Front matter, Volume 18

"ANTIQUIT.A.TES SEU B.ISTORIARUM RELIQUilB SUNT TANQU.A:M: T.A.BULlEl NAUll'RAGII i CUM, DEFICIENTE . ET FERE SU;BMERSA RERUM MEMORIA1 NIHlLOMINUS ROMINES INDUSTRII ET S.A.GACES, PER'.l.'IN.ACI QtJ'.A.DAM ET SCRUPULOSA DJLIGENTI.A., EX GENlll.A.LOGilS, F.ASTIS, TITULIS, MONU.MENTlf!, NUMIS14.ATIBUS, NOllIINIBUS PROPRIIS ET STYLIS, VERBORUM ETYMOLOGns, PROVERBIIS, TR.A.DITIONIBUS, AROIJIVIS, ET INST:RUMENTIS, TAM PUBLICIS QUAM PRIVATIS1 HISTORY.A.RUM Fll..A.GMENTIS, LIBROR.UM NEUTIQU.AM HISTORI• OORU.M LOCIS DISPERSIS,-EX HIS, INQU.A.M, OMNIBUS VEL A.LlQUIBUS, NONNULL.A. A TEMPORIS DILUVIO ERlPlUNT ET OONSERV.ANT. RES SANE OPEROSA1 SED MORT.A.LIB_US GR.A.TA ET OUM REVERENTIA QUAD.AM CON• JUNOTA," "ANTIQUITIES, OR REMNANTS OF HISTORY, ARE, AS WAS 8AlD1 TANQUAM TABUL2El NAUFRM'!Il j WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCRUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSERVATION, .OUT OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, '\V'ORDS, PROVERBS, TRADITIONS, PRIVATE RECORDS AND EVID;ENC/ES, FRA.G• MENTS OF $T01UES1 PASSAGES OF BOOKS TllAT OONOERN NOT STORY, AND THE LIKE, DO SAVE .AND RECOVER SOMEWHAT FROM THE DELUGE' TIMn."-Awvtuwc1nc-nt of Lco1rning, ii. ~-rtltrentoght ~a1rtiana: BEING TRANSACTIONS 01' THE KENT ARCH~OLOGIC.AL SOCIETY. VOLUMEXVIlI. 1.ottlJon: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY ltY MITCHELL & HUGHES, U0 WARDOUR STREET, OXFORD STREET. 1889. ~], Plie Oowncii of tke Kent .A.-rclu:eological Society is 1wt answe1·aole for any opinions put forwa1·il in tltis Wo?'lc. .Eacli Oont?-ibutf>r is alone ,;•esponsible for liis own. remarks. CONTENTS. PA.GB Li.ata of .Ofilce1·a, x-:xiii; Rules, xiv ; List 0£ Members, xvi.-x~~ Illustration Fund ............ ............................................. xx:xm Cash Accounts, 1887, 1888, and 1889 ... .................. x.xxiv-nxix :Proceedings and Repo1·ts 1888-9 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . xli 1. A BRITISH VILLAGE AT R.ursG.A.TE. By the late James P. Hillim· .................. ............ ........................ ... 1 2. NoTE ON ExoA."VATIONS AT RICIInOROUGR. By a. Roach S11titli, F.S.A. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . 5 8. ExOA'VA.TIONS A.T RrcHDOROUGR m 1887. By Geo,·ge • IJowker, Jl'.G.S. .. ................................. :............ 6 4. KENTISB: ADMINISTRATIONS, A..l). 1559 TO 1608. By Leland L. Ihtncan .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . 15 5. Ro:MA.N O.A.STRm.1 AT: L'!MNE. 'By 0. Roach Smitk, 11.S . .A.. 41 6. R,);JM.A.lNS OF BASILIOA AT LY.MINGE. By Rev. Canon R. 0. Jenkins, .M.A. ·.. .... ... . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . ... .. . . . . .. . 46 7. THE CHUTES OF BETKERSDEN, Al.>PLEDo:aE, AND HrnxRILL. By Rev. A. J. Pea·nnan, M..L:I.. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 55 8. RoMA.:N Corns FOUND .A.T RrcnnonouGR. By 0. Roaclb Srnith, F.S ... t!. ... ................................... . ... ... ·... . .. ... 72 9. Fo&nwrorr MumoIP.A.L RECORDS. By Rev. 0. E. Wooil- 1·ujf, M.A . ....................... :................................. 78 10. Goons AND OnNAYENTs· AT FAVEn SR.A.M CHURCH IN .A..D. 1512. By F. Ji'. Gi1·auil (Town Olerlc) ............... 103 11. E:x:PENSE-Boox: OF J...urns M.!.sTER, EsQ. Pal't IV., A.D. · 1668-1676. Edited. by Mrs. Max. Da-lison aud Canon Scott Rooertson ................................................... 114 12. JA.MES MASTER'S LIFE 1647-1655. By Oanon Scott Bo .. bertson ....................................... ........... : . .. . .. . . . 157 18. ST. ANSELM'S CH.A.PEL, CANTERBURY O.A.T:e:EDR.A.L. By Oanon Scott Robe1·tso1~ .......................................... 169 14. ON Drscovmn:ms m ST. ANSELY.'s OH.A.PEL, OA.NTER:BURY • O.A.T:e:EDRA.Ii. • By J. Brigstoclce Sk~ppa1•il1 LL.D. . ..... 174 15. THE RoM.A.N ST.A.TION oF V A.GNU.c.illl AT S1>nING.FIEAD. • By Geo1-ge M. .L:l.1·1iold, J.P.,- Oounty .i1..lile1•11utn · ...... ......... 1717 16. O.N RoMA..N REMAINS FOUND AT FRINDS:BURY. By .A.. . .A... L:l.1·nold, Olupte1• Olerk of Rocl~ste1· Oatlted1ral • . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 17. ON Ro:MAN REMA.INS DisooVElt'ED AT RooHES~ER. 'By LI. . .LI. . .L:1.1·nolil .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 18. 'MEDI..iEVAL REMAINS AT Roo.e:ESTER. By .A.. LI. . .L:l.mola, Oltapte1• Olm·lc of Rocltester Oatlieil,1•al .......... , .......... 196 19. ON A l~.o:t,[A.N ST.A!l'UE .A.Nl) 0TlIER REMA.INS m DOVER Mua:muM. By Geo1-ge Payne, F.S . .A..., lJ'.L.S. . .. . .. . . . . . . 202 vi ·coN'l'EN'.rS. PAGll 20. ON A BnoNzE LIGULA. FOUND .A.T D.A.RTFOJtD. By George Payne, ll'.S . .A., F.L.S. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . 206 21. ON .A. RoMAN RING FOUND .A.T Mnl.rON-13Y-SITTINGBOURNE. By George Payne, P.S . .A.., F.L.S..... ... . . . .. . .. 207 22. PEDIGREE OF THE KENTISR F .A.MILY OF STUllDS. By Henry Stubbs, M.A.., J.P. ... .. .. . . ... .. .. .. . . . ... ... ... .. .. .. 209 28. THE KENTISB: FAMILY OF STUBBS-WILLS, AND EXTRA.OTB FROM: RECORDS. By Henry Stubb11, M.A.., J.P. . .. . . . . . . 213 24. ARCHDEACON PKILil' STUBBS, .A..D. 1665-1'738. By Canon Scott Robertson .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 235 25. ON"A MONUMENTAL Su.ii IN Boue-Ht.r0N-BLEAN Omraox. • By Sir Henry IJ1·vaen, Bart. .. .... : .. ....... ..... .. : .. . . .. . . . 241 26. T.IIE oF Tii:oRNHAM-cum-.A.LnING1'0N. By Rev. Jno. Oave-Browne, M.A.. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... 243 27. RosEs FARM IN BROOMFIELD. 'J3y J. IJobree No1·wood, ... 251 28. REl'O:R'l' (1888) ON. DISCOVERIES IN THE CRYPT OF CAN- • • ·T:Ell.B1JRY CA.TlIEDRA.L. By Canons Routled,ge a,nd Scott . Robe1•tson, and Dr. Slieppard .......... .................... •.•• 253 29. StJRGICAL REPORT ON A SKELETON FOUND IN TRE CRYPT OF 9ANTERBURY 0ATHEDR:A,L (1888). By W. Pugin , • Tli01·nton .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 257 80. FouNDATIONs oF TB.E S.u:oN CATHEDRAL O:iiunoH A'l' RooHESTER. By the Rev. Grevile M. Li,vett (Minor . Oanon and ·P1·ecentor) .......................... ................ 261 31. ST. P AUL's Cn.A.Y OJIUROH. • By Major .A.if-red Heales, F.S . ..A. 279 32. SJ:IELDWICH Onunon. By Canon Scott Robe1·tson ....... , .... 288 83. DARTFORD ANTIQUITIES (BRITISH, RoM4N, . AND SAX.ON). By 1J'. 0. J. Spurrell : . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 304 34. CRAYFORD On'cmo:e:. By Major A.lfi·ed Heales, P.S . .LJ..... 819 85. ON Hu:MAN· REMAINS IN THE O:aYPT OF lIYTHE OH.unc}:[. By tl:ie Rev. T. Gwppy Hall, H..4. . ... n ................. .. 833 36. AlisTRACTS OF THE li'EET OF FINES FOR KENT, temp. EDWARD III. Part I. By James Gree71,Street ............ 887 37. O1tERITO'N CHURCH. By Canon Scott Robe1·tson ... .-. .. . . . . . 353 38. BEXLEY : THE CRUR(JH, IliLL PLAOE, .A.ND BLENDON. . By Canon Scott :Robe1·tson . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . 869 39. DARTFORD ·oHuRcR (1IoLY T:arniTi). • By Canon Scott Robertson ..... .......................... : . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 883 40. Ho:asJIA.l'>I: MANOR IN U Pcnuncii:. By Canon Scott Ro~ bertson ... ........................... .................. • ............ ; .. 899 41. RYTHE CnunoR (ST. LEONA.RD). By Canon Scott Ro- . be1•tson ........................ ............. ........ ·... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.-03 42. S..i.i.Twoon CHURCH. By Canon Scott Robe1·tson . .. . . . . . . . .. 421 48. JOSEPH HA.TOH, 'l'HE. BELLFOUNDER, AND Ros.Es FAR}:[. By Canon Scott Robertson . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . 483 44s LYMNE CASTLE AND Onuiio:s:. BY. Canon Scott Robertson 486 45. COBHAM ·ooLLEGE. By Canon Scott :Robertson ...... .... : .... 447 46. N<>T~~.Es o~ Bo_o~s. By Canon Scott Robertson ... ........ : 451 ILL US T RAT I O N S. 1. Plan of Richhorough Farms (shewing excavations made in 1887) ................................................ , ..... to face 7 2. Roman Relics of Btonze, found at Rieb borough in 1887 . ~fan 8 3. Roman Fictile Vessels and Fragments, found at Richborough in 188'7, during the Society's excavations . • to/ace 11 4. Coin of Constantin us III., found at Rich.borough............ • '76 5. Early Fresco of the twelfth century, in St. Anselm's Chapel, Canterbury'Cathed.ral ............................ ..... toJaae 172 6. Two Views of a Roman Statuette 0£ Bronze, found at Frindsbury .................................. .............. to face 189 7. Roman Relics found near . Quarry House, Frindsbury • toface 190 8. :Roman Bowl of Samian Ware, found at Rochester ... to face 193 9. Archeedn the old Moat 0£ Rochester Caatle ......... to face 197 10. :Perspective View 0£ Arches in Rocheste1· Castle Moat • • · to/ace 198 11. Plot, -0r Plan, of Rochester 1,..D. 171 '7 .................. to face 200 12. Two Views 0£ Remains of a :Roman Statue, found at DoYer tofaae 202 13. Roman Vessels, found at Dover ............... ......... tofaoe 203 14. Roman Vessell!, found at Buckland (near Dover) ... to face 204 15. Bronze Ligula, found at Dartford ........ , ........... . on page 206 • 16. Roman Intaglio Ring, found at Milton by Sittingboutne • • • • • on pa.qe 201 17. Portrait 0£ .Archdeacon Philip Stubbs .................. to face 285 . 18. Three Book· -Plates ·of the Stubbs Family (.A..D. 1'700; • 1762; 1882) ......... .................................... toface 288 19. :Monumental Slab in the Church at Boughton-Bleau to face 242 20; Skeleton formed •from Bones in· a Stone Coffin in the Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral ... ........ .... .. , ..... ; ...... to face 257 21. Five Views 0£ the Skull, foUlld in the Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral (by some supposed to be that of Archbishop Thomas Becket; by others to be that 0£ Archbishop • Anselm) .......................................... ......... to face 259 22. Rochester Cathedral Church, Plate I. ; • Ground Plan 0£ the W·est Front, shewing Foundations ·of the· Sa:x:on Church ....... ;.; ................. ...... ............ ...... ... to face 261 28. Rochester Cathedral, ".Plate II. ; Details of Discoveries at the west end of the Nave in 1889 ................... ; . to face 264 viii ILL USTRA.TIONS. l'.I.OB 24. Perspective View of St. Paul's Cray Church from the Road ........................... ........................... to f ace 279 25. Plan of St. Paul's Cray Church ....... .. ; .............. to face 280 26. Responds No. I (western) and No. 2 (eastern), in St. Paul's Cray Church .................. .................. to face 281 27. Crossed Coffin Slab and Sections of Mouldings, in St. Paul's Cray Church ............... ... . ................. to face 282 28. Exterior of Sheldwich Church from the East ......... to face 288 29. Rose Window in East Gable of the Nave of Sheldwich Church ..................... ............... .................. toface 289 30. Monumental Brass of Richard atte Lese (ob. 1894) and Dionisia his wife .................. .................. ... to face 290 31. Monumental Brasses of Joane Mareys (ob. 1481) and of Jobn Cely (ob. 1426) and Isabella bis wife .... .. to face 291 32. Map of Country arouud Dartford, with ancient sites marked by]'. O. J. Spurrell ... .................. ...... to face 807 33. Works at Lesnes, Kent . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. 310 34. Plan of Tide-walls at Littlebrook .•.. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . 811 35. Cup-shaped Brooch, found at Darenth .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . 315 36. Plan of Crayford Cburch .......... ........ ... ..... .... ... to face 320 37. Sections of Mouldings of Nave .Arcade, Crayford Church 322 38. Interior of Crayford Church ......... .................. ... to face 822 39. Cheriton Church-East Wall of Tower (Pre-Norman) toface 353 40. Interior of Oheriton Church ............... ............... to face 354 41. Monumental Brasses in Cheri ton Church ............ to face 356 42. Three Effigies of Stone in Cheri ton Church ......... to face 35'7 48. Cheri ton Church from the South-west .................. to face 360 44. Bexley Church (in 1889 : after its Restoration) ...... to face 369 45. Monumental Brass (with Horn) in Bexley Church ... toface 373 46. Bexley Church, in 1882, before its Resto1·ation ... ... to face 877 47. Two Views 0£ the Exterior of Dartford Church ...... to face 383 48. Interior of Dartford Church .............................. to face 384 49. Monumental Bra~s for Richa.rd Martyn (ob. 1402) and wife ................. ........................................ to face 3817 50. Inscription on Monumental J3rass 0£ Katryn Budton (ob. 1496) ........... , .............. . ... ..................... ... to face 389 51. Two Views of Hythe Church (St. Leonard) ... ...... to face 405 52. Vaulted Processional Way, with Human Bones, at Rythe Church ................................................... to face 407 53. Interior of Hythe Church, dedicated to St. Leonard to face 408 54. Ancient Chest and Font in Saltwood Church ........ . to face 421 55. Monumental Brass of Thomas Brackbill (ob. 1437) to face 422 56. Monumental Brasses in Saltwood Church of John Verieu (ob. 1370) and Dame .Anne Muston (ob. 1496) ... to face 423 57. Lymne, Kent. South side of the Castle-farm, and of the Church ............... ...................... ........... ...... toface 486 58. Lymne Church and Castle, North side ............ ...... to face 488 59. Dobham College; .Ancient Fireplace in the Hall . ... to face 447 1. The Society shall consist of Ordinary Membets and Honorary Members. . •1 • t 2. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Counc1 cons1s • ing of tbe President of the Society, tbe Vice-P1·esidents, the Honorary Secretary, and twenty-four Members elected out of the gener~l bodJ; of the Subscribers : one-fomth of tbe latter shall go out annttally ut rotation, but sball nevertl1eless be re-eligible; and sucb ~etirlng and t~e new e!ection shall take place at the Annual General Meeting: but any intermediate vacancy, by death or reth-ement, among the elected Co~ncil, s~nll be fi!led up either at the General Meeting or at the next Counc~ Meetmg, _whichever shall first happen. Five Members of the Council to constitute a quol'Um. 3. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Society on the second Thursday in the months of March, June, September, and December, and at any other time that the Secretary may deem it expedient to call them togethe1·. The J"une Meeting shall always be held in London; those of March, September, and December at Canterbury and Maidstone altel'Ilately. :But the Council shall have power, if it shall deem it advisable, at the instance of tbe President, to hold it!l Meetings at other places within the county; and to alter the days of Meeting, or to omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall be found convenient. 4. At every Meeting of the Society or Council, the President, or, in his absence,·the Chairman, shalt have a casting vote, independently of his vote as a Member. 5. A General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, in July, August, or September, at some place rendered interesting by its antiquities or historical associations, in the eastern and western divisions of the county alternately, unless ·the Council, for some cause to be by them -assigned, agree to vary this arrangement; the day ancl place of meeting to be appointed by the Council, who shall have the power, at the instance of the President, to elect some Member of the Society connected with tlte district in which the meeting shall be held, to act as Chnirman of such Meeting. At the said Genernl Meeting, antiquities shall be exhibited, and pape1·s rend on subjects of archa:iologicnl interest. The accounts of the Society, having been previously- allowed by the Auditors, shall be presented; the Oounoil, through tl1e Secretary, shall make a Repo1·t on the state of the Society; and the Auditors and the six new Memben of • the Council for the ensuing year shall be elected. 6. . The. Annual General Mee.ti~g shall have powe1· to make such nlter~tlons in the ~ules as the mnJOl'lty of Members present may approve: provided that notice of any contemplated alterations be given, in w1·iting, to the ~onorarY: Secretary, befo1·e J~ne the ~st in the then current year, to be la1d by h_1m before the Counc~ at thew next Meeting; provided, also, that the said contemplated alterations be specifically set out in the notices summoning the Meeting, at least one month before the day appointed for H. . • "/ ._ • . ~ . Special -General Meeting may be summoned, on the . written 1·eqms1t1on of seven Membe1·s, or of t11e l?resident or two Vioe~Presiclents ,vbic~ roust specify the ~l1bject intended to be b;ought forward at sucl~ Meeting; and such subJect alone can then be considered. RULES AND REGULATIONS. s. Candidates for admission must be proposed by o_ne Me!llber of the Society, and seconded by another, and be ba~oted for, 1f requue?, at any Meeting of the Council, or at a General Meeting, one black ball in :five to exc9l.u deE. ach Ol'dinary Member shall pay an An~ua1 su b scri•p t i'o n of T en Shillings, due in advance on the 1st of January m each yea1·; or _£_6 may at any time be paid in lieu of future subscripti?ns, as a composition for life. Any Ordina-ry Member shall pay, on election, an entranc~ fee of Ten Shillings, in addition to his Subscription, whethe~ An,nual or _Lif~. Every Mernbel' shall be entitled to a copy of the Society s l'ubhcat1ons; but none will be issued to any Member whose Subscl'iption is in arrear. The Council may 1·emove from the List of Subscribers the name of any Member whose Subscription is two years in arrear, if it be certified to them that a w1·itten application for payment bas been made by one of the Sec1·, and uot attended to within a month from the time of application. 10. A.ll Su.b~ci.:i.pU.on~ and Donations ate to be paid to the Bankers of the Society, or to one of the Secretaries. . • u. All Life Compositions sball be vested in Government Securities, in tbe names of fom· Trustees, to be elected by the Council. The interest only of such funds to be used fo1· the 01·dinarv purposes of the Society. rn. No cheque shall be drawu except by order of .the Council, and evel'Y cheque sha11 be signed by two Members of the Council and the Hono:ra1-y Secretary. . 13. The President and Secretary, on any vacancy, shall be elected by a General Meeting of the Subsc1-i.bers. • 14i Members of either House of '.Pai·liament, who are landed propl'i. etors of the county or residents therein, shall,. on becoming Members of the Society, be placed on the list of Vice~Presidents, and with them sucb other pe~sons as the· Society may elect to that office. • 15. The Oounoil shall lrnve power to elect, without ballot on the nomination of two Membe1·s, any lady who :may be desirous of becoming a Membel' of the Society. • · • 16. The. Council shall have :power to appoint as Honorary Members · any perso11 likely to promote ~he. mterests of the Society. • Such H011orary Member n?t to pay any sub.scr1pt1on1 and not to have the right of voting at any Meetings of the Society; but to have all the other p1·ivileges of ·Members. . 17. The Council shall have power to appoint any Member Honoraiy . Local.~ecretary fo1· th~ town or district wherein he may reside, in order to fa~il1tate the c?llect1on of accm·ate info1·mation as to objects and discoveries of lo~al interest, and for tbe receipt of subscriptions. . ~8 •. _Meetings fo1·. the ym-pose o~ reading papers, the exhibition of ant1qmt1es, o~ the d1scuss1on of sub3ects connected therewith shall be held at such tim~s and :places _as the Council may appoint. ' 19, The Society shall avoid all subjects of reliiious or political controversy. • . ~.o. The Secretary. shall keep a reco1·d of the proceedings of the Soo1ety, to be commumcated to tl:ie Members at tlie General Meetings. ( xii ) HONOR.A.RY LOCAL SECRET.A.RIES. J. D. NORWOOD, EsQ. . . . . . . • . • A:tlifonl. »lacltbeatb anlr iLe1lli11bam IDisstth:t. . MR. w. ESSINGTON HUGliEB • • . • • • uo Wai-tlou,· St,·eet, w. \IStoinle!.! il!li11ttid. O.EClli BRENT, ESQ,, F.S.A. . • . • . • • Palaoe 0-i•ove, B1•01nloy. Rlilv. H. G. RoLT W. T. NEVE, EsQ. c.!tantetbllt!! m,11trid. • { Saaoinbe Lodge, Ha1•0Ze- • • • • • • • • do1vn, Oante·1•lnwy. (ll'.tanfltooft 1Di11tcict. • . • . . • • (J1•a1ib1•oolt. ilBadfotll IH11Md. R. W. CR.t.DOCK, ESQ. . , , . . . . Bel.vcde1•c, .Kent. meal anb Balmet lli11Mtt. { 0-i•eat Mongeliam BectQ1·y, REV. J. BJlANFILL HARRISON • • • • • • .Deal. illlobet mt11ttitt. EDWARD FERRA.ND .ASTLlllY, ESQ., M.D. Mari,w Pa,•ade, Dove,r. ,:If abet11f,ant iiillttitt. B'. F. GIRA.UD, ESQ. . . . . . . . . , . Favci•~luw~. §0Ute11tone ~i11ititt. WM . . WIGl3'.TWlOJC, ESQ. . . • . . . . . Folkestone. QJ;fabtllelllr iDillti:i.ct. G, M. ARNOLD, EsQ. . . . . . . . Milton Hall, 0-i·avesena. H. B. MA.OKESON, EsQ. l:Tytlw. ilonltou, Mn. W. EsSINGTON Humrns . . . . 140 Wa1·dt1U1• Sti•oct, w. jllllaill11toue iDis!ttict. MR. FREDElUOK BUNY~D • • • . • • .- • 29 Week St1•cot, Maidstoiw . .Malling iDilltcict. Mlss DUDLOW • • • • . . . . . . . . . West lt1alling. :Macgate il9tutcict. WM. JNO. MllJROER, EsQ. . . . . . . . I21Jfa1•ine Tc1·1·aco, Mai•gate. Uat1t11gate fflfoMct. KENYON W. WiLx.IEl, EaQ. . . . . . . . ElUngtm~, Rat111$gato. \l!to tb e11tet i!tHis tt {et. A.. A., A.RNOLU, EsQ. . . . . . . . The Pracinots, RoolwBtm•, SOCIETIES IN UN~ON • fc1mbhlfcf) ;J!Jfslh:id. REV, W. F. SHA.W ' . . . . . . . East,,y. fce~enoaft,; 1.l!ltriti:itt. GEORGE F. CARNELL, EsQ. . . . . . . • • SevenoaltS. Jo:a:N CoPLAND, EsQ. G. E. E LLIOTT, ESQ, J, ELLIS MA.OE, ESQ, . . . . . . . , Slwe1·ncss. ~itttnglJottttte il!Hlltt:ict. . . . . . . . . , Sittiri!J botlll'nc. ~entei:lJen Df11ti:ict. Tenter•d,en. ~1111llt:iltge 1l!J t!ltt:itt. • J. F. WADlilo:sE, ESQ. . . . . . . • . T1inln-1il{lc, Ql:unflt:flrlle c!l.Oell11 i.l!Hsttict. xiii • { SpeZdlwt1•st, CHARLES WATSON POWELL, ESQ. , • • • • • Wells. Twtb1'iil,{le 4!ll!lle11tet'f)a:m i!lillMtt. J. BOARD, EsQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . Westerlta111,. SOCIETIES I N. UNION. Fol' Intei·chanoe of Publications, etc. The Society of Antiquaries, Bwrlingtrn~ House, Piooadilly, W'. . • • The RoyalArch~ological Institute of Great Britain, 17 Orofo1'tl, 11f01JiSW1LS, ()_.cf01•a, .. IJt,·cet, W. The British Archreological Association, 32 ~olwille St1•cct, PiocadiWy, w. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, JJJili-nlnwglt. • The .Architectural Museum, 18 1.111/ton St1•oct, Wcst11iinsta1·, s.w. The Numismatic Society, 22, Albe?IIM'lfl St1·cet, w. The London and Middlesex. Archreological Society, 8 .DMws.I1i1t, St1•ana, w.o. Thi? Historic Society of Oheshire and Lancashire (R . .IJ. llal). The :Royal Historic and AJ:chreological Association of Ireland (Rev. Ja?1~os (h•(IJl)es, Hon. Seo., Stonyf01•d, h•eland), • The Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society. The Norfolk and Norwich Archaiological Society, No1'1vic1t. The Suffolk Institute of Archreology (Rev. Ji'. Haaletvood, H01t. Sec., St~ Mat• tll,811)'8 :Rccto,-y, Ii,HNvioli). · The Surrey Arcbreological Society, 8 Danes Imi, Sti·and, w.c. 'fhe Sussex A:rchreological Society, LlYll)cs Oastlc. The Wiltshire Archieologfoal aud Natural History Society, .illus6'Ul1i, Diwizcs. The Somersetshire Archreological and Natural Histo1·y Society, Ta1t1iton Castle. The Bristol and Gloucestershire .Archreological Society (:RC'IJ, W. J:Jazcley, . Mat3on Rcoro?"//., GlO'lwcstc,•). The Oamhridge_A.ntiquarian Society (.RtY/J. S.S. Lewis, Ooi-pits Olwisti Oollcgc). The Derbyshire Arcbooological Society (Artliiw 011a:, Esq., ilfiZl HiU, .Dc,•by). The Powysland Olub (Moi.,•is 0. Jones, Eaq., Gung1•og, ,wa,· Wclahpool). The Cumberland and Westmoreland A1-chaiologi.ca1 Society (.R. S. Ji'1Y1•911,smi, Esq_ ., JJ.S.A., 0t111'lisle ). • The Leicestershire Arcbreologica.l Society, 5 0'aUo,vt1·ce 0atc, Lc·iocstcr (RcJJ, . W:. 0. Diuwcl~ Fk~olw1·, St. Micll,(1,el's Vica11•age, Sh1·8w~bu,•y). . The Society of Ant1quar1es, N'C1Vcastlc-ttpon-Tync (.R. Bl.a:i:1•, Esq. Sotitlo 8kieZds). Societe Al•oheologique de Dunkerque. ' • E. Societa. Romana di Storia Patria, B-iliZiotcca Valliccllia11.a, llo1na,- ·ILLU-S'l.1RA.'l'ION. FUND. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ILL·U·ST·RA 1l'I0N FUND. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. .Akers~Dougla,g, A., Esq., M.P. . Clifford, .T as., Esq. : . . . . Oranbrook, Viscount . . . . Fremantle, Rev. On.non the Hon. W. H. Hughes, W. E., Esq. . Hussey, H. La.w, Esq .. Mercer, Samuel, Esq. Morgan, Thos., Esq. N orthbourne, Lord DONATIONS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS OF VOL. XVIII. xxxiii £ s . a,, 1 10 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 Stubbs, Henry, Esq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 O Two blocks for Woodcuts in this Eigb.teenth Volume were given by Major A. Heales, and other two by Mr. F. C . .r. Spurrell. Drawings have been kindly made for this volume by Herbert Baker, Esq., George Dowker, Esq., R. Taswell Belcher, Esq., the late Bamard Rook, Esq., O. T. Youens, Esq., Rev. G. M. Livett, and Miss S. l3owles. The Rev. El. H. Blyth kindly procured and Jent to us an oil-painting of the Font and Chest at Saltwood; photographs were given, for reproduction, by the Rev. B. S. Malden, Major .A. Heales, A. A . .Arnold, Esq., and the Rev. W. B. Duokwell; prints and bookpla.tes, for reproduction, were also lent by Henry Stubbs, Esq. NEW MEMBERS SINO.E THE LIST WAS PRINTED. Mrs. Wynne Eyton, Waldersha,re, Dover. Rev. E. Travers Clark, B.A,, Chislehurst. TOL. XVIlJ, d KENT ARCH1EOLOGIOAJ ilt. Oasl,, Accoum,t from tke lst 1887. £ s. a. Jan. I. Balance at the Bankers z~. Wigan a.nd Co ... : .............................. :£852 6 10 Hammond and Co. .. .. . ..... .... .. ... .. . ... .. 34,5 9 3 697 15 1 Dividends ·upon the Society's Three per Cent. Stock ............ :......... 26 11 4 Sale of the Society1s Publications by Mit chell and Hughes............ 6 1 2 Sum. in error twice over by tbe Rev. J , A. Boodle (to be r efunded to him in 1888) . ........... ............... ...................... 4 7 0 Subscriptions, etc., remitted through the following Local Secretaries . and Bankers :- Wigan, Mercer, and Co .......... , ................... £47 16 0 Hammond and Co. • • ••••••••• • •••••• •• •••••• ♦ ••••••••• 41 1 6 Mr. W. E. Hughes (Lonrl011,) ··················••.•··· 40 8 0 G. ]1. Hannam, Esq. (TllMWt) ..................... 86 10 0 A. A. A.rnold, Esq. (Boolwstci•) .............. ....... 32 0 0 J. F. Wadmore, Esq. (~f11111,b1·idpc) ................ 21 10 0 W. Wightwick, Esq. (Jlolltestoiw) .................. 17 10 0 G, F. Carnell, Esq. (S(,f/)cnca,les) ............ : ... ~ ... : . 17 0 0 Mr. F. Bunyard (Maiastone) ... : ....... ; ... : .. : . .. . . • 16 17 (j J, D. Nol'wood, Esq. (.Aslifonl,) ..................... 15 15 0 G. M . .A.1·nold, Esq. ( 0-?•avcseM,) • • ••• ••• •• ♦ •• • 10 I I 12 15 0 J, W. Ilott, Esq. (B1•0-mlcy) It t • o • 1 • Ill II. 10 I 01 I •I I I 12 5 0 G; 1!1. Elliott, lilsq. but nq importn.nt discov· er.",' wa ltEP03:tT, 1888. xliii On the 28th of December 1887, the earliest copies of the 17th Volume of .A.rc!,,rEologia Oantiana ,vere p-resented to tb.~ CouJ?,oil at their Meeting .. '!'he oiroulation of COJ?ies among an the members 1mmed1n.tely followed. Oontammg 4114 pages of pnnted matter, and 55 Illustrations, this volume has been considered t,o be not unworthy of its predecessors. 985 copies of it were printed and bound, at a cost of £527, and nearly the who~e of that cost was defrayed during the year 1887. . . . . Three sheets of ma,tter for the 18th Volume are already m t.Y]?e, but it 1s not proposed to issue that Volume until next summer. · • • . The Sooiety began the year 1887 with £697 : 15 : 1 at its Bankers. The inoome of that year was £880 : 7 : 6. . . • _ During 1887 we expended £509 upo1:1- our 17th. .Volume ; we invested _£80 in Consols; we spent £26 upon excavations at R1ohborough: our Mmdstone RoolilB and their Ourat.or cost us £60 per annum ; and all the other working expenses of the year amounted to £44. So that on the 81st of December 1887 the Society had ;£869 at its :Bankers. • - At that time the Society's invested Capital derived from Life Compositions was £985; but since the 1st of January 1888 an additional sum of £25 has been invested, so that at the time of this Annual Meeting the Society possesses £1010 invested in Consols. Under the old system of the 3 per cents. the income from this sum would be £30 : 6 : 0 per annum ; but the entire reduction sanctioned by Parliament will ea.use our Capital to produce only £26 : 5 : o. The Council has determined, therefore, t.o ask this meeting to sanction the increase of the amount of Composition fol' Life Membership to £6. That sum. invested in Consols will eventmtlly, at 2! per cent., yield to the Society 8s. per annum; which is the exact sum hitherto derived by the Society_ from £5 invested at 8 per ceut. . The Council desires also to_ obtain the opinion of this Annual Meeting with respect to a General Index to the_ Volumes of A't'ch~olo9~ Oantiana. Probably none will deny that such an Index is neceasii.ry. The difficulty arises when we consider how many copies oHt shall be printed. _ The number of pages 1i9 be indexed will be about 7000. Experts tell us that our Index ought therefore to occupy between 400 and 500 pages of matter printed in double. columns. The similar Index of the Sussex Society occupies 428 pages. • . • . . _ . . • If only 50 or 100 copies were 1mnted the cost of ea.oh would be as much as 3 or 4 years' subscription to the Society. - • On 1:,he other hand, if the Index were printed for every Member, like a,n ordinary Volume of the Society's Transactions, each member would obtain· a oopy of it without any extra, subscription. · • . . . 01;1~ Printers estimate the total cost of compiling, :Printing, and binding such a.n ed1t1on of the Index: at about £880. • For tli~ir Slst_Annual Meeting the members of our Society have assembled in the ano1ent Cmque. Port of Hythe, where they .were cordially received 26 years ago, on_ the 10th of July 1862. The members of the Council rejoice to say that after the lapse of so many years, the Society has again the a.-dvantage of being welcomed and assisted by the sanie efficient colleague, Mr. Maokeson • • whose exertions made the fol'mer Meeting at Hythe-so successful. • . . ' • They know t~at he has . done m.ucl!- for . the preservation of . the various ~cords that el:1c1g~te the History of this nnc1ent town,. ;tnd they congratufate him upon finding 1n the worthy Town Clerk, Mr. Wilks, a, colleague who is continuing Mr. Mackeson's work of elucidating the -local History and of promoting our Society's welfare. We thank them both for their effective efforts to make this Meeting a. succes~. _ On the motion of the Very Reverend the Dean of -Canterbury,: seconded by the Rev. Canon the Ronorable W. R. Fremantle it was xesolved: "That tlte Reporf as i'eaiJ be aJoPje, Esq., of Hampton House, Chatham, and carried unanimously," That Herbert Hwaern, Esq., and, Oaptavn Okas; F. Hooper, J.P., be electea AuiJito1·s. Ph,at Oecilllrcnt, JJJsq., be electcii Honorar!J Se01·etary for Bromley dish-iot. Pkat R. W. Oradoclc, JJJsq., be elected HonorM!J Sem•eta;r,y for 1Ju1riforil, and ·Belveite1·e iiish-ict. Tkat tlie tkanks of tke Society_ be given to J. W. Ilott, JJJsq.; anii to R 0. J. SpV/J'reU, Esq., for tlieir Zot1,f!•contvrw,eiJ · services as Local Sec1'etaries for B1'omley and IJarifonJ, 1/'espectivel,y." • G. E. HANNAM, Esq., J.P., moved, and the Rev. 0. H. B.rnm~G seconded an .additional Resolution, "Tltat tke Society's kearty . tkanlcs be conveyea to Oanon Scott &bertson for • liis able services iJwri,,ng the past 17 yea1•s, and tliat tke OowncU be as7cei1 to consiaer wkat special form of ac lcnowle


Proceedings, 1890


A British Village at Ramsgate