Cobham Hall: Inventory of furniture and pictures in 1672

( 392 ) FURNITURE AND PICTURES AT COBHAM HALL IN 1672. When the last Duke 0£ Richmond and Lenox died in 1672, at Elsinore in Denmark, his executors, Sir Charles Bickersta:ffe, Martin Forster, Esq., and Arthur Capel, Earl 0£ Essex, caused an inventory to be made 0£ the goods and pictures then contained in Cobham Hall. By the courtesy 0£ the Earl 0£ Darnley, and by the kindly help 0£ his lordship's sister, the Lady Elizabeth Oust, I am enabled to print this inventory, and to give some information respecting various portions 0£ the £urniture and pictures. The whole of these goods and chattels 0£ the Duke seem to have remained, intact at Cobham Hall until 1703, when Lady Katherine O'Brien died. They had been bequeathed by the Duke to his widow, £or her use until she married or until she died ; after her ma.rriage or a£ter her death,· the :furniture and pictures were to go, together with the Hall and Park, to the Duke's sister Lady Katherine O'Brien £or her Ii£􀂾. After her death they were to pass to her son Donatus O'Brien, his heirs and assigns. The Duchess did not desire to reside permanently at Cobham, so when Sir Joseph Williamson married Lady Katherine O'Brien in 1678, he seems to have purchased all the interest of the Duchess in the house and furniture. Thus were they kept unchanged until Lady Katherine died. Meanwhile her son Donatus had been drowned in 1682. He left a widow, the Lady Sophia O'Brien (nee Osborne), who afterwards married Lord Lempster; but his ultimate heir was his sister Katherine, who married Lord Cornbury, afterwards Earl 0£ Clarendon. When Lady Katherine O'Brien died, the :furniture was removed from Cobham to her London house in St. James's Square, and there it was sold by auction, on the 11th 0£ May 1703. The sale realised £1805 14s. 9d. This sum was divided into two moieties, one 0£ which was no doubt appropriated by Lady Lempster (widow 0£ Donatus O'Brien); and the other moiety would ,go to Katherine, Lady Oombury, to whose interests her father-in-law the old Earl of Clarendon would attend. Lady Elizabeth Oust discovered that the pictures from Cobham Hall were not sold until 1704, when some letters about them were written to Viscount Weymouth o􀂿 Longleat, who ultimately purchased twenty or more. The writer, named Robinson, spoke 0£ these pictures as being part of those which had fallen to Lord Clarendon's share (on behalf of his absent son Lord Oornbury, then Governor 0£ New York). When Lady Emma Oust, sister 0£ Lady Elizabeth, was at Longleat not long ago, the present Marquis of 00:BHA'.M HALL, A.D. 1672. 393 Bath pointed out to her those portraits, from Cobham, which his ancestor Lord Weymouth had purchased. The first Earl 0£ Darnley had many 0£ the old Cobham pictures, at his London house, in Arlington Street. He married Lady Theodosia Hyde, daughter 0£ the third Earl 0£ Clarendon ; the pictures were.hers. A SCHEDULE OF yn "GOODS w0n••wERE IN yB DUKE'S HOUSE .A.T CoBH.A.M: & ye Outhouses there at ye time 0£ ye said Duke's decease [A.D. 1672]. IN THE DrNEING RooM. One round Table, one Spanish table & two turkey worked carpets ................................. ............. .. Twenty Turkey chaires at 88 per ehaire .................... . Three window. curtain rods & 3 white caleico Curtains .. . £ 8. a. 8 10 0 8 0 0 1 6 0 One picture 0£ the Dutchesse dowager* & 2 children. One picture. .0 £ Queen Mary. My Lord's first Dutchesse (Elizabeth Ro,r;e1·s of B1•yanston). One peice 0£ Prince Rupert. M:y Lord .A.1.1biguy:s picture ( George, La, .LI.., iva-s tlie Dulce' s fatlier). One peice of naked Venus .. One large peice 0£ our Savior. One peice 0£ a Grecian Lady. One peice 0£ Lady Carnarvan ( sistm· of tlie 1st Earl of Essex). One peice 0£ Lady Essex ( the Dulce' s cousin Laity Eliz. Percy ma1·ried tlie 1st Earl of Essex). One peice 0£ ye Lady Howard & Madm Brunkard. Four gilt branches .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. • 1 0 0 One brasse Cisterne & £ountaiue .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. 5 0 0 One pr 0£ Andirons wth brasses, one p1• 0£ Iron Doggs, one p1' 0£ brasse Tongs,. • one Iron fork, 2 brasse locks 2 15 0 IN THE PASS.A.GE, One greene. cloth skreen wth 12 leaves, one large guilt branch & 3 pikes .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. • . .. . .. .. . 2 0 0 Two Iron locks & two bolts . ... . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..... .... .. .. .. .. . 0 18 0 IN THE DitA WING Roo1rn. Six peices of 11 foot Landskip Tapistry hangingst .. .. .. 87 10 0 One Christan Candlestick:j: .. ... . . .. .. .. . .. .. ... . ... . .. . .. .. .. . 40 O O * The Duchess Dowager was Mary ( daughter of the 1st Duke of Buckingham) widow of James Stuart, 4th Duke of Lenox. Her two children were: (1) Esme, 5th Duke of Lenox, who died in August 1660, aged 10 years; and (2) Lady Mary Stuart, who in 1664 married Richard Butler, Earl of Arran, but died in 1667. This Dowager Duchess of Lenox married Colonel Thomas Howard as her third husband. She died in 1685. t These were sold for £57 to Mr. Billingsmews, in 1703, when they were described as of Antwerp make, 5 ells deep, containing about 172 ells altogether. :t: The value of this candelabrum or chandelier should be noticed. Lord De L'Isle has, at Penshurst Place, five very early specimens of crystal chande394 COBHAM lrALJ; • £ s [ Two brasse guilt branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 One large Cabinet . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . 60 0 0 One picture in a guilt frame, two elbow chaires ........... . One stand & a skreen . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 0 15 0 One looking glasse .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . 4 0 0 One window curtain & ro·d....................................... 0 12 0 One.brasse lock & bolt ... ..• ................... ............. ....... 1 0 0 IN THE LADY DuTORESSE's CHAMBER. One brasse lock and bolt ..................... : ........ :.. ... ... 1 0 0 Six peices 0£ 11 £oot d􀃬ep tapistry hangings, 0£ Cleopatra* '70 0 0 One crimson damaskt bed all compleat vizt one bedsted & curtain rodds 4 curtaines & 4 Cantoneere double valence,. head. peice & tester & bases & counterpoint & cupps, one. elbow chaire, three back chaires, & 4 stooles . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 40 0 0 One filock materasse, one feather bedd & bolster, one holland Quilt, two downe pillows, & 2 blanketts...... '7 0 0 One dressing table & stand, & a skreen .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. 3 0 0 One p1·e of Andirons with brasses ............................. . One pre o:E doggs, two pr of Tongs & a fire :fork ......... .. . One window Oallico curtain & rod .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . 0 12 0 IN THE PASS.A.GE, One brasse lock & bolt, one Iron lock ..................... ... 1 1'7 0 IN THE WAITING GENTLEWOMAN'S ROOME. One bedsted, a materasse, one tester & head peice & Count􀃭i;poi1,1t, i:􀃮4 c_lott4 &; . curtains & Vallence, 2 Tables., & a leather cl;).rpeji, 􀃯- a closestoole . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 0 Three peices o:E Tapistry hangings, two window curtaines & a rodd ........ ; . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. 16 5 0 IN THE Lonn DuxE's BEDCHAMBER. One brass lock and bolt ... . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . 1 0 0 Four peices 0£ green Landskip 11 foot deep, & a small odd peice ............................... .,. ......... ............... 81 5 0 One bedsted & curtain rods, 4 curtaines & Vallence 0£ green cloth imbroidered & lined with sarcenet, & liers. Tradition at Penshurst calls them.Elizabethan, but at least four of them are certainly of the middle of the seventeenth century. In 1'703, two of the Cobham chandeliers of crystal, with taft'ety cases, were sold for £14 to Mr. Gamblin. * In 1'703 at the sale in St. James's Square Mr. Cure bought, for £45, "'7 pieces of imagery tapestry hangings, 12 foot deep, of Cleopatra." I believe that some of these are now in the great picture gallery at Cobham Hall, on the floor. Probably in the lot purchased by Mr. Cure there was also included" Onr, peioe of tapistry of Marcus Aurelius," valued at £16, which is mentioned, with other tapestr,r, in the wardrobe. t Mr. Hibbert bought this crimson damask bed, in 1'703, for £25 : 10. INVENTORY OF. FURN.tTURE, .A.,D, 1672. 395 ,, . . . .. . . £ s. d. tester & head peice & inward valence 6£ ye same ·silk, . & quilt, one great chair & 3 stools, & earpet, & table 10 0 0 One cabinet of walnut-tree & a table suitable to it . . . . . . 7 O 0 One guilt stand & skreen .............. ; ........... ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 One canvas-materasse; 1 fustjan, 1-blanket, 1 feather bed &.d-0wne-bolster, two pillows:. .......... 􀆳 ........... · 7 0 () Two callico window curtains & r.odds ......... : ....... ., .... : 0 16 0 One pr of Andirons wth brasse & 1 pr of Tongs . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7 O One Lock & spring ........ , ..........................._ ............ O 3 O · In the 0LOSSETT. One Couch frame & leather cha.ire .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . 0 10 0 In my L.A.DY's dL0SETT, Hangings of. Oamlett as to the Roome suitable, & 2 stands, 3 cushions & 2 chaires .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. 4 10 0 One brasse lock & bolt .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. l O 0 In.. the ClI.4.MllEn OVER MY L» Dmn:'s. Two window curtains & rodds ... .-.. .. . ..... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . 0 16 0 One lock & ·one spring bolt .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. 1 10 0 In the PASS.A.GE (a servants' clianiber). One couch bed, 1 £eathe1• bed & bolster, 1 rugg & blankett & one-canopy, &-two-.curtaines of green serge, 5 chaires, one elbow chair, one Table & turkey work carpet ............................................. ": ... ...... 4 0 0 One brasse ketch & bolt.......................................... 0 10 0 ANOTHER SERVANTS' CHAMBER, One brasse ketch & bolt.......................................... 0 10 0 One bedsted wth green kersey curtaines, 1 feather bedd & pillow, a rugg & blankett, a Turkey work chaire & two old sto.oles, a table, & closestoole . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 12 0 In the DACK. STAIRCASE. One_ guilt branch ................................ .............. : .. . 0 5 0 In the Piss.A.GE to the servants' chamber. One guilt branch .. • .. .. .. ... .. . ... ... .. .. . . .. .. . . .. ... . .. ... .. .. .. . 0 5 0 ·upon the ST.A.IRES. BACK DOORE. '. One brasse lock .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . 1 0 0 In the CHAMBER NEXT THE ALCOVE. Two locks & four spring bolts .................. ,., ... ,, .... ,.. 3 Four peices 0£ Tapistry Allacay hangings 12 foot deep ... 12 One bedsted & rodds, £our curtaines & valence & inward valence & head cloth & .& counterpoint, Two 0 0 0 0 396 COEHAM HALL. elbow chaires, 6 folding stooles & carpet, all of black embroidered sattin, ye curtaines lined with sarcenet, £ 8, il. one table & elbow chair of Parragon... . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . 15 5 0 One feather bed, bolster & quilt of fustian, two blanketts & 1 fustian blankett . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . • 8 0 0 Three white window curtaines & 2 rodds...... . . . . .. . .. .. . .. • 1 4 0 One pr of D.oggs. & a broken Iron.............................. 0 2 0 In the 4"LCOYE Ro_q􀄖􀄗- Three peices of Tapistry hangings . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 44 0 0 One bedsted & 3 curtaine rodds ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ... 1 0 0 Three elbow chair.ea, .twelve folding stooles covered with canvas ......................................................... 8 0 0 One Oabinet, one large looking glasse, one table, 2 stands, all of fine wood of Indian work ........................... 60 0 0 One large ChristiallOaudlestick & two small Standions • 45 0 0 A voider* & a Trencher box of ye Mother of Pearle, & 5 peices of Oheyney . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. • 5 0 0 One picture of my Ld Strafford... .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . 20 0 0 One perspective _peice .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. 2 0 0 Three white window curtaines & rod .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 1 4 0 One brasse lock & bolt, & 2 spring b"olts .. . . .. .. • .. . .. .. .. .. . 1 10 O In the ANTICHA.:MBER. A brass lock & bolt, & 2 spring bolts .. • . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • 2 10 0 Four peices of Tapistry hangings of Marcus. Aurelius ... 40 0 0 One garland of .. :fffow:l;lr peice, 2 braeis!3. i;i,conses, guilt, set out with Christ􀄘lls. ... ...... .... ... ......... ... ...... ...... ... 2 0 0 Two window curtaines & one. Rodd .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. • 0 16 0 One LITTLE Roo:ME next the Stairhead. A bedsted & 3 Taffaty curtaines & valleuce, feather bed & bolster, 1 rugg & 1 blankett, 1 Spanish table, 1 chaire, 1 stoole, 1 warming pan........................... 8 10 0 One stock lock & key .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 0 1 0 In the p ASSA.GE & STAIRES. Three Guilt branches . . . . .. . .. . . . .............. : : : .... '..... . .. . .. 0 15 0 . In the P ASSA􀄙􀄚 to y0 prNEIN.G Roo:r,rn. Two tables . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1 0 0 One horse peice. In' the two CLOSSETS wthin y0' passage. One armed chair & Turkey Oarpet, & table & back chair ...... ........................... ......... ...... ......... ... 1 0 0 * A "voider" was used by the servants (when clearing the dinner table) for removing the plates, etc. INVENTORY OF FURNITURE, A,D, 1672. 397 £ s. it. In the LAllY STEWART'S room. One bedsted, 1 feather bed, bolster, & 1 quilt ... ... ... ... 2 10 0 One great chaire, 2 leather chaires, 1 serge chair, 1 stoole & 2 black stooles, 1 Turkey carpet, 1 table............ 1 6 0 Tapistry hangings, 6 peices, old ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 8 0 0 One Corte cuRboard & window curtains & rodds, 1 pr of Doggs w h brasses, 1 stand .................................. 11 0 0 One stock lock & key . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . 0 1 0 In the LINNEN ROOM. A. bedsted mat & corcls 'stri1;•a: stuffs curtaines, 1 feather bed, 2. bolst􀄼rs, 2 ruggs, 3 blanketts, one leather carpet, one stock lock & key . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . 2 15 0 In the RED BEDCHAMDER. One stock lock & key............................................. 0 1 0 One bedsted & rod, 1 p1• of Red cloath curtaines & double vallence, & counterpoint tester & head cloth, & carpet, 6 back chaires £ringed wth gold & silver fringe· a great ·parte of · ye £ri:rige lost, y0 curtaiiies lined with Sarsenet . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . ... .. . .. . .. . 14 0 0 Two feather bedds, 1 bolster, 2 pillows, 1 fustian quilt, one rugg, & 1 blanket ........._ ...... ...... ............ ... 5 0 0 Five peeces 'of 'Tapistry old hangings, a table, a pr of Doggs & a deal cupboard, a prof bellows ... ...... ... 8 8 0 In the CLOSET adjoyneing. One hal£headed bedsted, a Mattrass, a flock bed & bolster, 1 feather bolster, & Rugg, a Table & wooden chaire, a close stoole .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. 1 15 0 In S" CHARLES BrcKERSTAFF:rn's roome. Five peices 0£ Tapistry imagery hangings . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 16 0 O One bedsted & suite of serge curtaines lined wth Sarscenet to tye up wth strings, headcloth, & tester & quilt of ye same-lineing, 9 pr of strings, 4 caps, 7 bl. chaires 8 O O Two feather bedds one bolster, 1 fustian guilt a canvas matterasse, two blanketts, one rugg, one pillow . . . . . . 7 O O One window curtain & Rodd, one table, 1 pr of Doggs & a Chymny·peice·& a stand ...... ::: ................ .':...... O 12 O In the CLOSETT adjoyneing. One hal£headed bedsted, a Mattrasse, & flock bed a feather bolster, a rugg, a close stoole & Quilt . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 1 10 0 One lock & key . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . 0 1 0 In the THREE G.A.RRETTS. Four half headed bedsteds, 1 feather bed, . 4 feather bolsters, 1 quilt, 4 purple curtaines, 2 black chaires, one box, 2 cubbords, 1 couch, 2 Tables, 1 chest, 1 leather chaire, 1 stoole ........................ , ,. . . .. .. . . . 4 10 0 398 COBHAM HALL. · . £ s. a,, In my L» Du1n;i's BEDCHAMBER at ye end 0£ ye Gallery. One bedsfa:\d .. & rodd, 4 curtaines & vallence 0£ yellow flowered sattin lined with sky color' d sarcenet, tester & head cloth & inward valence, & quilt 0£ the same, £our cupps, 1. carpet, & 4 back chaires . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . 20 0 0 One holland quilt, 1 fustian quilt, 1 feather bedd, 1 bolster, q bbnk!:l.tts .,, .., . .........., ..... ... ... .. ... . .. . ... ... . . . 7 0 0 1 large· lool,; .glas, a .Glo!:!El stoqle, a p􀄾im 0£ doggs . .. . .. 2 8 0 Two Guilt suites of Armor lined wth blew in ye head peice, 2 plaine suites of Armor ...... ......... ...... ... ......... 8 0 0 .A.n Umbrella & a weather glasse a window curtaine of callico & rodd & a wainscot chest........................ 0 15 0 . . . in . ·one RooME Ul'ON THE STAIRES. Two peices of hangings of Cloth & Guilt leather 1 window curtaine .. & Rodd, one bedsted, 2 peices of strip'd stu:ffe abt it ye old quilts, 1 feather bolster, 1 rugg, 1 blanket, 1 box, 1 table, one chaire, 1 stoole, & 1 pillow .................. ":··· ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ...... 2 10. 0 . .In the BILLIARD ROOME. Two peices 0£ old Tapistry, one round table & Turkey carpet, & a Billiard table ...... :.. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 12 0 0 .. In thei RooME NEXT the Billiard Roome. One pewter still & 􀄿n old table................................. 1 0 0 In Mn GLOAT'S CHAMBER. One half headed bedsted, a feather bed & bolster, & two coverlidds ::::::.::::: ... : .. ::: ... :::.: .... :::;.;:::............ 8 5 0 In the PANTRY . . One couch bed £raine, a feather bed, a bolster, 1 rugg, 2 blanketts, 5 leather back chaires, a Napkin presse & bread binn, 1 candle box, & a little table............... 4 2 6 In the FIRST ROOME BACKWARDS IN yB NEW BUILDINGS. Three peices 0£ ffl.atcap hangings, a Table, a wicker chaire & a stand . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 12 0 0 In the SECOND ROOME BACKWARDS. Four old peices of ffl.atcaps, 2 Tables, 2 stands . .. . . . . . . . . . 14 0 0 One picture 0£ our Savior. One chymny peice of.the 4 Evangelists. Five peices ol' "Tapistry, a 'table, & cusliiori, . a chaire & curtain rodds .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . 18 0 0 In the WORLDS END one pr of staires. The hangings 0£ green cloth & Guilt leather 1 bedsted & :rod, -$ .. curtaipeii ,{k, vttllenP.e teiiter & head peice & INVENTORY OF fIS'fOLS .􀀚ND GUNS, .A.D. 1672. 399 counterpoint;. all of red cloth laced, 1 carpet, two window ,eurtai-nea .& rods, 1 Table 1 arm'd cha ire, 3 folding stools, 2 . stands, .. 2 old .. quilts, 2 feather bolsters,-1 rugg-&. 2 blanketts, 1 Pallet bed, 1 feather bed, & bolsters, 2 ruggsi -a• blankett & a flock bed In. the WORLDS END. £ s. a. 9 0 0 ]!"ive peeces of f!ia;tsrap hangings ... :: : .. .. . . . ...... ; .. . .. . .. 12 0 0 In the-chamber at the GALLERY END two pair of staires. One bedsted,"o:tie·Materasse, 1"£eather bed & bolster, 1 ·pillow,· t·rugg,"2'blanketts, ·2 chai:res; 'l ·stoole, 1 table: .. ::: . . ..... ::: ... ::: ....... :· ............................. 4 0 0 1 Stocklokey work carpet .......................... . One Turkey work carpet ..................................... .. One large Turkey carpet .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . ..... . One old Turkey carpet ......................................... . One other old Turkey carpet .................................. .. One oaken leafed Turkey work carpet ....................... . One side board carpet & a peice of one .................... . One pair of Harpsichords ...................................... . Tenne peices of velvet & other stuffs, two cushions, two 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 1 10 0 8 15 0 1 8 0 4 16 0 116 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 elbow chaires, £our back chaires, all belonging to ye Chappell·* .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . 10 0 0 One long quilted squobb & bolster, one carpet one elbow chaire & 4 back chaires of sky culler'd tabby .. .. .. .. . 4 0 0 Two elbow chaires of crimson velvet, a carpet thereto belonging, two purple velvet stooles, two back chaires, two stooles, a carpet of green damask ; the house clock & bell & weights, one large Tent, a kitchen Tent, two polls and back stalls .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 8 10 0 * The Chapel at Cobham Hall wrui in the north wing. Its entrance from the courtyard was through the handsome porch of Caen stone, dated 1594; see plate opposite page lxvii in .Ll..rclueologia Oantiana, XI. The opposite doorway in the south wing is engraved in Vol. XVII. opposite page 373. D D 2 · 404 PICTURES In the WARDROBE OF PICTURES. 1, A peice 0£ the Tomb 0£ King James' father.* 2, A peice 0£ Henry6 th.t 3, Queen Jane.t 4, Edward ye 5 th .t 5, Richard ye 3 rd.t 6, Henry ye 7 th.t 7, Edward ye 4 th.t 8, Mother 0£ Henry ye 7 th• 9, Queen Mary.t 10, Henry ye 5th.t 11, Henry y04 tl•.t 12, Kg James ye ist. 13, Richard y0 2nd.t 14, Henry 8 th.t 15, Edward ye 3 rd.t 16, Queen Elizabeth.t 17, Edward 6 t11.t 18, Emperors head. 19, The Virgin Mary. 20, Esme duke 0£ Lenox,! 21, .A. pedigree.§ 22, Henry ye King 0£ ffrance. 2:3, Our Savior & ye woman of Samaria. 24, .A. :folding peice of our Savior &ye wise men. 25, The Ld Howard of Bindon. 26, One peice 0£ a man wth a coppy of verses.II 27-34, Eight peices upon wood of unknown heads. 35, A peice 0£ ye Dutchesse 0£ ·Richmond at length cut out. 36-39, More cut out peices to stand on the staires.-J 40, 41, Two round heads. 42, One little landskip with a ship in it. 43, One little landskip. 44, One small woman's head. 45, One peice 0£ the Old Ld Cobham. 46, James Duke 0£ Richmond. 47, Jacob & Esau. 48, One peice of a £rench dutchesse wch M1·s Beaumont pretends to. 49, One naked Venus. 50, One single head with a bugle borne. 51, One peice 0£ ffau1con. 52, One small peice 0£ Diana. 53, .A.n old Philosopher. 54, One of Mary Queen 0£ Scots. 55, One large peice of St Francis. 56, One peice 0£ a Basket 0£ fruit. 57, One peice 0£ 2 daughters of Spaine. 58, .A.nd one peice 0£ our Savior & the Virgin Mary. 59, One peice of y0 old Duke 0£ Richmond in his Parliament Robes. 60, One peice of ye old Duke 0£ lliichmond in his Nightcap. 61, One peice of ye Queen 0£ Bohemia.** 62, One peice 0£ y0 King 0£ Bohemia.** 63, One naked Indian with Bow & Arrows. 64, One little peice of 1-thenish wine glasses. 65, One peice 0£ Tobit arid bis dogg. 66, England .A.rtemisi. 67, One fruitredge peice. 68, One peice 0£ :ffine patridge. 69, One heathen Philosopher. 70, One Judith & Holo£ernes. 71, One of Lord Mansfield. 72, One Landskipp of Van Brugen. 73, One. Landskipp. 74, One ofy° King 0£ Bohemia's daughter. 75, One * Mr. Scharf suggests that this is a picture which was subsequently given to King George II., by Thomas, Earl of Pomfret, in 1'738. If so, it is now at Windsor Castle; it represents James I. praying at the tomb of his father. t All these were painted upon panel, and were purchased in 1 '704 by Viscount Weymouth for £'7; i.e. l0s. each. These portraits are all at Longleat, where the Marquis of Bath shewed them to Lady Emma Oust not long ago. Mr. Scharf noticed upon them the O'Brien seals. :t Now at Longleat. § This curious picture is now at Cobham Hall. It shews the descent of James I. from Henry VII. II Probably Thomas, Lord Seymour of Sudeley, with Sir John Harrington's lines in his praise; so says Mr. Scharf. , Here we have four examples of a fashion prevalent in the seventeenth century. When such a picture is now seen standing on the floor of a landing or staircase it is by some thought to be unique; but many such " cut-out" pictures are still in use. ** These were painted by Honthurst, and are now at Longleat. AT 00:BHAM HALL, A,D, 1672. 405 peice 0£ Moses & Pharoah's daughter. '76, One large Landskipp of Ham House. 77, The Dutchesse of Richmond's head. '78, The Dutchesse 0£ Lenox. 79, Frances Dutchesse 0£ Richmond. 80, King Charles ye first. 81, A night prospective peice. 82, My Lord John & Lord Bernard (Stuart).* 83, One Rhenish wine glass & pickled herring. 84, One of Ld Lodwick (Stuart). 85, One deaths head by Vandike. 86-88, Three small bird-peices. 89, One of two philosophers. 90, One 0£ a pipers head. 91; One a Dutch Closett peice wtha ratt in it. 92, One peice of Esqre Rogers.t 93, One head peice 0£ ye Dutchesse 0£ Richmond. 94, One peice 0£ a Spanish Lady. 95, One peice 0£ Bacchus. 96, One filower peice 0£ Van Brugen. 97, One a garland 0£ filowers. 98, One 0£ Bacchus laid. 99, One of Diana wthout a £rame. 100, One peice 0£ our Savior ador'd by ye shepherds. 101, One peice 0£ poultry. 102, One peice of hunting of £foxes. 103, One Battlepeice. 104, peice 0£ Cupid & Venus. 105, One peice 0£ ye £our Elements all without frames. IN THE OuTROUSES,-In the BREWHOUSE, £ ,. cl, Two coppers & Tonn & Cisterne, two' coolers, 1 Mash fatt & pumps, and all other Brewing vessells belonging to ye Brew house & Cider trough ... . .. ... . .. . ... .. '70 0 0 In the GR.A.NARY. One old Table & a peice of lead & an old beam . . . . . . • . . . . . 0 3 0 In the BAKEHOUSE, One Kneading trough, 8 old Tubbs, & 8 sives, one table, 1 hanging selfe ......................... ................... , 0 13 0 In the W ASRH0USE. One copper & leaden cisterne wth small washing tubbs . . . 1 8 0 In the w .A.GGONERS ROOME, One half headed bedsted, one feather bed & bolster, on flock bolste1•, i pillow & Rugg .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . 2 10 0 Three blanketts, one chaire, one halfe headed bedsted, feather bed & bolster, pillow, one Rugg, one blankett 2 0 0 In the LANDRY. Two Tables an Iron grate . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. • .. .. .. .. . .. . . . 0 12 0 In the B.A.YLIFF's Roo:am. One Boyler, one Table, two £ormes, an Iron grate & pot hanger .. . . . . .• . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .• . .. . . . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . 1 10 0 * This fine picture by Van Dyok is now at Cobham Hall. t Richard Rogers of Bryanston, father of the Duke's first wife Elizabeth (widow of Charles Cavendish, Lord Mansfield). 406 00BHAl\{ HALL. £ 8, il. One fbeeadtshteerd bwetdh ,s t&ri pbeodl sstteurff, et wabot ipti lolonwe sm, aotntee rRasusge,, aonnde 2tw coh abrleasn, kfiertets s, hoonveel C&o utortneg sC &u pbbeolalrodw, s t&w o2 sttaobolleess, tae rhaaslsfe , haena doeldd bbreadsssete cdl,o c:flko ck. . b• .e..d . . & . . .. b .o. .l •s.t. e .r. . &.. . .m .. a.t. .- 6 0 0 OVER THE STABLES, One tcwouo cfhe abtehde r& b hedalsf e& htehardeee db oblesdtesrtse,d ,£ oounre b lmanatkteetrtass, se&, two Ruggs three chaires & one Table ... .. . .. . . . .. . .. . 4 0 0 In the STABLES. One bholasltfe rh, etawdoe db labnekdestttesd,, & taw rou gfgea, tohneer flboecdkd bse d& .. o .n . e . 4 One feather bed .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . • .. 1 0 0 In the SMYTH' s ROOME. O. ne tbherdeset edfe awththe srt rbipo'ldst setrus,ff et awboo ufte iatt,h eorn ep filelaotwhse,r btewdo, bSltaonokleest t&s, ao ngere Ratu figrge, sohnoev eclolv &er lTido,n Sgisx ..o .l.d. .c. .h. a.. i.r .e.s . .&. . 2 10 0 In the SMYTH'S SHOP. One h.Aa.nmvmilleer s&, 1V8 icoeld &m Busikcoerttnse, , wone pr of Bellows, two th some other tooles & One octohpepre or ld. .I. .r. o. n.. .. . ... . ... ... ... ... . • . ... .. ... . .. . .. . . . .. . . ..... .. . .. ... . . ... . .. . .. .. . . .. . ... ... .• ... . .... .• . 4 5 0 2 0 0 In the Co.AOHMAN's RooME. Two 2h afllfeoc kh ebaodlesdte bres,d s.otnedes ,f etwatoh efre aptihlleorw b, etdwso & b lbaonlksetetrtss,, t&w io sRtouoglge,s , towneo oolldd c oTvaebrlleids , &o nae ccuopub choa, rtdh,r eIer ocnhdaoirgegss, & one pr of Tongs .. ... . ... . .. .. . .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. . . ... .. . .. . 8 10 0 In the ROOME OVER yn Co.A.CHMA.N's. Two bhoallsftee rhse, adtherde eb efldostcekd sb, eodns,e foenaet hbeorl sbteedr,, ttwwoo fReuatghgesr, one blanket & one chaire .. . ... .. .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. 3 10 0 In the Co.A.CH STABLE. OOnnee fleeaadthener c ibsetedr ntew .o.. .o..l.d. ..f.e.a..t, h.e..r. .b..e.d..d..s. .o.n..e. ..p.i .l.o.w..,. .o.n..e. 1 0 0 flock pillow one Rugg . .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . 1 10 0 In the old F.A.ULKING HOUSE Roo:ME. Five et:!: 􀀇􀀈. 􀀆􀀇􀀈􀀉􀀊􀀋? -􀀌􀀍􀀎􀀏􀀐􀀑􀀒􀀓. 􀀔􀀕􀀖􀀗􀀘 􀀙: -􀀆􀀇-􀀈􀀉􀀊:. 􀀚. 􀀋:􀀌 3 0 0 INVENTORY, A..D. 1672. 40'7 £ s. d. In the GENT' OF HoRSE's 'CHAMBER. Six peices 0£ old Tapistry hangings, 1 bedstead & rodds, 4 Ourtaines & double vallence & head peice, & tester, & counterpoint, & capps, 2 elbow chaires, & 2 black chaires & ·2 ·stooles &· carpet all 0£ sad culler' d Oloth, one table, one Matterasse, one feather bed & bolster 2 blanketts & a pr 0£ Doggs & plate lock & key ............ .............. , ........... "••·······••,• 24 ,0 O In the OLOsETTS within. The closet hanged wth strip'd stuff; one case with , drawers . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. 1 0 O In the STONE lIALL. Two old bedsteds & 2 Iron gates. In the STEW.A.RD'S Roo:r.rn. Two tables, 4 chaires, 1 pr 0£ Andirons & an old chest . . . 1 15 O · · , , · · In the 0ARPENTER'·s Roo:ME, One half e. headed bedsted, · 2 feather beds & bolsters, 1 flock bed, i rugg, & 2 blanketts .. .... .... .. ... ... ... ••.• 3 0 0 In the GARRETTS over ye World's End. One feather bed, one bedsted, 2 bolsters, 1 rug, 1 blanket, i rug & 2 curtaines 0£ old Scotch plad, 1 Table, 1 Ohaire & 1 stoole .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ... .. ... .. . . ... .. . 2 10 0 One lock and key . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. • .. .. .. . • .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 0 2 0 In the great lodging. Nine brasse locks & 17 spring bolts &· 3 Iron locks & 1 brasse ketch .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. . . . .. .. . ... ... . .. ... .. . .. • .. • 18 6 0 A note of y0 Linnen. Thirty £our pr 0£ Canvas sheets, 13 pr of Ordinary Holland sheets, seaven pr of ffine Holland sheets, Nine diaper Table Cloaths, 4 coarse Table Oloths for y0 Dairy, 7 dozen & ½ 0£ Diaper Napkins, Two large coarse Holland Table Cloths, 6 pillow beeres, & 3 coarse Towells ..,. .................. ....... ......... ... , ....... . In the KITCHEN. 407 pound 0£ Fine Pewter at 9a per pound.................. 15 5 3 56 pound of coarse Pewter at 'J'd per pound...... . .. .. .. .. . .. 1 18 4 Two brasse potts, 2 brasse, 3 brasse candlesticks, 1 brasse cover, 1 pr 0£ serving panns, 1 Oullender, 2 brasse panns, 2 kettles, 2 sauce panns, 1 skillet, 2 warming panns, one bee£e boyler one brasse scumer & ladle .. . .. .. .. .. • .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. . 6 10 0 408 CO:BHA.M HA.LL. £ 8. a,, One range, two Iron racks,·6 sp-itts, 2 cleavers, one chopping knife, two dripping panns, 3 frying panns one brasse pestle & morter, two trivetts one Gird.iron & a pothanger .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . • .. ... . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. 6 10 0 The Leaden Cisterns . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 8 0 0 Two dressers & 2 formes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . 1 0 0 In the RIND ROOME. One long drawing table & forme . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. 14 0 0 In ye ST.A.l3LES & Co.A.OR RousE. One charriot being ye old .French one wth one pr of harnesse ................................. ........................... 10 0 0 The Rich Coach covered wthin & wthout wth velvet crimson wth a buckram case to it wth 40 gold & silver Tassells & trimmed wth gold & silver fringe & lace ... 200 0 0 13 load of Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. 20 0 0 5 load of Timber at ye Saw pit & 15000 bricks in ye clamp, 870 free stones £or paving, & some scaffold poles ................................ ,......... .................. . . . . R:moA:L>ITULATION OF TRE LATE Duns REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY. £ s. d. Security to The Manor of Magavelin & Lands in Ire- Frances 1 d t d t er annum 500 0 0 Dutchesse of an ren e a P • • • • ·" · · · · · · • · Richmond The farme of ye subsidy & .A.ulnage (befor her sides ye rent of ye crowne) per ann ... , 2000 0 0 £2000 per Duke's Yard in St Martin's Lane worth ann. per annum . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 0 0 Sutton Marsh (besides £800 per ann. fee farme rent) worth per ann. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 500 0 0 This devised after Cobham house & park valued at payment of debts to per annum . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . 600 0 0 y• du􀅂hes during The £f ee farme rent issueing out of her w1ddowhood. Watton Priory, Com. Ebor. . .. 70 4 0 The Mannor 0£ Cobham, Merston, Randall Green & Gravesend & severall lands & tenements purchased by Duke James estimated at per annum . . . . . . .. .. . . 500 0 0 The Mannors of East Chalk & West Chalk & Westcli: ffe per ann. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . ... 1000 0 0 Nimising in Com. Ebor. . ........ £112 19 11 Watton Demesne in Com. Ebor. 144 9 0 Ravensworth in Com. Ebor....... 88 10 4 Witham in Oom. Essex ......... 74 0 0 419 19 3 The whole Estate valued at pr annum ...... £5940 3 3


Cobham Hall: Letters to the last Duke of Lenox, A.D. 1667-72. With Notices of the Dutch Fleet in the Thames, A.D. 1667; and the Walsingham Pedigree


Notes on J. Russell Smith's Bibliotheca Cantiana