Some Monumental Inscriptions of Westbere Church
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Westcliffe Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Waltham Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Westbere Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Westbere Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In The Chancell.
1. On a Flat Stone. [Az. on a bend or voided az. 3 ++lets fitchy or KNATCHBULL imp. Gu. a saltire or, on a chief gu. 2 piles ermine GILBERT]. Heere lyeth the Body of George Knatchbull, the Sonn of Richard Knatchbull late of Mersham Hatch Esq. which George married Joane the Daughter of Thomas GYLBERT, late of Sandwich, Gent. and dyed the xxiith of December 1619.
2. On Another Flat Stone. [(no tinctures) 3 otters in pale, each with a fish in its mouth GRAYDON imp. 2 bars, a leopd. in chief]. Sub hoc Tumulo requiescit Johannes Graydon Armiger, nuper de Fordvico, in hâcce Viciniâ; qui, Anno Domini, 1655 Londini natus, et, juvenilibus Annis, Vitam agens maritimam, ins Artibus quibus ad verum Honorem pervenitur, ad maximam Dignitatem gradatim, etc, quasi peditentim, provehebatur; cùm tandem sub Auspicijs Annae Reginae (felicissimae Memoriae) Vice Admirallus constitutus, Classi Regiae apud Indos Occidentales praeficeretur. Vir, sanè, Virtute, quâ se in Praelio gessit strenuâ; Clementiâ, quâ in Hostes devictos usus est, humanâ; Comitate in Vicinos urbanâ; et, in Regem Patriamq mirâ Fidelitate, clarissimus. Obijt 12 Martij, Anno Salutis 1726/7. Aetatis vero 71.
3. On Another. [3 lions rt. 2&1 (no tinctures)]. Here lieth The Body of The Revd. Decimus NEWMAN, Rector of this Parish; Tenth Son of Daniel Newman of Seal in Kent, Esq, by Anne his Wife, Daughter of John BEST of the City of Canterbury, Barister (sic) at Law, who married Mary, Daughter of George RICH of Seal in Kent, Gent, by whom he had Issue, Anna-Maria, Francis, John, and Thomas. He died June 17 1722 aged 61 Years.
4. On Another, on wch. are cut ye Figg. of 2 naked Children, joining hands. Here lie the Bodies of Thomas and Edmond GILBERT, Twins born the 19th of March An.Dom. 1639 deceased Anno Dominie 1640.
5. On Another …………./of Anne FITZGERALD eldest ……/ mas Fitzgerald Esquier ……../GILBERT of Westberer ……………/.
6. Five other Flatstones whose Inscriptions are lost. 1 of them has the Appearance of great Antiquity, and has a Cross raisd upon it.
7. Some Remains of good Painted Glass, in the East and ye North Windows.
8. The Arch between the Chancell and Body is supported by ye Figg. of a Man & a Woman in very odd Postures.
In The Body.
9. On a Mural Monument on The North wall. (Gu. a fess wavy ermne. betw. 6 billets or). In vicino Pulvere jacet Corpus Henrici TWYMAN de Rushborne, Generosi, qui duxit in Uxorem Annam Filiam Antinij HAMMOND de St. Alban’s, in Orientali Parte hujus Comitatus, ac ex quâ suscepit tres Filios, et quatuor Filias, quorum tres Filij. viz: Hammond, Henricus et Antonius; et tres Filiae viz. Elizabetha, Maria et Anna. Patrem suum supervixerunt. obijt Septemb. 11 Anno Salutis 1677. Aetatis 43. in cujus Memoriam Uxor maerens hunc Tumulum posuit.
10. On a very Neat Monument, on The East Wall. Here lieth The Body of Mr Hammond TWYMAN, late of Rushborne. He married Anne, Daughter of Mr Peter TOMLIN, Gent. of Updowne in The Isle of Thanet. By her he left 3 Sons, and 6 Daughters. He was distinguishe’d for his good Nature, Piety, and a Friendly generous Disposition. There hath been seldom found more good Qualities than he was possest of, in one Person. obijt 29 Feb. 1727/8. Aetatis 61. Near This Place lies the Body of Mr Anthony TWYMAN, who was Fellow of St. John’s College in Cambridge, and Master of The Revels in Ireland; Tutor to the late LORD HENCHINGBROOKE: Sometime after to the LORD FINCH, wth. whom he travell’d as his Governour. After his Return he travelled with the LORD BURFORD, The present DUKE of ST. ALBANS; LORD NASSAW PAWLET, LORD SPENCER, The present EARL OF SUNDERLAND; and Oliver ST JOHN, Esq. through Italy, Germany, France, Holland, and Ireland; being greatly esteem’d for his Learning abroad, and admired by all that knew him, at home. It pleased Almighty God, his Body here to rest and to mingle his Dust with his Ancestors. He died, 18 Sept. 1722. Aetatis 42. To The Pious Memory of My Honourd Father and much lov’d Unkle, this Monument was erected by Mr Peter Twyman, eldest Son to Mr Hammond Twyman. H. SCHEEMAKER & H. CHEERE.
11. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of Mr Daniel FAIRMAN late of Sturry Court, he died June 16 1729 aged 31 Years. He married Mary, Daughter of Hammond TWYMAN of Rushborn, Gent, whom he left surviving with 1 Son, and 2 Daughters. He sorrowfull Widow laid this Stone to perpetuate the Memory of a tender Father, and so good an Husband. If Virtue, Justice, and kind Neighbourhood,/If Truth, Sincerity, and what was good,/If Gentleman, and Yeoman, ever yet,/Center’d in anyone; In him They met.
12. This Church consists of The Chancell, Body, and a Small Vestry, at the North Side of The Chancell. In a small Wooden Steeple, at ye West End, hang 2 Small Bells, without Inscription.
13. It was dedicated to All Saints – and is a Rectory in ye Gift of The King.
14. The present Rector is the – viz. 1757. (added in another. hand) [Revd. Robert JENKIN since Charles ALLEN. AD 1780].
15. Mr Somner, in his Chartham News, informs us, that, an Iron Anchor, whole and sound, was found, deep in the Earth, in digging a Well here; as were also many Oyster and Cockle Shells.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
GILBERT 1, 4, 5
TWYMAN 9, 10, 11Places
Canterbury 3
France 10
Germany 10
Holland 10
Ireland 10
Italy 10
Mersham Hatch 1
Rushborne 10, 11
Sandwich 1
Seal 3
St. Alban’s 9
Sturry Court 11
Updowne, Isle of Thanet 10
Master of The Revels
in Ireland 10