Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary's Church, Reculver
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary's Church, Reculver
Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary's Church, Reculver, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758. This church is perched on the edge of a cliff. In 1809 it was abandoned and a new St Mary's Church built inland. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.
In The Chancell.
1. On a Fine Mural Monument, on ye South Side, under The Figures of a Man, a Woman and 8 Children with This Coat. [¼ly 1&4. Erm. on a cantn. gu. a stag trippt. or. 2&3). Per pale indented sa. & erm. on a chevn. gu. 3 + +lets or.]. Here under wait (for a joyfull Resurrection) The Bodies of Dame Mary, and of her Husband, Sr. Cavalliero *MACOTE, Knt. (*Guillin says "alias MACKWITH". F. 157) who liv’d together in great Contentment (from St Andrews Day, Anno 1586) full 20 Years: in which Time they had 8 Sonnes, and one Daughter; Namely, Jhon, Thomas, George, Richarde, Thomas, William, Herbert, George, and Elizabeth. whereof 5 Sonnes died before Them. She was Daughter of Thomas MONINGES, Gent, and of Ales CRISPE, sumtime Dwellers at Swanton in Lydden, and died on Christmas Day Anno 1606. He was ye Sonne of George MAYCOTE, Gent, and Margaret BROOKER (Long Dwellers in this Parish) and died --/. To all whom, The Lord he mercyfull, at the last Day.
2. On The Wall on The N. Side of The Comm. Table, is this Coat. [(no tinctures). Crusilly, a ln. rt. & no insn.].
3. On a Flat Stone inlaid with ye Figures of a Man, a Woman and 15 Children. Out of The Man’s Mouth proceeded a Label, which is lost; Out of The Woman’s Mouth comes this Sentence "Fiat Misericordia tua, Domine super nos". [3 boars’ heads couped (facg. to dr.). imp. 3 rams heads couped (facg. to dr.).]. Hic jacent Johannes *SANDWEY Armiger, et Johanna Uxor ejus. Quorum Animabus propicietur Deus. Amen. *Mr Weever says (Fol.260). that ye Date 1437 was on this Stone, but I could find no Traces of it, or Place where it cd. have been erased.
4. On a Mural Monument, on ye South Wall, with ye Figure of a Man in an Herald’s Coat. [Or, a + engrld. pty. p. pale gu. & sa. on a chief sa. a leopd. or. BROOKE imp. Az. a chevn. betw. 3 cocks gu. COBB]. Here under, quit of worldly Miseries, Ralpe BROOK Esquier, late York Herald, lies. Fifteenth of October he was last alive. One Thousand, Six Hundred, Twenty and Five. Seaventy Three Yeares bore he Fortune’s Harms: And, Forty Five, an Officer of Armes. He married Thomasine, Daughter of Michael COBB of Kent, Serjeant at Armes; by whome 2 Daughters God him lent, Surviving: Mary, William DICKINS Wife; Thomasin, John EXTON’s. happy be their Life.
5. On a Flat Stone, (on which is cut a *Cross) in very old Characters, round ye Verge. Vos: Qui: Transitis: Thomam: Deflere: velitis: Per: Me: Nunc: Scitis: Quid: Prodest: Gloria: Ditis. *The Cross, Letters & stops, as also a narrow Line above & below the Inscription, were, formerly, filld. up with Brass, as appears by some of the Stops, or Points, of this Shape [a diamond] still remaining so filld. up.
6. On Another small Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Robert GODDEN Gent. late Vicar of Reculver. Hee died August the 22nd 1672.
7. Three other Flat Stones, not legible. The Pillasters at The East Windows, are very taper and beautyfull.
8. In The Body. On a Flat Stone. [Sa. a fess or wt. a leopd. sa. betw. 3 roses or. HUNT]. (in ordy. sh. not lozge). - V.J.T. Here lieth The Body of Mary, late Wife of Robert COBB of Reculver Gent. She was Daughter of Jonas Hunt, Gent. som Time of Chislet; Shee was buried May 29 1684. Aged 45 Yeares.
9. On Another Flat Stone. (written only, on the impd. sh.). COBB as above. KNOWLER as at P.8. (Alph. Cant.). Here lieth buried The Bodies of Benjamin COBB, of Reculver, in the Countye of Kent, Gent. and of Alis his Wife, Daughter of Robert KNOWLER of Hearne in this County Gent. He had Issue by her, 2 Sonnes, Robert and Francis; and Foure Daughters, Susan, Mary, Anne and Margaret. He departed this Life on the 10th Day of June 1642 in ye 38th Year of his Age. Shee dyed before, upon the 7th of July 1641 in the 33d. Yeare of her Age. Heare also lieth buried the Body of Robert Cobb of Reculver, in the County of Kent, Gent. Sonne of Benjamin Cobb; he married Mary, Daughter of Thomas HUNT, Gent, Sumtimes of Chislett; by whome he had Issue, 3 Sonnes, viz. Benjamin, Robert, and John; and 2 Daughters, Anne and Mary. he died June 17 1676. Aged 42 Yeares.
10. On Another Flat Stone. Her lyeth buried The Body of Mary COBB, Daughter of Robert and Mary Cobb, she departed this Life the 23d. Day of Aprill, in the Yeare of our Lord 1681 aged 10 Yeares.
11. On Another. Her lyeth the Body of Benjamn COBB, of Chislet, Gent. Son of Robert and Mary Cobb of Reculver who married Frances, late Wife of William WHITEING of Chislet; by whom he left issue 1 Daughter, Mary Cobb. He was buried the 10th of July 1683. Aged 21 Years.
12. On Another. Here lieth The Body of Henry HILLS; he had Issue, by Wife Catherine, Two Sons, and Two Daughters; Henry, John, Mary, and Catherine. He died in Dec. 1684. Aged 62 Years.
13. On Another. Here lieth The Body of Mary HILLS …../1665.
14. On Another. Here lieth The Body of John HILLS, Son of Henry Hills who had to Wife Elisabeth …../He departed this Life the 26th of June 1685. Aged 30.
15. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Catharine HILLS who departed this Life the 25th of January 1696/7. aged 72 Years and odd Months. Shee had Issue by heir Husband aforesaid 2 Sons and 2 Daughters: Henry, John, Mary, and Catherine. All interred near this Place. She was Daughter to Vincent UNDERDOWNE of Birchington in the Isle of Thanett, Yeeman (sic). Her Husband, Henry Hills, gave to The Poor Men of Reculver the Rent of £3.10s. a Year, payable the 24th Day of June for ever.
16. On Another Flat Stone. ……/Henry HILLS ……/1665.
17. In The South Isle. Painted on ye E. Wall. *Here was, not many Years ago, an Ancient Monument of Stone, mounted with 2 Spires. See Weever F.260.
18. Here, as Historiographers have said,/St Ethelbert, Kent’s whilom King, was laid./Whom St Augustine with the Gospel entertaind,/And in This Land hath eversince remaind./Who, ‘tho by cruel Pagans he was slain,/The Crown of Martyrdom he did obtain./Who died on the 24th of Feby. in the Year 616/7.
19. The Following Coat is in the S. Window. [Az. a saltire betw. 4 martlets or.]. This Saltire sd. have been a Cross Flory.
20. In the next Window – westward – is ye Arms of England, very ancient.
21. This Church consists of The Chancell, Body, and 2 Side Isles. At The West End of The Body, stand Two very beautyfull tall Spires. These are a famous Sea Mark. In that towards ye North, hang 4 Bells, all made by Joseph HATCH in the Year 1635.
22. This Church was calld. St. Maries. It is a Vicarage, in the Patronage of the Arch Bishop, and has the Chappell of Hoath annex’t to it. The psent. Vicar, is the Revd. Mr Thomas THOMSON 1758.
23. For a Full Account of The Antiquity of this Place, and of the Roman and other Remains found here, see Batt’leys Antiq. Rupupinae; & Harris’s Hist. of Kent.
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
COBB 8-11
HILLS 12-16
HUNT 8, 9
WHITEING 11, 24Places
Birchington 15
Chislet 8, 11
Herne 9
Swanton, Lydden 1