Some Monumental Inscriptions of Staple Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Staplehurst Church
Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary Churchyard, Stansted
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Staple Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Staple Church, noted by Bax & Rice 16th & 17th May 1892. Pages 41 to 49 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions of Staple Church, Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759.
1. Ledger in floor of nave – West end Here lieth the body of Mr. John SILKWOOD of ys parish who departed this life the 9th day of December 1755 aged 55 years. Here also lieth ye body of Mary his wife daughter of Mr. Richard Terry and Mary his wife of ys parish she departed this life ye 28th Day of December 1753 aged 60 years. (much worn)
2. Ledger – adjoining the foregoing Here lieth the body of Mr. John SILKWOOD the son of Mr. John Silkwood and Mary his wife who departed this life the 10 Day of May 1754 aged 22 years. (much worn)
Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice
In the North Chapel
3. Blue marble ledger. 3 leopards (or wolves) rampant imp a chevron erm between 3 unicorns heads. Crest a leopard (or wolf) ….. arms – rubbed Here lies Sarah ye daughter of Francis HEAD of Rochester Esq. and wife of John Lynch of Groves …….. by whom she had 19 children 11 of which survived her, viz: Sarah, Rebecca, Judeth, John, Ann, George, Katharine, Gratian, Frances, Richard Head. She died November ye 18th 1710.
4.? On a stone adjoining on the South is the brass of a civilian? circa 1500 manuscript lost.
5. Mural monument on N wall of North aisle. White marble tablet above it a pyramidal shaped piece of grey marble and on it a draped urn cut in relief and above the urn a shield of arms viz, quarterly argent and gules 4 crescents, counter charged impailing azure 3 lions or leopards ….. a greyhound sitting under a tree.
Near this place are deposited the remains of the Rev. William TATTON DD prebendary of York and Canterbury, Rector of Rotherfield in the County of Sussex and of St. Dionis Backchurch in London. Son of Lieut. G’nrl Tatton of Willinshaw in the County of Chester. He died February 11th 1782 aged 62 years. Also of Sarah his wife second daughter of the Revd. J. Lynch DD Dean of Canterbury who died May 1st 1777 aged 45 years. And of William Tatton their son who died April 22nd 1775 aged 12 years. Catherine Elizabeth wife of J.D. Brockman of Beachborough in the County of Kent, Esquire has caused this tablet to be erected to the memory of her revered parents and affectionate brother.
6. Oval white marble tablet S wall of North chapel Here lyes Grace daughter of ye Reverend John SQUIER late Rector of Barns near London by Grace his wife the oldest daughter of Mr. John Lynch of Groves in this parish where she was born November 24th 1652 and died at Harietsham in this County February the 12th 1664 at the age of 12 years.
7. Large mural monument on E wall of North chapel, medallion portrait above. Arms at base
Sacred to the memory of Sr. William LYNCH who died on the twenty fifth day of August AD MDCCLXXXV.
Copied by ?ARB
8. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth wife of George COZENS, late of this parish who departed this life 5th October 1859 aged 28 years.
9. HS E of church To the memory of Frances WOODWARD the daughter of Matthew and Sarah Woodward who departed this life on the 15th July 1834 aged 26 years. Also of Mr. John Matthews (sic) who died March 3rd 1841 aged 79 years.
10. HS Winged cherub’s, in the centre an urn In memory of Matthew WOODWARD late of this parish who departed this life the 1st of January 1795 aged 62 years. Also of Mary the wife of the above said Matthew Woodward who departed this life the 2nd of June 1794 aged 57 years. They left surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters (viz) Richard, Matthew, Mary and Susanna. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above said Matthew and Mary Woodward who died 26th of July 1792 aged 24 years. Also of Mary wife of Dilnott Eastes late of Burgate, Canterbury who died 16th of June 1810 aged 40 years.
11. HS on N side of churchyard (2 sculls, 2 bones, 2 hourglasses above) Here lieth the body of Richard Deveson son of John Deveson of this parish and Susanna his wife. He died March 18th 1728/9 in ye 25 years of his age. [There are other Davison’s and several to Davison of Eastry]
12. HS Within NE side of churchyard (2 sculls, 2 pair of bones, 2 hourglasses) Here lieth the body of Elizabeth RIGDEN wife of William Rigden of ye parish of St. Paul near and without the City of Canterbury who died of the confluent smallpox September 18th 1737 and was buried the 21st aged 41. Sleep on my dear I do you prise and death will close my weeping eys the time will come when we shall see each other blest and happy be.
13. HS 2 sculls Here lieth ye body of William RIGDEN late of ye parish of St. Paul’s near ye City of Canterbury. He died December ye 8th 1748 aged 50 years.
14. Sacred to the memory of Ann wife of Vincent DAVISON late of Littlebourne. She departed this life the 4th of November 1815 aged 31 years. Left surviving one son viz, Alexander.
15. HS cherub’s head above (E of church) In memory of Elizabeth PETMAN wife of William Petman of this parish she died 18 September 1780 aged 32 years. Left surviving two children Elizabeth and Martha. Also of the above said William Petman, yeoman, died June 14 1816 aged 64 years.
16. High tomb with "arms" E and W sides festoons of flowers, fruit and scull manusc. on top, indecipherable.
17. HS North West of church Sacred to the memory of Joseph RYE who departed this life the 16th of July 1814 aged 62 years. Also of Sarah wife of the above who died the 28th of September 1833 aged 89 years.
The following 4 HS are on the SW side of church.
18. HS 2 sculls and hourglass, 2 little sculls at end, a scythe and pick behind the hourglass Here lieth ye body of Joana WOODWARD wife of William Woodward late of this parish who died May 16th 1731 aged 76 years. She was daughter of John Bax of ys parish.
19. HS 2 sculls, bones etc. Here lieth ye body of William WOODWARD late of this parish who died December 30th 1730 aged 88 years.
20. HS winged cherub In memory of Leonard WOODWARD son of William and Joanna Woodward late of this parish who died May 2 1770 in the 84 year of his age.
21. HS winged cherub To the memory of William WOODWARD late of this parish who died the 11th of October 1774 aged 70 years. Also of Ann his wife who died August 4th 1790 aged 70.
22. This, and the following HSS are SE of church. HS with scull, hourglass, scythe, trumpet above
In memory of John WOODWARD late of this parish who died the 13th of September 1772 aged 53 years.
23. HS near the foregoing, ornamentation, open book Here lieth the body of Susanna WOODWARD spinster late of the parish of Northbourne who died the 8th of February 1783 aged 73 years. Also near this place lieth the bodys of Robert Bax and Elizabeth his wife late of this parish. He died 25th of July 1763 aged 54 years. She died the 23rd of February 1777 aged 74 years. Draw near you mortals, read and lend a tear we once mortals was as now you are, go them thy way consider that you must ere long like us, return to silent dust.
24. HS (fallen forward) SW of church In memory of Leonard WOODWARD yeoman late of the parish of Northbourne who departed this life the 8th of November 1795 aged 70 years. When this you see remember me and bear me in your mind. Let all the world say what they will speak of me as you find. Also within thees (sic) rails lie 3 brothers of the above. And also John and Elizabeth Woodward, father and mother of the above children.
25. HS In memory of John HATCHER late of this parish who died March 25 1811 aged 53 years.
26. Early "Dale" stones near the church porch.
27. HS Two winged cherub’s heads In memory of Alexander HAYMAN of Deal who died the 7th of November 1794 aged 46 years.
Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice
28. HS North of church In memory of Mary HARVEY, spinster late of ye Town of Sandwich who died the 22 of March 1802 aged 75 years. In thy fair book of life diverse my God inscribe my name. There let it fill some humble place, beneath the slaughtered lamb.
29. HS North West of church Sacred to the memory of Mary MUNNS spinster late of this parish who died the 6th February 1832 aged 68 years.
30. HS South of last Sacred to the memory of Hannah MARTIN of this parish who died 19 of March 1825 aged 68 years. Also near this place lieth the remains of John Martin husband of the above. [blank] (sic)
31. HS NW of church In memory of Thomas MUNDS (sic) late of this parish who died 2nd of June 1799 aged 67 years. Also Mary Munds wife of the above who died December 31st 1798 aged 45 years. She left surviving one son (viz) William. All you that pass this way along behold our days are past and gone. God will not always warning give therefore be carefull how you live.
32. HS South of last In memory of William MUNDS son of Thomas and Mary Munds late of this parish who departed this life 20th November 1831 aged 59 years.
33. HS South West of church, crossbones in centre and on either side a scull resting upon a bone Here lieth ye body of Elizabeth wife of William TERRY of Norborn (sic) and daughter of Henry and Sarah Woodcock of this parish. She died February 17 1756/7 in ye 35 year of her age.
34. HS South of church In memory of Mr. John GREENSTREET yeoman, late of Twilham [?Twil] in the parish of Wingham who departed this life October 19 1794 aged 77 years. Also Susanna his wife who departed this life January 23 1801 aged 76 years.
35. Large high tomb, S of church (on the top only) Here lieth interr’d the body of Elizabeth HARRISON widdow, eldest daughter of Stephen Hatcher of ys parish. She had 2 husbands the first was John hills of the parish of Reckelver (Reculver) the other John Harrison of Woodnessburrough (Woodnesborough) who went to live at Sandwich where he died. She died November 3rd 1724 aged 65 years.
36. Large high stone tomb close to and to the N of last. Two pannels on each side – those on the S side falling out, inscription on top only. Here lieth interr’d ye body of Elizabeth wife of William Hatcher of the City of Canterbury and daughter of William Sharp of ye said City. She departed this life October ye 16th 1717 aged 33 years. Underneath lies the body of Henry HATCHER late of the City of Canterbury son of Henry Hatcher of this parish who died 21st of August 1776 aged 54 years. Also Mary, wife of William son of the above Henry Hatcher who died December 22 1804 aged 57 years.
37. HS Cherub’s head above (loose, against the last tomb) In memory of Henry HATCHER son of Henry and Elizabeth Hatcher of the City of Canterbury. He died March 18th 1767 in the 12 year of his age.
38. Large high tomb of red brick to SW of the two Hatcher tombs above Here lieth the body of Stephen HATCHER of this parish who departed this life, the 23 day of November 1700 aged 85 years. Here lieth the body of Laurance Hatcher son of Stephen Hatcher who departed this life the 28 day of January 1711 aged 53 years. Here also lyeth interr’d the body of Jane wife of the above Laurance Hatcher. She died January the 30 1742 aged 84 years.
39. 3 low brick tombs near the above apparently of 17th century date inscriptions not decipherable.
40. HS South of church In memory of Stephen HATCHER who departed this life 8 of January 1811 aged 59 years.
41. HS South of church – two sculls and hourglass, at top Here lyeth the body of Thomas TERRY son of Ralph and Margaret Terry who departed this life November ye 26 1730 aged 19 years.
42. HS to the E or S of last x crossbones and 2 sculls at top Here lieth buried the body of Edward RIGDEN late of this parish who died May 15 1733 aged 73 years.
43. High tomb – sides falling out – to S of church (close to Terry) Inscription on the top – a scull within a wreath and under it Here lyeth the body of Margaret daughter of Mr. William GIBBS and wife of Mr. Ralph Terry at Knolton (Knowlton) in the County of Kent by whom he had ten children 8 of which survived her viz. 4 sons and 4 daughters. She was devout in the service of God and discreet in ye government of her family, an obedient and loving wife, a carefull and indulgent mother, a friendly and desirable neighbour, lamented by all yf had any relation to her or acquaintance with her. She dyed on ye 14 day of September in the year of our Lord 1713 her age 43. Here lyeth also the body of the said Ralph Terry who departed this life march ye 30 1752 aged 82 years.
44. Large HS South of chancel – 2 cherub’s heads and hourglass, at top In memory of Elizabeth wife of Alexander HAYMAN who died the 14th of October 1796 aged 43 years. Also William Harrison HAYMAN son of the above Alexander Hayman who died May 11th 1803 aged 21 months.
45? For Alexander Hayman see back
19 May 1892
46. HS In loving memory of George COZENS born March 31st 1817 died March 7th 1891. Art thou weary – art thou languid, art thou sore distrest? "Come to me", saith one – "and coming be at rest!"
47. White Latin cross on 2 steps HIS in gold on N side of churchyard. Inscribed in a circle (in R. caps)
In ever loving memory of Constance Lucy second and beloved daughter of James and Emma SANSOM who died February 17 1891 aged 14 years and 11 months. He gathers the lambs in his arms. On one side of the curb "Dearly loved" on the other "Deeply mourned".
48. (All R. caps) In memory of DANIEL, son of Edward and Sarah COZENS of this parish died 4th April 1840 aged 34 years. Also the above named Edward Cozens died 9th September 1844 aged 71 years. Also Elizabeth wife of George Cozens died 7th March 1850. Also the above named Sarah Cozens died 15th September 1863 aged 89 years.
17 May 1892All the following HSS close to the South porch
49. HS Here lieth the body of Mr. John DALE of this parish who died the 14th of January 1728 in the 63 year of his age he had by Mary his wife 15 children 8 of which survive viz. Mary, Edward, Jane, Ino……, E…….b, E……ez, Richard, Susan (sunk). This HS has 2 sculls 2 crossbones to each and a heart between.
50. HS ugly winged scull and crossbones Here lieth the body of John son of Mr. John DALE died the 20th of October 1730 in the 27th year of his age and died a bachelor. Here also lieth the body of Elizabeth Dale aged 56 (sunk).
51. HS winged cherub’s, trumpet, crossbones In memory of Edward DALE, yeoman, late of this parish who died the 2nd of June 1753 aged 53 years. Also of his son John who died an infant. he left issue by Elizabeth his wife 2 daughters (viz) Sarah and Elizabeth. Also Elizabeth relict of the above Edward Dale who died 25th September 1783 aged 85 years.
52. HS 2 sculls and 2 crossbones on each side There lieth the body of Judith ye wife of Robert DALE of this parish who died the 11th December 1738 in the 36 year of her age and left 4 children, Ino…., Edward, Mary and Judith which (sic) survive. Also here lieth the body of Robert Dale who died the 21st March 1789 aged 82 years.
53. HS crossbones on each end 2 grinning sculls Here lieth the body of John DALE son of Robert and Judith Dale of this parish who died the 17th of December 1771 in the 38th year of his age. Here also lieth the body of Mary 2nd wife of the above said Robert Dale who died the 11th of October 1778 in the 64th year of her age.
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Also some Monumental Inscriptions of Staple Church, Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759
In The Body –
54. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Mr John SILKWOOD, the Son of Mr John Silkwood & Mary his Wife. He departed this Life the 10th Day of May 1754 aged 22 years.
55. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Mr John SILKWOOD of this Parish who departed this Life the 9th of Dec. 1751 aged 55 Years. Here also lieth ye Body of Mary his Wife, Daughter of Mr Richard TERRY and Mary his Wife of this Parish. She departed this Life the 28th Day of December 1753 aged 60 Years.
In The North Chancell.
56. On a Neat Monument on ye North Wall
. [Sa. 3 lions rampant arg. (LYNCH) imp. Per saltire az. & erm. in chief 3 bezants & at fesse point a leopard’s head or (WHITING)]. D.O.M.S. In proximo hic siti sunt Gratiannus LYNCH armiger, et Rebecca Uxor ejus; quze illi septem Filios, et quinque Filias peperit. Quorum superstites sunt Sara, Johannes, Gratia, Juditha. nixit Conjux amantissimus; Pater optimus; Subditus fidelis. obijt Die Januarij 19 A.D. 1691/2. Aetatis suae 65. Illa vero Feb. Die nono Fatis concessit A.D. 1674/5. Aetatis suae 40. Hoc sepulchrale Marmor Memoriae Parentum charissimorum, Johannes LYNCH maerens posuit.
57. On Another on ye same Wall. [LYNCH as Above imp. HEAD (4.57, St Mildred’s, Cantby. ]. In hoc Sacello contumulantur Johannes LYNCH de Groves, arm: ac Sara Uxor ejus Francisci HEAD e Civ. Roffen: Ar: Filia; Tam Animo, quam Moribus conjunctissimi. Vivit, equidem, et viget adhuc eorum Lans in plurium Memoria. et, ne posteros lateat, quales in omni Vitae Munere, fuerint, hinc, disce, Lector, Hanc, singulis Virtutibus, quae Filiam, Uxorem, Matrem, Familiarem, vel Faeminam, decorent; Illum, ijs Rebus quae Magistratum, Civem, Maritum, Patrem, Amicum, Vicinum, vel Virum ornent summo cum Honore, nec non Dignitate praecelluisse. Passibus antem ambo semper processerunt aequis, Dum has Aedes intrabant assidui Numinis Cultores. dum Filijs, Famulis, omnibus, domi forisq praeibant illustria Integritatis, Prudentiae, ac Pietatis, Exempla, huic Seculo desiderata; quàm vellem, imitanda! Felicitèr se Conjugio per XXII Annos fruebantur; Liberorum etiam Numero feliciores usq donec Illa, dum eorum XIX Vitam dedit suam perdidit Puerperio defuncta, XIII Cal. Decemb. An. Dom. 1710. suaeq Aetatis 41. Hic antem, benigniore Numine diu conservatus ut ex eâ Natos, carissima Amoris Pignora (quorum Matri XI, Patri IX Superstites fuerunt) materno erga Prolem Affectu foveret, Paternâ tamen Sapientiâ, ac Auctoritate, piè, ingenueq educaret; tandem, Dierum plenus, Virtutum Satur, et ad Caelum maturus, Animam Deo opt. max. Hominumq Servatori, reddidit XI Cal. Mart. An. Dom. 1732/3. Aetatis suae 81.
58. On Another Monument on ye South Wall. [Sa. a chevn. engrailed betw. 3 pelicans’ heads erased & vulning arg. (SQUIER)]. *This Coat sd. have been in a Lozenge, as it is on ye Monument. Here lyes Grace, Daughter of ye Reverend John *SQUIER, late Rector of Barnes near London, by Grace his Wife, the eldest Daughter of Mr John LYNCH of Groves, in this Parish, where She was born Nov. 24 1652 and died at Harietsham in this County, Feb. the 12 1664/5 at the Age of 12 Yeares. *See his Epitaph, in AUBREY’s Hist. of Surrey, Vol.1, P.94.
59. On Another, one ye same Wall. M.S. Johannis CLARKE, Filij unici Johannis Clarke, M.D. et Sara, Gratiani LYNCH, Armig. Filiae Natu maximae. Obijt 12 Die Feb. A.D. 1691/2. Aetatis suae 3. Dent Charites Lacrymas, madeant quoq Lumina Amorum/Ante Diem occubuit Forma, Juventa, Décor./Unica Spes Patris, dum lusit parvulus Aulâ/Et Matri innocuâ Garrulitate, placens./Infans Febre perit, glendus, Trieteride prima,/Ut Rosa, quae, nimio victa Calore, cadit./Ambo aquè fragiles, tamen hic formosior illâ:/Nec minor in Verbis, quam fuit Ore Pudor./Sic meliora rapit rigidi Inclementia Fati;/Seraq quos optent Saecula, prima necant./Felices nimiùm tali cum Prole Parentes;/Ast non pro Vobis, nascitur Ille Deo.
60. On a Monument on ye East Wall. [LYNCH as Before imp. Sa. on a chevn. arg. 3 branches vert (BROMFEILD)]. Viator, hic dormit Johannes LYNCH, S.T.B. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter idem et Confessor sanctus Humilitate ac Literis insignior quam inani Dignitatum Serie. Primaevae Pietatis in Deum Fidei in Regem probatae, Exemplar ingens. Vir sui Temporis optimus sine Invidiâ dicendus; omni Monumento, omnibusq Titulis major. Qui totius Virtutis Zodiacum emensus Caelum appulit Empyraeum, Festo Michaelis Anno Xti 1680. Aet. suae 89, tres Liberos relinquens, quos è Graciâ suscepit; Filiâ natu maximâ Johannis BROMFEILD, de Ewhurst, in Comitat: Sussexiae, Armigeri; nempè Gratiannum Lynch, Armigerum, Militiae Cantianae Majorem; Graciam (Reverendi Johannis SQUIER Relictam) cujus unica Soboles materni Nominis et tantâ Matre digna, hìc etiam requiescit. Margaretam Thomae BLECHYNDEN de Aldington Generoso conjugatam. e quibus Gracia, Affectû magno, sed Sumptû modico, hoc Marmor poni curavit. Memoriae justi erit benedicta, Prov. 10.7.
61. On another Monument on the East Wall. [LYNCH as before]. Beside those here mention’d, there have been buried, of this Family in this Chancell, Joan, ye Daughter of Simon LYNCH, Gent, buried Aug. 17 1570. Simon Lynch Gent (twice Member of Parliament for ye Town and Port of Sandwich) March 5 1573/4. The Wife of Thomas Lynch, Aug. 16 1588. Thomas, Son of William Lynch, Gent. Nov. 4 1589. Julius, Son of William Lynch Junr. June 9 1596. Theophilus, Son of William Lynch, Junr. Oct. 9 1597. Judith, Daughter of Wm. Lynch, Junr. Aug. 31 1606. Robert Lynch, Gent. Oct 12. 1653. Aylmer, Catherine, Francis, Gratian, & Francis, Sons, and Daughter of John Lynch Esq. by Sarah his Wife, who all died young.
62. On a Flat Stone, wch. lay formerly on ye Ground, but is now placed on the Top of a new Vault, abt. 6 Feet above ye Pavement. (This Vault is built almost above Ground, under ye East Window, is about 9 Feet in Width, & takes up ye whole Breadth from N. to S. of this Chancell. It was built by ye psent Dr. John LYNCH, Dean of Canterbury, and is at present (1759) empty). Here lies Sarah, ye Daughter of Francis HEAD, of Rochester Esq. & wife of John LYNCH of Groves, Esq. by whom he had 19 Children, 11 of whom survived her, viz: Sarah, Rebecca, Judith, John, Ann, George, Katherine, Gratian, Frances, Richard, Head. She died Nov. 18 1710.
63. In The East Window are these Coats. [I. LYNCH. II. LYNCH imp. HENDLY, 3,145. III. LYNCH].
64. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth ye Bodies of Mary and Margaret, Daughters of Michael TERRY & Elizabeth his Wife. Mary died June 7 1722, aged 14. Margaret died Nov. 22 1722, aged 4 Years & 4 Months. And also the Body of Mrs. Eliz. Terry, Wife of Mr Michael Terry Senr. She died 14 Oct. 1741, aged 67 Years. Likewise the Body of Mr Michael Terry, Son of Mr Michael & Eliz. Terry, he died 24 Dec. 1741 in the 37th Year of his Age.
65. On Another. Mr Michael TERRY, Sen. Died Oct. the 6th 1744 aged 78 Years.
66. Here are 2 very ancient Flat Stones without Inscription, wch. have been formerly inlaid with Brass.
67. The Font seems to be very ancient.
68. This Church consists of A Chancell, North Chancell, Body & a North Isle. At ye West End stands a Tower Steeple, in wch. hang 4 Bells,; but I could not get at them.
69. In The Church Yard are altar Tombs for Persons of the Names of HARRISON, HATCHER, GIBBS & TERRY. And Headstones, for others of ye Names of DALE, DEVISON, RIGDEN, TERRY, WOOD, and WOODWARD. There are also 3 Altar Tombs, whose Inscriptions are gone – 1 of them has still this Coat remaining [Per pale & per fesse indented, on a bend 3 fusils].
70. This Church was dedicated to St. James. It is a ……
71. The present …….(1760).
Indexof Names and Places
Names IndexBax 18, 23
Brockman 5
COZENS 8, 46, 48
DALE 26, 49-53, 69
DAVISON 11, 14
Deveson 11
GIBBS 43, 69
HATCHER 25, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 69
HAYMAN 27, 44, 45
HEAD 3, 57, 62
Hills 35
LYNCH 3, 6, 7, 56-60, 62., 63
Matthews 9
MUNDS 31, 32
RIGDEN 12, 13, 42, 69
RYE 17
Sharp 36
SILKWOOD 1, 2, 54, 55
SQUIER 6, 58, 60, 61
TERRY 1, 33, 41, 43, 55,
64, 65, 69
Woodcock 33
WOODWARD 9, 10, 18-24,
Places IndexAldington 60
Barnes near London 6, 58
Beachborough, Kent 5
Canterbury 5, 36
Burgate 10
St. Paul’s 12, 13
Deal 27
Dilnott Eastes 10
Eastry 11
Ewhurst, Sussex 60
Harrietsham 6, 58
Knowlton Knolton 43
Littlebourne 14
London, St. Dionis Backchurch 5
Northbourne 23, 24
Northbourne Norborn 33
Reculver Reckelver 35
Rochester 3, 62
Rotherfield 5
Sandwich 28, 35, 61
Groves 3, 6, 58, 62
Sussex 5
Twilham [?Twil], Wingham 34
Willinshaw, Chester 5
Wingham 34
Woodnesborough 35
York 5GeneralAylmer 61
Dean of Canterbury 5
Lieut General 5
prebendary 5
Rector 5, 6
Reverend 6
smallpox 12
spinster 23
widow 35
yeoman 15, 24, 34, 51
Staplehurst with Index of names and places at end
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Staplehurst Church, Noted by Leland L. Duncan August 1922
Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plans of location of gravestones in Staplehurst Churchyard
Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton
South Eastern Portion
1. E.T. (no date)
2. Thomas GRAYLING? late of Wol?field in Sussex. He died May ?? (?17) 177- ?1 or 4) aged 70 years.
3. Elizabeth wife of Iden WALTER of this Parish died 29 October 1784 aged 47 years. Left issue 5 sons and 4 daughters. Also Catherine his second wife died 15 March 1799 aged 51 years. Iden Walter died 10 June 1814/5? aged 82 years.
3a. Head now Flat stone plus 2 footstones. M.L. and S.L.
4. James WALTER died 6 February 1891 aged 53 years leaving a widow, 5 sons and 6 daughters. Elizabeth his wife died 1 September 1912 aged 66 years.
5. William WALTER of this Parish died 4 February 1855 aged 75 years. Ann his wife died 17 May 1849 aged 65 years. Iden their son died 2 March 1818 aged 13 years. Left issue surviving, 1 son and 2 daughters (Charles, Eliza and Ann)
6. Charles WALTER of Henhurst Farm of this Parish died 3 June 1883 aged 76 years. Leaving a widow, 2 sons and 3 daughters. Sally Emily wife of above died 6 July 1896 aged 88 years. William eldest son of the above died 25 February 1883 aged 50 years. Charles eldest son of the above William Walter died 22 February 1884 aged 24 years and is interred in Brenzett cemetery
7. Joseph WAGHORN of this parish died 9 April 1866 aged 64 years. Ann his wife died 17 November 1879 aged 69 years
8. Elizabeth CARROWAY died 29 March 1837 aged 56 years. Jesse son of James Carroway of Chatham died 26 September 1832 aged 22 years. James Buss died 14 July 1850 aged 64 years. Martha Buss wife of the above died 18 September 1851 aged 62 years.
9. Old altar. No visible inscription. c.1700
10. Jacob DOBELL died 18 December 1832 aged 75 years. Sarah Dobell wife of the above died 8 November 1837 aged 79 years
11. (Coped) John PENKIVIL, surgeon of Staplehurst Parish born 23 October 1803 died 29 June 1864. His wife Frances Penkivil born 27 May 1815 died 28 August 1888. Edward and Henry sons born 21 October 1852 died 21 May 1853
12. (Top part all gone) …is wife died December … aged 80 years
Footstone H.C. 1805 G.C. 1788
13. (An enclosure containing a cross) John SPONG died 10 June 1848 aged 55 years. Mary Spong died 1 November 1855 aged 63 years. Erected by their only child John. John Spong died 30 April 1897
14. Elizabeth SPONG daughter of Ann Spong of this parish widow died 22 October 1746 aged 23 years. (on back) Martha Spong died 23 March 1872 aged 71 years
15. (Altar). Top William SPONG of Maplehurst in this parish who after a life of 48 years … the .. day of November 180(?5) Also of Ann relict of the aforesaid William Spong who died 29 January 1841 in her 80th year. (North side) John SPONG of ye parish son of Stephen and Ann Spong died 13 June 1755 aged 43 years. (East end) Mary Spong spinster died 28 April 1774 aged 64 years. (South side) Anna relict of Stephen Spong of Chart next Sutton died February ye 23 1756 aged 74 years. Left issue William, Mary and Ann (West end) Anna Spong died 14 February 1762 aged 40 years
16. Daniel SPONG died 18 May 1874 aged 71 years. Thomas Spong, brother of the above died 17 February 1877 aged 80 years
17. Elizabeth wife of Edward SIMMONS late of Iden in this parish died 10 December 1875 aged 77 years. Also Edward Simmons died 12 August 1877 in his 81st year. Also of the deceased children of the above Henry James died 21 January 1839 aged 5 years. Elizabeth died 7 July 1842 aged 22 years. Sally-Day died 7 April 1843 aged 20 years. Agnes died 17 January 1854 aged 23 years.
Edward Thomas died 12 April 1856 aged 31 years. Mary Ann died 14 July 1856 aged 35 years. Eliza died 10 October 1856 aged 28 years. John died 16 April 1864 aged 32 years. Caroline died 19 August 1869 aged 29 years. Left issue 3 sons and 2 daughters. William, Matilda, Nicholas Jane and Stephen.
18. John MERRALL of this parish died October 10 1803 aged 76 years. Elizabeth wife of the above John Merrall died May 13 1803 aged 56 years
19. Edward MERRALL of this parish died 26 January 1768 aged 78 years. Mary his wife died December 28 1770 aged 84 years. Left issue 3 sons, Richard Edward & John.
20. RENC ARY the for … ..?? RENOLDS ?? the .ate wife of Jeremiah ?UL … who died ?? December 1813 aged 3(or 5) years
21. Harriett wife of Abram KITE of this parish died 16 September 1857 aged 39 years
22. Mary Douglas wife of Daniel KITE died 10 February 1887 aged 58 years
23. Hannah Reeves wife of Reuben KITE died 29 January 1900 aged 58 years. Also Miss Ann COLLISON sister of the above died 27 May 1906 aged 67 years. Also Reuben Kite died 29 November 1909 aged 75 years (above 3 last are in a curb)
24. Small cross D.F.R. (no date)
25. Thomas BROOKE of this parish died 14 March 1779 aged 73 years
26. Thomas BAYLY died 19 October 1794 aged 81 years. Left issue by Susanna his wife 3 sons and one daughter. Samuel, Thomas, John and Sarah. Susanna his wife died 29 September 1796 aged 71 years.
27. Thomas son of Thomas and Susanna BAYLEY died 26 July 1805 aged 54 years
28. To the memory of an affectionate parent William GOBLE farmer, late of Benenden died 23 May 1825 aged 68 years
29. Eliza daughter of William and Elizabeth RANDALL, late licensed victualler of this parish died 2 February 1853 aged 10 years
30. George MITCHELL of this parish yeoman died 24 October 1758 aged 74 years. Jane his wife died November 9 1729 aged 46 years. Left issue 7 children Elizer, George, Jane, Sarah, Rebekah, Charles and Mary
31. Mary wife of Charles MITCHELL, victualler of this parish died 24 April 1771 aged 45 years. Left issue 3 children Charles, George and Mary. Also the said Charles Mitchell died 27 April 1774 aged 52 years.
32. Charles MICHELL of this parish died 23 June 1793 aged 69 years. Sarah his wife died February 14 1800 aged 4(?4) years. Left issue 8 children, viz: Charles, George, Richard, Michael, John, Sarah, Mary and Harriot. Also Charles their son who died 26 December 1790 aged 2(?1) years.
33. William GEORGE died 7 April 1846 aged 70 years. Mary his wife died 15 March 1823 aged 46 years. Mary 2nd wife of the above died 2 February 1878 aged 79 years. Also their daughters Caroline, wife of Lewis HAYSMER died 14 May 1866 aged 37 years and Emily, wife of Edward FARMER died 15 November 1864 aged 32 years (a new stone)
34. Thomas SMITH of this parish died … 1804 aged (?6-) years. Left issue by Mary his wife …… and two daughters Thomas, Sarah and M……. Also Sarah ….. daughter ……….. ….. years. Also Mary wife of William George died March 1823 aged … Left issue 2 daughters Harriott and Elizabeth Mary. Also the said William George died 7 April 1846 aged 70 years.
35. Samuel BAYLEY died 17 March 1709/10 aged 63 years. Also Ann WAKELING late wife of Jacob Wakeling of Smarden, formerly wife of Samuel BAYLY of this parish. She died August 31 1776 in her 72nd year. Left issue 2 sons and one daughter, viz: John, Richard and Ann.
36. Samuel BAYLY died 26 February 1746 aged 63 years. Elizabeth his wife died 26 June 1764 aged 78 years. Left issue 3 sons, Samuel, Thomas and Richard.
37. Sarah wife of Richard BAYLY of this parish died December 22 1780 aged 57 years. Left issue 2 sons and 2 daughters John, Richard, Elizabeth and Sarah
Also Richard Bayly of this parish died 12 April 1795 aged 79 years.
38. John son of Richard and Sarah BAYLY of this parish died 18 February 1779 aged 32 years.
39. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Sarah BAYLY died 7 April 1787 aged 39 years.
40. Elizabeth wife of Richard BAYLY died 11 May 1810 aged 60 years. Also the son Richard Bayly died 3 July 1813 aged 3 years. Richard Bayly died January 7 1815 aged 64 years. The survivors are 3 daughters, Sarah, Elizabeth and Mildred.
41. Thomas WALLER of Marden died 21 November 1792 aged 73 years. Left issue 3 sons and 4 daughters, Thomas, Charles, John, Rebecca, Rosamond, Mary and Elizabeth. Also Rebecca his wife died January 12 1798 aged 79 years.
42. John WALLER of Marden died January 29 1814 aged 64 years.
43. Mary WALLER late of Marden died 25 March 1824 aged 66 years.
44. Charles SHOEBRIDGE late of South Street, Grosvenor Square died 3 August 1858 aged 38 years.
45. David RICHERSON son of Thomas and Susanna Richerson died August 15 1810 in his 28th year.
46. Our dear mother Elizabeth WEBB died 28 January 1913 aged 83 years.
47. (Altar). North side. Edward SIMMONS late of this parish died November 8 1735 aged 52 years. Ann his wife died July 20 1768 aged 73 years. Left issue 3 sons Thomas, Edward and John. (No other inscription).
48. Edward SIMMONS of this parish died February 11 1796 aged 79 years. Sarah his wife died 14 May 1774 aged 61 years. Left issue 5 sons and 2 daughters, Thomas, Edward, John, James, Henry, Sarah and Elizabeth. Also Ann their daughter died in her infancy. Also Thomas their son died December 1791 aged 42 years.
49. An old sunk altar tomb on west end Here lyeth the body of James BRIDGELAND late deceased son of Peter Bridgel… who d … 2 … …. 161*8 ….
under grass (`17 cent) and decayed. * broken but looks like 1
50. (Altar). Top …. … departed the remains of Grace (?) WILLIAMS widow of Michael (?) Williams of … // Nanl .. and (?sister of) Dr TAYLOR, Rector of ?this parish. She died … day of April ..178(?5)
51. Mrs Anne CHILDREN widow of Mr John Children of Hedcorne died 3 February 1789 aged 71 years.
52. Thomas STEDMAN of this parish died 5 November 1856 aged 61 years. Rose his wife died 29 March 1885 aged 88 years.
53. Joseph UNDERHILL of this parish died January ?5 ?1808(?) aged 60 years.
Also Charles his son who died in his infancy. Left surviving .. sons and .. daughters Thomas, Joseph, John, James, Stephen, Daniel, Rebecca and Sarah
Footstone J.U. 1808.
54. (Flat). Our dear Mother Elizabeth CARR died 15 June 1916.
55. (Low coped cross). Mary Ann GREEN wife of the late Richard Green of Black Heath, Worcestershire died October 2 1908 aged 67 years.
56. Mary wife of James MORRIS late of Horsebridge Sussex and many years a resident of this parish died 15 May 1886 aged 75 years. Also James Morris died at Blindley Heath, South Godstone, Surrey 27 February 1905 aged 98 years. Also of their 3 sons who lie here James, Richard and George.
57. Ann wife of George BERGE died 30 April 1872 in her 31st year. Also his infant daughter who died 1 May 1872 aged 5 days. The above being the only daughter of James and Mary MORRIS of this parish.
58. (a) James MORRIS 3 footstones [b] R.M. [c] C.M.
59. John WALKER of this parish died 17 August 1835 aged 69 years. Jane his wife died 17 June 1846 aged 85 years. Also John and Ann, children of the above who died in infancy. Left surviving 4 daughters Rose, Elizabeth, Ann and Jane. Also John Walker, grandson of the above who died 29 October 1840 aged 18 years.
60. John SIMMONS of this parish died 24 May 1787 aged 87 years. Also Martha Simmons wife of John Simmons …. aged 87 years.
61. Stephen BROMLEY, farmer formerly of this parish died 11 October 1820 aged 45 years. Also Winifred his wife died 25 December 1837 aged 54 years. They had issue 9 children, 5 sons and 4 daughters also Samuel who died in his infancy. Martha died April 1821 aged 18 years. John died July 1826 aged 26 years. Stephen died October 1826 aged 17 years. Thomas died June 1828 aged 15 years. Samuel died September 1838 aged 33 years. Winifred the wife of Henry Seymour and daughter of the above died in London 4 April 1864 aged 61 years.
62. George, youngest son of Humphrey THOMAS born 19 June 1810 died 13 April 1869 leaving a widow and 3 sons George, Charles and Edwin.
63. (Leaning forward) Humphrey THOMAS of this parish died 8 September 1854 aged 89 years. Mary his wife died February 15 1837 aged 71 years. They had issue 6 sons and 3 daughters Thomas, Sarah, Catherine, Elizabeth, Obert, Humphrey, Edward, John and George.
64. Martha WILES died May 12 1897.
65. Elizabeth wife of William MACKENDER and daughter of John AUSTEN of Northiam in Sussex died 24 February 1745 aged 34 years.
66. Richard MALYAN died 11 January 1823 aged 26 years.
67. Robert son of Humphrey and Sarah THOMAS of this parish died 20 July 1836
aged 83 years. Sarah their daughter and wife of Reuben ROBINSON died 5 October 1840 aged 85 years.
68. Humphrey THOMAS of this parish died 30 March 1791 aged 78 years. Left issue 2 sons and 3 daughters Catherine, Robert, Sarah, Constance and Humphrey. Also Sarah his wife died 19 January 1809 aged 8(?3).
69. Thomas WATTS of Chart next Sutton died 22 September 1828 aged 47 years. Elizabeth his wife died 2 January 1857 aged 73 years. Susanna and Edward, children of the above, died in infancy. Left surviving 9 children, Thomas, Mary Elizabeth, Sarah, William John, Edward, James, Charles and George.
70. John FURBY of this parish, yeoman died September ye 22 1742 aged 71 years. Ann his wife died November ye 1st 1738 in her 77th year.
71. Susanna wife of Thomas WATTS of this parish died 12 July 1820 aged 68 years Left surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters, Ann, Thomas, William and Mary.
72. John and Mary Ann, infant children of John and Eliza COUCHMAN of this parish (no dates)
73. Eliza, wife of John COUCHMAN died 7 March 1898 aged 80 years. John Couchman of this parish died 10 April 1903 aged 87 years.
74. Samuel COUCHMAN of this parish died 31 August 1859 in his 85th year. Hannah his wife died 20 April 1856 in her 73rd year. Samuel, son of the above died 17 February 1836 in his 27th year. Left surviving one son and 2 daughters, John, Sarah Ann and Mary.
75. William OLCAFE, son of William Olcafe of Staple and Ann his wife who died October 25 1694 aged 11 years. Also buried Elizabole aged (?2) years and Ann aged 5 years (4 lines ?verse) ? name Olcase or Olcafe.
76. … M ….. BROOK… / t …..s ….e Brook …/.. of the …../ ….. / ….. /… ed … / … aged 48 … /… issue … /… AN .N… BRON…….
77. Thomas BROOK of this parish died 7 May 1810 aged 46 years. Ann Brook, wife of the above died 9 February 1833 aged 63 years. Left issue 3 sons and 3 daughters, Ann, Samuel Thomas, Sarah, Mary and William.
78. Mary BROOK daughter of Thomas and Ann Brook of this parish died 8 June 1810 aged 1 year 11 months. William Brook their son died 30 June 1811 aged 9 months.
79. (Broken) William (broken) LEAFFE late of this parish (broken) ROCER, who died August ye 6 1702 in ye 61st year. Left issue 2 daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. (?Oleaffe)
80. Mary wife of Thomas LEDGER of his parish died August 29 1761 aged 5(?1). Left issue one daughter, Sarah Thomas Ledger died 26 October 1768 aged 66 years.
81. Albert H. PENFOLD died 9 March 1918 aged 54 years. In memory of my dear father.
82. Eliza wife of George BROWN, shipwright belonging to His Majesty’s Yard at Sheerness who died May 25 1764 aged (?5)6. Left issue one daughter, Elizabeth.
83. Thomas LAMBERT of this parish died January 13 1819 aged 69 years. Elizabeth his wife died 9 June 1833 aged 81 years. Elizabeth their daughter died 14 August 1801 aged 19 years. Thomas their son died 16 March 1819 aged 31 years. Also three of their children died in infancy.
84. Sun dial (No name)
85. E.P. no date (?1860) small cross
86. NERE UNTO /..HS PLACE lieth /.uried the /.odies of John /..N BUTCHER /… THURE /….. ere
(Early ?1680 or 80 ? name or probably trade but see 94 or 98. It may be John and Anna Butcher)
87. John DIAMOND of this parish died 20 December 1742 aged 66 years. Ann his wife died 10 November 1775 aged 85 years.
88. (Small cross). Edith LARGE died 12 January 1892 aged 6 years.
89. John CHAMBERS late of Headcorn but formerly of this parish died October 4 1813 aged 85 years. Sarah his wife died December 1(?9) 1793 aged 59 years.
90. Albert son of Maria APPS of this parish died 5 August 1849 aged 6 years 3 months. The above Maria Apps died 23 January 1874 aged 69 years.
91. Charles FIELD died 8 February 1851 aged 66 years. Mary his wife died 30 July 1870 aged 73 years.
92. William HAMILTON died 30 June 1898 aged 61 years.
92a. All Saints Church Yew tree. V.R. June 29 1887 Planted by W & L HOARE
93. Attau LANSFIELD of Wil…borough in this county. He departed this life August 16 1733 aged 19 years and 9 months. (? Attaway but is a U not W).
94. John BUTCHER died 16 December 1826 aged 88 years. Elizabeth his wife died May .. 1799 aged 47 years. Thomas Butcher son of the above died 1 September 1792 aged 14 years.
95. James AVERY died 31 August 1815 aged 47 years. Left surviving one son John LOADSMAN. Also John Loadsman died 25 September 1816 aged 20 years. Elizabeth wife of James Avery died 12 April 1830 aged 56 years.
96. Thomas PILE and Mary his wife late of this parish. He died 20 July 1805 aged 67 years. She died 25 February 1812 aged 79 years leaving one son and 5 daughters.
97. (Altar) N. side /… dy ………. /OLF wife …. alo ……./CO.T Who departed this life November /…………. v …………………… /
(all perished. Name might be Cole).
98. (Altar) ……Daughter /of …….cis BUTCHER /Lye ….. ar to this stone / who departed this life /..12 16(?55) aged 18 years/…. For the Resur
(Left side much gone). On west end: The body of Thomas LAMBE geny who departed this life May 7 1658. Lyeth here sleeping in Jesus. Till a better resurrechon. Aged 58 years.
99. Hannah, daughter of William and Hannah THWAITES of Dartford died 14 September 1841 aged 18 years.William son of the above William and Hannah died October 8 1858 aged 32 years.
100. (Altar). North side. Here lyeth the …. of Thomas USBORN son of Thomas Usbsorne … departed this life the 19th of May 1… in the 61st yeare of his age. Here …. body of Thomas Usborne son to Thomas …..n the younger and grandson of Thomas Usborne the elder who died ye 2 ……. in the 21st yeare of his age. (on west end) ….. intered ye body of Thomas Usborn ye elder who departed this life 3 of October 1666 in the 86th yeare of his age.
101. Mrs Sarah JENNINGS wife of Mr John Jennings of Frittenden died 19 July 1837 aged 74 years. Also of the above John Jennings who died 23 October 1844 aged 76 years. Mrs Milicient Medhurst their daughter, wife of Mr Charles Medhurst of Dartford died 20 August 1837 aged 34 years.
102. Here / lyeth / In …../ …..SOM …../ A …. TWR ….. / (gone) / R …. ISH /……. / ANN I IS wh…. / departed this life / ye 11 day of …. / ..ber ano dom / 16(?6)-. / Waiting for the / Resurrechon / aged 28 years.
103. H …… d ye / b….(?T)ho LAMBE / (?son) … of Tho / and Mary Lambe / of A … hurst who / dyed … May ye 17 / 1-97 / aged 37 years
(? Aydhurst. 1st letter looks like part of A but might be H. ?1697 but 2nd figure is not like 6, but is a very early stone)
104. Thomas HODGSON late of this parish. Officer of the Excise.
(no date but mid 18th century).
105. Thomas BARTEN of this parish late of Bethersden died June the (?8) 176(?1) aged 62 years. Anne his wife died ye 17 August 1744 aged 44 years. Left issue 3 daughters, Elizabeth, Susan and Ann.
106. Thomas BARTON of this parish died June 21 1762 aged 20 years. Elizabeth his wife died September 23 1762 aged 22 years.
107. (Altar). Susanna wife of Edward BARTEN of this parish died December 11 1764 aged 22 years. Left issue one son and one daughter, Thomas and Susannah.
108. Sarah wife of Richard SAMSON of this parish died 17 May 1794 in her 51st year. Richard Samson died 19 January 1820 aged 76 years. Sarah 2nd wife of the above died 17 April 1836 aged 80 years. She left issue 3 sons and 2 daughters, Richard, John, William, Elizabeth and Sarah. Also Elizabeth wife of John Barton, late of Ulcomb, and daughter of the above Richard and Sarah Samson died 15 March 1796 in her 20th year. Also Sarah their daughter who died 16 November 1796 in her 16th year.
109. Stephen SAMSON of this parish died 23 April 1875 aged 76 years, leaving a widow, 4 sons and 3 daughters, Stephen, Richard, John, William, Sarah, Elizabeth and Harriett. Also Amelia widow of the above died 22 October 1879 aged 75 years.
110. William MERRALL wheelwright of Boxley died 12 June 1815 aged 35 years. Left a widow and 10 children.
111. Edward BARTON of this parish, yeoman died 22 December 1792 aged 56 years. Left issue 3 sons Edward, John and William.
112 William WICKINGS died 9 September 1846 aged 82 years. Elizabeth wife of William Wickings of this parish died 20 June 1830 aged 64 years. Left issue 1 son and 2 daughters, William Elizabeth and Martha.
113. (Coped in low rail). Julia wife of James M. BENNETT died 27 December 1876 aged 30 years. James Mace Bennett, husband of Anne Bennett died 30 March 1882 aged 36 years.
114. (Altar). South side. Here lies interred ye body of Mr Joseph USBORNE Minister of ye Gospel who departed this life December 28 1714 aged 85 years. (on West end) …. Remo …. / of Joseph and …. bo ….. / departed this ….0th of …… / 1750 in ye 86th year of her …. (North side) Also ye body of his dearly loving wife Mrs Grace Usborne who departed this life February ye 16 1712 in ye 81st year of her age.
115. Entirely perished. c.1790.
116. Small cross. F.C. no date
117. Samuel FRENCH gent who died August 20 anno dom 1692 aged 64 years.
118. Ellen Anne and Mary Jane children of Henry W and Mary Jane JOY of this parish. Ellen Anne died 12 May 1844 aged 1 year 10 months. Mary Jane died 17 May 1844 aged 6 months.
119. (Small cross). E. NORRIS. (no date. Modern c.1870).
120. (Coped). Philpot WOOD Esqre. died 17 August 1890 aged 89 years. Ann Elizabeth Wood died 18 August 1906 aged 89 years.
121. (Coped). Sarah WOOD died 21 May 1886 aged 65 years. Alfred S. Wood Esqre. died 7 May 1900 aged 76 years.
122. Titus SPICER of this parish died 19 January 1829 aged 77 years. Margaret his wife died 19 May 1829 aged 84 years. Left issue surviving 3 sons and 1 daughter, Titus, William Stephen and Sarah.
123. Robert WILLSHER died 2 February 1761 aged 28 years. Left issue 1 son and 1 daughter, John and Marh.
124. Robert WILLSHER of this parish died October .. 1793 aged 69 years. Also Elizabeth his wife died September 17 179- aged 62 years. Left issue surviving one son and one daughter, John and Elizabeth.
125. John WILLSHER died 22 October 1833 aged 70 years. Also Sarah his wife died April 29 1833 aged 60 years. Two children Sarah and John died in infancy.
126. (Top all gone) Also Jane (?) … / ……… 1…. / aged 85 years.
127. William SMITH of Pagehurst in this parish died 19 October 1808 aged 33 years.
128. Alice wife of James STONE of Sheerness died 4 February 1784 aged 27 years.
129. (Small cross). Martha HARRIS
130. (Small cross). Thomas HARRIS (No date to either. Modern c.1870).
131. (Cross). Henry Capel Thomas HUMBER died 9 May 1860 aged 29 years.
132. William SMITH late of Newstead Farm in this parish died 24 May 1874 aged 77 years. Louisa-Maria his wife relict of the late Thomas WOODGATE of Pluckley died 22 December 1857 aged 59 years. Edward-Davis son of the above William and Louisa Maria Smith died 11 March 1833 aged 5 months.
133. Anne WOODGATE late of Newstead Farm in this parish died 20 February 1877 aged 56 years. Louisa Maria Woodgate died 6 November 1879 aged 56 years.
134. (Altar). Against South aisle. Edward USBORNE Esq. died 13 November 1765 aged 60 years. Also Mary his wife died 19 November 1786 aged 76 years. This tomb was repared by his nephew Usborne 181(?0). Arms
135. (Altar). South side. Mrs Elizabeth USBORNE late of Loddenden in this parish daughter of John and Mary Usborne dued 22 January 1839 in her 95th year.
136. (Low tomb). Ann widow of Edward USBORNE Esq. late of Loddenden died April 30 1825 aged 82 years.
137. (Flat stone). Mrs Mary USBORNE wife of Mr John Usborne late of Maidstone gent died June 17 17(?80) aged 67 years. Also Mr John Usborne died (?19) December 1796 aged ?86 years. Left issue Chambers, Edward and Elizabeth. Chambers Usborne Esq. son of the above died 8 June 1826 aged 72 years. Mary his wife died 14 June 1826 aged 68 years.
138. (Low tomb). Thomas Starling USBORNE died January 5 1903 aged 69 years. Also of Elizabeth Sarah wife of the above (no date).
139. Mrs Kitty DOWNING died 12 August 1845 aged 78 years. Maria Downing died at Loddenden, Staplehurst 17 August 1868 aged 75 years.
140. (Slip, west of south porch). Mary CHRISMAS died 20 September 1818 aged 88 years.
141. Mary TRYMMER died 29 January 1837 aged 84 years.Elizabeth Righton Trymmer sister to the above died 4 May 1839 aged 71 years. (Near) Mary VINES died 15 January 1814 aged 85 years, a faithful servant to the above and family for 62 years.
142. Henry FULLER late of Lingsted in this county died ye 13 March 1739/40 aged 50 years.
143. Mrs Rebecca GUMMER died 28 May 1846 aged 76 years. Mr William BUCKHURST died 18 May 1853 aged 64 years.
144. Thomas CRADDUCK died 30 November 1899 aged 71 years. Mary his wife died 2 February 1881 aged 49 years. Jane daughter of the above died 16 August 1893 aged 33 years.
145. (A curb. No inscription).
146. Ann wife of Thomas CROWNS died 1 December 1881 aged 65 years. Thomas Crowns died 14 August 1900 aged 92 years.
147. (Wooden cross. No inscription).
148. Samuel WIMBLE died 25 February 1884 aged 73 years.
149. William USHERWOOD of this parish died 8 October 1874 aged 52 years. George his son died 2 August 1884 aged 28 years. Henry, grandson of the above William Usherwood died 20 February 1880 aged 6 months.
150. George CRADDOCK died 23 July 1889 aged 67 years leaving a widow, 2 sons and 6 daughters. Frances wife of the above died 11 June 1892 aged 65 years.
151. Alice Kate HAFFENDEN R.M. S.M. (No dates, c.1870).
152. Stephen BENNETT died October 8 1828 aged 73 years.
153. Ellen Jane HINKLEY died 3 November 1885 aged 31 years. Harriet Elizabeth Hinkley died 5 February 1886 aged 27 years.
154. Edward HINKLEY died 25 February 1877 aged 56 years. Harriet his wife died 16 April 1862 aged ?41 years. Mary Jane aged 3 years. Edward 1 year, children of the above. Also Sarah Hinkley, mother of the above died 26 October 1877 aged 93 years.
155. (A pillar stone). In memory of Kathrine / …..INE / due …. ch 8th / …… / aged ….. years
156. William WOOD died 20 January 1882 aged 60 years and E. Wood and M.A. Wood and M.B. Wood
157. Wooden cross. No inscription.
158. Robert WEBB of this parish died 2 May 1876 aged 69 years. Charity his wife died 8 January 1884 aged 74 years. Charles son of the above died 23 July 1867 aged 32 years. Mary Sisley daughter of the above died 22 June 1861 aged 22 years. Also 10 grandchildren who died in infancy.
159. Ruth wife of Iden GOLDSMITH of this parish died 20 July 1890 aged 59 years. Also Iden Goldsmith died 14 May 1905 aged 70 years.
160. Frances Elizabeth wife of Arthur ROBERTS died 26 January 1908 aged 29 years.
161. Matilda ORPIN 2nd wife of Robert Orpin died 14 June 1896 aged 39 years leaving 1 son Charles E. Orpin.
162. Harriet wife of Robert ORPIN died 8 October 1892 aged 40 years leaving 5 sons and 6 daughters. Also Pullen P. Orpin son of the above died 13 October 1896 aged 15 years.
163. Emily wife of Edward FARMER died 29 November 1864 aged 32 years. Edward son of the above aged 6 months.
164. Jesse BEECHING of this parish died 28 August 1868 aged 62 years. Ann his wife died 11 May 1884 aged 78 years. Also the deceased children of the above, Eliza Ann died 10 July 1850 aged 4 years. Charles died 5 December 1855 aged 15 years. George died 27 April 1862 aged 24 years. Joseph died 4 April 1868 aged 19 years. Elizabeth died 13 February 1870 aged 34 years.
165. Ellen Mary daughter of Robert and Jane FARMER of this parish died 8 August 1883 aged 10 years. Ada daughter of Edwin and Mary Farmer died 14 April 1896 aged 6 years.
166. (An old stone face gone)
167. The children of William and Mary Ann BEECHING of this parish. Mary Ann died 6 October 1871 aged 4 weeks. William Thomas died 24 May 1876 aged 1 year 7 months. Vernon James died 31 October 1881 aged 5 years 7 months. Bertie died 13 August 1885 aged 2 days.
168. (Altar).Top. Sarah wife of John CRUMP. (very faint) Sarah Crump the wife of John Crump died May 1(?5) 1817? aged 82 years.
169. Janne CRUMPE the wife of James Crumpe the elder who deceased the 26 day of March in the yeare 1650 being aged (?65).
170. Here lieth enterred the bodyes of Richard CRUMPE and Janne Crumpe ye sonn and daughter of James Crumpe ye younger and Frances his wife. The said Richard was aged 44 weeks and deceased ye 28th of December 1653 and Janne Crumpe was aged 6 yeares and a halfe and deceased 21 March 1655.
171. (gone) ..MP of this par…. / …cember the 3rd 18.. / aged (?77). / … wife of Thomas CRUMP / …sh who died June the 21 …. / (gone).
172. Hear lieth enterred the body of James CRUMPE the elder who deceased the (?3) day of Aprill in the yeare 1656 being aged 68 yeares.
173. Charles COUCHMAN died 16 January 1913 aged 49 years. Harriett his wife died 9 September 1894 aged 29 years.
174. (Old altar) South side. / Here lyeth buried the body … / … STAPLE wife of Robert St…. / …. Hucking, mother to the / w…….. Lo[v] who / dyed the 29 …………. (West end). / Here lyeth buried the b… / of John LOVE senior ye fa…. / of John Love who depart.. / this life the 19 of Septem… / 1688 aged 77 years.
(Parish register. Silvester wife of Robert Staple of Hucking buried 29 October 1683.
175. (Altar). South side. Here lyeth interred the body of James LOVE son of John Love the elder who departed this life the 27th day of March 1680 in the 24th year of his age. (West end). Here lyeth interred the body of John Love ye son of John Love the younger who departed this life the 15th day of October 1683 in the 6th year of his age. (North). Here lyeth interred the body of Mildred the wife of John Love the elder who departed this life the 16th day of September 1679 aged about 54 years.
176. Sarah TILLMON died 29 April 1873 aged 39 years. Alice Rachel, daughter of the above died October 1874 aged 3 years.
177. Thomas ROBERTS died 4 July 1898 aged 39 years.
178. Ann, widow of the aforesaid Staple LOVE of this parish who died 17 February 1787 aged 81 years.
179. Staple LOVE died 30 March 1741 aged 46 years. Elizabeth, wife of Staple Love died 13 September 1728 in ye 26th year. Left issue 3 children, Robert, Thomas and Mary. Mary their daughter died January 1725.
180. Silas JURY died 8 January 1892 aged 67 years. Emily his wife died 27 December 1890 aged 65 years.
181. William CHITTENDEN of this parish died 12 August 1872 aged 72 years. Sarah his wife died 13 March 1881 aged 81 years. William, eldest son of the above died in London 17 April 1877 aged 51 years.
182. John, 2nd son of William and Sarah CHITTENDEN of this parish died 10 August 1870 aged 43 years leaving a widow and 4 chidlren, viz: John Henry Alice Mary, Emma Susan and Marian.
183. Alfred CHITTENDEN died 30 August 1879 aged 45 years. Emily Chittenden his wife died 23 March 1920 aged 85 years.
184. (Gone) late of ….. / departed this life 28 March 17—(?7 or 36) aged 65 years.
185. Mary Ann WIMBLE died 14 May 1911 aged 58 years. Jonathan Wimble died 17 December 1919 aged 70 years.
186. Thomas CHITTENDEN died 1 November 1845 aged 65 years. Anne his 3rd wife died 21 November 1834 aged 51 years. Near are William and Elizabeth Chittenden, parents of the above Thomas Chittenden.
187. John SELVES of this parish died 6 December 1827 aged 36 years. Leaving Catharine his wife and 3 children, Eleanor, John and Sarah.
188. George ADAMS died 10 October 1913 aged 76 years.
189. (By chancel wall). In m….. of …as WARD (?) of this parish died November 18- aged 82 years. Issue 3 sons and 4 daughters viz: John, Thomas ….. (gone).
190. Here lieth the body O F IAM / esluei ….. o / …………..o / ………….1659 / ….abeth / Dav / ……. of ames / Luen.
191. Charles FOWLE died 29 November 1898 in his 73rd year. Ann his wife died 17 December 1908 in her 79th year.
192. John BARNES of this parish died 12 January 1885 aged 73 years. Harriett his wife died 19 March 1869 aged 57 years. Alfred, son of the above died 23 April 1850 aged 17 years.
193. Thomas Collins RICHARDS of this parish died 26 November 1883 aged 57 years. Catherine his wife died 26 June 1889 aged 60 years.
194. William COUCHMAN died 4 March 1914 aged 79 years. Mary his wife died 24 April 1911 aged 78 years.
195. Sarah wife of John MANWARING of this parish died 17 December 1787 aged 53 years. Left issue 4 sons and 2 daughters, John, Thomas, William, Stephen, Sarah and Susanna. Also the above John Manwaring of this parish died 23 April 1793 aged 68 years.
196. Susanna LEDGER, late of Headcorn died December 17 1794 aged 80 years. Left issue 2 sons and .-. daughters, John, Stephen, Mary and Lydia.
197. (Cross). Eliza Esther RUSSELL died 2 October 1904 (no age).
198. Mrs Martha COURT died 18 December 1899 (no age).
199. John RUSSELL, son of George and Mary Russell died 22 April 1885 aged 39 years.
200. Edwin, 7th son of George and Mary RUSSELL died 19 September 1881 aged 31 years.
201. Arthur, youngest son of George and Mary RUSSELL of this parish died 31 July 1869 aged 17 years. Mary Ann their daughter died 12 March 1878 aged 37 years.
202. Mary, wife of George RUSSELL of this parish died 8 April 1859 aged 48 years. The above George Russell died 30 January 1878 aged 71 years, leaving 8 sons and 5 daughters, Martha, Amelia, George, Mary Ann, Alfred, Thomas, John, William, Walter, Edwin, Arthur, Clara-Elizabeth and Eliza-Esther.
203. Eliza, wife of Edward SMART died 1 February 1867 in her 44th year.
204. Sarah, wife of Edward CLARKE of this parish died 25 September 1817 aged 65 years. Left surviving one daughter, Fanny.
205. George SISLEY died 21 October 1891 aged 56 years. Mary Ann his wife died 8 December 1907 aged 67 years.
206. Eastern Portion (Cross). Harriet OTTAWAY died 19 July 1843.
207. Thomas Beaumont HUDSON, gent died at Staplehurst 11 October 1866 aged 85 years. Elizabeth, widow of the above died at Stoke Newington, Middlesex 7 November 1877 aged 85 years. Interred at Highgate Cemetery.
208. (Cross) Charlotte Elizabeth GLOVER died 15 August 1868.
209. (Cross, head) Henry HOARE who gave himself continually to the work of promoting that unity for which his Lord prayed "That they all may be one". Died 16 April 1866 aged 58 years. Mary his wife, 3rd daughter of Charles, 2nd Earl of Romney died 23 February 1871 aged 59 years.
210. (Cross) Cecilia Elizabeth HOARE aged 23 years died March 20 1863.
211. (Cross) Marianne STAMMERS beloved nurse for 79 years in the family of Mr and Lady Mary Hoare, born 4 October 1821, died 30 March 1917.
212. Archibald Fitch BROOKER died 30 March 1896 aged 12 months. Ivy May Brooker died 24 February 1900 aged 7 months.
213. William BARNES, late of Maplehurst, Staplehurst born 20 January 1826, died 3 February 1906, leaving 5 sons and 5 daughters.
214. Henry BARNES of Exhurst, Staplehurst, 3rd son of the late William Barnes of Maplehurst, died 11 May 1886 aged 55 years, leaving a widow, one daughter and 4 sons. Jane Barnes his wife died 13 March 1909 aged 73 years.
215. (Cross) John Anthony KEYS, I.N. died 24 November 1895 aged 79 years.
216. (Cross) William DAMANT died 4 November 1896 aged 58 years.
217. (Large old altar). South side Also he body of Anne VINEY wife of Thomas Viney. She died April 27 1737 aged 59 years. East end. To the memory of Thomas B….. son of I.Chd and Ann B….. who died …… 1756 aged ….. years. Top. Long inscription of about 21 lines but only a word here and there can be read ………….hopes of / ….. / ….. / …..Buichi (?Burch) / / / Richard ….. died / May ….. 7- years / he …. ho / ….. widow with 4 children, Gho, Richard, James and Ann. North side. Thomas VINEY, butcher died 19 March 1737 in the 65th year. Left issue 2 sons and one daughter, Thomas, William and Ann.
218. Jane, wife of Caleb MANKLELOW died 5 February 1892 aged 52 years.
219. Thomas HOW, late of Maidstone died 26 October 1821 aged 41 years. Mary his wife died 28 November 1809 aged 31 years. Left surviving 3 sons, Thomas, William and John.
220. John KNIGHTLEY, surgeon of this parish died 11 February 1755 aged 91 years.
221. Mrs Sarah PIETERS widow, died 10 November 1852 aged 72 years.
222. Frances, daughter of Thomas DAWSON of Cranbrook died of the Smallpox February ye 12 1758 aged 27 years.
223. James George GARLAND youngest son of the late Nathaniel Garland Esq. of Woodcote Grove, Surrey and Michaelstone Hall, Essex died 3 September 1853 aged 28 years.
224. Louisa BARWELL late of Hornchurch, Essex died 9 May 1872 aged 68 years. A faithful friend of Henry WHITE of this parish, yeoman.
225. Robert VANE died 27 January 1880 aged 68 years. Susanna his wife died 7 November 1878 aged 66 years.
226. James BARTON, tallow chandler, late of Tenterden, son of Richard and Ann Barton of this parish died August 20 1763 aged 23 years.
227. Margaret Isabella, wife of John TOMSETT / died …….aged …. John Tomset / died ……2nd ………….(gone).
228. William TOMSETT died 1 December 1864. Also Mary his wife died 5 October 1861. Mary Tomsett, daughter of the above died 28 June 1856. (No ages).
229. William SPRATT died 1 November 1844 aged 67 years. Lydia his wife died 1 December 1841 aged 66 years. Left surviving 1 son and 3 daughters.
230. John SPRATT of this parish died 28 September 1795 aged 60 years. Mary his wife died 17 September 1777 aged 39 years. Left issue 6 sons and 5 daughters. Also Mary his 2nd wife died February 26 1804 aged 58 years. Left issue one daughter.
231. Robert SPRATT died 26 August 1829 aged 65 years. Elizabeth his wife died 2 August 1842 aged 75 years.
232. John CHEESMAN of this parish died 11 January 1858 aged 57 years.
233. (Cross) Julia OLIVER, wife of William Oliver schoolmaster, born 18 February 1841 died 24 January 1909. The above William Oliver died 20 October 1915 aged 71 years.
234. John REEVES of Chapman Farm in this parish died 18 October 1871 aged 62 years. Left surviving Ann his wife, 4 sons and one daughter. Ann his wife died 19 May 1892 in her 79th year.
235. Elizabeth, wife of John REEVES farmer of this parish died 30 August 1854 aged 74 years. The above John Reeves died 31 March 1862 aged 79 years. Left issue surviving 3 sons and 4 daughters, Sally, Emily, John, Rebecca, Mildred, Henry, Ann and Joseph.
236. Henry REEVES of this parish died 11 November 1867 aged 52 years. Elizabeth, wife of the above died 12 November 1860 aged 50 years. Elizabeth, daughter of the above died 5 October 1862 aged 21 years.
237. (Cross) Ellen Jane REEVES born 21 February 1848 died 17 January 1888. Susannah Ely born 8 December 1846 died 19 October 1906. Matilda L. Reeves died 18 October 1911 aged 59 years.
238. Susannah, wife of John REEVES miller of this parish, died 29 June 1857 aged 33 years, leaving 4 surviving children, one son and 3 daughters. The above John Reeves died 31 March 1878 aged 73 years.
239. John BACKHURST of this parish died 6 April 1763 aged 63 years. Also Ann his wife died 27 September 1768 aged 80 years. Erected by Elizabeth Backhurst their daughter.
240. Mary Ann BIXLEY died 29 November 1897 aged 80 years. William Bixley died 1 April 1903 aged 88 years.
The remaining stones, 238-240 in number are all recent.
242. (Cross) Edward Glyndwr HANMER born 10 November 1901 died 17 March 1917 aged 15 years. Alexander John Hanmer M.C. 2nd Lt. Buffs born 10 May 1896, wounded near Pozieres in the battle of the Somme 3 August 1916, died 7 October 1916 aged 20 years. Buried in the cemetery of Saint Sever, Rouen. Sons of John and Constance Catherine Hanmer of Saynden, Staplehurst.
243. George Fearns REYNER, D.D. 16 years Rector of Staplehurst, previously fellow and bursar of St Johns College, Cambridge, born 12 November 1817 died 16 September 1892.
244. Sacred to the memory of my dear sister Fanny Maria SMITH, died 15 July 1917. (No age).
245. Mary Hannah, wife of Robert W- MANNERING died 6 July 1873 aged 60 years. The above Robert W. Mannering died 13 September 1892 aged 94 years.
246. (Curb) Agnes BARLING died 30 June 1907 aged 76 years.
247. (Curb) Laura Agnes STAPLEY died 13 September 1888 aged 21 years. Sydney Stapley died 21 June 1888 aged 17 years.
248. (Curb) William BROOKS died 15 April 1919 aged 82 years.
249. Isaac James GIBSON husband of Sarah Ann Gibson died 5 April 1915 aged 71 years.
250. Wilfred …..ippo, infant son of J.B. & M.A. NEWINGTON born 1 September 1883 died 23 July 1884.
251. (Cross) Bessie, wife of George R. WHITING died 3 March 1919 aged 43 years.
252. 2nd Lieut. Geoffrey Arnold NICHOLSON R.F.C. born 2 July 1896 accidentally killed 19 May 1917 flying at Hounslow aged 20 years.
253. James H…..(HODGES) parish yeoman who died ….00 aged 68 years. Also Ann, wife of the above James Hodges died December 30 1785 aged 51 years. Peter their son died ….. 1798 aged (?9) years. Also Mary died December ………
254. Jane YOUNG died 14 September 1884 aged 74 years. Erected out of respect for her and her husband Erastus Greenwood Young. Also Erastus Greenwood Young died 25 February 1890 aged 80 years.
255. (Part of an old altar tomb) / ….The Body of / …. late wife of / ….. reway of the / …. of ……urst, yeoman. / …. life the 15 / ….ebr …. in the yeare / …… Lord 1657. (?Faireway, see 256. ?Parish of Staplehurst)
255a. Ann, wife of Walter HODGES died March 1764 aged 58 years.
256. (Altar) South side Here lyeth interred ye body of Christopher FAIREWAY who departed this life the twentieth day of January Anno Dom. 1659. North side. Here lyeth intered ye body of Sarah, ?wife of John STEPHENS of this parish who departed this life ye twenty first day of February Anno Dom. 1664.
257. Benjamin FOX of Chatham who died July 24 1795 aged 21 years.
258. Michael FEARON late Hedcorn died 22 August 1893 aged 79 years. He served in the first China War and was present in all engagements, was a member of the Baltic Fleet 1854, served in the Naval Brigade in the Crimea 1855 and 1856. He was also Coxwain of Lifeboats. Decorations 4 medals 2 clasps. Also Eliza Fearon his wife died 11 March 1894 aged 72 years.
259. Edward ARTHUR of Meole Brace, Shropshire died 30 August 1878 aged 39 years. Sophia Jukes his wife died 24 September 1915 aged 83 years.
260. Ann Elizabeth, wife of William ALLINGHAM died 30 July 1881 aged 29 years. Also William Allingham died 4 June 1887 aged 41 years.William, infant son of the above died 7 November 1880 aged 4 months. Annie Elizabeth, infant daughter of the above died 15 September 1881 aged 11 weeks.
261. Elizabeth Jane, wife of Frederick Arthur POPE and niece of the late William Allingham of this parish died 28 September 1896 in her 27th year. (this and 2 last are in one curb).
262. E.W. Stanley JACKSON husband of Rose B. Jackson died 29 December 1919 aged 37 years. Curate of Staplehurst 1915-1919.
263. Edith Mary DANN died 9 December 1896 aged 16 years.
264. William SMITH of Little Wadd in this parish died 7 March 1829 aged 75 years. Hester his wife died 19 June 1845 aged 83 years. left issue Sarah Hannah, Susan Rebecca, William, Mary and Robert. Harriot, wife of Robert Smith died 27 June 1839 aged 28 years.
265. Joseph Monk SMITH for nearly 60 years a resident in this parish born at Burwash in Sussex 28 June 1777 died at Cranbrook 26 September 1862. Also Sarah his wife, born at Staplehurst 16 April 1794, died at Cranbrook 15 November 1869 leaving an only daughter, Sarah, the wife of W. TARBUTT of Cranbrook by whom this stone was erected.
266. (Large old altar). North side …… ED …. / ….. re lyeth … / -HAPMAN his daughter who departed this life August 10 1667. You that on this your eye dost cast /… this day to thee may be thy last / … in love and learne … / ….leve eternall … (12 Chapman's buried from 1632 to 1686 from Parish Register)
267. Mary, wife of John SMITH of Whitstable in this county died 26 April 1791 aged 39 years.
268. Rebecca WILSON died 24 January 1875 aged 69 years. Mary her sister died 24 September 1847 aged 32 years.
269. Stephen, youngest son of Stephen and Rebecca WILSON of this parish died on his 44th birthday 1 July 1889. Rebecca, sister of the above died 26 February 1839 aged 1 year 5 months.
270. John PLAYNE of this parish, victualler died ye 4 November 1745 aged 67 years. Ann his wife died June 1 1741 aged 52 years. Left issue 4 sons and 2 daughters.
271. Iden PLAYNE, son of John and Ann Playne of this parish died 24 April 1744 aged 26 years.
272. John COLLINS, born 23 August 1828 died 16 September 1886. William Collins, brother of the above died in America 6 September 1890.
273. Sarah GEORGE died 4 November 1887 aged 75 years. Elizabeth George her sister died 18 July 1888 aged 77 years.
274. Mary COLLINS of this parish died 4 September 1867 aged 70 years, leaving William and John. Also John GEORGE died 5 Marsh 1870 aged 70 years.
275. George GEORGE of this parish died 17 August 1841 aged 70 years. Milley George his wife died 23 December 1858 aged 85 years. Left issue 1 son and 4 daughters, John, Mary, Sarah, Rebecca and Elizabeth.
276. Benjamin SAMSON of this parish died 30 May 1861 aged 60 years. Rebecca his wife died 16 January 1889 aged 80 years.
277. William WILSON of this parish died 25 April 1892 aged 84 years. Frances his wife died 19 April 1868 aged 62 years. Jane, 2nd wife of the above died 5 April 1887 aged 78 years.
278. John CASTREET of this parish, yeoman died April ye 4 1717 aged 63 years. Thomas Castreet of this parish, brother of ye said John died 1 June 1713 in his 48th year.
279. Sarah WALLIS, wife of John Wallis of Cranbrook died August ye 17 1718 aged 51 years.
280. James Thomas HICKS died 21 January 1921 aged 62 years.
281. Maria COLLISON died 1 February 1918 aged 52 years.
282. William MATHEWS of this parish died 2 March 1804 aged 67 years. Frances Mathews his daughter died 9 November 1782 aged 5 weeks. Ann, wife of William Mathews died 30 November 1819 aged 76 years.
283. Elizabeth WORSELL, widow of the late James Worsell of Folkestone and eldest daughter of the late Stephen WILSON of this parish died 16 January 1895 aged 61 years.
284. Rebecca, wife of Stephen WILSON of this parish died 18 April 1889 aged 78 years. Also Stephen Wilson died 29 April 1894 aged 81 years. Left issue William, Elizabeth Rebecca, Henry, Mary Ann, Stephen, Frances and Jane.
285. Stephen WILSON died 15 January 1858 aged 85 years. Mary his 2nd wife died 17 December 1843 aged 64 years, leaving issue 3 sons and 2 daughters, Rebecca, William, Charles Stephen and Mary. (This and 2 last in one curb).
286. (Cross) Nancy Mary, beloved wife of Capt. Charles G.L. MARRIOTT, Queens Royal West Surrey Regt. and dear daughter of The Rector and Mrs BOURNE, died 16 December 1918.
287. John Collison MOSS died 22 March 1918 aged 57 years.
287a. J. BARDEN 1864 A. Barden 1865.
288. William HEATHFIELD of Cross -at-Hand Farm, Staplehurst died 1 May 1917 aged 21 years.
289. John READ died 17 August 1863 aged 45 years. Susan Read his widow died 1 July 1907 aged 87 years.
290. Ann, wife of Edward LONGWORTH of this parish died 15 February 1850 aged 53 years, leaving issue one son Henry Vilars. Also the above Edward Longworth died 23 October 1855 aged 66 years.
291. Robert WILMOT, gent late of the parish of Cranbrook died 27 January 1811 aged 75 years. Deborah his wife died 20 July 1816 aged 69 years.
292. John WILMOT died 1 September 1787 aged 14 years. Eliza Wilmot died 13 July 1788 aged 4 years.
293. …. the body / .f Robert son of / ..mes WILLS and Mare. / … wife who was / ….ed Febary ye ….(under grass). (Early 18th century. See 296).
294. Esther RICHARDSON C.R. Annie R. (c.1870).
295. James WILLS, junior died 12 February 1712 aged 27 years.
296. James WILLS died 14 January 1720 aged 84 years. Mercy his wife died 28 October 1718 aged 70 years.
297. Edward A…. (?Allen) of New Market, Cambridgeshire died October 1774 aged 29 years.
298. Grace, daughter of Joseph and Sophia VANN died 17 May 1875 aged 2 years 6 months. Rose Mary their daughter died 2 April 1878 aged 2 years 8 months. The above Joseph Vann died 31 December 1892 aged 61 years.
299. Sophia VANN died 1 December 1908 aged 64 years.
300. William TAMKIN of this parish died 9 January 1809 aged 32 years. William their son died June 4 1798 aged 5 weeks. Left surviving Susan his wife and issue 2 children, Ann and William. Susan his wife died 21 November 1846 aged 70 years.
301. Sarah, wife of John BOORMAN of this parish, victualler, died 4 November 1801 at the age of 28, leaving one daughter, Sarah. Ann their daughter died 14 December 1802 aged 1 year 11 months.
302. John CARPENTER of this parish died 14 February 1829 aged 52 years.
303. James CARPENTER of this parish died 12 November 1825 aged 73 years. Mercy his wife died 31 August 1817 aged 73 years. Left surviving 3 sons and 1 daughter, James, William, John and Charlotte.
304. James CARPENTER died of a fit 8 April 1837 aged 25 years.
305. Emma GURR died 18 August 1895 aged 20 years. William Gurr her father died 20 February 1911 aged 78 years. Alice Gurr his wife died 12 May 1916 aged 74 years.
306. (Flat) Thomas SIMMONS died 14 April 1865 aged 69 years, leaving a widow and one daughter. Harriet, wife of the above died 10 August 1882 aged 79 years.
307. (Cross) Sydney, husband of Laura HUISH died 12 October 1919 aged 66 years.
308. Flat in rails, covered with ivy.
309. Here lyeth ye body of William MAYO who departed this life August ye 30 1680 aged about 72 years.
310. Elizabeth, daughter of William MAYO and Mary his wife who departed this / ….. ……(under grass) (Buried 8 August 1690 – Register).
311. Daniel COLLISON of this parish died 18 April 1809 aged 54 years. Mary his wife died 9 June 1826 aged 69 years. Left issue 5 sons and 2 daughters, John, Daniel William, Thomas, Stephen, Mary and Elizabeth.
312. (Small). John LAW, son of Albert and Mary Law, born 18 January 1886 survived only 3 days.
313. Robert KITE of this parish, yeoman died 13 October 1823 in his 73rd year. Sarah his wife died 30 January 1838 aged 86 years.
314. Abraham KITE died 18 October 1757 aged 59 years. Had issue by Jane his wife 7 children of whom are dead Abraham. He died October ye 28 1745 aged 11 years. Esther died July ye 20 1751 aged 8 years. James, Sarah, Ann, Jane and Mary survive. Also Jane his wife died February 6 1780 aged 72 years.
315. Mildred WEEKS died 27 February 1900 aged 5 years.
316. William BOORMAN of this parish died 24 April 18(?2)- aged 78 years. Left issue 4 sons and 4 daughters, William, Thomas, David, Edward, Ann Susanna, Jane and Elizabeth.
317. Mercy, wife of William BOORMAN died 28 September 1750 aged 36 years. Also Jane his second wife died 2 May 1786 aged 6(?3) years. The above William Boorman died 9 January 1790 aged 70 years.
318. Rebekah, wife of John FORSTER of this parish died 18 August 1765 aged 48 years. The above John Forster died 1 July 1773 aged 66 years.
319. Roberto CROWTHER, late of this parish, gent, died May 29 1811 aged 84 years.
320. …lliam HAWKS…. nephew of Thomas BROMLEY of this parish who was s….. world of ….. June .. 1813 aged 25 years.
321. William BROMLEY … butcher died … (gone).
322. (Fine old altar) South side Here lieth ye body of Mary, daughter of William MAYO and Mary his wife who died September the 9th 1703 aged 22 years. Here lies a piece of heaven To thers above which shortly goes up to the world of love the brightest sweetest angells must conveigh this spotless virgin o’re the starry way that olittermo quire sings but a lisping song till she appear amidst the shining throng. North side. Here lieth the body of William Mayo who died March the 3rd 1698/9 aged .. years (?5 or 7 or 3). and 4 more lines.
323. Thomas COLLISON of this parish died 19 June 1781 aged 69 years. Also Ann his wife died 12 May 1784 aged 67 years. Left issue William, Thomas, Daniel and Mary.
324. Bertha PULLEN died 17 December 1891 aged 3 years.
325. Sally, wife of William ELY died 28 February 1904 aged 78 years. William Ely died 19 November 1908 aged 80 years.
325a. (Small cross) Sarah Veron RELF died 23 April 1888 aged 58 years.
326. Matthew BATES of this parish died July 23 1790 aged 65 years.
327. John STILL of this parish, miller died 4 November 1804 aged 70 years. Catharine his wife died 6 September 1804 aged 75 years. Left issue surviving 2 sons and 1 daughter, John, Thomas and Elizabeth.
328. Sander CHESMER miller died April 22 1774 aged 69 yers. Catharine, wife of Sander Chesmer of this parish died ….. 1764 aged ?55 years. Left issue 5 children, Catharine, Ann Elizabeth, Mary and Alexander.
329. David CRAMP died 27 August 1866 aged 80 years, leaving a widow and 3 children, Clement, Susannah and Fanny. Susanna his wife died February 15 1876 aged 86 years.
330. Robert SHOOBRIDGE died 7 November 1893 aged 70 years. Mary Ann his wife died 14 February 1914 in her 89th year. Kate, youngest daughter of the above died 14 July 1916 aged 50 years.
331. F.J. WATERS (no date, modern).
332. Joseph REEVE of this parish died 2 July 1792 aged 75 years.
333. William WILLSON died 14 January 1893 aged 67 years.
334. (Head to curb). William FARMER died 1 February 1919 aged 69 years.
335. John BEESLEE? of this parish miller, died May 20 1810 aged 63 (or 8).
336. Thomas BESLEE of this parish died 11 January 1778 aged 63 years. Ann his wife died – December 1789 aged 71 years. Left issue John, William, Richard, Thomas Ann and Mary.
337. George HUGGINS died 15 May 1857 aged 36 years. Martha his wife died 20 February 1852 aged 33 years. Left issue 2 sons, Amos and George.
338. Ann TOMSETT died 27 February 1894 aged 63 years. Ellen Tomsett her sister died 12 September 1920 aged 73 years.
339. Henry TOMSETT of this parish died 23 January 1863 aged 60 years. Charlotte his daughter died in infancy. Maria his daughter died 1 March 1859 aged 15 years. Left surviving a widow, 2 sons and 6 daughters. Also Ann his widow died 25 November 1889 aged 83 years.
340. (Only a letter or two left, early 19th century. At bottom ‘aged 69 years’)
341. Charles INGRAM of this parish died 28 September 1842 aged 69 years. Susannah his wife died 16 April 1822 aged 38 years.
342. (Wooden cross). Mary Ann SIMMONS died 12 November 1920 aged 69 years.
343. Alexander ROLFE which deceased the 4 day of August in the year 1654 being of the age of 6(?8) years. (Son of Elias Rolfe – Register).
344. James PARKER of this parish died January 13 1772 aged 6(?4) years. Mary his wife died 13 May 1779 aged 73 years. ?One son and 3 daughters John, Mary, Elizabeth and Martha.
345. William STILL of this parish died 9 March 1830 aged 40 years. Martha his wife died 17 January 1837 aged 57 years. Also of their sons and daughters John died 28 November 1816 aged 5 months. Alfred John died 8 February 1818 aged 9 weeks. Charles Thomas died 23 November 1822 aged 3 years. Mary Osborne died 9 October 1832 aged 11 years. Left surviving 1 son and 1 daughter, Frederic William and Eliza Ann.
346. (Altar). North side Mrs Elizabeth PARKER of Little A.. hurst in this parish who died April … aged ..?74 years. (? Aydhurst).
347. Harriett Garland WAGHORN died 22 July 1920 aged 65 years.
348. Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of John and Emma HOPE of this parish died at Mote Farm, Marden 12 July 1879 aged 4 years 8 months. Also Thomas their son died 20 December 1882 aged 13 months.
349. George HOPE of Chickhurst Farm in this parish died 13 December 1888 aged 69 years. Sarah Loudwell his wife died 8 October 1886 aged 65 years. Left issue 4 sons, George, Stephen, John and Thomas. Also John George, eldest son of John and Emma Hope and grandson of the above died 2 October 1886 aged 13 years.
350. George HOPE died 25 July 1896 aged 50 years. Harriett his wife died 10 August 1895 aged 45 years.
351. Sally, wife of John WEBB of Spills Hill died 13 December 1895 aged 78 years. The above John Webb died 3 July 1906 aged 85 years.
352. Emily Ann, daughter of John and Ann SIMMONS of this parish died 13 May 1841 aged 17 years. Ann, wife of the above John Simmons died 17 January 1865 aged 61 years. John Simmons died 15 March 1874 aged 74 years.
353. John, son of J. WARD 1850.
354. E. WARD 1847.
355. J. WARD 1878.
356. E.W. PETLEY born 6 August 1833 died 1 May 1891.
357. J. WARD 1869.
358. E. WARD 1866.
359. Susanna, wife of James WARD died 13 April 1816 aged 44 years. Left issue surviving 2 sons, James and John. John their son died 28 June 1809 aged 13 months. Elizabeth his second wife died 1 September 1847 aged 63 years from whom he had one daughter, Elizabeth. The aforesaid James Ward died 29 December 1849 aged 79 years.
360. (Monument) James WARD of this parish died 16 May 1869 aged 58 years. Emma his wife died 4 August 1866 aged 59 years, leaving issue
Elizabeth and Albina. Isabella Susanna Dorcas, 2nd daughter of James and Emma Ward died 4 June 1832 aged 1 year. Emma eldest daughter of the above died 11 February 18(?56) aged 26 years. - John Ward of this parish died at Sutton Valence 19 April 1878 aged 64 years. Elizabeth Ward PETLEY died at Oving, Sussex 1 May 1891 aged 57 years.
361. Thomas EDSELL, husband of Ann Edsell died 24 January 1849 aged 70 years. Ann Edsell died 17 February 1855 aged 78 years. Left issue 2 daughters, Ann and Hester.
362. Richard REEVES late of this parish died 30 March 1803 in his 70th year. Left issue 3 sons and 2 daughters, Richard, William Samuel, Elizabeth and Mary. Elizabeth his wife died 2 September 1811 aged 68 years.
363. Richard REEVES of this parish, builder died 29 April 1831 aged 59 years, leaving issue 5 sons and 1 daughter, Thomas, William Alexander, Richard, John, Henry and Elizabeth. Susannah his wife died 12 August 1843 aged 72 years. Richard their son died 2 August 1798 aged 5 years. Mary their daughter died 24 June 1812 aged 19 days.
364. Richard WOORE of this parish died 21 October 1820 aged 74 years. Elizabeth his wife died 18 June 1826 aged 78 years. Left surviving 4 daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah (?Ann) and (?Lucy).
365. Mary, wife of William REEVES died 6 January 1850 aged 70 years. The above William Reeves died 28 January 1853 aged 73 years. Also 3 of their daughters, Mary Whyman died January 1847 aged 40 years. Susan Reeves died April 1833 aged 20 years. Elizabeth Ashby died September 1838 aged 30 years.
366. Mary Ann, wife of Jesse CHAINEY of this parish died 21 January 1844 aged 64 years. Left surviving 3 sons and 2 daughters, John, Sarah, Jesse, Martha and Charles Lambert. Jesse Chainey died 5 July 1857 aged 81 years.
367. Jesse CHAINEY of this parish farmer, died 27 December 1794 aged 56 years. Sarah his wife died 6 February 1793 aged 42 years. Left issue 1 son and 2 daughters, Jesse, Sarah and Mary.
368. Mary Ann, daughter of Jesse and Mary Ann CHAINEY of this parish died 23 July 1822 aged 11 years. Harriet their daughter died 20 August 1837 aged 23 years and Sarah died an infant.
369. John BATES of this parish died 14 January 1866 aged 77 years. Ann, widow of the above died 30 October 1873 aged 86 years.
370. Thomas REEVES died 6 May 1778 aged 52 years. Catharine his wife died 9 October 1777 aged 45 years. Left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter, Thomas, Richard and Catharine. Catharine, daughter of Thomas and Catharine Reeves died 26 January 1783 aged 14 years.
371. Thomas SIMMONS of this parish died 27 January 1847 aged 75 years. Sarah his wife died 1 November 1853 aged 78 years. Left issue 7 children, Sarah, Thomas, Edward, John, William, Elizabeth and Mary Ann.
372. William SIMMONS of this parish died 6 June 1871 aged 83 years.
373. Thomas STILL, late of Bletchingly, in this parish died 13 November 1837 aged 76 years. Mary his wife died 9 July 1839 aged 74 years.
374. Geoge STILL of Bletchingly in this parish died 17 April 1869 in his 74th year. Mary Ann his wife died 20 October 1864 aged 55 years.
375. (Small cross). Thomas George Fry, beloved child of Thomas and Eleanor Fry STILL of Bletchingly in this parish died 28 November 1873 aged 5 months.
376. Isaac LEWIS, 21 years pastor of the Strict Baptist Chapel, Staplehurst died 29 August 1896 aged 73 years. Lydia Elizabeth his wife died 26 April 1907 aged 84 years.
377. Edward SIMMONS died 11 December 1822 aged 81 years. Mary his wife died 25 July 1841 aged 91 years. Left issue 4 sons and 3 daughters, Thomas, Edward, John, William, Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah.
378. John STILL died 22 September 1837 aged 50 years, leaving a widow and 3 daughters. Near is Francis John, son of the above who died 15 December 1822 aged 11 months. (Top part of other half blank) lower down is. Also Ellen Jane their daughter died 28 February 1839 aged 15 years after a lingering illness.
379. Harriet, wife of William SHOOBRIDGE died 21 October 1889 aged 64 years. The above William Shoobridge died 9 February 1896 aged 80 years.
380. Elizabeth HEPWORTH died 21 February 1868 aged 84 years.
381. Elizabeth, wife of John WEST died 8 December 1761 aged 58 years.
382. John HOPE of Cole Farm, Frittenden died 15 April 1913 aged 64 years, leaving Emma his widow, 2 sons and 3 daughters.
383. Hannah, wife of Robert MAY died 14 October 1898 aged 70 years. The above Robert May died 18 December 1902 aged 76 years.
(In church, in tower).
384. James LOVE, gent of this parish, died 22 October 1723 in his 37th year. He married Sarah, daughter of Robert and Hannah FREEBODY of Frittenden, gent, and had issue by her one son and 2 daughters, James, Jane and Sarah. Sarah, wife of James Love gent, died March – 17-1 aged 84 years.
385. Elizabeth, wife of James LOVE the younger of this parish died November 14 1746 in the 29th year. Had issue one daughter, Elizabeth. Also of the said Elizabeth Love who died 17 June 1773 aged 64 years.
386. (West end of nave). Robert LOVE, senior, of this parish died 22 May 1733 aged 57 years. Mary his wife died December ye 17 1723 aged 47 years. Left issue 3 sons and one daughter, Staple, John, Robert and Hannah. Sarah Love, wife of Robert Love junior died 13 May 1733 aged 33 years. Left issue 3 daughters, Mary, Sarah and Jane. Jane, daughter of Robert Love junior by Sarah his wife died 14 February 1733 aged 13 years. The above Robert Love died 1 April 1734 aged 33 years.
387. (West end of nave). Small. Elizabeth WOODEN, infant daughter of Robert Wooden and Maria his wife died November ye 28 1736.
388. The nave is new flagged. In centre a small stone: Mr C.E. SOLE died 28 October 1797 aged 41 years. Patient in tribulation.
389. (Mural north west end of nave). James OTTAWAY of this parish, gentleman died 19 March 1825 aged 41 years. Elizabeth his wife died 20 October 1812 aged 22 years. Elizabeth Ann Jane their daughter died 18 April 1849 aged 36 years. Thomas Watson, son of the above James Ottaway and Elizabeth his 2nd wife died 30 April 1824 aged 16 years. Elizabeth, widow of the above James Ottaway died at Salisbury 1 December 1866 aged 74 years.
390. (Mural brass, north wall of nave). Lce. Cpl. W. BUSS, Lce. Col. W. WIMBLE, Private J. CHANTLER, All C.Cy, 2 V.Bn, E.K.R., died in South Africa 1901 and 1902 Erected by Comrades and friends.
Before altar steps.
391. Under this stone lieth the body of the Revd. Robert PARRY, Rector of Staplehurst 1814.
392. Another. Under this stone lieth the body of the Rev. T. HORNBUCKLE, Rector of this Parish 1848.
In centre of Quire.
393. In expectation of a glad ressurection resteth the body of John CHAUNTLER who died 7 October 1666 aged 55 years.
394. (Next to last) Edwardus STACE vr May 11 15 do tibus Natus naturae et graliae Pietate …tis ..beralitate pauperibus ..tale prontate et prudentia te re subhoe … maii…(worn).
395. (Next to last) Another under north stalls sub … only first 3 letters of each of 4 lines and 3 lower down can be seen SVB / SA / MO / P.A. / HIC / MA / & F.
(North wall mural tablets).
396. Rev. T. HORNBUCKLE B.D. Rector of this parish for 22 years died 11 April 1848 aged 73 years.
397. (In vault beneath) Margaret WILLIAMS, niece of the Revd. Dr TAYLOR died 24 October 1775 aged 33 years. Beside his niece and friend John Taylor D.D. Rector of this parish upwards of 25 years died 30 December 1784 aged 77 years.
(Two north windows of choir)
398. Emma Harriet REYNER 1881 to her parents.
(East window)
399 To Henry HOARE and Lady Mary his wife 1882.
South Chapel
400 Stone partly under organ Thomas TOKE (?) Esq. ?late of Lodenden in this parish died 29 November 181- aged 73 years.
401. Fine altar tomb with brass of a lady. That of man and another woman, 2 shields, ?a Trinity and inscription and 2 boys and several girls gone.
(Her brass is very good ?H.VIII.)
(Mural, south wall).
402. Frances Margaret, wife of Nicholas Toke USBORN of Loddenden in this Parish died 13 February 1783 aged 26 years. The said Nicholas Toke Usborn died 20 November 1815 aged 73 years. Also the 3 sisters of the said Nicholas Toke Usborn. Hannah Maria Usborn died 10 April 1803 aged 71 years. Constance Usborn died 28 March 1805 aged 74 years. Ann Usborn died 4 February 1817 aged 78 years.
403. William USBORNE and Constance his wife after a union of 47 years. She died 21 January 1774 in her 70th year. He died 30 November 1784 in his 85th year. Left issue 1 son and 4 daughters.
404. Edward USBORNE Esq. of Loddenden in this parish died 9 July 1828 aged 70 years. Ann his relict died at Loddenden 30 April 1875 aged 82 years.
405. War memorial tablet of oak with names.
South Chapel. East end mural.
406. John DIAMOND of this parish, surgeon died 19 November 1800 in his 76th year. Ann, wife of Thomas WATSON and neice of the above John Diamond died 3 January 1802 aged 46 years. Left issue 3 daughters, Ann, Elizabeth and Harriet. The above Thomas Watson died 7 January 1848 aged 87 years and Harriet Watson his sister died 9 January 1833 aged 65 years.
407. Ann BARTON, widow of this parish. Richard Barton, yeoman, her son Richard Barton, yeoman, his son. Sarah his wife. Thomas Barton surgeon. Ann Barton, spinster and the ashes of an infant. (No date but ?c.1800).
Another mural south wall.
408. Thomas SIMMONS, gent of this parish died 2 August 1793 in his 78th year. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Usborne, gent, of Staplehurst. The said Elizabeth, wife of the above Thomas Simmons died 25 November 1822 in her 89th year.
Mural, south aisle.
409. (Brass). Alfred Stephen WOOD, MRCS died 7 May 1900 aged 76 years.
410. (another). Sarah wife of Alfred Stephen WOOD died 21 May 1886 aged 65 yers.
Mural, monument to the Hoare family.
411. Henry HOARE Esq. of Fleet Street in the City of London and of Mitcham Grove in Surrey died 15 March 182(?8) and deposited in the family vault at Morden in the above county. He was born at Bury St Edmunds in 1750 and in 1775 married Lydia Henrietta MALORTIE daughter and coheir of Isac Malortie, Esq. In 1777 on death of his mother Martha Hoare he succeeded to an estate in this parish which had formerly belonged to his father William Hoare Esq. and grandfather Richard Hoare Esq, eldest son and heir of the original possessor Sir Richard Hoare, Knight, who died in 1718. He had issue by Lydia Henrietta his wife 4 sons and 1 daughter, William Henry of Broomfield House in the parish of Battersea, Surrey who died in 1819, Henry Villars who died unmarried in 1822, George Matthew of Morden Lodge, Surrey, Charles James, Archdeacon of Winton and Lydia Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas Dyke-Acland, bart. of Killerton Park, Devon. William Henry married in 1807 the Hon. Louisa Elizabeth Noel, eldest daughter of Sir Gerard Noel Noel, bart. of Exton Park, Rutland by Diana baroness Barham, and had issue by her 3 sons and 3 daughters. The eldest of whom Henry Hoare Esq. succeeded to the family estates on the death of his grand father, and erected this monument.
412. Rectors of Staplehurst
T. Capell 1245
Henry de Northwode – 1288
Nicholas de Waleton 1288 – 1290
Roger de Lallingeston 1290 – 1295
Thomas de Somery 1295 –
Edmund le Strange 1348 –
Richard atte Broke 1379
John de Granteham 1379 – 1390
Walter Cudham 1390 – 1393
John Wotton 1393 – 1417
Walter Frost 1417 –
John Warrene – 1438
John Creke 1438 –
Walter Lee – 1473
Nicholas Wright 1473 – 1500
John Goodhewe STP 1500 –
Nicholas Toke – 1535
Richard Beseley SPT 1535 – 1557
Thomas H….
Richard Beseley STP 1558 - 1585
Edmund Culpeper 1585 – 1591
Robert Newman STP 1591 – 1612
John Browne 1612- - 1642
Christopher Blackwood 1643 – 1644
John Sloper – 1645
Henry Kent 1645 – 1650
Daniel Poyntell – 1662
Stephen Sowton 1662 – 1684
Joseph Crowther 1684 – 1719
John Bowtell STP 1719 – 1753
Michael Burton 1753 – 1759
John Taylor STP 1759 – 1785
Thomas Thomson 1785 – 1786
Harry Grove 1786 – 1806
Robert Parry 1808 – 1814
Joseph Gill (Varenne) 1814 – 1826
Thomas Waldron Hornbuckle 1826 – 46
Thomas Crick 1846 – 1876
George Fearns Rayner STP 1876 – 1892
James Slade ffoster Chamberlain 1893 – 1913
Charles William Bourne 1913 – 1920
John Schofield Clementson 1921 -
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
ALLEN ? 297
ALLINGHAM 260, 261
BARNES 192, 213
BARTEN 105, 107
BARTON 106, 111, 226,407
BATES 326, 369
BAYLEY 27, 35
BAYLY 26, 35-40
Beaumont 207
BEECHING 164, 165, 167
BENNETT 113, 152
Beseley 412
Blackwood 412
BOORMAN 301, 316, 317
BOURNE 286, 412
Bowtell 412
Broke 412
BROMLY 320, 321
BROOK 76, 77, 78
Browne 412
Burton 412
BUSS 8, 390
BUTCHER 86, 94, 98
H. C. 1805 G.C. 12
F.C. 116
Capel 131, 412
CHAINEY 366, 367, 368
Chamberlain 412
CHITTENDEN 181,82,183,186
Clementson 412
Cole? 97
COLLINS 272, 274
COLLISON 23, 281, 287,
311, 323
COUCHMAN 72, 73, 74,
173, 194
Creke 412
Crick 412
CROWTHER 319, 412
CRUMP 168, 171
CRUMPE 169, 170, 172
Cudham 412
Culpeper 412
DANN 263
DIAMOND 87, 406
Dyke-Acland 411
Earl of Romney 209
ELY 325
FAIREWAY 255, 256
FARMER 33,163, 334
Fearns 243, 412
Fitch 212
Foster 412
FOX 257
Frost 412
Fry 374
Garland 347
GEORGE 33, 273, 274, 275
Gill (Varenne) 412
Goodhewe 412
Granteham 412
Greenwood 254
Grove 412
GURR 305
HARRIS 129, 130
HINKLEY 153, 154
HOARE 92, 209, 210, 399,
410, 411
HODGES 253, 255a
HOPE 348, 349, 350, 382
HORNBUCKLE 392, 393,412
HOW 219
JOY 118
JURY 180
Kent 412
KEYS 215
KITE 21, 22, 23, 313, 314
M. L. S. L. 3a
Lallingeston 412
LAMBE 98, 103
LAW 312
LEDGER 80, 196
Lee 412
Loudwell 348
LOVE 174, 175, 178, 179,
384, 385, 386
MAY 383
MAYO 309, 310, 322
MERRALL 18, 19, 110
MORRIS 56, 57, 58
MOSS 287
Newman 412
Noel 411
Northwode 412
ORPIN 161, 162
Osborne 345
OTTAWAY 206, 389
E. P. 85
PARKER 344, 346
PARRY 391, 412
PETLEY 356, 360
PLAYNE 270, 271
POPE 261
Poyntell 412
Pullen 162
D.F.R. 24
Rayner 412
READ 289
REEVES 234-238, 362, 363,
365, 370
RELF 325a
REYNER 243, 398
Righton 141
ROBERTS 160, 177
RUSSELL 197, 199-202
SAMSON 108, 109, 276
Schofield 412
SHOEBRIDGE 44, 330, 379
SIMMONS 17, 47, 48, 60,306,
342, 352, 371, 372, 377, 408
Slade 412
Sloper 412
SMART 203SMITH 34, 127, 132, 244,
264, 265, 267
SOLE 388
Somery 412
Sowton 412
SPONG 13, 14, 15, 16
SPRATT 229-231
STAPLE 174, 178, 179
STILL 327, 345, 373, 374,
375, 378
Strange 412
E.T. 1
TAYLOR 50, 397, 412
THOMAS 62, 63, 67, 68
Thomson 412
TOKE 400, 402, 412
TOMSETT 227, 228, 338, 339
USBORN 100, 402
USBORNE 114, 134-138,
403, 404, 408
VANE 225
VANN 298, 299
Vilars 290
Villars 411
WAGHORN 7, 347
Waldron 412
Waleton 412
WALLER 41, 42, 43
WALTER 3, 4, 5, 6
WARD (?) 189
WARD 353, 355, 357-360
Warrene 412
WATTS 69, 71
WEBB 46, 158, 351
WEST 381
WILLIAMS 50, 397
WILLS 293. 295, 296
WILLSHER 123-125
WILMOT 291, 292
WILSON 268, 269, 277, 283,
284, 285
WIMBLE 148, 185, 390
WOOD 120, 121,156,409,410
WOODGATE 132, 133
Wotton 412
Wright 412
Places Index
Benenden 28
Bethersden 105
Black Heath, Worcestershire 55
Blindley Heath, South Godstone,
Surrey 56
Boxley 110
Brenzett cemetery 6
Burwash, Sussex 265
Broomfield House, Battersea, Surrey 411
Bury St Edmunds 411
Chart next Sutton 15, 69
Chatham 8, 257
Cranbrook 222, 265, 279, 291
Crimea 258
Dartford 99, 101
Exton Park, Rutland 411
Folkestone 283
Fritt Cole Farm, Frittenden 382
Frittenden 101, 384
Headcorn 51, 81, 196, 258
Highgate Cemetery 207
Hornchurch, Essex 224
Horsebridge 56
Hounslow 252
Hucking 174
Killerton Park, Devon 411
Iden 17
Little A.. hurst 345
Little Wadd 264
Loddenden 136, 139
Lodenden 400, 402, 404
Maplehurst 15, 213, 214
Newstead Farm 132, 133
Pagehurst 127
Saynden 242
Spills Hill 351
Saint Sever, Rouen 242
Salisbury 389
Sheerness 82, 128
Smarden 35
South Africa 390
St Johns College, Cambridge 243
Staple 75
Stoke Newington, Middlesex 207
Sutton Valence 360
Tenterden 226
Ulcombe 108
Whitstable 267
Willisborough? 93
Wol?field in Sussex 2
Woodcote Grove, Surrey 223General
2nd Lieut 242, 252
Baltic Fleet 258
Battle of the Somme 242
Buffs 242
Captain 286
East Kent Rifles, C.Cy,
2 V.Bn. 390
First China War 258
M.C. 242
Naval Brigade 258
Queens Royal West
Surrey Regt. 286
R.F.C. 252
wounded 242
butcher 217
cemetery of Saint Sever, Rouen 242
Clergy etc
Archdeacon of Winton 411
Curate 262
Minister 114
pastor 376
Rector 50, 243, 286,391,392
Rev 391, 392
Strict Baptist Chapel 376
Coxwain of Lifeboats 258
farmer 61, 28, 367
fellow and bursar 243
His Majesty’s Yard at Sheerness 82
miller 238, 327, 335
nurse 211
Officer of the Excise 101
schoolmaster 233
servant 141
shipwight 82
Smallpox 222
surgeon 11, 220, 406
tallow chandler 226
victualler 29, 31, 270, 301
wheelwright 110
yeoman 30, 111, 224, 253,
314, 407
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Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plans of location of gravestones in Staplehurst Churchyard
Plan of Southern portion of Churchyard
Plan of South Eastern portion of Churchyard
Plan of Northern portion of Churchyard
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1984. Revised 1999 and 2009
Leland Duncan’s 1922 MI additions compared 2013
1980 – 1983
Updated 1999, Revised 2009
Leland Duncan’s 1922 MI additions compared 2013
Pilot Officer JKG Clifton
Replaced 1/9/2009
Pilot Officer Georges Louis Joseph Doutrepont
Dedicated 15/9/2003
Added 2011