Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard and Church of All Saints’, Lydd
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Preston near Faversham Church
The Monumental Inscriptions in Folkestone Church
Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard and Church of All Saints’, Lydd
This M.I. listing of Leland Duncan's work is different, in that it is not taken from his notebooks, but from a book printed in 1927, after his death in 1923. The text from this volume was typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1756, added 20th April 2008.
In the Churchyard and Church of All Saints’, Lydd, Kent.
by Leland L. Duncan, M.V.O., O.B.E., F.S.A. , Edited by Arthur Finn, F.S.A.
Circumstances I regret have prevented the earlier fulfilment of a promise to my dear friend the late Mr. Leland Duncan to publish his work, "The Monumental Inscriptions in Lydd Church and Churchyard.
All who consider the enormous amount of valuable labour he so generously devoted to archaeology must the more admire the ceaseless energy which prompted him in holiday time to transcribe and record the monuments of so many of our country Churches and Graveyards.
Besides those of Tenterden which he himself published and these of Lydd, he has left us in MS. many others. It is hoped that sufficient interest in this collection may encourage their publication.
With the exception of some annotations and a few additions the following pages are exactly as placed in my hands.
If I might add a word to Mr. Duncan’s preface it would be to notice the entries of so many sailors who rest under the shadow of the ancient Church of Lydd victims of the stormy seas of this dangerous coast. May indeed lie there unknown and unrecorded.
From a large collection of Lydd Wills I have selected four of parishioners mentioned in this book and have given them in appendix. That of Rafe Willcockes dated 1555 is a good example of the dispositions of a marsh yeoman of the period.
I wish to thank the Kent Records Branch for allowing me to publish under its auspices and for kindly taking copies for its members.
Arthur Finn, October, 1927.
The ancient town of Lydd is singularly fortunate in possessing so much documentary evidence of the past. Besides its Charters there are Chamberlains’ and Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Fifteenth century, which have been in part printed and other volumes will it is hoped follow in due course.
The present book presents another and to some no doubt more interesting side of the Town’s history, more interesting because it brings a personal touch to bear. The hallowed acre around the Parish Church contains within it all that was mortal of the men, women and children of Lydd for many a hundred year and the old grey tower which some of them helped to build is a fitting monument to the many who have no memorial.
The Parish Register of Burials begins in 1540, but for at least 700 years before that date the dead were laid to rest around the little Saxon church, the remains of which are still with us at the west end of the north aisle. That Register we shall hope to see in print some day, but meanwhile decay is robbing us of many of the details on the existing grave stones and it has been felt that an effort should be made to recover somewhat from the wreck which time makes of these things.
This little volume then contains a record of all the existing inscriptions both in the Church and in the Churchyard. The Cemetery, however, is no included, as all the stones are comparatively modern.
For those within the Church we are fortunate in possessing a series of notes made early in the eighteenth century before any restoration had altered the old paving. Several recorded as then existing have entirely disappeared and others then read with difficulty have now become illegible. The notes were made by the Rev. Thomas Cobb, who was curate of Lydd at the time, and were in the possession of the late Mr. Ralph Denne, of The Grange, Lydd.
Owing to the great cost of printing it has not been possible to present the Churchyard Inscriptions in full, line for line, but all dates and material facts are here recorded. The Inscriptions have been noted in sections and are given as nearly as possible row by row so that after ascertaining the section in which any particular stone is situated, it should not be difficult to locate it. A plan of the yard has been prepared and is deposited in the church muniment chest.
The Index serves to show the names of the families commemorated and no lengthy resume is necessary here.
The earliest memorial in the churchyard is the altar tomb to the Strugell family in the north eastern portion of the yard dated 1551-1581. It is one of the earliest extra-mural monuments in the country.
The Godfrey memorials range from the great brass in the nave dated 1430, to the names on the War Memorial in the Tower – a period of nearly 500 years – a good instance of survival in one place of an ancient name. Lording, Terry and Blacklocks amongst others which also appear on the War Memorial are also to be found in the churchyard for many generations.
The special index "Lydd" at the end, will show how many memorials there are to those who in times past have filled the honourable office of Bailiff and Jurat.
The inscriptions are nearly all matters of fact and the poetic and other additions are not as a rule sufficiently striking to be worth permanent record, but an exception must be made in the case of the quaint wording to those of Lieutenant Edgar (No. 16), John Marketman (No. 153) and George Walker (No. 368). Perhaps the words which excite the most curiosity are those on the gravestone of Adam Terry, 1766, a barber of the town (No. 188) under whose record is added "All men have foibles." Was this a saying of a garrulous coiffeur or is it the comment of his relatives on his own little failings? Who can say? For him and all others here lying in their long home, whatever their foibles may have been, none will begrudge the Christian prayer: "Eternal rest grant them, Good Lord, and shed perpetual light around them".
My thanks are due to the Rev. Canon Collins, Rector of Lydd, who readily granted access to the Registers, which has assisted materially in doubtful cases where the inscriptions from weathering had become partly obliterated.
To my friend Arthur Finn, Esq., J.P., F.S.A., of Westbroke, the Townsfolk of the ancient port with which his family have been associated for nearly two hundred years, owe this record. It was by his help, local knowledge, and generosity that it appears in permanent form.
Leland L. Duncan, "Rosslair", Lewisham.
Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard at Lydd
SECTION A.The North part of the Yard, beginning in the North-East Corner and proceeding westwards.
1. John COLEMAN, d.31 March 1850 aged 90 years, 11 months, 11 days.
2. Ann, wife of Robert JENKINS d. 21 Oct. 1851, aged 47.
3. Thomas LUCAS, a Private in the West Kent Militia in Captain RUTTON’S company d. –9 Nov. 1801 aged 24 years.
4. Mary Josephine BUGG, wife of Frederick Bugg, d 2 Sept. 1883 aged 22.
5. Large Altar-tomb with inscription on the bevelled edge of top, nearly obliterated. (East end) … IOH … GHI … one of the jvrats of Lyd and Svsan his (North side) wife one of the davghters of … St. PH. R… W…. A….. 9 of (West end) His ….. They had issve ….JOHN (South side) illegible. (Note: Susan wife of Mr. John Strugghil jurat buried 2 March 1618/9 and John Strugghil jurat buried 29 March 1619).
5a. Large Altar-tomb with inscription on bevelled edge of top: Heare lyeth Thomas STRVGELL and John Strugell His Sonne who have b…… oath hed baliefes and ivrats of this Towne of Lydd many yeares. On the top: Thomas died Febrvary Anno 1551. John died in December Anno 1581. (Note: Thomas was buried 6 Feb. 1551/2 and John Struggle jurate on 31 Dec. 1581)
6. Capt. Nies Theodor MOCLESTUE born 20 April 1816, drowned 13 March 1867 on landing from his Brig "Nora" on Langesend, Norway, wrecked in the East Bay, Dungeness.
7. Capt, Andrew FINLAY of Sunderland, shipwrecked and drowned in the East Bay of Lydd 26 Oct. 1855.
8. Elizabeth Maria wife of William GATRELL d. 24 March 1858 aged 23. John SCORE her father d. 19 Jan. 1866 aged 57 leaving a widow and 8 children.
9. Nicholas BOURN, Gent., of Westwell in this County 28 years Riding Officer of this Town d. 4 Feb. 1810 aged 62.
10. Altar-tomb. On top three coats of arms. (a) Centre: on a bend 3 pairs of wings conjoined in lure for Wing. (b) Left: on a bend sinister 3 (?eagles) heads erased. (c) a chevron, on a chief 3 mullets ? for Fowle. Here lieth interr’d ye Body of Judith FOWLE (widdow and Relict of John Fowle of Dymchurch, gentleman. She first maryed to William WING of this Town, Gent., by whom she left issue two daughters Elizabeth and Judith. Elizabeth married with John Fowle now of Dymchurch, Gent., eldest son of John Fowle above named. Judith Wing maryed with John MUNN of Smeeth. The said Judith Fowle had no issue by ye above named John Fowle but d…….. his widdow and departed this life Dec. 29 17(0)9 aged 65 years. Here also lieth interr’d the body of William Wing abovenamed. He dyed April the 26, 1709 aged (?5/9) years. To whose memory John Fowle now of Dymchurch Gent. (Son in law and executor of ye said Judith Fowle caused this to be erected, Ano. 1710. Eliz; Fowle widow of John Fowle of Dymchurch who died Dec …. 17(?5) – aged ?50 years. (South side) Beneath this Tomb are deposited the Remains of William Wing Fowle (Clerk) son of the above named Elizabeth Fowle, widow. He d. 21 Feb.1809 aet. 70,
leaving only five children William, Elizabeth Wing, Sarah, Henry and Mary. Herein lieth his first wife Sarah who with her Twins were buried together 3 July 1758. (North side). Herein are also the remains of Sarah relict of the Revd. Wm. Wing Fowle, d. 2 May 1822 aged 82. (West end). Sarah WALKER d. 14 March 1858 in 87th year.
11. Mr. Nicholas ROLFE many years one of the Jurats of this Town d. 14 Nov. 1841 aged 82. Left surviving Ann his wife 4 sons and 1 dau:- Charles, James, George, Elizabeth and Henry William. Ann his relict d. 14 Sept. 1843 aged 71.
12. James ROLFE of Lydd d. 4 March 1882 aged 78. Charles FINN nephew of James Rolfe 30 July 1882 aged 42.
13. Mrs. Thomasin FIELDPOTT d. 30 Jan. 1763 aged 78. Mrs. Eleanor HUNT d. 29 Nov. 1764, aged 103 years, mother of aforesaid Thomsine Fieldpott.
14. Thomasin MORRISON relict of George Morrison d. 27. Dec 1796 aged 69.
15. Mr. George MORRISON d. Dec. 1, 1784 aged 63. Left issue by Thomasin his wife one son and 4 daughters.
16. Lieut. Thomas EDGAR of the Royal Navy d. 17 Oct. 1801 aged 56. He came into the Navy at 10 years of age was in that memorable engagement with Admiral Hawk and sail’d around the world in company with the unfortunate Captain Cook of the Resolution in his last voyage when he was killed by the Indians at the Island of Owhie in the South Seas the 14 Feb. 1778.
Tom Edgar at last has sailed out of the world / His shroud is put on and his topsails are furl’d; / He lies snug in death’s boat without any concern / And is moor’d for a full due ahead and astern. / Or’r the compass of Life he has merrily run, / His voyage is completed his reckoning is done.
17. William BONNY d. 10 Aug. 1860 aged 2 years. Arthur Bonny d. 3 April 1867 aged 6 months.
18. Jane BONNY d. 18 March 1860 aged 3y 5m. Nellie Bonny d. 20 Jan. 1871 aged 10y 9m.
19. Henry son of George and Jane MASTERS d. 19 March 1821 aged 3 months.
20. George son of George and Jane MASTERS d. 23 Feb. 1858 aged 31.
21. George MASTERS d. 30 Dec. 1876 aged 81. Jane his wife 25 Jan. 1878 aged 80.
22. John GUNDRY, Commission boatman No. 2 Battery Station d. 5 April 1870 aged 30 leaving a wife and 2 children. Also Thomas James BILLITT, Captain of the Screw-steamer "Losborough" who was lost with all hands 22 Jan. 1868 aged 25. Also Capt. Alfred AUSTIN who was drowned at Sea 24 Oct. 1882 aged 35.
23. M. W…..IE… (gone) Ob ……. 18th, 1824 aet …….
24. Mary Ann HOOK d. 18 Nov. 1884 aged 39.
25. Erected by the Seamen of H.M. Ship "Severn" to the memory of their Shipmate George GIFFORD who was unfortunately drowned near the Light house, Dungeness, 9 Oct. 1822 aged 35.
26. Thomas GILDE d. June ye 29, 1731, aged 35. Also 3 children of ye said Thomas viz, Thomas d. Dec. ye 5 1730 aged 1y 8m. Hannah, Jan. 30. 1733 aged 10y. Joseph d. March ye 3, 1735 aged --.
27. Henry SMITH who marr’d ye widdow of Thomas GILDE d. 9 June 1740 aged 40.
28. (Broken). Infield M ….., daughter of John and ……. who d…. , aged 18 (?years).
29. Jeremiah MAXSTED d. 10 July 17(?3)9 aged 54. Left issue by Alice his wife 3 children, Ann, Mary and John. Alice his wife d. April ye 18, 175(?5) aged 38.
30. Elgar AMES d. 3 March 1863 aged 81. Philadelphia his wife d. 16 Dec. 1856 aged 73. Left surviving Ann, Basil, George, Elizabeth, Jane, Henry, Sarah, Thomas.
31. Thomas LONG aged 40 years, a native of the Isle of Wight, 2nd Mate of Schooner "Rebel" when on a passage from London to St. Michaels was unfortunately drowned in a gale in Rye Bay 4 Feb. 1843.
32. In memory of Henry HUDDART (Master), Alfred BARNES, Chas. CHISENT, Geo. ROSS, Jan ESQUARE, Chas. MARINER, Wm. MASON, Wm. LIVERPOOL, Chas. MASON, Jean FRANCOIS, Wm. DAVIS, and John DEANE of the Barque "Enchantress" of Whitehaven which was wrecked near Lydd Station on 26 Oct. 1855. The entire crew consisted of 13 one of whom (the first mate) was saved. This stone marks the last resting place of the Master and 7 of the crew.
33. Sarah, wife of John EVE d. 21 Aug. 1722 in 36th year.
34. Altar Tomb, Coat of Arms:- Two wings conjoined in lure, a chief ermine, Crest a head erased. Here lyeth ye body of Samuel PLUMMER Gent. who d. ye 30 May 1711 in ye 32 year of his age. To whose memory Mary his widow and relict hath caused this to be erected.
35. William LEE Gent. of Ivychurch, Kent, d. 24 July 1854 aged 90. Charlotte his wife 18 Nov. 1826 aged 55. William their son d. in January 1818 aged 25 and Elizabeth Ann d. 1819 aged 6 years.
36. John BASS d. 25 July 1885 aged 71.
37. William LEE Gent. d. 23 March 1780 aged 74. Mary his wife May 1786 aged 76.
38. Mr. Humy LEE, Jan ye 29, 1724 aged 55. Mrs. Elizabeth Lee wife of the said Hum: Lee d. Jan ye 27, 1740 aged 70. Also Thomas Lee of Midley d. 16 March 1817 aged …. Susannah wife of Thos Lee 3 Aug. 18… aged 71 years.
39. John LEE d. April ye 27, 1760 aged (?6)5 years. He left issue by Mary his wife one son and two daus viz: Humphrey, Ann and Elizabeth. Mary his wife d. 26 Aug. 1772 aged 73.
40. Humphrey LEE d. 9 Oct. 1790 aged 62. Left surviving Sarah his wife, 2 sons and 2 daus: Mary, William, Humphrey, Sarah. Sarah his wife d. 10 April 1818 aged 85.
41. Thomas WOOD d. 26 Jan. 1854 aged 71. Sarah his wife 8 March 1856 aged 75. Also two sons of above Thomas d. 9 Aug. 1831 aged 25 and George 23 April 1854 aged 28. Sarah d. 15 May 1857 aged 46, Amy 8 Dec. 1864 aged 34, Charlotte 11 June 1881 aged 67.
42. Small stone: M.G. Nov. 25, 1825.
43. Mary LEE dau: of John Lee and Mary his wife d. 9 Oct. 1726 aged 3 months.
44. Margret LEE dau: of John and Mary Lee, 15 Jan. 1725 aged 10 months.
45. Here lyeth ye Body of …………. (Daughter of …….) who dyed ?Jan. 28, 172- aged … d…..
45a. (Flat). Elizabeth dau: of William and ……… LEE d. Nov. 1805 aged 3y 7m.
46. Here lieth buried Thomas KNIGHT, his father and his grandfather. He died 22 Feb. 1690 aged 55.
47. Michael FLANAGAN, Corporal of the R. Munster Fus. who was accidentally killed at Lydd Camp 21 Sept. 1887. Erected by the Officers, N.C.O.’s and men of G. Company.
48. James SMITH d. 14 Nov. 1851 aged 66. Left surviving Sarah is wife. Also Sarah relict of above 15 Jan. 1871 aged 79.
49. Anne wife of Anthony COCKERELL d. 10 May 1716 aged 74.
50. Anthony COCKERELL d. Decm. the 16, 1716 aged 70.
51. Elizabeth dau: of Stephen and Elizabeth TERRY d. April ye 8, 1766 aged 10 days. Also Stephen their son, 10 Sept. 1770 aged 3 years. Elizabeth their second dau: 26 Sep. 1770 aged 1 year.
52. Anthony HICKMAN d. 5 May 1774 aged 62. Left surviving by Elizabeth his wife one only dau: Elizabeth. Near lieth Elizabeth his first wife.
53. Here lieth Interred the Body of Susan the wife of John COCK who d.t.l. July the 13, 1762 aged 63 years. She left surviving three sons and one dau: viz:- John, Thomas, Edward and Elizabeth. Here also lieth the Body of John Cock who d.t.l. Nov. the 15, 1775, aged 79 years. Arthur Pell Cock died May 5, 1834 aged 60. Ann his wife d. 13 Oct. 1833.
(Note. Thomas Cock and Margaret MUNDAY were married 30 April 1693. John son of Thomas and Margaret Cock was baptised 16 April 1696).
54. To the memory of Fanny COCK who d.t.l. 9 Sept. 1829 aged 18 years and 11 mos. This stone is erected by Lieut. G. HEWETT, Royal Navy, who deeply felt her loss.
55a. Sacred to the memory of Thomas COCK who d.t.l. Nov. 25, 1806 in the 7th year of his age. Also the Remains of Amy the wife of Thomas Cock who d.t.l. April 23, 1794 in the 65th year of her age. Left surviving one son and two daus. Also near this place are deposited the Remains of 2 sons and 2 daughters.
55. Ann wife of Richard STEVENS, 20 March 1809 aged 45. She left surviving one dau: Sarah.
56. Henry TERRY, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Terry of Lydd and late Lieut. in the East Kent Militia d. (?2) Jan. 180(?7) in the (?22) year of his age.
57. Martha WARD wife of Edward Ward, Esq. of Sandhurst and dau: of Stephen and Elizth Terry d. 17 March 1804 in 32nd year. Left surviving one dau: Elizabeth.
58. (Flat). Elizabeth dau: of Joseph and Elizabeth JARVIS d. 25 June 1867 aged 4y 8m.
59. William SMITH late of Rye Sussex d. 2 Feb. 1850 aged 54. Left surviving Mary his wife.
60. John SHEPPARD of this Parish d. Jan (?4), 177-, aged 46. He had by Elizabeth his wife 6 children viz. Sarah, Catharine, Edward, Francis, H…… and Elizabeth surviving.
(Note: John Sheppard buried 23 Jan. 1771).
61. Edward SHEPPARD who was ……… off Dungeness 16 Nov. 178…. (Note: Edward Sheppard buried 22 Nov. 1787). Remainder illegible.
62. Stephen TERRY, Grazier of this Town, d. 9 Feb. 1825 aged 81. Elizabeth wife of Stephen Terry d. 12 June 1812 aged 65. They left surviving 2 sons and 3 daus: Stephen, Thomas, Ann, Harriot and Elizabeth.
63. John Jenkin TERRY born at Lydd 27 Aug. 1806 d. at Wye 8 March 1886. Sarah-Walker wife of John Jenkin Terry, surgeon, Smarden Kent, d.2 Feb. 1836 aged 31. left issue 5 children, John-Jenkin, Sarah Walker, Edward Bachelor, Mary Curteis and Albert. Also Mary Ann his second wife d. at Wittersham 9 Oct. 1867 aged 63. Left issue one son Joseph Garside.
64. Mary Curteis dau: of John Jenkin TERRY and Mary Ann his 2nd wife d. at Wittersham Kent, 30 Nov. 1846 aged 5 years.
65. Susanna wife of William SMITH d. 3 Dec. 1793 aged 19 years.
66. Stephen TERRY d. 26 March 1850 aged 77. Dorothy his wife 7 Sept. 1884 aged 65. Left surviving 2 sons and one Dau: Louisa, Stephen and John-Jenkin.
67. Stephen SMITH d. 4 May 1801 aged 60. Mary his wife 9 May 1801 aged 5- years.
68. Sarah wife of Stephen SMITH d. 1 July 1813 aged 38. Ann her dau: d. in infancy. She left surviving one son and 3 daus. Eleanor her dau: d. 18 March 1814 aged 8 months.
69. Stephen SMITH d. 10 Nov. 1854 aged 86. Left surviving by Sarah his wife one son John. William Smith, brother of above, for 37 years Clerk of this Parish d. 2 June 1848 aged 78.
70. Mary dau: of Stephen and Sarah SMITH d. 1 Feb. 1823 aged (?10) years. Stephen son of William and (?Jane) Smith d. 22 August 1821 aged (?2) years.
71. Sarah dau: of Stephen and Sarah SMITH d. 1 March 1820 aged 17.
72. Stephen TERRY d. 3 June 1841 aged 15. Alfred Blake Terry d. at Madras 12 April 1844 aged 16.
73. Stephen TERRY d. 31 Dec. 1871 aged 68. Sarah Arney his wife 18 March 1871 aged 71. Left surviving Robert Jenkin, Mary Jane, Edward Walker, Louisa Sarah, Frederick and Ellen Maria.
73a. William TAYLOR d. 12 April 1797 aged 37. Left issue by Jane his wife one son and 3 daus. Jane Taylor his wife d. 21 Sept. 1842 aged 78. Mary Bainsden her dau: d. 3 Feb. 1806. Near this stone lie his Brothers John aged 39 and Thomas aged 37.
74. (Opposite North door). Frederick TERRY d. 14 Jan. 1883 aged 44. Elizabeth his wife 8 May 1916 aged 75.
75. Illegible – apparently late 18th or early 19th century and possibly to a Strowd.
76. Mr. John STROWD d. Aug. ye 15, 177- aged 6(?8), and left no issue. (Note: John Stowd buried 19 Aug. 1773).
77. John BARTHOLOMEW, d. 1(?9) Feb, 18(?4)0 aged 28.
78. Alfred PIKE d. 16 March 1839 aged 21.
79. (Flat). In memory of James Fagg OYLLER aged 24 and Thomas Henry OYLLER aged 15 years who were unfortunately drowned in the East Bay, Dungeness, 11 July 1862.
80. John STROWD d. 12 Oct. 1730 aged 60.
81. Amey wife of John STROWD d. 26 Sept. 1721 aged 48.
82. (Near North West Gate). Anne dau: of James BANNEWELL by Anne his wife d. 10 June 1734 aged 9y 2m. Elizabeth dau: of James Bannewell by Anne his wife d. 15 June 1734 aged 5y 10m.
In small plot between N.W. Gate and Tower.
83. Sarah ye wife of Tho broock. She died May 15,, 1713 aged 48 years. (Note: Sarah wife of Thomas Brook buried 18 May 1713).
Slip by North side of Church
84. (By N. door). John ROBERTS Esq. late of the 10th Regt Light Dragoons and Barrack Master at Dungeness, d. 5 April 1816 aged 59 …….. 7 sons and (?4) daughters ….. from his youth – (apparently referring to his long service in the Army).
85. (Flat). Hester COBB ob. 8 April A.D. 1800 aet. 93. Amey Cobb ob. April 12 A.D. 1822 aet. 80. Thomas Cobb ob. 26 Aug. A.D. 1794 aet 92. Robert Cobb ob. 21 May A.D. 1807 aet 61.
86. (Flat). John MASTERS ob. 16 Aug. 1846 aet 91. Elizabeth Masters ob. 18 April 1817 aet. 62. Sarah Masters d. 4 Nov. 1866 aged 73.
87. Here lieth the Body of …..athy wife of Alexander ….ie. She died Jan ye 4, 1766 aged (?5)6 years. Also here lieth Mary her daughter who died May ye 20, 1771 aged 31 years. (Note: Dorothy wife of Alexander RAWLEY, laborer, buried 11 Jan. 1766).
88. Thomas SARGENT, Surgeon, d. 26 April 1823 aged 60. Elizabeth his wife 10 Dec 1826 aged 61.
89. William SARGENT d. 15 Oct. 1799 aged 15 mos. Robert Sargent 2 June 1800 aged 19 years. Mary Sargent 9 May 1802 aged 13 years. Susan HARRISON d. 26 Dec. 1838 aged 79. William Harrison her husband 9 March 1840 aged 66. He left surviving Susan and Elizabeth. Elizabeth d. 28 June 1846 aged (?22).
90. Isaac Sharp SAUNDERS d. 22 Jan. 1876 aged 72. Betsy his wife 4 Jan. 1881 aged 72.
91. Thomas GILBERT d. 8 Dec. 1809 aged 87 leaving issue 1 son and 2 daughters.
92. Thomas GILBERT son of Thomas Gilbert d. 25 Dec. 177(?9) aged 27.
93. Elizabeth wife of Thomas GILBERT d. May ye 5, 1758 aged 42. She left surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters.
94. Sarah Strowd GILBERT born 31 Jan. 1779 d. 22 March 1861. Erected by her children James, Sarah, John, Catherine, Samuel, Stephen and Thomas. (Note: She was a dau: of Capt. Samuel FINN and wife of James Gilbert).
95. James GILBERT born 15 July 1776 died 22 Oct. 1857 much beloved by a large circle of Relatives and Friends.
96. (Flat, next Chancel wall). Sarah …… (several lines) …… Sophia ….. (Note: probably a Gilbert).
97. Henry HEDGCOCK d. 27 Feb. 1792 aged 34. Erected as a smal tribute for his faithful service by Lieut. Col. Thomas and Mrs. MURRAY.
98. William BEDWELL d. 30 Dec. 1886 aged 61. Charlotte his wife 17 April 1909 aged 82.
99. John HARVELL, Deputed Officer of His Majesties Revenue Cruiser "Rose" (Mr. Warne JOHNSON Commander) late of the Port of Southampton who was unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of a Galley belonging to the said Cruiser at Dungeness on 27 March 1819 aged 33.
The Eastern Plot
100. (By North East Gate). William WOOD of H.M. Ship "Culloden" d. 14 Sept. 1809 aged 32. Sarah his wife 25 July 1852 aged 74. Leaving surviving one dau: and one son – Esther and Richard.
101. Frances Sarah dau: of Richard and Ann WOOD d. 7 April 1860 aged 8 years.
102. Richard WOOD d. 25 Jan. 1870 aged 66. Left surviving Ann his wife 3 sons and 1 dau:- William, George-Crismas, Richard John and Mary Ann. Ann relict of Richard Wood 3 Oct. 1870 aged 63.
103. William GOSBEE d. 29 May 1807 aged 57. Mary his wife 31 Aug. 1802 aged 42. Left surviving 3 sons and 5 daus: William Robert, Richard, Jane, Sarah, Mary Ann, Eliza and Ann. Sarah d. 4 Jan. 1813 aged 24.
104. John GODDEN d.2 July 1861 aged 68. Mary his wife 1 April 1872 aged 73. Ann d. 20 Aug. 1842 aged 18. Frederick 25 Oct. 1858 aged 20. Children of above.
105. Two sons of William and Elizabeth GARDNER of this Parish. Edward d. 8 Nov. 1847 aged 4y 8m; William d. 10 Nov. 1857 aged 1y 2m.
106. Two sons of William and Elizabeth GARDNER of this Parish, George d. 26 April 1861 aged 11y 6m; Eliab 21 Feb. 1865 aged 4y 3m.
107. (Tomb in rails). Top:- Mary Ann dau: of William and Ann GREEN of this Parish and wife of Albert COCK of Court Lodge, Appledore, d. 1 March 1863 aged 41. Also George Edgar Alfred second son of Alfred and Jane Green d. 3 July 1877 aged 22. Alfred Morris, eldest son died 11 Dec. 1878, aged 23. Agnes wife of Rev. W.S. GILL born 17 Mar. 1858 d. 15 Oct. 1885. (Round sides). Ann Green d. 22 Nov. 1848 aged 53. Robert Green 8 Aug. 1881 aged 51. William Green 29 May 1849 aged 55. Alfred Green 18 Oct. 1892 aged 67.
108. Elizabeth wife of William GARDNER of this Parish d. 16 May 1885 aged 63. Left surviving 3 children: Charlotte, Catherine and Harriott. William Gardner d. 18 June 1892 aged 75y 6m.
109. (Tomb in rails). Mary FINN d. 6 Aug. 1845 aged 82. Francis Finn d. 23 Aug. 1847 aged 85.
110. John USHER and George HARRISON two brave Seamen of H.M.S. "Diligence" who fell in action off Cape Griznez Aug. 20, 1805 ………
111. Trttminea af Swenska Sjoman vnckomare wid. Angkorvetten "Dradd" Strandring den 3dre December 1866.
112. (By S.E. Gate). Lanes BRACKENBURY d. 22 Jan. 1862 aged 83. Elizabeth his first wife 20 July 1831 aged 57. Esther his 2nd wife 23 Oct. 1883 aged 83.
113. William GREENSTREET d. 7 July 1879 aged 75.
114. Mary Tucker SOUTHERDEN born 3 March 1837 d. at Broomhill 18 March 1874 aged 37.
115. John SOUTHERDEN d. at Broomhill 17 June 1868 aged 52. Leaving Surviving Eliza his wife 4 sons and 7 daughters.
116. Eliza SOUTHERDEN d. at Broomhill 20 Jan. 1877 aged 66.
117. John GREENSTREET d. 6 July 1856 aged 74. Mary his wife 15 June 1830 aged 47. Leaving surviving 5 children: William, Eliza, Thomas, Mary-Ann and John-Stafford. Thomas d. 2 Oct. 1859 on board of the ship "Thomas Mitchell" at Whampoa aged 46. John Stafford d. 4 March 1875 aged 49 and was buried at Ramsgate.
118. (Flat in rails by S.E. path). Nicholas GREEN d. 23 Feb. 1845 aged 85. Mary Green d. 9 Aug. 1846 aged 79.
119. John WOOD d. 7 Oct. 1885 aged 62.
120. Elizabeth wife of John WOOD d. 24 Dec. 1880 aged 58.
121. Barbara dau: of John and Elizabeth WOOD d. 19 April 1855 aged 18 months. Mary d. 20 April 1855 aged 9 years. Florence d. 22 Aug. 1860 aged 13 months.
122. William LORDING d. 5 Jan. 1784 aged 58. Issue by Sarah his wife 2 sons:- John-Summers and Thomas.
123. Elizabeth wife of James LORDING d. 1 Feb. 176(?7) aged (?3)6. She left surviving one son and (?2) daughters. ?James, Mary and Elizabeth (indistinct).
124. James LORDING d. 12 Aug. 1782 aged 47. Left issue by Elizabeth his first wife three children: Mary, James and Elizabeth. Also he left surviving Elizabeth his 2nd wife and 3 children, John, Ann and Jane.
125. Mary, dau: of Tho: and Mary LORDING d. March ye 24, 1716, aged 23.
126. Mary wife of Thomas LORDING d. 25 Dec. 1719 aged 54.
127. Thomas LORDING d. Nov. ye 13, 1709, aged 45.
128. John Ditton BLATCHER d. 13 April 1869 aged 68. Left Mary his wife who d. 3 Feb. 1883 aged 77.
129. John LORDING d. (?7) June 1771 aged 76. Left surviving Catharine his wife with whom he lived 50 years 8 months. Also 3 sons (Thomas, William and James). Also Ann their dau: the wife of William CRITTENDEN. She d. 26 June 1769 aged 41 years.
130. Thomas LORDING d. 6 March 1765 aged 67.
131. Here lieth Mary wife of Thomas LORDING and 3 of their children viz: Mary, John and Thomas. She d. 22 Feb. 1720 aged 37.
132. Sarah Lyndsay wife of Major William Hamilton GIBBONS, Barrack Master of Dungeness d. 1 Dec. 1800 aged 33. Their infant William Hamilton who reposes in the arms of his Mother was born the 27th and Died the 30 Nov. The above Wm. Hamilton Gibbons d. 24 Oct. 1801 aged 47.
133. John Frederic SMITHERS (Blacksmith of this Town) d. 3 Jan. 1858 aged 80. Catherine his wife d. 29 March 1869 aged 82.
134. Edward son of John Frederic and Catherine SMITHERS d. 18 Sep. 1854 aged 22. Also Thomas Bishop, Hannah and Amy who d. in infancy, and Mary who d. 7 Jan. 1858 in 39 year and was buried in New Romney churchyard.
135. George FINN, eldest son of John and Mary Finn d. 5 March, 1852 aged 71.
136. Francis John son of Frederick and Sarah Austin FINN born 23 May d. 21 Jun. 1862.
137. Sarah dau: of John and Mary FINN obiit June 3, 1823 aged 45.
138. Mary wife of John GRIST of Brookland d. 17 July 1858 aged 37.
139. Edward BURKETT born 21 Aug. 1802 d. 28 July 1887. Lavinia wife of above d. at Brookland 16 March 1890 aged 84.
140. Thomas BURKETT d. 18 Feb. 1837 aged 80. Elizabeth his wife d. 10 Oct. 1838 aged 77, by whom he left the following issue: Mary Frances, Thomas, John, William, George, Edward and Joseph. One son and one dau. d. in infancy.
141. Andrew TINNOCK born at Holmstone, Ayrshire 1807 d. at Lydd 30 Jan. 1881. For 50 years a faithful servant and friend to the DENNE family of this place by whom this stone is erected. Also to Martha his wife born at Chessington 1797 d. at Lydd 24 March 1876.
142. George ADAMS d. 20 May 1823 aged 74. Left surviving 2 sons. Mary his wife d. 8 April 1786 aged 32. John their son d. 24 Oct. 1848 aged 34 and was buried in St. Paul’s Churchyard, Covent Garden, London.
143. Edward ADAMS, many years of Dungeness Lighthouse d. 16 March 1833 aged 57. Left issue 4 sons and 2 daus. Elizabeth his wife d. 15 March 1856 aged 74.
144. Elizabeth relict of John FINN d. 27 March. 1868 aged 84.
145. John FINN late of this Parish d. 9 June 1813 aged 30 leaving issue by Elizabeth his wife, Mary and George.
146. Mary FINN dau: of John and Elizabeth Finn d. 19 Nov. 1801 in her 14 year.
147. John FINN d. 22 May 1798 aged 39. Mary his first wife d. 25 May 1783 aged 24. Elizabeth his second wife d. 25 Dec. 1793 aged 41. Left surviving Ann his 3rd wife and 6 children: - Sarah, George, John, Mary, Samuel and Anniss. Ann his 3rd wife d. 17 Feb. 1865 aged 94.
148. Samuel FINN son of Samuel and Sarah Finn d. 5 Sept. 1790 in (?19th) year.
149. Francis FINN son of Samuel and Sarah Finn d. 24 Feb. 17(?84) aged (?2) years.
150. Ann COOK d. 31 July 1814 aged 63. Also her late husbands William BARNETT and William COOK. Left issue 3 children: William, Samuel and Mary.
151. Western End and part of base of a large Altar Tomb. The following lettering only remains …../ ….. John / THORNTON …../ who cavs… / and ….. Town / and ….eere of / his age ….. 1631.
(Note: John Thornton jurate buried 29 June, 1631. On the last page of the first Register Book is "Lydd 1632. These + bookes following were given by John Thornton jurate of Lydd deceased viz Willett vppon Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Daniel, Romans. Willets synopsis Papism. Rogers 7 treatises. Willcock uppon Psalmes and proverbs. Thos. Greenfield minister Edwd. Marten Ch: Warden").
152. A large Altar Tomb. On West end:- Here lieth the body of Mary THORNTON the wife of John Thornton Gent. and davghter of Richard (?Sharpe) and ….. dyed in …. ye …. of her age. Jvme …. Anno Dom 1629 …. John.
(Note: Marie wife of John Thornton, Bayliffe buried 29 June 1629).
153. A large Altar Tomb. On West end:- John MARKETMAN deceased the 2 day of march Anno dom 1615.
Chvrch Poore and widdowe had of / Thys man’s store and preached to God / Send vs many more. Reader nor wr / onge no envye this mans fame / Bvt for they Lord and God doe / Thov the same. Beati Benefici. / (Note: John Marketman Churchwarden buried March 1615/6.
On the first page of the Register book is this note. "Memorandum – that the Church of Lydd was adorned and beautified as it is with paintings and writings at the proper cost and charges of John Marketman Oct. 1611 he being then Churchwarden". Thos. Greenfield, Minister).
154. Altar Tomb probably a little later than the two last but the top and brick supports only remain. End and side slabs are lost.
155. John LEEDS d. 25 March 1799 aged 68. Elizabeth his first wife 24 Jan. 1770 aged 39. Mary his 2nd wife 11 Nov. 1781 aged 32. William son of above 25 March 1856 aged 82.
156. Horace John FINN son of Thomas and Felicia Finn d. 21 July 1863 aged 2 years 6 mos.
157. David FINN d. 12 Aug. 1827 aged 62. Alice relict of above 22 March 1840 aged 74. Mary who d. an infant dau: of above. Leaving surviving 3 sons and 2 daus: Thomas, David, Francis, Susanna and Mary Ann. David son of above d. 13 July 1851 aged 46. Thomas son of above d. 20 May 1858 aged 56.
158. Mary wife of Thomas FINN d. 15 Feb. 1797 aged 71.
159. Thomas FINN d. 23 Dec. 1772 aged 46. Had issue by Mary his wife nine children: Ann, Elizabeth, Thomas, Samuel, John, Frances, David, Mary and Elizabeth. Elizabeth d. 10 April 1759 aged 6 years. Thomas d. 14 Dec. 1771 aged 17 years and is buried here, the rest survive.
He in a scene of busy bustling cares / Was snatched away and left his friends in tears.
160. Thomas FINN d. 4 Jan. 1834 aged 57. Leaving surviving Ann-Sophia his wife, 2 sons and 4 daughters: Samuel, Sarah, Ann, Thomas, Rosamond and Mary. Ann-Sophia wife of above d. 2 Sept. 1848 aged 70.
161. Two large stones in railed enclosure:-
(a) Samuel FINN d. 18 Sept. 1837 aged 80. / Sarah Finn d. 30 April 1840 aged 83.
(b) John Finn d. 17 June 1861, aged 79. / Mary Finn 31 Jan. 1858 aged 72.
(a) Capt. Samuel FINN of Dengemarsh and later of Westbroke in this parish held H.M. Commission as Barrack Master of Dungeness from 1799 succeeding Major W. Hamilton Gibbons (152) and was Captain of the Lydd Volunteer Infantry from 1794. he was the eldest surviving son of Thomas Finn of Dengemarsh (159).
162. The top of the large altar tomb stone immediately under the East window of the chancel: Thomas ….. / He died in No…. / Anno 1 (?6) ….
Slip by South Aisle
163. A cross. In memory of Thomas FINN of Westbroke in this Parish who was born May 12, 1813 and rested from his labours October 17, 1881.
164. Elizabeth wife of Stephen KETCHLEY d. 19 Dec. 1788 aged 23. Her husband d. 16 July 1816 aged 69.
165. William TEMPLE d. 10 Jan. 1757 aged 59. He was five times Bayliff of this Corporation. he left surviving Ann his widow and by her two daus. Mary and Martha.
166. Here lieth interr’d the Body of Godfrey NOBLE son of Richard and Ann Noble d. 12 April 1766 aged 50. Also Ann second wife of Freebody DRAY dau: of the above Richard and Ann Noble who d. 1(?4) July 1778 aged 67. (Note: Godfrey Noble, grazier, buried 18 April 1766).
167. Richard NOBLE d. 19 April 1729 aged 40. Left issue by Ann his wife 5 children of whome one son and 3 daus. survive. Ann wife of Richard Noble d. Feb. ye 24, 1756 aged 65. Left surviving one son and 2 daughters.
168. James NASH d. 14 Nov. 1887 aged 28.
169. Thomas TERRY d. 16 July 1797 aged 43. Had issue by Elizabeth his wife eleven children, 3 lie buried here, one son and 7 daus. survive. Elizabeth his wife d. 2 march 1831 aged 7(1 or 4). Also S……..n and Mary lie buried here.
170. Here lieth Buried ye Body of Thos. GODFREY who was Juratt of this Corporation and Bayliffe. He died ye 16 of August 1691 in ye 69 year of his age. Here also lieth ye Body of Sibell his wife who had issue by her viz: 6 sons and 6 daughters. She died ye 7 of April 1669. Here lieth buried ye Body of Augn. Godfrey son of ye said Thos. Godfrey who was juratt of this Corporation. He died Deb. ye 28 …. in ye 53 year of his ….. who had issue by his wife viz: 4 sons and 3 daughters. Here also lieth Augn. Godfrey grafather of ye said Augn Godfrey. He died Deb. ye 15, 1649.
(Note: Burials 1649 – 1652 are unrecorded in the Registers. Augustine son of Thomas and Sybill Godfrey was bapt. 10 Jan. 166?. He was churchwarden in 1700 and was buried 1 Jan. 171? "Augustine Godfrey jurat". He married Ann Pantrey on 13 Feb. 1689/90. His son Augustine was baptised 29 April 1695 and was buried 27 Aug. 1725 aged 31. "Mr. Augustin Godfrey comoner of the Town" but there is no memorial to him).
171. Margaret daughter of Augustine GODREY d. 26 August 1717 aged 21. (Margaret dau: of Augustine and Ann Godfrey baptised 26 July 1696.
172. Agustine (sic) GODFREY d. Jan. ye 12, 1766 aged 41. Had issue by Elizabeth his wife 2 sons and 2 daus. One lies buried here and three survive viz: Elizabeth (B. 1756) Ann (b. 1758) and Thomas (b. 1761) survive. Also Elizabeth his wife d. March 3, 1774 aged 48. (Note: Augustine son of Augustine and Elizabeth Godfrey bapt. 24. Jan. 1724/5. Augustine Godfrey, farmer buried 18 Jan. 1766. Augustine Godfrey and Elizabeth YOUNG married 10 Oct. 1755. Elizabeth dau: of David and Ann Young bapt. 2 April 1731).
173. Richard LEPPER d. 10 Oct. 1818 aged 68. Left surviving his wife Ann and 5 children, two sons and 3 daus. viz: Richard, Elizabeth, Godfrey, Mary and Catherine. (Note: Richard son of Arthur and Mary Lepper bapt. 6 Nov. 1749. Arthur Lepper is styled "carpenter").
174. Augustine GODFREY d. 6 May 1864 aged 56. Hannah his wife d. 2 Oct. 1840 aged 27. (Note: Augustine son of Thos. and Elizabeth Godfrey bap. 27 Sep. 1807).
175. John GODFREY late of Lid June ye 12, 1760 aged 67. Mary his wife d. 2 June 1768 aged 62. (Note: John son of John and Anne Godfrey bap. 11 Jan. 1692/3. This latter John seems to have been the son of Thomas and Sybell Godfrey (No. 170) and to have been bap. 4 June 1663.
176. Mary wife of Arthur LEPPER d. 11 Jan. 1789 aged (?6-). Arthur Lepper d. 14 April 1795 aged (?73 or 5). (Note: Arthur Lepper and Mary Godfrey married 2 April 1749).
177. Frances GODFREY d. 5 Sep. 1859 aged 70. Also David Godfrey a descendant of the late Sir Edmondsbury Godfrey who lived in the reign of Charles II a family that flourished many years in the County of Kent. Died 21 June 1876 aged 74 years leaving two sons and one daughter. (Note: David son of Thomas and Elizabeth Godfrey bapt. 27 May 1792. This Thomas Godfrey was the son of Augustine (No. 172). David Godfrey’s two sons mentioned above were Thomas bap. 16 Jan. 1822 and George Gilbert bap. 9 Sept. 1829. Frances his wife was a dau: of John and Katherine GILBERT and was bap. 14 March 1789. His claim to be descended from the ancient family of Godfrey of Lydd can be substantiated but not through the unfortunate Knight named).
178. Henry LEPPER d. 17 Dec. 1883 in his 95th year. Erected by the Corporation of Lydd as a mark of esteem for his faithful services as Town Sergeant for 65 years.
179. Ann wife of Richard LEPPER d. 31 Oct. 1828 aged 53. Had issue 13 sons and 4 daus. 5 sons and 3 daus. died in infancy and was (sic) interred the north side of this stone. Left surviving 8 sons and one daughter. Richard Lepper d. 30 Sep. 1832 aged 58.
180. Charlotte wife of Henry LEPPER and dau: of Thomas and Sarah BASS d. 11 Oct. 1819 aged 21. Left surviving an infant dau: Charlotte Lepper who d. at Aylesbury Bucks 9 March 1841 aged 21.
181. Mary relict of Capt. Gilbert ROBINSON and daur. of the late Reverend John GOODWIN M.A. d. 9 Jan 1857 in 89th year. Elizabeth Robinson d. 16 April 1825 aged 14 years. Elizabeth Robinson d. 16 April 1825 aged 14 years. Henshaw Russell son of John Robinson Esq., and Elizabeth his wife d. 7 June 1842 aged 11. Elizabeth wife of John Robinson Esq., Captain K.W.L.I.M. and daur. of Michael Russell Esq. d. 29 Jan. 1861 aged 55.
182. Frances Elizabeth 2nd dau: of Capt. John ROBINSON and Elizabeth his wife d. 3 Aug. 1853 aged 20. Also aforesaid John Robinson d. 16 March 1896 and is buried in Weybridge churchyard.
183. Rebecca R. BARTLETT d. 11 May, 1878 aged 79.
184. Cecilia 4th dau: of the late M.H. COBB of Ivychurch Esq., d. 27 Nov. 1844 aged 24. Erected by her brother Thomas and her friends Mr. & Mrs. ROBINSON.
185. Henry W. 3rd son of the late Robert COBB, Esq., of this place who d. at Ivychurch 30 Jan. 1828 aged 57, leaving a widow and 9 children. Also in memory of 5 of his children viz: Elizth, John, Thomas and two infants.
186. In memory of William NORMAN passenger in the "Northfleet" drowned (23) January 1873 aged 21 years, also five others unknown.
187. Elisha TERRY d. 22 Nov. 1779 aged (?82) years. Mary his wife 23 June 1778 aged 70. (Note: Elisha Terry of Lydd and Mary Terry of Dymchurch married at St. Mary in the Marsh 25 April, 1732).
188. Adam TERRY d. 3 Feb. 1766 aged 53. "All men have foibles". (Note: Adam son of Henry and Elizabeth Terrie bapt: June 1713. Adam Terry, barber, buried 24 Jan. 1766. It will be noted that this latter date is at variance with the date of death given on the stone).
189. Henry TERRY d. 22 Oct. 1780 aged 53. Left Issue by Lydia his wife, ?Martha, Henry, Mary and Stephen (indistinct).
190. (By the Tower). A low tomb to the wife of Thos. NOWERS Esq., inscription illegible.
191. Elizabeth wife of Edward Alfred NOWERS d. 2 Aug. 1856 aged 29.
192. Edward Alfred NOWERS b. 1821 d. 1879.,
193. Louisa wife of Philip Julien BURGUIERS of St. Leonards on Sea and dau: of the late Thomas NOWERS of Marston Moretain, Beds. b. 23 Jan. 1813 d. 7 July 1882. Also said Philippe Julien Burguiers b. 19 May 1816 d. 13 Nov. 1897, buried at Ore, Sussex.
194. Edward GREENLAND who fell from the rigging of H.M.S. "Barosa" off Yokohama and was drowned 28 Feb. 1870 aged 17. Erected by Lieut. C.E. Drake of H.M.S. "Barosa" as a mark of esteem and regret felt by himself and the Crew.
Centre Plot, South Churchyard (commencing at Easter end)
195. Richard TART b. 22 Jan. 1795 d. 22 Nov. 1859. Margaret Banks Tart his wife b. 12 March 1796 d. 21 Sept. 1859.
196. William BATES d. 13 April 1832 aged 79. Mary his wife d. 6 Oct. 1845 aged 82. Left surviving 2 children Hannah and William.
197. James BRETT d. (?2)6 Nov. 1815 aged (?31). Had issue by Jemima his wife one son who d. march 180(?9) aged (?3) years.
198. Rhoda BRETT d. 16 May 1864 aged 13.
199. Spicer MARSHALL of this Parish d. 2 Jan. 1828 aged 78. (?Mary) wife of Spicer Marshall d. 2 Dec. 1827 aged 83. Left surviving two daughters Mary and Elizabeth.
200. Thomas HARMER d. 17 April 1826 aged 78. Elizabeth wife of above d. 5 June 1821 aged 65, leaving issue 5 sons and 3 daus. Also Elizabeth TIMSON their dau: d. at Dover 4 May 1825 aged 42. Also Mary Harmer d. at Deptford 17 June 1831 aged 47.
201. Fanny the second beloved wife of George JELL d. 11 April 1872 aged 36.
202. Harriette the beloved wife of George JELL d. 11 Sept. 1861 aged 48. Left surviving one son and one dau: Jenette-Ellen and Harman George Howland Collins.
203. George Jell d. 19th July 1876 aged 62.
204. Albert Collins JELL son of George and Harriette Jell d. 22 Aug. 1840 aged 20 months.
205. Thomas TERRY d. 24 Nov. 1882 aged 45. Also three children of above: Georgiana 3 March 1871 aged 3; Thomas, 6 March, 1871 aged 1 year; Letitia 11 March 1871 aged 5 years.
206. John TERRY d. 9 May 1887 aged 87. Also Ann Fagg his wife 21 Dec. 1870 aged 71. Also four sons and 3 daus. of above: William d. 29 June 1828 aged 2; Ann 23 Feb. 1832 aged 18 months; Sarah 24 May 1840 aged 7; Edward 15 Oct. 1853 aged 32; Eliza 3 April 1878 aged 49; Thomas 34 Nov. 1882 aged 45; John 26 March 1885 aged 52. Left surviving Louisa and George.
207. (Obelisk). In memory of the children of George and Lydia Hewett TERRY; Lydia born 26 Sep. 1873 d. 6 April 1876; Emily Louisa born 6 Nov. 1876 d. 19 Oct. 1878; George Edward b. 26 April 1865 d. 20 Nov. 1870; Annie b. 21 Sep. 1871 d. 18 May 1872.
208. John TERRY d. 4 April 1857 aged 81. Susanna his wife 4 Feb. 1853 aged 72. Also sons and daus. of above: Cecilia Ann d. 4 April 1824 aged 3; George 26 Dec. 1826 aged 11 weeks; Richard 28 Jan. 1831 aged 21; Eliza 26 Jan. 1834 aged 21. Left surviving 5 sons and 2 daus. John, William, Emma, James, Matthew, Thomas and Charlotte.
209. Sarah wife of Henry Wallace JELL d. 26 Nov. 1870 aged 47. Agnes Elizabeth youngest dau: of above 20 Nov. 1875 aged 18.
210. Emily HALLAWAY d. 12 April 1856 aged 23.
211. (Sundial). R.A./S.T./C.W./1822. Hamlin, London. (Note: Richard Allen and Stephen Terry).
212. Mary Sargent wife of James BUSS d. 9 Jan. 1851 aged 51. Sarah and Elizabeth daus. of above d. in infancy. Mary Ann Southwell youngest dau: of above d. 9 June 1862 in the Town of Freedem (?) U.S. America aged 29.
213. Thomas Sargent BUSS of Hamstreet formerly of the Apothecaries’ Hall, London. He was also a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, d. at Willesborough in this County 15 May 1877 in 56th year.
214. John SAMSON d. 12 Dec. 1840 aged 60. Left surviving Anne his wife 4 sons and 4 daus: John, Stephen, Anne, William, Mary, Thomas, Juliana and Francis.
215. Elizabeth wife of Stephen BURGESS d. 8 march 1861 aged 72. Stephen son of above 7 Nov. 1849 aged 36 and was interred at Melbourne. Eliza dau: of above d. 18 Aug. 1859 aged 33, interred at Ivychurch. Henry son of above d. 18 Oct. 1859 aged 42 and was interred at Brenchley.
216. Stephen BURGESS of Brookland d. 28 Oct. 1844 aged 59. Left surviving Elizabeth his wife 2 sons and one dau: Stephen, Henry and Eliza.
217. James WALMSLEY d. 26 Sept. 1815 aged 34. Left by Sarah his wife one dau: Ann. (Note: from the device on top of the stone he seems to have been a freemason).
218. Thomas JONES d. 11 M….., 1820 aged (?4)2 years. Erected by Sarah his wife.
219. John BUSS d. 16 Jan. 1775 aged (?46). Anne wife of John Buss d. (?10) Nov. 180(?2) aged 7(?5).
220. Margaret wife of Thomas BUSS d. 28 June 1805 aged 39. Katherine dau: of Tho: and Margt. Buss d. 22 Jan. 1818 aged 28. Betsy dau: of Katharine Buss d. 26 Oct. 1821 aged 11 years.
221. Thomas EDWARDS d. Oct. ye 1(?8) 1734 aged 38. Sarah his wife 31 March 1732 aged 35. Mary his wife d. 29 May 1733 aged 23. He left issue by Sarah his wife Thomas, Elizabeth and Ja……. (broken).
222. James GOBLE d. 6 May 1850 aged 75.
223. An enclosure with iron rails but no stone.
224. John son of John NEWBALL by Mary his wife he died ye 4 of Oct. 1711 aged 1 year and 4 months.
225. An old stone (18th cent.). Inscription perished.
226. Elizabeth wife of William CRITTENDEN d. 28 Nov. 1766 aged 44. (The other half is blank).
227. Here lieth the Body of Anne BIRCH. She died ye 5 of March 1720 aged 70. (Note: The widow Birch buried 7 March 1720).
228. A small double headed stone (18th cent.). Inscription perished.
229. John MORTLEY d. 5 Oct. 1827 aged 49. Also a dau: who d. 17 Feb. 1805. Left issue by Mary his wife 7 sons: John, Ford, William, Henry, Thomas, Edward and David. Also Thomas son of above d. 6 Sept. 1828 aged 13.
230. Mary wife of John MORTLEY d. 11 Oct. 1850 aged 46.
231. Mercy wife of John OYLLER d. 9 Jan. 1822 aged 57. John Oyller d. 7 Aug. 1846 aged 79.
232. Thomas HAISELL d. 17 Dec. 1884 aged 70 years 10 months. Left surviving Ann his wife 2 sons and 4 daughters.
233. Richard JONES d. 25 Dec. 1838 aged 61. Mary his wife 26 March 1865, aged 85.
234. An old low altar Tomb probably early 18th century. The inscription was on the west end but the following only is now left …./…. D. OF. ?EMIES./….IVE WHO DIED / THE…./ (Query a Greenland).
235. James MUTLOW of Brighton d. 19 May 1847 aged 47. Left surviving Catherine his wife and his dau: Catherine Amelia.
236. Thomas Taylor LADSON d. 12 Feb. 1849 aged 75. Elizabeth his wife 22 Feb. 1848 aged 66.
237. Mary wife of Nicholas READ d. May ye 8, 1754 aged 56.
238. Tho: ye son of Tho. GREENLAND, Junor, by Mary his wife d. 20 Sept. 1720 aged 6 years.
239. Deborah ye daughter of Thomas GREENLAND, juner, by Mary his wife d. 23 Oct. 1717 aged 5 years.
240. Thomas GREENLAND d. 7 July 1713 aged 63 years. (See No. 322. A Mary, wife of Thomas Greenland was buried 13 Oct. 1732 but it is not stated whether of "junior" or "senior").
241. Richard JONES d. 7 (?Aug.) 1819 aged (?68). Mary wife of above d. 30 Jan. 1793 aged (?5)3. Left …. sons and ….daus. viz: ….., Richard, ….. abd S….., John and ?Mary. Mary d. …… 1806 aged 23. Elizabeth his wife d. 2 Jan. 1807 aged 69.
242. Edward JONES d. 12 Feb. 1851 aged 72. Richard Jones d. 25 Dec. 1838 aged 61.
243. (Altar Tomb in rails with vault). On top: Thomas DENNE Esq., of Lydd d. 19 April 1773 aged 75. Elizabeth his wife d. 20 Dec. 1770 aged 62. Likewise 3 of their children. Also David Denne Esq., son of Thomas Denne who d. 8 Feb. 1819 aged 65. Katharine dau: of David Denne and Katharine his wife d. 27 July 1816 aged 52. Katharine widow of David Denne Esq., d. 2 Sept. 1859 aged 92.
Above are the Denne arms – 3 leopards heads couped at the neck. On the North side of the Tomb: Louisa Katharine Denne d. 19 July 1865. East end: David Denne d. 3 Dec. 1861. South side: Alured Honywood Denne born 4 Oct. 1863 d. 21 Jan. 1865. West end: Louisa Anne Denne d. Sept. 26, 186-.
244. Elizabeth SELL d. 28 Feb. 1854 at the advanced age of 94 years. She left to survive her one son and 2 daughters.
245. Francis SISLEY late of this Parish deceased 28 July 1808 aged 60 and 9 children, 4 sons and 5 daughters who d. in infancy. Left surviving Anna his wife 3 sons and 1 daughter: Thomas, Francis, John and Elizabeth. Anna his wife d. 10 Nov. 1811 aged 63.
246. William BASS d. 24 July 1875 aged 81. Left surviving Harriett his 2nd wife. Ann his dau: wife of Robert THURSTON d. at Hamstreet 6 Feb. 1875 aged 49.
247. Sarah wife of William BASS d. 28 May 1857 aged 63. Ellen her dau: d. 23 June 1837 aged 6. Left surviving one son and three daus: Edward, Ann, Charlott and Maria.
248. Thomas BASS d. 2 May 1767 aged 40. Mary his wife d. 13 April 1802 aged 73. Left issue surviving Thomas and Ann.
249. Thomas BASS d. 25 Feb. 1844 aged 85. Left surviving one son and one dau: William and Sarah.
250. Catherine ALLEN b. 22 July 1824 d. 23 July 1881.
251. Richard ALLEN d. 16 Dec. 1845 aged 62. Left surviving Mary Ann his wife, one son, Charles and 4 daus. Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Catharine and Felicia. Also 2 daus. and one son who d. in 1851. Ann 23 Nov. aged 18, Louisa 25 Dec. aged 9, and Richard 31 Dec. aged 3 years.
252. Mary Ann ALLEN wife of Richard Allen d. 21 Dec. 1858 aged 69.
253. Catherine GREEN b. 15 Sept. 1798 d. 7 June 1861.
254. David GREEN d. 7 Dec. 1842 aged 46. Left surviving Catharine his wife, by whom he had the following issue: William-Nicholas, Ellen and Mary Ann.
255. William Nicholas GREEN, d. 11 Sept. 1855 aged 21.
256. Mary Ann wife of Richard RAMSDEN d. 27 Dec. 1877 aged 68. Left surviving 3 sons; one dau: Richard, Ann, James and Thomas.
257. (A Curb). Alured Honeywood DENNE b. 15 Oct. 1863 d. 21 Jan. 1864. Robert Alured Denne b. 15 Sept. 1838 d. 26 Nov. 1887. Emma Mary Dene b. 14 Oct. 1839 d. 20 Apr. 1904.
258. Mary wife of Nicholas DRINKER d. 4 June 1723 aged 36.
259. William WELLS d. 21 April 1810 aged 39. Mary his wife 30 Dec. 1840 aged 65. Mary their dau: 4 May 1805 aged one year. Left surviving 2 sons and one dau: Samuel, William and Hannah.
260. Ann wife of William ALLEN d. 17 Dec. 1835 aged 70. They left surviving 2 daus: Ann and Martha.
261. William ALLEN d. 11 March 1814 aged 57. Left issue by Ann his wife three daughters.
262. Elizabeth dau: of William and Ann ALLEN d. 11 April 1813 aged 20.
263. Ann ALLEN, relict of William Allen d. 19 Sept. 1811 aged 78. William Allen of Dengemarsh d. 28 July 1778 aged 54. Left issue by Ann his wife 4 sons and 4 daughters.
264. Ann wife of Richard ALLEN and dau: of John and Elizabeth POLHILL d. 26 May 1794 aged 33.
265. Richard ALLEN d. 22 April 1825 aged 63. Left surviving 2 sons: Richard and John. Mary his 2nd wife d. 10 March 1834 aged 74.
266. William GOLDSMITH d. 2(?1) January aged –0 years.
267. Thomas HAISELL d. 29 Jan. 1860 aged 58.
268. Mary Ann HAISELLl d. 11 Aug. 1826 aged 30. Erected as a Testimony of her faithful services of 11 years by Major General MURRAY.
In the Western Slip: beginning at Southern end.
269. William James TERRY d. 9 March 1864 aged 82. Hannah his wife 29 Jan. 1866 aged 81.
270. John HARDEN d. 20 Oct. 1769 aged 71.
271. Mary wife of John HARDEN d. May ye 7, 1763 aged 70.
272. John HARDEN ….. (rest perished). Footstone J.H. 1817. (Note: John Harding of Lydd buried 9 Sept. 1817 aged 60).
273. Stephen MILSTED of this Parish d. 9 April 1816 aged 29(?) leaving issue by Mary his wife one son and one dau: Stephen and Mary. Stephen d. 29 April 1819 aged 7. Mary his relict d. 22 Jan. 1850 aged 60.
274. Joseph MILSTED d. 25 Jan. 1822 aged 61.
275. Anne ye wife of William PURDWAX d. April ye 9, 1716 aged 60 years.
276. Thomas POPE d. 4 April 1860 aged 59. Left surviving a widow and two sons: Thomas and Henry.
277. John RAND d. 21 Aug. 1759 aged 37. Left issue 2 sons and 3 daut: John, Stephen, Elisabeth, Mary and Sarah.
278. Richard FOSTER, Bricklayer of this Town, d. 3 Ja. 1820 aged 55. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife one son and one dau: Richard and Sarah. Elizabeth his wife d. 12 June 1844 aged 78.
279. Susanna MASTERS d. 20 Feb. 1860 aged 35. Henry Masters d. 25 Oct. 1864 aged 36.
280. Fanny wife of Walter Jenner BAKER d. 26 March 1867 aged 32.
281. Samuel FINN d. 4 March 1873 aged 68. Elizabeth his wife 10 June 1887 aged 80.
282. George Finn d. 8 Jan. 1868 aged 61. Mary Finn his sister 25 March 1883 aged 79. Sarah Finn widow of George Finn d. 2 March. 1891 aged 83.
283. William SAMSON b. 7 May 1816 d. 8 July 1866. Caroline Samson b. 8 July 1813 d. 2 May 1900. Thomas GREEN b. 9 Aug. 1792 d. 16 Jan. 1864. William Samson b. 7 April 1853 d. 21 April 1902.
284. George HAISELL d. 12 Oct. 1885 aged 52. Left surviving his wife, 8 sons and 3 daughters.
285. John PRESCOTT d. 11 July 1874 aged 72. Ann Prescott d. 30 May 1882 aged 73.
286. Alfred WHITE d. 8 Dec. 1878 aged 68.
SECTION HNorth Western Slip.
287. William SMITHERS d. 16 Jan. 1885 aged 74.
288. (A flat iron slab). Elizabeth SMITHERS. Aged 52. 1864.
289. Alice wife of William SMITHERS, 21 May 1881 aged 54.
290. Catherine SAXBY of Lyndhurst Road, Peckham, Surrey, d. at Lydd 12 July 1870 aged 48.
291. Maud Mary eldest child of Edwin and Ellen FINN d. 16 Sept. 1864 aged 3y 9m.
292. Robert, 7th and youngest son of Francis and Mary Ann FINN of Denge Marsh in this Parish d. 20 Dec. 1865 aged 17.
293. George BAKER of Stratford, Essex d. in this Parish 2 June 1870 aged 32. Eliza wife of above d. 3 Sept. 1878 aged 46 and was interred in Westham Cemetery, Stratford, Essex.
294. Eleanor, wife of Charles JONES d. 7 Aug. 1863 aged 60. They had issue 9 children: George Morphet, Mary Ann, Louisa Tree, William Robert, John Maxted, Ellen, Lomas, Richard and Charles. Also the above Louisa Tree wife of Theophilus DAVIS d. 3 Nov. 1856 aged 24 and was interred at Putney. She left surviving 2 children: Mary Jane and Louisa.
295. Ann FAGG d. 2 Feb. 1885 in 80th year.
296. William FAGG d. 4 Oct. 182(0 or 9) aged (?7)5. Susan his wife d. 2(?1) July 181(5 or 3) aged 80. Issue 2 sons and 1 dau: Matthew, William and Mary.
297. Mr. Matthew FAGG d. 2 June 1839 aged 74. Ann relict of above 13 Feb. 1852 aged 82.
298. Jerry AUSTIN d. 5 Nov. 1857 aged 43. Left surviving Ruth his wife, one son and 2 daus: Mary Julia, Tom and Ruth Roffe. Ruth his wife d. 20 June 1857 aged 52.
299. Jerry AUSTIN d. 3 Oct. 1797 aged ?33. Issue by Mary his wife ?5 children: Mary d. Oct (?4) 1797 aged 6y 6m; Sarah, John, Jerry and Elizabeth survive. Mary his wife d. ……..
300. Thomas COLLICK d. 26 Feb. 1849 aged 48. Left surviving Mary Ann his wife and 3 children, Mary Ann, Martha and Thomas. Mary Ann his wife d. 5 Dec. 1850 aged 46.
The Southern part of the Yard beginning at the South-East Gate and going Westwards.
301. George WOOD b. 8 Feb. 1819 d. 9 June 1875. John Wood father of the above died aged 86 years (no dates).
302. Mr. William BANKS unfortunately drowned off Sandgate 18 Sept. 1811 aged 42. Left surviving Jane his wife and 9 children: William, Jane, Elizabeth, Ann, Robert, John, Benjamin, Frances and Nelson Samuel. Also Thomas son of above obt. 30 June 1804, set. 10mos. This stone erected by Robert, John and Benjamin.
303. Thomas BLACKMAN d. 14 Feb. 1817 aged 38. Left surviving issue by Elizabeth his wife 4 sons: Thomas, Richard, John and Benjamin. Jane dau: of said Thomas and Elizabeth Blackman d. 20 Nov. 1808 aged 6 mos. Elizabeth relict d. 23 Oct. 1860 aged 75.
304. Mary Ann Elizabeth INMEETT d. march (?2)2, 1807 aged 4. (Note: Mary Inmate buried 1 April 1807 aged 4 years).
305. William IDENDEN d. 29 Oct. 1830 aged 58. Elizabeth his wife 17 June 1833 aged 70. Leaving issue one son and 3 daus: William, Hannah, Elizabeth and Mary Ann. Stephen son of above d. in infancy. William HICKS grandson of above d. an infant.
306. Sarah dau: of George and Sarah PIPER d. 8 march. 1809 aged 10 (?weeks). Also Margaret, John and William, children of above who d. in infancy. Also ……… (perished).
307. Sarah wife of George PIPER d. 21 March 1806 aged 58. Left issue (?1) son and (?4) daughters: George, Harriot, Mary, Hannah and Sarah.
308. George PIPER, Bricklayer of this Parish d. 31 Aug. 1811 aged 48.
309. George PIPER d. 19 Sept. 1848 aged 35. Left surviving his wife and 3 children, Elizabeth, Henry and George. Harriett his dau: d. 4 April 1848 aged 6 months.
310. George PIPER d. 19 Oct. 1833 aged 45, leaving surviving Jane his wife and 8 children: William, George, Jane, Robert, Henry, Edward, Thomas and Mary. Henry d. 14 Feb. 1842 aged 22. Sarah d. 6 Nov. 1818 aged 3 years. Thomas d. 10 Nov. 1848 aged 23. Edward d. 8 Dec. 1862 aged 40. Jane wife of above d. 8 Aug. 1868 in 81st year.
311. William LEEDS d. 13 May 1805 in Ninth year.
312. John COOK d. 16 Nov. 1883 aged 65. Eleanor Cook his wife 5 June 1876 aged 68.
313. Mrs. Elizabeth PHILLIPS d. 31 march 1804 aged 68. She was dau: of Thomas and Ann RAYNER late of this Parish.
314. Here lieth buryed the body of Eli…….. ye wife of Edw: GODFREY. She died May the 17, 1716 aged 34 years. (Note: Elizabeth wife of Edward Godfrey buried 20 May 1716. Edward Godfrey buried 5 Oct. 1725).
315. Ann wife of William HERRING d. 24 Aug. 1806 aged 2(?5). Left surviving 2 children: John and Ann. Ann ……… died 13 July 1807 aged (?2).
316. (Altar tomb). Arms: Three crescents an estoile of six points issuant from each. Crest a goat’s head, horned, erased: In memory of Thomas BATEMAN Gent. here interred one of the Jurats of this Town 36 years and Eleven times Bayliff and who died bayliff of the same 14 May 1747 aged 70. He had issue by Amy his wife eldest daughter of Capt. John SKINNER one son and 4 daughters, of whom only one dau: Frances, survived him. Also in memory of ye said Amy Bateman who d. 25 Nov. 1765 aged 81 years.
317. (Altar tomb). Top: Here lieth the Body of Mr. John SKINNER whose Piety and Verstue were well known. He dyed the 10th day of December Ano. Dni. 1747. He left issue by Amy his wife one daughter of that name. (?By)
Elizabeth his 2nd wife 2 sons and 5 daughters. He was made Captain of (the) Militia of this Town An. Dom. 1703. he (?alwaies) behav’d himself in Places of Trust with great wisdom, Fidelity and Courage. He was a true Member of the Church of England was a loyal lover of his Country, generovs and very Hospitable. He lived to the 70 year of his age still possessed of his ….. vitality (?and was) then Baili….. of this Town into which office he had been 13 times duly elected. Here also lieth the Body of Elizabeth his wife who died 8 of April A.D. 176(?2) Ae: ?60.
East end: Here lieth buried ye body of Mary the daughter of (?John) ….., …. 10, ….. 22 year of her age.
South side: Here lieth buryed the Body of Jane the daughter of John and Elizth. Skinner. She d.t.l. 5 Sept. 1703 aged 5 months. Here lieth buryed the Body of Mary ye wife of John Skinner who d.t.l. ye 29 of Sep. 1695 aged about 25 years.
North side: Here lieth buryed the Body of Mary ye wife of John Skinner who d.t.l. ye 4 Janvary 1678 in the 20th year of her age. Here lieth buryed the Body of Amey ye wife of John Skinner who d.t.l. ye 29 March 1684 in the 32nd year of her age.
West end: Here lieth buryed ye Body of Elizabeth the daughter of John and Mary Skinner who d.t.l. the 17 of November 1693 aged one month.
318. Elizabeth SKINNER d. 14 Jan. 1784 aged 83. Jane Skinner d. 4 Oct. 1792 aged 81.
319. (Tomb in railings). Arms on East end: A chevron engrailed between 3 lions rampant, on a chief indented 3 stag’s heads erased. Crest a demi stag transfixed by an arrow.
North side: Mark SKINNER son of John and Elizabeth Skinner. He married Mary dau: of Thomas GREENLAND of Lydd by whom he left surviving one only daughter Mary. He d. 15 June 1787 aged 82.
West end: Mary MURRAY dau: of Mark and Mary Skinner. Married to Benjn. HOPKINS Esq., Alderman and Chamberlain of London, son of the Rt. Hon. Edward Hopkins Esq., 3 Sept. 1761 and Nov. 1786 to General Thomas, son of Sir J. Murray, Bart. She d. 8 July 1829 aged 86.
320. Here lieth the Body of Thomas GODFREY who d.t.l. Feb. ye 16, 1732 aged 60 years.
321. Here lieth interred the Body of / John HARROD who / d.t.l. 22 Jan. 1703 / aged (?3)…… / ……./ …..d……. / Godfrey h…. brot / hers. (Note: John Harrard a young man buried 26 Jan. 1703).
322. Elizabeth once wife of Thos. COXSELL but late wife of Tho. GREENLAND, d. 16 July, 1721 aged 70. (See No. 240).
323. Stephen BURGESS d. 12 Nov. 1860 aged 50.
324. Catherine wife of Stephen BURGESS d. 16. Dec. 1857 aged 66.
325. Charlotte wife of James GASSON (of this Parish) d. 23 July 1876 aged 53.
326. Stephen GASSON d. 29 May 1875 aged 81. Also Stephen his son d. 8 May 1870 aged 50.
327. Stephen and Elizabeth BIRCH who d. in 1870, Elizabeth on 1 March and Stephen 26 January aged respectively 66 and 75.
328. James GASSON d. 6 Jan. 1848 aged 87. Mary his wife 1 Oct. 1844 aged 81.
329. A stone about 1800 but inscription perished.
330. William Augustus son of Richard and Margaret TART d. 18 May 1854 aged 24.
331. Mary the wife of John MARKETMAN who had issue by his (?3) sons and 1 daughter viz: Richd. Richd. Elizth and Francis ….. May the 13, 1712 aged 6 weeks. She died ……. (Note: Richard, infant son of John Marketman buried 9 May, 1712).
332. Charles COXSELL d. 26 Jan. 1752 aged 18. He was the son of Charles Coxsell Gent., late of this place by Susan his second wife who was daughter and one of the co-heiresses of Geo: BURWASH of Lesam near Rye. (Note: Charles son of Charles Coxsell, bayliff, and Susan his wife baptised 6 June 1734).
333. Susan wife of Charles COXSELL of this Place, Gent., by whom she left issue one son and one dau: Charles and Susan. She d. 7 Sept. 1728 aged 33.
334. Mr. Charles COXSELL d. 5 March 1744 aged 60.
335. James POLHILL …… years Surgeon of this Town d. 1 June 1827 aged 59. Elizabeth his wife d. 1 Oct. 1835 aged 60. Maria their dau: …… (?Left surviving) (?Eliza), James, Mary, Ann, Sarah and Henry.
336. Frederick KING d. 13 (?June) 1830 aged 6y 5m.
337. Sarah TERRY dau: of Henry and Mary Terry d. 23 Jan. 1850 aged 61.
338. Frederick son of Stephen and Catherine BURGESS d. 16 March 1841 aged 9y 8m.
339. James Leeds GEORGE d. 5 Dec. 1856 aged54. Francis his wife d. 24 Dec. 1866 aged 67. Louisa dau: of above 24 March 1839 aged 11mos. Left surviving 6 children; Henry, John, Katherine, Fanny, Fredk. and Edwin.
340. Christopher CLARKE late of New Romney d. 4 Dec. 1801 aged 61. Also Richard, Ann and Mary Ann their children. Richard d.13 July 1779 aged 6l Ann 26 Oct. 1779 aged 8 months; Mary Ann 4 Aug. 1785 aged 4 years. Left surviving Ann his widow and 3 children: William, Elizth. and Christopher. Ann his wife d. 9 Feb. 1820 aged 70.
341. Charles COXSELL d. 3 Jan. 1804 aged 7(0 or 6). Erected out of respect by Henry LACY and William TART.
342. Mary wife of Charles COXSELL d. 7 June 1770 aged 39.
343. Martha wife of Michael COXSELL d. March ye 24, 1743 aged 47. Also several of their children: John, Michael, Thomas, Norton, John, Michael and Elizabeth wife of Isaac BONGARD.
344. Michael COXSELL d. 15 February …. aged 70. (Note: Michael Coxsell, grazier, buried Feb. 1758). He had three wives. By Margaret his first wife he left issue surviving one dau: Margaret; By Martha his 2nd wife one son viz: Charles; and Anna his last wife he left surviving.
345. Adam TERRY son of Henry and Mary Terry d. 27 Sept. 1830 aged 46.
346. Dorothy dau: of Henry and Mary TERRY d. 7 April 1800 aged 22.
347. Mary wife of Henry TERRY d. 30 Oct. 1804 aged 51. She left issue surviving Henry, Mary, Elizabeth, Adam, Sarah, Catherine, Maria and Frances. Dorothy and three who died in their infancy lie buried here.
348. Henry TERRY d. 20 June 1827 aged 81. Left surviving one son and 6 daus: Mary, Elizabeth, Adam, Sarah, Catherine, Maria and Frances.
349. Sarah MASTERS relict of the late Henry Masters d. 8 April 1810 aged 42.
350. Henry MASTERS d. 30 Oct. 1798 aged 32. Left issue by Sarah his wife 3 sons and 2 daughters. Henry son of Henry and Sarah Masters d. 28 June 1801 aged 3.
351. William COLE d. 21 Nov. 1803 aged 42. Left issue by Ann his wife 2 sons and 3 daus. Ann his wife d. 28 Dec. 1822 aged 63.
352. John HOLLYER d. 8 Jan. 1824 aged 8 months.
353. William WOOD d. 16 Jan. 1848 aged 81. Martha his wife 7 May 1843 aged 79. John their son 7 May 1804 aged 16. Sarah their dau: 8 Sept. 1827 aged 23. Mary CLARK dau: of above William and Martha Wood d. 23 April 1834 aged 43. Buried at St. George’s the Martyr, London.
354. Thomas White departed this life October 21st 1849 aged 73 years. Also Ann wife of above d. 17 April 1859 aged 76. Also Mary Ann their dau: d. 2 Feb. 1856 aged 52. Hannah Godfrey their dau. d. 2 Oct. 1840 aged 27. Henry Lacy their son 23 May 1842 aged 30. Also Elizabeth his wife 24 July 1844 aged 31.
355. Margaret LACY wife of Henry Lacy d. 8 July 1816 aged 48. (Note: Margaret Lacey buried 12 July 1816 aged 68 according to the Register).
356. Dorothy wife of John TERRY d. 15 Oct. 1788 aged 40.
357. William JENKIN d. 1 June 1787 aged 45.
358. Thomas JENKIN d. 3 April 1791 aged 35.
359. Ann wife of John JENKIN d. 3 Oct. 1806 aged 52.
360. John JENKIN d. 17 Feb. 1784 aged 53. Issue by Ann his wife 3 children: Martha, John lie buried here and Dorothy survives.
361. James PELHAM, Captain of ye Militia of this Town d. April ye 28, 1745 aged 59. He married Elizabeth daughter of Mr. John BANNEWELL of this Town by whom he left issue one son: Matthew. Matthew Pelham son of Capt. James Pelham d. 29 June 1745 aged 22. Left issue by Margaret his wife dau: of Mr. Charles COXSELL of this Town one son who d. in infancy.
362. Captain William YEOMANS of this Town d. 26 May. 1737 aged (?35) years. (Note: Capt. Wm. Yeomans buried in Linnen 29 May 1737).
363. William FOX of this Parish d. 8 May 1787 aged 67. Margaret his wife 14 June 1757 aged 34. Also one of their children, Margaret d. 12 Jan. 1757 aged (?5) years. William d. 16 Dec. 17(?6)- aged 2 years. Daniel d. 13 June 1782 aged 26. Edward d. 7 June 178- aged 37.
364. Edward FOX d. 18 June 1782 aged 57 leaving issue by Elizabeth his wife three daughters: Elizth., Mary, and Ann. Elizabeth Blake relict of Edward Fox d. 18 May 1836 aged 81.
365. A flat stone – inscription perished.
366. An old Altar Tomb, 17th or early 18th century. No inscription now to be seen.
367. A flat stone – inscription perished.
368. George WALKER d. 1 Aug. 1819 aged 36. Catherine his dau: 7 March 1809 aged 1 year 8 mos. Left surviving Elizabeth his wife one son and one dau: James and Catherine Margaret.
Let it be known that I am clay / A bace man took my life away, / Yet freely do I him forgive, / And hope in Heaven we both shall live / Wife and children I’ve left behind, / And to the Lord I them resign, / I hope He will their steps attend / And guide them to a happy end.
(Note: he was a smuggler and was taken by the Preventive men, one of whom stabbed him – it is said accidentally after his capture). Elizabeth Walker d. 30 Sept. 1857 aged 81.
369. Margaret ye wife of John BURWASH d. 13 Oct. 1713 aged 25. (Note: Margaret wife of John Burwash junr. buried 16. Oct. 1713).
370. An altar tomb of Bethersden Marble probably 17th Century. No inscription remains.
371. An altar tomb, probably 17th Century. The inscription seems to have been on the chamfer edge of the top slab but is now all gone save a letter or two, the outer skin of the stone having perished. These altar tombs are near the southern wall of the churchyard.
372. (Altar Tomb). Here lyeth Interr’d ye body of Mr. John JORDAN of this Town, Jurate and twice Bayliffe who died Jan. 22nd 1717 aged 65 years. By his first wife Susannah who died 26 Dec. 1679 and is here interred he had issue one daughter viz: Dorothy. By his 2nd wife Elizabeth he had issue two daughters, Elizth. who died 6 July 1685 and Mary who died 11 Sept. 1685. The said Elizabeth his wife out of gratitude and duty to her deceased husband hath caused this monument to be erected.
373. Daniel YOUMANS, Senior, d. April ye 30, 1731, aged 46.
374. William YEOMANS son of Daniel and Anna Yeomans d. 25 Jan. 1722 aged 17……
375. Dorothy JENKINS widow of Daniel Jenkins of this Place d. 25 Oct. 1777 aged 62.
376. James son of Daniel and Dorothy JENKIN d. 26 Feb. 1772 aged 27. Also Dorothy, Mary and John son and daughters of Daniel and Dorothy Jenkin.
377. Daniel JENKIN d. Sept. ye 7, 17(?55) aged 53. He had issue by Dorothy his wife six sons and four daus: of which Dorothy, Mary and John lay buried here and left surviving Daniel, William, James, Dorothy, John, Mary and Thomas.
378. Daniel JENKIN d. 25 April 1811 aged 70.
379. William G x (?r) x (?M) xx ….. (Remainder perished). Footstone W.G. (no date).
380. James BRETT d. 28 Jan. 1770 aged 61. Left issue by Sarah his wife 4 sons and 2 daus: James, John, Julius and Stephen, Sarah and Dorothy. Here also lieth near William and Elizabeth son and dau: of ye above James and Sarah.
381. Dorothy BRETT dau: of James and Sarah Brett, d. June 1777 aged ……. years.
382. Dorothy KEMP, widow d. 13 Oct. 1767 aged 84.
383. John KEMP d. Jan. ye 3rd 1735 aged 46. John Kemp son of John and Dorothy Kemp d. March ye 5, 1734 aged 9 years.
384. Mr. John MITTELL of this Parish d. Jan ye 6, 1709 At. 66. Elizabeth wife of ye said John Mittell 15 Feb. 1719 aged 67. Left issue one daughter.
385. A small early 18th Century headstone. Inscription nearly all perished, the following only remaining: ……. of ….ber 17(?_0 aged 6….
386. Mr. Samuel MITTELL of ye Town d. Nov. 28 Ano. 1720 aged 71. Left issue by Dorothy Terry his 2nd wife: Edward and Elizabeth and by his 3rd wife Dorothy Jorden: John and Susan.
387. Edward LEAVER d. 16 May 1880 aged 42. Erected as a mark of esteem and in recognition of his faithful and obliging services to the Public for many years.
388. John DOWLE son of Abraham and Ann Dowle d. 19 Sept. 1804 aged (?1)7 years.
389. Ann wife of James DOWLE d. 28 Feb. 1769 aged 27. Also Ann their dau: who d. in infancy.
390. Samuel MITTELL of Lydd d. 25 Dec. 1777 aged 48. Left issue by Ann his wife seven children: John, Edward, William, Thomas, Samuel, Ann and Susanna. Susanna d. 7 April 1781 aged 7; John 13 June 1782 aged 24; Also Ann wife of John Mittell d. June, 1781 aged 23. Ann wife of Samuel Mittell d. 3 Dec. 1791 aged 61. Thomas d. 20 April 1818 aged 50.
391. Jane wife of Richard STEVENS d. 1 march 180(?3) aged (?62 years. She left issue 2 children Jane and Richard and 2 lieth buried here. Also Richard Stevens d. 6 Aug. 1803 aged 60. He left issue by Mary his first wife one dau: Ann.
392. Richard STEVENS d. 10 Dec. 1838 aged 69. Left surviving one dau: Sarah.
393. Mary Ann MITTELL d. 12 Nov. 1883 aged 24.
394. Thomas BLACKLOCKS d. 30 April 1822 aged 59. Catherine wife of above d. 17 April 1851 aged 79. Had issue 8 sons and 3 daus: Catherine d. 22 Nov. 1793 aged 1y 10m. Thomas d. 8 Feb. 1794 aged 10 weeks. Left surviving John, Richard, Thomas, Elizth., Mary, George, Henry, William and James.
395. George BLACKLOCKS d. 3 June 1848 aged 40. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife one dau: and one son: Catherine who d. 10 March 1865 aged 17y 9m and George.
396. George youngest son of Henry and Martha BLACKLOCKS d. 21 Oct. 1858 aged 2y 4m.
397. William BAKER d. 19 Aug. 1800 aged 55. Erected by Elizabeth his wife.
398. John BLACKLOCKS d. 19 Nov. 1875 aged 78. Mary his wife d. 29 July 1829 aged 29.
399. Ann wife of Hammerden GRAVENER dau: of John and Margaret POLHILL d. Nov. 1(?7) 1809 aged 29. She left issue one dau: Ann (who was bapt. 5 Nov. 1804). Also Hester dau: of the above John and Margaret Polhill who d. 9 Aug. 1818 aged 18 years. (Note: Ann Gravenor buried 22 Nov. 1809 aged 29).
400. Richard BLACKLOCKS d. 28 Nov. 1872 aged 74. Elizabeth widow of above d. 9 June 1879 aged 68.
401. Mary Ann wife of Christopher MARY R.N. d. 10 Jan. 1839 aged 39. Elizabeth infant dau: of above died aged 3 weeks.
402. Gideon Longley SHEPPARD d. 6 Dec. 1885 aged 58.
403. Thomas BLACKLOCKS d. 16 Oct. 1875 aged 75. Elizabeth his wife 1 Jan. 1880 aged 77.
404. Elizabeth WILSON dau: of Christopher and Mary Wilson d. 15 May 1835 aged 17.
405. John son of Thomas and Martha SHOOSMITH d. 13 Jan. 1800 aged 49.
406. Daniel DRAY d. 1 June 1793 aged 39. He left surviving Frances his wife …. sons and 3 daus: viz: Jo…., Thomas, Elizabeth, Catherine and Frances.
407. Mary dau: of David and Frances DRAY d. 15 Jan. 1792 aged 16 years.
408. To the memory of one whose life was a Benefit to Society and whose death was universally lamented. John DRAY, Surgeon of Dover, Obt. Sept. 1784 Aet 32 years.
409. Thomas SHOOSMITH d. 18 May 1799 aged 76. Martha his wife 27 Nov. 1792 aged 66.
410. Martha dau: of Thomas and Martha SHOOSMITH, d. 8 Oct. 1789 aged 31. Sarah their daughter 8 Jan. 1793 aged 25. Michael their son 4 Dec. 1794 aged 9 years.
411. Elizabeth wife of John SHOOSMITH d. 3 June 1751 aged 56. John Shoosmith d. 16 Feb. 1729 aged 36. Had issue by Elizabeth his wife 2 sons Thomas and John who both survive.
412. Thomas SHOOSMITH d. 29 Nov. 1726 aged 60. He had issue by Elizabeth his wife 13 children of whom he left surviving 2 sons and 2 daus. Elizabeth his wife d. 26 March 1731 in 60th year. Left 2 daughters of whom but one surviving them this stone was erected.
413. Thomas BAKER d. 18 Feb. Anno 1743 aged 42. He left issue by Anna his wife one son viz: Thomas. Also Anna wife of the said Thomas baker and relict of Michael COXSELL Gent. She d. 10 Nov. 1769 aged 63. Thomas son of Thomas and Elizth. Baker d. 23 Sept. 1770 aged 3y 6m.
414. Robert MACKETT b. 24 Nov. 1817 d. 30 Nov. 1867. William Mackett son of above b. 7 Dec. 1852 d. 13 July 1864.
415. Edward EDWARDS d. 22 Dec. 1869 aged 49. Left issue a widow and 4 sons (sic) Henry, Edwin, Richard and James.
416. Ann wife of John SHOOSMITH d. 20 April 1764 aged 38. She left issue one only daughter Mary. John Shoosmith Gent. d. 8 March 1791 aged 65. he left one only son, Thomas, by Lydia his latter wife who caused this inscription to be placed.
417. Thomas DOWLE d. 28 June 1886 aged 66.
418. Abraham DOWLE d. 13 March 1853 aged 54. Left surviving Mary Ann his wife 2 sons and 2 daus: Thomas, Abraham, Ann and Mary. Mary Ann his wife also of Charles WILSON of the parish of Icklesham in Sussex d. 4 July 1847 aged 58.
419. John GREEN d. 4 July 1847 aged 59.
420 Ann wife of John GREEN of Newchurch d. 10 Nov. 1838 aged 51. Left issue 5 children, David Barling, Frederick, Ann, John and Edward William.
421. Edward MOORE d. 16 Dec. 1808 aged 35. Susanna his wife d. 15 Aug. 1852 aged 81. Ann their dau: 15 March 1820 aged 12. Richard their son 7 Nov. 1819 aged 24. Left surviving Mary and Gideon.
422. John EDWARDS d. 28 Oct. 1839 aged 69. Ann his wife d. 25 Aug. 1846 aged 74. They left surviving 2 sons and 2 daus: Richard, John, Katherine and Mary.
423. Julius LAWRENCE d. 25 Aug. 1840 aged 75. Elizabeth Ann his wife d. 26 May 1843 aged 75. Left surviving 5 children: Susannah, Catherine, Ellen, Jane and William.
424. Frances JENKENS wife of William Longley LAWRENCE of Dungeness in the parish of Lydd d. 28 Sept. 1865 aged 56.
424a. A portion of a broken headstone containing some lines of verse (?).
425. William LONGLEY d. 16 April 1847 aged 75. Mary Longley his wife 26 March 1836 aged 63. Three children died in infancy. Also Sarah who d. 25 Jan. 1829 aged 24 and Mary 21 March 1842 aged 45. left surviving Catharine, John, Betsy, Ann, Frances and William. John d. 16 May 1852 aged 50: Frances 16 April 1858 aged 48 and Betsy 30 Jan. 1881 aged 78.
426. Richard EDWARDS d. 9 Jan. 1855 aged 56. Maria wife of above 1 Sept. 1884 aged 85.
427. Mary wife of William LONGLEY d. 6 Dec. 1862 aged 58.
428. William LONGLEY of Camber, Winchelsea, Sussex, d. 9 Dec. 1862 aged 64.
429. Eliza wife of William BLACKLOCKS, d. 14 April 1872 aged 59. Left surviving one son William Blacklocks.
430. Louisa Maude Mary wife of William BLACKLOCKS Junior, d. 26 Aug. 1877 in 26th year.
431. William LONGLEY d. 3 Oct. 1771 aged 71 and left issue by Susan his wife one son and 5 daus: William, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Catharine.
432. Elizabeth wife of William LONGLEY d. 28 April 1782 aged 44. Issue Susanna, John, William, Mary and Sarah.
433. William LONGLEY d. (?9) April 1783 aged (?35) years.
434. John LONGLEY d. 18 Sept. 1839 aged 74. He left surviving Mary his wife of whom he had the following issue: Elizabeth, William, Mary Ann, John, Anna, Sarah, William, Catharine, Louisa, Jane, Eleanor, Caroline, Tom and Eliza, four of whom are dead viz: William d. 27 Nov. 1789 aged 2; Elizabeth d. 12 Aug. 1800 aged 13; Anna d. 8 Sept. 1819 aged 26; Louisa, Feb. 1831 aged 29.
435. Mary LONGLEY wife of John Longley d. 20 Dec. 1855 aged 88.
436. Eleanor LONGLEY dau: of John and Mary Longley d. 9 Jan. 1871 aged 65.
437. Alfred Southerden LANCASTER d. at Broomhill 3 Aug. 1858 aged 18. Eliza Lancaster d. in this Parish 3 Nov. 1866 aged 30.
438. Elizabeth LONGLEY d. 1(?0) March 180- aged 78.
439. Susan GREENLAND d. 28 Sept. 1876 aged 48.
440. William HUTCHINGS d. 30 Nov. 1841 aged 65. Letitia his wife 1 Dec. 1838 aged 45, by whom he had issue 3 sons and 3 daughters, Elizabeth d. 24 Aug. 1828 aged 4 years; Henry d. 13 Dec. 1831 aged 5 months; leaving surviving William, Louis; Mary Ann; John and Susan.
441. Elizabeth wife of John HUTCHINGS d. 4 Nov. 1857 aged 37.
442. Charles Livesey Weston COLE d. 19 March 1883 aged 48.
443. Caroline LANCASTER d. at Broomhill 11 Feb. 1876 in 68th year. (29-03-2006 Pat Tritton reports that on a visit to Lydd the headstone reads Brockley not Broomhill.)
444. (Flat, at S.W. Gate). To the children of George F. and Louisa Brann of Broomhill; Kitty Elizabeth d. 28 Sept. 1866 aged 1y 8m; Annie d. 15 Dec. 1874 aged 7y 4m.
445. Edward W. SMITH d. 9 Jan. 1884 in 39th year, leaving Caroline his wife and 3 children; Matilda, Edward W. and Carrie. Caroline his wife d. 8 June 1888 in her 45th year.
Inscriptions in the Church (Terreena Bellinger has updated, 2009, the listing of monuments etc inside the church. The results including many photographs can be consulted at http://www.rmrt.org.uk/
About the year 1730 a transcript of the Inscriptions then existing in the Church was made by the Rev. Thos. Cobb, then Curate. This portion of the present work is based on his notes and is in the order in which he describes the memorials:-
446. In the North Porch of the church about the middle is a stone which shows that there lies the Body of Henry POTTEN, Jurate of Lydd, who left by his wife, Sarah, one daughter, Elizabeth, and by his wife Margaret 3 sons: Henry, John and Luke. He died May the 7th 1647 aged 56. N.B. – The Inscription on this stone is now (viz 1730) almost entirely worn out. (Note: It has now disappeared, together with the Porch itself).
447. There is a stone which supports the uppermost (i.e. eastern-most) Beam of the church over the uppermost Pillar of the North side (of the Nave) with the letters engraved R.P., and under them a great fish swallowing a little one. There seems also to be a stone with a Coat of Arms just opposite to it. (This shield bears quarterly (1) a crescent shaped object with blunted ends, (2) an object like a lengthened fleur de lis, (3) a cask or tun, (4) a 5-pointed mullett. The fifth corbel from the east on this (the South) side has the letters H.F. floriated and under them an axe, whilst on the corbel opposite to it is a Tudor Rose.
448. Near the South Wall of the upper part of the Chancel: Here lieth the Bodie of John the fovrth sonne of Thomas GODFREY, Gentleman, whoe having been a stvdent in the Schoole of Protestantes neere Roane and in Harts Hall in Oxford and havinge attained to the Latine and French Tongve departed this life the 2 of Febrvarye in the 18 yeere of his age, Anno Dni. 1612. Hodie mihi, cras tibi. Upon this stone is a coat of arms, viz in a field sable between a chevron 3 pelicans heads erased or, with a Bird for distinction of Families.
449. At the Head of this is another little stone with these verses inscribed in Brass viz:
Arctus ad Coelos aditus: Decora
Arctior mvito latet ipsa Porta:
Solvs hac altam repit in Qvietem lacteus Infans..
Under which verses is inscribed: Robertus Primogenitus Richardi GODFREY, Gen., nat. XI. Avg. hinc demigrans XXVII Oct. proxime seqventis hic nimis cito cit. est (sed recte sit) 1616.
450. Just by the step near the south door of the chancel is a stone with a large Brass Image upon it inscript: Hic jacet magist’ Johes MOTESFONT vtruisq Juris Baccallari’ and nup’ Vicar istius ecclie qui obiit VI die Novembris Anno Dni MCCCCXX Cujus aie ppicietur Deus Amen. He has a label between the fingers of his hands closed together in forme of praying viz:
Miserere mei, Deus, scdm magnam miam tuam.
There are verses written round the stone in Brass viz:-
East end: Ecce corona datur nulli nisi rite sequatur (now missing).
South side: Vitam justorum: fugiens exempla malorum. O qua ditantur: qui Coelica Regna lucrantur. Vivent jocundi confessi crimine mundi.
West end: Qui Tumulos cernis: cur non mortalia spernis (now missing).
North side: Tali namq’ domo: clauditur omnis homo. Regia majestas: Omnis Terrena potestas. Transiet absq’ mora: m(ortis cum venerit hora) (last words now missing).
His will is given in the Appendix.
451. Adjacent to this towards the south is a stone with this inscription: Here lyeth buried the Body of Laurence STUPPENYE, Batchelor, sone of Clement Stuppenye, Jurate, who had been both Jurat and Baylief of this Towne, who died the ninth October 1613. (This, with figure, is now on the wall in the South aisle).
452. Something above this nearer the church is a blew stone shewing a white marble that: Here lieth the Bodie of Dame Dorothy PALMER of the ancient family of the SCOTTS of Hartfordshire, sometime wife and widow of Thomas HERNDEN one of the Majistrates of this Towne of Lydd and since died the 21st Julie Ano dni 1621. Wife and widdow of Sr. Henry Palmer, Knight, Controwler of this Maties. Navie.
Under the former are inscribed these words: To whose Memory John SHARPE of the auncient Town of Rye in the Countie of Sussex, Gent. Nephew and Executor of the last will and Testament of the saied Dame Dorothy Palmer caused this membrance to be made.
There are also in white marble 3 several escutcheons viz (1) Baron and Feme, Herden and Scott being in the 1st an eagle displayed and in the 2nd a chevron charged with 3 Helmets. (2) A chevron between 3 Palmers’ scrips and Scott as before in the 2nd quarter. (3) In a Lozenge beneath the other coats being Scott as before. (This stone is now at the entrance to the chancel, it is partly illegible and the coats of arms wholly so).
453. About the middle of the Chancel is a fair blew stone with the Godfreys Arms viz: In a field sable between a chevron 3 Pelicans Heads erased or and inscript: To the memory of Thomas GODFREY Esquire borne at New Romney in the yeare of our Lord God 1553. Sonne and Heire of Peter Godfrey of Lydd, Gent. Wheire he and his ancestours have continued in good esteem and Reputation for above two hundred yeares as appears by their funeral monuments yet extant in the said Church and by their several wils and Testaments prouved in the Registers Office at Canterbury and London. Hee was Captian of ye Horse for above 40 yeares together before his Death notwithstanding which hee himself was charged with and did find at every Mvster five Light Horse and twentye Foot. Hee was a Frank Howsekeeper, Hospitable to strangers and charitable to ye needy. He lived beloved and died lamented by all especially ye poore In the threescore and eleventh yeare of his age being in the yeare of ovr Lord God 1623.
There is also another monument for this Thomas GODFREY with his Effigies in stone against the North wall of the chancel with short curled Hair, full face, a Ruffe and red scarfe over his Right Shoulder. Over this monument are his own and his three wives’ Coats of Arms (illegible now as in Hasted’s time). Underneath is: The said Thomas Godfrey hereby interred left issue by his three severall wives, Three Sonnes and one davghter viz: Peter, Thomas, Richard and Mary, all which hee lived to see weel disposed of in marriage into several worthy families and to bee parents of many hopefvll children to his great comfort. To whome in retvrne of Piovs gratitvde and dvty Thomas his second sonne and Sarah his wife have placed these memorials.
454. In the North Isle of the Chancel is a Monument with Inscription in Brass shewing that: Here lieth Mary, sole daughter and Heire of Tho. Partridge of Iden in ye County of Sussex (Cut over Isle of Oxney which the engraver had inscribed in error) Gent, first wife of Thomas GODFREY, Esq., of Lid by whom he had issue one only sonne, Peter. The saide Mary died 19 January Ano Dni 1580. His and this Mary’s Arms are here in Brass also viz. Partridges viz purflew argent and sable on a chief of the latter 3 Roses of the former. (This brass is now in the centre of the Quire next, west, to Thomas Godfrey’s stone).
There are more monuments in the same Isle which have no Inscriptions but only crosses on them.
455. In the saide North Isle of the said Chancel in the North wall lies Sr. Walter MENIL inscript on a Table hung over his Head in modern letters viz: Here lyeth berrid ye Bodye of Walter Menil, Knight, Lord of the Manor of Jaques Court in Lyd and one of ye defenders of ye Holy Land and lived in ye VIII year of Edward ye 3rd as appeareth by ancient Record, 1333 T.G. (Hasted records this and adds "I have not found any mention of his elsewhere")*
* In the Subsidy Roll of a 20th given to Edw III in 1327 (P.R.O./ ) the name of Walter Meynyll appears. Most authorities however consider this Tomb to be of earlier date. Michael de Menyl was bailiff of the Manor of Aldington, 1273-4.
456. In the South Isle of the Chancel is a large Marble Tomb with figure and inscription in Brass with this Inscription: Here lyeth bvried the Body of Clement STVPPENY, one of the Jurates of this Town of Lydd who was chosen Jurate of the same Town in the yeare of Our Lorde one thousand five hundred sixtie five and afterwards was elected Bayliffe of the same Town seven severall times who departed Hence in the Lorde the eleventh day of November in the yeare of ovr Lord one thousand six hundred and eight and in the fowrscore and third yeare of his age. Where also are these verses:
In holy writ the Pilgrimage of Man
Here vpon Earth is likened to a span
His dayes uncertaine brittle as the glasse
His chiefest Glory like ye witheringe grasse
A Flower in fielde both flourish faire a day
E’re morrow Morne it vanisheth away
Such is our State, wee now in glory flouish
But in an instant suddenlye doe perish.
(This tomb was moved to the North Chapel when the organ was built in the South Chapel).
457. Between this Tomb and the South wall lieth Clement ye son of Richard STUPPENY who died October ye 6, Anno Domi 1591.
458. On the other side is a stone viz: The Armes of Hugh BERESFORD, Gent., who departed this life the twentie ninth Day of December in the yeare of our Lord Anno Dom: 1645 being of the age of thirty fower years. The Arms are quarterly viz: in the 1st A Bear rampant and chained (but he stands the wrong way) the 2nd Barry bendy, the 3rd as the 2nd and the 4th a chevron between 3 pheons. (This is now under the Organ).
459. As you pass from the chancel into the middle Ally of the church right before you is a fair blew stone with 3 Coats of Arms in white marble inscript that: Here lieth ye Body of Richard BATE Gent., (son of James and Alice Bate sometime of this towne). He left issue by his first wife Susan, daughter of George ISHAM of London, Gent., one son viz James. And with him leith ye Body of Ellen his second wife (daughter of Mr. John WALLIS sometime Minister of Ashford in this County) by whom he had issue 4 sons and one daughter: Richard, John, Samuel, Stephen and Ann, When he had lived with her near twenty years. She died ye 17 day of June in the 42nd yeare of her age. He died ye 6 day of March following Anno 1656 in ye 47 yeare of his Age after he had been Baylief of this Corporation six times. Statutum est omnibus semel mori.
The 3 Coats of Arms are Baron and Feme 1st Bate’s: Sable a Fess or between 3 hands argent, and Isham’s a Fess wavy or invected in ye upper part sunbeams shining thro’ a cloud with a crescent for difference, 2nd Bate’s and Ermine a bend over it. 3rd Bate’s and or a bend cotis’d sable charged with 3 mullets.
460. Adjacent to this towards the South is a Stone inscript (in brass). Here lyeth Bvryed the Body of William DALLET of Lidd who dyed the 28 of January 1598 beinge than Baylyf of this towne and in the 40 yere of Qveene Elizabeth Reigne and in the 48 yeare of his age leving behinde him three sonnes and three davghters. (Note: this is next to Bate’s).
461. Next to this towards the South also is a stone inscript in brass with 2 Images: Here lyeth vnder thys stone buried ye Bodyes of Thomas HARTE yeoman sintime Baylife of thys Towne and Malyn his wyffe. The whych Thomas deceysed ye XX day of July in the yere of or Lorde God MCCCCCCLVII whose soules or Lorde receyve to his grete m’cy. (Next comes Dallet). (These brasses are now on the wall of the South isle).
462. Beneath the Bate’s stone is another with image and inscription in brass. Hic jacet Robertus COKINTUN qui obiit vicesimo prio die mensis Marcij Ano Dni Millio Quingentesio octavo. Cujus aie ppicietur Deus. With a label thus: Fili Dei miserere mei.
463. Beneath the former is this inscription with 2 Images: Here lyeth buryed the Bodyes of Peter GODFRYE and Jone his wyfe which Peter decessyd the Xth day of Marche in the yere of or Lorde God MCCCCCLVI and the sayd Jone decessyd before him in the yere of or Lorde God MCCCCCLVI havinge by her V s(ons and iii daughters) (this portion now lost). There are the Images of the 5 sons and 4 daughters under this Inscription and above all these verses:
Peter for God did pray whilst that God lyfe him gave
Now rests his Soule with God and Bodie in the grave.
464. Beneath the former (i.e. that is going westwards) is also a fair large stone with very many figures. There were also coats of arms in Brass at each corner but are now lost and the inscriptions run thus: Hic jacet Thomas GODFREY quondam de veteri Romnie qui obiit quinto die mens. Augusti Anno Dni Millimo CCCCXXX Cujus aie ppiciet’ Deus Amen. (This is about the centre of the Nave. There are large figures of himself and his wife. His will is given in the Appendix).
465. Beneath this is a stone with a coat of arms viz: Baron and femme Bates as before with a crescent for difference and Maplisden being a cross forme in 3 points and fitchee in the 4th and a stag’s head for the crest: inscript Sacred to the Memory of Katherine the daughter of Peter MAPLISDEN, Gent., Jurate of Lid, wife of John Bate Gent., Jurate also, who had issue 2 sons and 2 daughters by her. At the age of 31 years, she died and was buried Feb. 2 1638.
Vixi vivit adhuc potior pars quando resurgat corpus, jam Foetum pulvere, tempus erit.
466. Beneath this near the Font is a large stone with 2 Coats of Arms (viz Bate’s without a crescent and Maplisden and Bate’s alone) under which is inscribed:
This lyes upon
Father and Son.
John the Sonne of Thomas BATE and Thomas the sonne of John Bate Gent., of the most ancient House: John died April ye 16th Ano 1642 aged 38 yeares, Jurate of this Towne and once Bayliffe. Thomas died January ye 27th Ano 1657 aged 24 years.
Mors sola fatetur
Quantula sunt hominum corpuscula
‘Tis death alone can speake
How frail we are, how soone our Bodyes breake
Horum filiae et sorores
Hujus Tumuli sunt authores
Katherine Bate, Anne Bate.
467. In the South Ally at the upper end is a stone, this inscription in brass: Here lieth burried the Body of John BATE one of the sonnes of Thomas Bate of Lide wch. said John died ye XXth of Maye and in ye 30th yere of his age 1600.
468. Beneath this: Here lyeth the Body of Thomas BATE of thatt ancient Family in the Towne of Lydd, who was Freeman there 47 yeares, Jurate 43 yeares and 4 several times chosen Bayliffe thereof. Leieutenant of the Trained Band 16 yeares. Hee lived in holy wedlock with his deare wife 18 yeares by whom hee had Issue 3 sons and 3 daughters. He was borne ye 6 of September 1567 and was buried ye 5 May 1637. (Then follows): Monumentum hoc chara Joanna suo conjux viduata Marito Amoris ergo Posuit.
469. Beneath this is a brass image and inscription in verse which runs thus:
As nature breath and lyfe doth yelde so drawes on death by kynde
And yet thorughe fayth in Christe by deathe eternall Lyfe we fynde
Beholde a profe by me that dy’d enioy my vitall breath
Full threscore yeres and twelve thereto, and then gave place to death
A Juratt of thys Towne was I and Thomas BATE my name
Like the I was and now am dust, as thou shallt be the same
Fower chyldren now my place supplye, my soule it is with Chryste
Who sende to them and the good lyfe and eke in hym to rest.
Obiit 18 die Junyi Anno Dni 157(9).
470. Between this (sic) is a fair blew stone with a coat of arms in white marble, Baron and Femme viz Bates and Wilcox (the latter being a Cock and 2 starts in chief). Inscript: Borne December the 12 Ano. 1571. Here resteth the Body of Joane the wife of Thomas BATE the elder Gent., adjacent who had issue by him 3 sones: Thomas, Thomas and John and three daughters: Katherine, Sibbill and Joane, daughter and coheir unto Edward WILCOCKE Gent., Eminent in his time and in these Partes. Who after she had attained unto a good old age full fourscore yeares and three quarters and been a liberaal Hovsekeeper in this Towne threescore and three yeares complete, finished her Course September the 15th Ano. 1652.
David’s confine she did surpasse
Doubtless her soul’s now where it was
Monumentum ac mortuae ac vivarum
Nempe collocarunt Neptes.
Joane TOOKEY Katherine Bate, Anne Bate.
(Note: This stone is now at the entrance to the chancel).
471. Beneath this is a fair blew stone with a coat of arms viz: A Lion rampant guardant holding a Rose Branch in his paws and a mullet for difference, the Crest being a Snake with 2 heads twisted in the Body into the figure of 8. The Inscription runs thus: Edward ye son of Edw: MASTER gent., and Kath: his wife daughter of Thom: BATE of Lyd, Gent., after the travel of 58 years wherein he was one of the Jurates of ye town and Port of New Romney and once maier thereof here is laid to rest in expectation of a joyful resurrection through Christ. Ob. Novemb. 14. 1674.
Mon. pos. Jn. G.
472. About the middle of the church betwixt the North and South doors is a small figure almost worn out, but it appears by the Brass Inscription something like this: Of your charity pray for the Soul of Thomas atte BREGE who died on the Feast of St. Leonard the Confessor November 6, 1442 and did make the Roof of this Church so far as forty five coplings*
* Coplings = Rafters.
goeth which did cost him forty five marks. (This was only partially deciphered by Mr. Cobb and the reading here given is as amended in Cox’s Magna Britannica p. 1191). (His will is given in the Appendix).
473. Going on toward the Belfrye in the said middle alley is a stone with 3 brass Images being a man betwixt 2 women (Inscript) Here lyeth the Body of John BERREY, who was chosen a Juratt of this Towne of Lidd in the 1st yeare of the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth and so continued till his death. He was five times Baylif of the some Towne and dyed the XXth day of December in the 40th yeare of the reigne of the said Queene and in the fowerscore and second yeare of his age Anno Dni 1597.
He that this slender monument did frame
Was heir to Berry’s fortune and His name
Part of his owne one him he doth bestowe
His greater Love in some small sorte to show.
(The inscription is now on the wall of the South Aisle).
474. By the South side of this is a stone worn rought and the Inscription almost gone, with the Coat of Arms: (Inscript) that there lies John BERRY Esq., who by God’s Providence lived in this Town of Lydd many years and performed all offices of Magistacy, was 26 years Captain of ye Trained Band, was born in the year of our Lord 1572. He had 7 children 4 Sons and 3 Daughters. He attained ye full age of 65 and peaceably concluded this life ye 7 of June 1637. (Mem: Plummer’s after this).
475. Beneath this is a stone with a brass figure of a man (there was a woman too but is now lost) and under them these words in Brass viz:
To pass by Death is common unto all
But so to dye as he may live againe
In greater Joy, thys onely doth befall
To those whome Faith doth lead with Xt. to reigne.
Ralfe WILLCOCKES and Sybill his Wiffe Ano Dni 1555. (His will is given in the Appendix).
476. There is a little stone at the north west corner of the former (Inscript) Under there lyeth buried John BERRY ye son of John Berrey of Lydd who died ye 26 of January 1595 or 93.
477. A little farther near the two lowest Pillars of the Church on the North side is a stone (Inscript) Here lieth buried the Body of William WILCOCKE late Jurat three tymes Baylie on this Towne of Lidd, who died the 23 daye of Januari 1626 aged 63 yeares. And there is another Inscription on the same stone below the former shewing that there lieth buried the Body of Wilcocke KNIGHT of Lidd, Gent., who died December the 9th 1670 aged 44 years.
478. On the North side of the last mentioned stone is another with the Inscription almost gone but seems to signifie notwithstanding that there Lies Joane BATE daughter of William WILCOCKE of Lydd, Jurate, and wife of Thomas Bate eldest son of Thomas Bate of Lydd, Jurate, who died the 30th day of May 1622 in the 28th year of her age and hath left a daughter called Joane (or daughters).
479. The next stone on the North between the two lowest Pillars shows that there Lieth buried the Bodi of Susan late wife of William WILLCOCKE who died the 29 day of June 1626 aged 53 and daughter of John BATEMAN Jurate.
480. Near hereunto, between the two lowest Pillars of the North and South side and the Belfry lye these persons following viz: Under a large blew stone somewhat rough and the Inscription much worn out lies Stephen BROWN, Jurate of this Corporation who deceas’d Feb. ye 8th Ano 1634 of his age 48.
O casu celeri feroque raptum!
At O! in Tempore viventis Avi
Injuste sibi persolvit Justa.
Quanto injustius unicam virilis
Spem Stirpes Stephanum prius perisse
Et solam Mariam super fuisse.
481. On the North side of the said Stephen Brown is a small stone inscribed: Here lyeth the Body of Stephen BROWNE the only son and Heire of Stephen Browne of Lydd, jurate, who departed this life the 5th day of Novemb. 1629 being of the age of ten yeares. Amoris Ergo.
482. Adjacent to this is another very small stone inscript: Here lieth ye Bodi of John ye Sonn of Peter and Mary MAPLISDEN Gent., was buried the 23 day of Jvne Ao. Dni. 1640 aged 5 monthes. (This is now at the West end of the centre aisle).
483. At the head of Stephen Brown the younger and nearer to the Belfrey is a stone with an Image of Brass (inscript). Hic iacet Johes THOMAS qui obiit quarto die Novembr. Anno dni MCCCCCCXXIX cui’ aie ppiciet deus Amen. There is also a label from his mouth inscript: Ihu fili Dei, misere mei. (Only a small portion of this label remains).
484. On the South side of Stephen Brown the elder is a very large blew stone inscript: Here lieth the Body of Margaret wife of Stephen BROWN one of ye Jurates of this Town, departed this Life ye 5th of March Ao. Dni. 1641 aged 46 yeares. To whose memory Mrs. Mary MAPLISDEN, daughter and Heire unto ye said Stephen and Margaret hath caused this stone to bee made. (This stone is on the North side before the step into the Tower. It is now practically illegible but part can be read with the help of the above).
485. At the South side of this last mention’d stone just between the sourthern Pillar and Belfry is a stone shewing: Here resteth the Body of Mary CURTEIS (Daughter and Heire of Stephen BROWN lately Jurate of this Towne of Lydd and wife to Norton Curteis of ye Towne of Lyd) Departed this Life ye 15th of January 1647 and in ye 24 yeare of her Life. (This is still in the
same place, on the South side before the step into the Tower, No. 483 lies to the North of it).
Subsequent to the noting of these inscriptions four more stones were laid down which were noted as follows by the transcriber:-
486. After Thomas Godfrey’s in the Chancel. On a fair Black Marble near unto the North Wall of the Chancel is inscribed:- Here lyeth interr’d the Body of John FOWLE of Dymchurch Gen: and with him Mary his first wife by whom he had Issue six children three of whom he left surviving viz: Mary, John and James. The said Mary his wife died the 16th December 1706 aged 33 years. He died March 17, 1727 aged 61. The said John Fowle was Town Clerk of this Corporation of Lydd 39 years and Clerk to the Lords of Romney Marsh 21 years both which offices he enjoyed till the time of his death. To whose Memory John Fowle his son and only executor caused this to be here placed.
(His arms are displayed on the Stone: A chevron, on a chief 3 mulletts. Crest an Eagles (?) head erased, ? ermine, transfixed by an arrow).
487. On the south side of Berry’s (?No. 473) is a fair bleue stone with the Inscription: Here lieth interr'd ye Body of Elizabeth ye wife of Tho: PLUMMER of this Town who had issue by him 3 sons and 2 daughters (viz) Tho., John, Samuel, Joane and Eliz: and left surviving only Tho; John and Samuel. She departed this life the 8th day of August 1705 aged 29 years and ye said Samuel died the 20 of October following aged 3 months. Also here lyeth buried the body of Thomas Plummer, Gent., who died December 31, 1725 aged 51 years. Here lieth also Mary and Jane by his second wife. (Subsequently was added: Here also lieth ye Body of Mary, second wife of ye above Thomas Plummer who d.t.l. Sept. ye 10 1751 aged 81. At the top of the stone is this Coat of Arms: Two wings conjoined in lure, a chief ermine. Crest a lion’s head erased, holding a rose slipped in his mouth).
488. In the Body of the Church between the two middle Pillars and the South wall is a blue stone inscript: Here lieth the Body of John MORGAN late of Carddaniel in the County of Merioneth Gent., who departed this life Sept. the 23rd Anno Dom: 1728 aged 45 years. (This is now in the centre Aisle towards the Western end).
489. In the Belfry is a stone with this Inscript: Here lieth buryed ye Body of Mr. John BANNEWELL he departed this wife the 8th day of November 1724. One of the Jurats of this Town thirty years and once chosen Bailif. Aged 84 years in 1724. He left issue surviving one son and three daughters viz: James, Elizabeth, Mary and Elizabeth. (The Belfry has been newly paved since this date and the stone is no longer visible).
This concludes Mr. Cobb’s invaluable Transcript.
PART IIThe following Memorials have been placed in the Church since the foregoing were noted.South Aisle
490. (Mural). In the family vault in this church are deposited the remains of Henshaw RUSSELL late of Dover, Esquire, one of her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the County of Kent. He d.t.l. at Brussels on 8 August 1847 in the 6th year of his age. The esteem accorded to his worth while living has been succeeded by the highest respect for his memory and the deepest sorrow for his death. This Tablet as a tribute of affection is erected by his nephew and nieces,
Arms: A chevron between 3 ….. Crest, a demi Lion rampant.
491. (Window). Erected by his comrades in affectionate remembrance of Courtney KENNY Lieut. R. Art. Who d. at Lydd on 7 June 1894.
492. (Brass under window). In memory of Sarah FINN, widow of George Finn, Esq., Justice of the Peace of this Town d.t.l. the 2nd March 1891 aged 83.
493. (Brass with window). In memory of George FINN, Esq., Justice of the Peace of this Town d.t.l. 8th January 1868 aged 61 years. He filled the office of Deputy Bailiff for several years and that of Bailiff in 1863.
494. (Mural). This Tablet is erected to the memory of David MORRISON who died July 17, 1852 aged 66 years. Also of Mary, relict of above who d. 24 Nov. 1870 aged 80 years, and who are both buried in Wye churchyard. Mrs. Morrison left the some of £400 to be invested in Consols in the names of the Vicar, Bailiff and Jurats of the Parish of Lydd in trust for the benefit of six poor families and 3 poor widows of the same parish.
495. (Three light window over South Door). In memory of Mary FINN who d. 1883 aged 80.
496. (Hatchment). Arms Quarterly (1) Az. 3 bars erm. In chief as many fleurs-de-lis or. (2) az. 3 leopards heads couped at the neck or. (3) arg. 2 flanches sa each charged with a leopard’s face or. (4) as (1). (These are 3 Denne Coats of Arms. Impaling Quarterly (1) arg. A chev. Gu. Between 3 cocks passant of the same (Cobb). (2) arg. a chev. sa. Between 3 bull’s heads cabossed gu. (Curteis). (3) as (2). (4) as (1). Motto: In Coelo quies.
497. (Mural). Sacred to the Memory of Louisa Anne the wife of David DENNE Esq., of this place who d. on 26 Sept. 1846 aged 45. She was the eldest dau: of the late Rev. Thomas COBB M.A. Rector and Patron of Ightham, Vicar of Sittingbourne and Prebendary of Chichester. Her earthly remains are deposited in the family vault.
498. (Brass, Mural). To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Robert Alured DENNE. Born 15 Sept. 1838 died 26 Nov. 1887. The altar rails in this Church were given by his wife.
499. (Brass, Mural). In loving memory of Lambert Henry DENNE, Major General R. Art. b. 21 Jan. 1831 d. 13 Dec. 1898.
500. (Two light window and brass). To the Glory of God and the beloved memory of David DENNE M.A. of this place, Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the Co. of Kent, formerly Captain of the East Kent and Cinque Ports Yeomanry and Bailiff of this Corporation 23 times. He d. Dec. 1861 aged 63.
501. (Mural). Sacred to the Memory of Michael RUSSELL Esq., who died at Wimbledon 11 Jan. 1840 aged 61. Also of his son Ensign Henry Russell 20th Regt. N.I. who d. at Calcutta 5 Nov. 1835 aged 25, and of his daughter Julia Russell who d. at Kensington 3 Jan. 1836 aged 19.
502. (Mural). Arms: A chevron between 3 cross-crosslets fitchee, a crescent for difference. On an escutcheon of pretence a chev. Between 3 lions rampant on a chief invected as many stags heads. (Skinner). Sacred to the memory of Hester widow of Henshaw RUSSELL and dau: of John and Grace SKINNER who d. at her house Marine Parade Dover on 20 Jan. 1837 aged 85. Also of her daughters Hester Russell d. 14 Nov. 1818 aged 35 and Mary Russell d. 7 Dec. 1818 aged 33. The above named Henshaw Russell Esq., d. 6 July 1795 aged 47 and his remains were deposited in a vault at St. Dunstan’s Church, Fleet Street, London.
503. (Hatchment). Az. 3 leopards heads couped at the neck or, impaling Cobb. Crest a leopard’s head as in the Arms (Denne).
504. (Mural). Sacred to the memory of David DENNE Esq., of this place whose earthly remains are deposited in the Family Vault in the churchyard (No. 243). He d. on 8 Feb. 1819 aged 65, leaving a widow, Katherine, dau: of the late Robert COBB Esq., of this place and six children namely: Elizabeth, Katharine, David, Cecilia, Mary-Julia and Thomas.
505. (Brass Cross and Inscription). To the Glory of God and in memory of Edward William DENNE third son of David Denne Esq., of Lydd, who d. at Cheltenham 15 April 1875 aged 39 years. Erected by his widow and children.
506. (Two light window and brass). To the Honour and Glory of God. In Memory of Katharine DENNE second dau: of David and Katharine Denne. She d. July 27, Anno Dom. 1846 aged 52. The window above is dedicated to the memory of Katharine Denne widow of David Denne by the surviving children. She d. Sept. 2, Anno Dom. 1859 aged 92.
507. (Hatchment). Similar to No. 496 but with a Crest; On a chapean a demi peacock wings extended and elevated. (DENNE).
508. (Mural monument by Flaxman representing the mother giving her child to the arms of an angel etc.) Ann RUSSELL wife of Henry Russell Esq., d.t.l. 25 Nov. 1780 in her 31st year and her only child Henry on the 15th day of January following in the 4th year of his age. (16 lines of verse).
509. On the floor of this South Aisle at the West end is a stone inscribed: Hester RUSSELL 1837: Hester Russell 1818 Mary Russell 1818.
510. A large blue slate slab but with no inscription.
511. (At the western end of the Saxon portion, a Hatchment). Arg. 2 hunting horns in pale sa. Garnished or. on a chief az. 3 mulletts or. (MURRAY). On an escutcheon of pretence Skinner as in No. 319 and 502. Crest a falcon (?).
512. (Hatchment). A lozenge bearing or a hunting horn sa. on a chief az. 3 mulletts of the field. On an escutcheon of pretence skinner as above – but field or and chevron gules.
513. (Mural Tablet). Sacred to the memory of Mary MURRAY dau: of Mark and Mary Skinner who d. 8 July 1829 aged 86. She was married in 1761 to Benjamin HOPKINS Esq., son of the Rt. Hon. Edward Hopkins and in 1786 to General Thomas Murray (son of Sir John Murray Bart.) who died and was buried at Malta in 1816 (see No. 319).
514. (Hatchment). Cobb and Curteis quarterly on an escutcheon of pretence. Godfrey. Motto: In coelo quies.
515. (Hatchment). The same on a lozenge.
516. (Mural Tablet). Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Thomas COBB M.A., Son of Robert and Catherine Cobb of New Romney who after a long life devoted to the faithful performance of the Pastoral Duties and the practice of every virtue that could adorn it first as Curate of this Parish and after wards as Rector of the united parishes of Upper Hardres and Stelling in this County d.t.l. August 25, 1794 in the 92nd year of his age. Also of Hester, Daughter of John and Elizabeth SKINNER of Lydd who d. April 8, 1800 in the 93rd year of her age. Their surviving issue Robert Cobb Esq., of this Town and Catharine, Relict of William BYTHESEA of Greenwich Esq., in affectionate Reverence to their Parents caused this Monument to be erected.
517. (Mural). Sacred to the Memory of Robert COBB Esq., late of this Parish and son of the above named Thomas and Hester Cobb who died 20 May 1807 aged 64, leaving a widow, four sons and one daughter. Also to the memory of Amey Cobb widow of the above mentioned Robert Cobb who d. 12 April 1822 aged 80.
518. (Mural). Sacred to the memory of Mary wife of Christopher WILSON, Purser, R.N. and dau: of William and Ann ALLEN of this Town who died Sept. 4, 1829 aged 39 years. She was interred in the burial ground of St. James, Tottenham Court Road, London. Also a son who died April 1823 aged one year. She left surviving one son and one daughter.
519. A Table of Benefactions over the North Doorway.
520. (Mural). Sacred to the memory of the following children of Charles James and Elizabeth BURTON:- William Boteler who d. at Lydd, an infant, on 18 March 1825. Charles who died at Margate, an infant on 23 March 1827. Charles Richard who d. in India, aged 23, on 3 July 1853. Eliza Julia, wife of the Rev. Edw. MARSHALL M.A. who d. at Hastings aged 30, on 31 March 1856. Eliza Mary Burton born 30 Aug. 1831, died 11 March 1892. Edmund Francis Burton, General in the Indian Army born June ….. 182… died at …..
521. (Two light window and brass). To the Glory of God. This window was restored by Ethel Maria GILL-BALLARD. Christmas 1892.
522. (Mural). Sacred to the memory of Eliza wife of Charles James BURTON M.A., Vicar of this Parish and Chancellor of the Diocese of Carlisle and daughter of William BOTELER Esq., of Eastry in this County. She died at Carlisle on 26 June 1866 in the 7th year of her age. Also of the above mentioned Charles James Burton M.A. who d. at Carlisle on 8th April 1887 aged 95 years.
523. (Brass, Mural). In loving memory of Marian Isabel RUSSELL wife of Dr. W.J. Russell who d. at The Grange, Lydd, Kent, 5 Oct. 1910. Born 9 May 1872. Erected by her sorrowing Mother, Mrs. H.S. Pearse, Rose Bay, Sydney, N.S.W.
523a. (Mural). Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Colonel Harold FINN V.D. J.P. born Oct. 5th 1867 died March 4th 1921 aged 53, eldest son of the late Edwin Finn J.P. Mayor of Lydd.
In the Quire.
524. (Brass, Mural, N. Side). To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Neville Lancelot COLLINS 2nd Lieut. Royal Sussex Regt., killed while leading his platoon in the advance of the Somme, August 16, 1916, aged 22. His body lies in a soldier’s grave not far from Pozieres. His Soul to God. His Life for King and Country.
525. (East window of five lights). The two Northern lights: To the Honour and Glory of God and in memory of Edwin FINN, 34 years Chief Magistrate of this Borough and 45 years Churchwarden. Born 1835. Died 1917.
525. The two Southern lights: To the Honour and Glory of God and in memory of Thomas FINN of Westbroke House, Many years a Jurat and Bailiff of the Ancient Corporation of this Town. Born 1813. Died 1881.
526. (The three lancets on S. Side of the Quire): To the Honour and Glory of God These windows are dedicated by parishioners and Friends in memory of the Rev. Frederick Spencer DALE, Vicar of Lydd 1887 to 1900 A.D.
527. (Mural Tablet over entrance to Chapel of Our Lady on the South Side of the Quire – now the organ chamber). Sacred to the Memory of the Rev. William Philip WARBURTON M.A. late Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, Vicar of this Parish and Domestic Chaplain of the Most Reverend John MOORE D.D. Archbishop of Canterbury. He died 7 July 1821 aged 59 years and was interred in this Chancel. This tribute of affection to his beloved memory is erected by his widow and only daughter.
528. (Metal Tablet below the above). To the Glory of God and in loving memory of the Revd. Frederick Spencer DALE M.A., Rector of this Parish 1887-1900. Died at Bovey Tracey 19 Sept. 1900 aged 73. And Lydia Elizabeth his wife died at Oxshott May 3rd 1917 aged 77. This Tablet was erected by their children. Also in loving memory of their sons Arthur Christopher died in Australia 15 Sept. 1918 aged 43. Benjamin Herbert who lost his life by an accident at Paarl, South Africa, 22 Oct. 1904 aged 24.
529. In the Centre of the Nave is a Ledger Stone inscribed: In memory of John PLUMMER who died April ye 16, 177- aged –9 years. Also of Sarah his wife who died March ye 18, 1776 aged (?65) years. Left surviving Thomas and James. (This to the west of the Plummer Stone No. 487).
529a Three lancet windows on South Side of the Choir inscribed: These windows are the gift of the Bates Association of America in honour of their ancestors at Lydd, 1924.
530. The War Memorial Mural Tablet on the North Wall of the Tower.
To the Praise of God
In ever glorious memory of
the men of this Parish who laid down their lives
in the Great War 1914-1918.
P.W. Adams
R.M. Adams
E.T. Ashmore
E.J. Balcombe
H.G. Balchin
C.W. Bass
C.G. Bean
T. Burchill
A. Blacklocks
R.G.W. Bradbury
A.V. Browne
R.H.V. Carpenter
H.T. Chasmar
W.C. Chesterman
J. Collick
N.L. Collins
A.F. Dalton
"Faithful unto death".
A. Drummond
P.W. Dunk
C.W. Frampton
H.W. Fuller
J.D. Godfrey
N. Godfrey
C.A. Hambrook
G. Hands
J.W. Hassall
E. Jackson
A.M. James
L. Jones
G. Kennett
J.G. Kent
D. Laing
G. Locke
H.H. LordingH.D. Martin
J.R. Millar
T. Mills
A.E. Munds
J.H. Noakes
W.R. Oiller
A. Paine
F. Paine
W.G. Paine
W.G. Priddis
J. Raine
A. Ramsden
F.J. Read
T. Saxon
H.J. Sheppard
C.G. Sills
C.E.A. SpannerA.L. Spicer
F. Southerden
F.J. Steward
T. Terry
J. Turk
R.H. Turner
W.G. Waddell
W.A. Wellsted
A.C. Williams
C.F. Williams
C.L. Williams
F.E. Williams
C.E. Wood
D. Wood
W.J. Wood
Inscriptions in the Town.
531. On a cottage in the Town end of the Station Road. T.H. 1705. (Note: believed to be Thomas Haisell).
532. On an old stone build house in High Street:- S / E.M. / 1693
533. On Skinner House S I.M. / 1695
534. On the Beehive Inn. C / T.A. / 1715
535. On the old wall of front garden of Vine House. L IV / M.E. 94
Will of Rafe Willcockes (475).
22 Dec. 1555, I Rafe Willcocks of the parishe of Lydde, Jurate, etc., etc. To be buried within the parishe churche of Lydde in the middle pace of the same churche is Master Bailiff and his bretherne shall thinke it mete and I will that a faire tombe shalbe made ouer my graue at the discretion of my executors. To the hie altare 6s 8d. To the reparacon of the churche of Lidd 40s. Vnto prestes and clarkes of the parishe of Lydd at my buriall according to the cutome in this behalf and to prestes that shall cum oute of the towne eighte pence a pece etc., and in like manner at my monthes minde and at my twelve monthes minde 13s 4d, and to poore people 40s. To John Wilcocks my servante £5 and he to look to my cattelle til Michaelmas after my decease £3.6.8 with meate and drinke condicionally that he tarrie with my executors so longe. To Roberte Dodd my servant £3.6.8. (and as before). To Richarde Sede my servant 40s for his wages till Michaelmas with meate, drinke and clothing. Vnto John Brett my servant 26s 8d the same and if my executors shall not like his service the I will that they shall paie him for the time that he hathe served and lett him departe. Vnto John Bourne my servant 20° and the keping of a horse or geldinge and two budds or kine untill Michaelmas nexte. Vnto Thomas Maire my servant fowre lodes of fewell wood. Vnto Constance Berie my maide servante 20s. Vnto Johane Haywarde my servante 40s which I will shalbe in the kepinge of Peter Godfrey of Lydde Jurate. Vnto Thomas Cunstable my servant 6s 8d. Vnto Joane Berie my maide servant one ewe and a lambe. Vnto Julian Presten my servant 20s. I geve unto my brother Robert Wilcocks widowe 20s which she owethe vnto me. Vnto the daughter of the saide Robert Wilcocks 20s at her marriage. To Stephen Reamis, servant to the right worshipfull Sr. John Baker £5. Vnto Richard Lake servante to the same Sr. John Baker £5. Where John Berie of Ivechurch holdithe all those landes which I have to farme by lease of Master Macket of Rye I will he shall have and hold the same by the terme to cum. I will John Waterman shall have to farme all my eight acres he now occupieth paying yearely 40s. Vnto Sibill my wife all my leases etc., in Lydde and my best ambling mare and my nexte best geldinge with two side saddells and bridells, sixe of my best kine, two of my best rammes and threescore of my best ewes and sufficient foder for her catell, As for thre kyne whiche she must kepe for Henrie Potten of Lydde. Also ten seamys of wheate and ten of barley. Also all the Jeuells and three silver spoones, all my swyne and poultrie, all my hempe and my fuell wood in my close except certaine long Battes reserves for railes and £50. To William Willcockes my sonne two fetherbeddes eight pare of shetes with stedill etc., and rest of my householdstuff vnto Joane Willcockes and Anne Willcockes my doughters. To Joane Willcockes my daughter £50 at her mariage. To Anne Willcockes my daughter £50 at her mariage. Residewe to be solde by myne executors to the most advantage to pay detts etc. Peter Godfrey of Lydde Jurate, Richarde Snatchebull of Mersam, yoman, and John Berye of Ivechurch yoman my executors and to eche £10. The right worshipfull Sr. John Baker Knight, supervisor and £20. And as to my Landes and tenements, rentes and servicys within the parishes of Lydd, Mydley, Olde Romeney, Warhorne, Snargate, Brocklande and Wrotam, the 22 Dec. 2 & 3 Philip and Mary. Vnto my kinsman John Wilcockes of London 1½ acre in Brucklande in the occupation of John Gibbes. To William Willcockes my sonne all my lands in Wrotam cauled Itam Parke and all my manor of Warhorne and all those my landes in Snargate. In default to Edward Willcockes my sonne and in defaulte to Joane and Anne Willcockes my daughters. To Sibill my wife £20 by the yere conditionally that she will forsake her jointure dowrie or widow-righte in my lands assigned to William and Edwarde Willcockes my sonnes. After my detts paid I will my executors shall bestowe £800 of the residue to the purchasing of landes for my said sonne Edward when he shall come to 21 yeres, he, when 21, to make a release to William my sonne of all his right or title to my manor of Warehorne. In the presence of Nicholas Pyx, John Hebilthwaite writer hereof, John Willcockes of London, John Webbe of Westhedde, Clemente Stuppenny, Wm. Pyxe. The said Testator also willed to John Reinoldes his father in lawe a geldinge, to John Bourne his servant his next beste waine with wheles, yokes and an iron tighte.
Proved 23 Jan. 1555 by Peter Godfrey, and John Berie executors, powers reserved to Richard Snachebull. (P.C.C. 38 More).
See p. 417 Records of Lydd for the fees etc., for his burial.
Will of John Motesfont, Vicar (450).
"In the name of God, Amen. The 25th day of September in the year of the Lord 1420:- I, John Motesfont, Vicar of Lydd, ill in body but well in mind, make my will as follows. First I bequeath my soul to God Almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the Saints, and my corruptible body to be buried in a grave in most holy (sacrosancte) mother church".
To the College of St. Mary Winton [i.e. New College] in Oxford my books both old and new and one Book of Innocent, which Master John Norton has at Oxford; also a Book of Surgery, and a folio "de Residuo". To Master John Norton all my Repertorios which he has in his charge with a chest and other. To Dom John Dhynnok 6-8d; to the parish-church of Lydd five marcs (66-8d) for buying one Antiphonal; to the wife of John Baker my best cloak with a hood to be chosen by her; to my servant Robert my russet cloak and one pair of sheets; and to John my servant 20d. That Walter Type have a piece of cloth of which he may make himself a cloak. Master William Stapilford have a tractate and folio "Rex Dominus", also an incomplete book called "Magistri Historiam" with a Genealogy of the Old Testament. William Quarle, precentor (cantor) of Crythyngton have my dagger and best belt. To my laundress my long cloak of bright colour; to Idone Englond a long cloak of deep red, lined. To Dom. Andrew Aylewin one book called "Pupilla Oculi". The residue after paying debts to my Exors, and each to have 20/- for their labour, viz Dom. Andrew Aylewin, priest, John Barker and Richard Bromley of Lydd, to dispose for my soul. – (Register of Abp Chicheley fol 340, at Lambeth).*
*This will has been kindly supplied by A.H. Taylor, Esq.
Will of Thomas atte Brege (472).
Vigil of all Saints (i.e. 31 Oct.) 1443. Feofees of all my lands, tenements, rents, etc., in Lydd, Promhill, Midley, Old Romney, and Woodchurch, or elsewhere – John Serlis of Lydd, John Hughekin of Ivechurch, Henry Alayn of Lydd, William Godfray otherwise called Dermor, and William Harlakynden of Woodchurch. All to Thomas (sic), but if he die, then 12 acres of land situated upon the Den of Stoughehilde and 9 acres of land upon the Den of Heye called Blithbrery, 7 acres of land in parish of Promhill in divers parcels, viz 2 acres are in Pondfeld, one acre on the south part of the church there heading to the churchroad, formerly John Geoffery’s; and two other acres adjoining the land of Sir Thomas de Etchingham, Knight, to be sold, and the money for our souls. Then all other lands to son John, providing a priest in the Church of Lydd for three years for my soul etc. Daughters Alice, Joan, and Idonia 40 marcs (£25-13-4d).
Witnesses:- James Ayllewyn, Richard Glover, William Sharley, John Quykman, John Norton, barber, John Brode, William Leycroft. (……….).
Kindly supplied by Arthur Hussey, Esq.
Will of Tho. Godefray (464).
8 January 1426/7. Thomas Godefray late of Old Romene of sound mind made his testament as follows. He left his soul to omnipotent God and the Blessed Virgin Mary and All Saints and his body to be buried in the parish church of Lyde. To the high altar of the said churche 6s 8d. To the fabric of the said church 13s 4d. To the high altar of the church of Sellyng 3s 4d, and to the fabric of the said church 6s 0d. To the fabric of the church of St. Clement in Old Romene 13s 4d. To William atte Bowe 2s 0d. To John Badekok 13s 4d. To John Baret 3s 4d. To each priest at his burial and the next day in masses 12d. To each of his God sons [not named] 2s. His executors are to find one sufficient priest at Rome to celebrate there for his soul and that of Johanna his wife, for the soul of John Temworth and for the souls, of all his benefactors and all the faithful departed, during one Lent, and one other priest to celebrate in the parish church of Lyde for 10 years. The residue of his goods, his debts being paid he left to Dom. Andrew Ayllewene, chaplain, Richard Glover and Wm. Turnour, whom he made his executors. He appointed Master Thomas Moonie, clerk and Dom. Wm. Love, clerk, supervisors of his testament.
Probate granted at The Manor of Lamehith 27 Oct. 1430.
Lambeth. Resister Chichele Part I. Fo. 426b.
Extracted by Miss I. Churchill, F.R.H.S.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Also some Monumental Inscriptions Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1756, added 20th April 2008
In The Chancell.
536. On a Fl. Stone, near ye South Wall, towards ye East, with this Coat. [Sa. a chevn. betw. 3 pelicans’ hds. or, a chough sa. for diffce. at apex of chevn.]. (Jn. Godfrey, d.1612). Here lieth ye Body of John ye Fourth Sonne of Thomas GODFREY, Gentleman; whoe having been a Student in ye Schoole of Protestants neere Roane, and in Harte’s Hall in Oxford, and having attained to ye Latine and French Tongue, departed this Life ye 2d. of Februarye, in ye 18th Year of his Age. Anno Domini 1612/3 … Hodie Milii, Cras Tibi.
537. At The Head of ye Last, is a Small Fl. Stone thus inscribed, on Brass.
Arctus ad Caelos Aditus:Decora Arctior nulto latet ipsa Porta. Solus hâc Altam repit in Qinetem Lacteus Infans. Robertus, Primogenitus Richardi GODFREY Geni. natus xi Aug. hinc demigrans xxvii Octo (1616). proximè sequentis. Hic nimis cito citiq. est.
538. Near ye South Door, on a Brass Plate, under ye Brass Figure of a Man, on a Flat Stone. Hic jacet Magister Johannes MOTERFONT, utrinsq Juris Baccalauri , et nuper Vicari istius Ecclesiae; Qui obijt vi Die Novembris Anno Dni. MCCCCXX Cuj Animae ppicietur Deus. Amen. Out from between his Hands proceeds a Label with this Inscript. Miserere Mei, Deus, Sedm Magna Miam tuam.
Round ye Verge of ye Stone are the following Verses on a Brass Fillet. Qui Tumulos cernis, cin non Mortalia spermis?/Tali namq Domo clanditur Omnis Homo./Regia Majestas; Omnis Terrena Potestas/Transiet absq Morâ, Mortis cum venerit Hora./Ecce Corona Datur nulli, nisi ritè sequatur,/Vitam Justorum; fugiens Exempla malorum./Oh quam ditantur qui caelica Regna lucrantur!/Vivent jocundi confessi Crimina Mundi.
539. Near This is Another, in Brass, on a Flat Stone. Here lieth Buried the Body of Laurence STUPPENYE, Batchelor, Son of Clement Stuppenye, Jurate. Who hath been both Jurate and Bayliffe of Lydd, and died ye 9th of October 1613.
540. On a white Marble enlayd in a Blue Stone. Here lieth ye Body of Dame Dorothy PALMER, of ye ancient Famely of ye SCOTTS of Hartfordshire, Sometyme Wife and Widow of Thomas HERNDEN, one of the Magistrates of this Towne of Lydd: and, since, wife and Widow of Sir Henry Palmer, Knight, Contronler of his Majesties Navy. She died ye 21st of Julie, A.Dni 1621. To whose Memory, John SHARPE of ye Anncient Town of Rye in ye County of Sussex, Gent, Nephew and Executor of ye last Will & Testament of ye said Dorothy Palmer, caused this Remembrance to be made.
541. On a Fine Mural Monument against ye North Wall, with the Bust of Thomas GODFREY Esq. full Faced, curled Hair, with a Ruffe, and a Red Scarfe over his Right Shoulder – with ye Arms of Godfrey as before. The say’d Thomas Godfrey, hereby interrd, left Issue, by his 3 Several Wives, Three Sons and 1 Daughter. viz. Peter, Thomas, Richard, and Mary; all which he liv’d to see well disposed of in Marriage into several worthy Families, and to be Parents of many Hopefull Children, to his great Comfort. To whom, in Returne of Pious Gratitude, His Second Son Thomas, and Sarah his Wife have placed these Memorials.
542. On a Fair Blue Stone underneath ye Monument, wth. ye Arms as before. To The Memory of Thomas GODFREY Esq., born at New Romney in ye Year of Our Lord God 1553, Sonne and Heire of Peter Godfrey of Lydd Gent, wheire he and his Ancestors have continued in good Esteem and Reputation, for above Two Hundred Years, as appears by their Funeral Monuments yet extant in ye Said Church; and, by their Several Wills and Testaments proved in ye Register’s Office at Canterbury and London. Hee was Captain of ye Horse for above 40 Years together, before his Death; Notwithstanding which, hee Himself was charged with, & did find, at every Muster, 5 Light Horse, and 20 Foot. Hee was a frank House Keeper; Hospitable to Strangers, and charitable to ye Needy. He Liv’d beloved, and died lamented especially by ye Poor, in ye Three Score and Eleventh Year of his Age. being in ye Year of Our Lord God. 1623.
In the North Chancell.
543. On a Brass Plate, on a Fl. Stone, with this Coat. GODFREY as Before (written only) imp. Vairy arg. & sa. on a chief sa. 3 5foils arg. Here lieth Mary sole Daughter and Heire of Thomas PARTRIDGE of Iden in ye County of Sussex Gent. First Wife of Thomas Godfrey of Lydd Esq. By whom he had Issue 1 Son Peter. The said Mary died on ye 19th of January Ano. Dni. 1580/1.
544. Over ye Effigies of Sr. Walter MERRIL wch. is on ye Wall, hangs a Table with The following Inscription in Modern Characters. Here lieth Buried the Body of Walter MERRIL Knight, Lord of The Mannor of Jaque’s Court in Lydd; and one that vow’d the defending of ye Holy Land, and liv’d in ye VIII Year of EDWARD THE 3D as appeareth by ancient Records. 1333. T.G. WW.
545. Here are Some other Flat Stones with Crosses on them, not legible.
In The South Chancell.
546. On a Large Flat Stone, under ye Figure of a Man in Brass. Here lies Clement STUPPENYE, one of ye Jurates of This Town of Lydd, who was chosen Jurate of ye Same Town in ye Year of Our Lord 1565. and afterwards was elected Bayliffe of ye same Town Seven Several Times, who departed hence in the Lord th’ eleventh Day of November in ye Yeare of Our Lord 1608. and in the 83d. Year of his Age. In Holy Writt, The Pilgrimage of Man,/Here upon Earth is liken’d to a Spann;/His Days uncertain, Brittle as ye Glass,/His cheifest Glory like ye With’ring Grass./A Flow’r in Field doth flourish fair a Day,/E’er Morrow Morn it vanishes away./Such is our State: We now in Glory flourish,/But, in an Instant, suddainlye do perish.
547. Between this Tomb and ye South Wall – lyes, Clement the Son of Richard STUPPENYE who died Oct. ye 6th 1591.
548. On a Flat Stone – with these Arms. ¼ly: 1). Arg. a bear rt. sa. chained & collared or. 2). 3 bends. 3). 2 bends. 4). a chevn. betw. 3 pheons. (all no tinctures). The Arms of Hugh HERESFORD Gent, who departed this Life the Twentie Ninth Day of December, in ye Year of Our Lord, Anno. Dom. 1645 being of the Age of Thirty fower Years.
In The Body & Isles.
549. On a Brass Plate under ye Figures of a Man and a Woman. Here, under this Stone, lieth Buried ye Bodies of Thomas HARTE Yeman (sic) Sutime Baylie of thys Towne and Malyn his Wyffe, wch. Thomas decessed ye 20th Day of July, in the Year of Our Lord God 1557. Whose Souls Our Lord receive to his Mercy.
550. On a Bl. Stone inlaid with White on wch. are These Coats. [3 shs. in line.
I. Sa. a fess or betw. 3 dextr. hands arg. imp. Gu. a fess wavy, 3 piles wavy arg. in chief.]II. BATE as Before imp. Erm. a bend gu.
III. BATE as Before imp. Or, a bend cotised sa]. The Bend shd. be charged with 3 Mullets of ye Field. Here Lieth ye Body of Richard Bate Gent, (Son of James and Alice Bate, sometime of This Town). He left Issue, by his first Wife (Daughter of Mr John WALLIS, sometime Minister of Ashford in this County) By whom he had Issue 4 Sons and 1 Daughter: Richard, John, Samuel, Stephen and Anne. When he had livd with her near 20 Years, she died ye 17th Day of June (1656) in ye 42d. Year of her Age. He died ye 16th of March following Anno. 1656/7. In ye 47th Year of his Age’; After he had been Baylief of this Corporation Six Times. Statum est Omnibus semel Mori.
551. On a Brass Plate on a Flat Stone. Here lyeth Buried ye Body of William DALLET of Lidd who died ye 28th of January 1598/9, being then Bayliffe of this Towne, and ye 40th Yere of QUEEN ELISABETH Reigne, and in ye 48th Yere of his Age, Leving behinde him 3 Sons and 3 Daughters.
552. On a Brass Plate, under ye Image of a Man in Brass, on a Fl. Stone. Hic Jacet Robtus COKINTUM (COKYRAM), qui Obijt Vicessimo Primo Die Mensis Marcij, Anno Dni. Millio Quingentesio Octavo. Cujus Aie ppicietur Deus. Out of ye Mouth of ye Image, goes a Label wth. these words. Jsu Fili Dei Miserere Mei.
Index of Names & Places
Numbers in brackets (73) are surnames used as Christian names.
Names Index
Adams 142, 143, 530
Allen 211, 25-2, 260-5, 518
Ames 30
Arney (73)
Ashmore 530
Austen 299
Austin 22, (136, 298
Bainsden 73a
Baker 280, 293, 397, 413
Balchin 530
Balcomb 530
Ballard 521
Banks (195), 302
Bannewell 82, 361, 489
Barling (420)
Barnes 32
Barnett 150
Bartholomew 77
Bartlett 183
Bass 36, 180, 246-9, 530
Bate 459, 465-9, 470, 478,
529a, 550
Bateman 316, 479
Bates 196
Bean 530
Bedwell 98
Beresford 458
Berrey, Berry 473-4, 476
Billitt 22
Birch 227, 327
Bishop (134)
Blacklocks 394-6, 398, 400, 403, 429, 430, 530
Blackman 303
Blake (72), 364
Blatcher 128
Bonny 17, 18
Boteler 520, 522
Bourn 9
Bradbury 530
Brackenbury 112
Brann 444
Brett 197-8, 380-1
Brege 472
Brook 83
Brown, Browne 480-1,484-5,
Bugg 4
Burchill 530
Burgess 215-6, 323-4, 338
Bourguieres 193
Burkett 139, 130
Burton 520, 522
Burwash 332, 369
Buss 212-3, 219, 220
Bythesea 516
Carpenter 530
Chasmar 530
Chesterman 530
Chisent 32
Clark, Clarke 340, 353
Cobb 85, 184-5, 497, 504,
Cock 53, 54a, 107
Cockerell 49, 50
Cokintun 462
Cole 351, 442
Coleman 1
Collick 300, 530
Collins (202),(204), 524, 530
Cook 150, 312
Coxsell 322, 332-4, 341-4,
361, 413
Crismas (102)
Crittenden 129, 226
Curteis (63, 64), 485
Dale 526, 528
Dallet 460, 551
Dalton 32, 294
Deane 32
Denne 141, 243, 257,
497-500, 502, 504-7
Ditton (128)
Dowle 388-9, 417-8
Drake 194
Dray 166, 406-8
Drinker 258
Drummond 530
Dunk 530
Edgar 16
Edwards 221, 415, 422, 426
Elgar (30)
Esquare 32
Eve 33
F……. 447
Fagg (79, 206), 295-7
Fieldpott 13
Finlay 7
Finn 12, (94), 109, 135-137,
144-149, 156-161, 163,
281-2, 291-2, 492-3, 495,
525, 523a
Flanagan 47
Ford (229)
Foster 278
Fowle 10, 486
Fox 363-4
Frampton 530
Francois 32
Freebody (166)
Fuller 530
G…… 42, 379
Gardner 105-6, 108
Gasson 326, 328
Gatrell 8
George 339
Gibbons 132
Gifford 25
Gilbert 91-96, 177
Gill 107
Gill-Ballard 521
Glide 26-7
Goble 322
Godden 104
Godfrey (166), 170-2, 174-5,
176-7, 314, 320, (321),
(354), 448-9, 453-4, 463-4,
530,536, 537, 541-543
Goldsmith 266
Goodwin 181
Gosbee 103
Gravener 399
Green 107, 118, 253-5, 283,
Greenfield 151, (Note
Greenland 194, 234,
238-40, 319, 322, 439
Greenstreet 113, 117
Grist 138
Gundry 22
H…… 531
Haisell 232, 267-8, 284, 531
Hallaway 210
Hambrook 530
Hamilton (132)
Hammerden (399)
Hamlin 211
Hands 530
Harden (Harding) 270-2
Harman (202)
Harmer 200
Harrison 89, 110
Harrod 321
Harte 461, 549
Harvel 99
Hassall 530
Hedgcock 97
Henshaw (181, 490, 502)HERESFORD 548Hernden 452,540
Herring 315
Hewett 54, (207)
Hickman 52
Hicks 305
Hollyer 352
Hook 24
Hopkins 319, 513
Howland (202)
Huddart 32
Hunt 13
Hutchings 440-1
Idenden 305
Infield (28)
Inmeet 304
Isham 459
Jackson 530
James 530
Jarvis 58
Jell 201-4, 209
Jenken, Jenkin, Jenkins, Jenkens 2, 63, 66, 73,
357-60, 375-8, 424
Johnson 99
Jones 219, 233, 241-2, 294,
Jordan, Jorden 372, 386
Kemp 382-3
Kennett 530
Kenny 491
Kent 530
Ketchley 164
King 336
Knight 46, 477
Lacy 341, (354), 355
Ladson 236
Laing 530
Lancaster 437, 443
Lanes 112
Lawrence 423-4
Leaver 387
Lee 35, 37-40, 43-45a
Leeds 155, 311, (339)
Lepper 173, 176, 178-180
Liverpool 32
Livesay (442)
Locke 530
Long 31
Longley 425, 427-8, 431-6,
Lording 122-7, 129, 130-1,
Lucas 3
Lyndsay (132)
M………… 28
Mackett 414
Maplisden 465, 482, 484
Mariner 32
Marketman 153, 331
Marshall 199, 530
Marten 191 (note)
Martin 530
Mason 32
Masters 19-21, 86, 279,
349-50, 471
Maxsted 29, (294)
May 401
Menil 455MERRIL 544Miller 530
Mills 530
Milsted 273-4
Mittel 384, 386, 390, 393
Moclestue 6
Moore 421
Morgan 488
Morphet (294)
Morris 107
Morrison 14-5, 494
Mortley 229-30
Motesfont 450, 538
Munday 53
Munds 530
Munn 10
Murray 97, 268, 319, 513
Mutlow 235
Nash 168
Newball 224
Noakes 530
Noble 166-7
Norman 186
Norton (343, 485)
Nowers 190-3
Oiller 530
Oyller 79, 231
P……. 447
Paine 530
Palmer 452, 540
Pantrey 170
Partridge 454, 543
Pearse 523
Pelham 361
Pell (53)
Philips 313Pike 78
Piper 306-10Plummer 34, 487, 529
Polhill 264, 335, 399
Pope 276
Potten 446
Prescott 285
Prisddis 530
Purdwax 275
Raine 530
Ramsden 256, 530
Rand 277
Rawley 87
Rayner 313
Read 237, 530
Roberts 84
Robinson 181-2
Rolfe 11, 12
Roffe (298)
Ross 32
Russell (181), 490, 501-2,
508-9, 523
Rutton 3
Samson 214, 283
Sargent 88, 89, (212)
Saunders 90
Saxby 290
Saxon 530
Sell 244
Score 8
Scott 452
Sharpe 152, 452, 540
Sheppard 60, 61, 402, 530
Shoosmith 405, 409-12, 416
Sills 530
Sisley 245
Skinner 316-8, 502, 516
Smith 27, 48, 59, 65, 67-71,
Smithers 133-4, 287-9
Southerden 114-6, (437),
Southwell (212)
Spanner 530
Spincer (199), 530
Stafford (117)
Stevens 55, 391-2
Steward 530
Strowd 75-6, 80-1, (94)
Strugghill 5, 5a
Stuppenye 451, 456, 457,
539, 546, 547
Summers (122)
Tart 195, 330, 341
Taylor 73a
Temple 165
Terry 51, 56-7, 62-4, 66,
72-4, 169, 187-9, 205-8,
211, 269, 337, 345-8,
356, 386, 530
Thomas 483
Thornton 151-2
Thurston 246
Timson 200
Tinnock 141
Tookey 470
Turk 530
Turner 530
Usher 110
Waddell 530
Walker 10, (73), 368
Wallis 459, 550
Walmesley 217
Warburton 527
Ward 57
Wells 259
Wellsted 530
Weston (442)
White 286, 354
Willcocke 470, 475, 477,
478, 479
Williams 530
Wilson 404, 418, 518
Wing 10
Wood 41, 100-2, 119-21,
301, 353, 530
Yeomans, Youmans 362,
Young 172
Place Index
Appledore 107
Ashford 459, 55
Aylesbury 180
Australia 528
Melbourne 215
N.S.W. 523
Brenchley 215
Brighton 235
Brookland 138, 216
Broomhill 114-6, 437, 443-4
Carddaniel (Merioneth) 488
Chessington 141
Deptford 200
Dover 408
Dungeness 6, 25, 61, 79,
99, 143, 424
Dymchurch 10, 187
Eastry 522
Greenwich 516
Hamstreet 213, 246
Hardres, Upper 516
Hertfordshire 540
Holmstone (Ayr) 141
Iklesham 418
Iden, Sussex 454, 543
Ivychurch 35, 185-6
Lewisham (Rye) 332
London 211, 319, 459,
St. Pauls Convent
Garden 142
Apothecaries’ Hall 213
St. Geo. Martyr 353
St. Dunstan, Fleet Street 502
St. James, Tottenham Court
Road 518
Lydd Dengemarsh 263
The Grange 523
Westbroke 525, 171 (a)
Midley 38
Newchurch 420New Romney 542Peckham (Surrey) 290
Putney 294
Ramsgate 117
Romney, New 134,340,471, 516
Romney, Old 464
Rye 31, 59, 540
Sandgate 302
Sandhurst 57
Smarden 63
Smeeth 10
Southampton 99
Stelling 5, 16
Stratford, Essex 293
Sweden 111
United States 212
Westwell 9
Weybridge 182
Wittersham 64
Willesborough 213
Wimbledon 501
Wye 494
Coats of Arms Index
Bate 459, 465-6, 470
Bateman 316
Beresford 458
Cobb 496, 507, 514-5
Curteis 496, 507, 514-5
Denne 243, 496, 502, 507
Fowle 10, 486
Godfrey 448, 453-4, 514-5
Hernden 452
Isham 459
Maplisden 465-6Master 471
Murray 511-2
Palmer 452
Partridge 454
Plummer 34, 487
Russell 490, 502
Scott 452
Skinner 319, 502, 511-2
Wilcocke 470
Wing 10
General Subjects
10th Light Dragoons 84,
East Kent Yeo. 500
Royal Artiller 491, 499
East Kent Militia 56
West Kent Militia 3, 181
Lydd Militia and Trained
Band 161a, 361, 362,
Captain of ye Horse 542
Army con'd
R. Sussex Regt. 524
Lydd Volunteer Infantry 161(a)
Indian Army 501, 520
R. Munster Fus. 47
Navy and Marine 7, 16, 22, 54,
401, 518
H.M.S. Barosa 194
H.M.S. Culloden 100
H.M.S. Diligence 110
H.M.S. Rose 99Navy cont'd
H.M.S. Severn 25
S.S. Losborough 22
Brig. "Nora" 6
Barque "Enchantress" 32
Schooner "Rebel" 31
"Thomas Mitchell" 117
"Northfleet" 186
Controller of his Majesties
Navy 540Occupations
Barrack Master 84,
132, 171 (a)
Barber 188
Blacksmith 133
Bricklayer 278
Carpenter 173
Farmer 172
Grazier 62, 166, 344
Labourer 87
Surgeon 63, 88, 335
Lydd Index
Bailiff 152, 165, 170, 316-7,
332, 456, 459, 461, 466,
468-9, 473-4, 477, 493,
500, 525, 539, 546, 549-551
Jurate 5, 11, 151, 170, 316,
452, 456, 465-6, 473, 477,
480-1, 485, 489, 525, 539, 546
Church Roof 472
Churchwarden 153, 170, 211Clerk 69
Town Clerk 486
Commoner 170
Freeman 468
Magistrate 540Manor of Jaque’s
Court, Lydd 544
Riding Officer 9
Town Sergeant 178
Vicar, Curate 516, 522, 526-8
Inscriptions in the Church (Terreena Bellinger as updated, 2009, the listing of monuments etc
inside the church. The results including many photographs can be consulted at http://www.rmrt.org.uk/