Annual Report of the Council for 2002
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Annual Report of the Council for 2002
The Council of the Society presents its one hundred and forty-fourth
report and statement of accounts for the year ending the 31 st
December 2002.
The Society is established to promote the study and publication of
archaeology and history in all their branches, especially within the
ancient county of Kent. The Society's activities are carried out throughout
the ancient county of Kent. It has no staff and its officers are only
paid out-of-pocket expenses. It co-operates with its affiliated societies
and the organizations to which it is affiliated or of which it is a
member. In particular it co-operates with the Canterbury Archaeological
Trust in promotion of education and the Kent Historic
Buildings Committee in the protection of historic buildings. Its
activities are carried out by the Council, committees and officers.
Annual General Meeting: The Society's annual general meeting was
held at Maidstone on Saturday 18 May 2002 when the Council's annual
report and the accounts for 2001 were accepted and Messrs. Reeves
and Neylan were re-appointed auditors. The officers and members of
the Council were elected; details are set out below under Legal and
Administrative Information. Dr Paul Ash bee, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A. and
Dr Joan Thirsk, C.B.E., B.A., Ph.D. were elected as Patrons of the
Society in recognition of their services to the history of the County.
Changes were made to rules 4 and 35 of the Society's rules. These
changes allow the Council to delegate the admission of new members
and make provision for the appointment of trustees to hold property
on behalf of the Society.
Fieldwork: Excavation of the Roman villa site at Abbey Farm,
Minster-in-Thanet continued under the direction of Keith Parfitt.
Thirty members attended plus members of the Thanet Archaeological
Society and the Dover Archaeological Group. The course of the
boundary wall was revealed and two new buildings found. Work
continued on the reports on the work in previous seasons. Two local
groups and one individual were awarded grants for excavations and
work on artefacts. Members of the committee have led projects for
Young Archaeologists Clubs. The refusal by the Heritage Lottery
Fund of a grant to write up unpublished excavations was a severe
disappointment and other ways of preparing and publishing these
reports are being considered.
Publications: Volume CXXII (2002) of Archaeologia Cantiana was
published as were parts 7, 8 and 9 (volume 3) in the New Records
Series. Further substantial progress was made in preparing An Historical
Atlas of Kent. A records forum, to discuss the publication of records,
held in October was well attended. Seven grants totalling £2,150
were made from the Kent History Fund. Under the editorship of Lyn
Palmer the Newsletter was re-designed with some pages in colour and
the number of issues was increased from three to four a year and the
average number of pages from 12 to 16.
Churches: There was a well attended series of visits to churches, a
Friends meeting house and a synagogue. Work on compiling a database
of Kent churches continued slowly and more help would be
welcomed. The committee procured the services of an Hon. Architectural
Advisor who has already helped four churches. The series in
the Newsletter on major movements and crises in the history of the
English Church continued.
Library and collections: A new web site was established to provide
on-line access to the Society's books and visual records catalogues. It
will also publish articles on Kent history and archaeology, regulated
for academic standard by the Hon. Editor. Volunteers continued work
on cataloguing the Gordon Ward collection of papers on Kent towns
and villages and the collection of visual records. New acquisitions
included books and pamphlets on Kentish places from the library of
the late Kenneth Gravett, bought with money from the bequest from
Kitty Roome, and a set of the Journal of the Agricultural History
Society donated by a member. The recently conserved Anglo-Saxon
buckets were prepared for display in Maidstone Museum and further
information added to the database of the Society's collection there.
Education: The Education Committee continued to support the work
of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust's Education Service whose
work included the visits programme at The Big Dig at Whitefriars,
Canterbury, participating in a science day event at Medway and
supporting the new archaeology course at the Thanet Day Opportunities
Centre. Financial support has been given to work on a proposed
new web site which will draw on the architectural records of some
500 churches in the Canterbury and Rochester dioceses and a laptop
computer was bought for use in a new museum at a Maidstone
secondary school.
Place-Names: The Place-Names Committee continued to assist with
preparation for The Place Names of Kent to be published by the
English Place Names Society under the editorship of Dr Paul Cullen
who is academic advisor to the committee. Forms for collection of
information were designed and tested. The information would
include the origins of a name, its elements and ties to the landscape
and the language of the first settlers up to the end of the nineteenth
century. A grant was made to the Institute for Name Studies at the
University of Nottingham to help establish the Kentish part of the
web site The Key to English Place Names.
Membership: The Society welcomed 150 new members during 2002
(a record for recent years) and ended the year with a membership of
1,652, a net increase of 40. Following a change in the rules last year,
new members are being admitted by the Hon. Membership Secretary.
This saves applicants having to wait until their applications are
considered at a quarterly Council meeting.
Activities for members: A spring social evening at Lullingstone
Castle attended by 75 members included a tour conducted by its owner
Mr Harte Dyke. The traditional Christmas social lunch at the Hop Farm
Country Park was attended by 60 members who were entertained by the
Thomas Clarke Quire with West Gallery church music; that was
folowed by a visit to the David Salomon House at Southborough. The
excursion to Derbyshire was the first one of five days and was attended
by 33 members. There were half-day visits to Chevening House,
Restoration House, Rochester and Gads Hill Place. The winter series
of lectures was supplemented by the lectures and workshops in the
Society's library. The successful day conferences in conjunction with
Canterbury Christ Church College were continued with one in June on
Women in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Society.
Relations with other bodies: The Society appoints members or
representatives to a number of other organisations. In particular, it
appoints half the members of the Kent Historic Buildings Committee
and receives reports from it. Regular reports have also been received
from CBA South-East and the Standing Conference on London
Archaeology. There was a further meeting of representatives of the
county archaeological societies in southern England which provides
a useful forum to discuss matters of common interest and learn about
what other societies are doing. The Society has regularly been
represented at meetings of the Kent History Federation.
The accompanying financial statements show the current state of the
Society's finances which its Council considers to be sound. They
comply with the Council's understanding of the current statutory
requirements and the requirements of the Society's rules.
Investments: The trustees seek, in the management of their investments,
a balance between income and capital growth. The Finance
Committee oversees the management of the Society's investments.
The portfolio, managed by Laing and Cruickshank Investment Management
Ltd, decreased by 16.7% to £880,998 and currently yields 4.6%.
The C.O.I.F. investments, which currently yield 4.2% per cent, fell in
value from £73,164 to £57,898.
Reserves: The Council budgets each year to spend a sum considerably
in excess of current income and tries to maintain reserves
appropriate to allow this to continue. The Society relies on its officers
and other members giving their time freely to organise its activities.
Without those contributions it would have to spend a substantial sum
on salaries.
Allen Grove Local History Fund: The Society administers this Fund
which was given in the will of the late Allen Grove. Its objects are to
promote research, preservation and enjoyment of local history. These
objects are consistent with those of the Society. It is a restricted fund
and is invested separately from the Society's other investments. In
accordance with the terms of the legacy, decisions on how the fund is
to be spent are taken by the Society's officers. During the year eight
grants totalling £1,200 were made towards the costs of producing
publications on local history and displays at exhibitions.
The Society is a charity registered with the Charity Commission
under number 223382. It is an unincorporated association governed
by its rules (published in this volume) and copies of which can be
obtained from the Hon. General Secretary. It is also registered as a
charity with the Inland Revenue which has made a direction under
section 201 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 which
permits certain members (generally those whose employment is
related to the Society's activities) to obtain income tax relief on their
subscriptions to the Society; further details can be obtained from the
Hon. General Secretary.
The principal address of the Society is The Museum, St Faith's
Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 lLH. However, correspondence
should be addressed to the relevant officer.
The governing body of the Society is the Council whose members
are its charity trustees and are elected by the members of the Society
at its annual general meeting in May each year. During the period
covered by this report they were:
P.E. Oldham President
A.I. Moffat Hon. General Secretary
R.G. Thomas Hon. Treasurer
S. Broomfield Hon. Membership Secretary
F.H. Panton Hon. Librarian
T.G. Lawson Hon. Editor
•J. Saynor Hon. Excursions Secretary
M.C.W. Still Hon. Curator
C.W. Chalklin Vice President
L.D. Lyle Vice President
E. Melling Vice President
J. Whyman Vice President
D.G. Anstey
D. Bacchus
E. Boast**
D.A.H. Cleggett*
E.P. Connell
B.T. Cousins
P. Cullen ***
J.M. Hammond**
P.A. Harlow
R. Higgs*
L. E. Ilott ***
D. Killingray
M.T. Lawrence**
R. F. LeGear
A. Miles
M. A. Ocock ***
K. Parfitt
R.N. Rolinson
R.J. Spain
A.L. Thompson
A. F. Ward
C. P. Ward
* Denotes re-elected at the annual general meeting on the 18 May 2002; ** elected
at the A.G.M. on 18 May 2002; ***Retired at the A.G.M. on 18 May 2002.
The officers (other than the Vice Presidents) hold office for one year,
the Vice Presidents for seven years and the other members for four
The Society's main agents and advisers are:
Bankers: National Westminster Bank plc, 3 High Street, Maidstone,
Kent, ME14 IXU.
Auditors: Reeves & Neylan, 37 St Margaret's Street, Canterbury,
Kent, CT l 2TU.
Stockbrokers: Laing & Cruickshank Investment Management Ltd,
5 Appold Street, London, WC2A 2DA.
Stockbrokers' nominee company holding the Society's investments:
Productive Nominees Ltd, 5 Appold Street, London,
The Society's activities are restricted by the terms of its objects set
out elsewhere in this report. In particular its area of benefit is mainly
(but not exclusively) the ancient county of Kent which is considered
to be the administrative County of Kent, Medway Council and the
London Boroughs of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and part of
The Society's investment powers are those given by the general law;
its rules do not give it any special investment powers. The Council
has delegated some of its investment powers to Laing & Cruickshank
Investment Management Ltd in accordance with a scheme made by
the Charity Commissioners on the 18th April 1994.
A. I. Moffat, Hon. General Secretary
on behalf of the Council
22 February 2003
Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31 Dec ember 2002
Unrestricted Designated Restricted
funds Cund funds Total 2001
£ £ £ £ £
Income resources
Subscriptions 30,111 30,111 28,908
Ufe subscriptions 1,160 (1,160)
Archaeologia Ca11tia11a income 850 850
Grants 682 682
Investment income 6,952 39,570 1,550 48,072 49,754
Application of designated
fund investment income 39,204 (39,204)
Other income 18,719 18,719 27,670
Total incoming resources 97,678 (794) 1,550 98,434 106,332
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