Monumental Inscriptions of Thanington Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Tudeley Church
Monumental Inscriptions of St Mildred's Church, Tenterden
Monumental Inscriptions of Thanington Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Thanington Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
Chancell. Within ye Rails – ye 3 Following on Flat Stones.
1. Here lies Buried Millicent, One of ye Daughters, Coheirs of Henry GEE, Gentleman; First, Wife of William BLECHENDEN of Aldington Esq. Wife, Next, to Hieram BRETT, of Leeds Esquier. Lastly, Wife to Thomas BROWNING Gentleman. Aged 74 Years. Died Widow. 24 Octob. 1612.
2. (Gu. 3 arrows or, points downwd, headed arg.). Sub Hoc Marmore requiescit Corpus Caroli HALES Militis Qui Obijt Vicessimo Primo Die Martij Anno Domi. 1623/4. Aetatis suae 77.
3. (On a lozenge. Arg. a chevn. betw. 3 doves’ heads, rased az.). Here under resteth ye Body of Dame Anna HALES. Sometimes Wife to Sr. Charles Hales Knight, of Canterbury & Daughter of `Robert HONEYWOOD ye Elder of Charing Esq. which said Anna Deceas’d the 6th Day of July A.D. 1617. In ye 60th Year of her Age.
4. Without ye Com. Rails, on a Flat Stone with ye Brass Figure of a Man Armd. and ye 2 Following Coats.
(1). ¼ly 1&4). Erm. 5 bars gu. over all 3 scutchns. or. (2&3). ¼ly 1&4). Erm. on a fess 3 beehives(?). 2&3). A star of 6 points. (2). ¼ly 1&4). as 1&4 grand ¼s of No.I. 2&3). Arg. a chevn. sa. 1. Hic Jacet Thomas HALLE Armiger de Com. Kanc. qui obijt xxix die Mensis Septembris Anno Domini 1488 [sic for 1485]. Cujus Animae propietietur Deus. Amen.
5. Another Flat Stone under a Pew, but not to be read, tho fair.
6. Another Ancient Flat Stone – not Legible.
7. In the Middle of ye Gr. Isle – ye Arms lost. Here lieth the Body of Thomas HALES … He died the 28th Day of November A.D. 15../.
Side Isle – on 2 Flat Stones.
8. Here lies the Body of Mr Samuel KINGSFORD Gent. Who departed this Life March 14 1744/5. Aged 72. Also of Elisabeth Kingsford, Wife of ye abovesaid Samuel Kingsford. Who departed this Life. May 7 1745. Aged 73 Years.
9. Here lies the Body of Samuel, Son of Samuel & Elisabeth KINGSFORD his Wife of Tunford in this Parish. He died 10 October 1737 Aged 35 Years.
In The Church Yard
10. On ye Rails wch. encompass ye Graves of Dorothy BOTTING (twice Mayoress of Canterbury) and her Daughter Margaret, are ye following Verses. The Mother died in 1732. The Daughter in 1746. Gravely interr’d within these Rails/There lies at perfect Peace,/A Wife and Child; so very good,/When living I was Bless’t./ They rest in Hope, and so shall I,/To hear ye last Trump Sound./The Dead in Christ they will rise first/And quit this Earthly Ground./Close to My Mother am I laid,/Which was My Heart’s Desire;/That we with Hand in Hand may rise/To joyn the Heav’nly Quire./Remember well, and don’t forget/To keep the Sabbath Day;/For that’s the early Sin of all/That first Your Souls betray./None know what Death is, but ye Dead/Therefore keep Watch and Ward./Mark well Your Steps and how You tread./With Sinners don’t Accord.
11. On Another. Farewell, vain World, Iv’e seen enough of Thee;/I care not now what Thou canst say of Me./I value not Your Smiles, nor yet Your Frowns wont shun/Take Care lest Thou superiour Dangers run.
12. An Another. Betwixt my Husbanbd and My Son,/Death laid Me here, My Glass was run./And, all that cast an Eye this Way,/Prepare, Prepare, Make no Delay.
13. Here are Memorials also, of Isaac TERRY of St Jacobs, Canterbury, who died in 1637. & of James FISHER of London – Who died in 1684.
14. [The following is written at rt. angles, agst. outer edge of page]. The Windows have formerly had painted Glass in them, of which very little is now remaining. The Church is built of Flints, and the Chancel of Square [sic] Stone. The Tower, wch. is a very low One, is Cover’d with Tiles, and is built of Flints: in it are 3 Small Bells – 2 of them founded in 1624 by Joseph HATCH. The Other in 1633. In the Belfry is a very Ancient Grave Stone. As also Another in ye Church Yard, somewhat in ye Shape of a Coffin. This Church is dedicated to St. Nicholas. It is a Curacy, and in the Gift of – HONEYWOOD of Mark’s Hall, in Essex. The present Curate, 1757, is the Revd. Mr Wm. BRODRIP.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
HALES 2, 3, 7
TERRY 13Places
Aldington 1
Mark’s Hall, in Essex 14
Canterbury 10, 13
Charing 3
Leeds 1
London 13
Thanington Tunford 9General
Mayoress 10