Committees of the Society

COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY Churches Committee P.A. Lawrence (Chairman), Mrs E.M.B. Nussbaum (Secretary), D.E. Carder, K.J. Fryer, J. Gibbs, Mrs D. Goacher, Dr P. Lee, Mrs P. Mortlock, P.E. Oldham, Mrs S.M. Petrie, M. Roberts, Mrs J.M. Saynor and the Hon. General Secretary. Education Committee B.T. Cousins (Chairman), Miss M. Green (Secretary), Ms R. Bell, P.B. Bennett, E.P. Connell, I.A. Coulson, Dr P.H.G. Draper, A. Harmsworth, Ms C. Hodge, Mrs E.A. Palmer, Dr F.H. Panton, Dr R.J. Spain, C.P. Ward, Dr P. Wilkinson and the Hon. General Secretary. Fieldwork Committee C.R. Pout (Chairman) D. Bacchus (Secretary), P.B. Bennett, Miss E. Boast, Mrs S. Broomfield, E.P. Connell, A.J. Daniels, Miss E. Dyson, R.F. LeGear, A. Miles, P.E. Oldham, K. Parfitt, D.R.J. Perkins, A. Richardson, Dr M.W. Still, C.P. Ward, I.M.T. Wigston and the Hon. General Secretary. Finance and Investment Committee The Hon. Treasurer (Chairman), Mrs S.B. Broomfield, M.J. Burden, D.A.H. Cleggett, J.D.C. Noble, P.E. Oldham, Dr F.H. Panton and the Hon. General Secretary. Library and Mu11iments Committee R.J. Spain (Chairman), K. Wittwer (Secretary), D.G. Anstey, E.P. Connell, L.E. llott, D.T. Jones, M.A. Perring, R.N. Rolinson, A. Smith, R.G. Thomas, J. Walters, C.P. Ward, A.G. Webster, the Hon. Librarian, the Hon. Curator and the Hon. General Secretary. Membership and Publicity Committee Mrs M. Lawrence (Chairman), A. Smith (Secretary), E.P. Connell, J.M. Hammond, Mrs K.H. Kersey, A. Miles, the Hon. Membership Secretary, the Hon. Excursions Secretary, the Information Officer, the Lectures Secretary and the Hon. General Secretary. Place-Names Committee P.A. Harlow (Chairma11), Mrs A.L. Thompson (Secretary), Dr P. Cullen (Academic Advisor), Mrs Z. Bamping, L.E. Ilott, Mrs M.T. Lawrence, A. Lister, Miss E. Melling, C.P. Ward, K. Wittwer and the Hon. General Secretary. Publications Committee Dr J. Whyman (Chairman), Miss E. Melling (Secretary), P.B. Bennett, Dr C. W. Chalklin, Dr P.H.G. Draper, Dr E.C. Edwards, Ms E.A. Finn, Dr J.M. Gibson, M.D. Hudson, Prof. D. Killingray, Dr H.C.F. Lansberry, P.E. Oldham, Dr F.H. Panton, Dr E. Swift, Dr J. Thirsk, the Hon. Editor, the Hon. Treasurer and the Hon. General Secretary. 456


General Index


Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society