Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury
Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In The Chancell.
1. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Bodies of Christopher BROWNE of this Parish Gent and 4 of his Children, by Mary his relick Wife. Hee died 20th of Septr. 1657 of his Age 37 having Issue surviving 3 Sonnes and 2 Daughters, by his said Wife.
2. On Another, with this Coat. [Az. on a chevn. arg. 3 molets sa. (ROBERTS) imp. ditto]. Here lyeth the Body of Drayton Roberts, late of this Parish, Gent. Son of Edward Roberts Esq. He married Joanna Daughter of Joseph Roberts Esq; and had Issue by Her, 7 Sons, and 4 Daughters. Joseph, Drayton, Edward, William, John, Tiddeman, Thomas, Eliz-Joanna, Eliz-Joanna, Ely-Anne, Ely-Anne. 4 of them, viz. Joseph, Eliz-Joanna, Ely-Anne, & Thomas, died before their Father. He departed this Life Sept. 29th 1712 in the 40th Year of his Age. Joseph the Son died Feby. 12th 1710/11 in the 13th Year of his Age.
3. On Another Flat Stone. Here lye The Bodies of Thomas SCRANTON, Esq and Elisabeth his Wife by whom he had 1 Daughter Elisabeth Scranton who died the 16th Day of January 1719/20. At whose Desire and Charge this Stone was laid In Memory of her Death.
4. On Another. Certa Spe Resurrectionis Hic Jacet Corpus Thomae SCRANTON, Theologi. ex hâc Vitâ migravit x Die Junij A.Dni 1648. Aetatis suae 47. Elisabetham Uxorem Thomam et Franciscum Filios; Elisabetham, Filiam Deflentes reliquit.
Marmoreo Lecto liceat Tibi ducere Somnos/Chare Pater, spes est, luxerit alma Dies. T.S.
Depositi Uxoris Cineres in Urnâ Mariti Elisabeth SCRANTON Francisci BARTON Armigeri, Filia Natu Secunda decessit è Vitâ 30 Die Januarij A. Salutis 1683/4. Aetatis 72.
5. On Another Flat Stone. In Memory of Elisabeth SCRANTON, who having lived a Vertuous & pious Life, died the 9th Day of February, in the 47 Year of her Virginity, and, of Man’s Salvation 1685/6.
In The South (Or Roper’s Chancell.
6. On The West Wall.
[I. ROPER imp. Sa. on a bend arg. voided sa. & cotised arg. 3 lions passt. arg. (BROWNE).
II. ¼ly: 1). ROPER.
2). Sa. a chevn. betw. 3 leopards arg.
3). Erm. a fesse vairy or & gu.
4). Sa. a cross or voided sa.
III. ROPER imp. Gu. a chevn. betw. 3 lions’ paws arg.].Siste gradum qui pergis, & haec, (ut vivere possis/utque Mori melius discere) Pauca legas./Negligis ecce brevi, forsan dum negligis, et Tu/Humanae Specimen Conditionis eris./Sacrum Pietati et Parentibus Thomas ROOPER, Armiger, Thomae Mori (Quod nec modico huic Familiae Honori fuit) ex Filiâ Margareta Nepos, Haeres Moribus; post Patrem Gulielmum (cujus in eo Munere consors videri priusquam Successor poterat) in Foro seu Banco Regio, suprema totius Regni Curia, Protonotarius, viginti quatuor, aut eo amplius, Annorum Spatio (tam suo magno Merito, quam summo Omnium Studio) Fide bonâ et publica egit, non Actoribus non reis aut dare unquam Verba solitus, aut nimio vendere. Uxorem habuit eamq Unicam Luciam, Filiam Antonij BROWNE ex illustri Montacutensi Familiâ oriundam Equitis, Equorumq Regi Henrico Octavo Praefecti; cui, etiam, a Concilijs fuit. Ex Illâ bis Senos pari Sexus Discrimine, Liberos suscepit. Mirus utrisq et Merus Amor, Magna Concordia, et mutua Veneratio; Ita publicus in Foro, Domi Privatus, sanctè ubiq agens et Modestè, ubi tranquilliter senuisset, dormienti Similis, Anno Aetatis suae sexagessimo Quinto, requievit in Christo vicesimo Primo Januarij Anno 1597 Indulgentissimo Parenti Piissimus Filius Gulielmus ROOPERUS, LI ME PO (Libenter Memoriam Posuit). Respice, quid prodest praesentis Temporis Aevum!/Omne quod est, nihil est, praeter amare Deum./Quid Caro, quid Sanguis, quid Pulvis et Umbra superbis?/Quid laetare Miser, Vermibus Esca satus?/Qui Mundum immumdum captas, captaberis ipse:/Et, qui cuncta cupis, Te brevis Urna capit./Pauca potest vivo Mundus Solatia ferre;/Nullaque post Mortem Commoda Damna potest./Quae damnant fugiens Animam, sic instrue vivens/Vivat ut in cœlis beata Deo./Mortuus haec moneo Moriturum: Perge, Memorque/Esto Meae Sortis; Sed magis Ipse tuae.
[2013-09-23 Corrections and photograph kindly supplied by Geoffrey Allibone September 2013]
Roper Monument
7. Under this Chancell is a very large Vault, in a Nitch in the East Wall of Which is preserved the Head of the great Sr. Thomas MORE, who was Lord Chancellor in the Time of KING HENRY 8 – and was executed in ye Year 1535.
8. On The South side of this Chancell are 2 very Ancient Altar Tombs, let into the Wall, which have both had Brasses on them, now lost. And 6 Ancient flat Stones on the Floor, wch. have also all been inlaid with Figures, Coats armorial etc. except 1, wch. however has no Inscription (this one = a plain slab).
9. Here stands a very Old Wooden Eagle, on a Pillar of Marble, which has been used for a Reading Desk. It has been covered with Brass; Its Head is of that Mettal.
[D. summarises the following thus: "Here follow from Somner"].
In the South Isle.
10. On the Wall near the Belfrey, on a very neat Oval Monument, with the following Inscription and Coat. [Az. on a fesse engrld. arg. 3 serpent-like coils gu. and in base a sun or]. Near this Place, lies interr’d the Body of Claudius RONDEAU Esq., His Majesty’s Resident at the Court of Russia from the Year 1730 to the year 1739. He was born 28 March 1695 and died at Petersburg Oct. 5 1739. This Monument was erected to his Memory, by his Widow Jane, Daughter of the Revd. Mr GOODWIN, & Relict of Thomas WARD Esq., Son to the late Ld. cheif Baron Ward. Here also lies interr’d His Posthumous Daughter, Claudia Rondeau, born May 8 1740 and died the 31st of the same Month.
11. On a Flat Stone, nearly under ye Mont. with the same Coat. Burial Place, design’d for the Family of Mr Claude RONDEAU, Merchant at Canterbury, Refugee in England, for the Protestant Religion. Here lieth the Body of John James RONDEAU his eldest Son, deceased the 18th Day of March 1703/4. Aged 22 Years. Here also lieth the Body of the said Claudius Rondeau, who departed this Life the 12th of Nov. 1720. Aged 72 Years. Likewise, Mary BUCK his Daughter, Wife of Mr William Buck of London who died Nov. 3 1743. Aged 51 Years. And Anne, Wife of the aforesaid Claudius Rondeau, who departed this Life the 19 Jany. 1744. Aged 84 Years. Here also lieth Sarah the Wife of Fran ALKIN of Lewes, Gent, and Daughter of the abovesaid Claudius Rondeau, who departed this Life 11 Dec. 1751. Aged 56.
12. On a Small Flat Stone. Within this Vault lie interred the Bodies of Francis, William, Benjamin, Sons of Thomas and Susan ALKIN, who died 26 Aug. 1748, 1 Feb. 1752, 21 July 1752.
In the Body.
13. On a Neat Mural Mont. on ye N. Wall, close to the Pulpit. Near this Place lieth the Body of Daniel HALL, twice Mayor of ye City of Canterbury. His first Wife was Leah RIGDEN who, with her 3 Children lyes buried under this Place. By his Second Wife Sarah SAFFERY, he had 2 Sons; Daniel and Samuel. He was a Loving Husband, an indulgent Parent, and an impartial Magistrate. He died Oct. 3 1742 in the 81st Year of his Age. Near this Place also lies the Body of Daniel, his eldest Son by his Second Wife. who was diligent and skilfull in his Profession or Surgery and Pharmacy; dutyfull to his Parents, & belov’d by all. He exchanged this Life for a Better, on Feb. 20 1740/1 in the 24th Year of his Age.
14. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Leah the Wife of Daniel HALL, who departed this Life the 12th of Octr. 1703. Aged 32 Years. Likewise, the Body of David, son of Daniel and Leah Hall who departed this Life the 25th of April 1701 in the 3rd Year of his Age. As also Mary Daughter of Daniel & Leah Hall who departed this Life the 25th of April 1707 in the 7th Year of hir Age. Here lieth also interr’d Daniel, Son of Daniel & Leah Hall, who departed this Life the 7th Day of March 1715/6 in the 22d. Year of his Age.
15. On Another. Here lyeth the Body of Leah HALL who departed this Life the 12th of October 1703 Aged 32 Years. Here also lieth David Son of Daniel Hall, and the above said Leah his Wife.
16. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Marcy, Wife of Michael LUCKET, who departed this Life, March 3 1734/5. Aged 64 Years. Here also lies the Bodies of their 3 Sons; William, he died June 16 1702. Aged 2 Years, and 5 Months. George died Aug. 4 1706, aged 7 Months, And William he died, May 2 1711. Aged 7 Months. Here also lies Mary, Daughter of William and Sarah ALLEN, of this Parish, and Wife of Michael Lucket, the Younger, by whom She had Issue 5 Sons and 2 Daughters, viz. Mary, William, Thomas, Charles, Sarah, Michael, and George. Of whom, Mary died Feb. 2nd. 1735/6. Aged 4 Years. Thomas died May 20 1736. Aged 1 Month. She (Maria, mater) died Sept. 23 1746. Aged 37.
17. On Another Flat Stone. Here Lyeth the Body of Sarah SPENCER, who died March 21 1742/3 aged 27 Years, Daughter of Hudson and Alice Spencer of this Parish; who lie interr’d in the Parish of Holy Cross Westgate, with their 8 Sons, and 5 Daughters.
18. Here are 5 Other Flatt Stones, none of which are legible. One of them has been enlaid with 3 Brass Figures.
19. This Church consists of, The Great and South Chancells, The Body, South Isle, and a small Chapell at the North West End; This Chapel was founded by one Henry, sirnamed of Canterbury, in 1330, and dedicated to the Holy Trinity, together with a perpetual Chantery, committed to the Care of the Hospital of Poor Priests in Canterbury (see Battely P.168). It is now made Use of, for a School House.
20. The Tower stands at the West End of South Isle. In it hang 5 Bells, thus inscribed:
1. Joseph HATCH made Me, 1629. Autho. ROPAR…… ric: Spencer Oeconomicis.
2. Thomas PALMAR made Me, 1660. Tho. SIMPSON, Ch. Warden.
3. Joseph HATCH made Me, 1605. J.F.C.W.
4. Ave Maria Graciâ Plena; Dns. Tecum.
5. T.P.M. (Thos. PALMAR) 1675. Henrey LANMAN; John FLACTNO C.W.
21. In The Church Yard, are Head stones for AUSTEN, BAKER, CADMAN, CHILD, EASTMAN, ELLIS, HORNE, LOT, PARKER, PILCHER, HOMERSHAM, THORP & WATTS; and 2 Ancient Altar Tombs whose Inscriptions are lost.
22. It is a Vicarage, in the Gift of the Arch Bishop, and was dedicated to St. Dunstan, as its present name shews. The Present Vicar is the Revd. Mr. Isaac JOHNSON 1758.
23. The following Lines are on an Headstone in the Church Yard, inscribed to the Memory of Mrs Mary KNIGHT, who died Sept. 12 1757 aged 42 and of Mr Charles MADDOX, who died Feb. 4 1762 aged 31. Hearken, ye Young, ye hoary Sires attend!/Hear, all who breathe, the Ashes of a Friend!/To you they speak; on you benign they call,/Heirs of the Tomb, &, Part’ners of the Fall./Return (they cry) to Earth return again;/He bids, Who made, nor mocks the Sons of Men./But, can you view, and, can you, thoughtless, read/This kind Alarum, this Summons from the Dead?/Can you, unmov’d, the gen’ral Sentence hear,/Nor sigh one Wish, nor shed one genuine Tear?/ In vain, if so, would Worlds entomb’d arise,/To rouse your Fears, or, point You to the Skies!/.
24. In the Well, belonging to Mr ROBERTS’s House, on the Top of St. Thomas’s Hill in this Parish, was found abt. 60 Years ago (c.1700), a flattish Wooden Bowl or Dish with a broad Rim of Silver Gilt, on wch. is engraved, in very Old Church Text, "Fille the Kuppe, and drink to Me, In the Name of the Trinite". In the Bottom is a Screw on which, I suppose, stood an Image of the Virgin Mary; for others of the like sort see V.3, P.142* & 138** of this Volume.*St John’s Hosp, Sandwich. **Wickhambreaux. (3.142 mentions the St. Dunstan’s one, & 4 more at Harbledown Hospl.).
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
ALKIN 11, 12
Drayton 2
HALL 13, 14, 15
LOT 20
RONDEAU 10, 11
ROPAR…… 20
SCRANTON 3, 4, 5
WATTS 20Places
Lewes 11
London 11
Petersburg 10
Church Warden. 20
Court of Russia 10
Mayor 13
Merchant 11
Refugee 11
Surgery and Pharmacy 13