – west facing, and one to F9 – east facing) EDWIN / WILLIAMS / died / 14th Feb 1945 / aged 80 years Footstones: (1) C.W. 1857 (west facing – belonging to F7?) (2) A.W. 1900, A.W. 1910 (east facing – belonging to F9?)
135. (F9) Headstone In / loving memory / of / AMY / the faithful wife of / EDWIN WILLIAMS / died Jan. 2 1900 / aged 6.. years / so He giveth His beloved sleep / also ANN WILLIAMS / died Feb. 3 1910 / aged 46 years / also the above EDWIN WILLIAMS / died Nov 7 1920 / aged 85 years / ‘Until the day break and the shadows / flee away’
136. (F10) Headstone a double inscription – one east facing, one west facing with two surnames. Footstone East facing: Sacred / to the memory of / ELLEN PETT / who died November 21st 1848 / aged 20 years and 8 months / ‘Good name is better than precious / ointment’ / Eccl ch 7 V1 Footstone E.P. 1848
West facing: Sacred / ……. / MARY SMITH / who died February …8th 18… / aged …. Years / this stone / is erected / in memory of esteem… / and sincere friend [BR Mary Smith 1830]
137. (F11) Headstone – with regimental badge F24545 Private / C. MAYNARD / Royal Army Service Corps / 8th May 1916
138. (F12) Headstone CH/ (7?, J?) 484 Private R.M.L.I. / T.H. WELLARD / "S.S. Teeswood" / 8th April 1918 age 42
139. (F13) Kerbstone South side: In loving memory of LOUIS W. / PARSONS died Dec. 6 1919 / aged 29 North side: Also of JENNIE E.PARSONS / died April 28 1896 / aged 26
Area G
140. (G1) Headstone and two footstones In / memory of / JOHN BATCHELOR of / this parish who departed / this life May 1 1760 / in the 41st year of his / age / also MARY wife of the / above JOHN BATCHELOR / who departed this life Feb / the 7th 1797 aged 77 years Two footstones J.B 1760, M.B 1797
141. (G2) Headstone and footstone PETER GUNNING born / in the parish / of Meopham / departed this life / June 25th 1747 / in the year of his age 89 / also JANE GUNNING his dr. / obt 12 Octr 1767 æ 71 Footstone PG MDCCLXVII
142. (G3) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth ye body / of SARAH the wife of PETER GUNNING / who departed this life / the 2e day of October / in ye year of our Lord / 1702 / and in ye 48 year of / her age Footstone SG
143. (G4) Headstone and footstone Here lieth / the body of PETER / son of PETER and SARAH / GUNNING of this / parish who departed / this life August ye / 13th in ye year of our / Lord 1714 and / in ye 27th year of his / age Footstone PG 1714
144. (G5) Pedestal four tier with cross missing East facing: Top tier: In memory of Second tier: ALICE MAUD HOOPER / daughter of / Revd. JOHN & FRANCES HOOPER Third tier: born Oct 9th 1844 / fell asleep June 21st 1897 / "They also serve who only stand & wait" / also ELLEN MATILDA HOOPER / sister of the above / fell asleep Dec 28 1911 / aged 7 Bottom tier: "That we through patience and comfort of the / scriptures might have hope" Romans XV V4 / also GEORGINA ARABELLA HOOPER / died June 15th 1923 aged 81 years North facing: Top tier: - Second tier: EDITH / CAROLINE / HOOPER / Third tier: died April 28 1925 / aged 79 years
145. (G6) Slab with plinth resting on it and cross at foot of slab Possibly the lowest plinth of G9 (John Hooper). Slab sunk into grass. Also of FRANCES widow of the above / who departed this life 13th November 1887 / aged 81 years / daughter of the late Revd W. GOODALL No mention of Francis’ surname but on analogy with inscription on G9 highly probable that she is widow of John Hooper.
146. (G7) Slab with a cross Slab embedded in grass overlooking trench surrounding church wall. Possible that the triple plinth in trench G8 belongs to this slab. i.e. Isabel Tunnah’s grave. Mason’s mark DAWES / Wrotham Road Gravesend
147. (G8) Pedestal three tier, (in walled trench), cross missing Top tier: In / loving memory / of Second tier: ISABEL TUNNAH / who died at Meopham Court / June 18th 1913 / aged 69 Bottom tier: "Asleep in Jesus"
148. (G9) Pedestal three tier, (in walled trench), cross missing Top tier: Sacred / to the memory / of Second tier: the Revd JOHN HOOPER / 21 years vicar of Meopham / who departed this life / Novr the 4th 1875 aged 74 years Third tier: youngest son of / JOHN HOOPER / of Hendford Manor House / Yeovil Somerset / "so he giveth his beloved sleep"
149, (G10) Pedestal four tier on large kerbstone base. Cross detached lying flat within kerbstone East facing: Top tier: In loving memory of / CAROLINE / the devoted wife of / ANTHONY TODD Second tier: born September 3rd 1847 died Aug 12th 1899 / Life’s race well run / life’s work well done / life’s crown well won / now come rest Third tier: also of her husband / ANTHONY TODD / who died Dec 28th 1918 / aged 82 Nothing on 4th tier
150. (G11) Pedestal three tier with kerbstone, fallen cross West facing: top tier: In loving memory of / GLADYS CHRISTABEL / youngest daughter of Second tier: NELSON LEEMING / who fell asleep Jan 2nd 1917 aged 17 years / "at rest" Bottom tier: - South facing: Top tier: - Second tier: also ANNIE ELIZA / widow of NELSON LEEMING / died 5th September 1957 / "at rest" Bottom tier: - East facing: Top tier: In loving memory of / NELSON / youngest son of Second tier: THOMAS LEEMING / who fell asleep / Nov 7. 1897 aged 28 / "Thy will be done"
151. (G12) Headstone with body stone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / M. EDWARD BEAUMONT / who departed this life April 19 1821 / aged 51 years / after a long and tedious illness which he bore / with great patience in hopes that he might be / one of those pronounced by our blessed Saviour / "come ye blessed of my father / inherit the kingdom prepared for you from / the foundation of the world" / Matthw Chap 25 verse 34 / also near this place lieth / WILLIAM BEAUMONT son of the above / who departed this life August 8 1806 / aged 6 years & six months Body stone and footstone E.B., W.B.
152. (G13) Pedestal with broken cross In / loving memory / of / THOMAS ELWYN / Lt. .. General Royal Artillery / who died on the 29th August 1899 / aged 83 / also of ANNE / for 62 years his beloved wife / who died on the 10th June 1909 / in her 93rd year
153. (G14) Pedestal East facing: Sacred / to the memory of / MAUNDY HARVEY GRAHAM / ELWYN / 4th son of / Lt. General ELWYN R.A. / who died / on the 10th of March 1885 / aged 34 West facing: In / memory of / CHARLES EDWARD ELWYN / Captain Royal Artillery / 2nd son of Genl. ELWYN R.A. / who died 24th Octr 1888 / aged 47 / "Loved and resting"
154. (G15) Pedestal In loving memory of / ROBERT ANDREW / eldest child of / JOHN BODDINGTON JACKSON / and AMELIA his wife / born Aug 23 1872 / died June 3 1878 / "Thy will be done"
155. (G16) Headstone In loving memory of / SARAH YOUNG / died February 25th 1887 / aged 32 years / with Christ – far better
156. (G17) Pedestal with separate cross East facing: To the / fadeless memory of / LEWIS WOODWARD LEWIS M.A. priest / 24 years vicar of this parish / aged 69 / who fell asleep / "on the Resurrection morning" / April 15 1900 R.I.P. West facing: Also / LOUISA ANNE EDIE / for 42 years / his beloved wife and helpmeet / (elder daughter of / General ELWYN R.A.) / who died Dec. 20. 1915 / aged 76
157. (G18) Pedestal surmounted by a cross East facing: In / loving memory / of / MABEL LEWIS / daughter of / the vicar of this parish / fell asleep 3rd July 1888 West facing: "at rest" / CHARLES HARVEY / LEWIS second son of / the Rev. L.W. LEWIS / died 10th Aug. 1913 / aged 51 years / R.I.P.
158. (G19) Headstone In loving memory / of / HARRIET / the dearly loved wife of / THOMAS HAWLEY / who died October 23rd 1898 / aged 60 years / "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" / also the above / THOMAS HAWLEY / who died September 18th 1916 / aged 83 years / "Our Father which art in heaven"
159. (G20) Headstone and footstone Here / lyeth ye body of / THOS EDMEADES / of this parish / who departed ys / life ye 4th of Septemr / 1723 / aged 34 years / son of WILL EDMEADES / of Nursted Court Footstone ..23
160. (G20a) Headstone Here lyes / the body of / SARAH EDMEADES / wife of THOMAS / EDMEADES of Nursted / ye daughr of PETER / GUNNING of ys parishe / by SARAH his wife / she died April ye 20 / 1728 in ye 35th year / of her age
161. (G20b) Headstone Here lyeth interr’d the body of / MARY TILDEN / late wife of / JOHN TILDEN of the parrish of / Rodmersham departed this / life the 17th of June 1744 / aged 23 years / "stand still reader shead a tiear / upon the dust that slumbers hear / and when you reud the state of mee / think on the glass that runs for thee" See G23 for footstone
161. (G21) Coffin THOMAS SMITH COGSWELL / 26 years vicar of Cringleford Norwich / died June 13 1930 aged 74 / "God bless thee"
162. (G22) Pedestal surrounded by large kerbstone (possibly a vault beneath) NAPOLEON THOMAS COGSWELL / and ALICE his wife / 5 May 21 Jany / 1909 / BENJAMIN ALFRED their son / FRCO /
17 November 1891 / ALICE HARRIETT their daughter / 20 May 1902 / ELIZABETH MARY their daughter / 16 July 1917 / "Until the day dawn"
163. (G23) Headstone and two footstones To the memory of / TIMOTHY CHILD late of Cobham / who departed this life / the 27 of July 1797 / aged 67 years Footstones: 1. TC 1787, 2. MT 1744 No connection with the Child family Possibly Mary Tilden
164. (G24) Headstone and body stone Sacred / to the memory / of Mr JOHN CHILD (of this parish) / who departed this life August 16 / 1799 aged 45 years / also ELIZABETH CHILD / the wife of JOHN CHILD / who departed this life November 30th / 1838 aged 82 years
165. (G25) A large flat stone probably a vault In memory of / THOMAS ALCHIN / who died March 6th 1851 / aged 73 years
166. (G26) Horizontal flat slab Sacred / to the memory of / WILLIAM BEST / who departed this life / November 18th 1838(?) / aged 48 years / left issue one daughter / viz. MARY ANN / also MARY / wife of the above / who departed this life / March 30th 1855 / aged 73(8?) years [GB William 1833]
167. (G27) Headstone and body stone Sacred / to the memory of / FREDERIC ANDRUS / son of WILLIAM and / MARY ANN ANDRUS / born March the 22nd / died August the 27th 1833(5?) [GB 1835]
168. (G28) Sarcophagus with ridged hipped roof top on two very large bases North facing: Sacred to the memory of JOHN-SILLS CHARLTON / born Octbr 17th 1808 died Octbr 1867 / also LETITIA wife of the above / born Febry 3rd 1810 died Novbr 20th … South facing: Also THO…. .. THA CHARLTON / ELIZ. …. 18… Janry 26th 1839 / 8 Ar… born March .. 1832 died March 3rd 1839 / THOMAS ALCHIN born July 14th 1833 died August 12th 1840
169. (G29) Obelisk on large base West facing: In loving memory of / EMMA / wife of JOHN BABER M.D. / and daughter of / EDWARD DU BOIS Esq. / of Sloane Street S.W. / born July 13 1818 / died March 12 1875 East facing: In loving memory of / ROSA SELDON / second wife of JOHN BABER M.D. / of Thurloe Square S.W. / and fifth daughter of CHARLES BUTLER Esq. M.P. / born November 22 1847 / died February 22 1883 / "The blood of Jesus Christ / cleanseth from all sin" / "washed in the blood of the lamb" South facing: In loving memory of / JOHN BABER M.D. / of the Deodars, Meopham / late of Thurloe Square / South Kensington S.W. / born February 19 1822 / died May 4 1894
170. (G30) Headstone and two body stones Left-hand In memory of / JOHN CHILD Senr / who died / August 18 1778 / aged 88 years Right-hand In memory of / FRANCES CHILD / wife of JOHN CHILD / of this parish / yeoman who / departed ys life / Octr ye 26 1766 / aged 72 years
171. (G31) Headstone Left-hand In memory of / JOHN CHILD / late of this / parish yeoman /who died March / the 7th 1786 / aged 70 years Right-hand In memory of / JANE CHILD / wife of / JOHN CHILD / of this parish / daughter of ROBT and ELIZABETH GUNNING / of Cobham who / departed ys life / June ye 11th 1776 / aged 53 years Two body stones near this headstone, one marked J.C. 1780 on west end of stone
172. (G32) Sarcophagus 3 foot high chest on 3 tiered plinth South facing side: In memory of JOHN PHILLIPS ALCHIN (of this parish) / son of JOHN and MARY late of Meopham / who died May 23rd 1808 aged 28 Middle plinth: THOMAS ALCHIN / died March 6th 1854 aged 73 North facing side: In memory of JOHN ALCHIN (late of Meopham) / son of JOHN and MARY ALCHIN of this parish / who died August 30th 1825 aged 75 / also MARY the wife of JOHN ALCHIN and daughter of / JOHN and JANE CHILD of this parish / who died January 7th 1796 aged 36 / left issue two sons and three daughters / viz: JOHN, THOMAS, MARY, ANN and SARAH
173. (G33) Slab resting on plinth In memory of / JOHN SILLS CHARLTON / late of Cliffe / who died April the 21 1817 / aged 58 years / also / M. ANN CHARLTON/ daughter of / JOHN and MARY ALCHIN / of this parish / and wife of the above / who died / December the 17 1832 / aged 48 years / left issue two sons / (viz: JOHN SILLS & THOMAS)
174. (G34) Headstone and body stone In / memory of / Mr.WILLIAM ANDRUS / who departed this life / August 1st 1846 / aged 44 years / also MARY ANN / widow of the above / who departed this life / March 6th 1862 / aged 52 years
175. (G35) Headstone In memory of / ANN / relict of / CHARLES COPPER / born March 11th 1797 / died February 4th 1878 / also MARY ANNE KILLICK / niece of the above / died December 11th 1887 / aged 59 years / "The Eternal God is my refuge / and underneath are the everlasting arms" / Deut. 33. 27.
176. (G36) Headstone and footstone In / memory of ANN / wife of / JOHN RUSTON / of this parish / who departed this life / the 7th of July 1838 / aged 45 years / also of / Mr. JOHN RUSTON / husband of the above / died January 1st 1839 / in the 49th year of his age Footstone AR 1839
177. (G37) Marble chest with crucifix carved on the top South side: Sacred to the memory of / ROBERT BARNETT / of Meopham Court / who died February 24th 1872 aged 51 years / deeply lamented / "The night cometh when no man can work" St. John IX 4 / also to the memory of JANE FRANCES BARNETT / widow of the above / who died on the 28th September 1890 aged 79 years / also of REGINALD BARNETT / the eldest surviving and dearly beloved son of / JOHN BARNETT / who died February 12th 1878 aged 24 years North side: also to the memory of / JOHN BARNETT / of Meopham Court / who died June 14th 1887 / aged 68 years
Area H
178. (H1) Pedestal with footstone Sacred / to / the memory of / GLOVER MUNGEAM / late quartermaster of His Majesty’s / Dockyard Chatham, / who departed this life / the 17 day of March 1791 / aged 48 years / also / ANN, wife of the above, / who departed this life / the 10th day of September 1821 / in the 70th year of her age.
Footstone (lying horizontal next to headstone, half buried face down) GM 1791, AM 1821
179. (H2) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / WILLIAM MUNGEAM / yeoman / late of this parish / who died August 12th 1846 / aged 68 / also FRANCES his wife / who died January 29th 1850 / aged 67 / also CATHERINE / their daughter / who died December 6th 1848 / aged 25
180. (H3) No identification Three sections of body stones, two possibly connected, on a stone slab.
181. (H4) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / JAMES LANGFORD / who departed this life / November 14th 1852 / aged 45 years / also / MARY ANN LANGFORD / wife of the above / who died April 8th 1880 / aged 70 years / "Forgive blest shade the tributory tear / That mourns Thy exit from a world like th.. / Forgive the wish that would have kept you here / And stay’d Thy progress to the realm of bliss"
Footstone JL 1852, MAL 1880 On side of stone mason’s name MARTIN (no address)
182. (H5) Headstone and footstone The thread of life parts man and wife / Sacred / to the memory of / ANN wife of / RICHARD LANGFORD / of this parish / who departed this life / on the 6th day of May 1834 / aged 64 years. / "Reader to stop to learn who here doth lie / Read on and you shall learn how suddenly / Death’s summons came, by all must be obayed / Healthy was I, / And six days after in the grave was laid. / Think on my fate when you have left this spot / Strive, be prepar’d the same may be your lot" / Also of the above RICHARD LANGFORD / who departed this life / on the 3rd day of December 1845 / aged 74 years / also of SOPHIA LANGFORD / daughter of the above / who departed this life / on the 15th day of December 1843 / aged 33 years Footstone AL 1834, RL 1845, SL 1843
183. (H6) Platform Sacred to the memory of / WILLIAM SMITH Esqr / of Fairy(?) Hall Mottingham / in t..s county / who departed …. Life October 18th 1830 / in the 71 year of his age / also ………. CATHERINE / relict of ….. above …. named / WILLIAM ……. / who departed …….ember 18.. / in the 60 ye… her age [GB Catherine 1839]
184. (H7) Slab Sacred to the memory of / GRACE MANLEY SMITH / daughter of WILLIAM SMITH Esqre / who died Septr 18th 1813? in the 11th year of / her age [BR 1818]
185. (H8) Headstone with kerbstone – lead letters, Cross with incised lettering [headstone] In / loving / memory of / ABRAHAM CHARLES / HEDGECOCK / died Nov. 17th 1901 / aged 73 years / also ANNIE EMILY / daughter of the above / died March 3rd 1893 / aged 19 years / also FREDERICK LANGFORD / son of the above / killed in the Great War [cross] In / loving memory of / DORIS EDNA LADDS / aged 3 months
186. (H9) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / THOMAS LYNDS of this / parish who departed this life / the 6th of April 1790 / aged 71 years / also SARAH wife of the above / who departed this life the 3rd of / April 17.. aged 36 years [quote or extra inscription obscured below soil level] Footstone S.L. 17--, S.L. 1794 [BR Sarah 1761]
187. (H10) Headstone In / loving memory / of / WILLIAM BUCK / late of Farley / who died February 1st 1906 / aged 87 years / MARY ANN BUCK / wife of the above / who died March 16th 1901? / aged 83 years
188. (H11) Pedestal on plinth in shape of cross ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer priest / born January 16th 1819 / at rest Oct. 8th 1875 / "My trust is in the tender mercy of God / Forever and ever" On base: And Rebe his wife / daughter of Venble JAMES RANDALL / born April 23 1822 / at rest Jan 18 1907
189. (H12) Chest South side of chest: In memory of WILLIAM MASTERS SMITH Esq. / of Camer in this parish who died the 24th / day of December 1861 in the 60th year of / his age North side of chest: In memory also of FRANCES widow of / WILLIAM MASTERS SMITH Esqre and / daughter of Sir HOWARD ELPHINSTONE Bart. C.M. / died Oct. the 31st 1905 aged 94
Area J
190. (J1) Pedestal, one layer on base East facing: FREDERICK WILLIAM NEWCOMB / born September 10th 1880 / died March 28th 1913 / The Lord hath need of him
191. (J2) Headstone and kerbstone with ornamental corners In loving memory / of / JAMES DAY / who departed this life / April 23rd 1899 / in his 73rd year / "his end was peace" / also HARRIETT / wife of the above / who passed away / Dec 24th 1921 / in her 86th year / "at rest" / also ALFRED THOMAS DAY / youngest son of the above / who suddenly passed away / Sep. 5th 1932 / aged 54 years / "Thy will be done"
192. (J3) Headstone In / loving memory / of / MARY ANN MERCER / 40 years the devoted wife of / JOHN WARE / who died 12th Dec. 1916 aged 60 / "Peace perfect peace" / JOHN JAMES WARE / born March 22nd 1855 / died July 9th 1921
193. (J4) Large kerbstone with 3 ornamental corner stones (one missing). Inscription in lead lettering on inside edge of kerbstone. East side: In loving memory of South side: JAMES KING late of Offley Mill, / Hitchin Herts who died Jan. 21st / 1898 aged 61 years
194. (J5) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / GEORGE BLACKMAN / departed this life / December 27th 1863 / aged 72 years / "Farewell my wife and children dear / I am not lost but sleeping here / prepare your dues to follow me / for as I am you so must be" / This stone is erected as a tribute of / duty by his sorrowing and affectionate / children and grandson / also ELIZABETH BLACKMAN / (wife of the above) / who died June 6th 1878 Footstone G.B. 1863, E.B.1878
195. (J6) Slab with rectangular base and footstone (initials bear no relation to the Brownfield family). Originally a metal cross attached (according to an old photograph). East facing: CHARLES BROWNFIELD / who died January 11th 1891 / aged 60 / MARTHA MARY nee CONSTANT / widow who died August 24th 1916 / aged 75 Footstone E.E. 1876, J.E. 1898, A.E. 1855, E.T. 1871 All appear [GB] to refer to the Evenden family for whom no tombstone survives. E.E. 1876 (Eliza Evenden), A.E. 1855 (Ann Evenden), E.T. 1871 (Eliza Taylor)
196. (J7) Headstone and footstone In / affectionate / remembrance of / ELIZABETH DURLING / who died October 25th 1873 / aged 28 years / Affliction some long time she bore / physicians were in vain / till death did seize and God did please / to ease her of her pain Footstone E.D.1873
197. (J8) Marble kerbstone with holder for urn at west end of kerbstone East facing: In loving memory / of / CHARLES FRANCIS COOK / who died 18th May 1913 / aged 86 years / and his wife ELIZA ROSE / who died 19th April 1954 / aged 87 years
198. (J9) Headstone and three footstones (2 relate to headstone and 1 does not) In affectionate remembrance / of / FRANKLIN / youngest son of ALFRED LIGHT / of this parish / who died 17th July 1871 / aged 17 years / also / WILLIAM HENRY / third son of the above / who died 19th June 1876 / aged 28 years / also the above / ALFRED LIGHT / who died 15th May 1879 / aged 58 years / and FRANCES ANN / his wife / who died 29th September 1879 / aged 59 years Footstones: 1:- east side F.L. 1871, 2:- west side W.H.L. 1876, 3:- (relating to Goodwin, see J15) T.G. 1866, G.G. 1867 (George Goodwin Ref. GB)
199. (J10) Pedestal, high with urn half covered in drapery North facing: Sacred to the memory / of / CAROLINE / the devoted wife of / THOMAS THOMPSON / who died / 18th December 1878 / aged 73 years / "Rest in the Lord" / also the above / THOMAS THOMPSON / born November 24th 1812 / died February 26th 1884 / "God shall wipe away all tears" / Rev. VII 17 ver. East facing: Sacred to the memory / of / JANE / relict of the late / BENJAMIN THOMPSON Esq. / of Red Hill Lodge / Nottinghamshire / and youngest daughter of the / Revd JOHN BOURNE / rector of Sutton Derbyshire / she died / on the 4th day of February 1862 / in her 87th year / "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" / Psalm 126 15 ver. / this tomb / was erected by her affectionate / and only surviving son / THOMAS THOMPSON / of this parish
200. (J10a) Kerbstone with inscription on three sides South facing: HENRY BLACKMAN died 30 May 1907 aged 62 North facing: …. …. Died Dec. 15 1936 aged 88 West facing: Reunited
201. (J11) Headstone with a cross and footstone In memory of / HESTER / beloved wife of / WILLIAM MARTIN / who fell asleep in Jesus / 23 Feb. 1895 / aged 70 / "Thy will be done" / also WILLIAM MARTIN / husband of above / who fell asleep in Jesus / 21st Nov. 1896 aged 71 / "They rest in peace and rise in glory" Footstone H (altered from W) M 1895, W M 1896
202. (J12) Headstone very eroded and flaked In memory … / … who ….. / …. BA ….. / EDWA.. …. / E..A
203. (J13) Headstone and footstone In / affectionate remembrance of / JOHN BODDY / who died September 11th 1888 / aged 55 years / Lies sleeping beneath a bed of dust / A loving husband true and just / Beloved he lived, in peace he died / His life was craved for but God denied // We loved him as no tongue can tell / How much we loved him, and how well / God loved him too and thought it best / To take our dear father home to rest // Our life hangs on a single thread / Which soon is cut and we are dead / Then boast not reader of thy might / Alive at noon but dead at night Footstone J.B. 1888
204. (J14) Headstone and two footstones In / affectionate remembrance of / RACHEL BODDY / who died May 10th 1892 / aged 80 years / Lies sleeping beneath a bed of dust / A loving wife true and just / Beloved she lived, in peace she died / Her life was craved for but God denied // We loved her as no tongue can tell / How much we loved her, and how well / God loved her too and thought it best / To take our dear mother home to rest // Our life hangs on a single thread / Which soon is cut and we are dead / Then boast not reader of thy might / Alive at noon but dead at night Footstones leaning against J13 and J14 R B 1892 Relates to J15 E G [T G?] 1859, A G 1862, E O 1863, M B 1866
205. (J15) Headstone and footstone (see J14 above) Sacred to the memory / of / THOMAS / s.. of / THOMAS and MARY GOODWIN / …. ….. parish / who ….. 1859 / all you …. grave to see / prepare …. …. To follow me / repent …. …. delay / I in my …. … away / ARTHUR GOODWIN / died July … aged 41 years / ELLEN OLIVER … / died … … A … years / MARY BARTLETT / died …..[BT] Thomas 30th April 1859, [GB] Arthur 1862, [GB] Ellen 1863, [GB] Mary 1866
206. (J16) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY HILLS / who died August 7th 1865 / aged 72 years / "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken / away. Blessed be the name of the Lord" Footstone H H 1865
207. (J17) Pedestal and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / JANE HILLS / wife of HENRY HILLS / who died February 3rd 1872 / aged 77 years / "Blessed are the dead which lie in the Lord" Footstone J H 1872
208. (J18) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory of / PHILIP ASHENDEN / died 15th Novr 1908 aged 48 / also / ANNIE ELLEN his wife / died 15th Febry 1924 aged 61 On bottom edge of kerbstone "For ever in our thoughts"
209. (J19) Kerbstone North side: JOHN ASHENDEN who died 13th March 1916 / HARRIET ASHENDEN who died 13th October 1909 West side: And HARRY their infant son / who died 6th March 1872 East side: In loving memory of / our dear father & mother
210. (J20) Coffin with cross inset on top on a triple plinth North facing: In ever loving memory of my devoted mother / SARAH EASTWOOD / who died November 19th 1895 / But trust I shall shortly see Thee and we / shall speak face to face South facing: In ever loving memory of my dear sister / ANNIE SMITH / who died May 21st 1892 / Rest in peace
211. (J21) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / JANE JEAL / wife of ROBERT JEAL / who died January 23rd 1876 / aged 56 years / also near this spot lie the remains / of GEORGE ROBERT and FLORENCE JANE JEAL / grandchildren of the above who died in / their infancy in the years 1872 & 1874 / also ROBERT JEAL / who departed this life 25th Feb. 1892 / aged 69 years Footstone J J 1876, R J 1892
212. (J22) Headstone Here lieth / ye body of WILLIAM / son of WILLIAM and / ELIZA ATWOOD / of this parish who / departed this life / ye 11 of May in ye year / of our Lord 1714 / in ye 26 year of / his age
213. (J23) Headstone Here / lyeth intered / ROBERT BUTCHER / who departed / this life the 26th / day of Sepr 1706 / aged 58 years / and also / ROBERT BUTCHER his / son who dyed / December the 26th / 1706 aged 22 years
214. (J24) Pedestal, three tier plinth with large cross leaning against it op tier: In loving memory of / JOHN ASHDOWN / died May 5 1899 aged 82 Second tier: also ESTHER SOPHIA his wife / died April 21 1900 aged 82 years / also MARY ANN ESTHER / their daughter Third tier: died April 22 1874 aged 21 years / and JANE ASHDOWN / sister of the above JOHN ASHDOWN / died May 1 1900 aged 86 years
215. (J25) Pedestal, three tier East facing: top tier: In loving memory of / GEORGE GRIGGS / who died May 31st 1895 / aged 43 years Second tier: also / GEORGE son of the above / who passed away February 13th 1909 / aged 18 years / Thy will be done
216. (J26) Pedestal, three tier with broken cross lying within kerbstone Top tier: no inscription (small lead cross attached to east and north sides) East facing: second tier: To the memory of / GEORGE WILLIAM STANIFORTH Bottom tier: Born at Hull 7th August 1830 / died at S. Peters Thanet / 29th March 1904 / Rest in peace North facing: second tier: Also of his wife / MARY HELEN Bottom tier: Born Novr 25th 1830 / died March 30th 1908 / R.I.P.
217. (J27) Pedestal, small two tiered plinth NORAH CONSTANCE DRYLAND / born Sept 30th died Nov. 21st 1890
218. (J28) Base for headstone Also in loving memory of / THOMAS HENRY DUNCH / born 31st March 1862 / died 20th April 1948
219. (J29) Headstone lying flat against north wall of nave MICHAEL ARNOLD TAYLOR / born March 4th 1936 / lived one day
220. (J30) Blank slab lying against north wall of nave. Possible inscription on underside
221. (J31) Pedestal, three plinths surmounted by tall cross and a kerbstone On cross: Thy will be done Top tier: In loving memory / of Second tier: CHARLES DUNCH / born 3 March 1826 / died 28 May 1896 / also ELIZABETH JANE his wife / born 31 July 1838 died 24 Jan 1922 Bottom tier: (below soil level) JOHN DUDLEY DUNCH / born 9 July 1868 died / 8 August 1868
222. (J32) Large table tomb on a brick base Sacred / to the memory of / the Revd / JOHN THOMPSON M.A. / for 38 years / vicar of this parish / who died the 30th August 185? / aged 74 years [BR 1854]
223. (J33) Pedestal and kerbstone. Statuesque piece of rough hewn masonry with a chain wound round an anchor embedded in rock on a pedestal On sloping side of pedestal: Also GEORGE MOASE / died 27th December 1938 aged 79 years / erected in loving memory of / AARON MOASE / born 25th March 1833 – died 9th March 1917 / also MARY E. MC A. MOASE / died 14th November 1932 aged 69 / "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die"
Area K
224. (K1) Headstone West facing: In / loving memory / of / ELIZABETH OLIVER / the beloved wife of / HENRY BISHOP / born Jan. 8. 1840 / died Jan. 2. 1900 / "Gone but not forgotten" / also the above named / HENRY BISHOP / born Dec. 19 1834 / died Aug. 6. 1901 / His end was perfect peace
225. (K2) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY PRIOR / who doed July 3rd 1881 / in his 62nd year / "In the midst of life we are in death" / also MARY ANN wife of the above / who died October 22nd 189? / aged 76 / "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God" / also ELIZA MARY / the devoted wife of JAMES RANDS / who died September 3rd 1883 / aged 36 years / "She is not dead but sleepeth" Footstone: H.P. 1881, EMR 1883, M.A.P. 1897 [BR Mary Ann 1897]
226. (K3) Headstone In loving memory / of / THOMAS LEEMING / died 15th June 1886 / aged 54 years / also of his beloved wife / FRANCES LEEMING / died 8th June 1913 / aged 77 years / "Not as I will but as Thou wilt" / and ALICE MAUD / elder daughter of the above / and wife of ROBERT JOHN SCOTT / died 27th Oct. 1946 aged 73 / also LAURA FRANCES / younger daughter of the above / and wife of WILLIAM FREDERICK SCOTT / DIED 18TH March 1955 aged 76
227. (K4) Pedestal, three tier with kerbstone and broken cross South-east facing: Top tier: In / loving memory / of Second tier: THOMAS HENRY LEEMING / who died June 19 1899 aged 43 years / "Thy will be done" Third tier blank
228. (K5) Headstone and footstone In a grave below / are / deposited the earthly remains / of / WILLIAM JURY / for 33(38?) years parish clerk / of Nursted / he died June 11th 1844 / aged 82 years / "The ….. .. crown of / glory if it be forever of ….. / righteousness" Romans (Proverbs?) / MARTHA JURY / wife of the above / who died Nov. 8th 1848 / aged 89(80?) years / CHARLOTTE JURY / wife of EDWARD JURY / who died June 17th 1849 / aged … years Footstone W.J. 1844, M.J. 1848, C.J. 1849
229. (K6) Kerbstone North-east facing: Left hand section: EMILY TAYLOR died Sept. 9th 1917 / aged 72 Right hand section: THOMAS TAYLOR died Ap. 17th 1931 / aged 87 South-west facing: Left hand section: also SARAH EMILY daughter / died 21st April 1968 aged 86 years / "At rest" Right hand section: also WILLIAM TAYLOR killed in France / Sept. 1916 aged 34
230. (K7) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / WILLIAM TAYLOR / who died May the 8th 1856 / aged 42 years / leaving a widow and five children / named ALFRED * SARAH-ANN / WILLIAM and RICHARD / also ALBERT son of the above / who died March the 8th 1854 / aged 11 years *Rectangle of stone removed where possibly Albert had been erroneously inscribed. Albert had died two years previously. Footstone W.T. 1856
231. (K8) Headstone In memory of / MAURICE HENRY GIBB / born Sep. 24 1809 / died Sep. 25 1870
232. (K9) Headstone. Beautifully sculpted piece of stone embracing a Christ holding a baby. Here resteth in hope / ISABELLA MASON / born February 13 1842 / died November 22 1877 / Thy will be done
233. (K10) Kerbstone North facing kerb: MARY ANN GIBB died June 10th / 1901 aged 61 years South facing kerb: ALFRED GIBB died March 17th / 1908 aged 76 years
234. (K10a) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / ELEANOR S…TH daughter of / CHARLES and ELIZABETH / LYNDS / who departed this life / Oct. ……… / aged ……. Years
Footstone E.L. 1866
235. (K11) Headstone ….. of / LOUI…. … / the ….. …. ish / who ….arted ….. … ber … 1867
236. (K12) Pedestal, three tiers East facing: top tier: In loving memory of / C….. / MABEL SMITH Second tier: born May 27th 1894 / fell asleep May 27th 1902 / "Jesus called a little child" / ‘In the days of thy youth / remember thy creator’ Bottom tier: also GEORGE SMITH / fell asleep April 13th 1928 aged 61 / "Till the morn" North facing: top tier: also / PHOEBE / ELIZABETH Second tier: wife of GEORGE SMITH / died 4th July 1945 / aged 76 years / "At rest"
237. (K13) Headstone (in two sections) Top section: In memorium / of / JAMES MATON / who departed this life / December 8th 1890 / aged 62 years / "By faith in Jesus Christ has / he entered heaven …Lower section: also to the memory of / ANNA MATON / the beloved wife of the above / JAMES MATON / who peacefully passed away / on August 12th 1907 / in her 75th year / "Resting till he comes"
238. (K14) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory / of / ANN TOMPKINS / the beloved wife of GEORGE TOMPKINS / who died December 21st 1910 / aged 72 years / also the above / GEORGE TOMPKINS / who died January 27th 1922 / aged 83 years / "Thy will be done"
239. (K15) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory / of / NELLIE MAY TOMPKINS / who died August 29th 1894 / aged 16 months / "Safe in the arms of Jesus" / also FREDERICK WILLIAM TOMPKINS / who was killed in action in France / March 1918 aged 21 years / "Thy will be done"
240. (K16) Headstone Here resteth in hope / AMELIA / the beloved wife of / GEORGE ENGLISH MATHER R.N. / who departed this life / Sept. 11th 1900 aged 50 years / "In the midst of life we are in death"
241. (K17) Urn on a tilted marble base On urn: In memory of On base (south facing): ESLI EATON / died 20th April 1918 / aged 68 / and HARRIET his wife / died 15 Dec. 1936
242. (K18) Headstone EMMA JOHNSON / died May 23rd 1881 / aged 12 years / "Thy will be done"
Buried beneath the turf next to this a small piece of stone – possibly a section of a cross belonging to it. Standing beside the headstone above is a small yellowish headstone. MARY J…. / born …. / died …. / blessed ….. / which
243. (K19) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory / of / LOUISA / wife of JOHN W. FRANCIS / who died 31st August 1913 / also in constant / and loving remembrance of / JOHN WM FRANCIS / devoted husband of the above / who died as a result of a street / accident at Portsea 18th August 1930 / "Behold He taketh away"
Kerbstone: north side: C.W. Dawes / Gravesend
244. (K20) Headstone In / everlasting memory of / WILLIAM GEORGE SIM / 1906 – 1964
245. (K21) Headstone In / loving memory of / ANNIE MYRTLE DAVIS / who died 2nd March 1963 / aged 57 years / and / DOUG DAVIS / who died 17th May 1983 / aged 77 years
246. (K22) Headstone In / remembrance of / ERNEST M. STILL / 1891 – 1962 / and / AGNES E. STILL / 1891 – 1986 / "Reunited"
247. (K23) An upright rectangular slab of stone with the top of two crosses leaning against it. In / loving memory / AUBREY OSWALD / BARNES / died 17th November 1961 / aged 66 years
248. (K24) A small piece of stone with a worked edge but no inscription. Holes still exist where lead letters had been inserted.
249. (K25) Flat stone ROBERT CAWLEY / 1884 – 1961 / GEORGINA LOUISA / reunited 3.1.63
250. (K26) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory of / CHARLES JOHN RIGBY / died 8th March 1960 / aged 65 years / Rest in peace
251. (K27) Headstone In / memory of / JESSIE DREWITT / who departed / this life / 14th March 1959
252. (K28) Small cross East facing: 1965 / HAROLD E. WARD / EDITH M. WARD / 1959 West facing: O.M.CROFT 1989
253. (K29) Headstone with the top of a cross leaning against back In loving memory of / JOHN CEDRIC / WELLDON / died July 2nd 1958 / aged 63 years / R.I.P. / and his wife MOLLIE / died 8th Dec. 1979 / aged 81 years
254. (K30) A stone cube with a metal top and holes for flowers In loving / memory / DEREK WALTER / THOMPSON / died 20 May / 1966 / aged 41 years
255. (K31) Stone in the shape of an open book with tassle down the centre and a small stone in front of it with a hole for flowers. Left hand page of ‘book’: In / memory / of / SYDNEY / HUGH / BLACK / died / 27th March 1966 / aged 62 Right hand page of ‘book’: his absence / a silent grief
256. (K32) Headstone In remembrance / THOMAS FRENCH / who died December 1st 1875 / aged 40 years / ELIZABETH ANN BUTTERWORTH NEVILL / wife [also] …o ELIZABETH & CLARA NEVILL FRENCH / daughters of the above / rest in peace
257. (L1) Celtic cross on two tiered pedestal Top tier: In loving memory of / MARY wife of / WILLIAM ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer / and daughter of / PHILIP SMITH COXE Bottom tier: born 27th Jan. 1852 / at rest 18th Feb. 1915 / Jesu mercy
Area L
258. (L2) Coffin resting on stone base South side: [raised letters] WILLIAM ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS North side: of Camer 1850 – 1937 West side: [incised letters] and his wife / KATHLEEN AMY GORE / 1877 – 1965
259. (L3) Table tomb on double plinth North side: Sacred to the memory of GEORGE SMITH Esq. / of Camer in this parish who departed this life / March 3rd 1831 in the 74th year of his age / also of REBECCA widow of the above / GEORGE SMITH Esqre who departed this life / January 8th 1843 in the 80th year of her age South side: vague impression that there were once some words, but so badly eroded on surface that nothing is now visible. Top of table: initially no inscription, but once the years of DIRT were removed, exactly the same inscription appeared as was on the north side of the tomb! No extra details on it leading to the assumption that on the south side there never was an inscription??
258. (L4) Cross leaning against a three tiered plinth (made of one solid piece of stone) standing on a base. East facing: Here resteth in hope / EDITH / the beloved wife of / FLEETWOOD ISHAM EDWARDS / Lieutenant Royal Engineers / daughter of the Revd. A. SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer / born July 25th 1847 died March 9th 1873 / so he giveth his beloved sleep West facing: Also in loving memory of / MARY / eldest daughter of Revd. A. SMITH-MASTERS of Camer / at rest Dec. 14th 1932 aged 86 / R.I.P.
259. (L5) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / ALBAN DORRINTON / late of this parish / who died April 15th 1835 / aged 73 years / he left issue / by ELIZABETH his wife / two daughters and one son / viz: MARY ELIZABETH & ALBAN / also the above / ELIZABETH DORRINTON / who died July 2nd 1849 / aged 81 (84?) years
260. (L6) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / ALBAN DORRINTON / who died May 23rd 1870 / aged 89 years / he left issue by MARY ANN his wife / one son viz: ALBAN / also ALBAN DORRINTON / son of the above / who died October 21st 1876 / aged 37 years / ‘Yea though I walk through the valley / of the Shadow of Death I will fear no evil / for Thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff / comfort me’
261. (L7) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. THOMAS NORDISH / late of this parish / who departed this life / July the 1st 1842 / aged 58 years
262. (L8) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. JOHN POLTICK / late of this parish / who departed this life / April 25 1846 / aged 52 years / also ANN POLTICK / who departed this life / July 27th 1867 aged 75 (78?) years Quotation beneath very eroded by weather and shallowly inscribed. Only visible words are at the end: ‘Behold Thy God’
263. (L9) Three tier pedestal and kerbstone with cross unlaid East facing: top tier: In loving memory / of / GEORGE WALTER Middle tier: the fifth and youngest son of / NATHANIEL FORTESCUE / of Little Cransden Cambridgeshire / who passed away April 4th 1912 / in his 69th year Bottom tier: also ELIZA / beloved wife of the above / who passed away February 9th 1937 / aged 93 years / ‘Thy will be done’ South facing: bottom tier: also GEORGE WALTER FORTESCUE / grandson / died February 18th 1921 / aged 4 years 9 months / sleeping
264. (L10) Headstone In / loving remembrance of / JAMES LOFT / who departed this life / September 25th 1894 / in his 87th year / interred September 30th / also ELIZA LOFT / who departed this life / March 30th 1889 / aged 72 years / interred at Meopham April 4th / To those who loved / by those beloved
265. (L11) Slab slightly coped with horizontal cross the whole length South facing [on sloping side of slab] LOUISA MARIA BROWNE born April 7th 1819 / departed March 12th 1907 North facing [on sloping side of slab] Blessed are the pure in heart
266. (L12) Headstone and footstone West facing: Sacred / to the memory of / SARAH / daughter of THOMAS and / FRANCES CHAYNEY / who died December 28th 1839 / aged 11 years / ‘Lord let me know my end and the number of my / days: that I may be certified how long I have to live’ / Psalm 39th verse 5th Footstone (correctly distanced from headstone) S.C. 1839
267. (L13) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. GEORGE FRENCH / of this parish / who died May 30th 1848 / in the 62nd year of his age / also his wife / REBECCA FRENCH / who died May 13th 1872 / aged 81 years Footstone (correctly spaced from headstone) G.F. 1848
268. (L14) Headstone (found in 3 broken horizontal sections) In / loving / memory of / MARY ANN TAYLOR / of this parish / who departed this life / Oct. 14th 1887. Aged 63 years / ‘Thy will be done’ / JAMES TAYLOR / son of the above / died Nov. 17th 1906 / aged --- / Pe --- 42 years / --ace perfect peace
Inside Church
Area NNorth Aisle269. (NA1) WAR MEMORIAL, 1914-1919, 1939-1945
Memorial window triptych We will remember them / 1914 – 1918 / 1939 – 1945
270. (NA1a) Small plaque on table in north-west corner of north aisle Dedicated 18.10.53 / to the memory of / VICTOR HUGO NELSON
271. (NA2) Marble wall monument To the memory of / KATHERINE daughter of WILLIAM PEMBLE / late of London merchant; / for 24 years the deservedly beloved wife of / GEORGE MASTERS gent. of this parish / and by him the mother three sons and one daughter / two of which viz: WILLIAM and KATHERINE survived her / she departed this life May the 27th 1750 / aged 60 years. With her are here deposited the / remains of the above mention’d GEORGE MASTERS / he departed this life July the 12th 1757 / aged 70 years / a pair / Long united in the bonds of peace; / jointly exercised in eschewing evil and doing good / happy in each other, kindly affectioned to all / indulgent parents, generous friends, / to the poor especially / ‘go and do thou likewise’ / Hither soon followed them / their son WILLIAM, the heir of their fortunes / and their virtues; a fair inheritance: / but alas of their mortality too. / which lot befel him at the early age of 28 / April the 12th 1761 / ‘He died of the small pox / unhappily procured by / inoculation’ / To those are added the remains of no less worthy / WILLIAM SMITH late of Croyden in the county of Surry / brewer who died April 22nd 1764 aged 44 years / He married KATHERINE daughter of the above GEORGE / and KATHERINE MASTERS who survives him with six / children three sons and three daughters / all in their infancy.
272. (NA3) Marble wall memorial Sacred to the memory of / CATHARINE SMITH / born 2nd Novr 1752 died 23rd Octr 1777 / also of REBECCA SMITH / born 21st Decr 1750 died 30th March 1802 / daughters of Mrs. CATHARINE SMITH / widow of West Malling // Who to console her under the separation / from these beloved objects of her regard / had the happiness to observe in them / a constant display of filial duty, / unaffected piety and a cheerful resignation / to the will of God. / As a small tribute to their virtues / this monument is dedicated / by their affectionate mother // Here also are deposited the / remains of their excellent mother / Mrs. CATHARINE SMITH / who died on the 6th of February 1814 / aged 86 years
273. (NA4) Marble wall monument Sacred to the memory of / GEORGE SMITH Esqre / of Camer in this parish / who departed this life March 3rd 1831 / in the 74th year of his age / also of / REBECCA / widow of the above GEORGE SMITH Esqre / who departed this life January 8th 1843 / in the 80th year of her age / also of WILLIAM MASTERS SMITH Esqre / of Camer, the only surviving son of the above / who departed this life December 24th 1861 / in the 60th year of his age / He was High Sheriff of the county in the year 1848 / and for some years represented the Western Division / in Parliament
274. (NA5) Marble wall monument – same style as NA3 Sacred to the memory of / WILLIAM SMITH Esqre / of Fairy Hall Mottingham in this county, / who departed this life October 18th 1830 / in the 71st year of his age / also of HENRY MASTERS SMITH, son of the above / who was drowned while bathing at Fishbourne / near Chichester in the county of Sussex and was buried / within the cloisters of the cathedral of that city; / he died July 20th 1832 in the 20th year of his age / also of CATHERINE, relict of the above named / WILLIAM SMITH Esqre / who departed this life December 3rd 1839 / in the 60th year of her age
275. (NA6) Tiny copper plaque on organ To the glory of God / and in remembrance of / CHARLES ERNEST HORRIDGE / organist 1946 – 1955
276. (NA7) Small oval plaque on piano In memory of ROSEMARY GARDNER / 1937 – 1997
North Porch277. (NP1) East window in north porch, small, stained glass. SARAH JANE RUSSELL / obiit 18th December AD 1921
278. (NP2) West window in north porch, small, stained glass. ETHEL MARIA HAMMONDS / ob. Sep. 24th / AD 1922
North Chancel279. (NC1) Bronze plaque In memory of / THOMAS SMITH COGSWELL / for 26 years vicar of Cringleford / Norfolk and from 1923 to 1930 a / valued helper in this church who / died 13 June 1930 aged 74 years / I have loved the habitation of Thy house
280. (NC2) Oval grey marble plaque with drawing of a swan above inscription To the memory of / OLIVE GREY ARNOLD wife of / ROBERT ANTHONY ARNOLD and / daughter of RALPH HART TWEDDELL / - born 4.5.1876 – died 17.8.1954 - / for sixty three years she lived / at Meopham Court and / was much beloved / in this parish
281. (NC3) Three figured marble monument. Bust of Sir John top centre with two Grecian figures, one with a book. The other with scales, on either side of inscription. Sacred to the memory of / the right honble Sir JOHN BAYLEY bart. / whose remains lie interred in a vault below / he was second son of JOHN BAYLEY, of Elton, / in the county of Huntingdon, esquire, / and was educated at Eton College, / where he attained to a considerable proficiency / in classical learning. / After an honorable and successful / practice at the bar / he was made a puisne judge of / the Court of King’s Bench / on the 7th day of May 1808 / and on the 14th day of November 1830 / he exchanged the office / of judge of the King’s Bench / for that of Baron of the Exchequer. / On his resignation of the Baron’s seat / in the Court of Exchequer in the year 1834 / he was created a Baronet / and made a Privy Councillor / by his most gracious majesty / King William the 4th. / He died at Vine House, Sevenoaks / on the 10th day of October 1841, aged 79, / beloved and respected On tablet below main inscription Also to the memory of / Dame ELIZABETH, his wife, the youngest daughter of the late JOHN MARKETT / of Meopham Court Lodge, in this parish, esquire. / She died at Brighton / on the 23rd day of January, 1837, aged 77. / She was a most affectionate wife, a kind and tender mother / a sincere and constant friend, / and a charitable, self-denying Christian.
282. (NC4) Brass tablet. Top left corner: eagle with a scroll above a crown, beneath "H.M.S. Formidable". Top right corner: Invicta Horse plus scroll: "Invicta Royal Kent West". To the glory of God / and / to the memory of / HERBERT WILLIAM BRENCHLEY / leading seaman R.N. / who went down with H.M.S. Formidable / on the 1st Jan. 1915 – aged 23 / and / SWINFORD AUSTIN BRENCHLEY / Private – Royal West Kent Regiment (VIIth Batt.) / killed in action on the Somme Sept. 1916 – aged 23 / "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give / thee a crown of life" Bottom right hand corner A&N Aux C.S.L. London [mason?]
283. (NC5) Tiled rectangular plaque To the glory of God and / in memory of RALPH HART / TWEDDELL
C.E. of Meopham Court died Sepber 3rd 1895 / aged 52. Psalm XV
284. (NC6) Dedication in embrasure of north window in chancel To the glory of God and in loving memory / of JOHN and / FRANCES HOOPER whose bodies / rest in this churchyard
285. (NC7) Marble plaque on a black base on wall To the memory of / FRANCIS MARKETT Esq. / of Meopham Court Lodge / in this parish / who died 7th June 1821 / aged 63 years / and was interred in the church / of St. Martins in the Field
286. (NC8) Marble plaque on a black base on wall Sacred to the memory of / ISABELLA, widow of the late FRANCIS MARKETT Esquire, / of Meopham Court Lodge / who died on the seventh day of December 18(5?)1, aged 81 years / she was most deservedly respected and beloved / for the use which she made of the gifts so bountifully bestowed / upon her by Divine Providence / During her life she was visited with many severe afflictions / which she bore with perfect resignation to the will of God. / In the conduct of her life / she was most exemplary as a wife, a mother and a friend, / and after enduring patiently a long and painful illness, / she died firm in the faith and in the hope of a glorious resurrection / through the merits of her redeemer Jesus Christ.
287. (NC9) Marble plaque mounted on a black base on wall. At bottom is written: J.Kendrick ft London Sacred to the memory of / PERCY / second daughter of FRANCIS and ISABELLA MARKETT, / of Meopham Court Lodge / who was most highly esteemed for her pure and cultivated mind, / and for the variety and excellence of her attainments, / and most deservedly beloved for the sweetness of her temper, / and the innocence and usefulness of her life. / Her earthly pilgrimage, though short, / was interrupted by many and severe trials, / which were borne with the most exemplary patience and resignation. / Her nearest surviving relatives, trusting in God / "who afflicts us in his mercy" / that their separation from her, though grievous, will not be final, / have erected this tablet, in grateful remembrance / of her piety and humility as a Christian, / her dutiful and affectionate obedience as a daughter, / her love and tenderness as a sister, and / her zeal and fidelity as a friend.
East Window288. (EW1) Dedication at foot of east window First section: To the glory of God in memory of Second section: ROBERT.BARNETT.who.died.Feb.24.1872. Third section: aged.51.erected.by.his.widow J.F.B.
South Chancel289. (SC1) Brass plaque set in stone. Inscription formerly on floor of tower, removed in 1905 to south wall of chancel. Original position in church unknown. Hic jacet dominus JOHANNES FOLSHAM quondam / vicarius de Meapham qui obiit tredecimo die / mensis Junii anno domini millesimo CCCCo LVo / cujus animae propicietur Deus. Amen. [Translation Here lies Master JOHN FOLSHAM, formerly vicar of / Meopham who died on the 13th day of June in / the year 1455 on whose soul God have mercy. Amen.]
290. (SC1) Stone sculpture Thy will be done / in memory of / ELIZABETH BAYLEY / daughter of ALEXANDER MacDONALD Esqr / and wife of FRANCIS BAYLEY youngest son of the / Right Honorable Sir JOHN BAYLEY Bart. / born 27 June 1806 / died 9 April 1838 / Her children arise up and call her blessed: her / husband also, and he praiseth her; many daughters / have done virtuously but thou excellest them all.
291. (SC3) Small simple brass plaque on small lectern To the glory of God / and in memory / of / MATTHIAS GEORGE VILLER / 1873 – 1957
South Aisle292. (SA1) Dark stone tablet on wall To the glory of God / and in proud and loving / memory of their dear sons / who gave their lives for / their country in the Great / War viz. AUSTIN born 1890 / drowned in trying to save / a comrade 6th Aug. 1917 / and ARTHUR Lt Nothants / Regt born 1896 who died of / wounds in France 18th Oct. / 1916. This tablet was set up / by their parents ARTHUR F. / C. OWEN vicar of Meopham / and KATHLEEN his wife 1917
293. (SA2) Free standing bronze plaque on floor beneath Book of Remembrance Saint Mary’s Chapel / to the memory of / MARY JANE PARSONS / WALTER PARSONS / LOUIS PARSONS / JENNY PARSONS / February 1956
294. (SA2a) Inscription round circular base of brass lectern A.M.D.G. / LEWIS WOODWARD LEWIS cuius hujius ecclesiae / per XXIV annos. Presbiter fidelis. In Christo / dodormivit die Paschæ MCM. Hoc benevolentiae reverentiæ, desiderii monumentum ponendum curavere amici.
295. (SA3) East window of south aisle. Dedication at base of window First section: To the glory of God Second section: and in memory of Third section: EDITH EDWARDS
296. (SA4) Wooden picture frame – brown background, gold lettering. Coat of Arms in centre To be linked to great traditions is to be pledged to great undertakings
BRUCE SWINTON / GEORGE ARTHUR / SMITH-MASTERS M.C. / SMITH-MASTERS / Captain 2nd Batt: / Lieutenant 6th Batt: / Essex Regiment / [Coat of Arms] Bedfordshire / Regiment / born Jan: 31st 1892 / Manet Fides born Dec. 29th 1894 / killed in France / Inte merata killed in Flanders / leading the attack / safeguarding his men / July 1st 1916 / August 20th 1915 / ‘He that loseth his / ‘To me to live in Christ / life for my sake / to die is gain’ / shall find it’ / 3rd and 4th sons of JOHN ERNEST SMITH-MASTERS & MARGARET his wife / Obedient unto death / for God King & Country / rest eternal grant unto the O Lord / & let light perpetual shine upon them
297. (SA5) Window with dedication at base Section 1: To the glory of God and in Section 2: memory of ALLAN SMITH Section 3: MASTERS priest
298. (SA6) Brass wall plaque FLEETWOOD ISHAM EDWARDS Lt Col. R.E. P.C. K.C.B. / keeper of the Privy Purse to H.M. Queen Victoria / born April 21st 1842, fell asleep August 14th 1910 / EDITH his wife, daughter of ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer, born July 25 1847, at rest March 9th 1873 / ‘Grant them, O Lord, to be numbered / amongst Thy saints in glory everlasting’
299. (SA7) Brass wall plaque ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS of Camer, priest M.A. / J.P. born January 16th 1820 fell asleep October 8th 1875 / REBE MARY, his wife, daughter of the venerable JAMES / RANDALL, Archdeacon of Berkshire, born April 23rd 1822 / at rest January the 8th 1907 / ‘Grant us, O Lord, with them, a share in / the heavenly crown, through Thy mercy’
300. (SA8) Brass tablet on a stone frame – inscription enclosed in scrolled border with different symbols in each corner. To the glory of God and in loving memory of / JOHN BABER M.D. / of London and connected with this parish for over forty years / who died May 4th 1894 / aged 72 years / also of EMMA (née DU BOIS) first wife of the above / who died March 12th 1875 / erected by their affectionate children / AD 1895
301. (SA9) WAR MEMORIAL 1914 – 1919
Bronze plaque just east of south porch To the sacred memory / of the / men of Meopham / who died for their King & Country / in the Great War 1914 – 1919 /
J. DYE Can. /
A.E.C.OWEN N. Hants /
F.C. PARKER E. Sur. /
W.H. RUSSELL 16 Lrs. /
A.G. SCUDDER Mdsex. /
W.L. TAYLOR K.O.S.L.1. /
W.H. TODD S. Staffs. /
"All they had hoped for / all they had they gave" / "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death"
302. (SA10) Window on south aisle (triptych). Inscription at base in centre. Section 1: In piam memoriam Section 2: FLORENCE M. GOLDING-BIRD Section 3: obiit MCMXIX
South Porch303. (SP) Small plaque To the glory of God / and in memory of / EDITH WILLIAMS / 1874 – 1954 / a teacher at St. Matthews Westminster / 1916 – 1939
West Nave304. (WN1) Pavement slab Heres interr d the body of / JOSEPH RABENETT son of / JOSEPH & MELCHIA RABENETT / of Chatham who departed / this life Febr 26th 1718 / aged 21 years / also here lyeth the body of / MELCHIA RABENETT widow / and relict of JOSEPH RABENETT / of Chatham she departed this life ye 3d of Feb. 1722 / aged 47 years / also here lyeth the body of / MARY RABENETT daughr of / JOSEPH AND MELCHIA RABENETT who / departed this life ye 9th of Jany / 1724 aged 22 years
305. (WN2a) Pavement slab Here lies interred / near the bones of his parents / what was mortal / of Mr. THOMAS COPLAND / the son of ye Revd. Mr CHRISTOPHER COPLAND / vicar of this parish / a lingering illness / delivered him / adorn’d with every social virtue / from life to immortality / on the 15 day of August 1739 / in the 67th year of his age
306. (WN2b) Pavement slab Here lyeth the body / of ELIZABETH ye wife of / Mr THOMAS COPLAND who / departed this life ye 27th / of …. 1699 & in ye 22nd year …. her age
307. (WN3a) Pavement slab Here lyeth ye body of / Mrs MARGARET / COPLAND relict of / Mr CHRISTOPHER / COPLAND / who departed this / life Septemr the 30th / 1727 in the 85th year / of her age
308. (WN3b) Pavement slab Here lyeth ye body / of Mrs MARTHA RAY / grand daughter of MARTHA / EVERNDEN of this parish / who departed this life / the 5th day of August / 1707 / in the 19th year of her age / also here lyes the body / of Mrs MARTHA EVERNDEN / who departed this life the 15th of July 1725 in the / 80th year of her age / also / here lyeth the body of / ELIZABETH GUNNINGS of this / parish who departed ys life / ye 27th of November 1745 / aged 76 years
309. (WN4a) Pavement slab Hic deposita sunt exuvia / vi Reverendi / CHRISTOPHORI COPLAND / huius eccclesi – vicarii / qui ministerii anni XXXVII / vitae LXI impletis / exterior-m hane mysteriorum / oeconomiam / cum visione commutavit / XIIo calend Jun / Anno X MDCCVII
310. (WN4b) Pavement slab Sacred / to the memory of / Mr WILLIAM MUNGEAM / yeoman of this parish / who departed this life / the 28th of March 1818 / aged 71 years / also Mrs SARAH MUNGEAM / wife of the above / who departed this life / the 26th February 1825 / aged 76 years
311. (WN5a) Pavement slab Here resteth the body of / ROBERT SPRIVER of Meopham / yeoman whoe died the 31 / of Jan..rie 1635 / having 4 sonnes / and 3 d…ght..s
312. (WN5b) Pavement slab Hic jacet / JOHANNES MARKETT / JOHANNIS et ANNAE MARKETT / filius natii maximum / obiit / quinto die Septembris / anno domini 1789 / aetatis suae 34
313. (WN6a) Pavement slab In memory of / HENRY STICKINGS / of this parish he died March / the 27th 1773 aged 75 years / also MARY daughter of JAMES SHARP / first wife of the above HENRY STICKINGS / died ….tember the 25th 1750 / aged 62 years
314. (WN6b) Pavement slab In memoriam / ANNAE uxoris / JOHANNIS MARKETT / obiit die XVIII / Decembris MDCCL\ \ (MDCCLXX?, MDCCLXV?) / Anno A…../ …… (Roman numerals of date partially eroded)
315. (WN7a) Pavement slab Here lyeth the body of HENRY / HASLEN of Meopham Esqr who / married MARY COURTHOPE the / ….hter of Sr GEORGE / …THO..E of Wileigh in the / …. of Susex knight and / Dame ELIZABETH his wife / …d issue by her two / sons & one daughter / obyit XXVIto die Septemb… / anno dni 16… / etatis suae XXX\ (last three lines incomplete owing to break in slab)
316. (WN7b) Pavement slab Hic sepultum est / quiquid mortale sunt / ANNAE MARKETT / erat illa fillia JOHANNIS et / ELIZ. HOOKER de Tonbridge / conty Kent et uxor / JOHANNIS MARKETT / obiit 1st Jany 1763 / anno aetatis suae XXXIV / JOHN MARKETT Esqr / died on the 12th day of September / 1801 in the 81st year of his age
317. (WN8a) Pavement slab In memory of / CATHARINE wife of / SAML TIESDELL / of Luddesdown and / daughr of NICHS NASH / late of ye parish of Stoke / who died / the 26th day of May 1767 / aged 62 years / also the body of Mr SAML TIESDELL / late of Fawkham in this county / who departed this life March / the 27th 1801 aged 92 years
318. (WN8b) Pavement slab H.S.S [Hic sepultae sunt] / reliquiae / ELIZABETHAE MARKETT / obiitt Aug. XXXIo AD MDCCLI / aetatis suae XXo / conjugi charrissimae / hoc qualecunque mnemosynon / vir maestissimus posuit / JOHANNES MARKETT
West Nave Wall319. (WNW1) Stone plaque on west wall of south aisle To the dear memory of my / husband GEORGE ALFRED TAIT / vicar of this parish 1919 – 1933 / who passed on to fuller life / 8th April 1933 & by whose wish / this corner was dedicated / for the use of the children / of this parish
320. (WNW1a) Wooden panel on wall of west nave In thankfulness to God / Mr. And Mrs. FRANK WORTHINGTON / presented the two treble bells / in 1949 together with the / rehanging of the peal / and the screen in 1950
321. (WNW2) Stone tablet Meopham and Cobham branch / British Legion / sacred to the memory of / our beloved president PETER NESS – called to rest / 12th July 1947
322. (WNW3) Copper plaque below side window These windows were repaired in / memory of HERMAN WILLIAM WINNETT / 1873 – 1957 / and / EDITH MARIA WINNETT 1879 – 1961
323. (APPENDIX A) Burials untraced in survey but recorded by the Rev. Lewis in 1898
Phillip Buggs 1858 (see App. B)
Ann Evenden 1855
Eliza Evenden 1876
Ambrose Mercer 1895
Mathilda Parker 1858
Sarah Parker 1856
Eliza Taylor 1874
George Goodwin 1867
Thomas Goodwin 1866
James Hartopp 1896
Frederick Hollman1897
Beatrice Johnson 1884
Edwin Johnson 1875
Mary T. Johnson 1869
Edward Noakes 1877
Mary Noakes 1844
W. Noakes 1844
Elizabeth Scoons 1825
Richard Scoons 1817
Henrietta Scott 1888
Josias Scott 1898
F.J. Stone 1857
James Stone 1859
Louisa Taylor 1867
John Wells 1868
W. Wells 1852
W.R. Wells 1856
Barbara E. Waterman 1878
Richard Waterman 1884
Thomas Harwood 1710
David Hunt 1801
Alfred Johnson 1877
John Johnson 1870
Jane Shesdell 1801
Elizabeth Swift ---
George Hone ---
Richard Wood 1714
Alma Ashdown 1894
Joseph Cleverley 1884
Thomas Loft 1888
May Russell 1881
Sarah Tomlyn 1837
William Tomlyn 1844
Mary Blackman 1820
George Buggs 1860
Mary Buggs 1818
William Buggs 1823
Edward French 1876
John French 1811
Mary French 1836
Elizabeth Scudder 1831 (see App. B.)
Richard Scudder 1852 (see App. B.)
Robert Scudder 1832 (see App. B.)
Sarah Scudder 1846 (see App. B.)
Thomas Scudder 1810 (see App. B)
E.Warne 1896
F. Warne 1890
Burials untraced in survey but recorded by M.W. Davies in 1972
(The location references are those used in this survey)
324. In loving memory of Alfred Lynds who entered into rest Nov.. 19. 1898 Aged 58 years Location:- Between B7 (Ann French 1851) and B20 (John Norton 1908)
325. Sacred to the memory of Thomas son of Thomas and Sarah Scudder of this parish died Oct. 1810 aged 7 months. Also Elizabeth their daur. who died Oct. 11 1831 aged 15 years likewise Robert who died Jan. 25 1832 aged 10 years. Also Richard their son died Dec. 18 1852 aged 27 years.
Footstone:- E.S. 1831 R.S. 1832 Location:- Next to B25 (Mary and Thomas Buggs 1804) and B8 (Arthur and Mary Bale)
325. In loving memory of Thomas Evenden who fell asleep Jan 18 1900 aged 32 years. Also Emily Evenden wife of the above who died July 10 1946 aged 76 years. Location:- Between J21 (Jane Jeal 1876) and A19 (John Butcher 1871)
326. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Philip Buggs who dep. this life June … aged …Location:- near A18 (William Combes 1831) and A16 (Edward Combes 1858)
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Plan (84KB) of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
ALCHIN 102, 103, 165,
168, 172, 173
AMOS 300
ANDRUS 167, 174
ARTHUR 292, 296
ASHDOWN 214, 323
ASHENDEN 208, 209
ATKINS 88, 89
AUSTIN 282, 292
BABER 169, 299
BARNETT 177, 288
BAYLEY 281, 290
BEST 166
BIRD 91, 300
BISHOP 224, 300
BLACKMAN 20, 49, 194,
200, 300, 323
BODDY 203, 204
BRENCHLEY 282, 300
BROWNFIELD 8, 9, 195
BUCK 187
BUGG 125
BUGGS 28-30,41-43,45,48,
52, 53, 61, 300, 323, 326
BUTCHER 19, 213
C 18
CALLER 5, 6, 9
CHARLTON 168, 173
CHILD 163, 164, 170, 171
COGSWELL 161, 162, 279
COOK 197, 300
COPLAND 305-307, 309
COX 112
COXE 257
DALTON 130, 300
DAY 191
DAY 300
DORRINTON 259, 260
DUNCH 218, 221
DURLING 196, 300
DYE 300
EDMEADES 55, 56, 81
103, 159, 160
EDWARDS 258, 295, 298
ELWYN 152, 153, 156
EVERNDEN 195, 308, 323,
FRANCIS 243, 300
FRENCH 21-26, 34, 35, 38,
39, 256, 267, 323
GIBB 231, 233
GOODWIN 198, 205, 300,
GORE 258
GREY 280
GUNNING 84, 85, 141-143,
160, 171
HART 95, 115, 280, 283
HARWOOD 86, 87, 323
HILLS 54b, 206, 207
HONE 323
HOOKER de Tonbridge 316
HOOPER 144, 148, 284
HUNT 108, 109, 323
JEAL 46, 211
JOHNSON 110, 242, 300,
---------------------------------------JURY 228
KILLICK 71, 72, 175
KING 193
LANE 46, 90
LANGFORD 82, 181, 182
LEEMING 150, 226, 227
LEWIS 156, 157, 294, 323
LOFT 264, 323
LOTT 20, 50
LYNDS 186, 234, 300, 324
MARKETT 112, 281, 285,
286, 312, 314, 316, 318
MASTERS 84, 188, 189,
271, 297
MERCER 192, 323
MUNDAY 81, 94
MUNGEAM 178, 179, 310
MUNN 92, 93, 98, 99, 100
NASH 317
NESS 321
NEVILL 67, 119, 256
NORDISH 124, 126, 261
OWEN 292, 300
PARKER 111, 300, 323
PARSONS 139, 293, 300
PETT 134
PHILLIPS 72, 101, 103
PLUMMER 59, 60, 62
R?..E..NEY 36
RANDALL 188, 299
RAY 308
ROWE 123
--------------------------------------RUSSELL 277, 300, 323
RUSTON 176S, E & R 44
SALMON 58, 63, 64, 65,
73-78, 80, 116
SCOTT 226, 323
SCUDDER 300, 323, 325
SILLS 168, 173
SIM 244
SMITH 183, 184, 188, 189,
210, 236, 259, 271-274,
279, 297
257, 258, 296, 298, 299
TAIT 319
TAYLOR 219, 229, 230,
268, 300, 323
THOMPSON 199, 222, 254
TIESDELL 105, 106, 317
TILDEN 161, 163
TODD 149, 300
TOMPKINS 238, 239, 300
TUNNAH 146, 147
TWEDDELL 115, 280, 283
WARD 252
WARE 192
WILLIAMS 133-135
WOOD 323
WOOD 69, 121
YOUNG 42, 155
Places Index
Ash 42
Boxley 73, 74, 75
Brede Sussex 12
Brighton 281
California 9
Cambridgeshire 263
Chatham 178, 304
Chichester Cathedral 274
Cliffe 173
Cobham 84, 104, 113, 163,
Cringleford Norwich 161,
Croydon, Surrey 271
Darenth 55
Derbyshire 199
Ditton 73
Elton, Huntingdon 281
Eton College 281Fairy Hall, Mottingham
183, 274
Farley 187
Farningham 64, 65
Fawkham 317
Flanders 296
Gravesend 20
Greenwich 60
Harvel 121
Hendford Manor House,
Yeovil, Somerset 148
Higham 81
Hitchin 193
Huntingdon 281
Little Cransden,
Cambridgeshire 263
Guys Hospital 91
Sloane Street S.W. 169
St. Martins in the Field
Church 285
St. Matthews School,
Westminster 303
Thurloe Square, South
Kensington. 169
Luddesdown 108,133, 317
Camer 188, 189, 257, 258,
273, 298
Deodars, Meopham 169
Hook Green Meopham 132
Lindenwood Meopham 120
Meopham Court 115, 147,
177, 280, 283
Meopham Court Lodge 281,
285, 286
Minster in the Isle of
Sheppey 81
Mottingham 183, 274
Newcastle-on-Tyne 122
Norfolk 279
Northfleet 15
Norwich 161
Nottinghamshire 199
Nursted 228
Nursted Court 159, 160
Nustead 83
Offley Mill, Hitchin Herts 193
Portsea 243
Red Hill Lodge, Nottinghamshire 199
Rodmersham 161
Sevenoaks 281
Sheerness 81, 108
Siesey, Boston, Lincolnshire 28
Somme 282
St Peters Thanet 216
Stoke 317
Stone 56, 103
Strood 98
Sussex 12, 274
Sutton, Derbyshire 199
Vine House, Sevenoaks
West Malling 272
Wileigh, Sussex 315
Wrotham (sic) Rootham
Yeovil 148
Lieutenant 258, 292, 296
Captain 153, 296
Lt Col.298
General 153, 156
Lt. General 152, 153
R.A. 153
16 Lrs. 300
2nd Batt: 296
6th Batt:, Essex
Regiment 296
A.I.F. 300
Bedfordshire Regiment
Can 300
E. Sur. 300
G.Gds. 300
K.O.S.L.1. 300
M.G.C. 300
Mdsex. 300
N. Hants 300
Nothants Regt 292
R.A.M.C. 300
R.F.A. 300 R.Fus. 300
R.Suss. 300
Royal West Kent
Regiment (VIIth Batt.)
Royal West Kent 300
Royal Army Service
Corps 137
Royal Artillery 152,153,156
Royal Engineers 258, 298,
S. Staffs. 300
S.W.B. 300
R.N. 240, 300
"S.S. Teeswood" 138
H.M.S. Formidable 282
Leading seaman R.N. 282
Quartermaster R.N.178
M.C. 296, 300
Baron of the Exchequer 281
Baronet 281
Bart. C.M. 189
brewer 271
British Legion 321
son of London 61
Archdeacon of Berkshire
priest 188, 297, 299
Rector 199
Rev 199, 144, 145, 148,
222, 305
vicar 156, 279, 289, 292,
cook of London 61
Court of King’s Bench 281
died of wounds in France
Dockyard Chatham 178
drowned at sea 9
drowned in trying to save a
comrade 292
drowned while bathing at
Fishbourne, near
Chichester 274
F.R.C.S. 91
High Sheriff of the county
J.P. 299
K.C.B. 298
keeper of the Privy Purse
killed in action on the
Somme 282
killed in action in France
killed in France 229
killed in the Great War 185
leading the attack 296
King William the 4th. 281
M.P. 169
died of the small pox 271
M.D. 169
smallpox procured by
inoculation 271
senior consulting
surgeon 91
smallpox 86, 87
typhoid fever at sea 9
London merchant 271
organist 275
parish clerk Nursted 228
Western Division, Parliament 273
Privy Councillor 281
puisne judge 281
Queen Victoria 298
solicitor 81
stonemason A&N Aux C.S.L. London 282
C.W. Dawes
Gravesend 243
DAWES / Wrotham
Road Gravesend 146
J.Kendrick ft London 286
Frindsbury 131
J. Steel Gravesend 53,
street accident 243
teacher 303
yeoman 102, 113, 171,
179, 310, 311
Plan (84KB) of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard
© of Meopham Historical Society
Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard. For close-up view of Areas click on
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area A of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area B of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area C of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area D of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A Area B Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area D of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area E of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area E of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area F of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A Area B Area C Area D Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area F of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area G of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area G of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area H of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area H of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area J of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area J of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area K of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Area L of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area L CHURCH
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Area inside Church of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
Area inside Church of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Area H Area J Area K Area L CHURCH
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Pictures of team who recorded M.I.s in Meopham Churchyard
The Team: L. to R. Sheila B., Joan, Sheila F., Susanne, Ann, Rene
Front: Jim and Jack
Hard Labour !