Viper, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

The medieval bestiary records that the viper is the most evil and cunning of all creatures.

It is said that both male and female snakes die when they have young, the female will die when the young bite their way out of the mother and the male dies when the female bites off its head when mating.



Vipera dicta quod vi pariat. Nam et cum venter eius
ad partum ingemuerit; catuli non expectantes
maturam nature solutionem corrosis eius lateribus
in erumpunt cum matris interitu. Unde lucanus.
Viperei coeunt abrupto corpore nodi. Fertur autem
quod masculus ore inserto vipere; semen expuat.
Illa autem ex voluptate in rabiem versa; capud ma-
ris ore recepto; precidit. Ita fit ut parens uterque pe-
reat. masculus cum coit; femina cum parit. De
vipera dicit sanctus ambrosius quia nequissimum
genus bestie est. et super omnia que serpentini sunt ge-
neris; est astutior. Dicunt quidam quod cum cupi-
ditate habet. progreditur ad litus maris.
et sibilo evocat murenam maritimam. Murena cog-
noscens vipere; adest. et cum vipera venenata; con-
iunctionem non abhorret. Sed cum murenam adven-
tare cognoscit; venenum evomit. ut marito ve-
nienti verecundata nuptialem gratiam deferat. Post
completum autem comunctionis offitum venenum
quod evomerat; assumit. Multo peiores

The viper is said to give birth by force. For even when her belly groaned in childbirth; the cubs, not waiting for the mature solution of their corroded sides, break out with the destruction of their mother. Hence Lucanus. The vipers join together by an abrupt body knot. Now it is said that the male whips with his mouth inserted; he spits out the seed. But she turned from pleasure into rage; the head of the sea was taken by the mouth; cut off Thus it happens that both parents perish. when the male copulates; when a woman gives birth Saint Ambrose says of the viper that it is the worst kind of beast, and above all that are of the serpentine kind; he is more cunning. Some say that when he is full of lust, he advances to the sea-shore and whistles to the sea moray. Murena knowing the viper; it is present, and with a poisoned viper; the combination is not unlikely. But when he knows that the moray eel is coming; she spews out poison, that she may bring the nuptial grace to her husband, who is coming in shame. But after the commissary was complete, the poison which he had vomited; assumes I see couples today that are much worse


vipera aut murena video esse hodie coniuges;
Mulier enim virum suum absentem non querit.
sed venena verborum pauorum in eum ef-
fundit; cum venit. Nomine igitur vipere signifi-
cantur demones. sive venenati et perversi ho-

vipers or moray eels. For a woman does not complain of her husband when he is absent, but pours out the poison of a few words on him when he comes. Therefore by the name vipers are signified demons, or poisoned and perverted men.