Some Monumental Inscriptions of Stelling Minnis Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Stelling Minnis Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Stelling Minnis Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1756. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In the Chancell.
1. In ye East Window, among ye broken Remains of good Painted Glass, the following Coat is yet to be seen.
[Gu. a lion rampt. erm. debruised by a Λ of (HARDRESS)].
2. Here is no Altar Piece; Nor any Inscription whatsoever, in ye Chancel. In The North Window is the Salutation well painted in Small Figures.
Body of The Church.
3. The three Windows toward ye North, have in Them The following Pieces in small Figures, very exactly represented. In ye First, from ye Belfry – St. …. and St. John ye Evangelist. In ye Second – The Holy Family – (The Little Jesus is carried by Joseph). In ye Third – An Arch Bishop & Jesus putting His Right Hand on ye Crown’d Head of a Man (sic) who sits by him; (Coronatn. of B.V.M.) in his Left Hand A Globe with a Cross on ye Top of it. In this Window is a vacant Place for another Figure, wch. was, as ye People told Me, a very elegant One of ye Blessed Virgin; wch. was Many years ago stolen from thence by a Glazier employ’d to mend ye Windows. Here is One flat Stone, not legible.
Side Isle.
4. In the East Window, wch. is an Incomparable fine One, are the above described Arms and the 2 following …[I. Or, 3 chevrons gu. "E. of CLAREd in modern pencil note]. (I take this to be the Coat of Clare E. of Gloucester – B.F.). [II. Az. crusilly gu (sic) (really or. A. Cant. 47.162 1935) a lion rampt. erm. debruised by a fesse gu].
5. In ye Centre of this Window is a very fine Crucifix; and amongst many other beautyfull Figures, are those of The Virgin (sic) (really Anne & B.V.M.) teaching Jesus (sic) to read, & St. Edmund; The Borders round ye Lights or Compartments, both of this, and ye East Window in ye Chancell, are composed alternately of Oak Leaves, Fleurs de Lis, and Lioncels passant guardant.
6. Under This Window On a Mural Monument is ye following Inscript. ye only One in ye Church. Here lieth ye Body of John ye Son of Thomas and Anne SPAINE. He died ye 23rd of April A. 1660. Aged 26 Years. Slepe on, Dear Friend, until ye Judg’ment Day,/ The Trumpet blows, Make Haste and come away,/ To meet with Christ, Who hath prepared for Thee,/ A Place of Life to all Eternity.
7. Here are three Flat Stones, none of which are Legible.
8. On an Head Stone in ye Church Yard. All such as do remain as yet, and live as these have done,/ Shall find ye Same as they have found, when once their Race is run.
9. This Church has a very Low Tower to it,
10. in which hang 3 Bells with ye following Inscriptions, except ye 1st wch. has None.
I. No Inscription.
2. Vox Sancti Austini sonnet in Arce Dei (sic for Aure).
3. Sanca Katharine Ora pro Nobis.
11. This Living is United to Gr. Hardress, and is in ye Gift of Sr. Wm. HARDRESS, Bart. The present Incumbent is Mr Thos. COBB. It is a Rectory, and was called St. Maries. 1756.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
Clare 4
SPAINE 6Places
Great. Hardres 11