General Index
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Annual Report of the Council for 2002
Committees of the Society
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Acres, Thomas 173, 176, 178 Adam, Thomas and Johanna 21 Addington see Chestnuts Aelfthryth 233 aerial photographs 357, 358, 362, 365,368 Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln 334 Alexander family 408 Alfred the Great 233, 234 Allen, Mike, on the molluscs from Dartford 71 Allen, Tim, and Christopher Green, on the Palaeolithic flintwork from Bishopston Glen 383-5 Allhallows on Sea 199 Allinson, Helen, Hollingbourne, the History of a Kentish Parish, reviewed 428-9 Allison, Enid, on the invertebrate and insect remains from Dartford 68-9 almshouses and alms 17, 24,2 7, 28,2 9 Alphege, St 233, 238 Alphie, John and Abraham 84 Alphington (Devon), font 342, 343 Amsinck, P. 161, 164 Anderson, Trevor, on the conjoined twins of Herne 396-401 Andrews, Colin, book review by 416-17 Andrews, Frank W.G., 'Railways and the community: the Kentish evidence' 185-202 Anglo-Saxon (and Saxon) Canterbury lanes 291, 292 sunken-floor structures 294 Dartford area 54, 75 Eastry 301 Great Mongeham 150 Greenwich (Saxon), church 233, 237-9 north of Saltwood Tunnel, occupation and cemeteries 304-5 spindle whorls and quems 67 see also pottery animal bone bank vole 68 cat 68 cattle 67, 68, 149 dog 67, 68 goat 68 horse 67, 68 pig 68, 149 red deer 47, 62, 67, 68 sheep 67, 68, 301 woodmouse 68 Cray Valley 265 Dartford 43, 45, 47, 52, 55, 62, 63, 67-8, 76 Great Mongeham 129, 133, 149 Manston 389 Rochester 215 Small Hythe 363, 379 architectural stonework, medieval 295 architecture: aisled hall houses 95- 126; see also gatehouse; St Julians (country house) Ardleigh, pottery 59 arrowhead, Neolithic 389 Arundel, Beatrix, Countess of, effigy 316 Arundel, Joan Neville, Countess of, effigy 316 Arundel, John Fitzalan, Earl of, effigy 318,320,321 Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury 243 457 GENERAL INDEX Arundel (Sussex), Fitzalan Chapel 316,318,325 Aschowe, Jane 32, 33 Ash bee, Paul, 'The Warren Farm chamber: a reconsideration' 1-15 Ashford 189 railway works 190, 191, 192, 193, 200 auger survey 356,357, 359-60, 361, 362 Augustine, St 398 Austin, Rupert, 'Newbury Farm, Tonge: Kent's earliest known aisled hall house' 95-126 awls, flint 387 axes (prehistoric) 60, 265, 266 Badeslade 173, 174, 176, 177 Baker, John 26 Baker, Patricia, book review by 413-15 Baker, Peter 39 n.59 Baker, William 166 Bakke, Joane 33 Baldwin, Ronald A., The Gillingham Chronicles, reviewed 428-9 Baldwin II, Count of Flanders 236 Barham 149 Barrett, Henry 279 barrows Birchington, round 392-4 Bronze Age 304 Medway megalithic long 1-15 Ringlemere Farm 390, 391 Whinless Down 386 Barton, Robert 24 Baston Manor, Hayes 264, 266-7 Bates, Margaret, and David Killingray, 'The Berries family and the building of St Julians, Underriver, 1819-1837' 273-90 Beakers 267, 392 Beaufort, John see Somerset, Duke of and Earl of Beecher, Anne 88 Beke, Richard 309, 314-15, 321,327 Belgic period Broomfield field ditch 300 Great Mongeham 127-52 Hougham Without settlement 394 Willow Farm 298 Bella Court palace 235 Bellamy, Peter S., and Gustav Milne, 'An archaeological evaluation of the medieval shipyard facilities at Small Hythe' 353-82 Bendrey, Robin, on the mammal bone from Dartford 67-8 Benedict, Bishop of Rochester 239 Benet, William 39 n.51 Bennell, Maureen on the medieval coin from Eythorne 395-6 on the Neolithic flintwork from Hougham Without 385-8 on the possible Iron Age settlement at Hougham Without 394-5 Bensted, W.H., map 8 Bertyn, Simon 37 n.5 Best, Katherine 32 Bexley 263-4 Baptist Chapel, flints 262, 266 High Street 266 Bexleyheath 264, 266 Biddenden Maids 400 Bigge, Richard 90 Birchington, round barrow 392-4 Bird, Joanna, on the samian ware from Rochester 220-1 Bishop, Barry John, 'Prehistoric activity in the Cray Valley: a new site at Old Bexley' 255-71 Bishoppenden, John 88 Bishopston Glen, palaeolithic flintwork 383-5 Black Death 235, 245, 247 Blackhall Quarry 157 Blake, John 13 Blue Bell Hill I, 8, 12, 13, 225 Bolton, Agnes 38 n.33 Bottesford (Leics), effigy 316 Botting, Jeremy 89, 90, 91 boundary ditch, Roman, Dartford 50-3 Bourchier,T homas,a rchbishop 153, 154,173,320,321,322 Bowers, Jill, on the animal bone from Great Mongeham 149 458 GENERAL INDEX bowling green, Knole 178 bowls, wooden 402 Boydone, Edward 248 Boys, Petronella 40 n.84 bracelets copper alloy 136, 138 gold, Bronze Age 267 brick clamp{?), Small Hythe 370, 372-4 brickfields, Darent valley 273 bricks made on Knole estate 181 Small Hythe, handmade 370, 378-9 Brioul, Henry 237 British Library 397 Broadoak, Shelford Farm Estate 298 Bronze Age barrows 304 Broomfield field system 299 Canterbury 296, 297 Cray Valley 265, 266, 267-8 Deal 302 founders hoard 299 Gravesend, ditches 258 Manston International Airport, ditch 389 Minster in Thanet, settlement 389- 90 Old Bexley 259-60, 262, 263 Ringlemere gold cup 390-1 Willow Farm settlement 298, 299 see also Dartford; pottery brooches Roman 216, 222, 223 Anglo-Saxon burials 305 Brook, sediments 12 Brookland, leaden font 346, 347, 348,350,351 Broomfield Bogshole Lane 299-300 Willow Farm 298-9 Broomwood Hill 264, 267 Brownyng, John and Elena 21 buckets, wooden, Anglo-Saxon 305 Buckhurst, Lord (later Earl Sackville) l 6 5 buckle, medieval, copper alloy 55, 65, 66 building materials, and the railways 188 459 burials Roman 304 Greenwich church 244-5 of sisters at hospitals 32 see also cemeteries; cremation burials Burr, John 89, 90 butchers, chains of 189 butchers' shops 164 Caen stone Canterbury 293 for fonts 337 Newbury Farm 120, 121 Caffinch, William 90 cannon, iron 402 Canterbury Barton Court Grammar School, Longport 297 Blue Boy Yard, Stour Street 294-5 boot and shoe makers 189 Cathedral Alphege buried in 238 Education Centre, cess tank 293 Lady Chapel 314,315,322,327 St Michael's Chapel 309-31 Trinity Chapel 320 City wall, St George's Street 292-3 coal 189 Cobden Place 293-4 Hospital Lane 294 The Hoystings Close 296-7 Maynard's spital 20, 27, 28 New Dover Road 297 Old Dover Road 295-6 population 190 prior of Christ Church 27 railways and transport 190, 192-3, I 97, 199-200 St Augustine's Abbey 295 St George's Lane 291 St George's parish 33 St George's Street 291, 292 41 St George's Street 295 St Gregory's priory 32 St James' hospital 18-19, 27, 29 St John's hospital, Northgate 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26,27, 28, 31, 32,33, 35 St Laurence's leper house 19,2 6,2 7 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury (cont) St Nicholas' hospital, Harbledown 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33 St Thomas' hospital 25, 28 shops 197 South Canterbury Water Main 297 Starr Place, St Dunstan's 296 Water Tower 323 Whitefriars 291-2 Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) 41, 95, 291-307, 383,390 Canterbury and Whitstable railway 189 Carmelite friars 33 carpentry, aisled haII houses 95-125, 104 Cartwright, William 38 n.36 Cave, Edward 13 cemeteries Iron Age cremation 304 Roman cremation 304 Anglo-Saxon 304-5 Canterbury friary 292 census information 190, 191, 199 ceramic building material Dartford 55 Small Hythe 378-9 cess-pits, medieval 305, 306 chain stores 189-90 Chalklin, Christopher, book review by 418-20 chalk mine (chalkwells), 18th century 403-5 Chandler, John 84-5 chapels Canterbury Cathedral 309-31 Greenwich 236, 237-8, 241, 243, 244, 24 7, 248-9 in medieval hospitals 27-8, 32-3, 34 Newbury Farm, private(?) 122, 125 Charles, Thomas 1, 3-4, 3, 5, 6-8, 11, 12-13 Chatham, St Bartholomew's hospital 37 n.39 Cherhill (Wilts) 12 Chestnuts, Addington 9, 10, 12 Chichele, Henry, Archbishop 311, 318,321 Chittenden, Stephen 88 Chulkhurst, Mary and Eliza 400 churches, Saxon and medieval, Greenwich 233-54; see also chapels Church Hougham 388 Civil War Canterbury Cathedral 3 21 Knole 166 Clarence, Thomas of Lancaster, Duke of, triple tomb of 309-31 clay tobacco pipes Rochester 215 Small Hythe 375, 379 Cleggett, David A.H., Leeds Castle Through Nine Centuries, reviewed 420-2 clergy, in Greenwich 246-8, 252-4 Clifford, Lady Anne 169, 178, 179 Cliffsend 390 cloth-smoother, glass 305 coal 189, 197 Cobham, Reginald, effigy 320 Cocker, Rauf 38 n.55 Coffin Stone 8, 12 coins Roman 150, 215-16, 304, 389 medieval Venetian soldino 395-6 post-medieval 216 Col drum I 0, 11 Cole, Johanna 24 Colman, John 90 Combe, chapel 237 Consaunt, Thomas and Alice 20, 3 I, 32-3, 35 contributors, notes on 431-3 Coombe, vill 236 'Coptic' bowls, bronze 305 Couldrey, Peter, on the prehistoric pottery from Dartford 55-9 Courtenay, William, effigy 318 Courtman, Agnes 27 Cranbrook Coursehorn (building) 306 debt 81-93 Cran river 41, 76 Crawford, O.G.S. 5, 8 Cray river 263, 264, 266 Cray Valley, prehistoric activity 255-71 460 GENERAL INDEX cremation burials Bronze Age, Deal 302 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age 298 cremation cemeteries Iron Age 304 Roman 304 Crompton, Henry M. 278 Crooms Hill 249 Crump, James 85, 87 Cruttenden, Henry 90 Cryer, John 85, 90 cup see gold cup Curtis, George 88 Curtis, Thomas 89 daggers (flint) Eynsford Crescent 267 Thanet 392, 393 Danes, at Greenwich 233, 234, 236, 238 Darent river and valley 41, 75, 263 brickfields 273 watercress beds 406, 408 Darenth,M esolithic and Neolithic 60 dark earth, Canterbury 294, 295 Dartford almshouse 24, 27, 29 Hythe Street 76 Lowfield Street 41, 76 Princes Road multi-period site 41-79 animal bone 43, 45, 47, 52, 55, 62, 63, 67-8, 76 finds 43, 47, 49, 53, 55, 63-7, 74 lithics 43, 45, 47, 49, 52, 53, 60-3, 61, 73 medieval 54-5, 67-8, 73, 75-6 Middle Bronze Age 43-9, 63, 67, 68, 71, 73, 74-5, 76 molluscs and insects 53, 69, 71, 75 plant remains 47, 50, 52, 68, 69, 71-3, 74-5 pottery 45, 49, SO, 52, 53, 54, 55-60, 74, 76 radiocarbon dating 47, 50, 57, 59, 71 Roman 49-54, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75 Dartford creek, fishery 76 Dartford Heath 264, 267 Deal flints 137 former Royal Marine Barracks 302 Mill Hill, pottery 144 debt, in the late seventeenth century 81-93 deer park, Knole 157, 163-9 Delf Marsh 356, 366-7 Delton, John 88 Dendermonde (Belgium), font 342 dendrochronology, Newbury Farm 95, 99, I 15, 116 deneholes, medieval 405 Deptford 234 Deptford Creek 235, 245 diatoms 361 Dickens, Charles 187 Dickinson, Brenda, on samian potters' stamps 221 directories 193-9 disease 396-7 Ditchfield, G.M., book review by 411-13 Domesday Book 234 Dorset, earls of see Sackville Dover boot and shoe makers 189 hospital 19 Lord Warden Hotel 191 railways and other transport 186, 187,190,192,193,200 St Mary's hospital 28 shops 197 Townwall Street, spindle whorls 66 Dover Archaeological Group 127, 390-l Drake, C.S., 'Romanesque fonts in Kent: the French connections' 333-52 droveways 301 Duffy, Mark, 'St Michael's Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral: a Lancastrian mausoleum' 309-31 Duncombe, Wilfrid, on the watercress beds at Eynsford 406-8 Dunstan, St 233, 236 Durobrivae 203, 223 East Meon (Hants), font 334 461 GENERAL INDEX Eastry church 32, 33 High Street 301 East Wickham 264, 266 Eastwood, James 286, 287 Ebbsfleet 390 Eccles, tiles 148-9 Edgar, King 236 Edward Prince of Wales, tomb 316, 320,321 Edwards, Elizabeth, book reviews by 428-9 Edward the Confessor, St 236, 243 Egan, Michael, 'The church in medieval Greenwich' 233-54 Egidius de Halle 237 Elgar, Hubert 5, 7 Elizabeth I 153, 169 Eltham, Poll Tax 234 Epping Forest, Queen Standing 168, 168,169 Erith Bronze Age trackway 264, 267 Mesolithic 264, 265 pottery 265 Erith marshes 264, 266 Erith Road 264, 266 Eschenz (Switzerland), gold cup 390 Everden, Elizabeth 90 Byford (Gloucs) 11 Eynsford, watercress bed 406-8 Eynsford Crescent 264, 267 Eythorne, medieval coin 395-6 farms and farmsteads Cranbrook, farm buildings 306 Dartford, medieval 55 Great Mongeham 149 Shelford Farm Estate, Belgic/ Roman 298 Willow Farm, Romano-British 299 Farnborough Baston Manor 262 Mill Hill 264, 266 Faversham farmstead and villa 149 gunpowder manufacture 199 transport 190 Fawkham, font 352 n.11 Fengate 258 Ferrar, Robert 23 field systems Bogshole Lane 299 Bronze Age 265 Iron Age 392 medieval 299, 300 Willow Farm 298, 299 fish bone, Dartford 52, 53, 68 fish ponds, Knole 175 fish trade 188 fishery, Dartford creek 76 Fitzalan, John see Arundel, Earl of Flanders see Ghent flax 71, 74 flint, as building material, Newbury Farm 119 flint knapping Dartford 62, 63 Hougham Without 388 flintlock pistols 402 flints Palaeolithic 264-5, 383-5 Mesolithic 261, 262, 264-5, 266 Neolithic 43, 63, 73, 225, 260, 261,262,267,302, 385-8 Later Neolithic/Early Bronze Age 259-63, 266,267,302 Bronze Age 43, 45, 262, 296 Canterbury 296, 297 Cray Valley 264-7 Dartford 43,4 5,4 7,4 9,5 2,5 3,6 0-3, 61, 73 Deal 302 Eastry 301 Great Mongeham 129, 137-8 Hougham Without 385-8 Old Bexley 258, 259-63 Ringlemere Farm 391 Rochester 215, 225 Small Hythe 379 floor tile, Roman 298 Folkestone fish catches 188 growth of 192, 200 hospital sisters from 26 Pavilion Hotel 191 pottery 143, 144 sediments 12 462 GENERAL INDEX fonts, Romanesque, stone and lead 333-52 Foode, Robert 23 Foreness-Kingsgate area, Thanet, flint dagger 392, 393 Posten, Nathaniel 90 fraternities 238, 246 Freebody, Robert, Mary and William 88 friaries Canterbury 291-2 Greenwich 248-9 Fryer, Margaret 31, 35 Fussell' s Lodge long barrow I, 11 Fyfield Hall (Essex) 97 gardens Knole 153-84 St Julians 277,279 gatehouse, Ramsgate 300 geology Cray valley 255 Small Hythe 354-5 geophysical surveys: Ringlemere Farm 391; see also Small Hythe Germany gold cups 390 leaden fonts 344-5 long barrows 1 Ghent (Belgium), St Peter' s abbey 236,239 Gibbon, Arthur 90 glasshouses see Knole glass vessels Anglo-Saxon 305 Stirling Castle 402 Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of 235-6, 244,248,314,320 gold cup, Bronze Age 390-1 Goldstone, Thomas 313 grain drying oven, Anglo-Saxon 304 Grainge, Gerald, The Roman Channel Crossing of A.D.43: The constraints on Claudius' s naval strategy, reviewed 416-17 grapes in container on Stirling Castle 402 grown at Knole 181 Gravesend, Coldharbour Lane 258 Great Hougham Court Farm 388 Great Mongeham animal bone 129, 133, 149 Belgic-early Roman site l 27-52 enclosure ditches 127, 129, 131, 132-6, 137-50 finds 129, 136, 137-49 flints, prehistoric 129, 137-8 Northbourne Road, coin 128, 150 pottery 127, 128, 129, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138-48 St Martin's church 128, 129, 150 Green, Christopher see Allen, Tim Green Lane,W hitfield 139,148,149 Greenwich Alien Priory 233, 234, 236-7, 238-9, 248 Church Street 238 clergy 252-4 Creek Road 238 fraternities 238, 246 Holy Cross chapel 238, 246 manorial hall/court house 236-7 marshes 234, 237, 238, 246 medieval Church 233-54 Observant Franciscan friary 248-9 priests (clergy) 246-8, 252-4 Rood chapel (All Saints chapel) 238,247,249 St Alphege's church(es) 233, 234, 237-48 St Catharine's hermitage 249 Saxon parish church 235, 237-9 Vicar's Acre 246 Greenwich Park 235 Grey, John 25 Grimes Graves (Norfolk) 59 Grover, Daniel 286 GSB Prospection, surveys by 359, 368-70 gunpowder manufacture 199 Gunthorpe, John 248 Gybbe, William 25 Haffenden, Richard 90 Hall, Alys 33 Halliwell, Geoff, on the pottery from Great Mongeham 147-8 Hall Place 262, 264, 264, 266 463 GENERAL INDEX Halloy, font 340, 340 bammerscale 375 hammers tone Dartford 60, 62 pebble 387 Hampton 384 band-axes, Palaeolithic 43, 383 Hardacre Farm, Preston-by-Wingham 301 Harder, Johanna 32 Harding, Agnes 245 Harlowbury (Essex) 97, 124 Harrington, Duncan see Hyde, Patricia Harwolde, Katherine 33 Hatfield, tree planting 159 Hathbrand, Robert 322 Hatton, Dr Richard 248, 253 Hawes, James 91 Hayes see Baston Manor Hayes Common 262, 264, 265, 267 hazel nut 71, 74 Head Brickearth 383,3 84,3 85, 387, 389,390 hearths Great Mongeham 150 Newbury Farm 114-15, 116 New Romney 305 Old Bexley, prehistoric 257, 258, 260 Henden, John 90 Hendley family 306 Henri de Blois,B ishop of Winchester 334 Henry IV 310, 311, 320, 325 arms at Greenwich 243 tomb and chantry 311, 313, 314, 315,318 Henry V 310,311,320,321,325 visited Small Hythe 354 Henry VI 313, 325 Henry VII 235, 322 Henry VIII 249 Knole acquired by 153, 165, 169, 171, 173, 177, 183 Henxhell, Johanna 19 Hereford, Bishops' Palace 97, 124 hermitage, Greenwich 249 Herne, conjoined twins 396-401 Herne Bay 193 Herries, Charles John 285 Herries, John Charles 273-88 Herries, Robert 274-88 Herries family 273-90 Hesdres (France), font 337, 338, 340,344 Heywood, John 249 hide working, prehistoric 263 Hockley Sole 394 Holden, Robert 88 Holland, earls of Kent 325 Holland, Margaret, triple tomb of 309-31 Hollar, Wencelaus 316, 319, 321 holloway, Old Bexley 258 Holmes, William, and Alexander Wheaten (eds), The Blean: The Woodlands of a Cathedral City, reviewed 430 Holocene 362 Holway, Alice 33 hone, stone 305 Hook Norton (Oxon), font 346 Hope, Richard 85, 88, 90 hops 169 Horn, John 37 n.29 horse burials, Anglo-Saxon 304, 305 horse harness, Anglo-Saxon 305 hospitals, late medieval female inmates 17-39 Hougham Without Neolithic flintwork 385-8 Iron Age settlement 394-5 Hovenden, Robert 88 human bone (remains) in long barrows 1, 3-4,6 ,8 ,I 0,l l,1 3 Manston, Middle Bronze Age 389 Humphrey, Duke see Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of Hutchings, Paul, 'Ritual and riverside settlement: a multi-period site at Princes Road, Dartford' 41-79 Hyde, Patricia, and Duncan Harrington, Faversham Oyster Fishery Through Eleven Centuries, reviewed 422-4 Hythe hospital inmates from 18, 26 St Andrew's hospital 27 464 GENERAL INDEX Ingleton, Roy, Policing Kent 1800- 2000, reviewed 426-7 inhumation burials Bronze Age, crouched 304 Early Roman 304 Inman, Eric, and Nancy Tonkin, Beckenham, reviewed 428-9 inns I 91 insects, Dartford 68, 69-70, 75 Ipswich (Suffolk) cistern 345 fonts 334 Iron Age Birchington, field system 392 Canterbury 297 cremation cemeteries 304 Great Mongeham 127-52 Hougham Without, settlement 394-5 Shelford Farm Estate 298 trackway 302 Willow Farm 298 see also Belgic period; pottery Isle of Dogs 233 Jackson, Thomas 283, 286, 287 Jacob, Alice 32, 35 Jennings, John 90 Jones, Walter 87 Joyce, Brian, The Chatham Scandal. A history of Medway's prostitution in the late nineteenth century, reviewed 425-6 Judde, John 154 Kerne, Edith 19 Kempe, John, archbishop 320, 321 Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit (KARU) 41, 203, 353 Kent Records Series. Volume 3 Parts 1-9, reviewed 409-11 Kent Underground Research Group 403 Kentish ragstone Knole garden wall 171 St Julians 273 Killingray, David, book reviews by 425-7; see also Bates, Margaret kilns Roman 296 medieval pottery 296 Small Hythe, kiln-like feature (brick-clamp?) 370, 372-5, 378 Kimpton (Dorset) 59 Kingston Hill (Surrey) 59 Kite, Robert 90, 91 Kit's Coty House, long barrow 1, 3, 4, 5-6, 8, 9-10, 9, 11, 12 Knelle dam 355 Knole, park and gardens 153-84 deer park management 153-9 kitchen garden and glasshouses 179-83 tree planting and specimens 157-63 walled garden, Wilderness and mounts 171-9 Knyff/Kip view, of Knole 161, 162, 163, 172,173,176,178,179,181 Labours of the Months 346-50, 351 Lambarde, Mutton 275, 276 Lamberhurst, Agnes 19 Lambisfelde, Richard 37 n.29 Lampreys,S .C. (S.C.L.) 3, 4-5, 10,1 1, 13 Langham, Simon, effigy 318 Langton, Stephen, Archbishop 321-2 Lansberry, Frederick, Government and Politics in Kent,1640-914, reviewed 411-13 LCDR (railway) 186-7, 192, 193 lead see fonts; powder measure leather see shoes Leatherhead (Ledrede), Richard 247 Leeds, Stephen 86 LeGear, Rod, on the chalk mine at Northfleet 403-5 Leicester (Leics), St Mary-in-theNewark 311 Lennard, John 154, 165, 168-9, 171, 172, 177 Lennard, Samson 154 lepers and leper houses 18, 19 Lewisham medieval 234, 235, 236, 248 Poll Tax 234 Liege (France), St Barthelemy leaden font 345 limekiln(?), Small Hythe 373, 374 limestone-polishing tool 305 Lingfield (Surrey), Cobham effigy 320, 321 465 GENERAL INDEX lithics corpses dismembered by I 1 Dartford and area 60-3, 61, 73 see also flints loans on bond 82, 87, 88-90, 91 Lodge Plain 169 logboat, Neolithic 266 London Billingsgate 233, 235 Hopton Street, Southwark 260 New Cross, brick clamp 373 St Peter ad Vincula, triple tomb 329 n.30 Westminster, effigies and tombs 318, 320 London Clay 255, 383, 384 London and Dover (South Eastern) Railway see South Eastern Railway London, George 178 Long Crendon see Sycamore Farm long houses, prehistoric l , 12 loom-weights prehistoric 267 Anglo-Saxon 304 Love, William 85-6 Lower Kit's Coty House 8, 9 Lyle, Marjorie, Canterbury, 2000 Years of History, reviewed 428-9 lynchets 12 Macpherson-Grant, Nigel on the pottery from Dartford 59-60 on the pottery from Hougham Without 394-5 Maidstone hospital brother from 26 hospital inmates from 18 Museum 5, 13 Roman roads 225 Malyn,T homas and Constance 20-1, 37 n.19 Manfeld, Thomas and Thomasina 21 Manston International Airport, prehistoric and Roman 389 Marquise fonts 334, 337, 340-1, 340,342,344 marriage bonds 87 Massingham, John 321 466 Master, Peter 86 May, Margaret 35 Mayhew family 243 medieval animal bone 67-8 Birchington 392 Broomfield 300 Canterbury sites 293, 294, 295, 296,297 Eythorne, Venetian coin 395-6 female inmates of hospitals 17-39 Greenwich, Church and settlement 233-54 Manston International Airport, ditch complex 389 New Romney 305-6 Newbury Farm 95-126 Small Hythe shipyard facilities 353-82 Willow Farm 299 see also coins; Dartford; pottery Medway river 225 mercers 86 Mere, Margaret 400 Mesolithic Cherhill 12 Cray Valley 265, 266, 267 Darenth 60 Dartford, axe 60 Old Bexley 261, 262 Ringlemere Farm 391 metal working debris 304 Miles, Cecily 23 Milett, William 24, 27, 29 Miller, Thomas 19 Mill Hill, Farnborough 264, 266 Milne, Gustav see Bellamy, Peter S. Milton, hospital 19 Minster in Thanet, late Neolithic/ early Bronze Age settlement 389-90 moat, Cranbrook 306 Molashe, William 313, 314 molluscs Birchington 394 Brook 12 Dartford 53, 69, 71 mortgages 82, 83, 87 Morton, John, vicar 247-8, 253 GENERAL INDEX Mottingham, vill 236 mould, clay, used in casting metal(?) 136, 148 Munn, John 85 Munn, John, Frances and Susan 88 nail-cleaner, copper alloy, Roman 138, 138 nails Great Mongeham 129, 138 Small Hythe, ship's 365, 370, 374, 375,376,370, 379-80 Nasshe, John 27 Needham: Stuart, and Val Rigby, on the prns from Dartford 63-6 Neolithic Birchington 392 Cray Valley 265, 266, 267 Darenth 60 Dartford area,l ithics 43,6 0, 64,7 3 Great Mongeham, flints 137 Hougham Without, flints 385-8 long barrows I Manston International Airport pit 389 Minster in Thanet,s ettlement 389-90 north of Saltwood Tunnel 302 Old Bexley 259-60, 261, 262, 263 Ringlemere Farm 391 Rochester, flints 225 New Romney Fairfield Road 305-6 ship 354 Newburgh family 99 Newbury Farm, Tonge, aisled hall house 95-126 Newell, Henry 28 Newenden, Romanesque font 336, 337, 341,344,351 Newman, John 31 Nicholson, Rebecca, on the fish remains from Dartford 68 Norbury family 243 North Elmham (Norfolk), limekiln 373 Northfleet, chalk mine 403-5 O'Hara, Diana, Courtship and Constraint: Rethinking the making of narriage in Tudor England, reviewed 418-20 467 Olberd, Thomasina 31 Old Bexley, prehistoric site 255-71 Old Soar, Piaxtol 119 Orpathe, Nicholas 38 n.33 Ospringe, hospital 19 Oxenden, Richard 322 Oxford (Oxon), St John's hospital 35 n.4 oyster shell 379 Page, John 246 Palace of Placentia 235-6, 239 palaeochannels Bishopston Glen 383-4 Small Hythe 359 Palaeolithic Bishopston Glen, flintwork and palaeochannel 383-5 Cray Valley 263, 264, 265 Dartford area 43 palisade boundary, Roman, Dartford 49-50 Papworth, John Buonarotti 273, 277 279 Pare, Ambroise 399 Parfitt, Keith 'A Belgic-Early Roman site at Great Mongeham, near Deal• 127-52 on the Bronze Age discoveries at Ringlemere Farm 390-1 on the finds from Great Mongeham 147-9 park see Knole Parkes, Henry 90 Parkhill Road 264, 265 Payable, Isabel 27 Pearson, A., The Roman Shore Forts: peat Coastal defences in Southern Britain, reviewed 413-15 Dartford 62, 63 Small Hythe 360, 362 Pedecock, Sir Thomas 24 peg tiles 294 Kent 188,306 medieval 129, 148 Pelling, Ruth, Dartford site 71-6 Pennethorne, James 273, 281-5, 285 GENERAL INDEX Perkins, David on a flint dagger from Thanet 392 on a ploughed-out round barrow at Birchington 392-4 on the prehistoric features and Roman finds from Manston International Airport 389 on the settlement at Minster in Thanet 389-90 update on the Stirling Castle investigations 402-3 Petham 190 Philp, Brian, 'A new Roman site discovered at Rochester' 203-32 Phragmites 360 pilgrimages, Greenwich 239 pilgrims, poor 18, 25, 27-8 pineries, at Knole 181-2, 183 pins, Bronze Age copper alloy 43, 47,49,63-6, 65, 74, 76 plant remains, Dartford 47, 50, 52, 68, 69, 71-3, 74-5 platter, pewter, post-medieval 395 Pleistocene 384 Pletite, Elizabeth 35 Poole, Anthony, 'Debt in the Cranbrook region in the late seventeenth century' 81-93 Poole (Dorset), boatyard 380 population, and growth of towns 191-3,200 post-medieval Canterbury 293, 295, 297 Cranbrook 306 Dartford 76 debt in the Cran brook region 81-93 Eythorne, finds 395 Northfleet chalk mine 403-5 Rochester, pits 203, 213-14, 220, 226 see also pottery 'pot-boilers', Canterbury 297 Potter, John 87 pottery prehistoric 55-9, 302, 378 beaker 11 flint-tempered 301 Neolithic 139, 389, 392 Grimston-Lyles Hill 265 468 Later Neolithic/Early Bronze Age 267 Bronze Age 302 Middle Bronze Age (DeverelRimbury) 45, 47, 54, 55-9,74, 296,302,389,392 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age 50, 55, 74,297,301 Iron Age 132, 139, 392 Belgic 127, 129, 136, 138, 139, 140, 143, 147, 150, 394-5 Roman 127, 129, 133, 136, 137, 138, 140-7, 206, 214, 215, 216-23,296, 298,301,389 amphorae 136, 223, 298 black-burnished ware 59 Canterbury kilns 140, 144, 146 flint-tempered 136,1 40,1 43,1 46 Gallo-Belgic fabrics 139, 143, 147 grog-tempered ware 52, 59, 136, 140, 144, 146 Oxfordshire Red Colour-coat 140, 147 Oxfordshire wares 137, 298 samian 132, 133, 136, 137, 140, 147, 206, 215, 220-3, 298, 389 sandy black wares 144 sandy ware 59, 216, 218, 220 shell-tempered ware 216, 218 Upchurch 144 Romano-British 136, 143-4 Early Saxon, chaff-tempered ware 133, 147-8 Anglo-Saxon 129, 138,301 late Saxon 295 medieval 9, 138, 297, 301, 305, 306, 377-8 Early Medieval North Kent shell-filled sandy ware 59 Medieval London 60 Mill Green Ware 60 sandy ware 129 post-medieval 214,215,220,294, 375,378 redwares 378 sites: Warren Farm chamber 6,9 ,1 1; see also Dartford; Great Mongeham; Rochester; Small Hythe GENERAL INDEX pottery manufacture, Canterbury, medieval 295, 296 Poulton Farm, flintwork 388 powder measure, lead, post-medieval 395 Powell, Clive, book review by 422-4 Pre-Construct Archaeology 255 prehistoric Cray Valley 255-71 Deal 302 Eastry 301 Warren Farm chamber 1-15 see also pottery Prencot, Simon 311 Preston-by-Wingham, Hardacre Farm 301 priests, of Greenwich 246-8 Prior, John 86 priories see Greenwich probate accounts 81-91 probate inventories 81, 87-8, 89 Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore 300 Pugin, Edward 300 Purbeck fonts 334, 337, 341 Purton Green, Stansfield l lO, 124 quarries Blackball Quarry 157 Broomfield quarry pits 298, 299 Canterbury 296, 297 Knole Park 171 for stone fonts 333-4 querns Cray river and valley 266, 267 Dartford 53, 67 Great Mongeham 149 Quested, R.K.I., The Isle of Thanet Farming Community: An agrarian history of easternmost Kent: outlines from early times to 1993, reviewed 430 rabbit warren, Knole 179 radiocarbon dates, Dartford 47, 50, 57, 59, 71 Radley (Oxon), prehistoric burial 62-3 Ragstone Newbury Farm 119, 120 Sheerness 307 railways 185-202 Ramsgate fish catches 188 The Grange, St Augustine' s Road 300 Rawlins, T.J. 161, 165 Reeve, John 87 Reigate stone, Newbury Farm 119, 121 Rennie, John the Elder 307 Restoration Usury Act ( 1660) 87 Richard II 325 Richardson, T.L., Travellers' Tales of Sandwich, reviewed 424-5 Riddler, Ian, on the small finds from Dartford 66-7 Rillaton (Cornwall), gold cup 390 ring, copper alloy 138 Ringlemere Farm, Woodnesborough, Bronze Age gold cup 390-1 roads, Roman 43, 203, 225, 302 Robbins, Heidi, on the flintwork from Bishopston Glen 386-8 Rochester coins 215-16 finds 215-16, 225-6 post-medieval pits 203, 213-14, 220,226 pottery 206, 208, 209, 2 I 3, 214, 215, 216-23, 224 Roman site 203-32 Victorian tanks and pits 203, 215, 226 Roman period animal bone 67 Broomfield 299, 300 Canterbury sites 293, 294, 295-6 Canterbury town wall and turret 292-3 Great Mongeham site (early Roman) 127-52 Hardacre Farm 301 insects 69 Mansion International Airport, finds 389 north of Saltwood Tunnel 302,303, 304 Rochester, pits, gullies and structures 203-32 Shelford Farm Estate farmstead 298 469 GENERAL INDEX Roman period (cont) temples 9, 294 Willow Farm 298-9, 300 see also coins; Dartford; pottery; roads; tile Romanesque fonts 333-52 Romney Marsh 302, 354, 355, 355, 357,360 roofing materials 188 roof structure, Newbury Farm 103-5 roof tiles 18 8 Roman 150, 298 medieval 55, 306, 379 Rother river 354, 355, 355, 357, 360-1 round-house structure, Willow Farm 298 Rudling, David, on the coin from Eythorne 395-6 Rushey Marsh inlet 356, 357, 362-3 Russell, Edmond 243 Russell, Elizabeth 90 Rye, St Joseph's church 337 Rye Bay barrier 355, 362 Sackville, 2nd Duke 160, 181 Sackville, 2nd Lord 182 Sackville, 4th Earl 169 Sackville, Charles, 6th Earl of Dorset 153, 172 Sackville, Earl see Buckhurst, Lord Sackville, John Frederick, 3rd Duke 160, 167, 178 Sackville, Lionel, 7th Earl (later 1st Duke) 153, 158 Sackville, Richard, 3rd Earl 165-6 Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset 153, 154, 165, 177 Sackville family 153, 154 Sackville-West, Vita 169 Saint Evroult-de-Montfort (France), leaden font 346, 348,349, 350 St Julians (country house), Underriver 273-90 St Mary Bourne (Hants), font 334 Saltwood Tunnel (north of), settlement and cemeteries 302-5 Salzburg (Austria), leaden font 345 Sandby,Paul 161,163 sandstone fragments, Great Mongeham 129,149 Sandwich Roman villa 148 roofing materials 188 St Anthony's leper house 18 St Bartholomew's hospital 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26-7, 28,29, 31,32, 33, 35 St John's hospital 17, 18, 19, 20-1, 23,25, 28, 29, 31-2 St Thomas' hospital 18, 19, 24-5, 30,31,34 sarsen stones I, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11-12 Saxo-Norman, Canterbury 297 Schoolmaster, Richard 247 scrapers, flint 62, 63, 137, 215, 262-3, 266, 267, 387, 388 Seadive 402 seismic refraction survey see Small Hythe Sevenoaks 275-6 butcher's shops 164 St Nicholas's church 178 Sheaf, Harman 88 Sheen priory 237 Sheerness, Bridge Road 306-7 Shelford Farm Estate, Broadoak 298 Shipman, Thomas 19 ship's nails 365 see Small Hythe ship's surgeon kH 402 ship's timbers 375, 376, 377, 378, 380 shipyard facilities, medieval 353-82 shoe makers and shops I 89 shoes, leather Anglo-Saxon 305 Stirling Castle 402 Shooters Hill 264, 266 shops and shopkeepers 189-90, 191, 197, 198 shoreline,m edieval 357-60,3 63,3 65 Shotesham St Mary (Norfolk), brick clamp 372 Shugborough, tree planting 159 sickle, flint 266 Sidell, Jane, auger survey by 359-60 Skinner, Golding 87 470 GENERAL INDEX slag Dartford 55 Small Hythe 365 Small Hythe, medieval shipyards 353- 82 ceramic building material 378-9 geophysical survey 353, 356, 357, 363, 364, 365, 367 ,368-70, 375,376,379 iron fastenings 376-7, 379-80 kiln-like feature 370, 372-5, 378 pottery 377-8 seismic refraction survey 353, 356, 357,359 ship's timbers 375,376,377,378,380 Smallhythe Place 368, 376 Smith, Stephen 37 n.29 smithing debris, Small Hythe 375, 376 Smyth, Robert 19 Smythe, Clement Taylor I, 5, 12 Somerset, John Beaufort (d.1410), Earl of, triple tomb 309-31 Somerset, John Beaufort (d.1444), 1st Duke of 309,310,314,316, 320,323,324 Sotherne, Richard 400 Southampton, St Michael's, font 334, 343,344 South Eastern Railway (SER) 186-9, l 92, 193, 200 Southwark see under London spindle whorls ceramic 129, 138, 148 medieval 55, 66, 67 stone 305 Spitelcombe 243 Staindrop, triple tomb 329 n.30 Staple, Agnes 27 Stephen, William 27 Stevyn, John 38 n.59 stew ponds, Knole 175-6 Stirling Castle, update 402-3 Stoke Canon (Devon), font 341,342 Stony Stratford, conjoined twins 400 strip fields 304 Strood, St Mary's hospital 19 sunken-floor structures, Anglo-Saxon 294,304 Sutton-at-Hone 264, 266 Swalecliffe 384 Swale river 384 Sweden, fonts 333, 351 n. l Sweetinburgh, Sheila book review by 424-5 'Joining the sisters: female inmates of the late medieval hospitals in East Kent' 17-40 Swetman, Mariana 28 Sycamore Farm, Long Crendon (Bucks) 97 syringe, silver 402 tanks,b rick,V ictorian 203, 215,2 26 Taylor, Kristina, 'The development of the park and gardens at Knole' 153-84 tegula, Great Mongeham 132, 148 Temple Balsall (W Midlands), Knight's Templar Hall 97 temples, Roman 9, 294 tesserae cube 389 Tewkesbury, William 25 Thanet flint dagger 392,393 food outlets 199 Thanet Archaeological Society/Trust 392 Thanet Beds 149 Thanet Trust 389, 392, 402 Thomas of Lancaster see Clarence, Duke of Thornhurst, Stephen 295 Thornton Curtis (Lines), font 334 Thorpe Salvio (Yorks), font 346 Thurnham, Roman villa 13 Tijou, Jean 172 tile, Roman I l 9, I 26 n.20, 129, 132, 136, 148-9, 150 timber-framed structures Roman,R ochester 206,213,2 23-4 medieval 95-126, 305 tombs, triple 309-31 Tonge see Newbury Farm Tonkin, Nancy see Inman, Eric Torquay (Devon), St Marychurch, font 342 Tournai fonts 333-4, 335, 337, 341, 342,344 471 GENERAL INDEX trackways prehistoric 386 Bronze Age 267, 299 Iron Age 302, 303 trade groups, and services 193-9 transport, in Kent 185-202 trees see Knole Trust for Thanet Archaeology 391 Tubersent (France), font 337, 339, 340,344 Turnour, Henry and Johanna 24 Tutt, William 87 twins, conjoined 396-401 Umffray, Sara and Robert 17 Underriver see St Julians Ussher, Alice 38 n.36 van der Wyngaerde, Anton 239,240 Venetian coin see coins Venier, Antonio, Doge of Venice 395 villas (Roman) Dartford 75 Faversham 149 Rodmersham 126 n.20 Sandwich 148 Thurnham 13 Villethierry (France), hoard 64 Waldershare Park 395 Walland Marsh 355, 357, 360 wall-plaster, Roman 213, 225 Walpole, Horace 160, 161 Walter, Isaac 88 Waltham 190 Wantsum Sea Channel 390 Ward, Gordon, map 154, 155, 159 Ware, Solomon 87-8 Warham, William 320 W arlowe, John 311 Warren Farm, long barrow chamber 1-15 watercress bed, Eynsford 406-8 Watling Street 43, 235 Wealden Clay 362 weaving baton, Anglo-Saxon 305 Wekys, Richard 24 Wells, William, bishop 313 Welsh slate 188 Westcombe 237-8, 243 Westgate 193 West Kennet 11 Westwick Cottage (Herts) 97 Wheaten, Alexander see Holmes, William Whinless Down, barrows 386 White Horse Stone(s) 4, 8, 9 Whitfield, Green Lane 139, 148, 149 Whitstable, fish catches 188 Whyman, John, book review by 420- 2 Wickham Court Farm 264, 267 Wijk bij Duurstede (Holland), brick clamps 372 wild fowl decoy 75 Wildes, Denys 32 Willow Farm, Hooper's Lane, Broomfield 298-9, 300 wills evidence for debt 82, 91 and Greenwich church and chapels 241,243, 244-5, 248,249 and hospitals 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 31, 32-5 Wilson, Tania, on the lithics from Dartford 60-3 Wimborne Minster (Dorset), effigy 316 Winchelsey, Archbishop 36 n.4, 244 Winchester (Hants) Cathedral, font 334, 335, 342 spindle whorls 66 window glass Canterbury Cathedral 322-7 Greenwich (stained) 243 Winzar, Patricia, book review by 409-11 Wolsey, Thomas 334 Woodnesborough, John 313 Woolwich 234, 236 Wooton, tree planting 159 workshop, Roman 299 Wotton, Nicholas, tomb of 311 wrecks see Stirling Castle Wykeham, William, effigy 318 Wynton, William 37 n.40 Wyott/Wyatt, William 248 Y orkton, Samuel 86 Zodiac signs 346-50, 351 472