Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (Pre 1858) - Index of
I am grateful to Ted Connell for his
excellent index and hosting this work D.E. Williams, Borstal, Kent May 2022
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
Memorandum that
on or aboute the first daie of January in the yeare of our Lord one
thousand sixe Hundred Fifty and sixe* RICHARDBURGES then of
Chatham in the County of Kent Caulker being sick in body but of perfect
and disposing memorie and having an intent to dispose his estate did make
and declare his last will and testament nuncuputive in these words
following or in the like words to the same effect (that is to say) my wife
? being mee I doe give unto her all my
estate and make her my said wife my executrix in testimonie of the trusts
whereof wee ?
were ? att the
tyme when the said RICHARDBURGESS made his said will
and ? and
spoke I heard the words thereof as aforesaid or the like in effect and
heard him speak and utter the same
? here by so sett our hande JOHNFIDGEJANEFIDGE the mark
of MARGERYMARTIN the wife of WILLIAMMARTIN. Proved 20th September 1657. Administration granted
to JOHNFOWER and MATHEWHAUSH?, the executors
of ELIZABETHBURGES, who died without administering her
husband's will. *1657 in the Modern Calendar
Richard Day, 1658
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
Richard DAY
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this fifth day of February in the yeare of our Lord according
to the computation of the Church of England One thousand sixe hundred
fiftie and two * I RICHARDDAY
of Chatham in the County of Kent Caulker being in good health of body and
of sound minde and memorie (praised be God) Doe make and ordanie this my
last will and Testament In manner and forme following (That is to say)
Imprimis I
give and commende my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my merciful
Creator And my body unto the Earth from whence it came to bee buried
according to the discretion of the Executrix Whom I doe hereafter appoint
and nominate .
Item I give unto my Eldest Sonne JAMESDAY one shillinge to be paid unto him within A month after my
decease and buriall
Item I give and bequeath unto my Sonne WILLIAMDAY one shillinge also to bee paid in like manner within one month
next after my decease and buriall
Item I give unto my Sonne in lawe THOMASKIRBY one shilling To bee paid unto him within the like time of one
month next after my decease and buriall
Item all the rest of my goods ready money
Chattels and whatsoever doth belonge unto mee Fully and wholely give unto
my Deare and loveing wife SUSANDAY whom I doe hereby
nominate ordaine and appoint to bee the sole Executrix of this my last
will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written The mark
of the said RICHARDDAY Signed sealed and
delivered in the presence of us MARYHEAVYSIDETHOMASHEAVYSIDE
Proved 3rd September 1658
* 1653 in the modern calendar
John Ward, 1703
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
John WARD 1703
by these presents That I JOHNWARD of Chatham in
the County of Kent Caulker have and by these presents Doe make ordaine and
constitute my owne deare and loveing Wife ELLINORWARD of
Chatham aforesaid Housewife my true and lawful Attorny irrevokable for me
and in my name and for her use to aske demand and receive of and from the
right honorable the Treasur ot Paymaster of their Majesties Navy and
Comissioners for prize money and whom else it may concern as well all such
wages and pay bounty money prize money and all other sume and sumes of
money whatsoever as now is and which hereafter shall or may be due or
payable unto me persuant to their Majesties gracious declaration of the
23rd of May 1689 and also all such pensions
? smart money and all other moneys
? things whatsoever which now and at
any time hereafter is and shall be due to me for
? service or otherwise in any of their
Majesties shipps friggetts or vessels or any Merchant shipp or shipps as
alsoe to demand recover and receive of all other person or persons
whatsoever whom it doth or may concerne All and singular such other sume
and sumes of money goods chattels effects wages debts and claimes and
demands whatsoever which now and hereafter is or shall be due and payable
unto me either by bond bill book accompts or otherwise however And
moreover in my name and for my proper use to devise and lett by lease in
writing or otherwise all or any of my Messuages Lands or Tenements to such
person or persons and for such terme of yeares conditions and reservations
of my said Attorney or her councell shall thinke fitt and
? and hereby granting unto my said
Attorney my full and whole power in the premisses and recover and receive
all and singular the sume and sumes of money matters and things aforesaid
And upon non payment thereof or any part thereof all such person and
persons whom it may concerne and where needs shall require their Executors
Administrators and
? to sue arrest attack seize imprison
prosecute and condemn And to compound and agree and out of prison to
release and discharge and upon receipt of the said damages for me and in
my name to make seale and deliver And one Attorney or more to substitute
and at
? to revoke And generally to act doe
all other acts matters and things whatsoever needful ans necessary to be
done in and touching the premisses as fully and effectively as I ought or
could doe if I were personally present ratifying and allowing for ? and
valid and irrevokable all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully
doe or cause to be done in or concerning the premisses by virtue of these
presents And I the said JOHNWARD now considering the uncertainty of the transitory life do make
and declare these presents to contain my last Will and Testament that is
to say I give and bequeath unto my
owne dear Wife ELINOR WARD all and singular such wages sume and
sumes of money lands tenements goods chattels and estate whatsoever
wherewith at the time of my decease I shall be possessed
? or which shall then belong or of
right appertain unto me I give devise and
bequeath unto my said Wife ELINORWARD her Executors and
Assigns for ever And I doe hereby nominate
and appoint my said Wife ELINORWARD my said Attorney my
Sole Executrix of the same And doe revoke all former
Wills and Deeds of gift by me at any time heretofore made and doe ordaine
these presents to Stand and be for and as my my only last Will and
In witness whereof I have
hereunto sett my hand and seale the twenty eighth day of this present
December Anno Domini One thousand six hundred ninety one and in the third
yeare of the reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady William and Mary etc JOHNWARD Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of
Proved 21st July 1703
Phillip Cartwright, 1714
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
AMEN this twenty third day of October in the yeare of our Lord God
1709 I PHILLIPCARTWRIGHT of the parish of Chatham in the
County of Kent Caulker late belonging to her Majesties Ship the Salesbury
being in good and perfect health and Sound and disposing mind and memory
and not knowing how it may please God to deale with me But considering the
uncertainty of this present transitory ife doe make and declare these
presents to contain my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following that is to say First and principally I
commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping to be Saved through
the Meritts death passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ my only Saviour
And my Body to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God to order And as for my and
concerning all Such Wages Sume and Sumes of Money Lands Tenements Goods
Chattels and Estate whatsoever wherewith at the time of my decease I shall
be possessed or invested or which shall then belong or of right
appertaining unto me I do give devise and
bequeath unto my well beloved Sister MARYCARTWRIGHT if the
parish and County aforesaid Spinster and doe hereby nominate and appoint
the said MARYCARTWRIGHT Sole Executrix of this my last Will
and Testament and doe revoke all former Wills and deeds of Gift by me at
any time heretofore made and doe ordaine these presents to stand and be
for and as my last Will and Testament for ever Witness my hand and Seale
the day and yeare first above written PHILLIPCARTWRIGHT
Signed sealed published and delivered in the presence of DANIELCRESSWELLJNORICHARDSJOHNFEATHERSTONE
Proved 3rd December 1714
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
AMEN I JOHNDAVIS of Chatham in the County of Kent
Caulker being in bodily health and of sound and disposing mind and memory
and considering the perils and dangers of the Seas and other uncertainties
of this Transitory Life (do for avoiding controversies after my decease)
make publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner and
form following that is to say First I recommend my Soul
to God that gave it and my Body I commit to the Earth or Sea as it shall
please God to order And as for and concerning
all my Worldly Estate I give bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth
(that is to say) all and Singular such pay Wages sum and sums of money
Lands Tenements Goods Chattels and Estate whatsoever as shall be any waies
due owing or belonging unto me at the time of my Decease
I do give devise and bequeath
the same unto my loving Wife ELIZABETH And I do hereby nominate and
appoint her executrix of this my last Will and Testament and hereby
revoking all former and other Wills Testaments and Deeds of Gift by me at
any time heretofore made and I do ordaine and ratify these presents to
stand and be for and as my only last Will and Testament In Witness whereof to
this my said Will I gave sett my hand and Seale the one and Twentieth day
of August in the second Year of the reigne of our Sovereign Lady Anne by
the Grace of God Queen of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of
the Faith etc Anno Dni 1703 The mark of the said JOHNDAVIS Signed Sealed and Published in the presence of us CHARLESANNOTTANNAANNOTTEDWARDCODD Attorney in Chatham
Proved 10th February 1714 *
* 1715 in the modern calendar
Edward Kennett, 1753
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I EDWARDKENNETT of Chatham in the County of Kent
Caulker now Caulker's mate of the Exeter India-man being of sound
and disposing mind and memory do hereby make this my last Will and
Testament First and principally I
commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping for remission of all
my Sins through the Merits of Jesus Christ my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer
and my Body to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God And as for such worldly
Estate and Effects which I shall be possessed of or intitled unto at the
time of my decease I give and bequeath
the same as followeth that is to say I will and bequeath all my Estate
both real and personal unto my Trusty Friend WILLIAMTRATTLES*
of Chatham Caulker And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint him my
aforesaid Friend WILLIAMTRATTLES of Chatham my whole and
sole Executor of this my last Will and Testaments And I do give and
bequeath unto my said Executor all the rest and residue of my Estate
whatsoever both real and personal hereby revoking and making void all
other and former Wills by me heretofore made and also declare this to be
my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my Hand and Seal this second day of December in the year of
our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty one and in the twenty fourth
Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George by the Grace of God of
Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc EDWARDKENNETT Signed sealed published and declared by the said EDWARDKENNETT as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence of
Proved 18th June 1753
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
AMEN I JOHN SLEMARKE of Chatham in the County of Kent Caulker
being of a perfect mind and memory tho' in a languishing state of Bodily
Health Do constitute this my last Will and Testament And do desire it may
be received by all as such
First I do most humbly give
up my Soul to God my maker hoping in the Merits of my Redeemer to be
accepted of him and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the
discretion of my Executrix hereafter named and as for my Temporal Estate
and Effects of what kind soever I am possessed of I give and bequeath of
them in the following manner
Imprimis to my Dearly
beloved Son JOHNSLEMARKE I give and bequeath my silver
watch likewise Ten pounds which I stand possessed of in the three per
cents to be reserved for his use and benefit due to my dearly beloved Wife
Sixty pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain that is now in the three per
cents ? for my Son as
before said Ten pounds lawful Money of Great Britain likewise to my Wife
all my Household Goods Linen China Plate Debts and moveable Effects of
what kind soever or wheresoever
I also give to my aforesaid
Wife all and Singular such Wages or Sums of Money that shall be due to me
at the time of my decease for her own use and benefit
I likewise constitute make
and ordain my aforesaid Wife whole and Sole Executrix of this my last Will
and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and all and every
other former Wills Testaments Legacies bequests and Executors by me in any
ways before named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and
no other to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and Seal this 1st day of March 1788 and in the 28th
Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third King of Great
Britain etc JOHNSLEMARKEX his mark Signed
Sealed published and declared to be his last Will and Testament on the Say
of the Date on the other side in the presence of us who have hereunto
Subscribed our names as Witnesses in his presence and at his request Witnesses THOSBUTLER? A. W.HODGESJOHNBARNABY Proved 18th March 1788
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
AMEN I HUGHGRESTOCK of the Parish of Chatham in the
County of Kent Caulker do make this my last Will and Testament I Give and Bequeath unto SARAHGRESTOCK my Wife all my property of what kind soever to have and to
hold the term of her natural life and One hundred and ten pounds seventeen
shillings and six pence between Mr ISAACWARNER and Mrs SARAHKENNET together with all the Plate to be by them divided after the
death of SARAHGRESTOCK my Wife the furniture to be divided
after the death of my Wife
In Witness whereof we the parties under mentioned have set
[our] hands this 20th of May 1801 HUGHGRESTOCKTHOMASNOKESRICH. PEMBLE
Proved 17th September 1801
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
Rev Peter
of me Reverend PETERBIDWELL of Chatham in the County
of Kent Caulker
First I direct that
all my just debts be fully paid and satisfied
And I do hereby give
devise and bequeath all that my leasehold messuage or tenement with the
appurtenances thereunto situated in Best Street Chatham in the County of
Kent unto my dear wife ELIZABETHBIDWELL for her sole use
and purpose and to dispose of as she may think proper and likewise All
monies or debts that may be due to me at my decease with all my household
goods and chattels to her ELIZABETHBIDWELL sole use and
purpose hereby revoking all former Wills do declare this only to be and
contain my last Will and Testament whereof
I have hereunto set
my hand and seal this fifteenth day of June One thousand eight hundred and
fourteen PETERBIDWELL Signed and sealed in
the presence of us who subscribe our Names as Witnesses hereunto FRANCISCHURCH Sen. RICHARDECCLES Sen.
Chatham Kent Proved 13th November 1828. PETERBIDWELL
was formerly of Chatham but late of Brasted, Kent
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
THOMAS DANIEL Caulker of the Parish of Chatham in the County of
Kent being of sound mind do make this my last will and testament
I hereby constitute
and appoint JOHNBAILEY (my son in law) and THOMASBARTON
of Chatham my joint Executors and at my decease I have to request them to
see me decently buried and pay all my funeral expenses
I wish as soon as
possible after my decease that my executors will divide the whole of my
property (except the three shares in the Medway Shipping Company) which
consists of household furniture plate linen and securities for monies into
four equal shares & give them as follows
(my son) half my wearing apparel furniture looking glass two mahogany
tables clothes chest silver tea tongs
MARIARELF (my daughter) bedstead and
hangings wainscot table fire irons half my wearing apparel hearth rug and
silver milk pot
ELIZABETHBAILEY (my daughter) bed and
bedding picture and two silver table spoons
ELIZABETHFURREL?, (my grand daughter) the
carpet chairs wash handstand and tea spoons
The three shares in
the Medway Shipping Company I hereby give as follows One share to my above named son FREDERICKDANIEL One share to my daughter MARIARELF
and One share to my daughter ELIZABETHBAILEY
In the event of
either of my daughters (MARIARELF and ELIZABETHBAILEY)
dying before me I give and bequeath
their respective shares of every description of property whatsoever to
their two husbands JOHNRELF and JOHNBAILEY
or their heirs
Signed sealed and
declared by the testator THOMASDANIEL this 21st day of
December 1840 in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names
Affidavit 26th August 1841 JOHNBAILEY of 7 Adelaide Terrace, New Road, Chatham, a
Police Officer in H.M. Dockyard, Chatham is sworn on oath. He states that THOMASDANIEL was a Superannuated Caulker at H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. He
confirms that he was present when the witnesses, who at the same time the
testator signed the will, added their names to the will as witnesses.
Proved 1st September 1841
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
Thomas DUCKE
Somewhat confusingly there are 2 wills
for Thomas Duck, with slightly different probate dates. They seem
identical, so I have chosen the clearest one
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this twenty five of September 1638 of ye fourteenth yeare of ye reigne of our
Soveraigne Lord Charles by ye grace of God King of England Scotland France
& Ireland defender of ye faith etc ITHOMASDUCKE of Gillingham in ye Countie of Kent Ms Caulker
of England being very weake & sicke in body but of sound & perfect
memory praised be god doe make & declare this my last Will &
Testament in manner & forme following that is to say
First & above all
things I commend my Soule into ye handes of almighty god my maker &
blessed redeemer my body to ye earth to be buried after ye manner of Xtian
Item I give &
bequeath unto my daughter MARYDUCKE unto my other children
what god pleaseth by reason unborne man or woman I give bequeath unto
these my heires all ye Landes tents & hereditaments whatsoever being
in Upchurch ?
? after ye death of ELIZABETHBLESSENDEN
equally to be devided to them & likewise ye Longer Lived of these my
heires to ?
? ?
? executors to fell trees for
ye ? repair of ye said
house barne & stables & noe other use whatsoever further more I will &
ordaine that my executors hereafter named shall layout or purchase so much
Landes as shall be bought for ye full sume of three hundred and four score
pounds which I give unto my wife MARY during her naturall life
& after her decease to ye heires of my body Lawfully begotten &
for want these heires unto the heires of me THOMASDUCKE
Item I will &
bequeath unto my well beloved Mother MARYDUCKE XX pounds to
be paid within 6 months after my decease
Item I bequeath unto
pounds apeece to be paid within 6 months after my decease by my executors
And likewise for my
wife her goods which she brought to be disposed to her & her childe
& my other goods to be disposed to my childe MARYDUCKE
I ordaine RICHARDGARDINER & MARY my wife to be my executors of this my
last Will & Testament & moreover I ordaine my Mother MARYDUCKE
to have my Cosyn ELIZABETHBLESSENDEN in her Keeping during
her naturall life & to receive ye rents & proffitts of ye same
house & Land att Upchurch Keeping of it in good repaires & after
ye death of my cosen BLESSENDEN to my heires aforesaid provided
alwaies that my said Mother is not to sell my timber but for ye repaires
of ye said house ? In Witness [thereof] I have hereunto sett my hand
& seal this 25th of September Anno 1638 THOSDUCKE
Sealed & I do in ye presence of NATH. AUSTYN
GRANT Proved 1st November 1638 Power reserved to RICHARDGARDINER
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
AMEN I JOHNTOWERS of Brompton in the Parish of
Gillingham in the County of Kent Ship Caulker being in good health of body
and of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding (praised be God)
Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following that is to say first and
principally I surrender my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator
hoping to be saved by and through the only Merits of Jesus Christ my
Saviour and Redeemer and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently
buried by and at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named also I make
constitute and appoint JOHNDRIVER of Brompton in the Parish
of Gillingham in the County of Kent Shipwright and RICHARDRECORD
of Brompton in the Parish of Brompton aforesaid Shipwright Executors of
this my last Will and Testament Also I give and
bequeath unto my two Sisters MARYCOOPER wife of THOMASCOOPER and ELIZABETH
( ? ) Spinster the sum of fifty
pounds apiece Sterling Money Also I give and
bequeath unto MARYCOOPER aforesaid one Black? Chest with
all my wearing apparel Woollen and Linen of all and every kind and sort
soever and I do order and authorise my said Executors to pay and give up
the same within three moths after my decease and as for all the
rest of my Real and personal Estate as Messuages Lands Tenements Heridits
whatsoever and wheresoever with all and every kind of their appurts and
also all my personal Estate as Money Securities for Money Monies in the
publick Stocks or Funds Plate Linen Woollen Pewter Brass China Beds
Bedding Household Stuff and implements of Household Debts Goods Chattels
and Estate whatsoever and wheresoever both Real and personal my just Debts
Legacies and Funeral Expenses being thereout first paid and satisfied I
give and bequeath the same to my Daughter MARYADAMS wife of
JAMESADAMS and to the heirs of her respective Body lawfully
issuing for ever and I hereby
revoke and make void all former wills by me at anytime heretofore made and
declare this only to be my last Will and Testament but it is my
further will and desire and I do authorise and empower my Executors to
take ? themselves out of my said Real and personal Estate all their
reasonable Charges that they shall be put to in the execution of this my
will In Witness whereof
I the said JOHNTOWERS have hereunto set my hand and seal
the thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand and
eight hundred and four JOHNTOWERS Signed
Sealed published and declared by the said JOHNTOWERS the
testator to be in last Will and Testament in the presence of us and of
each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto JOHNJEFFERYSUSANNASOMERTONJNO.
Proved 4th April 1805
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
AMEN I JOSEPHPEARCE of the parish of Gillingham
Caulker in the County of Kent being of sound and disposing Mind Memory and
Understanding praised be God do make and ordain this my last Will and
Testament in manner and form following that is to say First and principally I
surrender my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping to be
saved by and through the only Merits and Satisfaction of Jesus Christ my
Saviour and Redeemer
And my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently interred and
buried by and at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and to
such Worldly Estate wherewith it it hath pleased God to bless me with I
dispose thereof as follows I give and bequeath unto
my son JOSEPHGEORGEPEARCE my violins and Music for
the same in books and all my Wearing Apparel and my Watch but the Watch to
be in the hands of one of my Executors 'til he arrive at the age of
Eighteen years but by a good Character from his Mother if the Executor
pleases he may have it sooner I give and bequeath unto
my daughter SARAHPEARCE the piano forte with the Musical
Books belonging to the Instrument all the Rest and Residue
of my Effects plate linen china household furniture of all descriptions I
give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife ELIZABETHPEARCE I
likewise give and bequeath to my wife One hundred pounds which is in the
Westminster Insurance on lives all ready Money that shall be found in the
house at my Decease and likewise part of any pension due to me in Chatham
Yard at my Decease notwithstanding being subject to the (notwithstanding
being subject) (sic) payment of my just Debts Funeral Expenses and the
proving of this my last Will and Testament
I desire my Executors will pay out of my Wife's portion And I do constitute and
appoint Mr JOHNWHIFFEN Shipwright Mr WMLESTERPATRICK Shipwright and Mr HENRYWITHERIDGE Gent to be
Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do authorise Mr JOHNWHIFFEN and Mr WMLESTERPATRICK to take on
them the care of Mr JOHN and ELIZABETH * PETTY
Charity they being Trustees of that Charity and I do make void all or
other Wills at any time by me heretofore made declaring this only to be my
last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my Hand and Seal dated the twelfth day of December in the
year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty two JOS.PEARCE Signed Sealed published and declared by the said
Testator JOS. PEARCE to be his last Will and Testament in
the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses in
Proved 10th August 1826 Power reserved to JOHNWHIFFEN
and WILLIAMLESTERPATRICK * The name Elizabethis crossed through.
Joseph Pearce was the principal trustee, from 1784, of the Petty charity,
which was founded by Elizabeth Petty in 1723. One of the houses which,
through the rents financed the education of 7 poor children, was occupied
by Pearce himself. He was criticised for this by a Commission appointed to
enquire into the education of the poor and the appointment of
"active" trustees was recommended, presumably Whiffen and
Patrick. (Ronald Baldwin, The Chronicle of Gillingham, 1998)
Robert Newnham, 1839
Medieval &
Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of
Caulkers of Chatham and Gillingham
Hill in the parish of Gillingham in the County of Kent Caulker which I
make in manner following First I nominate &
appoint my good friend JOHNCARTER of Layfield in the said
parish of Gillingham Baker and RICHARDDUNN of the same
place Shipwright Executors hereof And I give and devise unto them the said
JOHNCARTER and RICHARDDUNN and their heirs
All those my three freehold tenements or dwelling houses with the yards
gardens and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate at Gad's Hill in the
parish of Gillingham aforesaid now in the occupation of myself JOHNCOOK and THOMASCOOK to hold the same unto the said JOHNCARTER and RICHARDDUNN and their heirs upon trust as
soon as conveniently may be after my decease to make sale and absolutely
dispose of the said tenements of dwelling houses and premises either
entirely & together or in parcels by public auction or private
contract to any person or persons willing to become the purchaser or
purchasers thereof respectively for such price or prices as to them the
survivor of them his executors and admons shall seem reasonable and for
promoting or facilitating such sale or sales I do hereby direct the said JOHNCARTER and RICHARDDUNN and the survivor of them his
heirs executors or admons to enter into make and execute all such
contracts agreements covenants conveyances and assurances as they or he
may deem necessary I declare that the receipt or receipts of them the said
JOHNCARTER and RICHARDDUNN and the survivor
of them his executors or admons for any money or moneys to arise by such
sale or sales as aforesaid shall effectively discharge as said
And I do hereby direct that they the said JOHNCARTER
and RICHARDDUNN and the survivor of them his executors or
admons shall stand possessed of the moneys to arise from such sale or
sales and of the rents and profits of the said tenements or dwelling
houses and premises or any of them until the same shall be sold Upon the
Trusts hereafter mentioned
And I do also direct them the said JOHNCARTER
and RICHARDDUNN and the survivor of them his executors or
admons to call in all moneys due and owing to me and to make sale and
convert into money all other my Personal Estate and Effects nor consisting
of money (except my clothes & body linen which I give to my brothers WILLIAMNEWNHAM and BENJAMINNEWNHAM in equal parts for their
respective use and benefit) as soon as conveniently may be after my
And to stand possessed of the money arising therefrom and to
be so got in and of the moneys to arise from such sale or sales of my said
freehold estate therein before directed and of the rents and profits
thereof until such sale or sales and other my moneys and effects Upon and
for the trusts intents and purposes hereinafter expressed concerning the
same that is to say Upon trust to pay and
satisfy all my just debts funeral and testamentary charges and expenses
and the costs & charges attending or incident to any such sale or
sales And subject thereto Upon trust to pay and satisfy the legacies
hereinafter mentioned and which I give and bequeath as follows that is to
say to my brothers WILLIAM
& BENJAMINNEWNHAM the sum of ten pounds each to be
distributed & paid to them in such proportions and at such times as my
said Executors and the survivor of them his executors and admons shall
think fit to my nephews EDWARDNEWNHAM of the said parish of Gillingham Shipwright and GEORGEFREDERICKNEWNHAM of the same parish Carpenter and to my
nieces JANEBAURE and CLARABAURE the like sum
of ten pounds each for their respective use and benefit and to the said JOHNCARTER and RICHARDDUNN the sum of five pounds each
for the care and trouble they will have in and about the execution of this
my Will and the Trusts thereof And as to what may remain
of the said moneys subject to the payment and legacies herein before
directed and bequeathed and all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my
estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever upon trust and I do hereby give and
bequeath the same unto and equally between my dear sister BETSYKEVERN?,
of Stoke in the parish of Devonport in the County of Devon Widow and my
late Wife's nephew RICHARDTHOMASJACOB?, of Samuel?
Street Commercial Road in the County of Middlesex Letter Carrier to the
General Post Office in and by equal parts shares and proportions for their
respective use and benefit provided always and I do
declare that if the trustees appointed in this my Will or to be appointed
as hereinafter mentioned either of them their or either of their heirs
executors or admons shall die or be desirous of being discharged from or
refuse or become unable to act in the trusts hereby in them respectively
reposed or ? the estate hereby devised
to them or him before the said trusts shall be fully Executed then and so
often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for them or for the
surviving or continuing trustee his executors or admons by any writing
under their of his hands and seals or hand and seal duly executed to
nominate and appoint any person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in
the stead or place of the trustee or trustees so dying or desiring to be
discharged or refusing declining or becoming incapable to act or
disclaim?, as aforesaid shall be thereupon with all convenient speed
conveyed assigned and transferred in such sort and manner and so that the
same shall be legally and effectually vested in the person or persons so
to be appointed as aforesaid either solely or jointly with the surviving
or continuing trustee as occasion shall require to the uses and upon and
for the trusts intents & purposes herein before expressed and declared
of and concerning the said trust estate moneys and premises or such of
them as shall be then subsisting and capable of taking effect and the
person or persons to be appointed as aforesaid shall have all the powers
and authorities of that trustee or trustees in whose room he or they shall
be substituted And I do hereby declare that the said trustees or trustee
so hereby nominated or to be appointed as aforesaid shall not be
answerable one for another nor for involuntary losses and shall be allowed
their reasonable costs and expenses occasioned in the execution of the
trusts of this my Will And lastly I revoke all
former Will or Wills before made and do declare this only to be and
contain my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the
said ROBERTNEWNHAM the Testator have at the foot or end of
this my last Will and Testament contained in three sheets of paper written
on one side thereof only set my hand the fifth day of September in the
year one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight ROBERTNEWNHAM
Signed by the said ROBERTNEWNHAM the Testator in the
presence of J. STEPHENS of Chatham Solicitor JOHNCOOK of Gillingham Dredgerman
Affidavit 15th August 1839 JOHNSTEPHENS, Solicitor, on oath, states that he and
the other witness, JOHNCOOK, were present together when
testator signed the will, which is the same document now before him and
which they witnessed at the same time in the testator's presence.
Proved 16th August 1839