Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Botolph's Church, Northfleet
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Botolph's Church, Northfleet
Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Botolph's Church, Northfleet, noted by T.C. Colyer-Fergusson noted 1900+. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
T.C. Colyer-Fergusson was a contemporary of Leland L. Duncan, both served on the Council of the K.A.S. together. He recorded the M.I.s of St Botolph's Church, Northfleet and wrote them up in longhand in a white skinned book of some 290 pages, which is now in the K.H.L.C., Maidstone. We are indebted to Stuart Bligh, County Archivist for permission to copy the M.I. listings. Colyer-Fergusson divided the listings, starting the numbering afresh in each section. The whole listing has been re-numbered for indexing purposes. He also took a number of pictures of gravestones which he pasted into the book. The graveyard was mostly cleared of stones in the 1960's although some survive.
Inscriptions on Monuments and Tablets in Northfleet Church
Description of Monuments and Inscriptions . . . by John THORPE M.D. F.R.S. 1759. Inscriptions copied from Gentleman’s Magazine.
Inscriptions on windows in Northfleet Church
Inscriptions on Tombstones in Northfleet Churchyard
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Inscriptions on Monuments and Tablets in Northfleet Church
1. [I]. Small marble scroll tablet: Sacred to the Memory of Horace Charles second and much loved child of Thomas Robert TUFFNELL Esq. and Frances HOWARD his wife. He died in this parish March 23rd 1850 aged 2 years and 2 months. "Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade/Death came with friendly care/The opening bud to heaven conveyed/and made it blossom there". His remains lie interred in the family vault of Thomas PITCHER Esq.
2. [II]. To the Memory of Richard CRICH Esqr and Esther his Wife (Daughter of Mr Peter BULTEEL Merchant) who lye interr’d neere this Place. This Monument was erected by William FINCH His Sole Executor. Picture
3. [III]. Large marble tablet with urn above and two cherubs heads at bottom of tablet & coat of Arms: Coat of Arms, coloured
Near this place lyeth Interr’d the body of Susanna, late wife of Arthur MOORE of London Esqr. and eldest Daughter of Dr. Edwd BROWNE, President of the College of Physitians London who departed this Life the 23rd day of February 1694 in the 20th year of her age having had only two Daughters who lye buried here.
Here is a scroll ornament delicately chiselled.
Sub tablet to last: Here also lye the bodys of Mary and Henrietta two other daughters of the Sd. Dr. BROWNE. The first dyed the 10th day of December 1694 in the sixth year of her age. The other the 13th day of December 1703 in the 22nd year of her age.
C-F NOTE: BROWNE. Marr. Regr. of St. Andrew Undershaft:
1672, Apr. 30: Dr Edward Browne of St. Dunstans West & Henretta Susane TERNE of this par. L.
4. [IV]. A marble tablet in plainer style. Corinthian columns with urn on top and sub tablet: H.S.E. Edoardus BROWNE Nordovicentis M.D. Thomae Browne militis et Medici celeberrimi Filius Patre non indignus Quippe qui in Arte sua usq adeo excelluit Ut Regi CAROLO IIdo E Medicis primarijs fuerit unus Et Collegio Medicorum quod ese Londini Summa cum lauda Praefurit Qui etiam scriplis fuis (In quibus Itinera sua per praecipuas Europae Regiones Et Res ubigi notatu digniores.
Henrietta my dear and loving wife and after Her Decease I give the said Houses Lands & Premises unto my Son Dr Thomas BROWNE & to his Heirs & for want of Heire to my Daughter Anne BRIGSTOCK and to the Heirs of her Body to be begotten & for want of such Heire I give the same unto the College of Physitians and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital to be equally divided between them. E. Regro Curiae Praerogative Cantuar.
C-F NOTE: Northfleet Regrs.
Marr: 1698, Apr. 17. Mr Thos. BROWNE & Mrs Alethea FAIRFACKS.
Burls. 1703, Dec.12. Henrietta, the D. of Dr. Edward Browne.
1708, Sep.1. Dr Edward Brown President of the College of Physitians died 28 Aug.
1710, July 16. Dr Thomas Brown.
1712, Dec.16 Mrs Henrietta Susanna Browne dyed ye 8.
NB No entry of burial of Susanna MOORE & Mary Browne.
5. [V]. A white marble tablet. Corinthian columns, with finely carved pedestals. Gold helmet and mantling above and boar’s head. Inscription on black slate below arms and cherub: Sacred to the Memory of James FORTRYE Esqr Sometime one of the Wardens of Rochester Bridge in this County who intermarried wt Mary ALLANSON Daughter of Edmond Allanson Esqr by whome he had issue Mary, Leah, Hester & James. He departed this life upon Christmas Day Ano. Dni. 1674 and lyes interred at the foot of this Monument.
6. [VI]. West wall near Baptistery. White marble tablet with black inscription. A cherubs head at the two bases surmounted by crown: Sacred to the memory of Eliza Mary Countess de Fleury, Baroness de Perignan who died at Paris, Place Vendome 20th September and was buried in the Churchyard 2nd October 1862. She was the eldest daughter of Clement KIRWAN Esq of an ancient family in Ireland, late of Kendal Lodge, Epping, Essex. The Chiffinchs, Lords of Northfleet Manor who held office in the Court of King Charles II were her maternal ancestors. This tablet was erected by her bereaved husband and Clifford Viscount de Fleury her only son in remembrance of one who was admired and beloved by all who knew her.
7. [VII]. Below the last a brass with symbols of the Evangelists at each corner, a cross above and interlaced triangles below. This tablet is Dedicated by his widow in Loving Memory of Hippolyte DE ST ANTHOINE Count de Fleury, Born February 17th 1806 Died in Paris January 24th 1891 and interred in the Churchyard. "My peace I give unto you".
8. [VIII]. Plain white tablet west wall of South aisle: To the Memory of William Henry and Thomas FILES who are deposited in their Tomb near the Eat Gate of this Churchyard.
By the Will of Thomas Files he bequeathed on the part of his late dear Brother and himself to the Parish of Northfleet Five Hundred Pounds New three per Cent Bank Annuities yielding Fifteen Pounds per annum. Three pounds of such to be appropriated to the maintenance of their said Tomb and this Tablet And the remainder to Charitable and other purposes.
9. [IX]. South wall. Plain white marble tablet: This tablet witnesseth that the Church of St. Botolph in the Parish of Northfleet was restored in the year 1850 and the expenses defrayed by the following means.
By grant of Church building Commission £180. 0s. 0d.
By subscription for Restoration £596.12s.6d.
By subscription for New Organ £240. 0s. 0d.
By Parochial rate £1,300. 0s. 0d.
£2,316.12s. 6d.
The Revd. R. KEATS, Vicar. James Alfred EDMEADES, Thos. SWITSUR, Churchwardens. 1852.
11. [XI]. Plain white marble tablet: This tablet witnesseth that Mrs Elizabeth KIRWAN by her will gave to the poor of the Parish of Northfleet Two Hundred Pounds invested in the 3% Consolidated Annuities producing stock to the sum of £229.17s.7d. the Annual dividend amounting to £6.17s.6d. to be applied by the Minister and Churchwardens for the time being at Christmas on each Year to such poor persons as they may think the objects of Charity. The Rev. R. KEATS, Vicar. J.A. EDMEADES, Thos SWITZUR, Churchwardens. 1852.
12. [XII]. Plain marble tablet similar to preceding: This Tablet witnesseth that here is now invested in the three per Cent consolidated Annuities in the names of Dr. BUCHANNAN, Jeremiah ROSHER, Jeremiah Burch Rosher and John TILDEN one Hundred Pounds bequeathed by A person unknown in the Annual dividend amounting to £3.0s.0d. to be distributed on Easter Monday in every year to such poor Widows who have not received parochial relief as the Churchwardens may think fit objects of Charity. The Revd. R. KEATS, Vicar. John Alfred EDMEADES, Thos SWITSUR, Churchwardens. 1852.
13. [XIII]. White marble tablet over South door, with mantling & cherub’s heads: Neare this place lyeth the Body of Mrs Susan BULTEEL ye widow of Mr Peter Bulteel Merchant & Daughter of Peter FORTRIE Merchant & sister to Capt James Fortrie she departed this Life the XIX of June MDCXCII Aged LXX years Leaving one Son and five Daughters. Sub tablet: This monument was Erected at ye request & cost of her dutifull son Mr Peter Bulteel.
14. [XIV]. Marble tablet with draped urn, etc: Sacred to the memory of Henry HEATH Esqre late of Orme House in this Parish who departed this life on the 28th of August 1843 Aged 73 Years. And whose mortal remains are deposited in vault near the entrance to the belfry Tower in this Church. If the most unsullied integrity of conduct throughout a long and well spent life combined with the warmest feelings of affection and friendship entitled a man to the veneration and esteem of his family, friends, and acquaintance few men could compete with the lamented deceased and it is the greatest consolation that his sorrowing family can now experience under the irreparable loss they have sustained by his death to record the virtues he so eminently displayed whilst living. "Most justly dost Thou claim affection’s tear/and mourning friends weep mourning o’er thy bier/But calm religion with her soothing voice/ Counsels the mourners rather to rejoice/Since God in mercy/To bless Thee with a glorious recompense".
15. [XV]. Large quite marble tablet with red marble columns, surmounted by a shield, on each side a flambeau: To the Memory of James FORTRYE of this Parish Esqr who departed this Life the 25th day of August 1727. Aged 58 Years and Lyes Buried near this Place. He marryed Elizabeth SEYMOUR, Daughter of Edward Seymour of Woodlands in the County of Dorsett by whom he had no issue. His Second wife was Rosamond ELCOCKE, Daughter of George Elcocke of Barrham in this County Esqr by whom he had three Children James, Rosamond, and Mary. Rosamond died in March 1720 and Lyes Buried here. Here Likewise Lyeth Interred Rosamond the Wife of the abovesaid James FORTRYE who died the twenty seventh day of May 1737 Aged 52. Georgius ELIOTT hujus parochiae arm: Gilberti Eliott de Stobs Baronetti nepos Ob. 14 March 1770. Maria, filia praefati Jacobi FORTRIE uxor Georgii Eliott Ob. 10 Apr. 1789. Maria, filia Georgii & Mariae Eliott unica, Joannis CURREY, vicarii de Dartford uxor merito dilectissima praegnans & non sufficientibus ad 13m partum viribus morte occubuit Oct. 1 A.D. 1788 AE 42. Ea morum suavitate erga omnes vixit atq: adeo ingenii. virtutis et pietatis laudibus praestitit eximiis ut videretur omnium admiratio & amor Ablata heu! ex occulis singulorum excitant desiderium & querimoniam suis tulit dammum irreparabile e liberis ejus septem filii & tres filiae sunt supersitites. Sub tablet: Postremo summa pace et amore anno 90mo suo peni inito Morte succubuit Joannis Currey 18 Die Oct 1824 Omnibus dilectus, suis deflendus Ejus memoriae in Ecclesia de Dartford monumentum Insigne a Parochia consecratum est Quo non aliud expetendum Virtutis Testimonium.
16. [XVI]. White marble tablet with Sacrophagus above, a coat of arms below. Inscription on black marble: To the Memory of Mary FIELD the beloved wife of Edward Field Esquire M.D. of Ipswich Suffolk and daughter & Coheir of Benjamin BURCH Esquire of Old Crete Hall, Northfleet, Kent who died at Brighton on the 21st of January 1837 in the 64th year of her age and whose mortal remains are deposited in a vault within the Church. In the duties of a Wife, Mother, and Friend she was Inestimable. Thus no proud Epitaph records her fame But sorrow weaves her Chaplet round her name. Also of Robert Field Esquire their second and very affectionate son who lies in Sidney College Chapel Cambridge. He died there on the 1st March 1836 whilst keeping his terms. Edward Field Esqre late of Royal Artillery and J.P. for the County of Suffolk. Husband of the above Mary FIELD. He died 10th May 1863 Aged 84. His mortal remains are deposited in the vault in this Churchyard.
17. [XVII]. Plain white marble tablet: Here Lyes Walter (Son of Robert, Lord Viscount MOLESWORTH) who Dyed on the 27th day of February 1773. Aged 79 years and directed his Corpse to be laid in the adjacent vault in which are deposited those of his late dear Wife deceas’d 28 May 1763 and also that of his much loved Daughter Elizabeth who expired on the 17th of August 1776. Also of his dear Daughter Mary who died the last of July 1772. Never fond of Monumental Compliments he forbad any use of them in regard to the Carcases below renouncing for himself all kind of Men’t here and trusting wholly for Pardon and Acceptance in the boundless Mercies of God through the prevailing Merits of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Revd Saint George Molesworth only son of the above Walter and 34 years Vicar of this Parish died at Hamburgh The 13th Day of April 1796 and was buried in the Church of Saint Nicholas there. Here also is interred the Body of Lydia Henrietta, Relict of the Revd St. George MOLESWORTH who died 20 Decr 1813 Aged 78 years.
18. [XVIII]. White marble tablet on grey with coat of arms: Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth KIRWAN relict of Clement Kirwan late of Kendal Lodge, Epping, Essex Esqr who departed this life the 24th of March 1847 endowed with the most brilliant qualities of Heart and mind. She carried with her the regret of her friends and the tears of her family. This tablet is erected by her afflicted Daughter and her Grandson Clifford, Viscount De SAINT ANTOINE.
19. [XIX]. A plain brass, below window in South aisle: To the Glory of God and in most living memory of Arthur Ernest NEWMAN who died August 27th 1882 aged 18 years. The above window was placed Xmas 1883.
20. [XX]. A marble tablet with the bust of a lady above: H.S.E. Ursula Uxor Jacobi FORTRYE Generosi Patre orto Roberti CHADWICK Armo Navis Bellicae Praef Mortem obiit VIImo Cal Jan MDCCXL Annum aetatis agens XXImo Hoc brevi Vitae Curriculo Tanta fuit Pietate Ut quaecungue aut Uxori sint ornamento Virtutes Haud Facile Huic invenient Parem.
21. [XXI]. White marble tablet with arms above: Sacred to the memory of Sarah wife of the Revd. George WHITTAKER, M.A. who died 17th April 1827 Aged 57 years. Also the above Revd. George Whittaker M.A. who died 8th September 1833 Aged 71 Years.
22. [XXII]. Large white marble tablet: Near this place are deposited the body of John TILDEN (late of Ifield Court in this Parish) who died January 14th 1778 Aged 63. Also Elizabeth relict of the above who died January 13th 1788 Aged 62. John Tilden only son of the above Died January 24th 1831 Aged 65. Likewise Lucy his wife who died February 6th 1833 Aged 60. George, son of John & Lucy Tilden Died Septr 6th 1830 aged 17 and was buried at Paddington. Also Cordelia their Daughter who died in her Infancy. Henry, son of the above was shipwrecked on the Coast of Holland the latter end of October 1834 and all on board perished. Aged 23. Francis, son of the above Died Decr 10th 1862 aged 52. John, eldest son of the above John & Lucy Tilden Died Janry 22nd 1872 Aged 76. Also Mary wife of the last named John Tilden Died April 6th 1895 Aged 79 years.
23. [XXIII]. White marble tablet on black above last named: In cursu vitae mors nobis instat. Sacred to the memory of Mr Edward Knight MURRELL who died Jany 13th 1825 Aged 25 years. Also Betsy wife of Mr Edwd Murrell who died Septr 4th 1830 aged 55 years. Also to the above Mr Edward Murrell who died August 18th 1849 Aged 80 years. Also Anna M.S. ROBINSON widow of Macleod Robinson. Born December 1797. Died July 1880. Also Martha PILCHER wife of Edmund Pilcher. Born 1832 Died May 1871. Also Janet Robinson Daughter of Macleod & Anna M.S. Robinson who died May 1874 Aged 46 years.
C-F Note: 1849, Aug. 18: At Albert Sq. Clapham, Edward MURRELL late of Perry Street, Northfleet, Kent in his 81st year.
24. [XXIV]. Small white tablet above last: In the vault of Mr Edward MURRELL are deposited the remains of Maria SELBY Daughter of Mr Thomas Selby of Otford. Born 16th March 1803 Died 16th October 1825. She was most tenderly beloved by all her friends and her virtue and piety will ensure her the favour of our Saviour on the last Day.
25. [XXV]. Large marble tablet in belfry evidently taken out of Church: Sacred to the memory of Mrs Sarah HALL, Relict of Mr Joshua Hall who departed this life Oct 23 1830 Aged 76 years. Her remains are deposited near this spot with those of a beloved husband and long lamented only son. "Beati sunt qui moriuntur in domine".
26. [XXVI]. A small slate block also in Tower: Here lieth the Body of a much lov’d Child (viz) John Nettlefold LOCKETT Son of John & Margaret Lockett who departed this Life December the 5th 1806 Aged 9 Months.
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Description of Monuments and Inscriptions no longer in existence, taken from Registrum Roffense by John THORPE M.D. F.R.S. 1759.
27a. [I]. On a brass plate is this inscription: Hic jacent Margareta BARON quondam uxor Willelmi Baron civis & tinctoris London et magister Nicholas Baron filius predict. Willelmi Baron & Margarete que obiit XIII die mensis Marcij anno domini Mo.CCCo.XXIX. Quoram animabus propicietur Deus. Amen.
27b. [II]. On a stone are three brass plates, two with these arms, viz: A chevron between three trefoils flipp’d, and the third with this inscription: Hic jacet Willelmus HESILL quondam unus baronum de scaccario domini Regis qui obiit IXo die Aprilis anno domini millesimo cccco XXV et Agnes uxor ejus Quoram animabus propicietur Deus. Amen.
28. [III]. On a brass plate is the effigies of a man with the following inscription: Hic jacet dominus Willelmus LYE quondam rector de Northfleet qui obiit IX die Januarii anno domini millesimo ccco LXXXXo primo.
29. [IV]. On a blew stone are the following arms and inscription, viz: Two bars, in chief three fleurs de lis. The crest, a tiger’s head: Quod restat Samuelis GOLTY, A.M. presbyteri Aul. Pemb. apud Cantab nuper focii Richardi Golty de Denington In agro Suff. rectoris. Filii natu maximi Qui Vitae integritate, Et comitate morum Feliciter decoratus Omnibus quibus inotuit vere flebilis Febri immaturae succubuit. 8o Xbris, anno domini 1718. Aetat 34.
In the nave.
30. [V]. On a brass plate in the space is this coat, viz. A saltier botony between four demy eaglets displayed, erased. On a brass plate in the space is this inscription: Hic jacet Henricus BRYCE, yeoman, qui duxit in uxorem Margeriam Richardi LAMMING generosi filiam qui bona obiit senectute curiae Ifield in comitatu Kantiae duodecimo die Octobris, anno aetatis suae sexagasimo sexto, annogue domini 1638.
31. [VI]. On a grave stone is the following inscription: Here lyeth the body of James WAKELN yeoman, who departed this life the 18th of September 1638 being aged 63. And ………………/Susan and Mary …………………../.
32a. [VII]. On a grave stone near the former is the following inscription: Here lyeth buried the body of Susan the wife …/James WAKELN yeoman. She was buried the 28th day of November 1624. James Wakeln and Susan daughter of William HARDING.
32b. [VIII]. Over the door leading into the belfry, out of the nave is the following inscription: This steeple was rebuilt in the year 1717 At the charge of this parish. George St. LO, esqr, Francis MACKRETH, Churchwardens. Also a new frame made, and bells hung, And the church beautified in the year 1718. Lawrance EVANS, James BELL, Churchwardens.
In the south isle.
33. [IX]. On a grave stone are three brass plates; on two the effigies of a man and woman, on the third the following inscription: …………/of Thomas BRATO and Jone his wife, which Thomas decesyd the yere of our Lord M,V,XI. On whos solls Jhesu have mercy.
In the north isle.
34. [X]. On the south wall is an alabaster monument with these arms, viz: Argent, three boars’ heads erased sable armed of the first, langued gules. The crest: a boar’s head couped (lying fessed-ways) argent; and the following inscription: Sacred to the memorie of James FORTRYE Esqr Sometime one of the wardens of Rochester Bridge in this county who intermarried with Mary ALLANSON, daughter of Edmond Allanson Esqr by whom he had issue Mary, Leah, Hester and James. He departed this life upon Christmas Day, anno domini 1674 and lyes interred at the foot of this monument. And under this inscription are the following arms on the said monument, viz: The former impaling argent, a fesse azure, between three boar’s heads couped sable, armed of the first langued gules.
35. [XI]. Under the foregoing monument, on a stone, is the effigies of a woman in brass and the following arms on a brass plate, viz: On a chevron between three Cornish choughs, as many mullets pierced.
36. [XII]. On a stone next to the former are the following arms, viz: Three boar’s heads erased, and this inscription: Under this stone lyes buried the body of James FORTRYE Esqr. On the left hand lyeth the body of Leah Fortrye second daughter to the above named James Fortrye who died the 31st July 1679 being eighteen yeare old.
37. [XIII]. On a stone north of the last are these arms, viz: Three boar’s heads erased impaling two wings conjoined in fesse; and the following inscription: Here lyeth interred Elizabeth the wife of James FORTRY of this Parish Esqr, and one of the daughters of Edward SEYMORE, late of Woodland in the county of Dorset esqr. She departed this life the 1st Jan. 1715 leaving no issue.
38. [XIV]. On the East wall is an alabaster monument and under it on a stone is this inscription: Here lyeth the body of Mrs Sarah BULTEEL who dyed the XIX of June MDCXCII aged 70 years.
39. [XV]. On a stone in the North East corner of this isle are in brass the effigies of a man in armour, and his wife & these arms, viz: Two bars between three amulets, and the same again impaling a chevron between three columbines, and this unperfect inscription: …………../et Katerine, uxoris ejus/.
40. [XVI]. On a brass plate is the following inscription: Hic in tumla requiescit corpus Ricardi DAVY, arm. et Margeria uxor ejus, quondam custos jocalium domini Regis HENRICI SEXTI, obiit xv Martii M.CCCC.LXXXXI. Pray for the sowle of Mawde Davy whose corps here under doth lye. She was the dowghter of William Davy, on whose sowle Jesu have mercy. I pray you all for charity, say a pater and an ave. Amen.
41. [XVII]. Near the East end of this isle, close to the North wall, is an altar monument, on the sides of which have been three escutcheons of brass and a verge of the same metal round the edge of it, but now all lost. And in the wall over this monument in the year 1717 was a broken stone on which were these arms, viz: A saltier botony between four demi eaglets displayed erased impaling on a bend three water bowgets.
42. [XVIII]. On a gravestone have been the effigies of two persons, and four escutcheons in brass, of which only two of the last remain, viz: On the first, a chevron between three swans. On the second a chevron between two cross crosslets fitched in chief, and a rose in base impaling a chevron between three swans.
43. [XIX]. Under the CRICH monument on the North wall is a stone with the following inscription: Here lyeth the body of Esther Crich late wife of Richard Crich of Greenwich esqr and daughter of Mr Peter BULTEEL merchant, deceased and cousin german to James FORTRYE of this parish esqr who died the 24th day of April 1705 without issue.
44. [XX]. On a gravestone are the following arms viz: Three coats impaled; the 1st a chevron ermine, between three eagles; the 2nd on a chevron five horse shoes; the 3rd three bulls’ heads, and this inscription: Here lyeth the body of Thomas CRIPPS of this parish esqr who died the 3rd day of June 1662 in the 46th year of his age. He had two wives, Alice, the daughter of Robert CHILD, citizen of London by whom he had Thomas who dyed anno 1656. James who now liveth and Elizabeth, the relict of Edward LAWRENCE, Alderman of London whose love and piety hath D.D. this monument to his memory.
45. [XXI]. On another stone is the following inscription: Here lyeth Alice the daughter of Robert CHILD of London citizen, and wife of Thomas CRIPPS of this parish esqr who died the ../day of April anno domini 1660.
46. [XXII]. On a gravestone is the following inscription: Here lyeth buried the body of Thomas CRIPPS yeoman, sonn of Thomas Cripps of Hartle yeoman, who departed this life the xth of October in the year of our Lord God 1613 and had issue two sons James and Thomas.
47. [XXIII]. On a grave stone is the following inscription: Here lyeth buried the body of Mr James CRIPPS son of Mr Thomas Cripps late of this Parish who deceased this life the 16th of November 1632 aged 20 years and 8 months.
48. [XXIV]. On a gravestone are these arms, viz: On a chevron five horse shoes; and this inscription: Here lyeth buryed the body of Mr James CRIPPS of this parish, who deceased the ../of April 1632 being aged 46 years.
49. [XXV]. On a gravestone is the following inscription: Here lyeth buried the body of Mrs Susan CRIPPS wif of Mr James Cripps and daughter of Mr Thomas AMYS of Linsted. She deceased the 28th of Januarie 1624 leaving six children. Elizabeth, Ellen, Thomas, James, William and John. Being aged 33 years, being married 15 years, and had 9 children.
50. [XXVI]. On a gravestone is the following coat: A chevron ermine between three eagles and this inscription: Here lyeth buried the body of Robert CHILD of Butlals, Billingsgate who deceased the 16th of July 1655 aged 75.
51. [XXVII]. On a gravestone is the following inscription: Here lyeth buried the body of Mrs Ellen CHILD, wife of Mr Robert Child and daughter of Mr Thomas CRIPPS of Hartley. She deceased the 5th of December 1626 leaving four daughters Dorothe, Ellen, Joan and Alice. Being aged 45 years, being married 21 years, and had 6 children.
52. [XXVIII]. On a grave stone are these arms, viz: A chevron between two crescents in chief, and a trefoil in base; and this inscription: Here lyeth the body of Joan WESTERN the late wife of Mr Henry Western and one of the daughters of Mr Robert CHILD who departed this life the 28th of October 1657.
53. [XXIX]. On another gravestone is the following inscription: Alyce CHILD the wyef of John Child and late wyef of Robert HAYES departed this life in ao 1622 Nov. the 3d.
54. [XXX]. On a stone is this inscription: Here lyeth the body of John CHILD deceased in ao 1618 August the 25.
55. [XXXI]. In the North isle, on a flat black marble: Hic jacent Thomas CHIFFINCH et Maria uxor ejus, in expectatione diei supreme Quales erant dies isle indicabit Vixit annos LIX mortuus est MDCCXXVII Vixit annos LXXXVIII, mortua est MDCCXLVII.
56. [XXXII]. Hic jacet Alicia, quondam uxor Willelmi WANGDEFORD, que obiit die Lune prox: post diem dominicam in ramis palmarum MCCCCXXI.
57. [XXXIII]. Hic sub pede ante altare jacent Willelmus RIKHILL arm filius Willelmi Rikhill militus primogenitus, et Katherina uxor ejus que obiit 27 Aug. MCCCCXXXIII qui quidem Willelmus obiit ../die/…MCCC Quorum.
58. [XXXIV]. Here lyes Thomas BREDON and Joane his Wife MDXI.
59. [XXXV]. Here lyeth Richard HUNT late servant to my lord of Canterbury William WARHAM and Joan his wife. Which Richard died …/MDXVIII and Joan MDXXXI.
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Inscriptions copied from Gentleman’s Magazine.
60. [I]. In the North aile, on a black marble are the following arms: Fess of 6. On a canton a lion passant. LANCASTER impaling FORTRYE, above: Matthew Lancaster, esq. one of the eight sworn clerks of his Majesty’s Remembrancer of his Exchequer son of Henry Lancaster, of the county of Norfolk esqr died 6 Oct 1727, aged 66. Also Hester Lancaster his wife, daughter of James Fortrye esqr by whom he had six sons, and three daughters. December 1738 aged 63.
61. [II]. In the nave, on a blue stone: Hester COAST, eldest daughter of William Stacey Coast esqr of Sevenoaks ob. Oct. 1801 – 20.
C-F Note: 1774. Mary FULLER of Maidstone, widow: to be buried in a private manner near last husband at Northfleet, many legs: chiefly to Stacey COAST of Deptford Shipwright & his wife Mary, also to William Stacey Coast etc. exors: John DENNE of Maidstone Clerk, Francis FILMER of Lincolns Inn Esquire, William WALLER of Maidstone, Surgeon & Stacey Coast. 6 May 1771. long Will & 3 cods. Pr. 4 Nov. 1774 by 3 exors power resd to Francis Filmer (PCC 394 Bargrave).
62. [III] Near the above on a blue stone, below these arms: Party per fess of 6 a canton; impaling three lions rampant. Crest, a fine beacon in blaze: David FULLER of Maidstone esqr clerk of the peace for this county upwards of 50 years died 6 Sept. 1753 aged 88. Mary, relict of the above 25th October 1774. 86. Stacey COAST of Maidstone cousin to Mrs Fuller died 9 May 1780 aged 54. Mary, relict of Stacey Coast died 28 July 1786. 61.
63. [IV]. Near the North door in the nave, on a blue stone: James ELLIOT esqr captain of one of his Majesty’s independent company of Invalids at Tilbury died at Wombwell Hall 26 Jan 1789 aged 55.
64. [V]. On a grey stone, left of the above: Mrs Margaret HILL died 27 July 1780 aged 44. Also Joshua Hill her husband 1785 aged 47.
65. [VI]. On a blue stone in the floor of the South transept: George St. LO esqr of this parish, commander of the navy. He married Elizabeth daughter of Thomas CHIFFINCH esqr of Milton co. Kent ob. 15 Sept 1718 aged 63. Also Eliz. his wife ob. June 1736. 65.
66. [VII]. In the nave, on a blue stone: Everard GOODMAN gent. one of the sworn clerks in the high court of Chancery, ob. 1743 an. aet. 67. And Anna, wife of Everard Goodman, formerly wife of John MASON, late of Maidstone in Kent esqr ob. 1745. 71.
67. [VIII]. Near the last is another blue stone: Mary, wife of Henry CRANKE citizen and merchant of London, daughter of Henry St. LO esqr Com. of his Majesty’s navy ob. 21st June 1742.
68. [IX]. Near the North door of the nave is a mural tablet of white marble, thus inscribed: This marble was erected by Sir John WHITEFORD, bart. to the memory of his most beloved son Allan Whiteford, who died at Northfleet Sept 7 1776 aged 13 years.
69. Woodmanstern Surrey. Plain block in S.E. corner of Churchyard: Sacred to the Memory of The Rev. Gilbert BUCHANAN, L.L.D. 19 years Rector of this Parish and Vicar of Northfleet in the County of Kent. Died 31 Decr 1833 Aged 83 Years. Also of Frances, his Widow who died 23rd July 1836 Aged 93 Years. At foot: Erected by their Grandson Lord COLERIDGE.
70a. At Hull, in his 22d year, Capt. Thomas HARMAN, of the West Kent Regiment of Militia, and only son of Thomas H. esq. of Wombwell-hall, Kent.
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Inscriptions on windows in Northfleet Church.70b. [I]. East window of North aisle with three lights. (a) Captain ELLIOTT o.b. 1789 Ae 55. Rachel HARMAN o.b. 1835 AE 72. (b) Thomas Harman o.b. 1837 AE 72. Thomas Harman o.b. 1811 AE 20. (c). Rachel Harman Junr 1837 AE 37. Mary Rachel BRENCHLEY 1855 AE 57.
Newspaper report: At Hull, in his 22nd year, Capt Thomas Harman, of the West Kent Regiment of Militia, and only son of Thomas H. esq. Of Wombwell-hall, Kent.
71. [II]. Four small brasses below 1st window of North aisle. (a) To the Glory of God and in memory of (b) Frederic SOUTHGATE B.A. Vicar of this Parish from 1858-1885. (c) Frederic Southgate. Priest. First Provost of the Guild of S. Botolph. (d) John Fuller RUSSELL B.C.L. Rector of Greenhithe first Vice Provost of the Guild of S. Botolph.
72. [III]. Window in South aisle over Field monument. 1st light: In memory of Sarah CLEVERLY o.b. 9th Oct 1823 Aet 50. 2nd light: A tribute of filial love and gratitude.
73. [IV]. South aisle West window. Light 1. Admiral Sir R.G. KEATS. K.B. Governor of Greenwich Hospital. O.B. 5 April 1834 Aet 77. 2. Rev. Richard KEATS. Vicar of Northfleet. O.B. 30 May 1858 Aet 67. 3. Mary Eliza KEATS. O.B. 20 June 1843 Aet 43. Richard Keats O.B. 27 Dec. 1841 Aet 20.
74. [V]. Window in Chancel. South side. Light 1. Mary Ann POPPLETON. Light 2. Died 18 June 1873. 41 years.
75. [VI]. Window next last. Light 1. Honori Deo et in memoriam Harriett. Light 2. SOUTHGATE qui obiit Jan. IV 1877 Aet 80.
76. [VII]. Window in South Chancel. Light 1. Saint James the Great. Revd. Mason ANDERSON died 1st May 1875. 82 years. Charlotte Anderson died 13 July 1870. 74 years. Light 2. Saint Andrew. Richard POPPLETON died 27 Jan 1865. 73 years. Ann Poppleton died 21 June 1848. 55 years.
77. [VIII]. Window of S.E. Corner of Chancel.Saint Bartholomew. Ex voto Fraternitatis. Light 2. S. PHILIP. S. Botolph June 17 1884.
78. [VIII]. East window.
79. [IX]. Window N.E. corner of North aisle. (a) S. Stephen. Ex voto fraternitatis. (b). S. Paul. S. Botolphi. June 17 1872.
80. [X]. Window North Chancel. (a) S. Jacobus Minor. Honori Deo et in Memoria Francisci SOUTHGATE. S. Simon Zelotes. Qui obiit May 20 A.D. 1870.
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Inscriptions on Tombstones in Northfleet Churchyard.From South porch.
81. [I]. Oblong stone altar tomb: In Memory of Thomas STANNON died March 22nd 1772 Aged 67 years.
82. [II]. Head and footstone: Elizabeth CASSIDY 6 Nov. 1843 Aet. 41. Francis her son 14 Nov. 1842 Aet. 14. James her husband 23 Feb 1872 Aet. 72.
83. [III]. Headstone: George DEATH 15 Feb. 1815 Aet. 53. Sarah his daughter 6 Ap. 1820 Aet. 18. Elizabeth his wife 23 Feb. 1840 Aet 75. John RICHARDSON 13 Nov 1855 Aet 58. Emma Elizabeth g:dau: 19 Ap. 1858 Aet 16.
84. [IV]. Headstone with carving of urn & body stone: Sacred to the Memory of John FIVEASH (of this Parish Miller) who departed this Life January the 15th 1804. Aged 59 years. Also near this place lieth two children of the above who died in their Infancy. Also Ann, wife of the above John Fiveash who departed this life the 8th of October 1828 Aged 71 years. He left behind a tender wife & two children (viz) Sarah and John.
85. [V]. Head and footstone: Ann FIVEASH 20 July 1851 aged 60 & husband John Fiveash 22 Sept 1859 aged 70.
86. [VI]. A body stone without either head or foot.
87. [VII]. James Walker COLLINS 24 May 1861 aet 49. Mary his wife 11 Dec. 1890 aet 76. Thomas 2nd son 30 March 1881 aet 41.
88. [VIII]. Headstone. Cherub’s head and wings: Erected to the Memory of Mr James BURRUS who departed this life the 27th of March 1797. Aged 93 years. Footstone.
89. [X]. Head and footstone. Skull and cross-bones (worn): Here lieth the body of Mrs Martha wife of Mr James BURRUS who departed this Life August 24th 1758 Aged 57 years. Footstone.
90. [X]. Plain low headstone (crumbling away:. Here lyeth the Body of /ames/EVENS …./is Par…./o/de…..d/ Jany ye. Footstone: J.E. 1728.
91. [XI]. Headstone with hour glass: Here lieth the body of William EVENS son of Lawrence Evens of this Parish who Departed this Life ye 5th of September 1720 Aged 28 years. "Here lies my body/turn’d to dust/I hope I shall/Rise with ye Just/Death of me a Debt/did claim/I ………./. Footstone: W.E.
92. [XII]. Double headstone: ……yeth/….y/of/…../……/died Feb 1718 Aged 59. Also Ne…../yeth the/of…../…………/…………/ Had issue…/Survive ………./ "Weep not dear friends nor shed a tear/For as you are so once wee were/But as wee are so must you be/Therefore prepare to follow mee".
93. [XIII]. Headstone (crumbling): Here …/the bod./Richard EVENS of this Parish who departed this life Febr. the 7th 1728 Aged 29 years. "In Youth my days did end/I could no longer stay/My fellows and my friends/prepare to come this way".
94. [XIV]. Headstone. Cherubs heads: In memory of Elizabeth EVENS of this Parish who died 11th Jan. 1764 Aged 57 years. "Christ is my life Death is my gain/My body sleeps in hope to reign/Thrice happy change is it for me/From earth to heaven remov’d to be".
95. [XV]. Cherubs heads and hourglass: Here Lyeth interr’d ye Body of Mr Lawrence EVENS who departed this Life Janry ye 19th 1759 Aged 60 years. He left Issue A wife. Two children Mary & Elizabeth. "Passengers stop and Cast An Eye/As you Are Now. So once was I/But as I am so must you Be/Therefore Prepare to Follow me". Footstone: L.E. 1759.
95a. [XVI]. Headstone: Here lyeth the body of Willm ELLIS of this Parish Yeoman who died June the 3rd 1728 Aged 50 years. Also ye Body of Allice his wife. she died Febr 14th 1727 Aged 47 years. Left issue 2 Daughrs Elizabeth & Mary.
96. [XVII]. Altar tomb. Inscription on top: Here is deposited the Body of Mr Thomas HARMAN of Windfield Bank in this Parish. He died Jany 22nd 1779 Aged 73 years. Here is also deposited the Body of Elizth Wife of Mr Tho. Harman. She died Decr 9th 1761 Aged 56 years. Here is also deposited the Body of Mrs Ann CLAPHAM Daughter of Mr & Mrs HARMAN. She died Jany 22nd 1764 Aged 25 years.
97. [XVIII]. Plain headstone: Here lies deposited the Body of Ms Elizabeth SMALL. She died the 15th of November 1810 Aged 82 years. Also the remains of Mr Isaac IBERSON Who died the 24 of February 1733 Aged 34 years. Footstone: E.S. 1810.
98. [XIX]. Headstone. Cherub with crown flying: Here Lieth the Remains of Mr William DAY who departed this life on the 1st day of February 1767 Aged 31 years.
99. [XX]. Slab with iron railing: Charles Lockyer CURTOYS 3 Aug. 1851 aged 69. Frances his widow 30 Aug. 1867 aged 73. Thomas Tweed Curtoys youngest son drowned in New Zealand Aug 1865 aged 28.
100. [XXI]. Headstone. Cross: James WEEKS 8 Aug. 1900 aged 70.
101. [XXII]. East end of South Aisle. Headstone. A finely carved cherub’s head, etc: Here Lyeth Interr’d the Body of Mr Richard VENNER of this Parish who departed this Life on the 27th day of June 1760 Aged 49 years. Here also Lyeth Interr’d the Body of Mary the wife of Richard Venner of this Parish who departed this Life on the 13th day of September 1774 Aged 55 years. Here also lyeth Interr’d the Son & Daughters of the above named Richard and Mary Venner who died as follows: viz. Elizth VENNER died Decr 19th 1740 aged 5 years. Lydia Venner died Augst 7th 1776 aged 20 years. John Venner died Sepr 19th 1775 aged 34 years. also James son of John Venner who died in his Infancy. Footstone: R.V. 1760. M.V. 1774.
102. [XXIII]. Two skulls finely carved. Headstone: In memory of Mr John VENNER of this Parish who departed this life on the 22nd of April 1747 Aged 81 years. Mrs Elizth Venner the wife of Mr John Venner of this Parish who departed this Life on the 7th day of April 1743 Aged 75 years.
103. [XXIV]. Small headstone (broken): …………….ody/ of Rob…/PRALL Aged 36 years departed ye 7th of October 1687.
104. [XXV]. A footstone: H.T. 1749.
105. [XXVI]. Headstone with three body stones covered with ivy: In memory of Mr Edward SMALLMAN of this Parish who departed this Life the 20th of April 1780. Aged 60 years also Mrs Elizabeth Smallman wife of above. departed this life the 27th of April 1793 Aged 73 years. Also Mrs Elizabeth wife of Mr Henry SWIFT and daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Smallman who departed this Life the 4th of Jan 1794 Aged 37 years.
106. Flat stone: Mary Jane WILLIAMS wife of H.S. Williams & d. of Richard PUSEY of Jamaica d. 1st Jan. 1862 aged 75. Hyde Geatrell Williams d. 10 July 1862 aged 76. Louisa Pusey WYATT dau. d. at Rio 28 Ap. 1864 aged 37.
C-F Note: 1862, July 10. At Huggins College Northfleet Kent. Hyde Greatrell WILLIAMS Esq. late of Kingston Jamaica.
107. [XXVIII]. Two stones, flat. Here lyes buryed the body of Edward MOORE of this Parish Yeoman aged 59 years who departed this life on the 6th? day of April An. 1678. Also the body of R…./WILLIAMS the wife of ……./Williams and Mother of the said R…………/departed this life the ……………./.
108. [XXIV]. Inscriptions illegible.
109. [XXX]. Headstone and footstone: Sarah Jane JEWISS 12 Feb. 1885 aged 58. Phillip Richard Jewiss son 20 Jan. 1889 aged 30. Haffel Wm. Jewiss son drowned 6 Dec. 1898 aged 38. Henry Jewiss husband 31 Dec. 1902 aged 74.
110. [XXXI]. Headstons, partly broken: Erected to the memory of Seph BUTCHER Parish who departed this …e/the 19th of October 1810 Aged 50 years also three of his children Sarah died the 22nd of June 1796 aged 8 months. Harriot died the 8th of January 1802 aged 12 months. Edward died the 14th of January 1802 aged 5 years. "Here all the comforts of the world doth end/With the tendrest and the kindest friend/He was the Man who ne’er opprest the Poor./Nor sent the Stranger hungry from the door/This doth not come from an indifferent friend/But from a wife whose love shall never end". Footstone: J.B. 1810.
111. [XXXII]. Flat slab with cross: Anna Marie Sophie wife of Macleod ROBINSON 17 July 1880 aged 83. Augusta Janet her dau. 1st May 1874 aged 43.
112. [XXXIII]. Headstone: Sacred to the memory of Sarah wife of William HARRIS who departed this life the 19th Day of July Anno Domini 1809 also William Harris 24 Dec. 1836 aged 66 & his widow Harriet 11 Dec. 1864 ag. 79. Footstone: S.H. 1809.
113. [XXXIV]. Altar tomb with railings surrounded by trees. Inscription on top much worn: In Memory of Peter LOCKETT departed this life ………./19th 1800 Aged ../years. Also of Mary Lockett wife of Peter Lockett who departed this Life ../of April 1808 aged ../y…./. Also Peter Lockett ……/Peter/……………./Died Nov Aged 10 years. Likewise Four chil…./Penelope. Sally………./……………../who died in their/……./.
114. [XXXV]. Headstone: In memory of George PRICE of this Parish who died May the ../1765 Aged 58 years also his sister Mary BARRISON who died October the 7th 1778 Aged 78 years.
115. [XXXVI]. Headstone and footstone: Sacred to the memory of Samuel LOCKETT of this Parish who departed this Life the 25th of April 1804 Aged 40 years.
116. [XXXVII]. Headstone with footstone, cherub: In Memory of Mrs Sarah HOLLOWAY wife of Mr Thomas Holloway who departed this life March 26 1796 Aged 68.
117. [XXXVIII]. Head and footstone: As a mark of Esteem this stone was erected by Charles HOLLOWAY in Memory of John LOCKETT of this Parish Fellmonger who departed this Life June 9th 1795 Aged 64 years. "In thy fair book of life divine/My God inscribe my name/There let it fill some humble place/Beneath the slaughtered Lamb".
118. [XXXIX]. Headstone: Rosina dau. of John & Charlotte FRIDAY died 12 March 1885 aged 5½ years.
119. [XL]. Headstone: John Richard CAPON 15 June 18../aged 60.
120. [XLI]. Headstone: Eliza Frances dau of John LOCKETT widow of John DUDGEON, Born at Northfleet d. 24 Aug. 1883 aged 58. Wm LEIGH 2nd son 15 Nov. 1894 aged 44.
121. [XLII]. Mr William RUMBLE of this Parish who departed this Life 22nd Septr 1818.
122. [XLIII]. NUNN Vault. North side: In memory of James NUNN Yeoman Died 2nd May 1692. Also Mary his wife died 4th April 1690. John Nunn, Son of the above Died February 14th 1735 Aged 62. Left a wife and 6 children. South side: In memory of Mrs Susannah BRATY Died 5th December 1760 aged 17 years 11 mo. "Here lyes Inter’d within the Tomb/A Spotless Virgin in her Beauty’s Bloom". Isabella NUNN departed this Life 25th of Septr 1772 Aged 84. Also John, son of John & Isabella Nunn departed this Life 17th of July 1773 Aged 58. Top of Vault: Also James Nunn who died September 15th 1782 Aged 73. Mrs Frances Nunn, Relict of Mr John Nunn died 15th April 1784 Aged 62 years. Also George Nunn died 22nd Jany 1785 Aged 68 years. Likewise Sarah, wife of above James Nunn who died 4th December 1794 (rectius 1793) Aged 52 years. East side: Sacred to the Memory of Mr Thomas NUNN who died the 10th of April 1796 Aged 67 years. West side: Sacred to the memory of James Nunn Esqr late of Mereworth in this County departed this Life January 9th 1816 Aged 56 years. Frances Nunn relict of the above James Nunn died ../October 1818 Aged 49 years.
123. [XLIV]. East of church. Headstone: Sarah, wife of Stephen SUNNUCKS Senr d. 27th Nov. 1884 aged 69. Emma, dau. of above & wife of Charles J. PHILLIPS died 15 March 1892 aged 38. Stephen Sunnucks Senr 7th Nov. 1894 aged 76.
124. [XLV]. Head and footstone: Joseph LEE Enamel painter died 26 Nov. 1859 aged 79. Elizabeth Caroline wife of Edwin Edmunds Lee d. 15 Sept 1870 Aged 50. Edwin Edmunds Lee d. 28 Nov. 1872 aged 53.
125. [XLVI]. Headstone & footstone, mouldering away: Ro…./TAYLOR …../8/1836 Samuel ……./1843 (another name) Footstone: R.T. 1836. C.S.T. 1843. J.T. 1834.
126. [XLVII]. Head and footstone: Lebina LEE d. 21 March 1846 aged 30. Henry John Lee husband of above died 13th Dec. 1864 aged 47.
127. [XLVIII]. Headstone: Joseph JOHNSON 21 Nov. 1815 aged 39,
128. [XLIX]. Head and footstone: Elizabeth Caroline dau. of Joseph & Sarah JOHNSON 15 March 1826 aged 17.
129. [L]. Head and footstone: Robert WARE 19 Mar 1815 aged 60. Sarah wife of Robert Ware 21 Jan. 1837 aged 75. Betsy EVERSFIELD 14 May 1869. Ruth CHAMPION 9 Jan 1871. Ebenezer Champion 28 Jan 1873 aged 72.
130. [LI]. Headstone & footstone: Robert WARE 27 July 1874 aged 90. Sarah his wife 5 Aug 1875 aged 78.
131. [LII]. Head and footstone: To the memory of Mrs Ann WHITEAR wife of Francis Whitear and daughter of Robt & Sarah WARE of this Parish, who departed this Life May 4th 1806 Aged 21 years (4 lines illegible). "This world I leave when young/Death was sharp God’s will be done/I dy’d with faith in Christ to renew my blood/So friends prepare to meet your God".
132. [LIII]. Headstone, Cherub’s head: Robert husband of Sarah CHILD April 30th 1816 aged 46 years.
133. [LIV]. Headstone: James WASHER 21 Feb. 1840 aged 49. Jane his wife 24 Dec. 1855 aged 75. Richard his son 8 July 1855 aged 41. William 3 April 1877 aged 69. Henry 10 April 1877 aged 72. Sarah 23 June 1893 aged 88.
134. [LV]. Headstone: In Memory of Mr Edward Munday JOHNSON of this Parish, who departed this Life March the 3rd 1783 Aged 49 years. Also the Body of Hannah his wife who departed this Life June the 2./1778 Aged 31 years (broken).
135. [LV]. (B). Headstone broken & sunk in ground: Here lies the Body of John BRIGHT who died June 7th 1738 Aged 52 years. Also his son Thomas died March 7th 1739 Aged 10 years. Also Edmund ACCORNLY died Feb. 14 1743 Aged 40 years. John son of John Bright died Oct 7 1749 Aged 24 years …………ds/& child.
136. [LVI]. Headstone: John PERRETT 2 Feb. 1858 aged 20. Eliza Perrett 4 Mar 1867 aged 24. James Matthew HILL 9 Dec. 1875? aged 19. Killed by a fall of chalk at Swanscombe. Elizabeth wife of Wm BLAKE and sister of James Hill 28 Mar 1885 ag…/William Hill 6 Dec 1889 aged 87.
137. [LVII]. Headstone with urn carved on top: In Memory of two daughters of Charles & Mary BADGER of this Parish. Mary died the 27th Dec. 1777 Aged 4 Months & 2 weeks. Polly died the 30th Aug. 1781 Aged 3 Months & 2 weeks. Also Charles Henry who died the 4th March 1783 Aged 11 weeks. Basil Badger died the 31st July 1787 Aged 8 months.
138. [LVIII]. Headstone. Urn and scroll ornament: In Memory of Four Sons of William and Margaret BADGER of this Parish. John died December 11 1784 Aged 7 days. Henry died August 7th 1787 Aged 4 years & 3 Months. Thomas died April 20th 1788 Aged 7 weeks. Thomas died Dec 13th 1789 Aged 3 months. Footstone: J.B. 1784. H.B. 1787. T.B. 1788. T.B. 1789.
139. [LIX]. Headstone (plain): Sacred to the Memory of Mr William BADGER of this Parish who departed this Life 8th June 1821 Aged 71 years. Also of Mrs Margaret Badger wife of the above who departed this Life 29th Decr 1823 Aged 64. Charles BADGER son of the Above departed this Life 2nd Febry 1795 Aged 9 years. William badger departed this Life 31st July 1810 Aged 28 years. Charles Badger died in his Infancy. Mr Henry Badger departed this Life 10th Sept 1835 Aged 41 years. Also Martha his wife departed this Life 29 Octr 1863 Aged 68 years. Footstone: A.M.B. 1849.
140. [LX]. Headstone with body stone. Carved emblems, trumps, bones, etc. Inscription in Oval: Sacred to the Memory of Thomas BADGER of this Parish who departed this Life September the 20th 1790 Aged 33 years. Also Thomas his son died January the 21st 1789 Aged 8 Months & 13 Days. He left behind him an Indulgent Wife and 3 Daughters Lydia, Harriot and Mary.
141. [LXI]. Headstone, finely carved. Urn, hourglass with scroll on which is written Tempus Fugit: To the Memory of Henry BADGER who departed this Life the 20th of June 1779 Aged 27 years. "This stone implores the tribute of a Sigh/But why lament the Soul can never die/For he who animated once this Dust/Within his little Sphere respectable and just/Was in the prime of life snatch’d off this Stage/An accidental Death cut short his Age".
142. [LXII]. Headstone next railings exactly similar to LX: Sacred to the Memory of Charles BADGER of this Parish who departed this Life the 28th of September 1793 Aged 81 years.
143. [LXIII]. Headstone exactly like preceding: Sacred to the Memory of Mary wife of Charles BADGER Senr of this Parish who departed this Life January the 30th 1786 Aged 73 years.
144. [LXIV]. Headstone & curb: Benjamin James ROBINSON accidentally killed 21 July 1879 aet. 27.
145. [LXV]. Headstone & body stone: Sacred to the memory of Mary (?Sarah in register) ALSTON wife of Jacob Alston of this Parish, Bargeman who departed this life Sept the 20th 1804 Aged 44 years. She left issue two daughters viz: Sarah & Rebecca. "Farewell vain world I’ve had enough of thee/And care not what you say of me/For what you see amiss in me pray strive to shun/And look at home enough there’s to be done/So God was pleas’d to end the number of my days/I hope in Heaven to sing my blessed Saviour’s praise".
146. [LXVI]. Headstone & body. Carved cross bones, Urn, Bible and Hour glass: Sacred to the Memory of Mr Charles GREEN (late of this Parish) departed this Life the 27th of April 1799 Aged 35 years. "Winged with hope my Soul triumphant flies/And makes its progress through the starry skies/Delightful passage, sweet celestial Road/That leads me to my Saviour and my God". Also to the Memory of Jane daughter of the above Mr Charles Green who died in Her Infancy.
At back of this stone: Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Jane WOOD who with patience under a devouring Disease on Earth, resigned herself to the Will of her Redeemer in Hope of being numbered among the Blessed in Heaven. She departed this Life 16th November 1821 in the 49th year of her Age. "Our Saviour wept when Friendship claim’d a Tear/But more than Friendship claims that Tribute here/All that endear enliven, sweeten life/Companion, Counsellor, Friend, Parent, Wife/Fair, Rectitude, bright Truth – pure Faith combin’d/Good sense, sound Judgment, and a polished Mind/With all the heaven born Charities that glow/In clay imprison’d Spirits here below/Awake the soft Emotions of the Soul/And call the Floods of Tears till Ocean roll".
147. [LXVII]. Headstone: Charles Harding WOOD died 9 April 1874 aet. 62.
148. [LXVIIIA]. Altar tomb: Here lieth the Body of Richard GIRLINGTON late of this Parish Esquire who was a Commander in ye Royall Navy upwards of Thirty years and departed this Life the 14th of December 1743 Aged 68 years. Here also lieth the Body of John STACE late of Low Layton in the County of Essex Esqr who departed this Life the 12th of August 1768 in the 43rd year of his Age.
149. (LXVIII]. Head and footstone: Sarah wife of Wm Tho. CARRINGTON 2nd dau. of Wm WATSON 16 Feb. 1863 aet. 31.
150. [XLIX]. Headstone: William OXLEY 6 Aug 1817 aet. 46. Catherine his wife 28 Oct 1847 aet. 73. George his son 14 Aug 1852 aet. 63.
151. [LXX]. Headstone: Joseph THOMPSON 15 Aug 1851 aet. 61. Mary his wife 30 Oct 1860 aet. 68.
152. [LXXI]. Headstone & footstone. Cherubs heads in centre with figures of cherubs on each side: In Memory of Mr Edward BEST Senr (37 years Clerk of this Parish) who departed this Life 8th March 1811 Aged 64 years. Also Ann wife of the above who died 5th Novr 1779 aged 34 years. Also Edward BEST (52 Years Sexton of this Parish) who died June 1st 1890 aged 78 years.
153. [LXXII]. Headstone: Mary wife of Edward BEST departed this life 23 May 1818 aet 36.
154. [LXXIII]. Head & footstone: Edward BEST 8 Nov. 1830 aged 63. Sarah his wife 8 Jan 1837 aged 70. Edward his son 2 Nov. 1873 aged 83. Amy his wife 6 May 1880 aged 92.
155. [LXXIV]. Headstone: Margaret Jane GRIFFIN 4 June 1879 aged 28. Mark Griffin husband 19 July 1881 ag. 38.
156. [LXXV]. Head and body stone, a cherub blowing trump: In Memory of George COOMBES late son of John & Ann Coombes of this Parish Yeoman who died Sepr 21st 1793 Aged Six weeks. Also Ann Coombes sister to the above who died April 20th 1800 Aged 11 years and 7 months. "Happy the Babes the Lord has pleased to call/Whom we did know …………"/.
157. [LXXVI]. Head & body stone. Finely carvged cherubs heads, a female figure in centre weeping over urn: In memory of Mr John COOMBES late of this Parish Yeoman who departed this life the 4th day of Novr 1800 Aged 41 years. He left a Wife and three Children viz: Edward, John and Mary Ann. "Beneath this earth his mouldring ruins lay/Whose soul I trust is in eternal day/A tender husband, a father mild/A pious pattern to each Lovi(n)g child/Nature prevail’d, he drop’d a tender tear/At leaving those in life he lov’d so dear/A beam of hope soon calm’d the rising sigh/He wip’d the crystal stream from either eye./With Christian faith then met his awful door/His thoughts extended far beyond the tomb/To that Supreme whose kind and righteous Power/Can heal our grief in that distressing hour/To His decree he low’d his pious head/And with a sigh was number’d with the dead". Also Ann wife of the above who departed this life the 6th day of June 1844 Aged 80 years. Picture
158. [LXXVII]. Headstone. Cherub’s head: In Memory of Mrs Ann BULL wife of Mr Henry Bull of this Parish who died the 12th of December 1757 Aged 61 years. Footstone: A.B. 1757. Moved parallel with Headstone.
159. [LXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Sarah DAVIS of Greenhithe 1 Sept. 1869 aged 62.
160. [LXXIX]. Head and footstone: Jessie Rose WOODHAMS 25 Aug 1886 aged 1 year 4 mos. Emily her sister 18 Sepr 1888 aged 13½ mos. Elizabeth their mother 23 Sepr 1889 aged 45.
161. [LXXX]. Headstone , much sunk: In Memory of Sarah, Wife of Arthur TIMEWELL who departed this Life the 5th of September 1783 Aged 28 years. Also Sarah Daughter of the above Arthur & Sarah Timewell who died in her infancy September the 2nd 1783.
162. [LXXXI]. Headstone: In Memory of Sarah BOWRY Daughter of Beniamin & Sarah BOWRY who departed this Life the 13th of Aug 1779 in the 6th year of her Age. "Short was her days longer is her rest/God took her home He thought it was the best". Also Mary Bowry who died the 19 Sept 1781 Aged 9 months.
163. [LXXXII]. Head and footstone: In Memory of Elizabeth wife of James HARCOURT who died November 20th 1803 Aged 46 years. Also James Harcourt 13 Feb. 1832 aged 75. James son of James Harcourt & Mary his 2nd wife 1 Nov. 1830, 23. William d. 7 Jan 1834, 21. Four children died in Infancy. Mary DEWBERRY their Grandmother 7 Dec 1843, 78. Frances dau. of James Harcourt Jun. 12 May 1842, 14. Mary 2nd wife of James Harcourt 2 Oct. 1855, 66.
164. [LXXXIII]. Head and footstone: John HARPER many years Engineer to Knight, Bevan & Sturge 22 Aug 1880 aged 67. The Stone was erected by Subscription by his fellow workmen as a mark of their esteem. Eliza wife of above 19 Dec. 1871 aged 51.
165. [LXXXIV]. Small black stone cross: Percy John son of William & Ann KNIGHT 12 Nov. 1883 aged 7 years 4 months.
166. [LXXXV]. Small headstone, left hand blank, on right: In Memory of Susannah Wife of Thos CHILD of this Parish she died Septr ye 18th 1757 Aged 36 years.
167. [LXXXVI]. Head and footstone: Henry EVERIST 11 Jan 1815. 3 yrs & 4 mos.
C-F Note: Baptisms: 1809 Aug 10. Ann, dau. Henry & Ann EVEREST. 1811 Oct 9. Henry, son Henry & Ann Everest
168. [LXXXVII]. Headstone: Ann wife of Thomas Robert EVERIST 19 July 1867 aged 36. Thomas Robert Everist 17 July 1868 aged 50. Hester TOMLIN sister of Thomas Robert Everist 10 May 1876 aged 64.
C-F Note: In Old Cemy Victoria, Australia. M.I. Henry EVERIST formerly of Northfleet d. 16 Nov. 1854 aet. 77. his Wife Ann d. 18 Oct. 1847 aet. 74. From N&Q May 1936.
169. [LXXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Edward Abraham BUCKLAND C.E. 27 Ap. 1878 aged 42. Edward Buckland father of above 20 Sept 1878 aged 7?.
170. [LXXXIX]. Head and footstone: The family grave of Mrs WARBOYS. Mr Samuel HALSALL 28 July 1855 aged ??.
171. [XC]. Headstone. Inscription in Oval surmounted by ribbon: Sacred to the Memory of William PEACHEY of this Parish who departed this Life the 16th of September 1793 Aged 55 years. Left Issue 2 Sons & 2 Daughters (viz) Henry William Frances & Ann. Also William, Grandson of the above who died in his Infancy. "Neighbours and friends by death I’m snatch’d away/All you that are alive in health today/May drop into the Grave for aught you know/Before you are prepared and fit to go/A Wife and children dear I’ve left behind/But mercy in the Lord I hope to find". PICTURE
172. [XCI]. Head and footstone: Sarah Ann PEACHEY 20 Feb. 1819 ag. 54. Frances Ann wife of Isaac BROWN neice of above 4 March 1875 aged 60. Also above Isaac S. Brown 14 Feb. 1895, 8?.
173. [XCII]. Head and footstone: Henry William PEACHY of Rosherville 25 Feb. 1870 aged 7?. Charlotte Rogers Peachy his relict 23 March 1877 aged ??.
174. [XCIII]. Headstone similar to XC: Sacred to the Memory of Frances wife of James
MORRIS of this Parish who departed this Life the 27th of February 1800 Aged 31 years. Also Frances & Mary Daughters of the above who died in their Infancy. "I hope with joy in Heaven to meet my King/With Angels and Archangels there to sing/Then Husband. Brothers. Sisters dear Adieu/By God’s command I leave the world and you/No more on Earth I shall your faces see/But hope in Heav’n your Souls may happy be". Picture
175. [XCIV]. Small headstone: In Memory of John DOVE of this Parish who departed this Life the 12th of September 1781 Aged 42 years. Left Issue one Son & one Daughter viz. John & Sarah.
176. [XCV]. Head and footstone: Mary wife of George EDGELER 29 Nov. 1851, 53. Sarah LEE neice of above 9 Dec. 1859, 30. George EDGELER 6 June 1863, 68.
177. [XCVI]. Head and footstone: Selina dau. of William Henry & Harriet COX of College Wharf, Lambeth, 16 May 1855 aged 10 years 10 months. Harriet Cox 18 May 1870 aged 65. William Henry Cox 22nd May 1891, 85. Harriet Sophia 28th June 1840, 8. Emma Matilda 6 Nov. 1836, 18 mos. Hephzebah 19 Mar 1840, 17 months. Sophia Isabella 7 Nov. 1844, 22 mos. William Henry Cox, grandson of above 20 Mar 1860, 1 yr 10 mos.
178. [XCVII]. Headstone: Thomas EVERIST 15 Oct 1883, 77.
179. [XCVIII]. Headstone: James SELBY of Craylands Swanscombe 4 July 1890, 40.
180a. [XCIX]. Head & footstone: Edwin Charles Austin COLYER 24 Jan 1878, 55 years. Mary BATCHELOR relict of above and wife of James Batchelor of Cooling 17 Oct 1884 aged 59.
180b. [C]. Head & footstone: John BRIGGS 14 Jan. 1884 aged 56. Jane his wife 9 Feb. 1895 aged 65. Elizabeth his sister 2 Mar 1888 aged 57.
181. [CI]. Head & footstone, N.E. corner of Chancel: Francis TILDEN 10 Dec. 1862 aged 52. Mary Tilden 14 June 1865 aged 68.
182. [CII]. Headstone well carved, skulls, urns, etc. Inscription in two divisions. On left side: Here lieth the Body of Thomas BETTS Senr late of this Parish who Departed this Life April ye 10th 1760 Aged 86 Years. Also three of his Grandchildren John, Jane & Richard. On right side: Here lieth iner’d ye Body of Frances BETTS wife of Thos Betts of this Parish yeoman who departed this life ye 21st of November 1744 in the 68 year of her Age. Left Issue two Sons John & Thomas. She was a loving wife and tender Mother.
183. [CIII]. Head & footstone: John William JONES 14 Mar 1856 aged 46. Frances E.E. WISSENDEN his dau 27 Sep 1857 aged 28. Frances Elizabeth Jones his wife 4 May 1890 aged 80.
184. [CIV]. Head & footstone: Haffel William COY 26 Ap. 1877 ag. 52. Richard EDMEADES 10 May 1899 ag. 63.
185. [CV]. Head and footstone: :Lucy MULLINDER 30 Aug 1883 aged 21. William Thomas Mullinder her father 9 Aug. 1892 aged 71.
186. [CVI]. Altar tomb: Here lieth Interr’d the Body of Mr John SEARLE who departed this Life the 18th day of August 1737 Aged 37 Years. Also here lieth Interr’d the Body of Susannah Searle daughter of the abovesaid who departed this Life the 17th of September 1732 Aged Three Weeks.
187. [CVII]. Head & footstone: Elizabeth wife of James EDGELER Aug 13 1853, 63. James Edgeler March 12 1873, 81.
188. [CVIII]. Small Head & footstone: Mr Luke HATCH Died 10th December 1808 Aged 64 years.
189. [CIX]. Small Headstone: In Memory of Hannah wife of Isaac SILLITOE who departed this Life September 23rd 1792 Aged 54. Also the above Isaac Sillitoe who departed this Life September 17th 1801 Aged 59 years. According to register Bur. 21 Sep 1800.
190. [CX]. Head sand footstone obscured by laurel: James Bowen EARDLEY 2 Nov. 1888, 53. Mary his Mother 10 June 1877, 84.
191. [CXI]. Head and footstone: George BOWEN 22 May 1841, 72. Ann his wife 27 Dec. 1822, 51. George their son 14 July 1818, 18. Two children died in Infancy. John WARE son in law of George Bowen 21 Nov. 1865, 71. Ellen his wife & dau. of George Bowen 13 Jan 1882, 84.
192. [CXII]. Cross, ornamented: Emma Elizabeth, wife of John George WARE 19 June 1887, 59. Milly her daughter 21 June 1875, 6?. Two children died in infancy. John George Ware 19 Mar 1892, 64.
193. [CXIII]. Altar tomb. Inscription on top: Here lyeth the Body of Mr John BUSHNELL Late of this Parish who departed this Life the 14th of March 1750 Aged 56 years. Also two Sisters & one Brother.
194. [CXIV]. Head & footstone: Thomas AVIS 6 June 1848 aged 49. Sarah Ann his wife 26 Jan 1868 aged 77.
195. [CXV]. Head & footstone: Susannah dau. of Edward & Susannah WALLIS 17 Dec 1834 aged 18. Edmund son of above 16 Oct 1815 aged 2. Sarah dau. of above 3 Feb. 1818 aged 10y-7 mos. Helen dau. of above 14 June 1832 aged 7 yes 9 mos. Edmund son of above 25 Ap. 1843 16 years 4 mos. Mary Ann 7 Aug. 1850 aged 41. On back of same stone: Edmund WALLIS 6 Nov 1854 aged 77. William James Wallis (his son) 16 Mar 1860 aged 38. Sarah his wife 1 Ap. 1865 aged 76. Charlotte his daughter 28 Aug 1878, 60.
196. [CXVI]. Head & footstone: In Memory of Mrs Mary PATTERSON wife of Mr James Patterson who departed this Life March 18th 1792 Aged 32 years. Also the above Mr James Patterson died March the 30th 1799 Aged 45 Years. "Farewell then Partner of my heart/I must bid you adieu/ My gracious God I hope in peace/My soul shall rest with you".
197. [CXVII]. Head & footstone: Elizabeth WALE of this Parish 16 Oct 1842, 75. James WILKINS of Brompton in the Parish of Chatham 17 April 1839, 63. Hannah his wife 14 Aug 1858, 72. Elizabeth dau. of Claudius & Susan CRADOCK 2 July 1834 aged 1 year 6 mo. Claudius Flowers Cradock Born 1798 died 1868. Susan his wife Born 1799 Died 1880.
198. [CXVIII]. Head & footstone: John HOPE 27 March 1895 aged 70. Mercy Hope 30 Aug 1896 aged 67.
199. [CXIX]. Cross: Charles JAMES son of Lieut-Colonel & Ellen James Born in Ireland Aug 31st 1858 Died at Northfleet 15 Dec 1876, 18.
200. [CXX]. Head and footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Susanna WISEMAN wife of Mr Thomas Wiseman who departed this Life October 7th 1831 Aged 70 years. Also the above Mr Thomas Wiseman who departed this Life October 18th 1831 Aged 70 years. "Long tried by sickness and by pain severe/Till Death did end and stop its sad career/In Christ I trust in hopes to rise/To meet my God above the skies". Mrs Henrietta CHIPPERFIELD Daughter of the above Departed this Life 19 May 1831 Aged 33 years. Also Sir Thomas Wiseman, Bart. Father to the above Thomas Wiseman who departed this Life Janry 30th 1810 Aged 80 years.
201. [CXXI]. Head and footstone: Ann WISEMAN 9 Aug 1859, 79. Alexander Wiseman 18 Aug 1861, 76. Alice STANLEY their Daughter 1 Jan 1891, 78.
202. (CXXII]. Head & footstone: John GAMMAN 12 Aug 1830 aged 50 (?30). Alice his wife 21 Oct 1844 (?1841) aged 67.
203. [CXXIII]. Head & body stone: James HARMAN of Purfleet Essex 29 Aug 1837, 85. Sarah wife of John Harman 31st Jan 1842, 62. John Harman 16 Aug 1856, 81. Long epitaph: (1): "In sickness sore near thirty years/Helpless with pain mid grief and tears/I lay but still had had hopes of rest/And with my Saviour’s love be blest/. He heard my prayers, my trouble o’er/In pain and sorrow now no more/I rest in peace till that great day/When Christ shall blot my sins away/. (2) He rests in peace his days of toil are o’er/His virtues many and his sins were few/In heavenly bliss he’ll to the Saviour soar/And freed from earthly sin his life renew".
204. [CXXIV]. Cross and footstone: William John POYNTER 23 May 1887, 45.
205. [CXXX]. Head and footstone: Lucibella Annie JOHNSON 12 Sept 1868 aged 3 months.
206. [CXXVI]. Head and footstone: Here lieth the Body of Mr Thomas PAIN late Foreman Caulker at Messrs. Pilcher & Son’s Shipyard of this Parish who departed this Life October the 9th 1814 Aged 53 years.
207. [CXXVII]. Head & footstone: Mr Thomas William TYLER died at Milton next Gravesend 16 June 1858, 65. Mary his wife 4 May 1880, 87. Henrietta MARTIN sister d. 30 Mar. 1881, 81. William Martin her husband 20 Mar 1890, 96.
208. [CXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Mr Samuel WORLAND formerly of Bethnal Green Plumber, late of this Parish 29 Aug 1861, 58.
209. [CXXIX]. Low headstone: William HIGGINS died the 19 June 1781 in the 23rd Year of his Age.
210. [CXXX]. Headstone & footstone: Sarah Ann HIGGINS dau. of William Higgins Builder & Undertaker of this Parish 7 Sepr 1827, 16. Thomas Higgins son of William & Mary 9 Oct. 1816, 4 mos. Edmund Higgins 10 Jan 1821 aged 3 years. Thomas died in his infancy.
211. [CXXXI]. Head & footstone, elaborately carved: William HIGGINS Builder & Undertaker 28 Aug 1828, 43. Mary his wife 28 Aug 1852, 78. William his son 7 April 1860, 58. Picture
212. [CXXXII]. Headstone: Sacred to The Memory of Thomas FRY (late of this Parish Millwright) who departed this Life the 2nd of April 1810 Aged 64 years. "With Christian faith he met his awful doom/His thoughts extended far beyond the Tomb/To that Supreme whose kind and righteous power/ Can heal our grief in that distressing hour/To His decree he low’d his pious head/Then with a sigh was numbered with the dead".
213. [CXXXIII]. Head and footstone with flat coffin stone finely carved, skull, cherubs, etc: In Memory of Mr Henry GREEN of this Parish Yeoman who departed this Life the 19th of March 1788 Aged 73 Years. He left one Daughter Anne the wife of Willm GLADDISH.
214. [CXXXIV]. Similar to last, different design of emblems: In Memory of John GREEN son of Henry Green of this Parish who departed this Life 1st March 1786 Aged 43 years. Leaving a disconsolate widow. "Farewell dear Husband partner of my heart/The time is come that you and I must part/ Yet hope to meet in a better world than this/And there to join in one Eternal bliss". Also Hannah wife of Thomas FRY formerly wife of the above John Green who departed this Life November the 12th 1819 Aged 82 Years. "With patience to the last she did submit/And murmur’d not at what the Lord thought fit/She with a Christian courage did resign/Her soul to God at his appointed time".
215. [CXXXV]. Small headstone with skull in centre: In Memory of Jane the wife of Henry GREEN of ys Parish died Oct 23rd 1772 Aged 78 years.
216. [CXXXVI]. Small headstone with Cherub’s head. Footstone sunk: In Memory of John HARNDEN of this Parish who departed this Life April the 20th 1770 Aged 29 years. Left Issue by Ann his wife one Son John.
217. [CXXXVII]. Small headstone, cherub, skull, crossbones, etc: In Memory of Thomas CARR of this Parish who departed this Life the ../ of April 1777 Aged 30 years. (According to the Register – April 22).
218. [CXXXVIII]. Headstone & coffin stone: Sacred to the Memory of Mr John HARNDEN late of this Parish who died Sept 26th 1804 Aged 36 Years also Ann Harnden daughter of the above who died July 2nd 1800 Aged 1 Year & 11 Months. Likewise John Nathaniel Harnden son of the above who died Sept 22nd 1804 Aged 1 Year and 4 Months. He left behind a tender Wife and three Children viz. Martha, Jane and Elizabeth Ann. Also Mrs Anne GLADDISH who departed this Life 23rd April 1814 Aged 76 years. "Delight thou in the Lord and he shall give thee thy heart’s desire. Psalm 37th Verse 4. Likewise Martha HARNDEN Daughter of the above who departed this Life 8th of May 1814 Aged 17 years.
219. [CXXIX]. Headstone: William HONE 20 Dec. 1884, 89. Charlotte his wife 7 June 1890, 65.
220. [CXL]. Head and footstone, close to the North door: Sacred to the Memory of Joseph LARGE who departed this Life the 19th of April 1810 Aged 45 years. Also Lydia wife of the above Joseph Large who departed this Life the 17th of February 1807 Aged 45 years. "Here lies the comfort of my Life/The best of Husbands to a Wife/I hope myself shall happy be/When I come in the Grave with thee/. Peace from Sorrows murmuring Voice/It pleased Heavens High Decree/God took him hence it was his choice/Submissive to his will I’ll be".
221. [CXLI]. Head & footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mr Robert SNOWDEN of this Parish who departed this Life the 6th of December 1810 Aged 74 years.
222. [CXLII]. Head & footstone: In Memory of Ann wife of Robert SNOWDEN of this Parish who departed this Life August the 29th 1794 Aged 47 years. Left Issue three Sons (viz) Robert, James and William. "In spite of Death the action of the Just/Will smell sweet on Earth and Blossom in the Dust". Also John Snowden Grandson of the above who died December the 14th 1803 Aged 1 year & 1 month.
223. [CXLIII]. Head & footstone: Sarah wife of Robert SNOWDEN 10 June 1836, 50 leaving a husband & three children. Robert Snowden 22 March 1840, 68. George his son 30 Nov. 1847, 20.
North West Angle.
224. [CXLIV]. A flat stone with iron railings: Here lies Eliza Mary de SAINT ANTOINE Countess of Fleury, Baroness of Perignan who died in Paris 20 September 1862. Erected to her Memory by Hippolyte her Husband and Clifford her only Son. "Mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually". And of Hippolite, COUNT de FLEURY born January 18th 1800, died January 24th 1891.
South West Angle.
225. [CXLV]. Headstone: William Henry HONEYCOMBE 16 Feb. 1887, 29. Margarita Honeycombe 27 Aug. 1875, 61. Emma wife of S. Honeycombe 7 Dec. 1890, 62.
226. [CXLVI]. Headstone: Mrs Eleanor BARKER late of Gravesend, Born 24 Feb. 1784 died 12 April 1860. James Shipley Barker son, 1 June 1879, 63. Elizabeth Ann Barker Born 29 Dec 1809, Died 7 Dec. 1793 (sic).
227. [CXLVII]. Obelisk with iron railing round. Coat of Arms. West side: Sacred to the Memory of Edward FIELD Esqr late Royal Artillery and Justice of the Peace for the County of Suffolk. He died 10 day of May 1863. A tablet erected in the Church records the decease of Mary his beloved wife whose remains are deposited in a Vault within the Church now closed by Act of Parliament. South side: In loving memory of Aesculapius FIELD third and youngest son of Dr. Field, Born on the 18th of June 1812 at Whitehall, Debenham Suffolk, Died on the 16th of July 1891 At his residence Del Rey House Cheltenham. for 21 years a Member of Her Majesty’s Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms and retired Captain. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". Matt. Chap.V, verse VIII.
Portion of Churchyard west of path leading to Vicarage.
228. [CXLVIII[. A large floriated altar tomb surrounded by three cornered massive iron railings:
South side: Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth the devoted and attached wife of Lieut. Colonel GLADDISH of Bycliffes Gravesend. She departed this Life August 4th 1866 Aged 69 in the fiftieth year of her married life respected and regretted by all who knew her. "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God". Hebrews IV. v.9. "The memory of the just is blessed". Proverbs X.7. Arms on East side. North side: Sacred to the Memory of William GLADDISH of Bycliffes Gravesend Esqre Lieutenant Colonel of the First Administrative Brigade Kent Artillery Volunteers, Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for the same County who died the 28th of April 1871 in the 79th Year of his Age. West side: Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Nunn GLADDISH of Pettings, Ash near Wrotham Esqr who departed the 8th day of March 1877 in the 81st year of his Age.
229. [CXLIX]. Head & footstone: Samuel John GARDNER 4 June 1870, 48. Mary Ann Gardner sister 4 Jan 1893, 70. Mary Ann CABLE their devoted servant 17 March 1886 aged 73.
230. [CL]. Headstone with railings: "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away". In Memory of Louisa the beloved wife of Alfred ROSHER who died September 26th 1871 Aged 39. Also Edward BURCH Son of the above who died Nov 17 1871 Aged 9 weeks.
Newspaper reports: ROSHER. Killed in action, at Shaiba, on the 14th April, Henry Louis Rosher, Lieut.-Colonel, 2nd. Batt. Dorset Regiment, eldest son of the late Alfred Rosher, The Grange, Rosherville, near Gravesend.
Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Louis Rosher, 2nd. Battalion Dorset Regiment, fell at Shaiba, on April 14. The eldest son of the late Alfred Rosher, of The Grange, Rosherville, near Gravesend, he was born in May 1866, and gained his first appointment in February 1885. He became captain in 1891, major in 1902, and lieutenant-colonel in 1910. From 1897 to 1902 he served as D.A.A.G. in India.
231. [CLI]. Cross with wreath on marble pedestal, with railings round: Anne Maude Daughter of James BRIGGS Priest M.A. Born May 1st Baptized June 8th A.D. 1860. Died April 12th A.D. 1866.
232. [CLI]. Iron railings with small stone: J.M. 27 May 1861.
233. [CLII]. Head and footstone: Joseph child of Frederick Joseph & Annie EBDON 29 July 1872 aged 14 mos. Annie Jane 4 May 1873 aged 7 weeks.
234. [CLIII]. Headstone in railing: John CRICHTON 19 Jan 1870 aged 64. Jane his wife 1 April 1901 aged 92. John David his son born Feb. 15 1848 d. 29 Nov. 1896, also three children interred in the Burying ground of Rochester Cathedral (viz) Hannah died 5 Feb. 1843 aged 16 mos. Jane died 11 Dec 1844 aged 6 yrs 8 mos. Elizabeth Jane 19 Sept. 1853 17 mos. Mary Garner RICHARDS 3 Nov. 1870 aged 34. Interred in Santon Downham Churchyard.
235. [CLIV]. Cross on large pillar with railings round. East: John VAN, B. 8 Dec. 1806. Obit 29 Feb 1876. Susanna his wife B. 11 March 1806. Obit 9 June 1887. 20 yrs Member of the Guild of S. Botolph. Also Oscar Cascillus 3rd Son. Died in New Zealand Aged 44. South side: Ernest Adolphus 4th son died at Sydney June 1892, 57. North side: Bertha Matilda their daughter died Ap. 1870, 27. also John Augustus, Levinia Leonora, Isabella Florinda interred in Gravesend Cemetery. Also Julia. Montague Frederick & Walter Scott. interred at S. Pauls Deptford.
236. [CLV]. Head and footstone: Mary wife of Henry HARRISON 23 Mar 1865, 76. Henry Harrison 2 July 1875, 76.
237. [CLVI]. Large cross on base with iron railing: East base of cross: Here resteth the Body of The Revd. Robert JOYNES M.A. 46 years Rector of Gravesend Died 13th September 1891 Aged 70 years. "Them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. I. Thess. 4.c. 14v. Also Anna Maria Joynes the dearly beloved wife of the above. Died January 22nd 1893 Aged 75 years. On cross: "Jesus thou Son of David have mercy on me". S. base of Cross: Here resteth the Body of Herbert Baker younger Son of the Revd. Robert and Anna Maria JOYNES of Gravesend. Born 14th September 1857 Died 29th November 1860.
238. [CLVII]. Head and footstone: George GREENSTREET 24 Dec. 1887, 76. Elizabeth his wife 19 Jan 1874, 66.
239. [CLVIII]. Head and footstone with floreated cross on it: Charles Mayhew SPENCER son of Wm & Hannah Spencer 23rd May 1862, 9 mos.
240. [CLIX]. Cross with "Thy Will be done" on the arms. Railings round: Bessie, wife of Ernest BARNES 23 April 1868, 24.
241. [CLX]. Headstone and curb: Edward Henry BYERS 21st Aug. 1861, 19.
241a. [CLXI]. Stone slab surrounded with railings: Edward GOLDSMITH late H.E.I.C.S. 24 Sep. 1860 aged 79.
242. [CLXII]. Headstone with stone slab and railing: John CAYLEY formerly of Upper St. Islington 23 July 1861, 55. John Henry Cayley his son 20 June 1868, 32. On slab: Eliza widow of John DUNSTON Esqr 18 Feb 1873, 75. Mary wife of above John Cayley 13 Sep. 1885, 73.
243. [CLXIII]. Head and footstone: William John HICKS Esqr late E.I.C.S. 15 Oct 1862, 72. Erected by widow & brother George Hicks C.B. H.M.I.S. Miss Caroline HICKS 6 July 1864, 82. Mrs Catharine Hicks wife of above 10 Dec. 1866, 65.
244. [CLXIV]. Head and footstone: John Arnold MAXWELL 11 June 1870, 67. John Thomas Maxwell his only son, Lloyds Surveyor 7 Jan 1867, 36. Leaving a large family to deplore his loss.
245. [CLXV]. Cross with slab and railings. On sides of slab: Sarah Esdaile LEES 24 March 1866. Anna Maria Lees 26 July 1882. On cross: Louisa Ann Moreton DYER 20 May 1884.
246. [CLXVI]. Large stone vault with iron railings and urn on top (broken): "Omnino ex Voluntate Dei". South side: Mr Henry CLEVERLY late of the Parish of Gravesend Obit October the 17th 1806 Aetat 41 years. North side: Sacred to the Memory of Sarah relict of Mr Henry CLEVERLY late of Gravesend Obiit October 9th 1823 Aetat 50.
247. [CLXVII]. Headstone with cherub’s heads, skulls, etc: In Memory of Ambrose LEE Son of Ambrose & Elizabeth Lee who died 20th August 1819 Aged 6 years. "E’er Sin could blight or Sorrow fade/Death came with friendly care/The opening bud to Heaven convey’d/And bade it blossom there".
248. [CLXVIII]. Head and footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Ambrose LEE who died Sepr 22nd 1824 Aged 32 years. Leaving a wife and five children to Bewail their loss. "Dear Wife & Children be con(tent)/For unto you I was but lent/The debt is paid, my Grave you s(ee)/Prepare yourselves to follow me".
249. [CLXIX]. Head and footstone: Charles William PAYNE 21 May 1880, 74. Martha Page Payne widow 22 Mar. 1885, 75.
250. [CLXX]. Head & footstone: Francis CATTLEY Esqr formerly H.E.I.C.S. 5 Aug. 1851.
251. [CLXXI]. Cross and footstone: Jesu Mercy. Emma C. WYLLY widow of the late Lieutenant Aylmer Wylly of the H.E.I.C.S. Died at the adjoining Manor House 23rd June 1868 aged 47 years.
252. [CLXXII]. Head and footstone: Edward Prentis HENSLOW Esqr born 30 Aug 1772 Died 15 May 1857. Cecelia Maria Henslow his wife B. 1 Sept. 1767 D. 5 Dec. 1859.
253. [CLXXIII]. Cross and curb: Georgie, dau of Jonathan LEAVEN. Captain R.N. b. 4 June 1803 died 8 July 1883.
From here in rows beginning at back by West wall.
254. [CLXXIV]. Headstone: Here Lieth the Remains of Jane and Sarah FRIEND daughrs of John and Elizabeth Friend. Jane died December 18th 1802 Aetat 3 years 4 Months (Buried Dec. 16th – evidently mistake in cutting stone). Sarah died January 2nd 1803 Aetat 1 year 10 Months. Mr John Friend Father 17 Feb. 1843, 83. Elizabeth his Wife 5 Mar. 1852, 82. Jane their daughter 25 Dec. 1854, 49. F.S: J.F. (date sunk), S.F. 1803.
255. [CLXXV]. Wooden cross with china plaque: Mary Jane NEWMAN b. 30 Sept 1806 D. 12 Sept 187?.
256. [CLXXVI]. Headstone, ornamental curb: Edwin C. KNIBBS 27 June 1884, 62, George Knibbs 9 July 1875, 32. Edith Elizabeth eldest dau. of Captain Thomas and Maria CARR & grand-dau. of above 3 May 1894, 15. Interred in Gravesend Cemetery.
257. [CLXXVII]. Marble cross with recumbent one on slab. South side: Jesu Mercy. In loving Memory of John Fuller RUSSELL, B.C.L. FSA Priest, First Rector of Greenhithe, Kent Born 16 August 1813 Entered into rest 6th April (Palm Sunday) 1884. North side: Also of Rosalie RUSSELL the beloved wife of the aforesaid John Fuller Russell Born 1st Dec. 1820 Entered into Rest 4 March 1883. East side: Also of their eldest son John Croshaw Thomas Russell b. 7 August 1846 At rest 19 Nov. 1881.
258. [CLXXVIII]. Head & footstone: Amy Gertrude dau. of Shepherd STEADMAN & Margaret Charlotte CRISPE 11 Nov. 1864 aged 16 mos. Ann Crispe 23 Jan 1873 aged 81.
259. [CLXXIX]. Stone cross with iron railings: Eliza Mary Ann BARLOW 19 Mar. 1865, 22.
260. [CLXXX]. Head and footstone: Frederick Greaves HAYNE, M.R.C.S. 19 Nov. 1881, 49. Eva Louisa youngest child of above & Mary Ann his wife 9 Sep. 1881, 5.
261. [CLXXXI]. Head and footstone: Mrs Sarah WOOD widow of Humphrey Wood Esqr, formerly of Brinton, Surrey, late of Huggen’s College. Born 16 May 1775 Died May 24 1851.
262. [CLXXXII]. Headstone & body stone: George Wells HARRISON late of Milton next Gravesend died at Huggen’s Collegte 2 Jan 1850, 69. Mary Ann his relict 26 Dec. 1858, 70.
263. [CLXXXIII]. Small headstone & footstone (perished). Footstone: W.R. 1850.
264. [CLXXXIV]. Flat slab with ornamental cross: Catherine DENISON May 1848, 75. At end of stone: Ellen Sophia CLARK 22 Ap. 1857, 16.
265. [CLXXXV]. Head and footstone: Edward HULL died at Huggen’s College 22 Jan. 1851, 70. Marianne Frances Hull d. 7 Sept 1860, 79.
266. [CLXXXVI]. Head and footstone: Elizabeth Evelyn widow of William Henry CROOK, L.L.D. d. 5 Jan 1861, 74. Elizabeth widow of Benjamin RIDGE, Surgeon 18 Nov. 1862, 83. Evelyn Mary WILLIAMSON dau. of John & Evelyn Crook died at Concordia, S.America 27 May 1884, 31. Evelyn Siddon Crook 29 Feb. 1888, ag. 6 mos.
C-F Note 1862, Nov. 18. At Northfleet in her 84th year Elizabeth, relict of the late Benjamin Ridge, surgeon of Lambeth (T).
267. [CLXXXVII]. Head and footstone: Henry Winbolt ANDERSON 19 Feb. 1863, 83. Mary Ann (his relict) 16 Oct. 1868, 80.
C-F Note (1863, Feb. 19. At Northfleet, Kent, after a very long illness aged 83 Mr Henry Winbolt Anderson the youngest & last surviving son of the late Mr William Anderson of Gracechurch St. London (T).
Vicarage Wall:
268. [CLXXXVIII]. Small cross, ornamented: Beatrice Rose POPE, b. 15 July 1881 d. 24 April 1883. Grace Hilda (Tottens) Pope, b. 31 Dec. 1885 d. 17 Dec. 1886.
269. [CLXXXIX]. Headstone, flat stone & iron railing: Frederick Wolfe 2nd s. of late Thomas HENNAH, H.E.I.C.S. b. 27 Mar 1828, d. 2nd Sept. 1874. Rev. W.H. Hennah, F.R.A.S. son of above 25 Sept 1881, 31. Frederick Wolfe son of above Wm Hy Hennah died at Montreal 18 Dec 1897, 24.
270. [CXC]. Headstone and iron railings: Maria wife of Edward John STIBBS Pilot of Gravesend died suddenly 29 August 1891 aged 55.
271. [CXCI]. Headstone and curb: William son of Edmund and Emily WALLIS, B. 22 Mar 1883, D. 15 Aug 1885. Sidney their 2nd son, b. 15 Jan 1887, d. 8 Mar 1888.
272. [CXCII]. Head and footstone: Jame Read READER natus 10th November 1793, denatus 1st March 1866.
273. [CXCIII]. Granite slab enclosed with high iron railings: Amelia wife of Mr John PREST of this Parish 15 Nov. 1847 ag. 48. John Prest 4 March 1866, 68.
274. [CXCIV]. Head and footstone: Hester relict of Dr VEITCH, M.D. of Horncastle, Lincolnshire 28 Feb. 1866, 77.
275. [CXCV]. Headstone and curb: William Eldred HARRIS for many years organist of this Church & Recorder of the Guild of St. Botolph Northfleet 3 Nov. 1875, 33.
276. [CXCVI]. Granite headstone: Margaret Elizabeth CHAMPION 9 Mar 1864. Mary Ann Champion 17 Nov. 1876.
277. [CXCVII]. Four ornamental headstones enclosed by stone wall and iron railings: In memory of Francis SOUTHGATE Born March 9th 1792, Died May 29th 1870. Also of Harriet his wife Born September 19th 1796, Died January 4 1877. Also of George PRINCE Son-in-law of the above, Born March 7th 1816, Died Nov 9th 1872. Also Harriett Prince wife of the above, Died 5th Febry 1899 Aged 78 years.
278. [CXCVIII]. Francis Thomas SOUTHGATE, Born July 25th 1818, Died February 23rd 1871.
279. [CXCIX]. Badge of S. Botolph’s Guild at top of tombstone): Frederic SOUTHGATE, Priest, Vicar of Northfleet and first Provost of the Guild of St. Botolph, Born Dec. 7th 1825 Died January 30th 1885. "I have kept the faith".
280. [CC]. James Henry GRAMSHAW, Born December 30th 1819, Died October 10th 1902. Also Ellen Gramshaw, wife of the above, Born January 16, 1821, Died April 21 1912.
281. [CCI]. Ornamental cross and iron railing: Camilla DETTMAR 17 October 1875, 53. Henry Dettmar 23 May 1895, 76.
282. [CCII]. Head and footstone: Samuel BLAXLAND Born at Fordwich in this country 17 Sept 1772 Died at Huggens College 12 Jan. 1857.
283. [CCIII]. Large vault with iron railings. Inscriptions only on 2 Eastern panels: Sacred to the Memory of Rev. Richard KEATS, M.A. Vic. of this Parish who died 30th May 1858 Aged 67 years. Sacred to the Memory of Mary Eliza wife of the Rev. Richard KEATS. Interr’d 20 June 1843 Aged 45 years. Inscription on South panel: Sacred to the Memory of Matilda Eliza Louisa, Widow of Revd. Richard Keats M.A. who died 4th November 1907 Aged 102 years.
Newpaper Article: Death of Mrs Keats.
Rosherville Lady Centenarian.
Mrs Matilda Keats, widow of a former vicar of Northfleet, passed away at her residence, 7 Lansdowne-square, Rosherville, on Monday, in her 103rd year.
Mrs Keats, who celebrated her 102nd birthday on Sunday week, was a remarkable lady. Physically she was, as it were, in perfect health up to the time of her death, and simply faded away in her sleep, and mentally she was equally as sound to the last. Her mental freshness, indeed, was quite exceptional, having regard to her years, for to the last her memory of near events was equally as vivid as those of the long ago. Especially for matters military – induced, no doubt, by her close relationship with distinguished military figures – she had a wonderfully retentive memory, and the manner in which she was accustomed to recite reminiscences made her a most engaging personality.
Born just six days after the battle of Trafalgar, the days of her childhood were critical times in the world’s history, and to her friends there was nothing more interesting than to hear her discant on epoch-making events of the last century. She well remembered as a child her cousin, Capt. KELLY, return to Tilbury after the battle of Waterloo, with his charger. Capt. Kelly, of the 1st Life Guards, served with distinction in that famous conflict, and was promoted to the rank of major for gallant conduct. Mrs Keats was born in Ireland, and was the daughter of Major-General Thomas Kelly, K.C., who for nearly 50 years was commandant at Tilbury Fort and Gravesend. He was a fine type of the old military figure, and his personality is still recalled by many of the older residents of the borough of Gravesend. Mrs Keats was virtually a resident of this locality the whole of her long life. Her husband was the Rev. Richard Keats, vicar of Northfleet, who died in 1858. There was no issue of the marriage. After his demise she took up residence at 7, Lansdowne-square in 1863, and lived a quiet, retired life there for 44 years. The last hat which her husband wore to this day finds a place on the peg in the hall! Her elder brother was General Kelly, C.B. who served in the Scuide war under Sir Chas. NAPIER.
The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at Northfleet Churchyard at two o’clock, the remains being laid to rest near those of her late husband.
Front row by the path leading to Vicarage.284. [CCIV]. Head and footstone: Elizabeth, wife of Capt. George WINCHESTER Born 10 June 1817 Died Jan. 3 1858.
285. [CCV]. Head, foot and body stone: James BROWN of this Parish 13 Feb. 1815, 34. Lydia his wife 20 May 1845, 69. Ann their youngest daughter 24 Feb. 1834, 19. Also 2 Daughters who died in infancy. All the above lie under the adjacent vault except the two children who are buried under the stone.
286. [CCVI]. Large granite block (grey) surrounded by railings with recumbent cross: Susannah wife of George French RICHMOND b. 30 Aug. 1812 d. 23 Feb. 1873. Sarah Mary wife of George French Richmond b. 11 April 1825 d. 23 Sep. 1877. Harriott Ann BROWN eldest sister of Susannah Richmond b. 19 March 1808 d. 20 April 1861. George French Richmond b. 11 July 1808 d. 16 Feb. 1885.
287. [CCVII]. Head and footstone: Susannah wife of William CHAPMAN and sister of Lydia BROWN 27 Oct. 1829, 63. Martha wife of William Thomas Brown b. 21 June 1807 d. 13 Feb. 1866. Lydia Ann Brown 9 April 1844, 48. William Thomas Brown 4 Jan. 1887, 77.
288. [CCVIII]. Head and footstone, with angel: Charles Howard WHITE 24 May 1875, 38.
289. [CCIX]. Head and footstone: William PINK 16 July 1880, 77.
290. [CCX]. Head and footstone: Sarah CUTTS 29 Jan. 1837, 76. Sarah Martha wife of Mr William PINK, dau. of above 30 Nov. 1848, 51. Elizabeth Pink 27 Aug. 1874, 57.
291. [CCXI]. Flat slab stone (much dilapidated): John Andrews CARPENTER 26 Dec 1846, 68. Jane his wife 18 Mar 1847, 69.
292. [CCXII]. Head & footstone: Elizabeth PETTMAN 3rd dau. of William Pettman formerly of Ham next Sandwich D. at No.7 The College, Northfleet 5 Aug. 1876, 75.
293. [CCXIII]. Cross with iron railing: Sarah MASON 27th Oct. 1865.
294. [CCXIV]. Low head & footstone, with Cross springing from head: William HUDDLESTON Born 12 Oct. 1780. Died 2 Nov. 1856.
295. [CCXV]. Low head and footstone: W. LORD 1852.
296. [CCXVI]. Head & footstone: Clement ROGERS 18 June 1841, 30. Also in the adjoining grave lieth William LORD 30 Sept. 1852, 29.
297. [CCCVII]. Head & footstone: Margaret da. of Captain Charles LEIGHTON and Maria KENNETT 22nd Sept. 1837, 5 days.
North of Church and small path.298. [CXVIII]. William FULLER son of William & Charlotte Fuller 19 Aug. 1818, 30. Six lines of epitaph. Kezia dau of the above 8 June 1817, 2 mos.
299. [CCXIX]. Head and footstone: Eliza Ann WHIFFEN 21 Oct. 1860, 21. Eliza wife of David Whiffen 28 Sept 1864, 31. Edith Clara dau. of David and Catherine Whiffen died 21 Dec. 1872 aged 10 weeks and 4 days. David Whiffen 13 July 1873, 75.
300. [CCXX]. Small low cross: Martin RAY formerly of Franks Hall, Horton Kirby died at Northfleet 12 Aug. 1882, 59.
301. [CCXXI]. Inscription in Russian. The following was found loose at the end of the volume.
Translation: "Repose, dear brother until the gladsome morning". Russian Imperial Service Volunteer Timothy IVANOV. This Memorial was erected by his brother Lieutenant Alexander Ivanov in April 1813.
This Memorial was over the grave in Northfleet Churchyard on the N. side of the Church. It was sought for by James BENSON of Gravesend and discovered by him in 1945.The face of the stone was worn and covered in places by lichen. The letters had to be felt for by the fingers, and a light coating of chalk applied in order to show the incised letters. During the ensuing winter, frost split the face of the stone and the inscription perished.
The man commemorated is said to have died as the result of an explosion on a Russian ship being repaired in Pitchers Dockyard, Northfleet. His brother was will be noted caused the stone to be erected nearly 12 years later. The "day" may be an instruction to the sculptor to be filled in when the erection took place with a numerical date. (In the Burial Register the name appears mistakenly as M.F. JOANOFF).
302. [CCXXII]. Head and footstone: Charlotte wife of William MILES 11 June 1869, 27. Mary Ann wife of the above 6 Dec. 1898, 50.
303. [CCXXIIIA]. Head and footstone with railings: Ann Smith WHARTON obiit 21 March 1852, 63. Elizabeth Mary wife of Mr Avery BAKER of Perry St. in this Parish and sister of the above obiit May 28th 1854, 59. also Mr Avery Baker obiit 27 Sept. 1871, 79. Elizabeth S.M.A. Baker widow of above 13 Jan. 1905, 70.
304. [CCXXIIIB]. Cross & curb: Harriet FARR 11 June 1868, 3. Elizabeth Farr 17 July 1870, 70. Elizabeth wife of Frank Farr 11 Dec 1904, 67.
305. [CCXXIV]. Head and footstone: Nathaniel SMITH 3 Mar 1873, 53. Sarah his wife 18 Nov. 1885, 66.
306. [CCXXV]. Head and footstone: Robert NEVINS Esqr 11 Nov. 1854, 63.
307. [CCXXVI]. Flat stone next Vicarage: In Memory of Louisa RICKARDS daughter of John and Mary RICKARDS after a painful and protracted illness of 13 months borne with Christian fortitude while on a visit at the residence of her brother-in-law Chas ROSHER Esqr. She expired 3rd April 1857 Aged 53. "In hope of a glorious resurrection".
308. [CCXXVII]. Large vault with iron railings. West side: Sacred to the Memory of Sarah the wife of Jeremiah ROSHER Esqr of Crete Hall who died May the 20th 1841 Aged 71 years. Sacred to the Memory of Jeremiah Rosher Esqr of Crete Hall who died Dec. 3rd 1848 Aged 83 years. South side: Sacred to the Memory of Sarah the wife of Jeremiah Burch ROSHER Esqr who died July 9th 1841 Aged 32 years. Sacred to the memory of Sarah Rosher spinster the daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah Rosher of Crete Hall who departed this life 7 April 1848 Aged 52 years. East side: Sacred to the Memory of Mary Rachel wife of George Rocher Esqr and eldest dau. of John BRENCHLEY Esqr of Wombwell Hall who died April 6th 1852 aged 28. Also to the Memory of George Rosher Esqr husband of the above and fourth son of Jeremiah & Sarah Rosher of Crete Hall b. 8 Oct. 1803 d. 19 Nov. 1885. Sacred to the Memory of Charles Rosher Esqr second son of Jeremiah and Sarah Rosher of Crete Hall Died 9th January 1861 Aged 66 years. North side: Sacred to the Memory of Sophia ROSHER spinster last surviving daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah Rosher of Crete Hall who departed this life the 3rd day of Decr 1873 Aged 72 years. Sacred to the memory of William Rosher Esqr J.P. for the County of Kent fifth son of Jeremiah and Sarah Rosher of Crete Hall b. 24 Aug. 1805 d. 22nd April 1879. Also to the Memory of Isabella Belinda widow of the above and dau. of the late William STAFF Esqr b. 29 July 1807 d. 12 Nov. 1881.
309. [CCXXVIII]. Flat stone next Vicarage: Ann relict of George GOLDING Esqr of Trewyn House, Herefordshire d. 5 Jan. 1861, 89.
310. [CCXXIX]. Headstone with railings: Mary Ann daughter of William and Eleanor WHITEHEAD of Chelsea, Middlesex, 26 July 1830 aged 23 & 7 mos. Catharine Maude, 7th and youngest daughter of William AND Elizabeth WHITEHEAD of this Parish, 4 Jan. 1852, Aged 5-6 mos.
311. [CCXXX]. Head & footstone: Lydia, dau of Ricahrd and Alicia JONES of Gloucester, 22 Aug. 1830 aged 7.
312. [CCXXXI]. Head & footstone: Susannah Ann, dau of Nathaniel and Sarah SMITH, 17 Mar 1881 aged 27. Sally, eldest sister of above 5 Oct. 1894, 46.
313. [CCXXXII]. Head & footstone: Leila Cordelia SMITH, 27 Dec. 1884, 25. Ann Elizabeth her sister 13 April 1892, 41.
314. [CCXXXIII]. Head and footstone: Robert BOSSLEY 26 Oct. 1881, 66. Eleanor Sarah MOORE 6 Dec. 1886, 32. Barbara Ann Bossley 21 July 1899, 86.
315. [CCXXXIV]. Head and footstone: John HOOKER 25 Jan. 1885, 72. Eliza his wife 8 Dec. 1901, 85. Frederick William their son 31 Mar. 1871, 27.
316. [CCXXXV]. Headstone and railings: Thomas HOOKER 24 Dec. 1817, 80. Sally his wife 19 Feb. 1828, 83. Sophia grand-daughter of above and wife of John James William SIMONS of Garden Cottage, Gravesend 17 Jan. 1859, 49. Eliza Maria wife of William PATIENCE 14 July 1880, 42. William, husband of Eliza Maria Patience 11 Feb. 1895, 60.
317. [CCXXXVI]. Headstone: William TISDELL d. at Gravesend 22 Nov. 1858, 23. "How fair is the rose, whose Beautiful Flower/In the glory of April and May/When the leaves are beginning to fade in an hour/They wither and die in a Day. So fair is the youth in the Beauty of Men/They are fair and look gay like the Rose/But all our fond care to preserve them is vain/Time kills them as fast as it goes. Then I’ll not be proud of my Youth or my Beauty/Since both of them wither and fade/But gain a good name by well doing my duty/It will scent like the Rose when you’re dead". Ann WHIFFEN 21 Dec. 1822 aged 56. Richard Whiffen 21 Dec. 1840 aged 74.
318. [CCXXXVII]. Head and footstone: James PHILLIPS 10 Jan. 1856 aged 62. Harriet his wife 20 Oct. 1861 aged 62.
319. [CCXXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Sarah wife of John STEDMAN 15 Oct. 1867, 60. John Stedman died at Woolwich 18 Mar. 1870, 62.
320. [CCXXXIX]. White cross: Esther Ann BAILEY 13 Dec. 1882, 68. Hester Sarah GOSLING her grand daughter 20 Jan. 1893 aged 16 mos.
321. [CCXL]. Head and body stone: William ARNOLD 1 Sept. 1827, 85. Elizabeth WOODHEAD his relict 28 April 1848, 74.
322. [CCXLI]. Head and footstone: Mary Ann dau. of Richard and Esther MILES 31 May 1858, 16. Esther Miles 9 Mar. 1869, 54. Richard Miles 11 July 1871, 60.
323. [CCXLII]. Head and footstone with carving of an eye or a sun on a ribbon: "Our days are like a shadow tha./declineth". Sacred to the Memory of William WARD of this Parish who departed this Life Dec. the 22nd 1797 Aged 41 years. "Here Heaven nor chide pale sorrow’s sigh,/Behold the anguish bead in pity’s eye./Affection bend and kiss th’ afflicting rod/Bewail Ward’s fate and bless the world’s great God". (These lines much worn).
324. [CCXLIII]. Head and footstone: Sarah wife of Henry Ellis MOSELEY 23 Aug. 1846, 68. Henry Ellis Moseley 13 Mar. 1847, 64.
325. [CCXLIV]. Head & footstone next wall: Elizabeth wife of Thomas SWITSUR 16 Sept 1849, 58. Thomas Switsur 8 July 1860, 69. Elizabeth wife of James ENTICKNAP neice of above 11 Jan. 1890, 66. James Enticknap 19 Nov. 1899, 79.
326. [CCXLV]. Head and footstone: William son of Thomas SWITSUR 20 Feb. 1848, 26.
327. [CCXLVI]. Low headstone: Henry IRVINE 25 Dec. 1848, 81. Elizabeth his wife 5 Dec 1855, 87. Charlotte PAINTER 23 Jan 1856, 80?.
328. [CCXLLVII]. Flat slab: Sarah Susannah SOLEY 18 April 1879 widow of George Soley of London.
329. [CCXLVIII]. Head and footstone: Joseph RUSHTON d. at Southsea 11 Sept 1883, 72. Jane his wife 11 Nov. 1882, 79.
330. [CCXLIXA]. Head and footstone: George John Childrens VENNER B. 21 April 1824 D. 23 Oct. 1881. William Henry Venner his brother B. 19 June 1832, D. 16 Sept. 1883. Interred 20 Sept. in Tower Hamlets Cemetery.
331. [CCXLIXB]. Head and footstone: Benjamin WOOD 4 Sept. 1856, 56. Hannah his wife 29 Nov. 1865, 72.
332. [CCL]. Head and footstone: Sarah LAMB 31 May 1877, 72. Mary Lamb 14 July 1883, 89.
333. [CCLI]. Head & footstone: Six children of Thomas & Elizabeth STEDMAN. John 10 May 1837, 4 mos. Charlotte 21 Dec. 1839, 14 mos. Mary 25 Dec. 1849, 5. Sarah Ann 4 Feb. 1850, 7. Margaret 9 Ap. 1850, 19. William 29 Aug. 1865, 29. Also Thomas Stedman 23 Apr. 1871, 65. Front of stone: In Memory of Mary wife of Mr Thomas Stedman of this Parish who died December 24th 1812 aged 27 years. Also Thomas Stedman 9 Aug. 1849, 71. Margaret their dau. 11 Dec. 1814, 3. Joseph died in Infancy. William their son died off the Coast of Africa 21 Ap. 1851, 41. Charlotte his 2nd wife 1 May 1861, 72.
334. [CCLII]. Head and footstone: Alfred Henry STEDMAN 18 Aug. 1892, 13. William John Stedman 12 Aug. 1893, 25.
335. [CCLIII]. Headstone: Frederick Bagworth PALMER 23 July 1881, 23.
336. [CCLIV]. Head & footstone: Emma, eldest daughter of Hugh & Mary SPRING 21 Jan. 1853, 26. John APPLETON 14 Jan. 1855, 82. Hugh Spring 19 Jan. 1857, 54. Mary his wife died at Richmond 28 July 1869, 71. George their youngest son 13 Feb. 1865, 26.
337. [CCLV]. Head and footstone: John Williams PROWSE died suddenly 22 Aug. 1843, 57. Magnus TAIT of London died here 5 Mar. 1843, 48. John Williams Prowse son of above Died in London of Consumption 3 Jan 1848, 24. 1843, Mar 5. At the Dockyard, Northfleet, Kent. Magnus Tait Esq. aged 49 after a short illness deeply regretted.
338. [CCLVI]. Head and footstone: George MATHEWS (suddenly) 21 Jan. 1875, 76. Mary Ann his wife 29 Jan 1879, 76.
339. [CCLVII]. Low head and footstone: M.H.P. 1835.
340. [CCLVIII]. Low head and footstone: K.R.P. 1828.
341. [CCLIX]. Head & footstone: Children of John Williams and Mary PROWSE, William Tait Prowse 21 Mar. 1828, 6 mos. Alice Rebecca Prowse 7 April 1828, 6 yrs. 10 mos. Katharine Rose Prowse 5 May 1828, 27 yrs. 6 mos. Magnus How Prowse 1 Aug. 1835, 5 yrs.
342. [CCLX]. Small head and footstone: W.T.P. 1828.
343. [CCLXI]. Flat stone: Harriette youngest dau. of William GEDGE Esqr, born in London 19 Mar. 1801, died at Northfleet 23 Aug. 1834.
344. [CCLXII]. Head & footstone: Martha ROLPH 11 Aug. 1857, 69. Esther Rolph her sister 30 Dec. 1857, 64.
345. [CCLXIII]. Flat altar slab: Thomas LAWS died 28 May 1849, 39. bur. S. Margaret’s, Rochester. Robert his son died July 28th 1850, 17. On south side: Amey wife of Thomas Laws 21 Janry 1871, 62.
346. [CCLXIV]. Head and footstone: Flora Ann STRINGER 12 April 1880, 63.
347. [CCLXV]. Flat stone with cross: Maria widow of the late J.A. HARVEY Esqr 4 July 1878, 88.
348. [CCLXVI]. Headstone and railing: William HANCOCK 8 June 1892, 36.
349. [CCLXVII]. Cross: Robert GOSLING 25 Oct 1878, 55. Ann Gosling 10 Ap. 1898, 64. Emma Elizabeth GATFIELD grand-dau. of above 18 Dec. 1894, 7.
350. [CCLXVIII]. Head & footstone: Henry HOLLAND 7 Nov. 1849, 62. Ann his wife 14 Feb. 1870, 79. Ann PARSONS dau. of above 28 Dec. 1899, 77. Also William PARSONS husband of above interred near this spot 11 Dec. 1868, 48.
351. [CCLXIX]. Head and footstone: Samuel JOHNSON 21Sept. 1881, 52. Alice his wife 16 Jan. 1882, 52. Mary Ann FISHER their dau. 21 June 1887, 30.
352. [CCLXX]. Ornamental headstone: Charles BROOKER 9 July 1895, 64. Mary Brooker 10 May 1896, 61.
353. [CCLXXI]. Head and footstone: Jemima Esther wife of Richard HORLOCK Junr 29 Nov. 1836, 40. Richard Horlock 11 March 1866, 80.
354. [CCLXXII]. Vault covered with ivy which is (now 1 April 1915) removed but the inscription has perished top & three sides blank; only these words are visible. South side: Beneath this tomb rests the mortal remains of Susannah …..ON/the wife of ……../.
355. [CCLXXIII]. Headstone: Richard BOXALL 26 Nov. 1853, 71. Sarah Boxall his wife 12 May 1849, 64. Mary Ann wife of Joshua ELLIMAN 2 June 1866, 56. Joshua Elliman 18 Feb. 1867, 53.
356. [CCLXXIV]. Head and footstone: Mr Thomas HORLOCK 24 June 1843, 53.
357. [CCLXXV]. Headstone obscured by lilac: Mr Richard HORLOCK 20 June 1818, 65. Capt Thomas DORMER of the E.I.C.S. 10 Oct 1820, 51. Mrs Susan Horlock wife of above 23 July 1839, 87.
358. [CCLXXVI]. Head and footstone: George RICHARDSON Surgeon 16 Jan. 1828, 50. Caroline Catharine his wife 12 Jan. 1840, 65.
359. [CCLXXVII]. Headstone with 4 footstones and 4 flat body stones: Benjamin eldest son of William & Elizabeth HUBBLE, 7 May 1828, 21. Sarah their daughter 9 June 1832, 22. Elizabeth their daughter 17 June 1840, 19. Townsend their son 2 Dec. 1840, 28. Barbara Kettlewell wife of Henry Hubble 28 Mar. 1848, 38. Mary dau. of Henry and Barbara Kettlewell Hubble Died in her Infancy.
360. [CCLXXVIII]. Headstone with foot and flat body stone: Elizabeth wife of William HUBBLE 7 Dec. 1842, 64. Also William Hubble 5 Nov. 1862, 81. Henry Hubble son of above 9 Dec. 1885, 67. Hannah widow of Henry Hubble 15 June 1889, 63.
361. [CCLXXIX]. Marble block next wall: Henry William HARMAN late of Manchester 28 Sept. 1875, 60.
362. [CCLXXX]. Head and footstone: Mrs Mary FELTON 22nd May 1814, 50. (Long epitaph). Mr Samuel Felton, husband of above 3 Oct. 1843, 86.
363. [CCLXXXI]. Flat stone, much broken: Lieutenant George JACKSON Nov ..? aged 39.
364. [CCLXXXII]. Head and footstone: David FARLIE 23 April 1867, 70. Mary Ann Farlie 6 Oct. 1878, 68.
365. [CCLXXXIII]. Head and footstone: In Memory of Mr Thomas REEVES who departed this life the 15th of May 1800 Aged 73 years. "His sufferings were great But his faith in, and love to Christ were greater".
366. [CCLXXXIV]. Head and footstone: William Henry CHALLONER 13 Aug. 1881, 47. John Watkin Challoner, father of above 22 Sept. 1889, 83. John Edwin Challoner 15 Jan. 1898, 67.
367. [CCLXXXV]. Headstone: Thomas ALLEN 12 Aug. 1893, 58.
368. [CCLXXXVI]. Head and footstone: Sophia wife of Samuel GOULD Esqr, Surgeon of this Parish 3 July 1840, 26. She was a native of the island of Guernsey. Also three children Arthur aged 7 mos. Gerald aged 11 mos and an infant who died 25 June 1840.
369. [CCLXXXVII]. Head and footstone & flat body stone: Jane wife of Jacob REYNOLDS Esqr 6 June 1841, 53.
370. [CCLXXXVIII]. Head and footstone & flat body stone: Mary, daughter of Mr Richard REEVE of Rochester, Surgeon 29 Oct. 1841, 64. Mary Elizabeth HEATH 1 May 1872, 82. Louisa DOLBY 14 Nov. 1872, 65.
371. [CCLXXXIX]. Head and footstone, (next wall): Charles HINKS accidentally killed 8 Oct. 1901, 72. Also Emily, Thirza Emily and Joseph Thomas who died in infancy. Also of my dear Mother Charlotte JENKINS 31 Dec. 1876, 63. James Jenkins her husband 25 June 1878, 68.
372. [CCXC]. Head and footstone: Alfred George TERRY 5 Aug. 1882, 4.
373. [CCXCI]. Head and footstone: Daniel JONES of H.M. Excise 8 July 1845, 83. Martha his wife 27 May 1809, 40. William Stancliff JONES their son 17 Nov. 1842, 46. Elizabeth 2nd wife of Daniel Jones 29 Jan. 1846, 68.
374. [CCXCII]. Head & footstone (next wall): John GODWIN 15 Mar 1876, 67.
375. [CCXCIII]. Head and footstone: Sarah wife of John GODWIN 26 May 1840, 30. Elizabeth 2nd wife 29 March 1863, 50. Also William, son of John and Sarah Godwin 7 April 1864, 26.
376. [CCXCIV]. Head and footstone, Old English lettering: Joseph NEWMAN 2nd son of Henry and Jane Richards Newman of Milton-next-Gravesend 16 May 1860, 14. James Henry Newman 3rd son 24 June 1860, 4. Edward Henry LEAN grandson of the above 1 Jan 1882, 5 mos. On side of stone: Henry Newman, Madras C.S. eldest son, died on board Ship "Siam" 24 Sept. 1876, 36. buried in the Red Sea. Jane NEWMAN eldest dau. 29 Jan. 1878, 36. Henry Newman 20 Nov. 1882, 65. Jane Richards Newman 7 Mar. 1895, 81. Harriet Anne, 2nd dau. 1 Nov. 1903, 56. 1872, Note C-F: Jan. 11. At 33 Harmer St. Gravesend, Lydia, 3rd dau. of Mr Henry Newman aged 22 years. (T). 1895, Mar. 7. At 33 Harmer St. Milton next Gravesend of influenza, Jane Richards, widow of the late Henry Newman in her 82nd year.
377. [CCXCV]. Head & footstone: Eliza wife of Thomas Cooper CLARK 10 Mar. 1863, 61.
378. [CCXCVI]. Head and footstone: In Memory of Capt. Waddell Cunningham DOUGLAS of Belfast, Ireland late of the 36th Regt. of Foot who departed this Life the 14 of Sept. 1801 on board the Agenoria Transport on his return from Flushing. Aged 40 years.
379. [CCXCVII]. Flat altar stone, broken: In Memory of Elizabeth BROOMAN ………/Proud shall be/. She died ../day after the Birth of her 4 child the 8th day of May 1807 in the 27th year of her Age.
380. [CCXCVIII]. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mr Robert GREY (late Chief Officer of the Honble East India Company’s Ship Comet) who departed this Life April the 6th 1805 Aged 34 Years.
381. [CCXCIX]. Head and footstone: Anne wife of Paul DANGERFIELD 19 Aug. 1843, 37. Elizabeth Ann daughter of William and Elizabeth MAY, grand-daughter of above 3 June 1849 aged 2 years. Paul Dangerfield Feb ? 1861, 72. Mary Ann his 2nd wife Jan 29 1864?, 64.
Numbering error, no numbers 382 to 386
387. [CCC]. Head and footstone: Jane HOLFORD died at Huggen’s College 31 Oct 1868, 78. Sarah Holford 13 Oct. 1873, 80. died at Huggen’s College.
388. [CCCI]. Head & footstone: Michael COMPORT Solicitor, Northfleet late of Rochford Essex 13 Dec. 1864, 77. Sarah FRY widow of Thomas Fry Esqr 13 May 1873, 76.
389. [CCCII]. Head and footstone: Charles Henry ATTFIELD 4 April 1894, 40.
390. [CCCIII]. Head and footstone: William MANN 23 Oct. 1836, 23. Mary Ann Mann 26 July 1857, 75. William MANN 6 May 1870, 90. Catharine WATKINS 27 Sept. 1878, 72. Henry Mann 22 Jan. 1879, 71. Mary Ann, wife of Henry Mann 4 Oct. 1902, 87.
391. [CCCIV]. Head & footstone: Henry RICHARDSON 26 March 1879, 39.
392. [CCCV]. Slate headstone: In Memory of John EVANS Late Mate of the Schooner Profit and Loss of Nevin, North Wales who was drownded in the River Thames on the 9th of August 1858 ag. 36 years. "O bridd.O bridd iawn ys tyr hyn/Mae pridd mewn pridd fydd danedd syn/A pridd mewn yn llechn a fydd/Nes dychwel pridd or pridd yn rhydd"/.
393. [CCCVI]. Head and footstone: Peter LE PIPRE Esqr late of the Crown Office Temple and Coroner of the Queen’s Bench 30 June 1869, 68.
394. [CCCVII]. Cross and railings: The family vault of W.T. ETHERINGTON and Joseph BARTHOLOMEW. East side: Mary BROOKS 1 April 1883. William Thomas Etherington 29 May 1887, 56. South side: Joseph Bartholomew 29 May 1901, 62.
395. [CCCVIII]. Headstone: John COTTLE 21 Oct. 1864, 20. Ann his Mother 11 Nov. 1867, 46. John, husband of above 2 April 1884, 60.
396. [CCCIX]. Head and footstone: Florence wife [of] James SMITH 5 Mar 1873, 47.
397. [CCCX]. Head and footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Sally JEWELL who departed this Life Ap. 21st 1823 Aged 62 years. "Whilst in this world I did remain/My latter end was greif and pain/But when the Lord did think it best/He took me to his blessed rest".
398. [CCCXI]. Headstone & flat slab: Benjamin MOULTON 2 June 1841, 49. Mary his wife 29 Oct. 1862, 73. Mrs Martha REED dau. of above 15 Mar. 1868, 48. Mr George Moulton, son died at Hornchurch 11 May 1879, 65.
399. [CCCXII]. Head and footstone: Elias DYKE 17 Nov. 1876, 44. Ann Elizabeth Dyke 2 Ap. 1892, 56.
400. [CCCXIII]. Head and footstone, all crumbling away: Elizabeth Catherine SHANKS youngest dau. of the late Cap./………………/Many years commander of H.M. Packet./ Henry FREELI……/wich Station also many y…./of the Capital/ Burgesses of the Borough of Harwich/ in the ……/Essex. She died …../1871.
401. [CCCXIV]. Head and footstone: John FLOWERS 2 Feb. 1866, 72.
402. [CCCXV] Stone slab: In memory of John TILDEN of Ifield Court who died Jan 22nd 1872, 76 years. Also Mary wife of the above who died April 6th 1895 Aged 79 years. Janry 1872. On the 22d. inst at Brighton, John Tilden, of Ifield Court, Northfleet, Kent, aged 76. 1895, Apr. 6. At Blackheath, Mary Tilden, widow of the late John Tilden of Ifield Court, Northfleet, Kent.
403. [CCCXVI]. Head & footstone: Henry CROWHURST 11 June 1880, 50. near lie children of above, Robert aged 16 mos. Ellen aged 9 years. Charles Henry Robert, 13 mos.
404. [CCCXVII]. Head and footstone: Jessie Emily GOLDSTON 15 July 1872, 4. Minny Elizabeth 9 April 1873, 9. Amy V.A. 29 April 1876, 4. Herbert 30 April 1881, 1 yr. 9 mos. Mary 6 July 1885, 9 mos. Near this spot lies Charles James.
405. [CCCXVIII]. Head & footstone: Edith dau. of H.W. and E.S. JONES 4 April 1876, 17.
406. [CCCXIX] Headstone: Thomas DOUGHTY of Gravesend eldest son of late Thomas Doughty of Wantage, Berks. 2 May 1866, 43.
407. [CCCXX]. Head & footstone: George BRADBEER 15 April 1864, 28.
408. [CCCXXI]. Head & footstone: Philips MONYPENNY Esqr 8 April 1875, 70.
409. [CCCXXII]. Head & footstone: James DEANE 8 Sept. 1842, 52. also near this place lies twelve of his children. Sarah Solomon Deane his wife 19 Sept 1854, 65. William Deane his son 21 Sept 1877, 63.
410. [CCCXXIII]. Head and footstone: Susannah wife of John FULLMAN 1 Jan 1865, 63. the above John Fullman 3 July 1881, 75. Elizabeth sister of the above 2 May 1877, 75.
411. [CCCXXIV]. Head & footstone: Ebenezer Michael NASH 23 June, 54.
412. [CCCXXV]. Head and footstone: Sophia wife of George GOLDSTON 28 Nov. 1882, 34. George Goldston 18 Dec. 1882, 38.
413. [CCCXXVI]. Ornamental Cross & footstone : Mary wife of Thomas ELLIOTT 25 Feb. 1866, 74. Thomas Elliott 23 June 1868, 75.
414. [CCCXXVII]. Headstone & curb: Robert WILLIAMS 13 Jan. 1900, 65. Timothy Charles, 2nd son 15 June 1904, 38. and he buried in Braamfontein Cemetery, Johannesburg, South Africa. Ann his Mother 9 Jan. 1873, 78.
415. [CCCXXVIII]. A cross with curb and railings. East side: In loving memory of Now W. side: Elizabeth Jane TORRE Entered into rest Feb. 28th 1897 Aged 68 years. South side, now N. side: Mary Ann ELLISTON died Oct. 28th 1897 Aged 79 years. East side: William F.W. Torre, M.A. Priest for 27 years Vicar of this Parish who died August 15th 1912 Aged 83 years.
416. [CCCXXIX]. Headstone with cross and footstone: Charlotte wife of the Revd. Frederick DAVIS of the adjoining Manor House, born 7th September 1818, Deceased 5th October 1858 and buried in the Churchyard of S. Colan in the County of Cornwall. Also Augustus Frederick their second son who was Senior Ensign of H.M.S. 75th Reg. Born 24 Nov. 1844, Deceased 12 January 1870. Also Elfric Brunskill their fourth son, Born 30th August 1850, Deceased 11th May 1851 Buried in the Churchyard of St. Marks, Ocker Hill, Tipton in the County of Stafford. Born 24 May 1813, Died 8th Oct. 1878.
(It would seem that a name has been left out by Colyer-Ferguson between Stafford and Born. Caroline Gurney has searched the Parish Registers for St Botoph's online at CITYARK and found a burial on 12 October 1878 of Harriett Davis from the Manor House, Northfleet. 15th April 2010)
417. [CCCXXX]. Cross. "Mercy": Christopher MARGETTS of Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdon, Born December 1815 Died in the adjoining Manor House August 4th 1873.
418. [CCCXXXI]. Stone slab: Harriet wife of Richard HALL of 101 Belsize Rd, Hampstead & Alchurch Lane, City. Born 30 Mar. 1828 Died at Northfleet 5 Nov. 1867. Eleanor Emily dau. of above, Born 1 June 1848 Died at Northfleet 7 Nov. 1867.
419. [CCCXXXII]. Head and footstone: William WRIGHT of Perry Street, died 27 March 1882, 60. Sarah his wife 4 June 1893, 81. Also Ellen WAITE 6 Aug. 1872, 21.
420. [CCCXXXIII]. Head and footstone: Thomas PHILLIPS 4 April 1873, 72. Mary his wife 26 June 1883, 79. Thomas Henry Phillips 26 April 1890, 57.
421. [CCCXXXIV]. A cross in railings: Dame L.J. THORNBURY departed 24th June 1879. "Auf widersehen Herzleibchen. Lebe wohl!" South side: Lieutenant-Colonel N.H. Thornbury departed 21 June 1881. "Und ging zum Herzliebchen heim. Lo the winter is past".
422. [CCCXXXV]. Head and footstone. Urn and other emblems: George BEST of this Parish, Wheelright 9 Nov. 1860, 73. Martha his wife 16 Jan. 1833, 44. Alfred their son 20 April 1846, 19.
423. [CCCXXXVI]. Head and curb stone: A dear sister Henrietta PRICE Born 17 July 1815, Died 27 August 1893, 78.
424. [CCCXXXVII]. Head and footstone: Henry SUTTON died of consumption 7 Dec. 1878, 44. George son of above drowned off Battersea 30 Nov. 1883, 27.
425. [CCCXXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Richard Osborne GORDON formerly of Bengeo, Herts and late of Huggen’s College Died 4 Feb. 1865, 79. Mary Ann his wife Died 18 Sept. 1884, 93. Susannah Louisa Gordon 10 Aug. 1888, 72. 1865,. Mary Anne GORDON 15 Aug. 1889, 77.
Note C-F: Feb. 4 At Huggins College, Northfleet, Richard Osborne Gordon, formerly of Revell Hall, Herts (Times). 1888, Aug. 11. At Northfleet, S. Louisa, 2nd dau. of the late Richard Osborne Gordon.
426. [CCCXXXIX]. Head and foot: Clara HOOPER née DE ROSSI, relict of R. Saxon Hooper 7 Jan. 1866, 80. Also Charles Saxon Hooper of Pancras Lane, City of London, son of the above 21 Feb. 1880, 71. Anne Elizabeth his widow 20 June 1896, 73.
427. [CCCXL]. Head and footstone: Alfred Martin MAYLARD 20 Dec. 1872, 41.
428. [CCCXLI]. Head and footstone: Ann JOHNSON of Walnut Tree Villa, Perry St. 30 June 1884, 81.
429. [CCCXLII]. Cross and footstone, broken and lying down: Jane EGAN widow of Charles Egan Barrister at Law, Born 9th Jan 1799, Died 11 Aug 1875 in the adjoining Manor House.
Eastern part of Churchyard.430. [CCCXLIII]. Head and body stone: James Jackson DALE 1 Dec. 1857, 48. Elizabeth his wife 24 July 1859. Elizabeth Sarah BARGROVE her dau. 5 Nov. 1859, 28. Ann, wife of John Bargrove 5 Mar. 1861, 22. John Bargrove 5 Nov. *…./31. *Year obscured by body stone.
431. [CCCXLIV]. Head and footstone: Joseph HARRIS, b. 28 Dec. 1781, d. 7 Jan. 1876. Harriet his wife b. 14 Jan. 1808, d. 23 May 1880?. John SUNNUCKS (son-in-law) of this Parish 5 Jan. 1889, 40.
432. [CCCXLV]. Head and body stone. Hour glass and various emblems: Sacred to the Memory of Sarah, wife of Richard PEPPER who departed this Life 26th of November 1803 aged 33 years. Also three children of the above, Richard died 15th of June 1797 Aged 4 months. Joseph died 4th of August 1800 Aged 8 months. William died in the East Indies the 6th of September 1803 aged 10 years. "Here lies a Rose a budding Rose/Blasted before its bloom/Whose innocence did sweets disclose/Beyond that Flowers perfume/To those who for Her loss are griev’d/This consolation’s given/She’s from a world of woe deliv’d/And blooms a rose in Heaven". Also to the above Richard Pepper who died on the Madras Sea August 2nd 1805 Aged 34 years.
433. [CCCXLVI]. Small headstone: Ann, daughter of Heny & Sarah HALBON died ye 12th of May Aged 13 years. "Cruel death, could nothing move/thy pity or thy power/to spare ye object of my love/of all my hopes deflow’r". 1736. F.S. J.M. 1745.
434. [CCCXLVII]. Vault (railings), inscription on top with Coat of Arms: Here lieth the Body of Mary the wife of William LEVETT and daughter of William WHISKIN of this Parish. She departed this life the 18th April 1758 Aged 25 years. Also John and William Ross Levett, sons of the above William and Mary. John died the 25th Jany 1758 Aged 11 Months & 18 days. William Ross died 10th April 1758 Aged 2 yrs 9 mos and 15 Days. William LEVETT died the 15th Octr 1794 Aged 74 years. Also are interred Four infant Sons by Martha STANNON his 2nd wife. South side: Here lyeth ye body of Mr Willm Levett. He departed this life the 5th of March 17.3/. Also Mary his wife departed this Li../the 9th of March 1754 aged 63 years. With three of their children (viz) Mary, Thomas & John. East side: In Memory of William Levett who died Octr 16th 1794 Aged 73 years. Also of Thomas his son who died March 13th 1813. Aged 37 years. North side: In Memory of the Revd. Matthew KAY who died Sept 9th 1820 aged 60 years. Also of Mary, daughter of William LEVETT & Widow of the Revd Matthew Kay, Afterwards the wife of John……/who died June …./aged 65 years And lies buried in Penn……./.
435. [CCCXLVIII]. Head & footstone: Mary RICHARDSON 10 March 1885, 81. John Richardson 9 Dec. 1885, 73. Erected by their daughter Annie HOPKINS.
436. [CCCXLIX]. Head & footstone: Caroline MORRIS 26 May 1868, 46. William Morris her husband 11 Oct 1890, 68.
437. [CCCL]. Head & footstone: Rachel BLACKMAN 16 April 1879, 64.
438. [CCCLI]. Head and footstone: Harriett Ann ATHERFOLD 5 June 1874, 48. Samuel Atherfold 21 April 1887, 68.
439. [CCCLII] Head and footstone: Robert JOBLING 29 July 1875, 56. Elizabeth his dau. 13 Oct. 1849, 9.
440. [CCCLIII]. Head & footstone: George BLACKMAN 18 Nov. 1855, 67. Charlotte his wife 4 Sep. 1854, 68. William his son 27 Aug. 1854, 22. John his his son 16 Feb. 1860, 41.
441. [CCCLIV]. Head & footstone: George Edward SHERWOOD died suddenly 18 March 1863, 30. William Benjamin LINGHAM 7 Ap. 1896, 52.
442. [CCCLV]. Head and footstone: Sarah Thompson GRUNDY 5 June 1858, 75. Henry William, son of above 6 May 1859, 46. Eliza Jane PARKS dau. of above 29 June 1863, 53. Erected by her beloved husband. …………./LTER/. The rest all crumbled away. F.S. S.T.G. 1858. H.W.G. 1859. E.J.P. 1863. W.S. 1883.
443. [CCCLVI]. Headstone with dove perched on it – and iron railings: Mary, dau. of John & Mary BARDOE of Swanscombe 30 Dec. 1869, 12. Arthur son 12 Mar. 1852, 10 mos. John Bardoe 9 Oct. 1891, 63.
444. [CCCLVII]. Head and footstone: Joseph GAY 31 Oct. 1843, 45. Sophia his wife 11 March 1867, 67.
445. [CCCLVIII]. Headstone with railings: Sophia wife of Joseph GAY 31 Oct. 1879, 55. Joseph Gay 14 Jan. 1882, 61.
446. [CCCLIX]. Small head and footstone: In Memory of Leonard BLACKMAN who died the 8th of July 1821 Aged 70 years. Sarah Blackman, wife of the above died 11th Oct 2d (sic) 1891 Aged 36 years. Mary their daughter died in her Infancy. William Blackman died August 24th 1891 Aged 40.
447. [CCCLX]. Head & footstone: Charles Richard PITT 6 Nov. 1856, 72. Ann his wife 11 June 1860, 68. Benjamin their son 1 Sept. 1868, 31. Erected by Elizabeth wife of Benjamin Pitt. Jane ALEXANDER. dau. of Charles Richard & Ann Pitt 9 Mar. 1870, 47.
448. [CCCLXI]. Head and footstone: Constantine PITT husband of Elizabeth Pitt 8 May 1865, 46. Elizabeth JONES wife of John Jones 19 Dec. 1885, 58.
449. [CCCLXII]. Head, foot & body stone: William PITT 21 Sept. 1862, 42. Also Sarah wife of George WOOD 15 Dec. 1875, 53.
450. [CCCLXIII]. Head and footstone: William Henry WEBB 20 Aug. 1877, 75. Thomas James PITTS grandson 21 June 1883, 3. Maria Webb wife 13 Mar. 1894, 75. John son 1 July 1894, 48.
451. [CCCLXIV]. Headstone and railings: Joseph SLATER 17 Jan. 1874, 83. Mary wife 20 Mar. 1880, 79. Caleb son 1 Dec. 1881, 44.
452. [CCCLXV]. Ornamental head and footstone: John Champion BOWLE aged 18 eldest son of John & Ruth Bowle of London drowned at Greenhithe 3 Oct. 1863.
453. [CCCLXVI]. Headstone and slab: Mr Samuel Josiah DAWES many years resident in this Parish 7 May 1873, 81. Mary Ann his wife 7 Mar. 1873, 74.
454. [CCCLXVII]. Stone block in three tiers and railings* (vide DV): Martha Elizabeth wife of Charles ANDREWS of Northfleet 4 Aug. 1874, 39.
455. [CCCLXVIII]. Headstone and curb in red granite: Samuel KNIGHT 14 Nov. 1870, 66. Alfred Thomas son of above 6 July 1872, 28. Sophia wife of Samuel Knight 24 June, 72. George Samuel son of above 19 June 1896, 48.
456. [CCCLXIX]. Head and footstone: Susan DURLING 27 Dec. 1878, 56. Also Four children in an adjoining grave.
457. [CCCLXX]. Head and footstone. Low. North west near new ground. Inscription quite worn off.
458. [CCCLXXI]. Headstone and railings: Eliza WOOD 10 Nov. 1879, 49. William her husband 27 Mar. 1883, 57.
459. [CCCLXXII]. Head and footstone: Edward NETTLEINGHAM 23 Oct. 1874, 42. Benjamin George Nettleingham who lost his life in Clement’s Reach in Collision 26 Jan. 1889, 23.
460. [CCCLXXIII]. Headstone and curb: George HIGGINS 30 Aug. 1874, 75. Harriet wife 16 July 1891, 85. Eliza wife of William MUNNS 6 Dec. 1896, 46.
461. [CCCLXXIV]. Head and footstone: Samuel JENKINS 12 Aug. 1836, 70. Elizabeth his wife 28 Oct. 1855, 84. Mercy daughter 12 Oct. 1857, 56.
462. [CCCLXXV]. Head and footstone: Mary Ann HORLOCK 29 Nov. 1857, 30, leaving issue 3 children viz: Ellen Jane Mary, Alfred Thomas Edward & Alice Louisa. "Whilst in this world I did remain/My latter end was grief and pain/ But when the Lord did think it best/He took me to a place of rest".
463. [CCCLXXVI]. Head and footstone: Alice CHAYNEY 25 Oct. 1857, 17. Thomas Chayney her father 24 Mar. 1862, 72. John his son 18 May 1862, 29. Elizabeth SARGENT 17 May 1874, 39. Frances Chayney mother of above 25 Nov. 1897, 76. On other side of stone: Thomas Robert Sargent 19 July 1901, 72.
464. [CCCLXXVII]. Head and footstone: Sarah BALDOCK 10 Sep. 1848, 33. Elizabeth BARBER widow, her sister 18 Mar. 1866, 73.
465. [CCCLXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Mary wife of James SEYMOUR 20th Dec. 1873, 46.
466. [CCCLXXIX]. Head and footstone: Sarah wife of Leonard BLACKMAN 16 June 1877, 59. Leonard Blackman 10 June 1904, 87.
467. [CCCLXXX]. Head and footstone: Emma dau. of Charles & Mary Ann WARE 2 Jan. 1851, 37. The above Mary Ann Ware 25 June 1860, 78. Charles Ware 13 April 1869, 86. Rosina NEWSOM grand-daughter 3 May 1864, 14. Rosina ATTERSOLL dau. of C. & M.A. Ware 3 Sept. 1882, 62. also Ann Mary Ware sister of above 8 May 1884, 72.
468. [CCCLXXXI]. Head and footstone: Mary Ann MONTGOMERY Died at Gravesend 14 Ap. 1868. Henry Montgomery formerly of Carlow, Ireland 24 Nov. 1890, 81.
469. [CCCLXXXIIA]. Head and footstone: John WATERMAN Miller of this Parish 31 May 1865, 75. Patience his wife 4 Aug. 1869, 80.
470. [CCCLXXXIIB]. Head and footstone: Jemima Lloyd PENISTAN 29 March 1859, 58. Samuel Penistan 13 Aug. 1859, 26. Richard, husband of above 1862, 63.
471. [CCCLXXXIII]. Head & footstone: Elizabeth wife of John JOLLY of Perry Street in the Parish of Northfleet 18 April 1865, 72. John Jolly 22 Mar. 1872, 85.
South Churchyard, next gate in west wall.472. [CCCLXXXIV]. Head and footstone: William GOODWIN 20 Aug. 1834, 63. James Valentine Goodwin 3 Ap. 1895, 59.
473. [CCCLXXXV]. Head and footstone: Theophelia wife of Thomas WALLIS b. 20 Oct. 1795, d. 2 Nov. 1879. Thomas Wallis, b. 15 Jan. 1803, d. 29 July 1886.
474. [CCCLXXXVI]. Small cross and curb: "BIRDIE".
475. [CCCLXXXVII]. Small headstone: Erected by Willm & Isabella CLOUGH to their son John Clough of South Shields who died of Cholera at Northfleet on board the Brig Ruby 9 July 1849, 21.
476. [CCCLXXXVIII]. Head and curb stone: Robert MACILWAIN b. 25 June 1802, d. 5 Jan. 1874. Matilda wife of William Brymer PYATT d. 9 Mar. 1888, 68. William Brymer Pyatt 4 Aug. 1888, 79.
477. [CCCLXXXIX]. Head and footstone: Elizabeth relict of William Wyatt POWELL of Eling, Hants 22 Jan. 1873, 70.
478. [CCCXC]. Head and footstone: James MORTIMER 11 July 1859, 69. Mary Ann his wife 8 Feb. 1876, 76. Eliza DEATH sister of above 7 June 1882, 78.
East of path leading from school to Church.479. [CCCXCI]. Headstone in curb (with No.392): Sacred to the memory of Edward EVEREST who departed this Life the 1st of March 1799 aged 44 years. Also Rebecca, wife of the above Edward Everest who departed this Life the 16th of September 1788 Aged 30 years. "When such are torn from lifes tumultuous day/The worthy feel like relatives distress’d/For mid the conflict of this busy world/Their manners made them lov’d their virtues blest/. Eleanor wife of George BROWN 9 Jan. 1866, 47. George Brown of London 28 March 1870, 49. Deeply lamented by their children.
480. [CCCXCIIA]. Headstone (in with No.392): John BROWN 28 Dec. 1860, 83. Ann his wife 1 May 1870, 90. John Brown son of above, Trinity Pilot of Gravesend 1 Ap. 1887, 77. Ann wife of John Brown b. 3 Feb. 1808, d. 11 Ap. 1893.
481. [CCCXCIIIA]. Head and footstone: Henry HORTON 14 Jan. 1854, 39. Elizabeth his wife 25 Nov. 1882, 64.
482. [CCCXCIVA]. Head, foot and body stone: In Memory of Mrs Elizabeth DAWSON (late of Clapton in the parish of Hackney) who died Octber the 17th 1787 Aged 59 years.
483. [CCCXCIIB]. Head and footstone: In Memory of Mr William ELGAR (Many years an Inhabitant of this Parish but late of St. Margaret’s Rochester) who died the 23rd of April 1816 Aged 83 years. Also Elizabeth wife of above died 30th of August 1769 Aged 25 years. Likewise Sarah second wife of the above died 14th of September 1818 Aged 79 years.
484. [CCCXCIIIB]. Head and two footstones with head, bones and hour glass: Here Lyeth the Body of Edward STAINS who Departed this Life ye First of October 1726 Aged 42 years. Also Lies ye Body of ….abeth his wife who …..ted this Life ye First ……/1726 Aged 37 years. Left Issue 2 Sons and ? Daughters. Footstone: E.S. 1726. E.S. 1726.
485. [CCCXCIVB]. Head and footstone of oldest type with crossbones: Here lye ye Bodies of Richd Tho Mary & Mary Ann sons & Daughs of Richd & Sebella WHISKIN Junr & grand children of Richd & Mary Whiskin both of this Parish. Richd d…/Sept 24th 1731 Ag. 9 Months. Tho di../May ye 8th 1736 Ag. 8 months. Mary died May ye 19th 1736 Aged 2 years. Mary Ann died Augst 23 1737 Aged 4 months. Footstone: R.W. 1731. T.W. 1736. M.W. 1736. M.A.W. 1737.
486. [CCCXCV]. Headstone similar to last but with face much crumbled, with footstone: Here lyeth the Body of Mary WHISKIN wife of Richard Whiskin of this Parish. She died Novr ye 19th 1729 in ye 49th year of her Age.
487. [CCCXCVI]. Headstone (crumbled) with face: Here lyeth the Body of Richard WHISKIN of this Parish Yeo. who died Feby the 25th 1736 Aged 57 years. …………./…………./…………./ Whiskin.
488. [CCCXCVII]. Headstone with cherubs and body stone: In Memory of Mary Dau. of Daniel and Lydia WHISKIN who departed this Life the 11th of April 1799 Aged 25 years.
489. [CCCXCVIII]. Headstone with two body stones. First stone: To the Memory of Daniel WHISKIN of this Parish who departed this life the 13th of July 1807 Aged 69 years. Also William Whiskin, son of the above who departed this life the 21st of June 1839 Aged 68 years. Second stone: To the Memory of Lydia Whiskin wife of aforesaid who departed this life the 16th of April 1807 Aged 59 years. Also Mary Whiskin wife of the aforesaid who departed this life the 15th of October 1851 Aged 68 years.
490. [CCCXCIX]. Headstone, all crumbled. Only "ne 18 12 Aged 37" visible.
491. [CCCC]. Head and footstone: Thomas Edward George GRAY b. 23 Oct. 1871, d. 5 Feb. 1885. Violet Florence, b. 10 Sep. 1880, d. 1 June 1884. Sarah Ann, wife of Thomas George Gray and Mother of above, b. 23 Nov. 1848, d. 19 Mar. 1905.
492. [CCCCI]. Flat slab: Sacred to the Memory of Mary, wife of John KIDGELL of Woodville Terrace, Gravesend, late of London. She died November 3rd 1837 Aged 77 years. and to the above John Kidgell. He died January 19th 1843 Aged 87 years and of Harriot Kidgell their second daughter who died June 7th 1851 and of Mary KIDGELL their eldest daughter who died August 10th 1871 and of Martha Kidgell who died March 14th 1874 Aged 80 years. "Blest are the departed".
493. [CCCCII]. Head & footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mr William FOWLER who died the 12th of June 1794 Aged 68 years. Also Mrs Frances Fowler wife of the above who died on the 2nd of March 1799 Aged 76 years. "Immortal hope a joy that was sincere/Warmed the dear breasts of them that slumber here/Intent on this they smil’d at Deaths alarms/And long’d to rest within their Saviour’s arms/The Saviour did befriend ……./And snatched ……/from a world of ……"/. As a mark of esteem and Friendship this Stone is Erected by their niece Susannah WISEMAN.
494. [CCCCIII]. Head and footstone: Robert SMITH 21 Jan. 1869, 63. Sophia his wife 12 April 1878, 75. Annie LUKES his gr.dau. 31 March 1881 – mos. Joseph Lukes, father of above 18 July 1881, 48.
495. [CCCCIV]. Large Flat slab: Here Lieth ye Body of Elizabeth TANNER Wife of Edmund Tanner, Senor who Departed this Life ye 13th day of Aprile in ye yeare of our Lord 1692 adged 65 yeares. Here Lieth also ye Body of Sarah Tanner, wife of Edmund Tanner, Junor who Departed this Life ye 1 day of January in ye year of our Lord 1701 adged 46 yeares.
496. [CCCCV]. Head and footstone: George William CAPON 23 Dec. 1874, 1 yr 5 mos.
497. [CCCCVI]. Altar tomb. Inscription on top: In Memory of Jane PRIOR who was Buried April ye 17th 1713 Aged 83. Eliza BIGGS daughter of Jane Prior and wife of James Biggs of Southfleet who died Febry ye 7th 1723 aged 45. Mary Biggs, wife of James Biggs who died Octr ye 2nd 1726 aged 57. Here lies James Biggs of Southfleet, son of Thomas and Martha Biggs, born in the Timbury? Parish in Ely who departed this Life the 17th of December 1736 Aged 57 years. Here also Lies Eliz. Biggs, Widow of the Above James Biggs late of this Parish who departed this Life the 20 of March 1759 Aged 70 years. And his two Nephews James Biggs & Smith Biggs. North side: Here Rest Mrs Martha PARKER neice to Mrs Elizabeth BIGGS died July 22nd 1771 Aged 68 years. South side: Here Rest Mrs Jane Parker, sister to Mrs Martha Parker who died February 6th 1790 Aged 81 years.
498. [CCCCVII]. Small Headstone with skull & bones, well carved: Here Mary BRUFF Lyes with her Infant Both in One Grave their Glass was quickly run. Lament us not Kind Reader but Prepare to follow us with a Religious Care That so your present Life may happy prove and your Eternal ……… (broken away) in Joyes above. She Departed this Life in December 1721 Aged 25 years.
499. [CCCCVIII]. Head and footstone: Elizabeth DALLISSON 27 Jan. 1836, 72.
500. [CCCCIX]. Head and footstone: Beneath are deposited the Mortal Remains of Charlotte DURHAM wife of J.G. Durham, M.A. Curate & Lecturer of this Parish. A faithful Member of the Established Church, her Principles were evangelical & her Practice exemplary. A most tender, vigilant & sedulous Affection towards her Husband; Diligence & Frugality in the Conduct of his domestic Affairs. Sympathy with the Afflicted: Patience in Affliction. Perspicacity of Mind: & a Simplicity of Manners as inexpressibly endearing as truly elegant, characterised Her whose emancipated Spirit fled to her Redeemers Bosom on the 13th day of April 1819. She dyed in Childbirth Aged 32 years Who so findeth a Wife findeth a good thing & obtaineth Favor of the Lord. "Jesu, Thy blood & Righteousness/Her Beauty are Her glorious Dress/Mid flaming worlds in these array’d/With joy shall She lift up her head". An unutterably afflicted husband inscribes on this mouldering stone this Fond and faithful tribute to the memory whose Name, whose Linage, whose Tenderness & Worth have Long Indelibly impressed.
501. [CCCCX]. Vault with iron railing. Inscription at top. In good preservation: Here lieth the remains of Alfred PITCHER who died in his Infancy. Also Mrs Frances YOUNG Grandmother of the above who died May 25th 1791 Aged 65 years. Likewise Mrs Elizabeth JOHNSON of Waltham, Leicestershire who died March 26th 1809 Aged 66 years. South side: In memory of Thomas PITCHER Esqr Late of Northfleet Dockyard who died at Northfleet September 6th 1837 Aged 92 years. North side: Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Elizabeth PITCHER who died May 16th 1811 Aged 61 years. (The wife of Mr Thomas Pitcher, Northfleet, Kent). "Poor Souls how strangely fond of Life are we,/And who that sees this bed would change with me;/Yet Gentle Reader tell me which is best,/A painful journey or this place of rest". In loving memory of Ann KEAYS Born 21st April 1797 Died at Rosherville 19 January 18??/ "Her end was peace". East side: In Memory of William Pitcher, son of Thomas Pitcher Esqr of Northfleet who died on the 22nd October 1860 Aged 78 years. West side: In memory of Sophia, youngest daughter of Thomas PITCHER Esqr of Northfleet who died on the 23rd November 1867 Aged 72 years.
502. [CCCCXI]. Altar tomb, inscription on top: In Memory of Mr William REED late of Gravesend, Brewer who departed this Life the 7th day of July 1787 Aged 69 years. Also Robert his son who departed this Life the 28th day of June 1780 Aged 28 years. Also Jane the wife of William Reed who departed this Life the 22nd Day of June 1794 Aged 67 years.
503. [CCCCXIIA]. Small low headstone, much crumbled with face: Here Lyeth the Body of James BELL son of James & Hannah Bell of this Parish …arted/ June ye 6 1741 in the 2(6)? year of his Age.
504. [CCCCXIIIA]. Similar headstone, also with face: Here Lyeth the Body of James BELL of this Parish, Yeo. He died Sepr ye 26th 1738. Aged 61 years. Left Issue 4 Sons & 4 Daughters. Footstone: J.B. 1738 (now on l. of W. door).
505. [CCCCXIVA]. Headstone, much crumbled: Here lyeth the Body of Hannah BELL wife of James Bell and daughter of John BUNNELL of this Parish. She died June ye ../1737 Age ../.
506. [CCCCXII]. Similar. Head and footstone with remains of head: Here lyeth the B…/of Edw…/.ELL/ son of Jam../……/this Pari../d/ye 12th of ……/..40/in ye 27th ………/His Age.
507. [CCCCXIIIB]. Headstone, finely carved cherub, skull, etc: In Memory of William WISEMAN of Gravesend. Departed this Life the 26th of June 1766 Aged 49 years. Footstone: W.W. 1766 (now on r. of W. door). In Memory of Hannah Wiseman, Daughter of William Wiseman. Departed this Life the 13th of Septr 1765 Aged 18 years.
508. [CCCCXIII]. Head and footstone: William Oliver BETTS (formerly of Rotherhithe) late of Manor House in this Parish 10 Feb. 1848, 58. Caroline Mary BANKS his grand daughter d. 16 Feb. 1849, 4 mos & 13 days. Mrs Caroline Banks his only child d. 24 Mar 1850, 27. "Consumption snatch’d its victim quickly/From this life, causing the loss of an/Anxious wife and affectionate mother". Mr Joseph Banks Junr of Fish Street Hill, London, husband of Mrs Caroline Banks 22 June 1850, 31.
509. [CCCCXIV]. Head and footstone: Olive, wife of William HIGGINS (Millwright) 20 June 1826, 37. William HIGGIN 17 July 1832, 53. John Higgin, father of above 7 April 1837, 93. Emma, dau. of John FRY and Eliza Higgins 21 June 1843, 9 mos. John Fry Higgins 29 Dec. 1875, 63. Eliza, wife of John Fry Higgins, 16 Mar 1876, 61 having survived her husband only ten weeks.
510. [CCCCXV]. Head and footstone: Emma, wife of John Alfred COLEMAN 21 June 1852, 30. John Alfred their son aged 10 mos (no date). Selina Jane Charlotte, wife of John DAVIS of this Parish & of Dulwich, Surrey 26 Dec. 1876, 52. John Davis d. at Bournemouth 19 Feb. 1883, 73.
511. [CCCCXVI]. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mary wife of Anthony HARMAN Esqr of Croydon who dep. this Life the 4th of Dec. 1809 aged 45 years. Also of her sister Elizabeth BECKET of Milton near Gravesend who departed this Life the 1st October 1846 Aged 76 years. Also Thomas Becket of Gravesend nephew of the above who departed this Life the 5th of July 1878 Aged 72 years.
512. [CCCCXVII]. Headstone, beautifully carved cherub: Here Lyeth the Body of Thomas WALKER Late of this Parish who Departed this Life the 3rd of August 1757 Aged 56 years. Also Mary his wife who died May 19th 1771 Aged 61 years.
513. [CCCCXVIII]. Head & footstone: Frederick, son of William & Sarah HARMAN of Gravesend 30 April 1856, 11. Alfred their son 22 April 1857, 2. The above William Harman 30 October 1874, 84.
514. [CCCCXIX]. Headstone with cherubs. Very large bold lettering: In Memory of Mr William PAINE of this Parish who departed this life 1st April 1772 Aged 60 years.
515. [CCCCXX]. Headstone with railing: Captain Frederick THORNBURY late of H.Ms 54th Foot d. at Rosherville 6 August 1872, 81.
516. [CCCCXXI]. Headstone: In Memory of Mr William RYE of the Parish of Gravesend who departed this Life the 12th of May 1791 Aged 50 years. Also three of his children (viz) Catherine, James and Andrew who died in their Infancy. Left Issue by Catherine his wife one Son William. "An honest man lies in this grave/Though that alone will no man save/But yet without it, this I know/There is no happiness below/But all my hopes for Heaven and God/Is through my dear Redeemer’s blood/ Which on Mount Calvary did flow/To save poor sinners here below". Likewise Catherine, wife of the above who departed this Life 26th of March 1814 Aged 71 years.
517. [CCCCXXII]. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Sarah MIDDLETON wife of Mr William Middleton of this Parish who departed this Life the 2nd of February 1808 Aged 62 years. Also the above Mr William Middleton who departed this Life the 12th of June 1820 Aged 71 years. Footstone: S.M. 1820 (now on l. of W. door).
518. [CCCCXXIII]. Head and body stone: Sarah JONES late of Maindece, Monmouthshire 24 Jan. 1847, 66. Georgeana S.H. BROWNING, god-daughter of the above 5 Dec. 1848, 21. William Tysall Jones, 2nd son of Sarah Jones 8 Feb. 1870, 65. Henry Tysall Jones eldest son of Sarah Jones 25 Nov. 1870, 70.
519. [CCCCXXIV]. Headstone: Sacred to the Memory of Mary, daughter of Samuel & Mary AMBROSE of Gravesend who departed this Life the 21st of July 1799 in the 19th year of her age. "To this sad shrine whoe’er thou art draw near/Here lies a friend most wept, daughter most dear/Who ne’er knew joy but friendship might divide/Nor gave her Parents grief – but when she died/Let descent respect to this place be shewn/And with a parents sorrow mix your own".
520. [CCCCXXV]. Carved headstone: This Stone is erected as a tribute of affection to the memory of Mary wife of Samuel AMBROSE of this Parish who departed this Life the 11th of June 1821 Aged 71 years. "To name her virtues ill befits my grief/What was my bliss can now give no relief/ A husband mourns! the rest let friendship tell/Fame spread her worth, & husband knew it well". Also the above Samuel AMBROSE who departed this Life May 2nd 1829 Aged 75 years.
521. [CCCCXXVI]. Head and footstone: Ruth, wife of Robert AMBROSE of Gravesend & dau. of Samuel & Mary Ambrose of this Parish d. 5 July 1833, 52, left 6 son & 1 dau. Robert Ambrose 9 June 1842, 64.
522. [CCCCXXVII]. Headstone: Sarah wife of Richard FARRIS of this Parish 21 Oct. 1830, 38. Richard Farris 15 Jan. 1845, 56. Likewise 3 children who died in their Infancy.
523. [CCCCXXVIII]. Low headstone & footstone. Cherubs heads, well carved: In Memory of Mr Joh MASTERMAN who died Nov. 24 1745 Aged 50 years. Also Five of his Children. Also Mrs Elizabeth Masterman who died the 4th of October 1766 Aged 74 years.
524. [CCCCXXIX]. Head and footstone, various symbols: In Memory of John TITCOMB who departed this Life the 4th of October 1781 Aged 43 years. Also Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth Titcomb who died Sept ye 23d 1778 Aged 11 weeks. Footstone: J.T. 1781. E.S. 1778.
525. [CCCCXXX]. Head and footstone, carved, various emblems: In Memory of Luke BEET who departed this Life July the 2nd 1792 Aged 34 years. Also Lucy his dau. died in her Infancy. Left issue 2 sons (viz) Luke Job, and Thomas Vervine.
526. [CCCCXXXI]. Small headstone: Here Lies the body of Harry BEET who departed this Life Jany 4th 1783 Aged 26 years. Also Harry Beet his son aged 9 weeks.
527. [CCCCXXXII]. Head & footstone: George Augustus BAYLEY 30 Ap. 1849, 55. "The Spirit soars from Earth its fetters riven/Affection weeps where Faith rejoiced should be/The Grave is but the entrance into Heaven/The narrow portal of Eternity".
528. [CCCCXXXIII]. Headstone: Maria Sarah SEALE 3 Nov. 1836, 4 yrs 7 mos. Archibald Montgomery her brother d. 13 of same month 8 yrs & 19 days. Children of Archibald and Maria Seale of the Isle of St Helena. Their bereaved parents find consolation alone in the words of their Blessed Saviour. "Suffer little children to come unto me/For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven". 18th Chap. St. Luke 16th verse.
529. [CCCCXXXIV]. Head and footstone: Sarah JOPLIN of Newcastle upon Tyne d. at Gravesend 13 Sept. 1838, 45.
530. [CCCCXXXV]. Headstone & footstones: To the Memory of Fergus MACKAY of this Parish who departed this Life Nov 3rd 1806 Aged 33 years. Also Fergus, son of Fergus & Sarah Mackay who died the 3rd of September 1803 aged 2 years & 6 months. "By cruel and disastrous fate/I in a dock was Drown’d/Which caus’d my Soul to take its flight/Where endless joys abound/My wife and children left behind/Distress’d beyond degree/Their only Prayer is to the Lord/They soon may follow me/Then cease your Grief remember Death/Though sudden be the Blow/ Do thou but act an honourable part/And be prepared to go". A tender Father, affectionate Husband, a Faithful Friend. Mrs Elizabeth PAGE May 11th 1839. Inscription on reverse side of stone: Sacred to The Memory of Sarah MACKAY wife of Fergus Mackay who departed this Life August the 21 1808 Aged 36 years. "Our life hangs by a single thread/Which soon is cut and we are dead/Swift was her flight and short the road/She closed her eyes and saw her God". Also near this spot lies the body of Mrs Isabell Mackay, Mother of the above named Mr Fergus Mackay and late of New Cross in the Parish of St. Paul, Deptford, who departed this life Oct. the 11th 1814 Aged 79 years. George MACKAY son of the above who departed this Life 25th May 1824 Aged 40 years. Ann WARRINGTON sister of above George Mackay departed this life 28th August 1825 Aged 55 years. Christopher Benjamin Mackay died May 8th 184./aged 61 years.
531. [CCCCXXXVI]. Head and footstone: Bridget Tucker ROGERS d. at Huggen’s College 21st April 1853, 75.
532. [CCCCXXXVII]. Head and footstone: Mrs Susan HARBEN d. at Huggen’s College 23rd Feb. 1848, 61.
533. [CCCCXXXVIII]. Head, foot and body stone. Footstone broken: Elizabeth wife of Mr John OSBORNE late of Leigh, Essex 10 April 1849, 70. John Osborne 3 June 1860, 86.
534. [CCCCXXXIX]. Headstone and railings: Hartwell WEST son of the late William James West Esqr of Rochester, B. at Malta 18 April 1806, d. 30 May 1859. Mary Ann his wife, b. 17 Sept 1805, d. 8 Dec. 1872.
C-F Note: 1859, May 30. At Amelia Terrace, Northfleet, Hartwell West, son of the late William James West Esq. formerly of Bath House, Rochester.
1872, Dec. 8. At Northfleet, Kent, Mary Ann, relict of the late Hartwell West, eldest dau. of the late Samuel CADDEL of Rochester, Kent, to the inexpressible grief of her relations and friends.
535. [CCCCXL]. Headstone and cherub and skull: Here Lieth the body of William MORFORD who departed this Life January 28th 1744 Aged 71 years. Here Lieth the body of Jane Morford wife of Willm Morford of Gravesend who died May ye 26 1744 Aged 71 years.
536. [CCCCXLI]. Head, foot and body stone: James STOCK 7 Jan. 1862, 73.
537. [CCCXLII]. Head and footstone: Our dear son William James SHIPPER, b. 2 Aug. 1880, d. 21 Oct. 1884. "We loved him, yes, no tongue can tell/How well we loved him and how well/Christ loved him too, and thought it best/To take him home with him to rest".
538. [CCCCXLIII]. Head and footstone: Richard Jonathan BRIDLINGTON of Handsworth, Yorkshire 9 May 1850, 30.
539. [CCCCXLIV]. Head and footstone: Mary Blackmore BAYLEY 24 Jan. 1892, 79. William Edward Blackmore 21 Oct. 1848, 38.
540. [CCCCXLV]. Head and footstone: Mr William SUPPERS 1 Aug. 1830, 78. Mrs Mary Suppers wife of above 24 May 1834, 70. Mary Suppers 19 March 1800, 11.
541. [CCCCXLVI]. Head and footstone: Hannah Amelia CLIFTON 19 Dec. 1869, 18 mos.
542. [CCCCXLVII]. Cross and curb: Emily Mary PRIESTMAN, b. 28 Nov. 1852, d. 25 Dec. 1872. Mary, widow of the late John DINSDALE, H.E.I.C.S. 24 Aug. 1883, 81.
543. [CCCCXLVIII]. Cross and three inscriptions on base. North side: Arthur Eric NEWMAN, b. 2 Jan 1864, d. 27 Aug. 1882. West side: E. Jenifer, wife of John M. Newman of Gravesend 12 May 1891. East side: John Manby Newman, J.P. 18 May 1907, 67.
544. [CCCCXLIX]. Headstone and curb: Elizabeth wife of Robert SCOTT 10 May 1868, 31. Richard POVEY father of above 4 Feb 1885, 82. Harriet wife of above 23 Ap. 1886, 81. Richard son of above 23 June 1885, 50. David Benjamin, son of Robert & Harriet SCOTT 23 Sep. 1886 aged 13. James John Scott 26 Jan. 1902, 37.
545. [CCCCL]. Stone cross & footstone (crumbling): Mary Anne wife of W.E. Hatch obit 2 Ap. 1879 aetat 37. Also W.E. Hatch d. 11 Feb. 1881, 63.
546. [CCCCLI]. Head and footstone: Mary Eliza WILLIAMS d. on the anniversary of her 82d year 4 Dec. 1880.
547. [CCCCLII]. Head and footstone: Anne Maria CLARK 15 Feb. 1859, 61. Susannah Henrietta her dau. wife of Jesse HITCHENS 24 Jan. 1876, 51. Harry Hitchens their son who was accidentally drowned in the River Thames 19 June 1881, 23.
548. [CCCCLIII]. Head and footstone: John MULLAY 29 Oct. 1868, 78. Ann his wife 31 July 1873, 83.
549. [CCCCLIV]. Cross and iron curb: Charles SCOTT of Northfleet 10 July 1884, 70. Mary his wife 30 Dec. 1904, 89. Emily wife of John FINNES & dau. of Charles Scott 4 April 1872, 28. Mary Ann BIRKETT eldest dau. of Charles Scott 3 July 1892, 51.
550. [CCCCLV]. Small cross and footstone: Frederick John son of John and Harrriet TALLANT 16 April 1878, 18 mos.
551. [CCCCLVI]. Head, foot and body stone: Emily dau. of Alexander ANDERSON of Udol, Ross-shire, wife of John JOHNSON, M.D. d. at Gravesend 13 Dec. 1837, 36. Penuel Emily her infant daughter 18 April 1838.
552. [CCCCLVII]. Headstone, curb and flat body stone: Mr John EDMEADES of this Parish 17 Sep. 1841, 71. Hannah his wife 12 July 1847, 77. Hannah Ann ASPIN dau. of above, widow of John TOLHURST 13 July 1881, 79.
553. [CCCCLVIII]. Head and footstone & flat body stone: Mr James WESTON 24 Aug. 1837, 26. Henry Edmeades Weston son of above and Sarah Ann 22 Nov. 1847, 13. Sarah Edmeades Weston dau. of above 30 Nov. 1849, 13.
554. [CCCCLIX]. Here lie the remains of Mrs Mary PARKER who died on the 26th July 1861 in the 70th year of her age. And also of Mr James Parker her husband who died on the 8th of April 1865 in the 89th year of his age. He had been During the greater part of his life The constant and confidential friends of Mr HUGGENS at whose request he was interred here in the vault constructed for his own burial place. In the vault beneath are deposited The mortal remains of John HUGGENS Esqr late of Sittingbourne who died on the 11th of August 1865 in the 90th year of his age. In the year 1844 He founded and munificently endowed The College in this Parish Which bears his name.
C-F Note: From The Gravesend Reporter, Oct. 1911. John Huggens. Founder of Huggen’s College. The anniversary of the death of Mr John Huggens has just passed. It is just forty-six years since that his remains were laid to rest at Northfleet. Although he resided many years, if not the whole, of his life at Sittingbourne, comparatively few of the present day inhabitants of that town have any recollection of the little old gentleman who founded one of the greatest benefactions to be met with in Kent. There are, of course, some who can recall his face and form – some who can remember him, wearing a little black skull cap, as he used to sit, Sunday after Sunday, in his pew in the old church, during the vicariate of the Rev. Humphrey Thomas WALFORD. But amongst the younger generations his name is not even known. It is at Northfleet that his memory is perpetuated. There he built a magnificent College, which consists of residences for ladies and gentlemen of reduced circumstances, and a chapel with a beautiful and lofty spire. It has always been understood that he intended to make Sittingbourne the venue of his benefaction, but changed his mind on being thwarted in obtaining the land he desired for a site.
At the present time there are forty residents in Huggens’s College, each of whom receives £4 every month, and there are in addition forty out-pensioners who received £52 a year, paid quarterly. Northfleet consequently almost rivals Winchester in being endowed with such a rich benefaction.
The College was opened on April 29th, 1847 (the 71st anniversary of Mr Huggens’s birthday), when the founder made the following speech to the first eight residents: "It is with no little emotion of pleasure, gratitude, and thankfulness, that I rise to address you this day. This day will be marked down in the journal of my life as a happy day, with letters so deeply embedded, that time itself cannot rub them out. This day has opened the doors of my little charity to you, and in opening the doors, I trust it has opened the door of peace, quietude, and happiness to you in the evening of your life. This day a captain in the Navy would enter in his log book of the voyage ‘This day we have crossed the line’.
"May you, my dear friends, be enabled to write down in the log book of your voyage through this life ‘This day we have crossed the line’. And having crossed the line, have run our little barque away, far-away from the troubled ocean of this life, leaving far, far behind us all the tempests and angry billows of this world, and having run our little barque into the smooth and tranquil waters of the summer evening of our life, may we sail on happily to the end of the voyage here below; and at the last day of that voyage, may the Great Captain of us all – may that Great Captain who governs the destinies of us all – may He take the helm of your barque and steer it from this little haven I have made for you here into the Heaven of Heavens, and there moor it for ever. That this may be your destiny is the sincere wish, and is and ever will be the fervent prayer of your friend and benefactor, John Huggens".
I may add that the Rev. Canon M.M. FFINCH, the devoted Chaplain of the College – why, by the way, has been there nearly forty-two years – makes it a practice (and an excellent practice it is - of giving a copy of Mr Huggens’s address to each new resident. Thus they have the founder’s own welcome and are able to realise what his wishes towards them were. Scores and scores of men and women have had reason to bless the name of John Huggens.
Now that I am in a reminiscent mood, it may interest some of my younger readers to learn something about the obsequies of the late Mr Huggens. Such a display of the ‘trappings and suits of woe" is seldom seen now-a-days. The hearse and horses were decorated with plumes, and there were muses and feathermen and twenty pages. All the mourners, the clergy, the churchwardens and the organist were provided with cloaks, silk hatbands, and gloves. Conducting poles, feathers, wands, and staves were carried in the procession. The ladies and gentlemen resident in the College were also, I believe, furnished with rich silk bands and scarves. The cortege proceeded by road from Sittingbourne to Northfleet, and church bells were tolled at Sittingbourne, Newington, Rainham, Chatham, Rochester (Cathedral) and Strood, as it passed through each parish. The funeral was quite a pageant, and is said (I believe with truth) to have cost over £400. The director was the late Mr James HULBURD, of the firm of Tonge and Hulburd of Sittingbourne, the predecessors of the present firm of Hulburd and Son. There is a large monument to Mr Huggens’s memory at Northfleet. The tomb erected by Mr Huggens in his lifetime tell into decay, and was taken down in 1870. – "Chatham and Rochester Standard".
555. [CCCCLX]. Head and footstone: CI GIT Emma Elizabeth MILLEN 1884.
556. [CCCCLXI]. Head and footstone: T.C. BARHAM son of Robt & Elizabeth Barham 17 April 1815. 12 yr 7 mos. "Then Father, Mother, Sister dear adieu/By God’s command I leave the world and you/No more on earth I shall your faces see/But hope in Heaven our Souls may happy be". Also the above Robert BARHAM 16 Oct. 1827, 49. Elizabeth his wife 4 Feb 1849, 69.
557. [CCCCLXII]. Head and footstone. The foot much older. Inscription crumbled: T.C.B. 1815. T. BEST 1865. Ed Best 1894.
558. [CCCCLXIII]. Head and body stone & iron railings: Robert son of Robert & Mary MOORE 30 June 1851, 14. Also four children who died in infancy. The above Mary Moore 13 Oct. 1866, 59. Robert Moore 28 Sept 1876, 69. On slab: Hannah second wife of Robert Moore 16 July 1873.
559. [CCCCLXIV]. Headstone: In memory of Samuel DRINKWATER died 14 April 1810 Aged 20 years. "How lov’d how Valued once avails thee not/To whom related or by whom Begot/And I’m now an Earthly guest Become/In hope of Honors to my humble Doom".
560. [CCCCLXIV]. Headstone: In Memory of Richard SMITH Died 27 January 1811 Aged 56 years. Susanna wife of the above Died 9th April 1836 Aged 78 years.
561. [CCCCLXVI]. Head and footstone: Harry son of George & Mary Ann BARDOE of Northfleet 6 June 1881 2 yrs 5 mos. John EARLEY grandson of above 1 Sept. 1879, 57. Ann Earley wife of the above 1 Ap. 1872, 47. John Earley Bardoe 21 Feb. 1884, 3.
562. [CCCCLXVII]. Head and footstone: Elizabeth CROSS eld. dau. of the late William Cross Esqr of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire 20 Aug. 1874, 68.
563. [CCCCLXVIII]. Head and footstone: John WATERS 28 Mar 1874, 84. Charlotte his wife 15 Feb. 1847, 55. Erected by their daughter Charlotte (rest worn away).
564. [CCCCLXIX]. Head & footstone: Robert BASSETT 10 March 1885, 76. Sarah his wife 27 Oct. 1872, 74. Sophia Maria 28 Nov. 1856, 18.
565. [CCCCLXX]. Head and footstone: Mary wife of Joseph NASH of Huggen’s College 25 May 1874, 78.
566. [CCCCLXXI]. Head and footstone: Sophia WARREN 16 Jan. 1884, 62. Also near this spot lieth Frederick John Archibald HOEFNER her first husband d. Jan. 1852, 32. William Alfred HOEFNER son of above March 1866, 17. Samuel Arthur WARREN her 2nd husband 5 Jan. 1875, 45. Sarah LOVE her sister 5 May 1875, 59.
567. [CCCCLXXII]. Head and footstone: Mr Robert CLAY of Hockley Essex 29 July 1843, 72. Jane dau. of Robert and Letitia Clay who departed this Life the 4th of August 1809 in the Sixth year of her Age.
568. [CCCCLXXIII]. Head and footstone: Ann TAYLOR 15 April 1832, 93. Dorothy ARMSBY her dau. 29 Mar 1863, 90.
569. [CCCCLXXIV]. Head and footstone: Mrs Susan TAYLOR Obt Decembris 8th Anno Domini 1815 Aet 37. She was worthy of example as a Wife a Mother and a Friend. Go thy way passenger and imitate Her whom you will some day follow. Also in memory of Thomas TAYLOR late of the Hon. E.I. Company’s Maritime Service. He was born at Lynn Regis, Norfolk September 23rd 1771 And died at Northfleet September 28th 1840 Aged 69. "Filii Morientes Posuerunt".
570. [CCCCLXXV]. Head and body stone, urn in centre and emblems at side: In Memory of Mr Charles BADGER (of this Parish) who departed this Life the 25th of March 1800 Aged 31 years. Left issue three dau. (viz) Susan, Eliza and Harriot. "I’ve had my part of worldly care/When I was living as you are/But now my body lies in dust/Until the rising of the Just". Also Mrs Mary BADGER wife of the above who departed this Life 18th of June 1834 Aged 81 years.
571. [CCCCLXXVI]. Head and footstone: Mary wife of Richard ABBERLEY of this Parish 12 May 1833, 79. Also Richard Abberley 5 June 1836, 76. Ann Abberley neice of the above 26 May 1843, 50.
572. [CCCCLXXVII]. Headstone: In Memory of William ABBERLEY of this Parish who departed this Life May the 4th 1788 aged 37 years.
573. [CCCCLXXVIII]. Head and body stone, figure rising from coffin: Erected to the Memory of Thomas DEAKIN (late of Milton next Gravesend) who departed this Life the 14th of March 1805 Aged 62 years. Also of Jane wife of the above who departed this Life the 16th of January 1818 Aged 76 years.
574. [CCCCLXXIX]. Head and footstone: John HALL Esqr formerly of St. Mary Axe, London 24 Feb. 1868, 86. Jane WALLIS his neice 31 Aug. 1891, 82.
575. [CCCCLXXX]. Headstone and iron curb: George Stephen LEVINGS 17 Sep. 1882, 37. George Odell Levings father of above b. 5 Nov. 1819, d. 1 Feb. 1884. Hannah his wife 26 Aug. 1893, 68.
576. [CCCCLXXXI]. Head and footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Samuel ABBERLEY of this Parish who departed this Life the 12th of June 1808 Aged 50 years. Also three daughters of the above. Charlotte died 9th of September 1798 Aged 11 Months. Jane died 17 November 1801 Aged 2 years 7 months. Margaret died 29th of December 1801 Aged 1 year. "Adieu, dear friends I take my leave/Farewell my loving wife/Our children dear your guardians be/And bless your widowed life/When from this world you are releas’d/Its sorrows toils and cares/In everlasting joy we’ll meet/To sing our Saviour’s praise". Omitted from stone [CCCCLXXXI] on other side of stone: In Memory of three children of Charlotte Abberley. Mary Ann died the 20th of April 1810 Aged 8 years. Thomas died the 15th of June 1810 Aged 7 years. Samuel died the 3rd of March 1811 Aged 4 years. Also Richard, son of above who died at Lintin, China 1827, aged 31 years. Likewise Harriott wife of James MITCHELL and daughter of above who died Janry 1st 1849 Aged 40 years.
577. [CCCCLXXXIIA]. Head and footstone: John SWAISLAND of this Parish 20 Dec. 1843, 66. Charlotte his wife 14 Sept. 1849, 83.
578. [CCCCLXXXIIB]. Head and footstone: Martha BOND 3 April 1884, 67. Joseph Bond her husband 8 April 1895, 78.
579. [CCCCLXXXIII]. Head and footstone: Sacred to the Memory of Alexander son of Thomas and Jane DEAKIN of this Parish who departed this Life the 18th of March 1828 Aged 23 years. Also John Deakin who departed this Life the 13th of November 1831 Aged 22 years. Simon Deakin who departed this Life the 5th of March 1833 Aged 19 years. Jane Deakin departed this Life the ../August 1836 A…/.0/years. (crumbled).
580. [CCCCLXXXIV]. Head and footstone: Jane, wife of Thomas DEAKIN of this Parish 9 Dec. 1845, 66. The above Thomas Deakin 5 Aug. 1855, 74. Richard Thomas Deakin grandson of above 16 June 1856, 21.
581. [CCCCLXXXV]. Head and footstone and iron curb: Thomas DEANE of Gravesend 28 Feb. 1859, 58. Harriet his wife 16 Nov. 1892, 90.Harriet Sarah, dau of above and wife of Benjamin William OUTRED 3 Jan 1884, 52. Alice Cordelia Outred their dau. 2 Dec. 1862, 1 yr 11 mos. The above Benjamin William Outred 1 Nov. 1885, 54. Thomas son of Thomas & Harriet Deane 27 Nov. 1901, 64.
582. [CCCCLXXVI]. Head and footstone with iron curb: William COLE of this Parish 1 April 1853, 55. Charlotte relict of above and wife of Henry HOLLAND 22 May 1868, 62. The above Henry Holland 27 July 1874, 52.
583. [CCCCLXXXVII]. Head and footstone with curb: Mrs Ann WOOD wife of Robert Wood 31 Dec. 1822, 55. The above Mr Robert Wood 15 June 1847, 78. Mary wife of Joseph TOPHAM and dau. of above 5 June 1850, 52. The above Joseph Topham 11 Mar 1873, 73. Walter Frederick HAYWARD his grand-son 13 June 1876, 17.
584. [CCCCLXXXVIII]. Head and footstone with iron curb: Thomas son of Mr Robert & Ann WOOD 14 Oct. 1815, 22. Also Robert brother of above 5 Jan. 1871, 76.
585. [CCCCLXXXIX]. Headstone and iron curb: Sophia wife of Samuel AUSTEN of Dover Road, Northfleet 21 June 1878, 66.
586. [CCCCXC]. Head and footstone: Elisa Adelaide Maria née NIZZOLI wife of Major Henry Knight STORKS 25 July 1848, 24.
587. [CCCCXCI]. Headstone with carved laurel wreath and footstone: Mrs Ann AUSTIN wife of Norton Austin, Capt. R.M.L.I. 20 Ap. 1859, 46. "Affliction sore long time I bore/Physicians were in vain/Till God was pleas’d to give me ed…./And free me from my pain.".
588. [CCCCXCII]. Head and footstone: Lydia wife of Thomas PINK 6 March 1874, 72. Thomas Pink 15 May 1875, 77.
589. [CCCCXCIII]. Headstone (Cross) and footstone. Body stone with cross on it. Text written on upright and arms: "God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ". Here lieth the Body of The Rev. Samuel SUTTON for many years an Inhabitant of this Parish who died Dec. 31st 1857 Aged 70 years.
590. [CCCCXCIV]. Head and footstone: Mrs Louisa WILLIAMS late of Bordeaux 29 June 1848, 47.
591. [CCCCXCV]. Head and body stone with iron curb: John GOODSALL b. 28 June 1787, d. 2 Oct. 1847 Aged 60 years. Resident in Northfleet 40 years.
592. [CCCCXCVI]. Head and footstone (ornamental): Ronald Andrew son of Robert and Elizabeth GIBBONS, b. 28 Oct. 1872, d. 8 Oct. 1873.
593. [CCCCXCVII]. Headstone and iron curb: Sophia dau. of Samuel and Sophia AUSTEN of Dover Road, Northfleet 7 Dec. 1885, 36. Samuel Austen 5 Dec. 1889, 81. Mary Wicking WALLER dau. of above 17 Sep. 1900, 65.
594. [CCCCXCVIII]. Head & footstone, much crumbled: S…../to the …../DASH who d……./s/life 20 ….1834/……./Here li../Faults/rear/…/own (all the rest [about 8 lines] gone. F.S: T.W. 1834, L.G. 1844.
595. [CCCCXCIX]. Head and footstone: Mrs Penelope BAILEY 13 Dec. 1863, 63.
596. [D]. Head and footstone: Harriet wife of Mr William MARTIN of Perry Street 20 Feb. 1877, 50. William Martin 12 Nov. 1879, 57.
597. [DI]. Head and footstone: Michael HAYES 4 Mar. 1876, 67. Mark his son, interred near this spot 8 May 1833, 1 yr 3 mos. Mary wife of the above 29 Dec. 1899.
598. [DII]. Headstone in two compartments. Two footstones: (1). Martha, wife of William JENKINS 6 May 1837, 32. William Jenkins 4 Jan. 1847, 52. Also two of their children who died in their infancy. Also Alfred HARMAN 2 Feb. 1892, 49. (2). William PENNIFER 2 May 1853, 57. Mary Pennifer 25 March 1880, 85. Mary Ann HARMAN eld. dau. of Alfred and Anne Harman 24 May 1888, 19. Ernest Harman 27 Aug. 1888, 7 mos. William Henry Harman 23 Feb. 1898, 22. George Henry Harman 5 Mar 1898, 20. "The Cup was bitter the sting severe/To part from those we loved so dear/Our loss is great but we’ll not complain/But hope to meet in Heaven again".
599. [DIII]. Headstone and iron curb: William WILLIAMS 1 Dec. 1864, 50. Mary Anne Williams 3 Ap. 1882, 69. Emily BUDD dau. of above 3 July 1888, 40. "Yes I’ve a home in Heaven/Beautiful and bright/To loved ones there are given/Crown and garments white".
600. [DIV]. Head, foot and body stone with iron railing, all very massive: William Henry FILES 30 Jan 1863, 73. Thomas Files his brother 12 Feb. 1869, 81.
601. [DV]. Stone pillar in three tiers and iron railing: *Vide [CCCLXVII]: Arthur only child of Charles and Martha E. ANDREWS. Taken away in the midst of health, strength and bright-hearted boyish happiness to the great grief of his sorrowing parents 8 April 1874, 9.
602. [DVI]. Head and footstone: Edward LITTLE of Northfleet 9 Nov. 1884, 68.
603. [DVII]. Headstone & iron curb: Ada Lilian BUTLER b. 8 March 1885, d. 22 July 1885.
604. [DVIII]. Head and footstone: Charles DRAPER 18 Nov. 1860, 45. Ellen Elizabeth child of Charles & James Draper 14 March 1893, 4. Ann Taylor Draper 7 March 1900, 81. "With patience to the last she did submit/And mourned not at what the Lord thought fit/Her toils are past, her work is done/And she is fully blest".
605. [DIX]. Head and footstone: John George, husband of Emily RESTELL 30 Mar. 1903, 61. "A sudden shock, a loss severe/To part with one I loved so dear/Though great my loss I’ll not complain/Trusting in Christ to meet again". Also Alfred Ernest and Sidney James, children of the above who lie in the adjoining grave.
606. [DX]. Head & footstone, on front of stone: Susanna wife of Samuel LEE 23 June 1838, 38. "To name her virtues ill befits my grief/What was my bliss can now give no relief/A Husband mourns, the rest let friendship tell/Fame spreads her worth, her Husband knows it well". Mary, dau. of above 31 May 1838, 7. George, son of above 25 Oct. 1837, 17 mos. Back of stone: John Lee 29 March 1857, 33. William Lee 26 Aug. 1859, 26. Thomas LLOYD died at the taking of Cawnpore Aged 45 years. Isabella BLAKE dau. of above John Lee 30 Jan. 1903, 49.
New ground. Manor House garden.
607. [DXI]. Stone slab with cross on it: Elizabeth, wife of James BROWN 18 Oct. 1892.
608. [DXII]. Stone slab: Mary FOWLER for 33 years a faithful and highly esteemed servant and friend in the family of George ROSHER Esqr of Crete Hall in this Parish D. 9 April 1886 aged about 76.
609. [DXIII]. Headstone and iron curb: Walter youngest son of George William and Ann LOWES of this Parish 12 Mar 1886, 5 yrs 6 mos. George William Lowes 11 Mar 1895, 54.
610. [DXIV]. Stone cross and curb: William Thomas SMITH 12 Feb. 1886, 59. Alice Lousia dau. of above 3 Nov. 1887, 24. Percival S. Botolph Smith 4 April 1898, 25.
611. [DXV]. Rustic column on base: Quinton HUNTLEY 24 Feb. 1886, 2 yrs 9 mos.
612. [DXVI]. Marble cross: John WOOD Engineer 12 Feb. 1850 – 20 Dec. 1885.
613. [DXVII]. Stone cross: Thomas WATERS 24 Nov. 1885, 40.
614. [DXVIII]. Stone cross and curb: Christiana HOLLAMBY b. 27 Ap. 1812, d. 22 Feb. 1886 R.I.P. Thomas Wiseman WALLIS b. 29 Nov. 1837, d. 13 Aug. 1893. R.I.P. Mary, widow of above b. 19 Nov. 1857, d. 19 Oct. 1901. R.I.P.
615. [DXIX]. Head and footstone: Family grave of John Edwin & Ellen CHALLONER. Robert Challoner 19 April 1886, 25. Myra Louise his sister 27 May 1887, 11 years 7 mos. William Challoner 27 Mar. 1891, 22.
616. [DXX]. Headstone and curb: Family grave of Frederick & Jane CATTOW. In memory of Frederick Harper the beloved son of the above aged 10 years, accidentally drowned at Botany Bay Pond, Northfleet whilst sliding on the ice January 8th 1889 with two other lads who attempted to save the lift of the above . Names respectively Sidney Charles LOCKYER, George Frederick Leonard WHITING who lie interred near this spot. "And they shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts in that day when I make up my jewels". Malachi III chap. 17 verse.
617. [DXXI]. Head and footstone: Thomas BLANKES 22 Jan. 1887, 46. William Thomas Blankes grandson of above 9 Aug. 1899 aged 11 mos.
618. [DXXII]. Head and footstone: Walker Henry PILCHER 10 July 1887, 13.
619. [DXXIII]. Cross and curb: George Suart SIMPSON 11 July 1887.
620. [DXXIV]. Headstone and curb: Henry William TANNER 24 July 1887, 24. Henry Arthur, son of above b. 7 Dec. 1886, d. 3 Dec. 1899.
621. [DXXV]. Head & footstone: Ann WILLING b. 28 Nov. 1808, d. 1 Oct. 1887.
622. [DXXVI]. Head and footstone: Mary Ann wife of Thomas HEATH 20 July 1887, 55.
623. [DXXVII]. Head and flat stone with iron curb: George JENKINS 7 May 1887, 55.
624. [DXXVIII]. Headstone and iron curb: Eliza Emma wife of Arthur William NEWBY 25 Mar 1887, 35.
625. [DXXIX]. Small cross and footstone: Dorothy Harrington GRIFFITHS, b. 7 Sep. 1886, d. 1 Feb. 1887.
626. [DXXX]. Head and footstone: Joseph EKE 10 Dec. 1886, 60.
627. [DXXXI]. Head and footstone: Edmund BARTHOLOMEW 28 July 1887, 68.
628. [DXXXII]. Head and footstone: Edward GRIFFITHS 20 July 1887, 76. Mary his wife 11 Feb. 1898, 85.
629. [DXXXIII]. Head and footstone: Anne Jane, child of Peter and Emma BARNARD 9 Nov. 1886, 12.
630. [DXXXIV]. Head and footstone: Walter Frederick GILLETT 29 July 1886, 1 yr. 6 mos. Agnes Maud Gillett 8 Dec. 1886, 1 yr. 8 mos. William Gillett 4 Dec. 1904, 76.
631. [DXXXV]. Head and footstone: George ASHENDEN 6 May 1887, 48. Hilda Beatrice his youngest daughter.
632. [DXXXVI]. Head & footstone: George WOODARD 11 May 1887, 64.
633. [DXXXVII]. Head and footstone: Mary BURGESS widow of Robert Burgess late of Pulham St. Mary, Norfolk 20 June 1888, 78, for more than 50 years the faithful friend and servant in the family of Mrs REES. Rebecca Burgess 9 May 1902, 62.
634. [DXXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Eliza wife of James COOMBER 30 March 1888, 69.
635. [DXXXIX]. Headstone and curb: George STINTON 20 Feb. 1888, 51. "A light from the household is gone/A voice we loved is stilled/A place is vacant in our home/Which never can be filled".
636. [DXL]. Cross: Esther SKARDON 19 Feb 1888.
637. [DXLI]. Family grave of Charles James and Celia SCOTT. Charles James Scott 15 Dec. 1887, 48.
638. [DXLII]. Head and footstone: Matilda wife of George LAWRENCE 26 Nov. 1887, 58. "Affliction sore long time I bore/Physicians were in vain/Till God did please to give me ease/And free me from my pain". George LAWRENCE 18 June 1896, 66. "And is he gone whom we so dearly loved/Whose tender kindness we so often proved/Yes he is gone, his happy spirit’s fled/And now he is numbered with the silent dead".
639. [DXLIII]. Headstone and iron curb: Emma Julia wife of Edwin Thomas WISEMAN 18 Sept. 1887, 64. Maggie, dau of Edwin Thomas & Emily Wiseman 20 Jan. 1892, 14 mos. Edwin Thomas Wiseman 7 April 1897, 77.
640. [DXLIV]. Cross, broken: Mary, for 50 years the wife of Thomas POPE late of White End Park, Chesham, Bucks. b. 21 Aug. 1815, d. 14 Feb. 1888.
641. [DXLV]. Headstone and iron curb: Frances BARRETT 3 Feb. 1888 Aged 66.
642. [DXLVI]. Cross and curb: Eleanor BARBER 27 March 1889, 81.
643. [DXLVII]. Head and footstone: The family grave of William and Dinah FENNER. Alice Fenner 23 June 1888 Aged 6 yrs. 5 mos.
644. [DXLVIII]. Head and footstone: In Loving Memory of Mark EASTWOOD who died 12th October 1888 Aged 48 years. "In the midst of life we are in death".
645. [DXLIX]. Iron curb: Edwin Roland KAY 8 Oct. 1888, 16 mos. Arthur Kay 28 Nov. 1896, 3 weeks.
646. [DL]. Head and footstone: Cathrine, wife of George BOULTON 26 Jan. 1889, 43.
647. [DLI]. Head and footstone: Emily HAMBROOK 12 Feb. 1889, 88, widow of Edwin Hambrook, surgeon, a native of Canterbury who died at Chesterton in the county of Cambridge March 1861.
648. [DLII]. Headstone: Ellen wife of Alfred BLAKE 25 Feb. 1889, 23.
649. [DLIII]. Cross, broken: Gladys Jessie BAIZLEY 16 Dec. 1888, 1 yr 9 mos. Albert Edward DEADMAN 1 Jan. 1889, 1 yr 11 mos. Henry ROBERTS 23 Feb. 1889, 10 wks.
650. [DLIV]. Cross: Maria Anne, widow of William Hobart REES 12 Oct. 1886.
651. [DLV]. Head and footstone: Sophia Ann SADDLER, B. 22 Aug. 1828, D. 12 April 1889.
652. [DLVI]. Headstone, lying flat: Mary Birtill ELLIS 1 June 1889, 83.
653. [DLVII]. Headstone: William Emanuel CLAYTON 12 Sept. 1889, 44. William Dudley, son of above 15 Sept. 1890, 20.
654. [DLVIII]. Head and footstone: Joseph STEADMAN 13 Nov. 1889, 75.
655. [DLIX]. Head and footstone: Emily COOPER 22 Nov. 1889, 25. Herbert George Cooper, son of James & Emily Cooper, 19 Ap. 1890, 2 yrs. 5 mos. Edmund BOATMAN 16 July 1896, 65.
656. [DLX]. Cross: Henry Richard BULEY who died from injuries received whilst at work at the Northfleet Coal & Ballast Co. 31 July 1889, 26.
657. [DLXI]. Head and footstone: Aaron Speight BOSSELEY 1 June 1889, 34. "The season of trouble is past/The storms of affliction are o’er/His struggles are ended at last/And sorrow and death are no more".
658. [DLXII]. Head and footstone, ornamental: Frank Henry BLACKMAN 11 May 1889, 5 yrs 6 mos.
659. [DLXIII]. Cross and iron curb: Michael Dexter, son of Dexter ROBINSON and Margaret his wife, B. 7 May 1888, D. 15 Jan. 1889.
760. [DLXIV]. Cross: Jacob APPLEFORD late of East Hagbourne 2 Nov. 1888, 69. Ann his wife 17 Jan. 1902, 81.
671. [DLXV]. Headstone and slab with iron curb: Elizabeth, wife of Robert Andrew GIBBONS 3 June 1889, 49. Robert Andrew Gibbons 8 June 1894, 60. Hannah Charlotte Gibbons, sister of the above 7 March 1895, 75.
672. [DLXVI]. Head and footstone: The family grave of Amos and Louisa Maria DAVEY. William Henry, son of above 9 May 1896, 3 day. Also near this spot are interred five infant children of the above. Amos Davey 30 March 1897, 44.
673. [DLXVII]. Head and footstone: James BRENCHLEY 17 Aug. 1884, 66. Eliza his wife 19 Feb. 1915, 81.
674. [DLXVIII]. Head and footstone with carved angel: Jessie, dau of Henry William and Clara KERBY 9 Nov. 1889, 3 mos.
675. [DLXIX]. Head and footstone: William Golding HARVEY 1 Dec. 1889, 5 mos. Reginald VINAL 3 May 1892, 4.
676. [DLXX]. Iron cross, inscription perished.
677. [DLXXI]. Headstone and curb: Hannah PINSON 15 Dec. 1889, 66. "Grieve not dear Husband but be content/For unto thee I was but lent/In love we lived, in peace I’ve died/You asked my life was but denied/Mourn not for me, nor sorrow take/But love my children for my sake".
678. [DLXXII]. Cross and iron curb: Susannah Elizabeth BARRATT 2 Feb. 1890, 31.
679. [DLXXIII]. Head and footstone: Ada Jane, wife of George DONELLY and dau. of Reuben and Charlotte HAYMAN 13 Feb. 1892, 23.
680. [DLXXIV]. Head and footstone: Eliza, wife of Edmund HANCOCK 27 Feb. 1890, 28.
681. [DLXXV]. Headstone, peculiar shape with iron curb: Alice Miriam CATTERMOLE, B. 22 Mar. 1890, D. 17 June 1890. Rose Miriam Cattermole, B. 16 Nov. 1895, D. 21 Dec. 1895. George Alexander Cattermole, father of above 1 Feb. 1901, 53.
682. [DLXXVI]. Head and footstone: Grave of Samuel and Sophia STANFIELD. Sophia Stanfield 7 July 1890, 62. "Had he asked us well we know/We should cry, O spare the blow/Yes with streaming tears/Lord we love her, let her stay).
683. [DLXXVII]. Head and footstone: Grave of Allen Alfred and Emma HANDLEY. Allen Alfred Handley 14 Oct. 1890, 63. "Life is the time to serve the Lord/The time to ensure the great reward/And while the lamp holds out to burn/The vilest sinner may return".
684. [DLXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Rosina Susan (‘Rosy’) child of Charles & Jane BUTCHER 23 Oct. 1890, 7. "This lovely bud so young and fair/Called hence by early doom/Just came to show how sweet a flower/In paradise could bloom".
685. [DLXXIX]. Head and footstone: Rachel, wife of H(enry) J(oseph) GLIBBERY 10 July 1890, 53. Henry Joseph Glibbery 10 Feb. 1898, 72.
686. [DLXXX]. Headstone and iron curb with gilt anchor on stone: William Thomas, eldest son of William and Maria TREMAIN who was drowned off the Barge ‘William Paxton’ in Gravesend Reach 13 Aug. 1890, 18. "We loved him best as no tongue can tell/He was loved by all who knew him well/God loved him most and thought it best/To take him home with him to rest".
687. [DLXXXI]. Head and footstone with iron curb: Richard MOORE 23 June 1893, 43. Ada Mary Moore 22 Feb. 1893, 2.
688. [DLXXXII]. Head and footstone: Arthur, son of James and Fanny WEEKS 17 Mar 1890, 24.
689. [DLXXXIII]. Head and footstone: Grave of Joseph and Rebecca BARDOE. Susanna Bardoe 21 Ap. 1890, 49. Robert Henry Bardoe, 15 Nov. 1891, 25. Josepha Mary Bardoe 2 July 1892, 18.
690. [DLXXXIV]. Cross: Jane Elizabeth BARNARD, B. St. Luke’s Day 1797, D. at Huggen’s College 31 Jan, 91.
691. [DLXXXV]. Headstone and iron curb: John HAY 3 Ap. 1891, 7 yrs 5 mos.
692. [DLXXXVI]. Headstone and iron curb: Percy George TREADWELL 9 April 1892, 13 mos. Maud Emily Treadwell 28 Ap. 1894, 12 mos.
693. [DLXXXVII]. Cross: James BEVAN 21 Oct. 1892, 80.
694. [DLXXXVIII]. Head and footstone: Mary HARVEY 5 May 1891, 67. Sarah PERKINS 23 July 1895, 67. Stephen Perkins 6 Aug. 1895, 72. George OSBORNE 3 Nov. 1898, 46.
695. [DLXXXIX]. Head and footstone: Catherine, wife of William BRANN 27 Jan. 1891, 62. Elizabeth Jane, wife of John BRANN of Dundale Farm, Northfleet 14 July 1895, 42.
696. [DLXL]. Headstone and curb: Henry George eldest son of H.C. & F. FLELLO, accidentally killed 17 Jan. 1891, 18. Henry Charles FLELLO 27 July 1902, 54.
697. [DLXLI]. Headstone, ornamental: Albert William, son of James and Susan BRANTON 23 Nov. 1890, 23.
698. [DLXLII]. Headstone and curb: Grave of William and Elizabeth BYHURST. Florrie, dau of above 10 Aug. 1888, 10 mos. Herbert William son of above 5 Nov. 1890, 1 yr. 8 mos. Ada FEWELL 10 Oct. 1896, 20.
699. [DLXLIII]. Headstone: Sarah Ann wife of John GRAY 28 Oct. 1890, 54. I.O.C.T. "She lived and passed away". John GRAY 1 Sep. 1899, 66. Near this spot are interred C. BALLS 17 May 1869, 79. E. Gray 12 Dec. 1878, 48.
700. [DLXLIV]. Headstone. Cross: Bertie, child of John & Henriella GREEN 21 Sept. 1890, 12 mos.
701. [DLXLV]. Headstone with angel carved and iron curb: Maud Mary, child of Frederick & Sarah CLINCH 21 Aug. 1890, 7 mos.
702. [DLXLVI]. Head and footstone: Frank CARLEY 17 Aug. 1890, 13. R.I.P. Elizabeth HEAP 28 March 1903, 79.
703. [DLXLVII]. Head and footstone: Hannah BROAD 19 Jan. 1895, 3. Hannah Louisa Broad 16 Aug. 1892, 1 yr 7 mos.
704. [DLXLVIII]. Head & footstone with curb: Grave of William and Ann CARTER. William Carter 28 Mar. 1891, 73. Ann his wife 6 June 1899, 81. Thomas William, grandson and only son of Thomas & Mary PROCTOR 4 Jan. 1901, 14.
705. [DLXLIXA]. Headstone & curb: Grave of George and Rebecca APPLEYARD. Rebecca Appleyard 7 Oct. 1891, 70. George Appleyard 20 June 1897, 76.
706. [DLXLIXB]. Head and footstone (Blue): Grave of Joseph and Alice ROBINS Joseph ROBINS 14 Dec. 1891, 52.
707. [DC]. Head & footstone: Hughes Henry GRAIN 30 Ap. 1892, 34. James BAKER 13 Aug. 1896, 39. Daisy Louisa child of above (H.H.G.) 15 Nov. 1890, 13 mos.
708. [DCI]. Head and footstone: Caroline HAMMOND 5 Feb. 1892, 68.
709. [DCII]. Footstone on l. of W. door: A.E. 1727. (probably Alice, wife of William ELLIS bur 25 Feb. 1727).
710. [DCIII]. Cornish Cross next N. wall of new ground: Richard KINGDON 27 Dec. 1887, 72. Catherine Ann his wife 15 Feb. 1912, 70.
711. Newspaper cutting: Friday June 26, 1909. The Northfleet Dockyard in its most flourishing days.
The above view is copied from a lithographed picture kindly lent to us by Mr Plews HOWDEN, of Northfleet. Following on our special article last week, we this week give on page two the first instalment of a "History of Northfleet" (written by Mr A. BEST) in which is a further reference to the Docks, with a list of the vessels that were built there. The importance of the dockyard in its earlier years, is further testified to in a publication dated 1840, where it is stated that at one time it was contemplated to have formed a dock here for vessels of war similar to the one at Antwerp, the excavations in the procuring of chalk, which have been going on for some years, having formed a nucleus for such desideratum. We are unable to trace the date of our illustration, but it certainly goes back beyond 1840.
712. Newspaper cutting: A Northfleet Landmark. 17 Nov. 19?4.
Northfleet contractors are now demolishing the conspicuous castellated office building of Bowaters’ Paper Mills which originally gave Pitcher’s Shipbuilding Establishment the name of Castle Dockyard. It was erected rather more than a century ago, the stones of the Norman London Bridge being used very largely in its construction. Local tradition has it that it was originally designed by William PITCHER, the son of the founder of the Dockyard, for his lady-love but she declared that it was too much like a prison and flatly refused to live in it; for many years afterwards it was known as "Pitcher’s Folly".
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
ABBERLEY 571, 572, 576
AMBROSE 519, 520, 521
ANDERSON 267, 551
ANDREWS 454, 601
AUSTEN 585, 593
AUSTIN 180a, 587
AVIS 194
Aylmer 251
BADGER 137-143, 570
Bagworth 335
BAILEY 320, 595
Baker 237
BAKER 303, 707
BARBER 464, 642
BARDOE 443, 561, 689
BARNARD 629, 690
Baroness de Perignan 6
Baroness of Perignan 224
BAYLEY 527, 539
BEET 525, 526
BELL 32b, 503-505
BEST 152, 153, 154, 422,
557, 711
BETTS 182, 508
Birtill 652
BLACKMAN 437, 440, 446,
466, 658
Blackmore 539
BLAKE 136, 606, 648
BOND 578
Bordeaux 590
BOWEN 190, 191
BRENCHLEY 70b, 308, 673
BRIGGS 180b, 231
BROWN 172, 285-287, 479,
480, 607
Brunskill 416
Brymer 476
BUDD 599
BULL 158
BULTEEL 2, 13, 38, 43
BURCH 12, 16, 230, 308
BURRUS 88, 89
BUTCHER 110, 684
CAPON 119, 496
CARR 217, 256
Cascillus 235
CHALLONER 366, 615
CHAMPION 129, 276, 452
CHIFFINCH 6, 55, 65
CHILD 44, 46, 50-54, 132,
Childrens 330
CLARK 264, 377, 547
CLAY 567
CLEVERLY 72, 246
COAST 61, 62
COLE 582
COOMBES 156, 157
COOPER 377, 655
COUNT de FLEURY 7, 224
Countess de Fleury 6
Countess of Fleury 224
COX 177
COY 184
CRICH 2, 43
CRIPPS 44, 46- 49, 51
Croshaw 257
Cunningham 378
DALE 430
DASH 594
DAVIS 159, 416, 510
DAY 98
DEAKIN 573, 579, 580
DEANE 409, 581
DEATH 83, 478
DOVE 175
DYER 245
DYKE 399
EDGELER 176, 187
EDMEADES 9, 11, 12, 184, 552, 553
EGAN 429
EKE 626
ELLIOT 63, 70b
ELLIS 95a, 652, 709
EVANS 32b, 392
EVENS 90, 91, 93-95
Everard 66
EVERIST 167, 168, 178
FARR 304
FIELD 16, 227
FILES 8, 600
FIVEASH 84, 85
FORTRIE 13, 15
FORTRYE 5, 15, 20, 34, 36,
43, 60
FOWLER 493, 608, 592
FREELI…… 400
French 286
FRY 212, 213, 388, 509
FULLER 61, 62, 71, 257, 298
Garner 234
GAY 444, 445
GLADDISH 213, 218, 228
GODWIN 374, 375
Golding 675
GOLDSTON 404, 412
GOSLING 320, 349
GRAY 491, 699
Greaves 260
GREEN 146, 213-215, 700
GREY 380
GRIFFITHS 625, 628
HALL 25, 418, 574
HANCOCK 348, 680
HARMAN 70b, 96, 203, 361, 511, 513, 598
HARNDEN 216, 218
Harrington 625
HARRIS 112, 275, 431
HARRISON 236, 262
Hartwell 534
HARVEY 347, 675, 694
HATCH 188, 545
HAY 691
HAYES 53, 597
HEAP 702
HEATH 14, 370, 622
HIGGINS 209, 210, 211,
460, 509HILL 64, 136
Hobart 650
HOLLAND 350, 582
HOLLOWAY 116, 117
HONE 219
HOOKER 315, 316
HOPE 198
HORLOCK 353, 356, 357,
HUBBLE 359, 360
HULL 265
JACKSON 363, 430
JENKINS 371, 461, 598, 623
JOHNSON 127, 128, 134, 205, 351, 428, 501
JONES 183, 311, 373, 405, 448, 518
KAY 434, 645
KEATS 9, 11, 12, 73, 283
Kettlewell 359
KIRWAN 6, 11, 18
KNIGHT 23, 165, 455, 586
LAMB 332
LAWRENCE 44, 638
LAWS 345
LEAN 376
LEE 124, 126, 247, 248, 606
LEES 245
LLOYD 470, 606
LOCKETT 26, 113, 115,
117, 120
LORD 295
LOVE 566
LYE 28
Macleod 23, 111
Manby 543
MANN 390
MARTIN 207, 596
MASON 66, 293
MAY 381
Mayhew 239
MILES 302, 322
MOORE 3, 4, 107, 314,
558, 687
Moreton 245
MORRIS 174, 436
Munday 134
MURRELL 23, 24
NASH 411, 565
Nettlefold 26
NEWMAN 19, 255, 376, 543
Norton 587
NUNN 122
Odell 575
OSBORNE 425, 533, 694
PAGE 530
PAIN 206
PARKER 497, 554
PEACHEY 171, 172, 173
PHILLIPS 123, 318, 420
PILCHER 23, 618
PINK 289,.588
PITCHER 1, 501, 712
PITT 447, 448
POPE 268, 640
Prentis 252
PRICE 114, 423
PROWSE 337, 341
RAY 299
Read 272
REED 398, 502
REES 623, 650
391, 435
ROBINSON 23, 111, 144,659
ROGERS 296, 531
ROSHER 12, 230, 307, 308,
RUSSELL 71, 257
RYE 516
Saxon 426
SCOTT 544, 549, 637
SELBY 24, 179
SEYMOUR 15, 465
SMITH 305, 312, 313, 396,
494, 560, 610
SNOWDEN 221, 222, 223
SOUTHGATE 71, 75, 80,
Speight 657
St. LO 32b, 65, 67
Stacey 61
Stancliff 373
STANNON 81, 434
STEADMAN 258, 654
STEDMAN 319, 333, 334
SUNNUCKS 123, 431
SUTTON 424, 589
SWITSUR 9, 11, 12, 325,326
TAIT 337, 341
TANNER 495, 620
TAYLOR 125, 568, 569
THOMPSON 151, 442
THORNBURY 421, 515
TILDEN 12, 22, 181, 402
Tottens 268
Tucker 531
Tweed 99
Tysall 518
VAN 235
VENNER 101, 102, 330
Waddell 378
WAKELN 31, 32a
WALE 197
WALLER 593, 61
WALLIS 195, 271, 473,
574, 614
WARD 323
WARE 129, 130, 191, 192,
WATERS 563, 613
Watkin 366
WEBB 450
WEEKS 100, 688
Wells 262
WEST 534
WHIFFEN 299, 317
WHISKIN 434, 485-489
Wicking 593
WILLIAMS 106, 107, 414,
546, 590, 599
Winbolt 267
WISEMAN 200, 201, 493,
507, 614, 639
Wolfe 269
WOOD 146, 147, 261, 331,
449, 458, 583, 584, 612
WYATT 106, 477
Places IndexAsh near Wrotham, Pettings 228
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire 562
Barham 15Battersea 424
Belfast, Ireland 378Bengeo, Herts 425
Blackheath 402
Bournemouth 510
Braamfontein Cemetery,
Johannesburg, 414
Brighton 16, 402
Brinton, Surrey 261Brompton, Chatham 197
Cambridge, College Chapel 16
Canterbury 647
Carlow, Ireland 468
Cawnpore 606
Chelsea, Middlesex 310
Cheltenham, Del Rey House 227
Chesterton, Cambs 647
Clapton, Hackney 482
Clement’s Reach 459
Concordia, South America 266
Cooling 180a
Croydon 511
Dartford 15
Debenham, Whitehall 227
Deptford 61
St. Pauls, 235, 530
Dulwich, Surrey 510
East Hagbourne 670
East Indies 432
Eling, Hants 477
Flushing 378
Fordwich 282
Franks Hall, Horton Kirby 299
Gloucester 311
Gravesend 226, 237, 246, 270, 283,317,
376, 406, 468, 480, 502,507,511,513,
516, 519, 521, 535, 543, 551, 581
Bycliffes 228
Cemetery 235, 256
Garden Cottage 316
Gravesend Reach 686
Lansdowne Square,
Rosherville 283
Rosherville 173
The Grange, Rosherville 230
Woodville Terrace 492
Greenhithe 71, 159, 257, 452
Greenwich 43
Guernsey 368
Ham next Sandwich 292Hamburgh 17
Hampstead 418
Handsworth, Yorkshire 538
Hartley 46, 51
Harwich 400
Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdon 417
Hockley, Essex 567
Horncastle, Lincolnshire 274
Hornchurch 398
Hull 70b
Ifield Court 22, 402
India 230
Ipswich, Suffolk 16
Ireland 6, 199, 283
Kendal Lodge, Epping, Essex 6, 18
Kingston, Jamaica 106
Lambeth 266
Leigh, Essex 533
Lintin, China 576
London 3, 44, 67, 328, 337, 343, 452,
479, 492
Albert Sq. Clapham 23
Alchurch Lane, City 418
Bethnal Green 208
Butlals, Billingsgate 50
College Wharf, Lambeth 177
Fish Street Hill 508
Gracechurch St. 267
Lincolns Inn 61
Paddington 22
Pancras Lane, City of London 426
St. Andrew Undershaft 3
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital 4
St. Dunstans West 3
St. Mary Axe 574
Tower Hamlets Cemetery 330
Upper St. Islington 242
Low Layton, Essex 148
Lynn Regis, Norfolk 569
Lynsted, Linstead 49
Madras Sea 432
Maidstone 61, 62, 66
Maindec ?, Monmouthshire 518
Malta 534
Manchester 361
Mereworth 122
Milton next Gravesend 65, 207, 262,
376, 511, 573
Montreal 269
Nevin, North Wales 392
New Cross 530
New Zealand 99, 235
Newcastle upon Tyne 259
Norfolk 60Northfleet
Amelia Terrace 534
Botany Bay Pond 616
Crete Hall 308, 608
Dockyard 337, 501
Dover Road 585, 593
Dundale Farm 695
Huggen’s College 106, 261,262,265,
Manor House 251,416,417, 429, 508
Old Crete Hall 16
Orme House 14
Perry Street 23, 303, 419, 471, 596
Rosherville 501, 515
The College 292
Walnut Tree Villa, Perry St. 428
Windfield Bank 96
Wombwell Hall 63, 70a, 70b, 308
Otford 24
Paris 7
Paris, Place Vendome 6
Pulham St. Mary, Norfolk 623
Purfleet, Essex 203
Red Sea 376
Revell Hall, Herts 425
Richmond 336
Rochester 370, 534
Bath House 534
Cathedral 234
St. Margaret’s 345, 483
Rochford, Essex 388
Rotherhithe 508
Saint Nicholas, Hamburgh 17
Santon Downham Churchyard 234
Sevenoaks 61
Shaiba 230
Sittingbourne 554
Southfleet 497
Southsea 329
St Colan, Cornwall 416
St. Marks, Ocker Hill, Tipton, Staffordshire 416
Suffolk 227
Swanscombe 136, 443
Craylands 179
Thornbury 421
Tilbury 63, 283
Tilbury Fort 283
Timbury? Parish in Ely 497
Trewyn House, Herefordshire 309
Udol, Ross-shire 551
Victoria, Australia 168
Waltham, Leicestershire 501
Wantage, Berks 406
White End Park, Chesham, Bucks 640
Woodland, Dorset 37
Woodlands, Dorset 15
Woodmanstern, Surrey 69
Woolwich 319
1st Life Guards 283
2nd. Batt. Dorset Regiment 230
36th Regt. of Foot 378
H.M.’s 54th Foot 515
H.M.’s. 75th Reg. 416
R.M.L.I. 587
Admiral 73
Captain 13, 63, 70a, 70b, 227, 256, 283,
284, 297, 357, 378, 400, 515, 587
Captain R.N. 253
Chief Officer 378
Commandant 283
Commander 67, 148
General 283
Lieut-Colonel 199, 228
Lieutenant 251, 363
Lieutenant-Colonel 421
Madras C.S. 376
Majesty’s navy 67
Major 283, 586
Major-General 283
Mate 392
R.N. 253
Royal Artillery 16, 227
Royal Navy 148
Senior Ensign 416
West Kent Regiment of Militia 70a, 70b
E.I.C.S. 243, 357
H.E.I.C.S. 241, 250, 251, 542
Hon. E.I. Company’s Maritime
Service 569
Honable East India Company’s Ship
Comet 378
H.M.I.S. 243H.M. Excise 373
H.M. Packet 400
Schooner Profit and Loss 392
Ship "Siam" 376
Ship Agenoria Transport 378
Ship Brig Ruby 475
The Barge ‘William Paxton’ 686
accidentally killed 144, 371, 696
Alderman 44
Bargeman 145
Barrister at Law 429
Bowaters’ Paper Mills 712
Brewer 502
Castle Dockyard 712
Cholera 475
Churchwardens 32b
College of Physicians 4
Collision 459
Consumption 337, 424, 508
Coroner of the Queen’s Bench 393
Crown Office, Temple 393
D.A.A.G. 230
drowned 99, 109, 392, 424, 452, 530, 547, 616, 686
Enamel painter 124
Engineer 164, 612
Fellmonger 117
First Provost of the Guild of S. Botolph 71, 279
Foreman Caulker 206
Governor 73
Greenwich Hospital 73
Guild of St. Botolph 235, 275, 279
Her Majesty’s Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms 227
Higgins Builder & Undertaker 209, 210His Majesty’s independent company of Invalids 63
Hulburd & Son 554
influenza 376
J.P. for the County of Suffolk 16
Killed by a fall of chalk 136
Knight, Bevan & Sturge 164
Lloyds Surveyor 244
Lords of Northfleet Manor 6
Merchant 2, 13, 43, 67
Miller 84
Millwright 212, 509
Northfleet Coal & Ballast Co. 656
Northfleet Dockyard 711
organist 275
Pilcher & Son’s Shipyard 206
Pilot 270
Pitcher’s Folly 712
Pitcher’s Shipbuilding
Establishment 712
Plumber 208
President of the College of Physicians 3
Scuide war 283
servant 59
Sexton 152
shipwrecked on the Coast of Holland 22
Shipwright 61
sliding on the ice 616
Solicitor 388
Surgeon 61, 266, 358, 368, 370, 647
Tonge & Hulburd of Sittingbourne 554
Trinity Pilot 480
Wardens of Rochester Bridge 5, 34
Wheelright 422
?wich Station 400
Yeoman 30, 31, 32a, 46, 95a, 107, 122, 156, 157, 213, 487