Notes for the Guidance of Contributors to Archaeologia Cantiana

443 NOTES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF CONTRIBUTORS TO ARCHAEOLOGIA CANTIANA Deadline for Submission Contributions should reach the Honorary Editor at the latest by the end of August in the year preceding publication. (See postal and email addresses on pp. vii-viii.) Length of Item Papers in Archaeologia Cantiana typically contain 5,000-10,000 words. Longer items are sometimes acceptable; alternatively the Editor may prefer to agree with the author a reduction in the length of the article. With the setting up of the Society’s website, another option for long papers is to publish a Summary or Introduction in Archaeologia Cantiana referenced to the full report on the Internet. The Submitted Text The text must be submitted in electronic form in Word – as an email attachment, on a floppy or CD. An identical hard-copy version must also be provided. Where the text needs to be italicised, indicate either by underlining or type as such. Indicate quoted material clearly. Because Archaeologia Cantiana employs endnotes rather than footnotes, please do not use an automatic footnote function but supply the notes as a separate computer file, and marked appropriately in the text. Illustrations and Photographs The image area of a page of Archaeologia Cantiana is 6.7 x 4.2in. (170 x 105mm). Take into account the depth of the caption. Please provide a sequential list of illustrations/photographs together with the captions required. Line illustrations - a clear original in black ink on white paper or drawing film is ideal - good quality photocopies are acceptable - provide an imperial/metric scale and north point, as appropriate 444 Photographs - good quality b/w originals with adequate contrast, unmounted - colour prints/transparencies can be reproduced in b/w, but the quality of the image may not be as good as that obtained from b/w prints. Digital illustrations Both line illustrations and photographs can also be submitted on disk as TIFF or JPEG files. TIFF line illustrations should be presented at 1200 dpi, if possible; TIFF photographs as greyscale 300dpi. JPEG’s are often submitted at very low resolution (72 dpi). These are suitable for web publication, but not for print. Where possible JPEG lineart should be submitted at 600 dpi; photographs at 300 dpi. If it is not possible to save lineart images from drawing programmes, good quality greyscale line images can normally be produced as PDF or EPS files at 600 dpi. Tables Bear in mind the size limits of the page (see above) in designing your table(s). Tables which can be presented in portrait are preferred. Avoid over-complexity. Some points on House Style - Please do not use the first person. - Tenth century, not 10th century; dates in the form 12 November 1432; July 1675: Augustine landed AD 597 (although sixth century AD), Caesar in 55 BC. - Per cent should be spelled out. - Compass points to appear in full: e.g. south-west, north-eastward. - ‘Old money’ presented thus: £5 6s. 8d. Offprints All contributors of main articles are supplied with ten offprints of their paper, gratis. (Five only for the items in ‘Researches and Discoveries’.) If a larger number is required, for which a charge is made, authors will be invited to order these at the proof stage. Offprints can only be supplied to authors overseas if payment can be arranged by sterling cheques. Copyright Authors should identify the owner(s) of any copyright material (textual or illustrative) contained within articles offered for publication; and are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permission(s). [The Honorary Editor is happy to answer any further queries on articles for submission to Archaeologia Cantiana.] NOTES FOR GUIDANCE OF CONTRIBUTORS


Annual Report of the Council for 2005


General Index