Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Pluckley Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Rainham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Plaxtol Church
Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Pluckley Church
The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Pluckley Church. Taken by Leland L. Duncan September 1920. Typed up by Christine Pantrey.
Note: In 1899 the Rev. Francis Harblewood ASA then Rector of St. Matthew’s Ipswich, printed "The Parish of Pluckley, Kent. Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard". 52 copies were privately printed. (By Harrison, Ancient House, Butler Market, Ipswich).
I have collated my manuscript made in October 1920 and the variations are marked in pencil. (Here they have been transcribed in italics within brackets. C.L.P)
For the Dering inscriptions in the South Chancel see my copy of Haslewoods ‘Pedigree of the Dering Family’ to which I have added from the above work (inscriptions) those which he for some unexplained reason did not include in the Pedigree book.
As Mr Haslewood says he compared many with the Registers I have accepted his readings which moreover were taken in June 1899 more than 20 years earlier, since when some at least have suffered from the weather. L.Duncan.
Pluckley Churchyard
Plot A. To the South West of the Church.
1. Mary Ann wife of George PILE, 29th November 1884 aged 61, leaving issue four children, George, Amelia, John and Fanny. George Pile died [not filled in].
2. Richard son of John and Sarah WEEKS, 26th March 1859 aged 47.
3. Henry HANDLEY Esq. of Culverthorpe Hall, Lincolnshire. Died at Surrenden Dering, 29th June 1846 in his 50th year. Caroline his wife, 19th January 1860 "Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive".
4. George Green DAY son of John and Mary Day late of this parish, born 30th November 1847 (6?) died April 11th 1850.
5. A.S.F. 29th October 1872.
6. Sarah Ann widow of Henry KNIGHT of Dunton Green, 3rd March 1875 aged 72. Leaving issue one daughter.
7. Ann Smith wife of Nathaniel SMITH, 30th March 1852 aged 43. Emma daughter of above, 6th December 1857 aged 17. Nathaniel Smith 8th October 1879 aged 76.
8. To Children of Thomas and Alice BROOKER. Alice Jane, 22nd April 1848 aged four months; James late Sergeant Major of the Royal Artillery, 24th July 1879 aged 41; Alice Wenham, 29th February 1880 aged 30; Thomas James son of above, 23rd March 1880 aged eleven months (weeks?); Thomas H. Brooker son of above, 20th July 1882 aged 42.
9. (West of Porch) Thomas NORDEN. He pleased God and was beloved (of him so that living) amon Sinners He was translated. Yea speedily was he taken away lest that wickednesse should alter his understandings or deceit beguile his soul. He being made perfect ala? in a short time fulfilled along time. For his soul please (the)…(L)ord/ theref(ore) (he has)…ted/ He to (take ruin)/ away (from amo)ng / (the wicked) wisdom (of Solomon) / Chapter (IV. [On right half] Elizabeth Norden mother to Thomas Norden.
(There is no date but it is of late 17th or Early 18th century style and character).
(Register has: Thomas Norden sonn of Edward Norden Buried 24th May Elizabeth Norden widow, buried 7th August 1725).
Plot B. The Southern portions, South of walk from South-West to South-East gates.
10. (by South West gate) Kate wife of John ELLIS, 8th March 1911 aged 66. Violet Bessie daughter of above, 29th June 1911 aged 30. John Theodore only child of Charles and Kate TAPPLY and grandson and nephew of above 22nd October 1899- 15th February 1918.
11. Jane wife of John BUSS, 24th January 1903 in her 72nd year, leaving one son and three daughters, Amelia, Jane Julia, Thomas and Annie Edith. John Buss husband of above, 31st December 1916 aged 91.
12. Thomas BUSS, 24th March 1918 aged 58.
13. James and Frances PAYNE born 1781-90, died 1871.
14. George MOON of this parish, 9th May 1864 aged 69. Frances his wife, 6th February 1874 aged 80. George son of George and Frances Moon of this parish, 29th October 1843 aged 16.
15. William ANDERSON, plumber of this parish, eldest son of Thomas and Mary Ann Anderson of Smarden, 8th February 1843 aged 29.
16. Henry APPLEBY, 21st April 1845 aged 36. William James son of above Henry and Ann Appleby, 9th December 1846 aged 3 years and ten months. Harriet Laura Appleby daughter of above 2nd November 1855 aged 18. Charles Edward Appleby died in GeorgeTown Demerara, 11th July 1856 aged 21.
17. Thomas BROOKER, 15th May 1885 aged 73. Alice his wife, 1st October 1894 aged 82.
18. Gertrude Alice BROOKER, born 27th March 1887 died 19th September 1890.
19. Kathleen Janet BARTEN, 16th February 1875 aged six months.
20 (Memorial Cross to men killed in the War – opposite porch) To the Glory of God and in memory of our brave men who died for their country 1916-19.
Lieutenant Joseph Thorp WAITE
Lieutenant Maurice Knatchbull-Huggessen MC.
Private Edwin PILE Private Ernest GOODWIN
Walter CLARK S.P.Q. Edward HOGBEN
Charles BRYANT Sergt.Frederick CHECKSFIELD
Henry UNDERDOWN. L.Cpl. Walter CLARK
George PILE F.Cpl. W. WOOD A.V.C.
Corporal Alfred BASSETT Gnr.. William SKINNER
Lance Corporal Ernest WOOD. Private S. MILES.
21. John MANNERING of this parish, 2nd August 1772 aged 38. Left issue by Susanna his wife two sons, John and Thomas.
22. Thomas FEAKINS late of Lenham, 3rd May 1819 aged 82. Sarah his wife, 3rd May 1821 aged 72. Left surviving two sons and two daughters: Thomas, William, Eliza and Charlotte.
23. Darcas-Attaway FEAKINS wife of William Feakins of the parish of Lenham, 15th March 1821 aged 49 years. William Feakins, June 1843 aged 61.
24. Charles BARNES, 4th May 1876 aged 24.
25. Sarah Ann Hardstone CACKETT, 8th October 1859 aged 21 years eight months. To her lady she was a faithful servant and Oh may the Lord say to her Come thou faithful servant in that last great day. Thomas Cackett her father, 26th August 1843 aged 35 years three months. Left surviving Charlotte Sarah his wife, two sons and one daughter: Viz Daniel, Thomas Edward, and Sarah Ann Hardstone. Thomas Edward son of above, 2nd April 1854 aged 18 years eight months. Daniel, 4th June 1855 aged 23 years three months at Westham in Essex and was buried at the new church. He left surviving Maria his wife and one daughter: Harriet who died at age of 4 years in 1858.
26. Here (lieth the)/ body of…./ [?B]VTO. (?BVTCHER)….who/ des…./ A(pril) the 21st / day…./ forty six/ years 1702. [Repcotes (?) has John Butchas of the parish of Woodchurch buried 27th April 1702.]
27. Benjamin STEARS of Pluckley, 30th November 1853 aged 69. Charlotte his wife, 26th November 1866 aged 77.
28. Elizabeth wife of Thomas CACKETT of Pluckley, October ye twelfth, 1750 aged 75. Thomas Cackett, Farmer, January ye 28th, 1754 aged 60.
29. Thomas CACKETT of this parish, 28th March 1723 aged 77, (73?). Left issue (2or 8?) (two) sons and two daughters. These stones erected by his son Thomas (his executor).
30. William HAYWARD, 6th May 1835 aged 39. Hetty his wife, 27th March 1849 aged 46 leaving four sons and two daughters.
31. Catherine wife of Thomas CACKETT, 2nd June 1714 aged 69 and her two daughters Catherine and (Elizabeth Interred here).
32. H(ere lie)th ye body of William/ [m?].(KINGS)ORTH he died May ye 19th/ 171(2or4?) (4) aged 36 years left issue (4) sons/ (one) daughter (by Mary)/ his …. Wife (also here lieth ye body of Mary his wife, she died February ye 20th) [17?]36 aged (63 y)ears. [Register says he was a mason].
33. Daniel WILKINS of this parish, 4th August 1838 aged 78. Ann his wife, 17th May 1833 aged 67. Had issue ten children, four sons and six daughters: Daniel, Edward, James, John, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Ann, Susannah and Jane.
34. (Broken) In…./ Henery…./ who died ma…./ aged 67 ye…/ Also lieth the Body../ Mary the wife of/ Henery CHEESMAN/ She died March ye 11th 1754, aged 78. (Left issue one son and three daughters viz: Henery, Catherine, Margaret and Elizabeth). [Register states Henery Chisman buried in woollen, 10th March 1736.]
35. Edward PILE, 18th January 1879 aged 88. Ann his wife, 2nd November 1874 aged 82.
36. Robert COOPER November (18th) 1764 aged 58. Catherine his wife and daughter of John and CALHARIN (sic) (and Catherine) SEDWEEKS, May 3rd 1752 aged 44. One son- Henry.
37. Henry COOPER of this parish, 22nd March 1780 aged 52. Ann his wife, 5th October 1790 aged 74. Left two daughters: Catherine and Ann.
38. Edward and Caroline son and daughter of Cooper and Susanna JOY of Ashford. Edward died 20th May 1806 aged twelve months; Caroline, 20th May 1811 aged 2 years (See Note 216).
39. Thomas JOY late of Ashford in this County, 14th July 1827 in his 76th year. Catherine his wife 28th April 1809 in her 59th year. They left issue surviving two sons and two daughters; Cooper, John, Elizabeth and Ann. Thomas their son, 1st March 1795 in his 20th year. [on other side: Ann Joy died 26th October 1855 aged 77. John Joy 10th August 1860 aged 72. Sarah wife of John Joy 7th May 1832 aged 51].
40. George Stephen son of George and Elizabeth TANTON, 2nd October 1874 aged 4 years seven months.
41. Gertrude daughter of Francis and Eliza Palmer GREEN of the Deering Arms in this parish, 21st March 1883 aged 4 years.
41 A. James MILLEN, 20th April 1870 aged 83. Sophia his wife, 19th February 1870 aged 77.
41 B. Richard son of James and Lydia BUSS, 23rd March 1792 aged thirteen months.
42. Albert Edward son of William and Emily RUSSELL, 25th August 1874 aged 5 years.
43. Margaret wife of John SPRINGATE of this parish, 19th August 1843 aged 44.
44. Thomas HOLDSTOCK of this parish, 2nd May 18(?3)4 (1844) aged 69. Mary his wife, 6th June 1852 aged 77. Left issue one son and three daughters; George, Elizabeth, Mary and Mercy.
Plot B. by the South wall of the church.
45. James BACON, 20th May 1882 aged 87. Penelope Bacon his wife, 27th December 1894 aged 81.
46. William DIXWELL, youngest son of Sir Henry OXENDEN, Bart (Baronet ?), of Broome in this County, 25th May 1859 aged 46.
47. Anna Maria only daughter of William EDWARDS esq.and wife of William Dixwell Oxenden, 3rd May 1861 aged 36.
48. Mary CHAMBERS, 17th February 1862 aged 70.
49. John ALFREY, 30th October aged 66 years 1698.
50. Amelia daughter of Esau and Nancy WHITTLE, 4th September 1812 aged 18.
Plot C. Centre of the South part of Churchyard beginning
at apex near the porch and going Eastwards.
51. Elizabeth wife of John STEVENS of this parish 25th August 1816 aged 42. John Stevens, 24th March 1846 aged 74, leaving eight children; James, John, Eliza and Edward by Elizabeth his first wife And Amelia, Mary Ann, Thomas and George by Ann his surviving wife. Ann second wife of above, 21st March 1867 aged 83.
52. Thomas eldest son of John and Ann STEVENS, 23rd June 1847 aged 25.
53. William son of John and Elizabeth STEVENS of this Parish died (Septe)mber 2nd(1804) aged 8 years. Emela (?) (sic) Stevens daughter? Of above (died 14th October 1810 aged six weeks, Mary Stevens died) 11th April 1816 aged 4 years.
54. Maria HOGBEN, 4th November 1863 (8?)aged 62.
55. Miss Grace HUGO, 15th March 1872 in full possession of all her faculties in 90th year.
56. Julia LLOYD, 26th January 1869 aged 33,only child of Mr Lloyd of this parish. Also Mary Anne Elizabeth Lloyd wife of above, 25th August 1871 aged 46.
57. Ann wife of James STEVENS of this parish, 9th March 1827 aged 25 (23) . Leaving one child John-Charles.
58. Edward STEVENS late of Smarden, 29th July 1849 aged 42.
59. Susan wife of William HARENDEN of this parish obijt February ye 20th anno domini 1726/7 Aetatis 37. She had issue one son and two daughters viz: Percival, Sarah and Elizabeth of whom Percival survives. Erected by her husband William Harenden, 14th February 1735 aged 42.
60. Mary Ann wife of C. W. BENNETT Esq. 8th August 1862 aged 31. George Ellerton HIGH Esq. 12th December 1862 aged 54. father of above. Charles Wentworth Bennett Esq. 7th November 1880 aged 52.
61. Charles WOOD of this parish, 17th August 1867 aged 29, leaving Susan – Annie his widow and two children: Henry- Hughes and Annie Appleby.
62. (Altar Tomb) West End:- Heare lyeth the body of Stephen PELL of the age of 70 yeares. Hee was buried the 21st day of July 1643 whoe left issue three sonnes Robert, John and Richard. (South side): Heare allsoe lyeth the body of George Pell/ the youngest sonn of Stephen Pell of (t)h(e) a(g)e/ of 27 yeares he was buried the (13th) day of June 164 (3 or 4). [Register imperfect. For pedigree of Pell see Haslewood’s ‘Memorials of Smarden’.]
63. Bertie child of George and Louisa SERGEANT, 2nd February 1869 aged five months.
64. Minnie CASE, second daughter of Henry and Eliza Case, born in London 15th May 1867, died at Pluckley 16th September 1867.
65. Thomas ROLFE whoe departed this life July the 9th 1698 Hee wanted but four months of beeing 84 yeares of age. Elizabeth Rolfe wife of Thomas Rolfe, 18th February 1688 aged 76.
66. Elias TONGE, 24th June 1676 aged 76. Kateren his wife deeparted this life the third the (15th?) (3rd) day of June 1676 aged - 5 years. They left Esau, Stephan, Elias and Elizabeth.
67. Stephen TONG, the sonne of Stephen Tong, 31st March 1674 aged….
68. C. Y. 1793 - J.Y. 1791 (footstones (to 69).
69. Ann wife of John YORK of the parish of Bethersden, 6th December 1795 aged 40. John and Charlotte children of above. John died 5th December 1791 aged ten weeks; Charlotte, April 1793 aged eight months. She left issue two children Harriet and William.
70. Charles HILLS of the Deering Arms, Pluckley, formerly of Boxley, Kent, 4th April 1875 aged 62. Left surviving three sons – Charles-George, William John and George.
71. John FOSTER of this parish, yeoman, and Sarah his wife. He died 8th March 1794 aged 90, she died 7th November 1776 aged 70. Elizabeth daughter of above, 8th May 1766 aged 32. Left issue surviving three sons and two daughters: Richard, John, George, Mary and Sarah.
72. Sarah daughter of Richard FOSTER of this parish, 27th April 1801 aged 13.
73. Richard FOSTER of this parish, gent, 6th September 1813 aged 75. Near lyeth George Foster 11th(1st) January 1810 aged 65.
74. John LEONARD of this parish, 30th June 1822 in 24th year. Left issue surviving by Henrietta his wife, one son and one daughter:- John and Mary. Also two died in infancy. Martha Leonard died 27th January 1872 aged 73. (John Leonard. Stephen Leonard died 4th November 1849 aged 23 years.)
75. Mary GOULDWELL, 22nd October 1722 aged 72. John Gouldwell, 14th February 1692 in 35th(33rd) year. Left issue five sonns: James, John, Richard, William, Christopher and two daughters, Mary and Joane. [Register – John Goldwell buried 20th Febuary 1692]
76. Christopher GOULDWELL, 14th September 1731 aged (70?)(39). [Register says "from Headcorn"]
77. John GOULDWELL, 25th November 1733 aged 59. [Register says from Little Chart.]
78. Mary CHISMAN the daughter of Edward Chisman, 12th (25th ) April 1680 aged 23 (25).
79. Thomas LEONARD, 13th August 1849 aged 73. Elizabeth his wife, 27th July 1868 aged 87, leaving issue three sons and four daughters ; John, George, William, Mary, Ann, Charlotte and Henrietta.
80. In hope of ye resurrection of ye body to everlasting life here resteth ye body of Elizabeth ye wife of John GREENE of Halden who was buried the 13th day of June 1693 in the 25th year of her age. Left issue one son. Near this resteth the bodies of two of her brothers and two sisters.
81. John ATTAWAY of Little Chart who died ….3, 1754 aged 40 years/ …. three/ ….Mary/ …./ ….
82. Mary DICKENSON, 18th January 1747 in her 69th year. [Her maiden name Mary Gouldwell]
83. Here lyeth the body of Doctor James GOLDWELL who departed this life 25rd (23rd)January 1706 in the 57th (36th) year of his age. He had issue Mary (NOW living) and James and Sarah here also interred. [Regioles ?…James Goldwell of Biddenden Professor of Physick buried 31st January 1706.]
84. Ann daughter of Thomas and Susanna ATTAWAY of Bethersden/ (was a) servant (58 years, died a single woman)/ (20th September)/ 1765 (1763) (aged 73). [In Register spelt Anne Ottaway.]
85. John COX, 17th December 1878 aged 75. Mary Ann his wife, 10th January 1868 aged 63.
86. James HINDS of Little Chart, 7 April 1740 aged 71. Mary Hinds his wife 16 december 1744 aged 6- years
(This completes the stones this position up to a line level with the East end of the Chancel)
Plot D The portion to the East of the Chancel
87. Richard GILES 28 January 1693 aged about 58
88. Jane the wife of Richard GILES who was buried 3rd day of August 1685 about 50 years
89. Richard GILES of this Parish Gent. 24th May 1761 aged 60
90. John GILES, son of Richard and Jane Giles, of this Parish Gent. 12 June 1722 in the 63rd year.
91. Robert GILES, son of Richard and Jane Giles, of this Parish Gent. 7 June 1727 in 61st year.
92. Elizabeth NOWERS the daughter of Thomas Nowers 20 February 1677 age 21 (Register has 1677/8)
93. Joan CRVTTWELL, widdow, 21st October 1681 aged 58 (38). [Register has Cruttall.]
94. Thomas NOWERS (son?) of Thomas Nowers of Pluckley dyed (ye…3th) of September….aged (?7) years.
95. Thomas NOWERS, clothier, sonn of Daniel Now….d….ay 29, 16….who le….and E….abe….(broken).
96. Mr John NOWERS, 7th May 1705 aged 59 Left issue two sons and two daughters; John, Edward, Mary and Sarah.
97. Here lyeth the bodies of Daniell NOWERS, clothier, and Elizabeth his wife, he deceased this life July 1st Anno Domini 1659 aged 40 yeares. She departed this life January 15th Anno Domini 1658 aged 37 years. They had issue five daughters [not in register].
98. Margaret SMITHSON, 9th March 1681 aged 88.
99. Anne daughter of Ino? GODFREY of Euhurst in Sussex who died June ye 27th….10 (broken ? 1710) aged (4)0 years.
100. Anna NEPECKER the daughter of Edward Nepecker, 10th July 1680 aged 28. [Register has Ann Nepeker.]
101. John NEPECKER son of Edward Nepecker, 4th October 1679 aged 25.
102. Edward WEST son of Thomas West and Elizabeth his wife, 26th October in 1698 aged 33 (weeks).
103. Mary NEPECKER, widdow; 18th August 1690 aged about 63 years.
104. Edward NEPECKER 15th October, aged 64, Anno Domini 1673 (5). Left issue to sonns John and Edward and five dafters; Elizabeth, Mary, Anna, Joanna and Sarah.
105. Sarah only daughter of John and Sarah WYBOURN Late of Beckley, Sussex, 13th December 1863 aged 28.
106. Mary wife of James STEVENS of this parish, 18th February 1878 aged 73. Richard Stevens son of above, 22nd March 1835 in his 60th(6th) year.
107. Richard FITCH of this parish, 27th March 1877 aged 71. Left surviving two children, Richard- Frederick and
Flora Louisa. Hannah his wife, 21st April 1868 aged 52. Also William Neppecker Fitch died in America, 19th September 1872 aged 19.
108. Thomas ELLIOTT, 27th April 1840 aged 29. Thomas Elliott his son, 3rd May 1850 aged 12.
109. Edward NEPECKER the third of that name lineally descended, dyed of ye small-pox at Batchellour, February 2nd 1720 in the 30th year of his age.
110. Here lieth the bod(ies of)/ Francis and M(ary)/ son and daughter of Edward NEPECKER. Mary dyed August ye 11th 1710 aged 23 years. Francis died May….1716 aged….and nine months. [Register has Mrs Mary Neppeker. Francis Neppeker a youth.]
111. Thomas BUSS, 5th October 1859 aged 68(3) . Elizabeth his wife, 26th January 1874 aged 73. Alice Buss, granddaughter of above, 9th July 1870 aged 5 years eight months.
112. Christopher FULLAGAR, Gent, formerly of Lenham but late of Smarden, died 25th March (May) 1769 aged (75?) (72): [Register states buried in the woollen 30th May.]
113. Catherine WELLS late wife of Jarman Wells of Bethersden and formerly ye wife of James M….of this parish….lyes buried near this place. She departed this life ye 10th of July 1711(6) aged 88 yeares. [Query was she a Giles?] [Register: widow Wells from Duddington buried 12th July 1716]
114. Richard GILES the son of Richard Giles 21st March 1678 aged 16.
115. Edward POSS, batchelder, sonn of Edward Poss of Pluckley, 23rd day of Aprill in the year 1702. (aged 31 years).
116. Here lieth ye body of John POSS of this parish and Ann his daughter. He ….this/ L….(ye 7th of October)…ember/1718…aged 38 years. Left issue two sons and (3?) daughters. John and Edward, Sarah, Mary and Martha (sic). [Here lieth] the b(ody) of Joanna his wife aged 57(37) years. Her son John Poss aged 37 (33) years.
117. Elizabeth POSS wife of John Poss the daughter of Richard ASHBY who died 28th February 1708(3) aged 20 years and 11 dayes. Elizabeth Poss the daughter of John Poss and Elizabeth his wife died 19th February 1703
aged 18 dayes. This stone given by her father Richard Ashby.
118. Martha daughter of William POSS by Ann his wife, 1st December 1732 (in 23rd year).
119. Jane ASHBEE wife of Richard Ashbee of this parish 11th January 1729 aged 83. Left issue two sons and one daughter; Richard, John and Jane. Richard Ashbee of years parish yeoman, 31st August 1744 aged 92. Left issue two….and one daughter: Rich(ard)….and Ja(ne).
120. George GLASYER son of George and Jane Glasyer, 12th January 1719 aged 7 yeares (and seven months). Elizabeth Glasyer daughter of George and Jane Glasyer, January (11th) 1710 (1719) aged 5 years (and 22 weeks). [Register states who died of the smallpox were buried here from Maidstone 13th January 1719/20].
121. Alice wife of Henry EVENDEN of this parish, 21st December 1911 aged 50.
122. Gladys May (Baby May) daughter of Henry and Alice EVENDEN, 29th March 1901 aged nine months.
123. Eliza Newnham wife of Edward MAYLAM of this parish, 12th April 1873 aged 39. Left surviving ten children: Eliza Newnham, Charlotte, Edward, Alice, William, James- Clark, Lucy, George- Hatch, Frank and Mary. Edward Maylam of Hamstreet (late of Pluckley), 21st March 1900 aged 72.
124. Henry son of George and Pleasance GOTTS of this parish, 17th May 1838 aged 21.
125. Pleasance wife of Mr George GOTTS of this parish, 27th December 1838 aged 59. Left surviving three sons and three daughters: George, Philip, William, Pleasance, Mary and Jane.
126. Margaret wife of John ASHBEE of Little Chart, 22nd February 1758 aged 61. Also John Ashbee, Febuary ye 8th 1761 aged 71. (They had issue five sons and four daughters of whom survive: John, Thomas, Joseph, William, Elizabeth and Margarett).
127. Richard ASHBEE son of John Ashbee and Margaret, he died September ye 20th 17(53?) (1755) aged (33)years. Left issue one daughter, Ann.
128. Mary wife of Richard ASHBEE of this parish, only daughter of Mr Searles GILES of Biddenden by his first wife, who died October 11th 1759 aged 69 years. Richard Ashby (sic) died February 17th 1767 aged 81 years.
129. Joseph ASHBEE of this parish, 11th January 1847 aged 55. Justinian his son, 30th January 1844 aged 11. Eleanor his daughter, 15th November 1835 aged four weeks. Left surviving Eleanor his widow and issue four children: Joseph, James, Richard and Elizabeth.
130. Justinian son of Joseph and Eleanor ASHBEE of this parish, 30th January 1844 aged 11.
131. Eleanor daughter of Joseph and Eleanor ASHBEE, 15th November 1835 aged four weeks.
132. John FITCH of this parish, 16th June 1758 in 74th year. Left surviving Ann Maria Fitch his second wife. Also Mary Fitch wife of John Fitch of this parish, July Ye 30th 1733(5) in ye 66th(60th) year. Also Ezekiel BLACK her first husband and one child by him.
133. John ASHBEE of this parish, 29th October 1833 aged 64. Kitty Ashbee his wife, 15th February 1834 aged 56.
134. Elizabeth wife of John ASHBEE of Little Chart, 14th October 1765 aged 28. She left issue: Margaret, Richard and Charlotte. Susanna second wife of aforesaid John Ashbee Gent, died 2nd September 1810 aged 78. Left issue surviving John and Ann.
135. John ASHBEE Gent of this parish, 7th January 1811 aged 86.
136. Harriet youngest daughter of John and Harriet TAYLOR, 10th April 1912 aged 62.
137. Ann RICHARDS died at Dover, 24th April 1840 aged 73. She was widow of Thomas Richards who was buried at Brighton, 22nd January 1831. Thomas lived 43, Ann 58 years in the service of Mr and Mrs CHOLMELEY DERING.
138. John TAYLOR , 30th October 1866 aged 60. Harriet wife of above died at Courtfield, Kennington, 17th June 1900 aged 84. George son of above died at Montreal, Canada, 17th April 1896 aged 55. Hannah McINTYRE widow daughter of above died 6th September 1906. Interred at Norwood.
139. Susanna wife of John ASHBEE of the parish of Boughton Blean, 22nd November 1801 aged 38 (33), leaving issue five sons and two daughters.
140. Ann wife of Joseph ASHBEE of Charing, 18th June 1772 aged 37. Left five children- one son and four daughters. The above Joseph Ashbee, 21st January 1806 aged 73.
141. Elizabeth wife of Richard ASHBEE of this parish, 28th October 1818 aged 45. Richard Ashbee lately residing at Great Chart, 22nd February 1834 aged 70. Ann his second wife, 2nd January 1838 aged 71.
142. John HILLS of this parish, yeoman, 11th May 1778 aged 58. Ann (Susanna) his wife, 3rd April 1810 aged 72.
143. Mr Richard BUSS of this parish, 10th January 1825 aged 77. Elizabeth his wife, 15th February 1836 aged 83.
144. Mr George NASH, citizen and salter of London. He had two wives both Dorothy’s. By the first he had 11 (13)children of which two daughters survived him. He died June the 9th 1724 in the 70th year of his age. [He was a tender loving husband a kind master and good neighbour. This monument erected by his relict (widow) D.N.].
145. Robert SPRINGETT, 12th March 1868 aged 59.
145A. To members of the WHITTINGTON and WEBB families the last internment be that of Elizabeth wife of Edward BLAXLAND of Linsted, died 5th August 1861.
145B. Mr George GOODING of this parish, Grocer, died 15th February 1738 aged 75. Ann his wife, 20th August 1742 aged 68. By her he had five children, two sons and three daughters of whom Ino and Pegewal died in the Indieas.
145C. This Vault was erected October 1802 by John WHITTINGTON and William WEBB.
Plot E. To the North of the Chancel.
146. Daniel FITCH Gent, 29th December 1800 aged 82. Issue by Mary his wife six children: Richard, William, Daniel, Nepeker and Mary. John died in infancy. Mary, 8th November 1799 aged 39. Mary wife of above Daniel Fitch, 21st February 1803 aged 6(5?) (63) years.
147. Mary wife of John RUCKE of Norton in this County, 8th November 1799 aged 50 (after a few days illness having
been married only fifteen days).
148. (Jane the daughter of Jo)hn NEPECKER, died 29th May 1702 aged 50. [ Death register: Jane Nepecker buried 3rd June 1702].
149. (Altar tomb) North. Here lieth the body of Dan NEPECKER who died March the 25th 1711 aged 62. [Register says Daniell Nepeker yeoman and butcher buried 31st March 1711.] West. Here lieth ye body of Jane ye daughter of Richard and Mary FITCH who died May the 14th 1720 in the 6th year of her age. South. Here lieth interred the body of Richard Nepecker who died July the 18th 1727 aged 82 years. East. Here lieth the body of Mary daughter of Richard Fitch by Mary his wife. She died January 1(?7)(?3)2 aged 17.
150. Mr Neppeker FITCH of Pluckley Thorn in this parish, Yeoman, 8th December 1857 aged 79. Sarah wife of above, 10th October 1835 aged 58. Left surviving one son and two daughters: Richard, Mary and Louisa.
151. Daniel FITCH, 3rd March 1896 aged 82. Hannah his wife, 20th October 1913 aged 64.
152. Mr Richard FITCH of this parish, yeoman, 1st January 1851 aged 85.
153. Peggy wife of Daniel FITCH, 7th June 1816 aged 36. Also four of their children died in infancy. Left surviving William, Eliza, Harriet, Margaret and Daniel. Above Daniel Fitch, 14th February 1828 aged 57.
153. William FITCH late of the precincts of the Blackfriars, Canterbury, Esq, son of the late Daniel Fitch Esq. of this parish, 1st July 1842 aged 75.
154A. Alfred Roe BURROWS, 20th January 1891 aged 61.
154B. Emily Mary youngest daughter of Sir Henry OXENDEN Bart? (Baronet?) of Broome Park in this county. Born 1st December 1814, died 25th April 1890. Eliza Oxenden born 30th July 1810 died 23rd July 1898.
155. Thomas JONES, 3rd February 1872 aged 70. Left surviving Sarah his wife and two children, John Thomas
and Sally Mahlon.
156. To our Dear Father and Mother, George Hayward died 4th February 1914 aged 56, Tryphena Louisa HAYWARD, 27th March 1902 aged 49. Also Emma Ann WOOLLEY, daughter of above, 27th May 1909 aged 30.
Plot D, continuation of Plot C from a line East of the chancels.
For the portion west of this line see Nos 51 to 86.
157. Richard ACRES (for 47 years) the faithful clerk of this Parish, 6th November 1879 aged 76.
158. Mr William STEVENS of this parish, 9th June 1844 aged 74. Sarah his wife, 24th December 1853 aged 85. Left issue surviving four sons, William, John, Charles and James.
159. James STEVENS of this parish, 17th March 1875 aged 68 Rebekah his wife, 5th December 1896 aged 85 leaving four sons and five daughters.
160. Hester DAY, 28th August 1831 aged 47. Emily Day, born 13th September 1859 died 2nd January 1863.
161. William DAY, 10th June 1890 aged 73.
162. John WRAIGHT late of Bethersden, 11th December 1821 (1824) aged 57. Left issue surviving by Mary his wife two sons and two daughters: Thomas, John, Ester and Sarah. Mary his wife, 15th May 1847 aged 72.
163. Elizabeth wife of John WRIGHT (WRAIGHT) of this parish, 11th May 1859, (leaving one son and two daughters: Sarah, John and Elizabeth). John Wright, 21st December 1876 aged 78.
164. John BOURNE of this parish, 27th January 1805(1815) aged 64. Ann his wife, 4th April 1821 aged 79. Issue one son and four daughters: Richard, Mary, Ann, Hester and Charlotte. Near lies John and Elizabeth son and daughter of above.
165. Richard BOURNE of this parish, 11th February 1832 aged 55.
166. Mr John ELLISS of Rodmersham in this county, 5th January 1847 (1817) aged 91.
167. Lydia wife of James BUSS, 17th November 1810 aged 46. Left surviving three sons, James, Jesse and Daniel.
168. James BUSS, 1st February 1795 aged 31. Left Lydia his wife and three sons, James, Jesse and Daniel.
169. Daniel BUSS, 11th(14th) October 1819 aged 26.
170. Catherine wife of Stephen STREETER of this parish, 22nd October 1832 aged 23. Stephen Streeter, 27th March 1891 aged 80.
171. Here lyeth the body of Thomas OVENS, cloth worker who departed this life June ye 11th day 1713 aged 77 years who left issue one daughter Elizabeth. Here lyeth the body of Susana Ovens the wife of Thomas Ovens who departed this life June ye second day 1713 aged 80 years. [Register. Thomas Ovins, Sheerman, buried 15th June 1713.]
171A. Emmely- Harriot daughter of William and Harriot RUSSELL of Lenham in this county, died 8th January 1837 aged 8 years. William son of above William and Harriot Russell, 4th May 1834 aged eighteen weeks.
171 B. Thomas RUSSELL of this parish, yeoman, 10th August 1837 aged 69. Mary his wife, 7th May 1811 aged 44.
Left issue two children, William and Sarah.
171 C. Mary RUSSELL of this parish, 13th October 1827 aged 57.
171 D. Thomas RUSSELL of this parish, yeoman, 26th November 1800 aged 72. Left Margaret his wife a widow by whom he had issue one son and three daughters: Thomas, Mary, Kitty and Peggy. Margaret his wife 7th May 1811 aged 64.
171 E. Margaret daughter of John and Kitty ASABEE of Egerton, 10th November 1816 aged 20.
172. Miriam wife of Richard WALKER of this parish, 7th February 1742/3 aged 50. Had issue two children, George and Catherine. On right lies Richard Walker, 7th August 1748 in his 50th year.
173. John HUGHES of this parish, 22nd June 1841 aged 72. Mary his wife, 2nd November 1835 aged 65. Richard their son, August (5th) 1829 aged 25. Jane their daughter 1st May 1832 aged 25. Thomas and Mary son and daughter who died in infancy. Left surviving three sons and three daughters: John, William, George, Ann- Elizabeth, Elizabeth and Sarah.
174. John HUGHES of this parish, 6th April 1808 aged 72. Ann his wife, 21st March 1804 aged 67. Issue six children: John, Richard, William, Thomas, Ann and Elizabeth. William died 24th April 1792 aged 19.
175. Walter son of Thomas and Mary-Ann MISSING of this parish, 8th January 1865 aged 2 years and eleven months.
175 A. Thomas SIMMONS of this parish, 6th May 1783 aged 49. Left issue Jacob, Mary, Thomas and Charlotte.
175 B. Ann SIMMONS of this parish, 17th July 1797 age 28. Left issue two sons and one daughter: John, Thomas and Sarah.
176. Abraham JARVIS late of this parish, 19th June 1811 aged 34. Thomas Jarvis his brother, 5th January 1825 aged 50.
177. Edward John SPICER of Nesperhawk in Smarden formerly of this parish, 5th July 1862 aged 66. Eliza his
wife, 20th June 1899 aged 93.
178. Fitch SPICER of this parish, yeoman, 21st June 1832 aged 62. Mary his wife, 28th May 1827 aged 56. Left issue surviving two sons, Edward- John and Richard.
178 a. Emma SPICER, 30th October 1832 aged 2 years.
178 b. Mary Ann SPICER, 3rd December 1822 aged 2 years six months.
179. John TUCKER, 31st July 1878 aged 83. Ann his wife, 4th August 1885 aged 83.
180. Jane wife of Thomas ASHBEE of this parish, 11th September 1748 aged 61. Left issue one son and two daughters: John, Jane and Mary. Thomas Ashbee of this parish, mason, 17th October 1765 in ye (70th ?) (79th) year.
181. George MISSING of this parish, 13th December 1882 aged 69. (Inserted- Sarah his wife daughter of the late John HUGHES of Stanford Bridge of this parish died 27th June 1892 in 80th year) Leaving three sons and one daughter: John- Richard, Jane, Horatio and James- William. Also of the deceased children of above: George died 5th June 1840 aged one year; Mary-Ann, 27th August 1840 aged 5 years; Henry 5th January 1854 aged five months; Elizabeth 15th October 1860 aged 29; Thomas 25th August 1870 aged 26.
182. Thomas son of George and Sarah MISSING, of Baker Farm of this parish, 25th August 1870 aged 26.
183. Elizabeth wife of Charles KINGSNORTH and daughter of George and Sarah MISSING of this parish, 15th October 1860 aged 29, leaving one son George-Henry.
184. William HIGHES late of Stanford Bridge in this Parish, 28th February 1880 aged 78. Elizabeth Mary his daughter, 10th December 1857 aged 5 years.
185. William RUSSELL, 20th September 1872 aged 70.
186. William son of William and Jane MAYLAM of Pivington in this parish, 18th October 1856 aged seven months.
187. Elizabeth Mary daughter of Edward John and Eliza SPICER, 13th September 1869 aged 35. Edgar Stevens son of above, 3rd November 1869 aged 22.
188. Abraham JARVIS late of this parish, 30th August 1785 aged 45. Mary his wife, 9th December 1818 aged 72.
They had issue eight children, six of which survived him, two sons and four daughters: Mary, Elizabeth, Thomas,
Abraham, Sarah and Ann.
189. [Square monument] Near this place lies the body of Walter son of William and Barbara PLATT, November ye 8th 1766 aged 16years eight months. // William Platt late of this parish 16th September 1765 aged 67// Barbara Platt wife of William Platt late of this parish, Gent. She was daughter of Mr Walter KINNEIR late of Highworth in the county of Wiltshire, apothecary. She died 6th May 1778 aged 71// (Near this place lies William son of William and Barbara Platt who died an infant 1749.) [Register states how Mrs Platt paid 10 shillings and six pence to the Rector for a "Pillar".]
190. Eliza McDERMOTT wife of Matthew Charles Mc Dermott, born 3rd April 1803, died 25th December 1835.
191. In memory of Mr Richard (Ralph) PLATT of this parish departed this life 22nd day of May in the year of our Lord 17(75?) (1734) and in (80th ?) year of his age. Here also lies ye body of Mrs Phillis Platt his wife. She died the 12th day of September (April) in the year (1728). [Bethersden marble much decayed]. [Register has Mr Ralph Platt a cooke buried 27th May 1734.]
192. Sarah wife of John ASHBEE of Pevington in this parish, 24th October 1761 aged 41. John Ashbee, 22nd April 1789 aged 73. Left issue surviving by Sarah his late wife two sons and two daughters, John, Thomas….(underground) (Sarah and Esther and left Elizabeth).
193. Mr Nathe COLLINGTON, 23rd April AD 1736 aged 55. This stone is erected by his widow and three children. He was the eldest son of the Rev. Nathane Collington who was Rector of this parish 63 years and died AD 1735 aged 95 (?93).
194. Mary wife of John HILLS of this parish, daughter of Thomas and Jane ASHBEE (sic) died 16th February (7)3 (1773) aged 51 (34) .[buried in the woollen 21st February 1773].
195. Mrs Mary COLLINGTON wife of Nat. Collington of this parish, 21st November 1766 aged 70. Ann daughter of above Mary and Nat Collington, 30th March 17 (?65) (1755) aged 55 (35). [Register Mrs Mary Collington buried in the woollen 26th November, Ann buried in the woollen 3rd April.]
196. John PEARCE, 13th December 1885 aged 88. Harriet his wife, 18th January 1868 aged 71. Louisa PILE, 11th May 1883. Emma Pile, 1st May 1849 aged 2.
197. Elizabeth daughter of Jesse and Ann SPICER of this parish, 24th March 1840 aged 30.
198. Jeremiah HONEY of this parish, 16th February 1804 aged 72. Left surviving three sons and one daughter: James, Jeremiah, Richard and Sarah. Also John died in infancy. Sarah his wife and daughter of John and Sarah FOSTER of this parish, (4th) February 1825 aged 83.
199. Jesse SPICER of this parish who was killed by a Ninepin Bowl, 20th May 1772 aged 27 years. He had issue three children: Ann, Catherine and Jesse. Catherine died 2nd January 1773 aged 2 years. All of you who come to my grave to see, Prepare your souls to follow me. Repent in time make no delay, For I in haste was snatched away.
200. Elizabeth SPICER late of this parish, 6th February 1790 aged 67. Titus Spicer, 27th July 1799(2) aged 81. Left issue two sons and one daughter: Egerton, Thomas and Elizabeth.
201. Egerton SPICER, 17th August 1795 aged 44. Left issue by Ann his wife, two sons, Jesse and Thomas.
202. Ashbee SPICER late of Headcorn, 3rd(31st) August 1817 (1847) aged 74. Elizabeth his wife, 22nd April 1836 aged 61. Mary their daughter, 17th October 1835 aged 29. Richard son of Ashbee and Elizabeth Spicer of Headcorn, 1st February 1831 aged 25. Harriot their daughter, 1st November 1831 aged 16. John their son, 6th February 1833 aged 29 (Jesse their son, 2nd July 1842 aged 28).
203. George SMITH d…...18 aged….Ann Smith his wife and daughter of Elizabeth and Ashbee SPICER, 23rd July 18(?4) (1843) aged 36.
204. William WELLER, 28th February 1876 aged 85. Mary Weller, 26th November 1857 aged 60. Richard Weller, 20th January 1853 aged 25. Jane Weller, 20th March 1854 aged 20. Amy Weller, 18th October 1855 aged 15.
205. Jesse SPICER of this parish, 31st January 1864 aged 91. Ann his wife of this parish daughter of Mr John ASHBEE of Dowl street, 31st March 1814 aged 39. Elizabeth their daughter, 4th January 1801 aged nineteen months. Charlotte their daughter, 14th May 1816 aged 2 years. Also Elizer, George and John died in infancy. Left surviving one son and four daughters: Richard, Sally, Ann, Harriot and Elizabeth.
206. Elizabeth wife of Jesse SPICER of this parish, 3rd May 1837 aged 64. Left issue surviving one son and one daughter: George and Elizabeth Ann.
207. Mr Thomas SPICER late of this parish, 25th April 1819 aged 60.
208. Thomas WOODGATE late of this parish, 17th February 1798 aged 34. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife one son and three daughters: Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. Also James died an infant, 29th August 1795 aged nineteen weeks. Elizabeth his wife, 10th October 1841 aged 80.
209. Thomas SPICER, 26th December 1800 aged 74. Left issue by Elizabeth his first wife four sons and one daughter: Titus, Thomas, Jesse, John and Mary. Also by Ann his widow three sons and two daughters: Ashbee, William, Job, Elizabeth and Abigail.
210. John HEATHFIELD of Smarden, 24th January 1832 aged 66. Elizabeth his wife, 1st December 1848 aged 77. Left surviving six sons and two daughters: Thomas, Spicer, George, John, David, Job, Mary and Harriet. Also William died 24th May 1837 aged 31 and George died, 25th April 1882 aged 79.
211. Elizabeth MEXTED of this parish, 22nd December 1811 aged 22.
212. (behind 208) Thomas WOODGATE late of this parish, 1st June 1829 aged 36. Left issue surviving by Louisa Maria his wife one son and four daughters: Thomas, Anne, Louisa-Maria, Elizabeth and Emily.
213. Edward DAVIS of Headcorn late of Staplehurst, 26th February 1839 aged 69. Louisa Maria wife of Edward Davis of Staplehurst, 4th May 1824 aged 57. Ann their daughter, 5th February 1813 aged 12. Edward Mason Davis widower, son of above, 15th September 1824 aged 29. Left surviving one son, Edward Mason.
214. Stephen ELSE of this parish, 16th November 1826 aged 76. Left issue surviving by Mary his wife, three sons and three daughters: Stephen, John, Joseph, Elizabeth, Hester, and Ann. Mary his wife, 4th February 1837 aged 90.
215. Stephen ELSE of this parish, 28th August 1847 aged 74. Elizabeth widow of above 13th October 1857 aged 81.
216. (Very large flatstone near Eastern wall of yard) In a vault beneath are deposited Cooper JOY of Ashford in this county, 3rd July 1851 aged 69. Susannah wife of above 10th July 1855 aged 75. Likewise the son and daughters of the above: Caroline Susannah wife of Thomas CASTLE, 29th February 1844 aged 27. Elizabeth Eliza Castle, 17th January 1845 aged eleven months. Jesse, 26th October 1846 aged 36. Eliza wife of William John HILL, 6th May 1851 aged 36. Thomas, 6th January 1870 aged 66. Sophia, 5th March 1891 aged 83. Alfred, 8th November 1893 aged 81.
217. William BASEDEN late of this parish, 29th November 1834 in 89th year. Mary his wife, 11th December 1826 in 83rd year. At right hand lieth three of their children: Mary, William and Sarah.
218. Charlotte daughter of William and Mary BASEDEN of this parish, 18th November 1805 aged 18.
218 A. Emely PEAL, 10th May 1851 aged two months.
219. An old low tomb of Bethersden marble. No inscription now visible.
220. Hugh McKAIL native of Ayrshire, Scotland, 10th April 1871 aged 36.
221. John CORNISH, 1st October 1881 aged 60.
222. (First of five small crossheaded stones) Arthur William infant son of John and Elizabeth NEVE, 19th April 1858 aged eleven months.
223. Ellen NEVE infant daughter, March 1855 aged four weeks (and five days).
224. John Rubie NEVE, infant son, 1st September 1850 aged four months.
225. Elizabeth and Jane twin daughters of John and Elizabeth NEVE. Elizabeth died 12th October 1850 aged 1 year eight months; Jane, 26th April 1854 aged 5 years three months.
226. Edgar Maylam NEVE son of John and Elizabeth NEVE, 8th July 1864 aged 13.
227. In affectionate memory (by the three sons) of the late John William BOARD formerly station master at Pluckley who was killed in the execution of his duty, 7th November 1850 aged 29. "There is but a step between me and death". Jane his wife, 7th January 1875 aged 53. For the past 24 years ladies attendant at the Dover station much respected by all who knew her. Harriet infant daughter of above, 1st March 1851 aged two months. Henry brother of the late John William Board surviving him only a few months, 10th January 1851 aged 24.
The ground to the North of walk from N.W. gate to N.E. gate is new except a narrow slip in this are:-
228. Martha Jane only daughter of Samuel FOREMAN and wife of Robert WALKER, born 12th November 1847, died 27th April 1883.
229. Sarah wife of Richard ROSE of this parish, 11th November 1834 aged 43. Left issue surviving four sons and two daughters: Richard, Samuel, Frend, Joseph-Alexander, Sarah Ann and Eliza.
230. Edward John SELWYN M.A. Rector of this Parish for 20 years, 15th August 1893 aged 71.
231. In the new part of the yard are stones to: EXCELL. GLOVER. BALDOCK. BUTLER. COOPER. BARNES (of Fridd farm in Bethersden) RUDD. STROVER. MILES. SMALL. DUNGATE. ROOTES. GOLDSMITH. ASHENDEN (of Northiam). WISE. BEALE. COLYER. And DERING (a large Family grave) all of recent date.
In the Church
232. (In front of steps into chancel) Here lieth ye body of Mary ye wife of ye Reverend Mr COLLINGTON. She died July ye 10th 1722 aged 73.
233. (Next to 232) A stone with matrices of two heater-shaped shields and a two line inscription.
In Nave near chancel:
234. Sacred to the memory of Philadelphia wife of John HOUGHTON Regimental Quarter Master of His Majesty’s 25th Light Dragoons and eldest daughter of John PILE of this parish, who departed this life, 25th June 1819 aged 33 on her passage from the East Indies on board the ship La Belle Alliance.
235. (Brass North wall of Chancel) To Right Rev. Ashton OXENDEN DD. Sixth son of Sir Henry Oxenden, Bart (Baronet?) Born at Broome in the parish of Barham, 28th September 1808 died at Biarrity, February 22nd 1892. Curate of Barham 1833-40 and 21 years Rector of Pluckley. On August 1st 1869 consecrated Bishop of Montreal and Metropolitan of Canada which he resigned on failing health in 1878.
236. (Brass) Frances Elizabeth BIDEN formerly of Macclesfield, died while visiting at Pluckley Rectory, 20th July 1916 aged 81. Interred at Norwood Cemetery.
237. (Mural, South Aisle) Sacred to the memory of Mr James BACON who was upwards of 50 years the faithful steward of Sir Edward Cholmely DERING Bart (Baronet?), by whom this tablet is erected in grateful acknowledgement of his long and faithful services. He died universally regretted, 20th May 1882 in the 88th year of his age.
South Aisle continued.
238. (On floor) Here lieth the body of Ino KINGSLAND who died October 20th 1762 aged 72. Also Ann his wife who was daughter of the Rev. Nath. COLLINGTON, She departed this life, October 13th 1769 aged 76.
239. On the Screen of the South Chancel :- Orate p bono Statu antho DERING milit goi hane capellam P Ricum Dering Armig. Fondatam Ao Dm 1475 reparavit et ornavit Anno Dom 1635. Dilexi decorem Domus Dei.
240. Brass on floor of Nave. Man in armour with helmet and sword and dog at his feet. Hic iacet Ricus MALEMAINS armg qui obiit XXIIII die meus Augusti Ao Dom In oCCCCc.xl cui aie ppiciet deu Ame.
241. Small brass, man in armour no helmet, his sword crossed behind him, horse at his feet. No inscription. There is a sketch and note in Harl. M.S. 5805 fol.328 "Johes DERING de Surrenden Dering armig sepultus in Eeclia de Pluckley 9.H.8". His will was proved 14th October 1517.
On floor within Communion rails.
242. Here lyeth interred ye body of Mrs Mabella BETTENHAM widdow. A person of that Eminent Vertue and Goodness that she was right Esteemd and Belovd by all that knew her. She departed this life April ye 4th day 1710 in ye….year of her life. Hoslapides posuit Percifull Austin. [Mrs Mabella Bettenham widdow buried April 11th 1710. She was daughter of Edward Chowte Esq. of Old Surrenden in Bethersden. Baptised there 18th August 1625 buried at Pluckley 11th April 1710. Married Frances Bettenham of Shurland who died 1677. See Berry’s Kent Pedigrees. 265.]
243. Her lieth ye body of Rev. Nathe COLLINGTON. He died 14th of December 1735 aged 93. He was Rector of Pluckley 63 years. ["The Rev. Mr Nathaniel Collington Rector of Pluckley dyed December 14th and was buried the 18th of the same month Aetat 93."]
244. In obilum religiossimae mafronae Rebeccae vxoris Johannis COPLEY, rectoris houis Ecclesiae Pluckley nobili. Mohronorum alias moonorum in pago Corn ovallensi familiie orionda corpus huic sepulchro animam legavit deo. Decimo die mensis martii ann….peratae salutis 1622 [verse]. [Register has "Rebecca Copley wife of John Copley parson, buried 10th March 1622" also "1638 Mrs Alyce Copley the wife of John Copley, parson, buried August 31". John Copley was thrice married (1) Rebecca Moone ; (2) Alice, (3) Martha. He died 2nd June 1662 aged 85 and was buried in the chancel at Ashford. M.I. His widow Martha dying 1663 gave 20 shillings for annual sermon at Ashford. See Die. Nat. Biog. Account of family. Surrey Archaeological Society Vol.XI 2 P. 172 Pedigrees in Berry Surrey pedigree p. 84.]
245. Here lyeth the body of Major Anthony NOWERS of this parish lamented and beloved by all that knew him. He dyed in the 54th year of his age upon Christmas Day 1679. Here also lieth the body of Elizabeth Nower widow and relict of the above named Anthony Nower who departed this life the 22nd day of April 1726 in the 80th yeare of her age. [Register: "Mr Anthony Nowers was buried in woollen December 30th 1679. Mrs Elizabeth Nowers widow buried from Biddenden April 17th.]
246. Here lyeth interred ye body of Mrs Mabella AUSTIN daughter of Mrs Mabella BETTENHAM widdow. She was a devout Xian, an excellent wife, a true lover of her friends and neighbours . She departed this life, August ye 30th day 1711 in ye 57th year of her age. [In Register spelt AUSTEN, buried 3rd September.]
247. ….lieth the body / ….ne NOWERS / ….daughter of / Mr Anthony Nowers / ….abeth his wife / ….died the 5th of / ….ary in the / ….year of…. [Register- "Ann daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Nowers widdow buried in woollen February ye 7th 1679/80.]
Monuments formerly existing in the South Chancel.
248. A Brass to Richard DERING and two wives is engraved in Weever page 293. He was the son of John Dering with rhyming epitaph.
249. The matrix of a brass to a female enclosed by an incised border, having in the four corners the traces of shields. apparently for:- Christiana filia senior et coheres Johis Haut armig uxor et eelicta Johis Dering armig. Sepulta in ecclia de Pluckley 13 E. 4. 1473. (Harl 5805 f. 331)
249A Flat stone "In memory of Anthony Nowers aged 54 1672" (Philip Parsons).
In the Nave.
250. A gravestone under which lies "Henry Malemaines Esquire". Weever page 294. Also in Le Neve. Harl. 3917.
(Marble Tablets in the South Porch)
251. Benefactions to the poor of this parish. William HILLS gave certain pieces of land known as Knock Land lying in the parish of Bethersdan containing 16 acres. 1 rood. 10 perches now let at a yearly rent of £24.0.0 Also by an unknown donor one piece of land situated at Prebbles Hill in this Parish containing 1acre. 1 rood. 1 perch now let at a yearly rent of £2.15.0. The above Charities are distributed annually on the 21st day of December. This tablet was erected in memory of the above donors by: James Bacon and William Maylam, Churchwardens 1866.
On opposite wall:
251. Benefactions. Mr James Bacon formerly a churchwarden of this parish bequeathed an Annuity of £10 forever to be distributed on New Year’s Day by the Rector in the manner following: Namely ten shillings each to the oldest widows, and twenty shillings each to the oldest married couples of good character, to be selected by the Rector and Churchwardens. The same Donor gave the Sixth Bell in the Belfry and the stained glass East window in the chancel. Edward John Selwyn M.A. Rector.: William Maylam and Thomas Standen, Churchwardens. 1866.
252. Newspaper cutting included from ‘The Kentish Express’ 1.1. 1921:-
Christmas Services- The Christmas Services included two on Christmas Day and three on Sunday, December 26th. At the former, there were used for the first time the handsome pair of alms dishes, recently presented to the church by Mr Lewis Duncan of Pluckley. The decorations were ably carried out by a committee of ladies. The bell ringers opened with an early peal on Christmas morning. The services were all choral, Mrs Springett being at the organ. The anthem was the popular "When Shepherds came to Bethlehem" and the carol "The Child of Bethlehem", the connecting words being said by the Rector in the pulpit. A Christmas greeting in poetry composed by the Rev. G.A. Manley (recently Missioner), was read after the carol. At the children’s service gifts were offered for the children in the hospital.
Perhaps Cutting saved because of a family relationship with Lewis Duncan the donor of the alms dishes? (C.L.P)
Index of Names and Places
Name Index
Acres 157
Alfrey 49
Anderson 15
Appleby 16 (61)
Asabee 171B
Ashbee, Ashby 117. 119.
126-131. 133-135. 139-141.
180. 192. 194.(202.203).
205. (209).
Ashenden 231
Attaway (23). 81. 84.
Austin 242. 246.
Bacon 45. 237. 251. 252.
Baldock 231
Barnes 24. 231.
Barten 19
Baseden 217. 218.
Bassett 20
Beale 231
Bennett 60
Bettenham 242. 246.
Biden 236
Black 132
Board 227
Bourne 164-165
Brooker 8. 17. 18.
Bryant 20
Burrows 152 A. 41B.
Buss 11. 12. 111. 143.
Butler 231
Cackett 25. 28. 29. 31.
Calharin 36
Case 64
Castle 216
Chambers 48
Checksfield 20
Cheesman, Chisman 34,78.
Chowte 242
Clark 20 (vis)
Collington 193, 195, 232, 238,
Colyer 231
Cooper 36-38 (216) 231
Copley 244
Cornish 221
Cox 85
Cruttwell 93
Davis 213
Day 4. 160. 161.
Dering 137. 231. 237. 239.
241. 248. 249.
Dickenson 82
Dixwell (46)
Dungate 231
Edwards 47
Egerton (200. 201)
Ellerton (60)
Elliott 108
Ellis, Elliss 10. 166.
Else 214. 215.
Evenden 121. 122.
Excell 231
F… 5
Feakins 22. 23.
Fitch 107. 132. 146. 149.
Foreman 228
Foster 71-73. 198.
Fullagar 112
Giles 87-91. 114. 128.
Glasyer 120
Glover 231
Godfrey 99
Goldsmith 231
Gooding 145 B
Goodwin 20
Gotts 124. 125.
Gouldwell 75-77. 83.
Green (4). 41. 80.
Handley 3
Hardstone (25)
Harenden 59
Haute 249
Hayward 30. 156.
High 60
Hill 216
Hills 70. 142. 194. 251.
Hinds 86
Hogben 20. 54.
Holdstock 44
Honey 198
Houghton 234
Hughes 173. 174. 181. 184.
Hugo 55
Jarvis 176. 188.
Jones 155Joy 38. 39. 216
Kingsland 238
Kingsnorth 32. 183
Kinneir 189
Knatchbull- Huggesson 20
Knight 6
Leonard 74. 79.
Lloyd 56
M… 113
M….orth 32
Malmaines 240. 250
Manley 252
Mannering 21
Marchant 20
Maylam 123. 186.
Mc Dermott 190
Mc Intyre 138
McKail 220
Mexted 211
Miles 20. 231.
Millen 41A
Missing 175. 181-183.
Moon 14
Nash 144
Nepecker 100. 101. 103.
104. (107) 109. 110. (146)
148. 149. (150).
Neve 222-226
Newnham (123)
Norden 9
Nowers 92. 94-97. 245. 247.
Ovens 171
Oxenden 46. 47. 154B. 235.
Palmer (41)
Parsons 249A
Payne 13
Peal 218A
Pearce 196
Pell 62
Pile 1. 20 (vis) 35. 196. 234.
Platt 189. 191.
Poss 115- 118.
Richards 137
Roe 154 A.
Rolfe 65
Rose 229
Rootes 231
Rucke 147Rudd 231
Russell 42. 171a, b, c, d.
Sedweeks 36
Selwyn 230
Sergeant 63
Simmons 175 A &B
Skinner 20
Small 231
Smith 7. 203.
Smithson 98
Spicer 177. 178. 187. 197.
199-203. 205-207.209.
Spriggett 252
Springate, Springett 43,
Stears 27
Stevens 51-53. 57. 58. 106.
158. 159.
Streeter 170
Strover 231
Tanton 40
Tapply 10
Taylor 136. 138.
Tonge 66. 67.
Tucker 174
Underdown 20
Waite 20
Walker 172. 228.
Webb 145 A& C.
Weeks 2
Weller 204
Wells 113
Wentworth (60)
West 102
Whittington 145 A &C.
Whittle 50
Wilkins 33
Wise 231
Wood 20 (vis) 61
Woodcock 20
Woodgate 208. 212.
Woolley 156
Wraight 162. 163.
Wybourn 105
York 69
Young 68.
Places Index
Ashford 38. 39. 216. 244.
Beckley 105
Bethersden 64. 84. 113. 162. 231.
Biddenden 128. 245.
Broome [Barham] 46. 235.
Boughton Blean 139
Boxley 70
Brighton 137
Canterbury 154
Charing 140
Culverthorpe [ Lincs] 3
Demerara 16
Dover 137
Dunton Green 6
Egerton 171 B
Ewhurst 99
Great Chart141
Halden 80
Hamstreet 123
Headcorn 202. 213.
Highworth, Wilts 189
Kennington 138
Lenham 22. 23. 112.
Little Chart 81. 86. 126. 134.
London 64
Citizen & salt 144
Macclesfield 236
Northiam 231
Norton 147
Baker Farm 182
Deering Arms 41. 70.
Dowl Street 205
Pevington 186. 192.
Pluckley Thorn 157
Stanford Bridge 181. 184.
Surrenden Deering 3
Rodmersham 166
Smarden 15. 58. 112. 210.
Nesperhawk 177
Staplehurst 213
Westham, Essex 25General
Army 8. 20. 234.
Apothecary 189
Clothier 95. 97.
Clothworker 171
Farmer 28
Missioner 252
Parish Clerk 157
Plumber 15
Rector 193. 230. 243. 244.
Yeoman 71. 119. 142. 150. 152. 178.