Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary's Church, East Farleigh

Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary's Church, East Farleigh from a bound book, forming part of the K.A.S. Library Collection at Maidstone Museum, of 62 pages in beautifully written ink hand-writing. Together with a location map, 18" x 21", of all the graves mentioned. There is no mention of the author of this work. Typed up by Dawn Weeks.

Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard

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1. Sacred to the memory of Hannah, wife of James KIRKBY, of this Parish, Plumber, who died November 23rd 1846. Aged 23 years. Also William Kirkby who died April 12th 1851. Aged 3 Months.

2. In Memoriam John KING. Aged 52, and Susanna, his wife, Aged 76 who fell asleep respectively January 9th 1847, and April 27th 1877. Also of Joseph, Aged 49. James Timothy, Aged 42, and Richard, Aged 19 their sons, who entered into rest, respectively, September 6th 1879, January 19th 1876, And August 14th 1857. "So he giveth his beloved sleep."

3. In this vault awaiting a glorious resurrection are deposited the remains of Anne, eldest Daughter of Henry and Mary Anne ALLNUTT of Maidstone; who died July 1st 1843, Aged 29 years. "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that Day." Here also rest the remains of Sarah, the beloved wife of the above Henry Allnutt, who died December 23rd 1857. Aged 63 years. "These are they which come out of great tribulation and have washed their Robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Rev. 7. 14.Also Mary Anne only and beloved Daughter of Alfred Allnutt died December 27th 1862. Aged 8 years. "Accepted in the Beloved" In Affectionate Memory of Henry Allnutt of Loose, Born December 19th 1788, Died April 19th 1869."Being justified by faith we have peace with God." Also of Mary Anne his beloved wife, Born July 10th 1789, Died November 10th 1834.Her remains are interred in the vault of her Father, Richard LEA, in Beckenham churchyard. "I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness."

4. In Memory of Henry Young HULBERT who departed this life, August 27th 1864. Aged 52 years.

5. Here lieth the body of John Deas THOMSON, K.G.H., T.R.T. and T.L. T. of East Farleigh Priory in this Parish, for many years one of the commissioners of Her Majesty’s Navy. He died on the 21st day of February, 1838 in the 75th year of his age.

6. Erected to the Memory of Charlotte HEPBURN by her afflicted parents whose only consolation is in the humble hope that the fine and gentle spirit of their blessed child has been deemed worthy of that perfect happiness which in this world their fondest wishes could never have bestowed, she lived dearly beloved and died deeply regretted at her Fathers’ house, Tovil Place, the 6th of May 1836, aged 14 Years. Also sacred to the memory of Louisa wife of the above James Hepburn, who died August 29th 1837. Aged 54 Years.

7. Here lyeth the Body of James SEAMARK who died January ye 17th, 1741. Aged 52 Years. left issue 2 Sons, James & John. Here also lyeth the body of Mary, wife of James Seamark who died September ye 18th 1739. Aged 55 years.

8. Sacred to the memory of Thomas BROOK who died August 11th 1848, Aged 70 Years. Also Francis, wife of the above died July 24th 1815. aged 35 Years. Also of two sons who died in infancy. Benjamin, February 1st 1806. James, June 6th 1815. Also Henry their Son died April 21st 1833. Aged 21 Years. Also Frances, second wife of the above named Thomas Brook, Died December 26th 1857. Aged 71 Years. And of 4 Daughters, Elizabeth wife of George LAMBERT died October 30th 1842 Aged 25 Years. Sophia, died September 22nd 1845. Aged 26 Years. Emily Phoebe died November 3rd 1845. Aged 20 Years. Sarah died March 23rd 1846. Aged 28 Years.

9. In Memory of Isaac BAXTER died October 13th 1876. Aged 71 Years. "With patience to the last he did submit And murmured not at what the Lord thought fit And with a christian courage did resign His soul to God at his appointed time. Also Mary Baxter died January 3rd 1878. Aged 62 Years. Also Emma Mary Baxter died December 28th 1842. Aged 3 Years. Also Mary West Baxter Died September 22nd 1844, aged 1 Year. Also William Baxter died December 28th 1848, Aged 3 Years. Also Susanna Baxter died September 21st 1856, Aged 3 Years. Also Percy Baxter died May 29th 1875. Aged 5 Years.

10. In Memory of Isaac BAXTER, of this Parish who Died January 25th 1813. Aged 44 Years. Also Lydia, wife of the above who died February 5th 1859. Aged 83 Years. Also Emma Daughter of the above, who Died May 28th 1834. Aged 21 Years.

11. Erected to the Memory of John MONK, of this Parish who died February the 3rd 1821. Aged 32 Years. The pale consumption struck the fatal blow The pains were lasting, though the effects, came slow. With wasteing pains Death found me sore oppressed. Pitied my pains and kindly gave me rest.

12. In Memory of John MONK, of the Parish, who died April 3rd 1794. Aged 41 Years Left issue Surviving 3 Sons and 2 Daughters (viz) John, Stephen, Thomas, Jane and Elizabeth. Also Elizabeth Dennis relict of John Monk who died October 20th 1816. Aged 52 Years. Also William their son died June 4th 1793. Aged 2 Years. Also Jane their Daughter died January 20th 1814. Aged 28 Years.

13. To the Memory of Robert SKINNER of this Parish who died December 11th 1846. Aged 73 Years. Also Martha Skinner, wife of the above who died September 7th 1850. Aged 71 Years. Left Issue 8 Sons and 4 Daughters, Bashamath, Thomas, Milgar, Robert, Ezekiel, Avis, David, Iden, Cornelius, Caroline, John and Er. And 7 died in their infancy.

14. In Memory of Sarah, Wife of William DAY, late of this Parish, Who Died October 16th 1830. Aged 19 Years. Also Frances, daughter of William & Frances Day, of Maidstone who died March 5th 1853. Aged 15 Years. Also Frances, second wife of William Day Who died March 23rd 1864. Aged 68 Years. Also the above William Day who died April 25th 1879. Aged 72 Years.

15. Sacred to the Memory of William WILSON late of Maidstone who died January the 20th 1808. Aged 50 Years. Also Sarah, his wife who died April 28th 1843. Aged ?? Years. Surviving Twelve Sarah Elizabeth Charles M Rebecca and Jane Wilson Clothe me O Lord And cover me with the robe of thy

16. In Memory of Sarah wife of William COGGER of this Parish, who departed this Life, January 14th 1821. in the 43 year of her Age. Left issue 2 Sons (viz) Richard and William. Also Rebecca, second wife of the above, died November 12th 1828. Aged 58 Years.

17. In Memory of William COGGER, Who Died September 13th 1846. Aged 69. This stone is placed by Israel H. LEWIS of Gallants Court, in remembrance of his faithful services as Bailiff extending over a period of 35 Years.

18. In Memory of Thomas GREEN of this Parish who died December 31st 1866. Aged 72 Years. Also Sophia wife of the above who died October 17 1871. Aged 73 Years. Thomas son of Thomas and Sophia Green of this Parish, who died in his infancy. Also John their son who died in his infancy. Also George their son, who died May 4th 1829. Aged 10 months. Also Patience their Daughter, who died May 7th 1835. Aged 5 Months.

19. In Affectionate Remembrance of Sophia, the second Daughter of Thomas and Sophia Green, of this Parish, who died March 22nd 1868. Aged 36 years. Also Thomas their son, who died November 7th 1874. Aged 52 years.

19a. In Memory of Richard LANDS who died July 13th 1822. Aged 30 Years. Also Frances Lands who died January 3rd 1822. Aged 31 Years. George son of Richard and Frances Lands of this Parish who died September the 25th 1815. Aged 1 Years and 9 Month. Also Mary their Daughter died October the 4th 1815. Aged 5 Months. Likewise Mary Ann their Daughter died February the 10th 1819. Aged 1 Year & 3 Months. Also Harriot Aged 3 Days.

20. In Memory of Charles son of William and Mary HARTRIDGE who Died November 11th 1825. Aged 5 Months. Also Secelia, their Daughter who died May 16th 1841. Aged 6 Years and 8 Months.

21. Erected to the Memory of William HARTRIDGE, late of Leeds, who died January 16th 1837. Aged 44 Years. For so he giveth his beloved sleep. P.S.127.2.V. The said William Hartridge left surving Mary his wife, 5 Sons and 4 Daughters, (viz) Frances, William, Robert, Thomas, Albert, Mary Ann, Sophia, Emma and Secelia. Albert their son died October 6th 1838. Aged 2 years and 6 months. Also to the Memory of Mary, wife of William Hartridge, who died January 26th 1876. Aged 78 Years.

22. In Affectionate Remembrance of John Kennard GREEN, son of John and Elizabeth Ann Green Died 29th October 1869. Aged 25 Years.

23. In Memory of Sarah wife of Joseph Green, of this Parish, who departed this Life, August the 18th 1816. Aged 27 Years. Also Joseph their son, who departed this Life July the 9th 1816. Aged 5 Weeks.

24. Sacred to the Memory of Winnefred, wife of James LEADBETTER who died March 5th 1828. Aged 48 Years. Also Hester their Daughter who died September 27th 1829. Aged 23 Years. Also George their Son who died February 16th 1836. Aged 15 Years. Also Elizabeth Jemima daughter of Robert & Elizabeth RAYNER and grand-daughter of the above who died January 24th 1840 Aged 18 months.

25. Erected to the Memory of Mary, daughter of Richard and Eleanor KENNARD, of this Parish who died October 24th 1818. Aged 18 Years. Also Thomas, Grandson of the above who died December 11th 1841. Aged 7 Years.

26. In Memory of John FURMINGER????, of this Parish who died June the 28th 1816. Aged 40 Years. When in this world I did remain My latter days were grief and pain But when the Lord did think it best He took me to a place of rest. Also Elizabeth Furminger, Wife of the above who died May 10th 1820. Aged 30 Years. Also Eliza daughter of the above who died November the 13th 1816. Aged 7 Years. Also Mary daughter of the above, Wife of Joseph READER of Maidstone who died April 22nd 1857. Aged 44 Years.

27. Here Lieth the Remains of Lucy, the wife of George DOMINICUS Esquire of the Court Lodge in this Parish born February the 19th 1753, died July the 29th 1822. Aged 69 Years. Also of George Dominicus GEAR son of Robert Gear Esquire of Tenterden, and Grandson of the above who died March the 5th 1825. Aged 13 Years and 5 Months.

28. Sacred to the Memory of Robinson KITTOE Esquire who died February 23rd 1827. Aged 57 Years. Also Margaret Sarah daughter of Robinson and Harriette-Eliza Kittoe who died May 24th 1824. Aged 14 Years.

29. In Memory of Edward NORTON, of Diss, Norfolk, who died May 18th 1851. Aged 49 Years.

30. Jane wife of J.W. ALDER of New York ( America ) died the 18th of March, 1816. Aged 29 Years. Also Jane, youngest Daughter of the above died the 31st May, 1816. Aged 2 Years. Also on the 24th of March 1824, Leyson LEWIS, Aged 69 Years.

31. Israel Harris LEWIS born March 10th 1792 died February 26th 1877.

32. In Memory of Ann Wife of Thomas FOWLE who died January the 17th 1809. In the 58th Year of her Age.

West side

33. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Frances Latear MERCER wife of Mr John Mercer of Maidstone who died the 7th of July, 1832, in the 42nd year of her age. Also two of their children who died in their infancy. Also Clara Georgiana, their 4th Daughter who died March 21st 1844. Aged 16 Years. Also Frederick their third Son, who died on the 23rd of June, 1848. Aged 20 years. Also of John Mercer, the younger, of Maidstone Banker, who died at Pau Basses Pyrennees, on the 6th day of June, 1857. Aged 38 Years. And whose remains are interred in the Protestant cemetery there. In memory of Elizabeth Mercer wife of Richard Mercer Junior died September 3rd 1819. Aged 27 Years. Also the above named Richard Mercer, died February 10th 1843. Aged 62 Years. Also of John Mercer, the elder of Maidstone, Banker, who died at Nice on the 26th day of December, 1955. Aged 72 Years. And whose remains are deposited in this vault. In Memory of Richard Mercer, who died May the 28th 1815. Aged 68 Years. Elizabeth wife of Richard mercer who died November the 18th 1813. Aged 65 Years. Also Elizabeth Daughter of the above died April the 29th, 1808. Aged 32 Years. Also of Samuel Mercer, of this Parish who died on the 16th day of November, 1868. Aged 80 Years. In Memory of Thomas Mercer, who died November 20th 1829. Aged 36 Years. Also of two of their children who died in their infancy. Sarah, the wife of Samuel Mercer, who died January 31st 1829. Aged 34 Years. Also Edward, their Son, who died in his infancy.
West side?????

34. Sacred to the Memory of Martha, Wife of George MARTEN of this Parish who died May the 24th 1814. Aged 77 Years. Also the above George Marten who died June 21st 1824. Aged 87 Years.

35. Sacred to the Memory of William CRITTENDEN who died November 7th 1853. Aged 68 Years. Mary-Ann, Wife of William Crittenden, of Boughton Monchelsea, who died January 2nd 1832. Aged 40 Years. Left issue one Son and 4 Daughters, (viz) William, Mary-Ann, Ann, Elizabeth and Susanna.

36. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, Wife of John HARDS who died March 31st 1875. Aged 70.
Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth Hards of this Parish who died July 1st 1832. Aged 4 Years and 6 Months. Elizabeth is gone; she is gone for ever, Yes she’s gone to meet her Saviour; She knows no sorrow, she feels no pain She only died to live again. Also Horatio son of the above who died February 16th 1843. Aged 5 Years and 5 Months.

37. In Memory of Thomas BAKER, late of Maidstone, who departed this Life December the 22nd 1811. Aged 26 Years. Also Martha Williams relict of Thomas Baker, who departed this Life, January the 18th 1824. Aged 47 Years.

38. Arthur, son of Arthur and Sophia DAVIS, Aged 8 Years.

39. To the Memory of Martha daughter of John and Mary BIGG who died September 24th 1806. Aged 3 Years and 4 Months. The said Mary Bigg, died December 7th 1848. Aged 73. Also Mary their Daughter who died July 31st 1811. Aged 10 Years and 5 Months. Also Eliza, their Daughter who died April 30th 1832. Aged 30 Years. Also the above named John Bigg who died October 19th 1838. Aged 60 Years. Also Thomas their son who died June 14th 1840. Aged 25 Years. Also Susanna Kennard their Daughter and Wife of Thomas PARKSWORTH died December 4th 1842. Aged 37 Years. Leaving issue, one Son, William-Henry.Also John son of the above John and Mary Bigg who died at Bermuda, September 23rd 1843. Aged 35 Years.

40. Sacred to the Memory of Thomas HARDS, of this Parish, who died August 4th 1823. Aged 52 Years. Also Martha, Wife of the above died January 31st, 1824. Aged 52 Years. A loving wife and affectionate Mother. Left surviving 4 Sons and 4 Daughters (viz) Thomas, Gabriel, John, Richard, Martha, Susanna, Jane and Elizabeth. Also Mary daughter of the above died March 7th 1797. Aged 5 Weeks. Also Elizabeth Daughter of the above died December the 20th 1809. Aged 9 Months. Also a Son died in his infancy. A Loving Husband, a friend most dear. Within this Grave lies buried Here, With Christian’s patience bore his pain, Physicians aid Alas where Vain; No tongue can tell my Loss how great, But hope in Heaven again to meet.

41. Sacred to the Memory of William FRENCH of Southwark and Langley, who died on the 16th December 1868. Aged 81 Years. David, son of William and Hannah French, Died February the 10th 1818. Aged 2 Months. William, their son died August 31st 1818. Aged 3 Years and 10 Months. Mary Scoones, their Daughter, died December 24th 1822. Aged 8 Months. Martha, their Daughter died October 1st, 1843 in the 17th Year of her Age. Also Ellen Mira MAYLARD Grand Daughter of the above who Died at Northfleet April the 6th 1862. Aged 3 Years and 3 Months.

42. In Memory of William Rayfield HARDS son of Richard and Mary Hards, February 18th 1836. Aged 5 Months. Also the above Richard Hards who died March 21st 1856. Aged 49 Years.

43. In Memory of Martha, Wife of John FRENCH of this Parish, who died March the 31st 1796. Aged 47 Years. Left issue 12 Children.Also the above said John French who died September the 12th 1821. Aged 84 Years.

44. In Memory of William CRITTENDEN of this Parish, who died February 13th 1830. Aged 74 Years. Also Ann, Wife of the above said who died September 15th 1838. Aged 80 Years. Thomas son of William and Ann Crittenden, of this Parish, who died July 21st 1816. Aged 17 Years. All you that came my Grave to see, As I am now, so must you be, Repent in time, make no delay, I in my bloom was snatched away.

45. William BOWYER died June 21st 1812. Aged 69 Years. Left Issue 3 Sons.

46. Sacred to the Memory of George CRITTENDEN, of this Parish who died June 22nd 1841. Aged 45 Years. Also Frances Wife of the above and relict of John MONK who died July 26th 1825. Aged 29 Years. Also Ann, Daughter of the said George and Frances Crittenden, who died in her infancy, left surviving one Daughter Frances. Leaving Martha his second Wife and issue Four children (viz) William, George, John and Thomas, surviving also on son Thomas, who died in his infancy. Also the above William Crittenden died December 11th 1868. Aged 40 Years.

47. To the Memory of James LAMB, of this Parish, who departed this Life, September the 5th 1785. Aged 77 Years. Also Mary Wife of James Lamb, who departed this Life, March 1st 1789. Aged 82 Years. Had Issue 4 Sons and 6 Daughters; William, James, Rafe, Joseph, Mary, Rose, Mary, Elizabeth, Eleanor and Catharine.

48. Here Lieth ye Bodys of John BIGGE and Mary Bigge, his first Wife, he departed this Life ye 18th of January, 1664.

49. This Stone is erected to the memory of Elizabeth TRESS widow of the late Francis Tress of London and Daughter of Thomas WHITTLE, formerly of this Parish who died April 27th 1852. Aged 76.

50. Here lyeth the Body of Samuel MERCER who dyed the 25th of May 1716. Aged 51 Years.
Left Issue 2 Sons and 2 Daughters (viz) Samuel, Richard, Susanna and Elizabeth. Also Samuel Mercer who died the 1st of October, 1739. Aged 50 Years. And Susanna his wife who died the 6th of February 1734.Left Issue one Son, Samuel.

51. To the Memory of Samuel MERCER, of this Parish, Yeoman, he died March the 14th 1766. Aged 41 Years. Likewise to the Memory of Mary Wife of the 8th Samuel Mercer. She died February the 27TH 1760. Aged 44 Years. Left Issue Four Sons and Three Daughters; Samuel, Richard, Thomas, William, Susannah, Elizabeth and Mary.

52. North Side. Here lieth the bodies of John SIMES, and his wife Frances which John Simes deceased the 2nd day of February in the yeare of our Lord God + Ano 1644. South Side. Here lyeth inteared the Jane Symes, Wife of William Symes, who departed this Life 14th day of August in the year of our Lord 1687 and left issue one sonne. Aged 28 Years.

53. In Memory of Sophia Elizabeth wife of Thomas ROBINSON of this Parish who died March the 28th 1845. Aged 45. Left issue Thomas Foster and Sophia Susanna.

54. Here Lieth the Bodies of Nicolas GOLDSMITH and hiw Wife they died in the Yeare, 1656.

55. Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth BEDWELL Daughter of John and Ann Bedwell of Maidenstone who departed this Life August 26th 1722 in the 17th year of her Age.

56. Memory of Thomas BOOTHE Died September

57. Sacred to the Memory of Mary, daughter of John and Mary MILLER of this Parish, who departed this Life September 2nd Anno Domini 1806 in the 14th year of her age. Also of the above said John Miller who died December the 6th 1820. Aged 59 Years. Also Mary Wife of the above who died March 18th 1837. Aged 76 Years. Also of two of their Granddaughters, Mary died March 25th 1833. Aged 15 Years. Susannah Elizabeth died April 6th 1820. Aged 7 Weeks.

58. Here lieth the body of Ann SUTTOR wife of Richard Sutter and daughter of Andrew and Ann GULL who departed this life February

59. In Memory of the Reverend James Arthur DUNNAGE M.A. who departed this Life, November the 22nd 1863. In the 57th Year of his Age. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1.21.

60. North Side Sacred to the Memory of Gabriel KENNARD, who died June 19th 1874. Aged 62 Years. Also of Sarah wife of the above who died November 10th 1875. Aged 60 Years. David Kennard departed this Life, the 24th day of September, 1789 in the 47th year of his Age. Also David Kennard his nephew died May 26th 1853. Aged 76 Years. Leaving 5 Sons and one Daughter. Much respected by all who knew him.
East Side Also of Elizabeth widow of Gabriel Kennard who died November 20th 1871. Aged 83 Years. In Memory of David the son of David and Elizabeth Kennard who departed this Life the 12th day of March in the Year of our Lord, 1772. Aged 2 Years and 8 Months.
South Side Sacred to the Memory of Gabriel Kennard, who died March 16th 1849. Aged 66 Years. Leaving a Widow, one Son and four Daughters (viz) Gabriel, Mary, Martha, Susanna and Clara. Also of their deceased children, Thomas died November 19th 1831. Aged 22 Years, David March 11th 1834 aged 19 Years, and Richard December 17th 1842. Aged 28 Years. Who left a Widow and one Daughter Ann-Elizabeth. In Memory of Elizabeth, the only child of David and Elizabeth Kennard who departed this Life the 19th of October, 1786 in the 16th Year of her Age.
West Side In Memory of Elizabeth wife of David Kennard, died August 30th 1813. Aged 75 Years. Also Sarah Kennard wife of David Kennard, died January 20th 1817. Aged 36 Years. Left Issue six Sons and 2 Daughters, David, Thomas, Richard, John, Edward, Augustus, Sarah and Elizabeth.

61. Left side In Memory of Gabriel KENNARD, of this Parish son of David and Mary Kennard who departed this Life, April the 1st1780 aged Years.
Right side In Memory of Martha Wife of Gabriel Kennard and Daughter of Richard and Elizabeth FOSTER who Departed this Life, August ye 31st 1756. Aged 46 Years. Left issue 2 Sons and 2 Daughters.

62. Here lyeth the body of Alice Wife of Thomas BEALE who departed this life March day, 1714. aged 51 Years, left issue Mary and Elizabeth. Here also lyeth the body of Thomas Beale who departed this Life March 172- aged years and left issue 2 Daughters Mary Elizabeth.

63. In Memory of John KENNARD of this Parish died November 28th 1792. Aged 44 Years.

64. Here lyeth the Body of Thomas COMBER of this Parish, Butcher, who Dyed ye 30th of June, 1706 in ye 88th yeare of his Age. In Memory of whom Elizabeth PAGE his

65. Here lyeth the Body of Margaret COMBER A Maid she was Barbarously Murthered by William GODDEN, March ye 14th 1671. Aged 60 Years.

66. In Memory of Mary Wife of Samuel MERCER, of this Parish who died July the 1st 1770. Aged 24 Years. Left Surviving one son, Samuel and Mary Mercer who died April the 29th 1798. Aged 28 Years.

67. In Memory of Samuel MERCER of this Parish who died August the 31st 1808. Aged 62 Years. Also Sarah, relict of the above said Samuel Mercer who died May 25th 1829 in the 80th year of her Age. Left surviving Four Sons and Five Daughters Also James their son died March the 16th 1804. Aged 29 Years. And William their son died August the 27th 1811. Aged 32 Years. To the Memory of Thomas their son, who died in the East Indies, March the 8th 1814. Aged 28 Years.

68. Here lieth the body of Sarah BREWER wife of John Brewer who died April 30th day 1710. Aged 55 Years. Left issue 2 Sons and 2 Daughters.

69. In Memory of Richard Son of Samuel and Sarah MERCER of this Parish who died February the 21st 1819. Aged 34 Years. Also to the Memory of Stephen, son of Samuel and Sarah Mercer who died November 20th 1827. in the 39th Year of his Age, at Bancoora in the East Indies on his return to England after an absence of 23 Years to the great grief of his afflicted family.

70. In Memory of Samuel SPRINGETT of this Parish who died June 27th 1834. Aged 35 Years. Left surviving Mary his Wife and one son Samuel. Also William their son who died in his infancy. Also Richard their son who died December 18th 1831. Aged 3 Years. Also Mary wife of the above who died August 12th 1845. Aged 44 Years.

71. In Memory of Albert son of Benjamin and Sarah Christiana LATTER who departed this Life March 27th 1859. Aged 7 Years. Also Christiana their daughter who departed this Life December 2nd 1866. Aged 23 Years. Also Edwin their son who departed this Life September 22nd 1868. Aged 27 Years.

72. Here lieth the body of Elizabeth LACY second Wife of Samuel Lacy who died November ye 14th 1734. Aged 26(5?) Years.

73. In Memory of George NASH of this parish who died the 11th of February 1774. Aged 82 Years.

74. To the Memory of Elizabeth Wife of Samuel WEEKS died August 24th 1806. Aged 75 Years. Also the above said Samuel Weeks, died June 9th 1820. Aged 89 Years. Samuel son of Samuel and Elizabeth Weeks died 10th November 1776. Aged 17 Years. John their son died December 18th 1792. Aged 30 Years.

75. In Memory of Charlotte Wife of William EVENDEN and daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth WEEKS, who departed this Life 5th May 1846. Aged 65 Years. A tender Mother, a friend most dear, Within this grave lies buried here. With Christian’s patience bore her pain, Physicians and Alas! where vain, No tongue can tell her loss how great, But hope again in Heaven to meet. Also the above William Evenden Who died July 25th 1857. Aged 68 Years.

76. Here lieth the body of Elizabeth LACY first wife of Samuel Lacy, who died July ye 22nd 1733. Aged 40 Years. Left issue on son, Samuel.

77. Here lieth the body of George PAWLLY. Hee departed this Life the 24th day of April, 1691. Aged 47 Years and left issue George, Elizabeth, ………………………. ………………. body of George son of George Pawlly died 6th of September, 1714. Aged 13 Years. …………………………….. Here lieth the body of Rose Pawlly Wife of George Pawlly …………………………… Pawlly ……………………………………… George Pawlly who died ………………. of ……. ……………………. Aged 22 Years.

78. In Memory of June the Wife of William WATERS of this Parish departed this life May 25th 1771. Aged 44 Years.

79. Sacred to the Memory of John RUSSELL of this Parish who died December 13th 1830. Aged 54 Years. Also Ann wife of the above who died March 3rd 1836. Aged 64 Years. John Russell son of John and Ann Russell of this Parish who died April 27th 1825. Aged 23 Years.

80. To the Memory of Henry Wise BAKER of Boughton Monchelsea son of Henry Baker and Mary his Wife of Tovil who departed this Life July 2nd 1880. Aged 76 Years. "With Christian courage he died resign His soul to God at his appointed time." Also in Loving Remembrance of Mary the beloved Wife of Thomas-Judge-Morphett of Beckenham Kent and youngest daughter of the above who died January 12th 1881. Aged 38 Years. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ". Romans 8.35 Here is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above. Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and Faithful, strong as Death. This Stone was placed here in affectionate remembrance by his only Sister, F.W. Baker.

81. Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Robinson BAKER, Commercial Traveller of London son of Henry Wise and Eliza BAKER who departed this Life 17th April 1877. Aged 49 Years. Forgive! blest shade, the tributary tear, That mourns thy exit from a world like this Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here And stay’d thy progress to the seats of bliss, No more confined to grieving scenes of night, No more a tenant pent in mortal clay. Now rather should we hail thy glorious flight, And trace thy journey to the realms of day. Also Eliza Baker, eldest Daughter of Henry Wise and Eliza Baker, Grand-daughter of the late James FOSTER of this Parish, she departed this Life on the 4th of July, 1879. Aged 40 Years.

82. Sacred to the Memory of Francis Hartridge BREWER of Milton next Sittingbourne who died of Apoplexy October 13th 1868. Aged 50 Years. Left surviving a widow and five sons.

83. In Memory of Susanna Wife of William HARTRIDGE of this Parish who departed this Life the 12th of June, 1777. Aged 44 Years. Also Robert son of William and Susanna Hartridge who departed this Life April 24TH 1770. Aged 2 Years. Likewise William their son who departed this Life May 6th 1770. Aged 5 Years. Left issue one Son and one Daughter, Frances (sic) and Mary. Also Margaret his second wife who departed this Life November 19th 1809. Aged 73 Years. Also the above William Hartridge died October the 14th 1811. Aged 80 Years.

84. In Memory of Francis HARTRIDGE of this Parish who died November 17th 1842. Aged 82 Years. Also Mercy Wife of Francis Hartridge of this Parish who died June 1st 1828. Aged 66 Years. Left surviving one Son and Five Daughters, (viz) William, Margaret, Susanna, Frances, Sophia and Drusilla. Also Francis their son who died December 21st 1795. Aged 5 Years. Also Mary their Daughter and Wife of James BRIGS, who died January 29th 1832. Aged 45 Years.

85. In Memory of William SPRINGETT of this Parish who departed this Life, September the 13th 1812. Aged 57 Years. Also Elizabeth wife of the above said who departed this Life December the 14th 1822. Aged 55 Years. Left issue by Elizabeth his Wife, Four Sons and Four Daughters, vix John, Samuel, Cornelius, Mark William, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Ann and Barbara.

86. Illegible.

87. To the Memory of Sarah the Beloved wife of James FOSTER, she died January the 22nd 1785. Aged 37 Years. Also James Foster died December the 14th 1811. Aged 80 Years. Left issue by his late Wife Catherine Foster One Son and Four Daughters viz: James, Catharine, Sarah, Mary, Sophia, Elizabeth and Eliza. Also the above Catharine late Wife of Thomas GILBERT who died October 13th 1841. Aged 80 years.

88. In Memory of Thomas son of James and Catharine FOSTER of this Parish died November the 15th 1809.
Aged 20 Years. He was dutiful to his parent, beloved by his relations and friends, And respected by his acquaintance. A sudden illness gave the fatal blow, Death was certain tho’ the effect was slow, With wasting pain death found him sore oppressed Pityd his sighs and friendly gave him rest. Also of James their son who died the 16th of June, 1830. Aged 36 Years. Leaving Issue 3 Sons and 1 Daughter, viz: James, Thomas, George and Sophia.

89. In Memory of Thomas BOWYER, Paper Mould Maker son of Thomas and Sarah Bowyer of Maidstone who departed this Life November 22nd 1812. Aged 25 Years. Here rests a youth whom all admired, Whoever strove to please, Who gain’d respect, and then retired To everlasting ease.

90. Sacred to the Memory of John Henry CRONK of this Parish who died March the 9th 1836. Aged 52 Years.

91. Here lieth the bodies of William EVENDEN of this Parish and Eleanor his Wife they departed this Life January 2nd in the year of our Lord 1723. William Aged ……. Eleanor 51 Years.

92. Here lyeth the body of Peter COOKE Gentleman who departed this Life April 22, 1707. Aged 49 Years. Patience Cooke his loveing wife erected this stone being his sole Exceckitor in memory of Him. Here also lyeth the boy of Patience wife of John KENNARD.

93. In Memory of John SPRINGETT of this Parish died July 17th 1766. Aged 80 Years. Also in Memory of Barbara, wife of the said John Springett, she died May the 11th 1774. Aged 81 Years.

94. In Memory of William SPRINGETT of this Parish, who died January 11th 1806. Aged 86 Years. Also Elizabeth his wife died October the 22nd 1798. Aged 78 Years. Likewise near this place lieth two of their Daughters, Barbara and Sarah who died Young. Left issue surviving Two sons and Four Daughters (viz) John, William, Mary, Susanna, Ann and Patience.

95. Beneath are deposited the bodies of Mr Richard KENNARD Formerly of Brompton, Middlesex, late of Town Malling, Kent, Baptized March 16th 1753. Died November 12th 1836. And of his second Wife Clara who died March 19th 1832. Aged 75 Years. He is first Wife Catharine was entombed in the Church vault at Kensington, Middlesex Ano Domini 1809. Aged 66. Also of Richard Kennard, M.D.M.R.C.T. only son of the above Richard and Catherine Kennard who died in London June XVI MD CCCL Aged LXV.

96. Here lyeth the body of Alexander USBORNE of this Parish, Yeoman who died August ye 23rd 1737. Aged 68 Years. Left issue 4 Sons and 3 Daughters. Also in Memory of Susanna the wife of Alexander Usborne who departed this Life the 6th day of May 1764. Aged seventy-nine.

97. Here lieth the body of Thomas USBORN of this Parish, yeoman, who departed this Life February 25th Anno Dom. 1702. Aged 78 Years. Left issue 3 sons and 3 daughters. Here lieth also the body of Rebekah Usborne wife of the before said Thomas Usborne. She departed this Life the 16th day of May, Anno Domini

98. In Memory of Thomas USBORNE son of Alexander and Susannah Usborne of this Parish he died February 14th 1758. Aged 40 Years.

99. Here lieth the body of Alexander FORTUNE, who died October 20th 1741 in the 32nd Year of his age, left issue 2 daughters Susannah and Mary. Here lieth the body of Mary Fortune wife of Alexander Fortune of this Parish who departed this life January 21st 1737. Aged 55 Years.

100. In Memory of Mary second wife of Thomas FOSTER who departed this Life October 18th 1755. Aged 41 Years. Left issue one daughter Susanna. Also in memory of the said Thomas Foster of this Parish who died the 3rd of March 1776. Aged 76 Years. Left issue one son, James.

101. Left side In Memory of William SMITH he died March 9th 1758. Aged 50 years. Left issue on son, 1 daughter. Here also lieth the body of William the son of the above William Smith he died August 30th 1768. Aged 25 Years. He left issue 1 son.
Right side Also Susanna wife of William Smith who departed this life March the 17th 1783. Aged 71 Years.
When this you see remember me and bear me in your mind. Let all the world say what they will, speak only as you find, When I am dead and in my grave and my and my bones decayed and rotten When this you see you will remember When I am quite forgotten.

102. In Memory of Mary the wife of Thomas KENNARD of this Parish who departed this Life the 1st day of October, 1786. Aged 35 Years. Left issue Four Sons and Four Daughters Richard, Thomas, David and Gabriel, Martha, Mary, Elizabeth and Susanna. Also at the right of this stone lies the Body of Martha BALLARD, Mother of the above said Mary Kennard died September 27th 1790. Aged 70 Years. Also Susanna Daughter of the above Thomas and Mary Kennard, died March the 20th 1798. Aged 14 Years. Also the above Thomas Kennard died September the 24th 1806. Aged 62 Years.

103. Erected to the Memory of Richard KENNARD of this Parish who died December 8th 1852. Aged 81 Years. Also Eleanor his wife died August 1856 aged 81 years Left issue 4 Sons and 6 Daughters. Also Sarah Savage Kennard, Daughter of the above, who died August the 22nd 1860. Aged 61 Years. Also Richard Kennard son of the above who died February 22nd 1862. Aged 60 Years.

104. Sacred to the memory of Isabella KENNARD daughter of Richard and Eleanor Kennard of this Parish who died November 3rd 1872 Aged 65 Years. "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour whereon the son of man cometh." St Matthew, XXV 13.

105. Sacred to the memory of Mary KENNARD the beloved wife of Edward Charlton Kennard of this Parish, who departed this Life, August 25th 1879. Aged 61 Years. Leaving 4 Sons and 2 Daughters, David Richard, James, Arthur-Augustus, Mary and Sarah. She sleepeth as recorded in thy word In swoop (sweep) repose, on the bosom of her Lord.

106. In Memory of John MARSH of this Parish who died the 25th of March, 1776. Aged 51 Years. Also Mary his wife who died the 14th of January, 1797. Aged 72 Years. Also one Son and one Daughter who died in their infancy. Left issue 3 Sons and 2 Daughters. John, Thomas, Hatcher, Elizabeth and Mary.

107. In Memory of Elizabeth WILDASH, Widow , she departed this Life July 2nd 1766. Aged 76 Years. She left Issue 2 Sons and 2 Daughters.

108. Here lieth the mortal remains of George DAVEY who Departed this Life August 5th, 1834. Aged 19 Years and 5 Months; son of the Reverend George Davey, Curate of this Parish.

109. In Memory of William BENNETT who died May 6th 1792. Aged 54 Years. Affliction sore, Long time I bore, Physicians were in vain; Till God did please That Death should seize, And ease me of my pain.

110. Sacred to the Memory of John RAYFIELD who died December 31st 1841. Aged 52 Years. Sarah his second Wife died November 14th 1854. Aged 61. Ann Wife of John Rayfield of this Parish who died July 18th 1825. Aged 45 Years. Left issue 6 Children. Also Charlott their Daughter died May 30th 1821. Aged 13 Weeks. Also Martha Daughter of the above John Rayfield and Sarah his second Wife, who died July 18th 1831. Aged 10 Months.

111. In Memory of John LOUD of this Parish, who died August 4th 1771. Aged 49 Years. Also Judith his wife died May 24th 1766. Aged 36 Years. Left Issue John, Sarah, and Judith. Also Elizabeth his second wife died December 24th 1776. Aged 40 Years. Left Issue one Son, Thomas. Also one Son, Stephen died in his Infancy. Also Judith daughter of John and …………

112. In Memory of James MEAD of this Parish who died November 23rd 1828. Aged 78 Years. Also Susanna Mead Wife of the above who died February 12th 1826. Aged 77 Years. Also James Mead their son who died February 6th 1874. Aged 3 Years. Also Martha-Mary Mead their Daughter died March 11th 1789. Aged 17 Years.

113. In Memory of Susanna wife of John MILLER of this Parish who died February 14th 1839. Aged 53 Years. Also the above named John Miller who died November 22nd 1874. Aged 92 Years. Also John their son died September 30th 1845. Aged 20 Years.

114. In Memory of William SPRINGETT of this Parish who died September 10th 1823. Aged 90 Years. Also Lucy his Wife died March 24th 1771. Aged 35 Years. Also William their son died in his Infancy. Left Issue one Son and 2 Daughters. Also Mary second Wife of the above died March 29th 1788. Aged 40 Years . Left Issue 2 Sons and 5 Daughters.

115. Hidden by 116.

116. Sacred in Memory of Sarah PARKS the beloved Wife of William Parks, who died in the parish of Loose May 8th 1856. Aged 69 Years. Also the above William Parks who died May the 14th 1861. Aged 69 Years. Also Ann Daughter of the above wh died 18. Years. Dearly beloved by her husband and sincerely respected by her friends.

117. STUBBERSFIELD. Hidden by 116.

118. Sacred to the Memory of Sarah, wife of James SANDS who died October 28th 1853. Aged 52 Years. Also Harriett, the beloved Wife of Samuel PEARSON, third Daughter of the above who died November 13th 1853. Aged 26 Years. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1Ch 21v Also Jane the beloved Wife of Ingram SANDS who died March 1st 1854. Aged 34 Years. Also the above named Samuel PEARSON who died June 9th 1864. Aged 38 Years.

119. Here Lye ye Bodies of Robert ALLEN late of ye Parish and Margaret his Wife, he died ye 25th of September 1746. Aged 73 Years. She ye 7th of October 1722. Aged 52 Years. Also 4 Sons who died in their Infancy. Left surviving Richard, Margaret, Robert, Eliza.

120. In Memory of Elizabeth Wife of Stephen CHEESEMAN of this Paris who died April the 16th 1804. Aged 67 Years. Had Issue Three Children; viz Ann, Elizabeth and Stephen. Also the above Stephen Cheeseman who died January 30th 1810. Aged 81 Years.

121. Beneath are deposited the Remains of the Reverend Ezekiel Paul DE LA DOUESPE M.A. Vicar of this Parish. Who during a Residence of Forty Two Years Discharged the Duties of his Station, faithfully and conscientiously. Born September the 29th AD 1727. Died December the 24th AD 1794. In Testimony of Loving Affection His Brother Henry De La Douespe Esquire of Reading in Berkshire, Caused this stone to be placed to his Memory.

122. Here Lyeth the Body of William DENNIS who departed this Life July the 2nd 1705. Aged 62 Years. And Also Ellen his Wife who departed this Life July the 6th 1709. Aged 59 Years.

123. In Memory of Mary Wife of William SPRINGETT of this Paish died August 12 1842. Aged 72 Years. Also the above named William Springett died August 4th 1850. Aged 75 Years. Elizabeth daughter of William and Mary Springett, of this Parish who died September the 28th 1813. Aged 16 Years.Also Martha their Daughter who died August the 1st 1819. Aged 5 Years and 5 Months.

124. In Memory of Sarah wife of William SPRINGETT of this Parish who died May 5th 1851. Aged 45 Years. Also of the above named William Springett who died November 14th 1871. Aged 67 Years. Richard son of William and Sarah Springett of this Parish who died September 2nd 1826. Aged 3 Weeks. Also Elizabeth their Daughter who died April 17th 1829. Aged 9 Months. Also Ann their Daughter who died December 5TH 1835. Aged 1 Year and 11 Months. Also William Arthur their son, who died June 3rd 1842. Aged 6 Months.

125. Illegible.

126. In Memory of Edward WICKHAM, Butcher, he died September 4th 1759. Aged 39 Years. Left Issue by Elizabeth his Wife 4 Sons and 3 Daughters, James, Edward, Humphry, Samuel, Catherine, Elizabeth and Mary. Also Elizabeth Wife of the above died November the 16th 1805. Aged 93 Years. Elizabeth wife of James Wickham died November 8th 1824. Aged 77 Years. Also the aforesaid James Wickham died November 8th 1825. Aged 82 Years. Also Friend Wickham died November 7th 1849. Aged 34 Years.

127. In Memory of Joseph FORD of this Parish, who died May the 21st 1822. Aged 58 Years. Also Jane his Wife who died December the 34d 1821. Aged 55 Years. Left Issue 2 Sons and 2 Daughters.

128. Sacred to the Memory of Richard SPRINGETT of this Parish, Yeoman, who died December the 10th 1811. Aged 77 Years. And Elizabeth his First Wife who died December the 4th 1767. Aged 29 Years. Also Mary his Second Wife, who died July the 22nd 1807. Aged 63 Years.

128A. Here lyeth ye Body of Edward BRIGDEN of ye Parish who dyed March ye 5th 1725. Aged 39 Years. Left surviving Issue to Sons and one Daughter, Edward, John and Mary.

129. Here Lieth ye Body of Thomas RANDOLL who Who Departed this Life August ye 1st day, 1716. Aged 28 Years. Left issue one Son and one Daughter.

130. Here lyeth ye Body of William son of Thomas and Elizabeth WILKINS of ye Parish who departed ys Life June ye 10th 1725. Aged 47 Years.

131. Here lies ye Body of Thomas TOLHURST of this Parish, Butcher, who departed ys Life, September. Years. Left Issue 2 Sons, Daughter, Thomas, John.

132. Here Lyeth the Body of Elizabeth TOLHURST, Daughter of Thomas and Martha Tolhurst who departed this Life the 25th day of August 1715, in the 16th Year of her Age.

133. Here Lyeth the Body of Catherine TOLHURST, Wife of Thomas Tolhurst, Junior, who departed this Life, August 8th Day, 1719. Aged 34 Years. Left Issue one Daughter, Catherine. Here also lyeth ye Body of Catherine Daughter of Thomas and Catherine Tolhurst March ye

134. Left Here Lyeth the Body of Elizabeth MUNN wife of John Munn and Daughter of John and Elizabeth REEVE, Departed this Life August ye 5th 1741 in ye 23rd Year of her Age. Right Here Also lyeth ye Body of Margaret ye second wife of John Munn who died October ye 26th 1742. Aged 32 Years.

135. Left Here lyeth ye Body of John REEVE of this Parish who departed ys Life, May ye 11th 1725 in the 45th Year of his Age. Right Here also lyeth the Body of Elizabeth Wife of John Reeve and late Wife of Robert HARTREDGE of ys Parish. She departed this Life December ye 25th 1743. Aged 58 Years. Stand Reder spare a tear upon the dust that slumbers here And while you reade ye feare of me thinck on the glass that runs for you.

136. Here Lieth the Body of John REEVE son of John and Elizabeth REEVE of this parish who departed this Life, February 2nd 1741. aged 19 Years.

137. Sacred to the Memory of John FOSTER of this Parish who died September 24th 1842. Aged 50 Years. Also John William son of the above who died July 12th 1839. Aged 16 Years. AlsoJohn and Mark-Richard who did in their Infancy. Left surviving 6 children (viz) Emily, Charles, Thomas, Daniel, Mary-Ann-Elizabeth and James.

138. In a Vault near this place lies interred the remains of Martha wife of Thomas RIDONT of Maidstone who died August the 2nd 1803. Also 3 of their Children (viz) John died the 9th of May 1799 Catherine died the 11th of June 1799 Frances died the 21 of November 1803 Sarah S Ridont Second wife died 4th December 1819 Thomas Ridont died 16 September 1822. Aged 69 Years.

139. In Memory of John SWAN Born June the 20th 1750. Deceased November the 1st 1805. Aged 55 Years. Mary Swan Daughter of Jane and John Swan born November the 30th 1785. Deceased August the 29th 1804. Aged 19 Years. Charlotte Swan Daughter of Jane and John Swan born December the 25th 1780. Deceased April the 10th 1808. Aged 28 Years.

140. Here is interred the body of Joan wife of John RHODES of Aylesford who departed this life September 2nd 1724 in the 81st Year of Her age. Also John Rhodes who departed this life ye 23 January 1740. Aged 84 Years.

141. Here lieth the Body of Elizabeth wife of Abraham GARRIT who dyed May ye 19th Day, 1709 aged 37 Years. Left issue one son and 2 daughters.

142. Sacred to the Memory of Thomas TAPSFIELD of this Parish who died November 8th 1848. Aged 53 Years. Also Ann wife of the above who died May 7th 1866. Aged 70 Years. Also Thomas son of the above died September 8th 1832. Aged 14 Years. Left issue Surviving Six Sons and Four Daughters. Margaret Tapsfield died January 7th 1860 Aged 35 Years. John Robert Tapsfield died April 15th 1875. Aged 78 Years. Elizabeth Tapsfield died November 26th 1876. Aged 48 Years.

143. Sacred to the Memory of Margaret wife of Thomas TAPSFIELD of this Parish who died December 13th 1835. Aged 66 Years. Left Issue 2 Sons: Viz; Thomas and John-Robert. Also the above named Thomas Tapsfield died May 10th 1850. Aged 79 Years. Also Maria Wife of William Tapsfield who died October 8th 1843. Aged 69 Years. Also the said William Tapsfield who died December 17th 1844. Aged 79 Years.

144. Here lyeth the body of Mary wife of Henry WHITHEAD who departed this life June 11th Aged 45.

145. WILBERFORCE. See monument in chancel No. 3

146. Sacred to the Memory of John son of John and Frances SPRINGETT who died August 8th 1870. Aged 55 Years. Left surviving one daughter. Drusilla. Always suppose thy death is nigh And seek to be prepared to die. Also of Samuel their son who died February 15th 1873. Aged 46 Years.

147. In Memory of Mercy Wife of John USBORNE of this Parish who died March 26th 1785. Aged 55 Years. Also the above John Usborne died November the 24th 1806. Aged 80 Years. Left Issue 2 Daughters. Man in his best Estate is but a Bubble: With Labours, Cares, and never free from Trouble, from this vain World your thoughts therefore keep free And ever fix them on Eternity. If you can always think of this Then you will never die amiss.

148. In Memory of John SPRINGETT of this Parish who died November 23rd 1869. Aged 78 Years. Left surviving Frances his Wife, 4 Sons and 2 Daughters, viz: John, Charles, George, Samuel, Frances and Mary Ann. Affliction sore long time I bore, physicians were in vain, Till God did please death should me ease and take away my pain. Also of Elizabeth Daughter of John and Frances Springett of this Parish who died December 4th 1833. Aged 4 Years.

149. Sacred to the Memory of William SPRINGETT died September 28th 1849. Aged 31 Years. Also Cornelius Springett died January 28th 1852. Aged 18 Years. Short is our longest day of life, And soon its prospects end. Yet on short days uncertain date Eternity descends.

150. In Memory of Richard EAST who died January 15th 1820. Aged 76 Years, 35 Years clerk of this Parish. Also Ann daughter of the above who died January 21st 1859. Aged 86 Years. Also Mary daughter of the above and wife Joseph SEARS of this Parish, who died May 9th 1833. Aged 58 Years. Also the above named Joseph Sears who died July 2nd 1841. Aged 71 Years. God is love.

151. Sacred to the Memory of Mercy MORFETT wife of George Morfett who died March the 15th 1851. Aged 47 Years. Also George Morfett who died March 25th 1869. Aged 67 Years. Also Sarah Mariah, second wife of George Morfett who died Aged Years.

152. In Memory of Mary Allice wife of John TAPSFIELD who died December 1st 1849. Aged 42 Years. Left Issue 2 Sons and 2 Daughters. Also the above named John Tapsfield who died January the 16th 1851. Aged 40 Years.

153. Sacred to the memory of Space Left. Mary Catherine, daughter of George and Mary Catherine SPRINGETT of this Parish, who died September 5th 1862. Aged 1 Year. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not. St Luke XVIIIC 16V.

154. In Memory of Constance Mehala daughter of Mark William SPRINGETT and Anne Sarah Tapsfield of this Parish died April 16th 1869. Aged 6 Weeks.

155. Sacred to the Memory of Charles, son of John and Frances SPRINGETT who died October 7th 1879. Aged 59 Years. Left surviving 3 Daughters, Frances, Jane and Elizabeth.

156. In Loving Memory of Sarah Ann wife of William Richard HICKS, second daughter of James and Harriet HORTON, of Loose died November 7th 1876. Aged 22 Years. "She is not dead but sleepeth". On my Father’s love relying Jesus every need supplying Either living or in dying All must be well.

157. Sacred to the Memory of John MORFETT of this Parish who died April 22nd 1870. Aged 70 Years. Also Sarah wife of the above who died January 11th 1873. Aged 32 Years. Wee cannot, Lord, thy Purpose see But "all is well" that’s done by thee.

158. Sacred to the Memory of George PAIN of this Parish, who died January 8th 1875 Aged 70 Years and 8 Months. Space left Also Ann, eldest daughter of the above who died February 17th 1855. Aged 27 Years. Also Emily, second daughter of the above who died April 8th 1873. Aged 44 Years. And was buried in Maidstone Cemetery. Div I Class C No. 241. Space left Resurgent.

159. A Mournful Tribute of sincere affection to the Memory of one of the best of wives, Frances, wife of Thomas MERRIALL who died November 16th 1870. Aged 34 Years. Also Edith their daughter who died November 10th 1870. Aged 1 Year and 9 Months. Also Fanny their daughter who died November 24th 1870. Aged 6 Years. Parted friends again may meet From the toils of nature free Crown’d with mercy, Oh how sweet Will eternal friendship be.

160. In Memory of Ada Leah SMITHERS, who died December 17th 1870. Aged 7 Years. The Lord is my helper.

161. Sacred to the Memory of Jane, daughter of David and Ann JUKES of this Parish who departed this Life November 27th 1858. Aged 6 Years. Also Eliza their daughter who died November 13th 1866. Aged 27 Years. Sincerely Regretted. Alas! the vital spark has fled Reject the thought that I am dead And this shall soothe they troubled breast That she thou loved has gone to rest.

162. Sacred to the memory of Joseph-Foy TAPSFIELD, of this Parish, who died January 26th 1877. Aged 56 Years. Victoria daughter of Joseph-Foy and Hannah Tapsfield of this Parish, who died November 11th 1865. Aged 12 Years and 4 Months. "Prepare to meet they God". Also Kate youngest daughter of the above who died December 8th 1866. Aged 11 Years and 7 Months. Even so them also which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him. Thessalonians 4th Chapter 14th Verse.

163. Sacred to the Memory of Richard HAYZELDEN of this Parish who died January 20th 1871. Aged 63 Years. Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians aid alas were vain Till God did please, my mind to ease And take away my pain. Also Eliza Hayzelden daughter of Henry and Avis Hayzelden of this Parish who died March 18th 1866. Aged 10 Years. As I am now, so you must be Therefore prepare to follow me.

164. Sacred to the Memory of Sarah, Wife of Charles ALBURY of this parish, who died November 3rd, 1864. Aged 65 Years. Also of Charles Albury who died July 4th 1876. Aged 75 Years. Weep not for me my children dear I must be here till Christ appears Short was my stay, long is my rest Christ took me home, when he thought best. This stone was erected by her youngest and beloved son, George then in Tasmania.

165. In Memory of William TAPSFIELD who died October 11th 1875. Aged 53 Years. Frances daughter of William and Frances Tapsfield, of this Parish who died July 7th 1859. Aged 3 Years and 3 Months.

166. Sacred to the memory of Philadelphia wife of William SANDS who died January 30th 1856. Aged 56 Years. Also of William Sands who died September 10th 1871. Aged 76 Years.

167. In Memory of Susanna, daughter of Henry and Susanna ROBERTS, of this Parish who died June 16th 1841. Aged 10 Years. Also Mary Ann their Daughter who died June 19th 1851. Aged 4 Years. Also George and Abigail their children who died in infancy. Also Elizabeth their Daughter who died February 22nd 1854. Aged 21 Years. Also the above Susanna Roberts who died March 28th 1869. Aged 59 Years. Also the above Henry Roberts who died March 13th 1877. Aged 69 Years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Rev XIV 13


169. Sacred to the memory of George SANDS of this Parish who died January 25th 1862. Aged 66 Years. Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou and mine. Isaiah 43.4 Also Marianne seventh daughter and twelvth child of the above who died February 16th 1848. Aged two years and seven months. Also Elizabeth Ann Sands eldest daughter of the above who died October 16th 1870. Aged 42 Years. "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin". Also Barbara, wife of the above George Sands who died June 25th 1874. Aged 70 Years. Also Edward son of the above who died April 19th 1877. Aged 37 Years. "And behold I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest".

170. Sacred to the memory of Charles, the beloved son of George Thomas and Amelia Sarah NORMAN of this Parish who departed this Life November 28th 1864. Aged 16 Years. Beloved and lamented by his family and friends. They will be done.

171. In Affectionate Remembrance of Joseph SEARS who died on his 74th birthday January 24th 1870. Having fulfilled the office of parish clerk at this Church fifty years to a day. Also of Martha wife of the above, Born October 25th 1797. Died April 6th 1869. God is loveAlso of Mary Moseley daughter of the above, born November 18th 1819, died at Croydon October 11th 1866.

172. Sacred to the Memory of Emily BROOK, the beloved child of Benjamin and Lucy Brook who died August 5th 1871. Aged 6 Years.

173. Sacred to the memory of Reverend Thomas Springett WATSON who died October 8th 1872 Aged 30. Frances Marian, the beloved wife of Reverend Thomas Watson who died November 18th 1873. Aged 58. Sacred to the Memory of Mary Ann wife of Gabriel KENNARD Esquire who died June 23rd 1876. Aged 28. Sacred to the Memory of Reverend Thomas Watson 30 Years Vicar of this Parish who died September 12th 1880. Aged 84.

174. Reverend T S WATSON. See 173.

175. Reverend T WATSON. See 173.

176. Frances Marian WATSON. See 173.

177. Hubert Christopher Robert WATSON, the dearly loved child of the Reverend Christopher Stowell and Eliza Mary WATSON, Born April 2nd 1878. Died August 9th 1878.

178. In Memory of Maria HOPKINS who died November 25th 1860. Aged 68 Years. Beloved the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world Also Mary Ann Hopkins widow of John Hopkins Esquire of Tooley Street, Southwark who died September 29th 1864. Aged 71 Years. When Christ who is our Life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in Glory. Col III 4 V.

179. M. A. K.

180. Sacred to the Memory of Eliza Catherine DOUTTY who departed this Life 7th September 1860 in the 53rd year of her age. "I know that my Redeemer liveth".

181. In memory of Ellen Sara wife of Charles-Frederick MARK, of this Parish who died March 17th 1867. Aged 26 Years. Worthy the lamb that died they cry to be exalted, thus, Jesus, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

182. In memory of Gertrude Louisa daughter of Charles-Frederick and Ellen-Sarah MARK of this Parish who
died August 3rd 1865. Aged 6 Weeks. Sweetly sleep in Jesus.

183. In Memory of Forty-Three Strangers who died of Cholera, September 1849. RIP

184. In Memory of Lucy Elizabeth second daughter of Mr William HARTRIDGE of this Parish who died July 13th 1860. Aged 4 Years and 5 Months. They will be done.

185. In Memory of Robert, third son of William and Mary HARTRIDGE of Abbey-Gate Farm in this Parish who died 25th April, 1872. Aged 49 Years. Also of Sydney his son who died 26th July, 1864 aged 2 Years and 11 Months.

Mural tablets in Church
186. A Mournful Tribute of Sincere affection to the memory of one of the best of husbands Thomas MERCER Esquire who died November 20th 1829. Aged 36 Years.

187. Sacred to the Memory of Gabriel KENNARD of Frith Hall in this Parish who died June 19th 1874. Aged 62. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. Acts 16.31 Also Sarah wife of the above who died November 10th 1875. Aged 60. "Safe in the arms of Jesus"

188. P.T.E. Quodeunque mortale habuit Agnes Everilda Frances WILBERFORCE Patre nata venerabile viro Franciso WRANGHAM matre Agnete GREYKE e-com Ebor. Luce moriens dulciss imam hance sobdem sororibus suis adhuc infantem fovendam legavit. Filia dulcior eheu santiorque. Quam cui dice fas esset inter mortale versare Ipsa quoque parta jam altero moriens Quippe coelestirium ingenti amore perculsa summo secorcum luchien Christo placide quievis Uxor dilectissima Quacum plus biennium felicissimerviscerat Quam sequi simodo fas fret in votis fuit Robertus Isaacus Wilberforce hujus ecclesioe vicarius. Perpetuum et sui et infantium culamitatis testimonium. H.M.P.E. Nata est Kal Feb A.S.M.L.C.C.C Mortua est 15 Kal. Dec. A.S.M.L.C.C.C.I.V
Translation Near this place are buried the mortal Remains of Agnes Everilda Frances Wilberforce, daughter of the venerable Francis Wrangham, and of her mother Agnes Greyke of the county of York; who dying left this sweet offspring to her sisters, as yet an infant, to be brought up. A Daughter sweeter and alas more holy, than was allowed to remain long among mortals; she also dying at the birth of her second child, longing anxiously for heaven, rested peaceably in Christ, to the great grief of her friends. To a beloved Wife: With whom he had lived happily for two years, and whom if it was right, he would have wished to follow: Robert Isaac Wilberforce, vicar of this Church, has erected this Monument, as an everlasting testimony, of his, and his Children’s loss. She was born on the 1st of February 1800 and died on the 17th of November, 1834.

189. Sacred to the Memory of Charlotte Catherine daughter of Digby LEGARD Esquire Late of Ganton, in the County of York, she departed this Life, June 22nd 1837 in the 32nd Year of her age.

190. Sacred to the Memory of Mary RANDALL, the beloved wife of Mr Alexander RANDALL, of Maidstone, Banker, who departed this Life on the 29th day of August, 1847 in the 51st Year of her Age.

191. Erected to the Memory of Mary, Relict of the late N.C. DANIEL Esquire of Westbrook House, near Dorchester, Dorset, who died January 15th 1850. Aged 90.

192. Sacred to the Memory of Gabriel KENNARD late of the Court Lodge, Linton. Eldest son of Gabriel Kennard of Frith Hall, in this Parish. Who died in the Red Sea, February 18th 1873 on his passage home from Ceylon. Aged 31 Years. Looking unto Jesus. Hebrews 12.2 Art thou not it which hath dried the sea The waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for Ransomed to pass over. Isaiah 51.10

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
BAKER 37, 80, 81
BALLARD 102-105
BAXTER 9, 10
BOWYER 45, 89
BREWER 68, 82
BROOK 8, 172
Charlton 105
COGGER 16, 17
COMBER 64, 65
CRITTENDEN 35, 44, 46
DAY 14
EAST 150EVENDEN 75, 91
FORD 127
FOSTER 61,81,87,100,137
FRENCH 41, 43
GILBERT 87, 88
GREEN 18, 19, 22, 23
Greyke 188
HARDS 36, 40, 42
HARTRIDGE 20,21,82-84,
Judge 80
M. A. K. 179
KENNARD 25,39,60-61,63,
LACY 72,76
LEWIS 17,30, 31
LOUD 111
MARK 181,182
MEAD 112
MERCER 33,50,51,66,
MILLER 57,113
MONK 11,12,46
MORFETT 151, 157
Morphett 80
MUNN 134
PAIN 158
RANDALL 129,190
REEVE 134-136
SANDS 118,166,169
Scoones 41
SEARS 150,171
SPRINGETT 70,85,93,94,114,
Stowell 177
SWAN 139
TAPSFIELD 142,143,162,165
USBORNE 96-98,147-149
WATSON 173-177
WEEKS 74, 75
Wrangham 188

Places Index
America 30
Aylesford 140
Bancoora 69
Beckenham 3,80
Berkshire 121
Bermuda 39
Boughton Monchelsea 35,80
Brompton, Middlesex 95
Ceylon 192
Diss, Norfolk 29

Dorset 191
East Farleigh
   Court Lodge 27
   Frith Hall 187,192
   Gallants Court 17
   Tovil Place 6
   Priory 5
East Indies 67, 69
Ganton, York 189
Kensington, Middlesex 95
Langley 41
Leeds 21
Linton, Court Lodge, 192
London 49,81,95
Loose 3,116
Maidstone 3,26,33,37,55,
Maidstone Cemetery 158
Malling, Kent 95
Milton next Sittingbourne 82
New York 30
Nice 33
Northfleet 41
Pau Basses 33
Pyrennees 33
Reading 121
Red Sea 192
Southwark 41
Tenterden 27
Tooley Street, Southwark 178
Tovil 80
Westbrook House, near Dorchester 191

General Index
Apoplexy 82
Bailiff 17
Banker 33,190
Butcher 64,126,131-133

Cholera 183
Commercial Traveller 81
commissioner 5
consumption 11
Curate 108Forty-Three Strangers 183
Her Majesty’s Navy 5
Maid 65
Murdered 65
Paper Mould Maker 89Plumber 1
Reverend 59,108,121,173-175
Vicar 121
Yeoman 51,96,128
York 188


Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard.  For close-up view of Sections click on
  Section A,     Section B,     Section C,     Section D,     Section E,     Section F

Section A
,     Section B,     Section C,     Section D,     Section E,     Section F

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Section A of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section B,       Section C,       Section D,      Section E,       Section F

Section A of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section B,       Section C,       Section D,      Section E,       Section F

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Section B of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,               ,       Section C,       Section D,      Section E,       Section F

Section B of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,               ,       Section C,       Section D,      Section E,       Section F

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Section C of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,                ,       Section D,      Section E,       Section F

Section C of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,                ,       Section D,      Section E,       Section F

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Section D of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,       Section C,                ,      Section E,       Section F

Section D of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,       Section C,                ,      Section E,       Section F

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Section E of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,       Section C,       Section D,               ,       Section F

Section E of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,       Section C,       Section D,               ,       Section F

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Section F of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,       Section C,       Section D,      Section E,                        

Section F of Plan of location of gravestones in East Farleigh Churchyard
Section A,      Section B,       Section C,       Section D,      Section E,                        


Monumental Inscriptions of East Peckam churchyard


Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Martin Church, Detling