General Index

( 411 ) GENERAL Abergavenny, Henry, Lord (ob. 1587), 47, 215; George, Lord (1522), 59. Abraham and Isaao, a Mediooval Play, so, 14'7. Aorise Churoh Plate, 241. Adam, John (1429), 18. Adamson, Rev. William, 64. Addington Chm:ch Plate, 242. Adisham Churoh Plate, 242. Albemarle, Duke of, 879, 880. Aldersey, Margaret, 42, 279, 804 ; Mary, 42, 804: ; Terry, 42, 279; Thomas, 42, 279 ; William, 42, 279. Aldington Churoh Plate, 244. Aldowsey, Thomas, 202. Alkham Churoh Plate, 245. Allard, Francis, 42. Alleyn, Sir Christopher, 227. Allhallows (Hoo) Church Plate, 246. Allington, 154; Church Plate, 24'7. Alsnoth, William (1589), 27. Andrewes, William (plate), 287. Anne of Cleves at Rochester, 75, 76. Antiphoner bought, 85. Appledore Churoh Plate, 24'7. Arlington, Lord, 888-4. Arnold, A. A., on Quarry House, 169· 180 ; on Roman Remains there, 189· 192; on Roohester Bridge in 1561, 212-40. Arundel and Surrey, Thomas, Earl of (1686), gives Cup to Cathedral at Canterbury, 816. Ash (by Sandwioh) Church Plate, 248. Ash (by Wrotham) Church Plate, 250. Ashford, 198-4; Church, 202-4; Church Plate, 251. Ashley, Lord (1667), 382-3, Ashurst Church Plate, 254. Atkins (1655), 1'77. Atwood, Rev. Samuel (1718), 251. Aucher, William (ob. 1514), 57; Sir Antony, 194. Austen, Rev. E., 259; Jane, 259, INDEX. Austen, Mr. (1658), 82'7; Sir Robert, 345,850. Avis, Mr. (1658), 321-2, 336. Aylesford, 4'7; Church Plate, 254. Aylwin, Rev. John, 284. Badlesmere Churoh Plate, 25'7. Bagfi.eld, "goodman" (1658), 322. Baker, Clement (1514), 20. Balle, John, of Canterbury (]514), '77. Banoroft, Rev. D1·. John, 282-8; Christopher, 288; Archbishop, 288. Bapohild Church Plate, 25'7. Barfreston Churoh Plate, 259. Barham Church Plate, 259. Ba.rkham, Doroas, 38'7 ; Sir Robert, 88'7. Barming Churoh Plate, 260. Barnard, Messrs, (plate), 248, 2'70, 299,801. Barnham, Robert (1668), 1'73; Sir Robert, 29'7-8; Philadelphia., 298. Barnjet, 261. Barrell, Sarjeant, 212. Barrett, Valentine, of Perry Court, 46. Bateman (plate), Ann, 258; Hester, 253; Jonathan, 253, 289; Peter, 258, 289 ; William, 253. Battely, .A.rohdeacon John, 244, 268; Rev. Nicholas, 268. Ba.ugh, Mr., of Howletts, 269. Bayford (Sittingbourne), 154. Bayley, Richard (plate), 312. Bea.rated Church Plate, 261. Beckenham Church Plate, 262-'7 . Beeke, Thomas, 367; Elizabeth, 36'7. Beggars (or oollectors), Escutcheons for, 80-1. Bekesbourne, 4'7 ; Churoh Plate, 26'7. Bell, Matthew, 269. Bells, '79, 83, 85 et seg., 120; Wakering, '79 ; W akerell, 85, 92, 107; ropes, price of, 105, 107, 114, 135; ringing for Queen, 185-6. 412 GENERAL INDEX. Belser, George, 81; John, 81-2, Belvedere Church Plate, 270. Benenden Church Plate, 270. Bernard, Rev. James, 257. Besbych, John (1561), 237. Bethersden, 47 ; Church Plate, 271. Ilettenson, Sir Richard, 338, 340. Bettes, Thomas (1575), 171. Betteshanger Church Plate, 272. l3ewl River bounds Kent and Sussex, 38. Bexley Church Plate, 274-7. Bible, price 16s. (1566), 120. 'Bickerstaff, Sir Charles, 388, 392. Bickley Church Plate, 277. Bicknor Church Plate, 278. Bidborough Church Plate, 279, 420. Biddenden, 42 ; Church Plate, 280. Billiard table (1661), 345,398; balls, sticks, King, and porch, 346. l3ilsington Church Plate, 283. Birchington Church Plate, 284. Biding Church Plate,2 85. Birmingham, Silver Plate assayed at, 206. Bishopsbourne Church Plate, 286. Blackheath (Ascension) Church Plate, 287. Bladen, Rev. Thomas, 65. Blean Church Plate, 289. Bloor Family, Rainham, 51, 52, 58- 59; coat of arms, 57; Place, xliv. Blount, Father (1598), 44-46. Blunt, Rev. Walter, 279. Bobbing Church Plate, 290. Bodenham, Mr. (1659), 328. Bodington, John (plate), 252. Boley Hill, Rochester, 181-8, .220, 232-3, 238. Bonnington Church Plate, 291. Boodle, Rev. J. A., 242, 247, 250, 261, 262, 270, 274, 278, 285, 294, 298, 301,304. l3oralston, Rev. John (1721), 242. Borden Church Plate, 282. Boreman, " goody," 331. l3osvilles of Chevett, 42. l3oughton Aluph Church Plate, 293. --- Blean Church Plate, 294. Malherb Church Plate, 295. --- Monchelsea Church Plate, 296, Bourne Park, 269, l3ourne, Richard (1658-63), 321, 348. Bourne, Uncle (1658), 322, 331. Bowdler, Jane, 269; Rev. Thomas, 269. Bowles, Rev. - (1650), 372. Boxley Church Plate, 298, 420. Braban, John (1422), 18. Brabourne Church Plate, 800, 420 ; Church, 856. Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. (1659), 380, 387, 389; Mary, 864. Brasted Church Plate, 801. Brattle, Gamaliel, 812. Bredgar, 42, 279 ; Church Plate, 802. Bredhurst Church Plate, 804. Brenchley Church Plate, 804. Brenzett Church Plate, 305. Bridge Church Plate, 805. Bridge Chapel at Rochester, xxxix, 163. Briefs, (1569) 126, (1658-68) 822-8 , 325, 827-8, 332, 388, 848, 356. Broadstairs Church Plate, 806. Brock, E. P. L., on old glass at Westbere Church, 1-3. Brockley Rill Church Plate, 307. Brome Park, 260. Bromley Church Plate, 808. Bromley College Communion Plate, 309. Bromley Common, Church Plate, 810, Brompton Church Plate, 810. "Brompton (New) Church Plate, 811, Brook Church Plate, 811. Brookland Church Plate, 312. Broomfield Church Plate, 813. Brotherhoods at Canterbury, St, Dunstan's, 144. Buckingham, Duke of, xlix. Buckland, 154, 156. Buckland (Dover) Church Plate, 313. Buggins, Mr. (of North Cray), 345. Bull-baiting at Rochester, 76. Bunce, Rev. John, 805. Buntyng, Mr., of Romney (1553), 27, Burham Church Plate, 814. Burial in Church, fees for, 106, 118, 122,181. . Burmarsh Church Plate, 315, Burrell, Peter, 263 ; Sir Peter, 268 ; Amy, 268; Sir Merrick, 264. Butler, Sir Oliver (1668), 178, 845, 850; Oliver, 206-7 ; Thomas, 206; William, 206-7. Byngele, John (1426), 18, Cable, John (1685), 178. Calfskin, for bells, 99, 102, Calveshead (on Corpus Christi Day), 85, 88 et seq.; see 101. Campleshon, Rev. John, 65. Canary Birds, price of, in 1660, 842. Canterbury, Roman Relics from, 84, 155, 157, 158; St. Dunstan's Church Accounts, 77-149; St. Thomas's Hill (1524), 84. Canterbury, Archbishop of, George G ENERA.L INDEX. 413 Abbot, 82; reeve of Matthew Parker, 124; Longley, 221 ; Cardinal Morton, 214, 222 ; W arham, 162. Canterbury Castle (1568), 116. Canterbury Cathedral, Communion Vessels, 815-819; Sculptured Head of a Knight at, 87 ; Dean Payne Smith, 317. Carlisle, Lord, 379. Carmarden, Luoy (1654), 177. Carnsew, William, 197-8. Cartwright, Ann, 249 ; Eleanor, 249- 50; Gervase, 249. Catigo, Rev. Reginald, 64. Cator, Albemarle, 266; William, 266. Oeoil, Sir William (1561), 228. Censers, 79, 85. Champneys, 856; Justinian, 48. Chandler, Elizabeth, 2,.1,5; Matthew (1700), 245. Ohurooal (1514), 79, 80, 88, 85, 88 et seq.; price of saok, 96, 101. Chatham, 189, 879, 880; Ohuroh, xli. Cheney, John, of Cralle, 47. Chester, Mr. (1662), 848. Chesterfield, Katherine, Countess of, 296. Cheyney, Sir John (1492), 24. Chilham, 886. Ohilston Park, 856, 860, 865. Chilton, Rev. Nioholas, 64. Chimney-tax money, 849. Ohuroh Goods,(1561-6) 116-122, (1579) 187. Ohuroh House, 141; (Canterbury, St. Dunstan's), 82, 85 et seq., 114, 184-5; quit-rent paid for, 109, 110; oalled the Fryer, 128-9. Ohuroh Plate in Kent, 119, 241-820. Ohylton, John (1520), 20; Nioholas, 64. Clare, Joseph (plate), 312. Clarendon, Earl of, 892-8. Clarke, Sir Franois, 48, 178. Clitherow, Richard (1422), 18. Coals (see Oharooal), 79, 80, 83, 85 et seq.; Saok of, 96, 101. Cobb, Rev. Charles, 65. Cobham, John, Lord (1892), xxxix, 161-4, lflS, 218 ; Thomas Brooke, Lord, 215 ; William Brooke, Lord, 215. Cobham Hall, 873-408; Inventory of Furniture, 892. Cobtree, 256. Ooldred, Vicar of, 111. Oolepeper, Thomas, Lord, 173; Alicia, 255 : Sir Richard, 255 ; Sir Thomas, 255 ; Thomas, 256. Colepeper's Adversaria, 200, Collyn, Rev. Martin (1561), 221, 232. Commonwealth's Court of Record (1658), 31. Communicants, Census of (1569), 126. Communion Plate, 119 ; Table of Boards (1566), 120, 180. Conway, Rev. William, 810. Cooke, Edmund, 275; George, 275-6; Henry, 275; Robert, 275. Cooling Castle, 215. Cope, made into Altar Cloth, 105 ; into Communion Table Cover, l 35 ; sold (1561), 115-6, 134. Oopinger, John (1561), 239. Coppin, Sir William, 275. Cornbury, Lord, 376, 392 ; Lady, 892. Cornish Mines (1588-7), and Thomas Smythe, 197-8. Corps, Rev. William, 64. Corpus Christi Day, 85 et seq.; Procession, 79 ; Ringer's Breakfast, etc., 101, 107; The Play, 147, Cottam, Charles, 256. Cotton, Sir J. (1659), 328. Courthope, Christopher, 113, ]29; Mrs., 128-9, 131; her Pew, 138. Coventry, Henry (1667), 376. Oowpar, John, 78. Cowper, J. M., on St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, Churohwardens' Aooounts, 77-149. Cows (Parish) let to fa1·m, 80 et seq,, 148. Cox and Son (plate), 280, 285, 813. Oradook, Rev. Thomas, 61, 65. Cranmer, Master Thomas (1566), 128-5. Cray, St,. Mary, 339, 345; North, 345; Foots, 846. Cripps, James (1668), 173. Orosslight, The, 78, 82-5, 88, 90-2, 108, 10'7, Crump, Franois (plate), 303. Crundale, 154, 156-9. Culpeper, Mr. (1561), 236-7. Oust, Lady Elizabeth, 392; Lady Emma, 392. Customer, The (Thomas Smythe), 193- 208. Dackombe, Aquila (pewterer), 241. Dalison, Elizabeth, 369 ; William, 369. Dalison Doouments, Letters of T. Stanley, 358-372. Dalison, Max (1663), 173, 869. Dampier, Henry, Thomas,aud William, 286. Damsell, William (1561), 227, 414 GENERAL INDEX. Danes, in London, 186; in Rochester, 185-7. Danson, Bexley, 276. Darells of Calehill and Sootney, 89-48; Pedigree of, 46-48. Darnley, Earl of, 892-8. Dartford, 76. Davy, Robert (1601), 202, 20'7 Deal, governor of, 888. Deane Robert (1561), 215. De Laune, Abraham, 887 ; Dorcas, Lady, 887; Sir William, 887. Deloe, 170, 363. Delfe, John, 118. Dem1e, Arohdeaoon, 66; Rev. Samuel, 66-68, 167, 218. Dering, Edward, 887; Frances, 887. Dickens, Charles (novelist), 165. Didier, St., 151. Dillingham, Rev. Samuel, 872, Dixwell, Sir Basil, 260. Dodde, John (1582), 27. Dolman, Col. (1667), 879. Douet, James (ob. 1409), 60. Douglas, Lord, 879, 400. Dover, 154, 156. Dover, Bishop of (1569), 125, 127. Dowker, George, on Roman Relics at Walmer, 4; at Canterbury, 34-87; on Saxon Cemetery at Wickhambreux, 6. Downing, Mr. (1659), 332. Dubois, Mrs. (1659), 332, 335, 339. Duling, Mary, 356, 860-1; Elizabeth, 356,860,362; John, 360-2; William, 356, 360, 362. Du Moulin, Rev. Dr. Peter (1663), 243. Dutch Fleet in the 'l'hames and Medway (1667), 378-881. Eardley, Sir Culling, 270. Edwards, Mr. (1659), 331. Elmstone, Ann, 63. Elwick, Rev. Robert, 42, 302-3. Elwill, John, 262-8; Sir John, 262-3; Sir Edmund, 263. Erasmus, to or at Rochester, 68-70. Escutcheons (badges) for beggars or collectors, 80-1, 97 et seq. Essex, Arthur, Earl of, 383, 392. Esture Manor, 386. Everard, Rev. 'l'homas, 292-3, Fairbourne, Sir Stafford, xl. Fane, Mr. (1667), 383. Fanshaw, Frances, 42, 302; 'l'homas, 42, 202; Henry (1561), 222. Farleigh, East, 156. Farnham, Humphrey, 42, 2'79; Margaret, 42 ; Matthew, 42; William, 42. Farningham, 256. Fastyngdyche (Frindsbury), 1 '70-1. Faversham, 155-7, 159, 160, Fawkes, Mrs. Ann, 309; Rev. Francis, 309. Finch, John (Lord Fordwioh), 385-6 ; Sir Henry, 886 ; Sir Moyle, 886 ; Sir 'l'homas (1561), 219; 'l'homas, 886, Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, 66-73. Fleetwood, Rev. James, 378. Flexney, Mr., 375. Flood, 'l'homas (1663), 173. Fly, 'l'im (pewterer), 272, 314. Fogelberg and Stephen (plate), 24,8. Font 'l'apers, 79, 82-5, 91 et seq.; Strekyng the, 114. Fordwich, Lady, 385-6. Foster, Captain Martin, 384, 892. Fotherby, Dean Charles, 298-4; Priscilla, 293-4 ; Mabella, 385-6, Fowle, Mr. (1661), 343. Franklyn, Thomas (1859), 256. Frankwell, Rev. Nicholas, 275. Fremoult, Rev. Samuel, 260. Frenshe, Rev. Richard, 64. Frere, Robert 'l'emple, 298; Mrs., 298. Frindsbury, 169-180, 189-192. Frogpoole, 343. Frase, Ulric, 19'7-8. Fuller, Rev. J. M., 2'74-6; Mrs., 275-6. Furner, Mr. (solicitor 1658), 324, 339, Furnese, Anne, 257 ; Sir Henry, 257. Fyneux, Sir John, 7'1, 78, 84; Lady, 87. Gardyner, Rev. John, 64. Garlick, Rev. Charles, 61, 65. Gaywood, John, 207. Gheust, E., Bishop of Rochester, 219-20. Gibbons (lawyer), 849. Gifford, the Counsellor, 334, 337. Gillingham, xliv, 155, 320, 379, 380, 887. Gipps, George, 269; Jane, 269. Glawill, Mr. (1659-61), 332, 348, Glin, Sergeant (1660), 338. Gloat, Mr. (16'72), 898. Glover, 'l'homas (1514), 20; 'l'homas (1439), 170. Gloves (1658-68), 825-7, 880-1, 838, 835, 387, 840-2, 346-7, 849, 851. Godfrey, Helen, 170; William (1855), 170. Gold, price of exchanging silver into, (1660), 385-6, 840-4. Goldwell (of Bexley), Jo., 275; Williamin, 275, 382, 83'7. .GENERAL INDEX, 415 Goloshoes (1659), 333, 340, 344, 346, Gomeldon, William (1663), 280. Gomme, G. L., F.S.A., on Boley Hill, Rochester, 181-8. Goodwin, Harvey, Bishop of Carlisle, 295. Grain, Isle of, 231, Gravesend, 354, 372, 878-381. Gregory, Mr. (Chatham), 879. Gregory, Mrs., of .Bridge, 305. Gresham, Sir 'l'homas, 195. Griffin, Lady Essex, 388. Griffith, Rev. Dr. John, 299. Grime, Rev. John, 65. Grundy, William (plate), 295, 318. Guldeford, Ann, 47; Sir Edward, 47. Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, xli, xlii. Gunstone, Benjamin (1561), 216. Gunton, Rev. - (1658), 378. Gurney, Sir Richard, 290. ·Gwydir, Lord, 263. Haddon, Mr., of Chelsfield (1658), 321. Hales, Sir Edward (ob. 1829), 48; (1663), 173; (1624), 173. Hammond, William (1422), 18. Hamon, Thomas (1561), 235, 237, Harbledown Hospital, 77 et seq.; The Brothers of, 111, 118-9, 128-9, 131, 188. Harris, John (plate), 299. Harris, William, 202-3, 207 ; Thomas, 207. Harrison, Archdeacon, 317. Hart, Sir Percyval, 227, 855. Hartlip, 42, 160. , .. Hats (1659-63), 326, .834,v:341, 344, 346, 350-2. Hay,p rice of,i n 1660, 334-5,3 41,3 46. Hayman, Sir Henry, 363. Hayward, Sir Rowland, 202-3, 207. Head, Francis (1674), 74. Redd, Ann. 47; Thomas, 47. Hellicar, Rev. A. G., 309. Hendon, Sir John, 387. Henfield, Christopher (1516), 20. Henley, Thomas (1561), 216. Henrietta Maria, Queen, 382, 384. Henry VIII. crosses to and from Calais (1532), 27. Hook, Monday, 93; Money, 77, 90, 100, 145; Tide, 100, 108, 110. Holinshed, Rev . .John, 65. Holland, 335; for shirts, 326-8, 831, 346,359. Holland, Rev. W. W., 257-8. HoUe, John (1514), 20. Hollingbourne, 256. Holloway, Thomas (1752), 274. Honye, "goodman" (1658-63), 322, 825, 329, 332, 338, 341. Hoo, 155 ; Manor of Great, 868. Hooper, G., of Beokenham, 265. Hope, W. St. John, on Rochester Cathedral, xli. Hopper, Sarah, 291. Home,J ames,o f Bethersden,4 7; Ann, 48; Robert (bishop), 48. Horsmonden, John (1609), 33. Horsmonden Church, Iii. Horsmonden Manor, 47. Horspoole, Mr. (1600), 203. Hothfield, 57. Houson, Thomas, of Hythe (1532), 27. Howard, Lady Ann, 389, 391; Lady Katherine, 391 ; Lady Margaret, 389; Thomas, Earl of Arundel, 316; Col. Thomas, 393. Howe, Captain, 368. Howletts, 269. Hucking, 173, Hudibras in 1662, price of, 350, 352. Hugessen, Major, 379 ; Sir William, 387. Hundred Court, 80, 31. Hunte, Henry (1439), 170. Hussey, Edward, 279 ; on Sootney Castle, 38-46. Hussey Pedigree, 41. lghtham, 160. Indulgence granted by Cardinal Morton, 214. Isaacke, Ann, 47; James, 47. Ivychurch, 268. Jemmett, Caleb, 42, 302; William, 42; W. F. B., 194. Jennings, Sir .John, xl. Johnson, Rev. John, 295. Johnson, Rev. Thomas, 312. Johnson, Captain (1660), 342-3, 345, 349,352. .Johnston, Mrs. Hugh, 276. Jones, Robert Hesketh, 313-4. Joy, Rev. R., 65. J udde, Sir Andrew, xlvi, 1, 193-4, 202, 204; Alice, 193, 202; Dame Mary, 194; Andrew, 204, 207. Kandler, Charles (plate), 260. Keith, John (plate), 258, 302, 311, 813. Kelsey's Manor, 264. Kempe, Sir Thomas (1561), 219, 228. Knolles, Sir Robert (1389), xl, 161-4, 213. Knopfell,F rederick (plate),2 74. Krall (plate)s 265. 416 GENERAL INDEX, Lambe, Rev. Thomas, 62, 65. Lamberhurst, 88 ; Church, 48 ; Gloster Furnace, 48. Lambert, G. (plate), 254, 807. Lamorbey, 887; Church Plate, 277. Langley Park, 262-3. Leake, Sir John, xl. Lee, Captain Richard, 868, 865. Leeds Castle, 197. Legge, Rev. Hon. Henry, 287. Leiston, Thomas, 856-9, 871; Margery, 856. Lempster, Lady, 892; Lord, 401-2. Lennard, Sir John F., 266. Lenox and Richmond, Charles, Duke of, 873-893 ; Frances, Duchess of, 878-8, 882-8, 889, 892, 894. Lent-clothes, 115, 117, Levingstone, Lady Elizabeth, 878. Ley, Petley (plate), 298. Ley, Timothy (plate), 278, 289, 298. Lights, 85 et 8eq., 144 ; Cross, 78, 82-5, 104; Font tapers, 79 et 8eq.; Maiden's, 88, 91 ; Paschal, 79, 82, 87-8, 93-4, 108-4; St. Ann's, 89; St. Dunstan's, 92, 99, 102; Torches, 79, 83-5, 87 et 8eq.; Rood, 85, 88; Trendyll, 88 ; Striking the, 89, 102, 107, 114; Painting the Paschal, 94; at burials, 108 ; before the Sacrament, 104, 107; on great candlesticks before the high altar, 107. Limehouse, Frindsbury, 170 ; Reach in the Medway, 170, 189. Little, Henry (pewterer), 814. Loam pits at St. Thomas's Hill, Canterbury, 78, 82, 84, 87, 185. Lomepittfield, Frindsbury, 171. Lornell, Mr. (1667), 876. Loughton, Peter (1600), 208. Lovelace, William (1561), 216-20, 226-85; Counsellor (1660), 843. Loverick, Henry, 78. Lowe, Sir Timothy, 276. Lucas, John (1516), 20, Lukin, William (pfate), 255, Luther, Mr. (1662), 848. Luton, 154. Luton, John (1514), 177. Lydd, 89. Lydd's composition with New Romney, 17, 18, 27, 29. Maidstone, 158-160, 22'2, 245; Purk House, 256 ; Eurls Place, 854 ; Mayor of, 354'-5, 368. Makepeace, H,obert (1808), 808. Malcolm, John, 277. Maletot defined, 14. Manley, Major R. (1669), 885-8. .. Manning, Edward (1658-68), 821, 824, 327, 829, 884, 886, 839, 845, 850; Mrs., 825, 328, 886, 844, 848, 852. Manwood, Sir Roger, 169, 171, 212, 216, 238-40. Maplesden, Jarvis, 874, 889. March, Edward, Earl of (1461), 21, Marsh, Rev. E. G., 256. Marsbam, Sir John (1668), 178. Mascal, Mount, 275-6. Master, Expense-Book of James (1658• 68), 321-52, 890; "Cousin" M., 884, 841, 84,8, 847. Maur, Mr. (1650), 871. May, William (1557), 118. Maypole (or Shaft), 142-3; fund or stock for, at St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 80-2, 86 et 8eq. Mede's, John le (1480), will, 21. Mereworth, 880, 889. See Yotes. Merton, Bishop Walter, 162, 166. Middleton, Will of Dane (1552), 127. Miller, Sir Humphrey,838; Sir Nicholas, 888. Miller, "goodman," of West Peckham, 821-849. Milles, Joan, 47. l\'Iilner, Dr. Charles, 256; Dr. John, 256. Milton by Sittingbourne, 156, 158-9. Moore, Sir George (1660), 290. More, Sir Thomas, at Rochester, 70. Moreton, Anne, 386 ; George, 886 ; Sir Robert, 886. Morrice, Salmon (1712), 2'78; William, 274. Morton, Cardinal, 214, 222. Moyle, Sir Thomas (1556), 215, 219, 224, 298 ; Priscilla, 294 ; John, 298 ; Robert, 298-4 ; Sir Robert, 298 ; Walter, 298; Sir Walter, 298. Munn, Samuel, of Hastings, 4,2, Mystery, or Sacred Interlude, of Abram and Isaao, 80, 147. Napleton, John (1725), 298. Neame, Edward, 294. Nedham, J. (clerk of the works to Henry VIII.), '75; Paybooks, 409. Needler, Henry (1660), 177; Jane, 17'7. Nelme, Anthony (plate), 249. Nelthorpe, Henry (plate), 243. Nevill, Sir George, 42; Robert, 42. Newell, Rev. James Edward, 809. Newman, George (1668), 178. Newton, Miss (1867), 804. Noble, Rev. Mark, 261. Noel, Rev. and Hon. Gerard T., 65. Norden, John (ob. 1580), 60, 61, GENERAL INDEX. 417 Norman, George (1791), 808. Norreys, 'l'homas (ob. 1624), 58; Ed. ward, 58, 63. N orthbourne, Lord, 278. Norwood, Manasses, 856, 859, 865; Mary, 856, 860 ; Richard, 859, Noviomagus, site unknown, 210, Oare, Rev. John, 809; Mrs. Ann, 809. Oates, Rev. Titus, 290. O'Brien, Donatus, 892 ; Edward, 888 ; Henry, Lord, 874; Lady Katherine, 874, 876, 892. O'Neal, Daniel, 296. Organs (1566), 120. Ospringe, 47. Otterham Oree, 158. Overe, Rev. Guy de, 64. Owen, Sarjeant Thomas (1600), 208; Susanna, 207. Oxenden, Sir James, of Dene, 869. Oxendens of Brome Park, 260. Oxenhoath Borough, 868. Oxenhoath House of T. Stanley, 858, 862,864. Oxenhoath Manor, 858. Oxford, Life in, in 1686, 856-9. Pack, John (1658), 824. Page, Sir William (1624), 178. Palmer, Sir Thomas, xl. Pankhurst, Elizabeth, 290; Stephen, 867. Pan Rook, 158-160. Parliament, Members paid, 18. Parry, Mr. (1659), 829. Parys, Robert (1518), 25. Pattenden, Mr. (1660), 889, 848, Pawlyn, John (1566), 121. Payne, George, on Roman Coffin at Plumstead, liv, 10 ; on Potters' marks, 158. Payne, Humphrey (plate), 241. Payne, John (plate), 802. Payne, Roger, 874-6, 888-5. Paynter, Alington (1663), 178. Peake, Mr. (1660), 889, Pearman, Rev. A. J., 65, 204; on Rainham Church, 49-65. Peche, widow of Sir William, 89. Peckham, West, 821-849; Goodman Miller's at, 821-849; T. Stanley's letters from, 858-72. Peel, the (Canterbury), 78, 82, 87, 90 et seq., 118-9, 122. Pelham, Sir John (1660-3), 885, 848, 846,848. Penshurst Place, xlviii, 898. Penstone, William (plate), 274. Pepys, Samuel, 878, 879, 882. YOL, XVII, Perriwig, price of, in 1660, 888, 840; 347, 352 . Peters, Mrs. Jane Katherine, 314. Pettit, Nicholas, 47; Rev. Edward, 291. Pew, a, (1528) 91, (1571) 130-1, (1,579) 188. Phelps, Jane T., 286; :Rev. T. P., 286; Rev. H. D., 286; Canon T. P., 286, 820. Philoott, Peter, 178, 176. Philipot's Survey of Kent, price of (1659), 383. Piers, William (1422), 18. Pilcher, Stephen, 291 ; Susan, 291. Pistols (1672), Inventory of, 399. Player, Capt. (1658), 327. Plays, Passion, at Romney, 29; at Canterbury, 80; on Corpus Christi Day, 147. Plumstead, Roman Coffin at, 10. Poland (Protestants), 322. Pomfrett, John (1761), 288. Pond, A. C., 306. Poore, Rev. Dr. John, 65, Pope, Rev. Robert, 284. Porter's, John (1465), will, 21. Portmanteau in 1658, 823, 381, 385 saddle, 352. Potters' marks on Samian ware, 153- 160. Powell, Rev. Christopher, 65. Powell, Mr. (London Guildhall), 322- 324-5. Preston Hall, Aylesford, 255-6. Priest's fee for saying the Service (1557), 114-5. Procession, banners for, 79. Protestants driven out of Poland (collection for, 1658), 322. Pulteney, Sir John, xlviii. Quarry House, Frindsbury, 169-80, 189-92. Quarter Sessions, origin of Court of (1675), 30 ; in 1720-44, 81. Rainham, 155-160, Rainham Church, 49-65 ; bells, 54 ; old chest, 55; Communion Plate, 63. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 198. Ramsgate, Roman Remains at, 4, 154, 157, 159. Rand, Captain, 879. Ravenshaw, Eliza, 306. Raylton, Mrs, (1658-68), 821, 824. Raymond, Hugh, 263 ; Jones, 263; Amy, 263. Raynolde, Thomas (1630), 284. EE 418 GENERAL INDEX. Relio Sunday, Service on, 114. Report for 1886, xxxviii; for 1887, xlvi. Rioh, Nicholas (1660), 887. Richards, Rev. James, 62, 65; Rev. John, 248, 250. Riohborough, 158-160. Rider, Thomas (1686), 297-8; Philadelphia, 297-8; William, 298. Roberts, Captain E. J., 388; George, 47 ; William, 47. Roberts, Henry, Susan, and Sir William, 249. Roberts, Mr., 365. Robertson, Canon James C., 299. Robertson, Canon Scott, 37, 168-9; Perambulations by, xxxix, xlvii; on Church Plate in Kent, 241-820. Robinson, Sir J. (Lieutenant of Tower), 375, 381. Robyns, Harry (1520), 20. Rochester, 66-76; bishop's palace, 66- 76; bridge, 161-8; bridge in 1561, 212-240; bridgewardens (1663), 173; bridgechapel, xxxix, xl, 163; Boley Hill, 181-8; Perambulation of, xxxix. Rochester, Bishops of, T. Dampier, 286; E. Ghest, 219-20 ; W. Merton, 162, 166 ; John Thomas, 253 ; Warner, 309. Rochester Cathedral, Chronology of its architecture, xli ; Castle, xliii, 182. Rochets, 83, 91 ; sold, 116. Rockingham, Earl of (1736), 257. Roman Remains at Canterbury, 34-37 ; at Walmer andRamsgate, 4; leaden coffin at Plumstead, xlvi, liii, 10; at Quarry House, Frindsbury, 189- 192 ; ooins at Springhead, 209-211. Romney (New), Records of, 12-33. Romney Marsh Inhabitants, 230. Rood, 85, 88 ; with silver shoes, 151. Roodloft, 79, 85, 96 ; taken down (1563), 117. Roper, John, 77-78, 87; William, 113, 146. Rowland, William Bromley (1600), 203. Roydon, Thomas, of Fortune in E. Peckam, 47. Rudstone, Robert (1561), 216. Rupert, Prince, 37 4-5, 381, 893. Rush, Thomas (plate), 257. Rutten, Mr. (1667), 377, 389, Ruyter, Admiral De, 379-80. Rye, W. Brenchley, on Rochester Bishop's Palace, 66-76 ; on Rochester Bridge, 161-8 ; on Bibliotheca Cantiana, 4:09, Saok (wine, 1658), 322, 325, 827, 333. Saokville, Sir Richard (1561), 214-85. St. Albans, Lord, 877. St. Desiderius (Didier), 151. St. Leger, John, 60; Margery, 60; Sir Thomas, 60; Warham, 216. St. Paulinus, xliii. St. Tron, 150. St. Tronyon, 149-152. St. William, xlii. St. Ythamar, xliii. Salisbury,Edward, on Records at New Romney, 12-33. Salmon, Mrs. (1638), 361. Sandford, Henry, 290. Sandwich, 195-6, 218. Saxon Cemetery at Wickhambreux, 6. Sayer, George (1824), 315. Scadbury, 891. Schaft (i.e. Maypole), 80, 81, 142-8; Wardens of, 80, 81, 86 et seq., 143-4; Brotherhood of, 101-2, 143 ; windows, eto., 86; girdle to bear it, 143-4; reparation of, 89; the dinner, 98, 99, 101 et seq. Scot, a tax at Romney, 14, 22. Scotney Castle, 88-48. Scots Hall, 197, 206, 845. Scott, Sir Thomas (1583), 197, 206; Elizabeth, 197, 206 ; Mr., 845. Sedlay, Sir Isaac, 276; Sir John, 276, 362 ; John (1667), 883 ; Richard, 48; Sir William, 47; Mr. (1561), 228; Lady, 364, 868. Sennocke (Sevenoaks) Fair, 350. Sepulchre, Easter, 79, 80, 83, 85 et seq, Serles, "goodman" (1658), 324. Sevenoaks, 850, 355. Shakespeare, xliv, 161. Sharperey, Thomas (1631), 271. Sharsted, 887. Sheep (of a parish) let to farm, 90, 143. Sheerness, the Dutch capture, 879 ; Governor of, 48. Sheldwich, 27. Shingledwell, 210. Shove, Rev. Henry, 65. Shovel, Sir C., xl. Shriving-stool, made in 1540, 105. Sidley. See Sedley. Sidney, Sir Henry, xlviii; Sir Philip, xlviii ; Sir William, xlviii. Simpson, Eleanor, 174 ; Thomas (1630), 174. Simpson, Rev. George, 291 ; Sarah, 291 ; Valentine, 291. Singlewell (Shingledwell), 210. Sittingbourne, 75, 291. GENERAL INDEX. .419 Skene, Rev. Thomas, 64. Skinner,Augustus(1650), 176, 362,367. Slater, George, Mary, and Ward, 245; William, 246. Small, Mrs. Sophia, 317. Smith, Benjamin (plate), 310. Smith, C. Roach, xliv, 209. Smith, Daniel, and Sharp (plate), 253. Smith, Uean R. Payne, 317. Smith, Miss F., of Snowfield, 261. Smythe, Alice, 202-7 ; Elizabeth, 202-7 ; Joan, 202-7 ; Katherine, 202-7 ; Mary, 202-7; Ursula, 202-7. Smythe, Sir Robert, 197; Henry, John, Richard, Robert, Simon, Thomas, 202-6. Smythe, Thomas, the Customer, 1, 193-208. Snodland, 385. Sondes, Dudley, 387; Richard, 387. Southfleet, 345. Spelmonden, 47. Spencer, Rev. Griffin, 65. Spragg, Sir Edward, 3W. Spratt, Archdeacon, 300. Springett, Sir Herbert, 255; Mary, 255. Spring head, 157-9; Roman coins found at, 209; site of VagniaaaJ, 209. Stalisfield, 88. Stanhope, Lord (1634), 296. Stanley, Audrey, 368; Elizabeth, 367; John, 359; William, 368, 372. Stanley, Thomas, letters (1636-50), 353-72. Stapeley, Herbert, 255 ; Sir John, 255. Stoke at Hoo, 215, 227. Stone, " goodman" (1658), 323, 329. Strangfo1·d, Viscounts, 48. Stransome, Thomas (1573), 132. Stratton, Walter (1423), 18. Strood, 159, 170. Stuppeny, Richard (1512), 25. Style, Elizabeth, 262, 360; Humphrey, 262-3; Sir Humphrey, 362; William, 360, 362. Suffolk, Earl of, 388. Sutton, John (plate), 285. Swann, Sir William (1663), 173, 345. Swanton (Peckham), 339. Swanton Court (Bredgar), 279. Swift, Mr. (1658-60), 322, 827, 330. Symkyns, Rev. John (1561), 221, 232. Syngin, Richard (plate), 245. Talbot, Lady Alathea (1606), 316. Tapestry, 393-8, 402. Taswell, Rev. William, 65. Taylor, Alicia, Lady, 255; Harriet, 307 ; Sir Thomas, 256. Tearle, Thomas (plate), 249, Tench, Mrs. (1659), 331. Thanet, Earls and Countesses of, 63. Thomond, Lord, 374. Thompson, Elinor, 173; Elizabeth, 172; Thomas (1585), 171, 172-6; Walter, 172, 174. Thorpe, Dr. (Rochester), 178, 212-3; Rev. George, 286-7. Throwley, 387. Tilson, Rev. Thomas, 255; Nathaniel (1662), 373, 388. Tin mining, and royalties, 202. Titus, Col., 376, 383. Tobacco, Spanish (1658), 325, 328, 332, 349. Toldervey, Christopher, 203. Townesley, Rev. John, 65. Trist, J. W., I!'.S.A., description of his Greek and Roman Pottery, Glass, and Coins exhibited in the Society's Museum at 'runbridge, 1-lii. Tronyon, Altar of St., 149, 150-1. Tufton, Henry, 387 ; Sir John (1663), 173, 387. Tuftons, 51, 56-7; Vault at Rainham, 51, 52. Tunbridge, 355, 365-6; Meeting at, xlv-liii; Castle,xlvii; Perambulation of, xlvii. Tunbridge Wells (1660), 337,348,359. Twopeny, 61; Edward, 41; William,41. Tylor, Richard, 380-1. Tynte, Edmond (1561), 215, 224-5. Upchurch, 157, 159. Upnor Castle, 221-380. Usher, Gerard (lav;yer, 1659), 332, 336-7, 339, 342-3, 846, 349. Vagniaam, 209. Velvet in 1658-63, 326, 351. Vestments sold (1561), 115; at St. Andrew's, Canterbury, in 1485, 150-1. Wadmore, J. F., xlvii, l; on Smythe of W estenhanger, 193-208. Wakelin and Taylor (plate), 299. Wakelyn, Rev. John, 65. Waleys, Rev. Galfr., 64. Walmer, Roman Vase at, 4. Walnuts, price of, in 1662, 349. Walsall, Barnabas, 356, 368-70. Walsche, John (1382), 170. Walsingham, Mr. (1561), 228; Francis, 389-390 ; Sir Thomas, 365-6, 891. Walsingham Pedigree, 390-1. Walter, Rev. William, 65. Ward, Joseph (plate), 251, 420 GENERAL INDEX. Warner, John (of Rochester), 162, 165 ; Bishop of Rochester, 309. W atohing the Sepulchre at Easter, 79, 80. Watts, John (1561), 23􀂏. Watts, Richard (1561), of Rochester, xl, 215, 220-1, 232-3, 238. Wax, rent paid in, 84, 87, 91 et seq. Weever, John, 161. W estbere, 154 ; Church, 1-3. W estenhanger, 1, 193, 199, 200, 204, 215. Westmorland, Earl of (1663), 173. Weston, Philip, 318. W etenhall, Alderman, 304. Whatman, John (1492), 24. Whipham and Wright (plate), 292. Whistler, William (1600), 203. Whitehead, C., 261; John, 261. Whitstable, 154-160. W iokhambreux,Saxon Cemeteryat,6-9. Wilde, George, of Oxford (1636), 356-9. Wilkins, John (1561), 215, 218, 224, 226-8, 231-9. Wilkinson, William, of Lenham, 47. Williamson, Sir Joseph, 374, 378, 392. Willis, Right Rev. A., Bishop of Honolulu, 311. Wilmott, Thomas, 272. Winchelsea, Earls of, 385-6. Winchester, Marquess of (1561), 222-3. Wines (1658-63), 322, 325, 327, 333. Wingham, 154. Winter, William (1561), 216. Wiseman, Mr. (1658), 326. Witherden, Thomas, 272. Witherston, Rev. John (1835), 246-7. Wittersham Church Chest, 55. Wolsey, Cardinal, at Rochester, 71. Wood, Richard (1600), 173. Woodgrene, John (1635), 175-6. Wotton, Henry{l566), 119-123,127-9; Nicholas (Dean of Canterbury), 212, 215-220, 226-236; Thomas, 216, 229, 238. Wotton, Thomas, Lord, 295-6; Katherine, 296. Wright, Charles (plate), 305. Wrotbam, 355, 365. Wryght, Rev. John, 65; Michael, 113. Wyatts, Mr. (1661), 344. Wykeham Martin, Mrs. Philip, 813. W ynston, Thomas (1557), 113. Wythes, George, 277. York, silver cup assayed at, 305. Y otes ( or Yokes) Court in Mereworth, 323-7, 329, 331-9, 341-4, 846-352, 390,


Notes on J. Russell Smith's Bibliotheca Cantiana


Front matter, Volume 16