Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Bethersden
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Brasted Church
Some notes on Monumental Inscriptions in Brabourne Church
Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Bethersden
Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Bethersden in Kent noted in June 1920 by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Margaret Broomfield, checked by Zena Bamping.
Inscriptions in Bethersden Churchyard
Plot A. The North Churchyard
1. (At North West gate) Mary wife of Edward WOOD of this parish yeoman died 14 November 1810 aged 63. Surviving issue two daughters Mary and Ann. Above Edward Wood 5 January 1823 aged 68.
2. Lieutenant James STEWART late of the 53rd Regiment of Foot. Born at Dalkeith in Scotland died at Ashford Kent 29 March 1848 aged 66. He was a brave soldier and was awarded a medal on which was engraved Toulouse, Orthes, Nive Nivelle, Pyrenees, Vittoria, Salamanca, Badagos, Albuera, Talavera, the names of the Battles and Sieges at which he was present. He was a loving husband and a faithful friend and his private virtues secured the esteem of all with whom he was associated. He lived the life of a Christian and his end was Peace.
3. Hannah wife of Samuel TURK of this parish and daughter of William and Mary WOOD, senior, of Smarden, died 16 April 1819 aged 32. Left issue surviving five sons: Charles, James, Edward, Alfred and John. Also William son of above 27 July 1810 aged 3 years.
4. Samuel TURK of this parish 7 July 1867 aged 82. Ann his wife 5 September 1865 aged 68. Left surviving five sons and two daughters: Charles, James, Edward, Alfred, John, Eliza and Frances.
5. Sarah-Anne daughter of Samuel and Anne TURK 2 March 1860 aged 35. Alfred Turk died at New York 25 October 1868 aged 52.
6. Mary wife of Edward TURK, 6 February 1853 aged 35, leaving issue one daughter Ellen.
7. Edward TURK 18 October 1881 aged 67.
8. John ADAMS of this parish 10 January 1908 aged 71. Sarah his wife 17 June 1914 aged 72. Left surviving 4 sons and 2 daughters: Eliza, Sam, Anne, Eli, Levi and George.
9. The Reverend Thomas GREENALL late Vicar of this Parish 20 July 1814 aged 71. He was many years Master of the Grammar School at Cranbrook. Also Sophia Greenall daughter of above (?8) September 1814 aged 37. [There is a monument to him in the Church].
10. Richard HUGHES son of John and Hannah Maria Hughes of this parish 22 March 1870 aged 35. Mary Ann Hughes 17 May 1875 aged 52.
11. John HUGHES of this parish 12 July 1863 aged 66. Hannah Maria wife of above 28 October 1838 aged 35. They left surviving 2 sons and 6 daughters: Sarah his second wife 18 January 1861 aged 53. They left surviving 2 sons and 1 daughter.
12. Elizabeth HUGHES of this parish 1 April 1905 aged 78. Jane her sister and wife of William STACE of Snargate, 30 January 1917 aged 86.
13. Henry BOURNE, 6 April 1861 aged 74. Mary his wife 29 October 1875 aged 87.
14. Charles BROWN 12 November 1879 aged 81. (This and No. 13 are in same enclosure).
15. John CAPELING of this parish 7 September 1809 aged 56. Left issue surviving by Lydia his wife 5 sons and 5 daughters: William, John, George, Stephen, James, Lydia and Elizabeth, Mary, Harriot and Sarah. Also George Capeling his son 5 January 1800 aged 14 years.
16. Richard MAPLESDEN, 20 November 1853 aged 78. Priscilla his wife 9 July 1861 aged 74.
17. Elizabeth wife of Richard MAPLESDEN daughter of John and Lydia Capeling, 28 January 1816 aged 35, leaving issue Richard, John, Mary Ann, Edward, Hester, Betsy and Charles.
18. George PALMER 9 March 1867 aged 77. Ann Palmer 13 January 1855 aged 61.
19. Thomas WILSON 23 June 1849 aged 90. Frances his wife 13 April 1847 aged 80 and five of their children died in infancy. Left surviving 3 sons and 7 daughters viz: Sarah, Elizabeth, Katharine, Mary, Thomas, James, Frances, Ann, Sophia and Henry.
20. Elizabeth Wife of Edward HUGHES of this parish 30 August 1843 aged 22. Left 2 sons and 1 daughter: Edward, Richard and Elizabeth.
21. William BUSS, 11 November 1884 aged 34. Elizabeth his wife 1 February 1909 aged 66. Alice Hetty their daughter born 29 August 1875 died 7 March 1876.
22. Richard PADGHAM of this parish Carpenter, 1 October 1864 aged 78. Ann Bayley his wife 11 May 1865 aged 74. Three of their children died in infancy. Left surviving 5 sons and 3 daughters: Edward, Ann, William, John, Thomas, Sarah, Alfred and Maria. Richard Padgham their son died in America 5 December 1863 aged 48.
23. Julia Jane daughter of John and Elizabeth PADGHAM, 11 March 1876 aged 18 years.
24. Mary Ann wife of Samuel Bright HYLAND of this parish 18 May 1861 aged 23. Left issue surviving one son William Bright Hyland. William Bright Hyland 18 March 1886 aged 26.
25. James PALMAR of this parish 4 September 1845 aged 38.Left surviving by Mary his wife 3 sons and 3 daughters: John, James, William, Mary Ann, Eliza and Sarah Ann. Also Elizabeth died in infancy.
26. John PALMAR of this parish Butcher, 21 July 1818 aged 38. Had issue by Damaris his wife 3 sons and 4 daughters: John, James, William, Kitty, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. John Palmar his son died 3 July 1819 aged 16. Sarah Palmar his daughter 8 October 1817 aged 3 years.
27. George KINGSNORTH late of Dyne’s Farm of this parish 4 November 1917 aged 82.
28. George Edward eldest son of George and Ellen Kingsnorth of Dynes Farm, Bethersden, 15 May 1909 aged 38 years 8 months.
29. John SKINNER of this parish 2 May 1878 aged 83. Mary his second wife 25 October 1877 aged 71. Issue by first wife: John, George, Alfred, Charles, Frederick and Sarah and Elizabeth deceased. Issue by second wife Herbert, Horace and Ellen. Erected by his son Charles Skinner, Kempton, Illinois, North America.
30. Sarah wife of John SKINNER of this parish 14 April 1840 aged 44. Left issue surviving 5 sons and 2 daughters: John, George, Alfred, Charles, Frederick, Sarah and Elizabeth.
31. Edward BUTTON of this parish died at Hastings ……….. 1865 aged (?4)2 years.
32. Clark HILLS, 20 April 1865 aged 55 [see 100].
33. Miss Salley PALMER, 5 January 1866 aged 72.
34. Charles PALMAR 21 December 181(?4) aged 23. Footstone C.P. 1814.
35. James PALMAR, yeoman, 27 March 1821 aged 67 leaving issue one son and ….. daughters viz: James, ….. tty and Sar …… Also Elizabeth his wife died March ……. aged ……… Also Kitty wife of the above died 23 April 1855 aged 80.
36. James ADAMS son of James Adams of this parish 8 October 1867 aged 18.
37. Eliza ADAMS wife of James Adams of this parish 3 March 1878 aged 57.
38. Thomas HILLS, yeoman of this parish 14 October 1882 aged 68. Sarah his wife 21 June 1880 aged 67. Left surviving two sons, Herbert and Frederick-Thomas. Thomas Hills their son 9 October 1847 aged 6 months.
39. Richard ELSE of this parish 3 July 1816 in 49th year. Left issue Edward, Sarah, Amelia, Louisa, Richard, Mary and George. Richard died 3 June 1806 aged 4 months.
40. Edward ELSE of this parish 9 February 1841 aged 42 leaving issue by Mary his wife 3 sons: George-Richard, Edward and Frederick.
Stones to East of green path running from South East to North East gates – beginning at the South.
41. 265200 Private H. Claringbold 24 T.F.D. Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment [no date]. In Roll of Honour: Harry Claringbold died of Gas Poisoning 4 June 1918 aged 20.
41a. Harriet Ann wife of Henry CLARINGBOLD of Bethersden 17 July 1906 aged 60. Henry Claringbold 22 May 1916 aged 72. Florence Alice daughter of above and wife of David BATT 16 July 1912 aged 34.
42. John BARNARD 13 April 1887 aged 84. Sarah his wife 10 November 1876 aged 58. Henry Barnard WATTS grandson of above 21 March 1892 aged 7 months.
43. William WATTS for 50 years a local preacher and Sunday School worker at the Weslyan Church in this Parish 30 March 1917 aged 86 [In same enclosure as 42].
44. Eliza BROWN daughter of John Brown late of Winter Farm, Bethersden 21 April 1919 aged 78. Susannah Brown sister of above [no date].
45. Eliza wife of Henry BEAN 31 January 1851 [cut over 3] aged 24. She left surviving 3 children: George, Henry and William. Joseph ROBERTS 2 April 1851 aged 22. Charlotte Roberts 21 May 1851 aged 17 years. [Footstone recut 1851].
45a. Sydney Barlow DAVIES, Northumberland Fusiliers died of wounds 7 June 1915 aged 32.
46. Anna Alice daughter of James and Elizabeth Ann TANTON 23 October 1871 aged 17.
47. James TANTON 16 August 1870 aged 38 leaving Elizabeth Ann his widow and 8 children Anna-Alice, Jane Harriett, Augusta, James, Elizabeth, Sophia, Edgar-Frederick and Ernest, who died 30 March 1871 aged 9 months. 48. James JARVIS of this parish 30 December 1842 aged 47. Left by Damaris his wife one son and 4 daughters: James, Louisa, Elizabeth, Amelia and Mary.
49. Elizabeth wife of Edward BARTON of Frid in this parish, 7 December 1838 aged 63; left surviving one son George. Above Edward Barton 10 October 1853 aged 75. Louisa his second wife 2 February 1876 aged 63.
50. Charles SMALL 28 December 1887 aged 63 leaving a widow 2 sons and one daughter: George-William, Charles and Elizabeth. Also Annie their daughter died at Chilham 2 July 1878 aged 20.
51. Emily Jane wife of Harry BARTON of Spicers Hill, Great Chart 19 July 1900 aged 30.
52. Edward BARTON son of Edward and Elizabeth Barton of Fridd of this parish 12 November 1815 aged 13.
53. Deborah wife of John WRIGHT, 25 July 1808 aged 29. Mary and Catharine daughters of above. Mary died 5 January 1807 aged 17 months: Catherine 1(?8) January 1808 aged 14 weeks.
Plot C. Stones Eastward of the Chancel.
54. (Altar Tomb) West end: Beneath this tomb lie ye Bodies| of Thomas USHER and Ann | his wife. [He] died July the 1st 1708 aged ….. years. She died | August the [24th] 1695 aged 56 years.| East end: Near this Tomb lieth ye Body | of John son of John Usher |and Ann his wife who died February the XVI, MDCCXXXV aged VIII years. South side: Near this tomb lie the Bodies of | Philip Usher and Mary his wife.He died October the 17 1735 (altered from 1737) aged 76 years. She died December | the 10 MDCCXXXV aged 61 years.| North-side: John son of Philip Usher and Mary his wife died August ye | 5, 1772 aged 71 years, and left issue one daughter. Near this Tomb lieth the Body of Ann wife of | John Usher. She died February 22 1740 aged 47 years. |
On Top: Eight lines apparently of verse. Beneath this Tomb lies the Body of Thom …… son of John Usher and ………….. died | September ….29, 170[?0 or ] aged 37 years. | Near this place lie the remains of Ann R[?U] ….K daughter of | John Usher departed this life | December 15 1807 aged 32 years.
55. Five little footstones on North side of No. 54. (a) A.R. (b) T.U. (c) T.U. junior (d) A.U. (e) J.U. senior.
56. Two little footstones on South side of No. 54 (a) M.U. (b) P.U.
57. James ADAMS of this parish 19 April 1837 aged 54. Phoebe wife of above died 20 January 1878 aged 86. Left surviving 8 sons and 2 daughters: Thomas, James, George, Alfred, Frederick, Charles, Albert, John, Harriet and Ellen. Also Matilda daughter of James and Phebe Adams, 6 August 1829 aged 3 years. Thomas died 19 July 1842 aged 27.
58. Mary wife of Thomas MANWARING and daughter of John and Frances ADAMS 24 April 1805 aged 28. Henry their son 30 September 1801 aged 2 months. Left surviving John and David.
59. John PALMAR late of this parish 24 May 1794 aged 79. Mary his wife 12 April 179-, aged 75. Left 3 sons and 3 daughters: John, James, Joseph, Winifred, Margaret and Deborah.
60. Charles ADAMS of this parish born 4 September 1823 died 16 May 1897.
Plot D. North of North Aisle and between it and the North path beginning at the East.
61. M.M. In the enjoyment of Peace Here Resteth the Body of Thomas MAYLAM who departed this life March the 27 day Anno Domini 1690 aged 67 yeares, who left Issue Two sons and three daughters.
62. Elizabeth ye beloved wife of Edward MAYLAM daughter of Stephen TONG and Elizabeth his wife, who left issue 2 sons and 2 daughters: Edward, Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth. She died in September 1698 aged 34 years [see No. 121].
63. Arthur Stephen son of The Reverend W.R.L. BENNETT Curate of Bethersden, 4 April 1854 aged one year.
64. James HONEY, 29 October 1773 aged 41. Mary Luckhurst wife of above, 2 March 1821 aged 87.
65. James HONEY 12 March 1772 aged 71. Left issue Grace, James, Jeremiah, Sarah and Dorcas. Also Grace Honey wife of James Honey 18 November 1786 aged 91.
66. (Under West window of North Aisle). Here lieth Mary Judith and George the eldest children of Thomas WITHERDEN of Bethersden, Gentleman, which he had by Judith his wife.They died all in infancy under the age of two years. Dat: May 13, 1686.
Plot E. The South East part of the Churchyard.
67. John KINGSNORTH, yeoman, (formerly of this parish) 9 July 1831 aged 85. Phillis wife of above 4 October 1789 aged 39. Left issue 2 sons and 3 daughters: John, William, Phillis, Elizabeth and Ann.
68. John RING, 14 October 1897 aged 86. Sarah his wife 3 November 1879 aged 64. Alfred their son 24 August 1872 aged 26. Mary Ann their daughter 10 August 1876 aged 41. Left surviving 4 sons and 3 daughters: John, Frank, Horace, James, Sarah Jane, Elizabeth and Clara Ann..
69. Edgar John KINGSNORTH, 27 February 1894 aged 1 year 10 months. Alfred Charles 18 August 1900 aged 11 months. Elsie Louisa 18 February 1904 aged 4 months. Hubert Alec, 4 November 1908 aged 6 months and Trooper Arthur Walker, Household Battalion attached to Life Guards killed in action in France 6 October 1917 aged 20 years.
70. Cordelia Harriett wife of Edward FILMER, blacksmith of this parish 1 September 1910 aged 68. Above Edward Filmer [no date (Died 7th January 1923 aged 81 years. from a photograph held in Ashford Library Kath Parish 2013-11-27) ]. Leaving issue Mary, James, Harriett, Kate, Isabell, Walter, Jane and Edith.
71. Here Lyeth the Body of Robart | SIMONES who lived and dyed in | Brisenden House in Bethersden. Here lyeth the Body of Elizabeth Simones | wife of John NORTEN | who departed this | life Agust the 30 day | aged 25 yeares Anno Domini | 1682 who left issue | one dafter.
72. Thomas PEIRSON, 6 August 1762 aged 75. Ann his wife 2 August 1784 aged 87. Issue 2 sons and 6 daughters: Mary, Ann, John, Elizabeth, Sarah, Katharine, Thomas and Susanna.
73. A very old stone c1700 broken and inscription illegible.
74. Ernest James, husband of Jessie Jane DUNSTER 5 December 1910 aged 33. Ernest Richard son of above 5 January 1910 aged 5 months.
75. Thomas HEATHFIELD of Bethersden, (?2)1 November 1780 aged 50. Left a wife and two children; John and Casse (?).
76. Mary wife of Edward LURCOCK of this parish 10 May 1800 aged 55. Left issue 2 sons and one daughter: Edward, William and Mary. Edward Lurcock aforesaid 8 August 1808 aged 7(?4).
77. Richard Waldo BURNET 17 April 1888 in 74th year.
78. Thomas Charles ROOTS of this parish 9 March 1897 aged 68. Jane his wife 28 January 1915 aged 86. Emily Jane Roots 13 April 1916 aged 43.
79. Sally B. BROWN, 4 February 1865 aged 74. Frederica her daughter 11 October 1858 aged 31. Sarah Brown her aunt 24 May 1842 aged 87.
80. A wooden board – inscription illegible.
81. Emily Emma CAMERON wife of J.D. Cameron of Low Wood, 5 April 1915 aged 72.
82. Thomas PADGHAM of this parish 16 September 1910 aged 86.
83. Here lieth | the Body of | Robart HAM | M…………esed | T…………n | 1…………. 7… | 16…… |A……….. | S…………. | Pel …….. | Mary Elizabeth. [Early 18th century].
84. Silas BATES, 24 July 1887 age 87.
85. James FEASEY, 24 May 1896 aged 73. Rachel Feasey his wife 20 February 1903 aged 83.
86. John BROWN, late of Shadoxhurst 8 January 1829 aged 80. Mary his wife 13 November 1862 aged 99. Left issue by Mary his wife six sons and 4 daughters: John, George, William, James, Burren, Charles, Mary, Kitty, Ann and Celia.
87. Josiah LARGE, 9 March 1883 aged 59. Hannah Large his widow, 28 January 1904 aged 67. Mary Smith Large eldest daughter of Josiah Large, 30 September 1883 aged 26. Alice Hannah Large his second daughter 3 May 1885 aged 27.
88. Edward SNELLING of this parish 13 June 1760 aged 71. This stone was erected by [?Godley] his widow who died 26 December 1776 aged 8(?0). …………………. (illegible).
89. Thomas OFFEN of this parish 30 March 1870 aged 53. Left surviving by Amelia his wife 6 children: Sarah Ann, Harriett, Lizzy Julia, Kate Amelia, Caroline and George William.
90. Kate Amelia daughter of Thomas OFFEN, 1 November 1882 aged 23.
91. Stephen IDENDEN, 26 May 1814 aged 51. Left surviving Elizabeth his widow and 5 children: Thomas, John, Elizabeth, Kitty and William. Elizabeth Bousden, wife of above 1 August 1854 aged 85.
92. Frank Thomas husband of Viola HARVEY 9 July 1913 aged 44.
93. Thomas Austin HARVEY, 28 February 1902 aged 68. Harriet widow of above 21 February 1913 aged 74.
94. Richard OXLEY of the parish of Ashford died February 1808 aged 25.
95. (by South gate) J.C.S. CAMERON late 2nd Lieutenant Royal Artillery died 28 May 1918 aged 48.
Plot E. In angle between Porch and Tower.
96. John HILLS, yeoman of this parish 12 November 1826 aged 88.
97. John HILLS late of this parish October ye 16 1773 aged 77. Ann his wife 20 August 1783 aged 79. Issue 2 sons: John and Clark [see 32 and 100].
98. James BUSS, formerly of Lovelace Farm in this parish 25 December 1856 aged 75. Ann his wife 8 April 1855 aged 66. Left surviving 8 children: Sarah, James, Eliza, Daniel, George, Harriet, Amelia and Edward.
99. Sarah BUSS, 30 May 1860 aged 51.
100. Clark HILLS of this parish 10 June 1807 aged 65. Left surviving by Deborah his wife two sons and two daughters: John, Clark, Ann and Deborah. Deborah his wife 11 May 1824 aged 64. [see 32 and 97].
101. John son of Clark and Sarah HILLS of Great Chart, 20 January 1834 aged 12. Henry Herbert Hills son of above 22 December 1839 aged (?12) years.
102. Kitty wife of John HILLS of this parish 31 October 1830 aged 42. She had issue 6 sons 5 of whom survived her. John Hills 14 October 1849 aged 62. Erected by her children.
103. George son of John and Kitty HILLS of this parish 17 February 1826 aged 6 years.
104. Richard CLARKE and Catherine his wife. He died 26 December 1738 aged 71. She died 25 June 1736 aged 66. They left issue 5 daughters: Elizabeth, Catharine, Mary, Martha and Ann.
105. Martha CLARKE daughter of Richard Clarke by Catherine his wife, 9 February 1740 aged 40.
106. Richard HILLS, 24 January 1811 aged (?24).
Plot G. The South Western portion, beginning at the South gate and going Westwards.
107. Thomas BURDEN, Wheelwright, of this parish 19 July 1801 aged 77. Left issue by Mary his wife 3 daughters: Mary, Kitty and Elizabeth. Mary his wife 12 (?October) 1808 aged 78.
108. W.H. MOLD obt. 28 February 1904 [no age].
109. Fanny wife of James Trower BULLOCK Esquire of Twickenham, Middlesex, Born 7 May 1823 died 9 March 1879.
110. Elizabeth wife of the Reverend A.F. SMITH, formerly Vicar of this Parish, 13 September 1908 aged 80. Louisa Henrietta only daughter of the Reverend A.F. Smith, Vicar of this Parish and Elizabeth his wife, 19 May 1878 aged 14 years. Also aforenamed Augustus Francis SMITH, Priest, Vicar from 1877 – 1884, died 21 April 1915.
111. Here lieth the | Body of Edward GADSBE aged 59 | deceased the 9 day | of March 16[3or8]8 | Here rest ….. the | Bod …. | ……… | wif ………. Edw ……….. |……sbe | …….ed …….. | cesed the 24 day | of September 1648.
112. Richard BAKER of this parish 25 April ? 1793 aged 90. Elizabeth his wife ….(?10) July 1775 ………..
113. Abel HOPKINGS late of this parish 18 January 1790 aged 65. Also Robert BUSS late of this parish 11 December 1790 aged 71.
114. George BUSS, 28 July 1860 aged 39.
115. Nicolas WALKER of this parish March ye 30, 1740 aged 72. Elizabeth his wife April ye 8, 1743 aged 71. Left issue 3 sons and 1 daughter of whom onely Nicolas and Elizabeth are surviving.
116. John son of Stephen and Jane BAKER of this parish 27 March 1888 aged 22.
117. Mary youngest daughter of David and Hannah MANNERING of this parish 10 September 1809 aged (?2)3 years.
118. Clark HILLS, 26 May 1873 aged 77. Sarah wife of Clark Hills of Singleton, Great Chart, 14 November 1859 aged 59, leaving 3 sons and 9 daughters [see 100 and 104].
119. Henry KINGSNORTH, 16 March 1877 aged 81. Peggy his wife 17 December 1862 aged 65. Had issue 7 children: George, William, Eliza, Henry, John, Alfred and Emma. Above William died by gunshot wound on his birthday 18 April 1851 aged 31. George on 23 November 1876 aged 60 and was buried at Canterbury.
120. George BROWN of Burwash, Sussex, yeoman, 18 October 1741 aged 66. M[?ary] his wife relict of the …………… died 11 July 1782 aged 84.
121. Edward son of Edward MAYLAM by Elizabeth his wife of this parish … February 1717 aged 25 years [see 61].
122. George KINGSNORTH died at Dynes Farm of this parish 17 March 1870 aged 66 leaving his wife Sophia and 6 children: Ann, John, George, Edward, Charles and Wilson. Also Frances daughter of above 12 May 1843 16 months. Sophia died 8 March 1844 aged 4 years. Lucy Ann 26 September 1844 aged 13 months and 4 who died in infancy.
123. Herbert LEE, 20 October 1902 in 65th year. Caroline his wife 5 September 1906 in 67 year. Jane Harriet Lee 27 October 1890 in 21st year. Also John Herbert Lee 17 February 1896 aged 28.
124. Elizabeth wife of William SMALL of this parish 10 March 1807 aged 57, leaving issue 3 sons and 2 daughters: George, William, James, Elizabeth and Phebe. Above William 17 December 1812 aged 65.
125. James BOSEDEN of this parish 20 April 1822 aged 90. Catherine his wife 18 December 1810 aged 73.
126. Isaac WHITE of this parish yeoman, 7 July 1811 aged 90. Elizabeth his wife 21 April 1754 aged 31. Had issue one son and 2 daughters: Samuel, Elizabeth and Mary. (pencilled note added: Canterbury Marriage Licences 6th series f.449 Isaac White, bachelor, and Elizabeth MUTTON, spr., both of Bethersden, at St Mary Canterbury, Sep 11, 1749)
127. Samuel son of Samuel and Elizabeth WHITE died at Old Surrenden, Bethersden, December ye 24, 1740 in ye 22nd year of his age.
128. (A large, old stone of Bethersden marble much worn next to 127). In ……. | Samu … W ….. E ………… | of ……… | W ………… [almost certainly to a WHITE].
129. John KINGSNORTH died at Bucksford Farm, Great Chart, 10 June 1897 aged 63, leaving Sarah his wife one son and 2 daughters: Frank, Dorcas and Beatrice.
130. Sarah wife of John KINGSNORTH of this parish died at Runsell 6 December 1912 aged 77.
131. James Kingsford BUSS, 24 January 1910 aged 66. Olivia Buss 6 December 1916 aged 71. James son of above 18 November 1889 aged 18.
132. Ellen wife of Charles KINGSNORTH of Dynes Farm, Berthersden, 19 March 1910 aged 66. He died 30 March 1919 aged 73.
133. James SMALL 8 November 1849 aged 60. Deborah his wife 6 June 1865 aged 70.
134. William WATERS late of this parish Gentleman 12 July 1770 aged 71. Left issue one son and one daughter: William and Mary. Also Mary Waters wife of above 7 February 1779 aged 76.
135. Mary daughter of William and Mary WATERS (late of Tenterden) 7 April 1791 aged 63.
136. Henry LATTER born 6 December 1810, died 23 August 1882.
137. Catherine wife of (?J) …….B[?ARTON] …..………….. 18 ……………
138. Martha ye wife of Edward ELLS and daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth BARTON, June 2, 1722 aged 26. Left issue one son and one daughter: Thomas and Martha.
139. Elizabeth wife of James SMALL of Tenterden, 8 April 1839 aged 49. Elizabeth his second wife 4 August 1863 aged 46, leaving issue 2 daughters: Ellen and Elizabeth. Above James Small 23 December 1888 aged 88.
140. George SMALL of this parish yeoman, 15 August 1829 aged 78. Mary his wife 7 January 1814 aged 43. Leaving 7 sons and 2 daughters George, Charles, James, William, Edward, Elias, Thomas, Phebe and Mary. Martha their daughter 2 March 1810 aged 16 years.
141. William BARTEN of this parish ………… (?1791) aged ….
142. (worn) ?Thomas SMITH (?186-) aged (?78).
143. Rebecca DUREY, 1 October 1876 in 62nd year. William Durey 6 March 1898 in 93rd year. Also their children: Alfred, Frederick, Clark, Albert, Julia, Emma, Ellen, Rebecca, Sarah Ann and Anna Jane.
144. Emma SHORTER 9 April 1909 aged 62.
145. Sarah Selina OLIVER wife of John Oliver, Burren Place in this Parish, 18 December 1888 aged 53, leaving surviving one son and 3 daughters. Also John Oliver 30 April 1914 aged 77.
146. (Obelisk near Western steps) This monument is erected in memory of Mr. Samuel HODGES of this Parish. On the other side: George HODGES. [no dates c.1860]
147. Henry LINK junior, accidentally killed 28 May 1905 aged 62.
148. Henry LINK born 5 September 1818 died 24 January 1894. Mary Ann his wife born 21 February 1819 died 19 March 1908. Had issue 7 sons and 4 daughters: Mary Jane, Henry, Elizabeth, Thomas, Esther, Ann Sophia, John, Charles, Edward, Horace and Norman.
The following are to the North of the green path from Western steps to the Tower.
149. (Monument in front of the Tower) Annie FOSTER nee HYLAND wife of Herbert Foster, 12 June 1887 in 23 year.
150. Samuel Bright HYLAND of this parish 22 March 1883 aged 54. Annie Catherine 2nd wife of above 3 March 1882 aged 52.
150a. (a footstone) J.C.B. 1864.
151. Samuel BRIGHT of Vitters Oak in this Parish, 26 October 1853 aged 83. Thomas their son 1 October 1798 aged 6 years. Elizabeth their daughter 17 February 1851 aged 55. Left issue one son and 4 daughters.
152. Samuel BRIGHT of Vitters Oak Farm in this Parish 9 September 1878 aged 68. John Charles Bright his nephew 5 October 1864 aged 13.
153. Heare | lyeth | the bo | dy of Jar | man WELLS the soon of | Jarman Wells Cloth | er of Betharsden ag | ed 86 yeares who de | parted this life the | 20 day of February in 1705 who leaft | issue one daughter | Isaiah the 55 chapter | and the 6 verse Seeke | ye the Lord while he may be found call ye | upon him while he is nere. [For wife of Jarman Wells see Pluckley Inscriptions No. ]
154. Charlotte BRIGHT of this parish 9 February 1890 in 74th year.
155. John PARIS late of this parish 1 June 1805 aged 80.
156. Leonard EVENDEN of this parish 19 February 1855 aged 73. Fanny his wife 14 February 1886 aged 87. Harriett daughter of above 21 August 1852 aged 22.
157. William son of John and Elizabeth BRIGHT of this parish 17 March 1777 aged 17.
158. Here resteth in hopes of a gloyio … resurrection the body of ……a……ia CHITTEND[EN] who dyed the 19 of March 1696 aged 67 years ……. ………. Also the bodies of 2 children. Left issue one daughter.
159. Eliza Sarah youngest daughter of James and Harriett BARTON, 10 September 1910 aged 71.
160. James BARTON of this parish 27 January 1872 aged 71. Harriett his wife 5 June 1880 aged 78. Also the deceased children of above: Caroline 20 May 1824 aged 2 years 10 months. John, 5 September 1829 aged 18 months. Mary Ann 12 May 1836 aged 10 years.John Charles 18 May 1836 aged 3 years. Elizabeth and Sarah died 12 May 1843 aged 18 days. Left surviving George, James, Samuel Bright, Harriett-Adelaide, Eliza-Sarah and Alfred Thomas.
161. Young HYLAND, 6 June 1865 aged 79. Elizabeth his wife 17 February 1851 aged 35. Left surviving 3 sons and 2 daughters. Selina second wife of above 6 September 1866 aged 68.
162. Here lyeth the Body of Simon CHITTENDEN who departed this life [?May] ye 24, 1705 aged [?51] years.
163. Elizabeth Ellen wife of Walter Henry CHANTLER of Lovelace Farm of this parish and last surviving child of John and Ellen Chantler of Omenden, Biddenden 23 October 1885 aged 23. Left surviving 2 sons: John Walter and Harry Cecil.
164. Annie MORRIS 23 January 1913 aged 43.
165. Ada Esther wife of Young HYLAND died at Etchden, Bethersden, 16 February 1899 aged 33.
166. William MORRIS died at Snoad Hill, Bethersden, 9 June 1900 aged 63. Charlotte his wife, 26 April 1915 aged 79.
167. [Tomb in rails covered with ivy]
168. Elizabeth DAY, September 1869 aged (?72).
169. Annie wife of William GILFORD and eldest daughter of the late Mr. John LOTT of Hastings 2 February 1868 aged nearly 32 years.
170. James FRIDD of Bethersden 16 June 1875 aged 47. Erected by his widow and children. Caroline his wife 28 December 1897 aged 63.
171. Eva Annie WISE, 30 July 1913 aged 6 years.
172. (by Western steps) Sophia LINK, 31 January 1849 aged 67. James Link 28 January 1857 aged 77. Left surviving Maria, James, George, Henry, Sarah, and William. Edward son of Henry died 18 March 1857 aged 2 months. Erected by Henry Link.
Three vaults at West end of yard.
173. This Vault was built by Thomas JACKSON Esquire of Camberwell, Surrey, in the year 1796.
174. This Vault was built by Edward WILMOTT Esquire of Low Wood in this Parish in the year 1796.
175. This Vault was built by Thomas WITHERDEN Esquire, of Wissenden in this Parish in the year 1796.
176. Hear lith ye Bodys of Mary, Jacub and Edward HALES daughter and sons of Jacob Hales and Catharine his wife of this Parish. Mary died February ye 24 1730 aged 16 years: Edward died March ye 12 1733 aged 6 years: Jacob died February the 27, 1734 aged 10 years.
177. Robert HYLAND died at Etchden, Bethersden, 10 July 1899 aged 73. Eliza Elisabeth his wife 27 September 1913 aged 92.
178. Thomas MILLEN of Bean Place, Bethersden, 25 December 1917 aged 81. Elizabeth Ann his wife 19 February 1917 aged 68.
179. John JARVIS of this parish 5 May 1875 aged 77. Harriet his wife 11 November 1872 aged 68. Ann their daughter 9 September 1873 aged 39. Left surviving 5 sons and 5 daughters: Elizabeth, John, Richard, George, Harriet, Mary, William, Stephen, Eliza and Sarah. Also Harriet daughter of above 24 March 1887 aged 55.
180. Betsy BROOKS wife of Alfred MILLEN of Lovelace Farm, 19 November 1915 aged 82. Alfred Millen 14 September 1917 aged 86.
181. (an old stone) ………….rd | …….. of [?John] ………Clothier who ……… | this life October the 17, 1720 aged 7[?1] years. He left issue one sone and one daughter Thomas and Mary.
182. Thomas TVCKER, 9 December 1673 aged 53. Left issue 5 sons and 3 [or 5] daughters. Alice Tvcker wife of Thomas Tvcker 17 January 1690 aged (?5)9.
183. William BROWN of this parish 17 June 1775 aged 62, leaving issue by Elizabeth his wife, Damaris, William, Elizabeth. The above Elizabeth died 17 March 1795 aged 69.
184. James PALMAR of this parish 16 July 1848 aged 67. Left issue 2 sons and one daughter: John, Elizabeth and James.
185. George COLEMAN, 5 March 1863 aged 58. Catherine his wife 20 May 1898 aged 83. Leaving 9 children: George, Richard, Elizabeth, Harriett, William Boorman, Edward, Charles, Alfred and Albert Henry.
186. Iris Enid Priscilla (Queenie) only daughter of George and Marion LINK, 10 November 1918 aged 8 years and 8 months.
187. George LINK 1 November 1889 aged 75. Mary his wife 13 May 1860 aged 47. Had issue 6 sons and 8 daughters: Mary Maria, George, Charlotte, Kitty, Henry, Sarah, Eliza, Charles and Jane. [sic this is 3 sons and 6 daugthers]
188. William HOLMES of this parish 24 December 1899 aged 57. William son of above 25 May 1895 aged 21.
189. Richard MILLEN 1 February 1799 aged 20.
190. Edward MILLEN late of this parish 12 March 1780 aged 56.
191. To my dear husband Henry John SABBAGE born 30 October 1852 died 29 December 1918.
192. Jane wife of George MURRELL, senior, of this parish 30 November 1900 aged 67. Elizabeth Ellen daughter of George Murrell 3 January 1905 aged 44. John Henry son of George and Jane Murrell 1 March 1899 aged 34. Charles Frederick Murrell 19 September 1915 aged 47.
193. To our dear father George MURRELL, 1st November 1918 at Thorn House, Bethersden, aged 86.
194. John Jarvis 17 May 1877 aged 51, leaving a widow and the following children: Sophia, Julia, Elizabeth, Horace, Herbert, Esther, Edgar and Kate. Sophia died 2 April 1905 aged 55. Elizabeth Jarvis widow of above 13 December 1917 aged 91.
195. James GODDEN of this parish a native of High Halden, 2 February 1808 aged 75.
196. John DUREY 10 January 1812 aged 30 leaving by Nancy his wife one son and one daughter; George and Sarah. Also Martin TOWN who died 18 November 1835 aged 77. Also Nancy their affectionate widow who died 4 July 1865 aged 80.
197. William DUREY late of this parish 13 December 1800 aged 63. Martha his wife 10 December 1802 aged 69. Left issue 5 sons and 2 daughters.
198. Elisabeth wife of Stephen VANE of this parish and daughter of William and Elizabeth STEVENS 17 December 1854 aged 77. Above Stephen Vane 20 November 1863 aged 75. Amy HOLMAN niece of above 20 October 1863 aged 44.
199. (by North West gate) George RING of this parish 4 May 1865 aged 95. Elizabeth his wife 25 June 1839 aged 58. Left issue 3 sons and 6 daughters: George, John, Horace, Sarah, Elizabeth, Catherine, Charlotte, Mary Ann and Sophia.
200. (by North Aisle and Vestry) M.L.F.D. born 30 July died 28 August 1862.
Inscriptions in the Church
The Inscriptions in Bethersden Church will be found in Vol. XVI of Archaeologia Cantiana pages 68 to 98. The following summary is all that is necessary here by way of index:-
201. Brass to William LOVELACE, Gentleman, sometime citizen of London 1459.
202. Brass inscription to Thomas one of the sons of William LOVELACE, Sergeant at law 1591.
203. Richard HULSE and his wife Mary daughter of Sir William CLERKE, 1687 and his only son Richard Hulse of Lovelace in this Parish 1706.
204. Cicely onely daughter of Richard HULSE of Lovelace Place 1679.
205. Dorothea Christi Annette only child of Edward HAYWARD Esquire of Low Wood. 1864. He died 1877.
206. Sir George CHOUTE and his son Sir George Choute, Baronet who died 1721 and left his estate to his relation Edward AUSTEN Esquire.
207. Margaret wife of John DYNE of Bethrisden Clothier. 1635.
208. John Dyne Esquire born 1699 died 1746. Henry Dyne Gentleman born 1668 died 1706 and other DYNE memorials.
209. Samuel WITHERDEN of Wissenden died 1761 and his wife Elizabeth daughter of Thomas WHITFELD, 1779.
210. George WITHERDEN 1758. His wife Elizabeth [WILMOTT] and daughter Anne who married Thomas JACKSON of Camberwell 1812.
211. Thomas WITHERDEN Esquire of Wissenden 1800.
212. George WITHERDEN 1669 and wife Mary daughter of Thomas BRET of Snave.
213. Thomas WITHERDEN 1666 and his descendants.
214. Thomas BEDINGFIELD 1644.
215. Reverend Whitfeld CURTEIS M.A. Rector of Smarden died 1834.
216. Francis WHITFELD, 1695 and his 1st wife Elizabeth daughter of Thomas WATERMAN and 2nd wife Martha daughter of Thomas RUCK of Harmons Sole in Nether Hardres. His son Thomas Whitfeld and his wife daughter of Stephen HAFFENDEN of Egerton.
217. Margaret daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth WHITFELD 1745.
218. Francis WHITFELD 1782 and his wife Sarah daughter of Thomas WILMOTT.
219. Thomas WILMOTT and his wife Mary [THURSTON] 1769
220. Edward WILMOTT of Low Wood 1797
221. Thomas WILMOTT 1701
222. Thomas GIBBON Esquire of Frid 1623.
223. Thomas WATERMAN 1637
224. Edward WATERMAN 1659
225. Margaret wife of Richard son of Richard BARROW 1636
226. Thomas son of Francis and Rachel WORRALL 1701.
227. Thomas BUTTON 1841
228. (near Vestry a slab) Joan wife of Ralph ABBOT, Vicar of this church 1643
229. (at Western end of North Aisle) Jonathan WHISTON Vicar, died 1697. Rebuilt the Vicarage House 1676 after its destruction by fire in 1669.
Index of names and places
Name Index
Abbot 228
Adams 8. 36. 37. 57. 58. 60
Austen 206
B- 150a
Baker 112. 116
Barnard 42
Barrow 225
Barten 141
Barton 49. 51. 52. 137. 138. 159. 160
Bates 84
Batt 41a
Bean 45
Bedingfield 214
Bennett 63
Boorman (185)
Boseden 125
Bousden (91)
Bourne 13
Bret 212
Brooks (180)
Brown 14. 44.79. 86.120. 183
Bullock 109
Burden 107
Burnet 77
Burren (86)
Buss 21. 98.99.113. 114.131
Button 31. 227
Cameron 81. 95
Capeling 15. 17
Chantler 163
Chittenden 158. 162
Choute 206
Claringbold 41. 41a
Clark, Clarke (32) (97) (100) (101) 104. 105. (118) (143)
Clerke 203
Coleman 185
Curteis 215
D- 200
Davies 45a
Day 168
Dunster 74
Durey 143. 196. 197
Dyne 207. 208
Ells 138
Else 39. 40
Evenden 156
Feasey 85
Filmer 70
Foster 149
Fridd 170
Gadsbe 111
Gibbon 222
Gilford 169
Godden 195
Greenall 9
Haffenden 216
Hales 176
Hamm ….. 83
Harvey 92. 93
Hayward 205
Heathfield 75
Hodges 146
Holman 198
Holmes 188
Honey 64. 65
Hopkings 113
Hughes 10 – 12. 20
Hulse 203. 204
Hyland 24. 149. 150. 161.
165. 177
Idenden 91
Jackson 173. 210
Jarvis 48. 179. 194
Kingsford (131)
Kingsnorth 27. 28. 67. 69.119. 122. 129. 130. 132
Large 87
Latter 136
Lee 123
Link 147. 148. 172. 186.187
Lott 169
Lovelace 201. 202
Luckhurst (64)
Lurcock 76
Mannering 117
Manwaring 58
Maplesden 17
Maylam 61. 62. 121
Millen 178. 180. 189. 190
Morris 164. 166
Mold 108
Murrell 192. 193
Norten 71
Offen 89. 90
Oliver 145
Oxley 94
Padgham 22. 23. 82
Palmar 25.26 34.35.59. 184
Palmer 18. 33
Paris 155
Peirson 72
R…….K 54
Ring 68. 199
Roberts 45
Roots 78
Ruck 216. (and ?54)
Sabbage 191
Shorter 144
Simones 71
Skinner 29. 30
Small 50. 124. 133.139. 140
Smith (87) 110. 142
Snelling 88
Stace 12
Stevens 198
Stewart 2
Tanton 46. 47
Tong 62
Town 196
Trower (109)
Tucker 182
Turk 3 – 7
Usher 54
Vane 198
Waldo (77)
Walker 115
Waterman 216. 223. 224
Waters 134. 135
Watts 42. 43
Wells 153
Whiston 229
White 126. 127. 128
Whitfeld 209.(215) 216–218
Wilmott 174. 210. 218–221
Wilson 19
Wise 171
Witherden 66.175. 209–213
Wood 1. 3
Worrall 226
Wright 53
Young (161)
Place IndexAshford 2. 94
Bean Place 178
Brisenden 71
Burren Place 145
Dyne’s Farm 27, 28,
Etchden 177
Fridd 49. 52. 223
Lovelace 98. 163. 180.
Low Wood 81. 174. 205
Old Surrenden 127
Runsell 130 Snoad Hill 16
Vitters Oak 166
Wissenden 175. 209. 211
Winter Farm 44
Biddenden 163
Burwash 120
Camberwell 173. 210
Canterbury 119
Chilham 50
Cranbrook School 9
Dalkeith, Scotland 2
Egerton 216
Great Chart 51. 118. 129
Hardres 216
Hastings 31. 169High Halden 195
London 202New York 5
Shadoxhurst 86
Smarden 3. 215
Snargate 12
Tenterden 139
Twickenham 109
General Index
Royal Artillery 95
Royal West Surrey 41
Northumberland Fusiliers 45a
Household Battalion 69
Blacksmith 70
Butcher 26
Carpenter 22
Clothier 153. 181. 207
Curate 63
Vicar 9. 110. 229. 230
Vicarage 230
Wheelwright 107
Yeoman 1. 35. 38. 67. 96.120.
126. 140