Will of Nicholas Gybsonne otherwise Taillour of Eynsford, yeoman, 1528

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

Probate 26 June 1528 by Kateryn, relict.


12 Aprill 1528 Nicolas Gybsonne otherwise called Nicolas Taillour of Aynesforde in Kent, yeoman.

To be buried in the parish church of Aynsford in the chapell of Saint Kateryn with in the same church nygh unto the place where my mother lyeth buried. Unto Kateryn my wife all my goodes moveable as longe as the same Kateryn lyvith sole and if the same Kateryn doo mary than I will half my householde stuffe to Elizabeth and Mary my daughters equally. To the said Kateryn all such detts as Robert Atwoode owith unto me and all my lease of the manor of Hodsoll in Asshe the which I have in ferme of my lady priores of Holywell. I geve unto Maister Xfofer Halys, solictor unto the Kings grace all other my leses which I have with in the shire of Kent paying of the profits threescore pounds that is to sey to the marriage of Elizabeth my daughter £4 and to Mary my daughter £20 and if the forsaid Maister Xpofer Hales doo refuse to take upon him the payne and labor of the forsaid leses then Kateryn my wife. Unto Robert Wolryche my servant to help him towards the payments of his detts 26s.8d. Residue unto Kateryn my wife. Executors Maister Xpoper Halys and Kateryn my wife and Edward Johnson son of the yomen of the Crowne and John Notte of Aynesford overseers. To Edward Johnson my woodknyfe and John Notte my medley tawny gowne. Unto Nicholas Sybill, gentilman, a newe cote of Saye the whiche I late bought at London.

This is... of all my londs within the parishes of Farnyngham, Kyngesdown, Dartford and Meapham. I will Kateryn my wife name all my londes &c in Meapham and Kyngesdon and a tenement with the orchards and gardeyns in Farnyngham the which I bought of Mortymer of London, browderer, for terme of her life and I will it remaigne to Thomas my sonne. I will that Maister Xpoper Halys have the tenement or Inne called The Swanne of Farnyngham with all the londes and tenements thereto pereynyng with the stock of household stuffe and implements the which I had of my father therwith to fynde Thomas my sonne and to paye my detts and such detts as I did owe unto William Gybsonne my father for suche bargeyns and covemants as were bitwene William Gibson my father and me, and the said Xpoper Halys to have the rule and guyding until the tyme Thomas my sonne come to 21 yeres then I will the forsaid Thomas my sonne have all the forsaid londes except such as I have givyn unto Kateryn his mother for the terme of her lyfe. If he decease without heires then my brother John Gybson the younger of Farnyngham have the tenement or Inn called The Swanne with all the londes paying to my executors £120 and if he be not abill to pay the £120 then I will my brothers John Gybsonne of Heth and Richard Gybsonne have them and if they be not abill to make and pay the £120 I will my executors sell the forsaid londes and tenements in Farnyngham and the money thereof comyng I will £40 unto the daughters of the forsaid Thomas my sonne if he have any and if he dye without issue then the £40 to my daughters and £40 to my thre brothers in case that noon of them doo purchase the londes &c and the residue towards the reparacions of the church of Farnyngham and high wayes and other almes dedes. I will my brother John the younger have after my decease that tenement with the appurtenances called The George in Farnyingham with a wedowe plotte lying in Swanton Lane which I late purchased of the forsaid John my brother he discharging an obligacion of £6.13.4 wherin I stande bounde to the widowe of John Courtop of Cranebroke, yeoman.


Will of James Pekham esquire, 1532


Will of Reynolde Pekham the Elder Esquire, 1523