Early-Norman Churches in and near the Medway Valley

( 260 ) EARLY-NORMAN CHURCHES IN AND NEAR THE MEDWAY VALLEY. BT THE REV. GREVILE M. LIVETT. I I . PADLESWORTH-CUM-DODE. THE early history of Padlesworth and Dode is obscure. Padlesworth has heen identified with the JPellesorde of Domesday. At Pellesorde there was a church at the time of the survey. In the Textus Roffensis* Psedleswrtha seems to be attached to Birling. At a later date it was certainly a distinct parish. According to Thorpef the last presentation to the rectory is dated 1637. It was then a sine-cure. According to Mr. 0. H. Eielding, $ who has compiled a list of rectors from the episcopal registers, the last appointment was made in 1623. A previous appointment had been made in 1600 in spite of an entry in * Thorpe's ed., p. 229. f Antiguities in Kent added to his Custumale Boffense. % Memories of Mailing and its Valley. With regard to the first three names in Mr. Fielding's list it is not clear whether they were rectors of Padlesworth or Dode. Mr. Fielding has kindly sent me four additional names:— Eectors of Padlesworth :— 1362. JOHN- FEETCHEE. 1363. JOHN DE CABDEN. Eectors of Dode :— 1349. THOMAS G-TAANVILLE. 1362. "WlLlIAM DE HOLBOEOW. (Holboro is part of Snodland.) • ODE. P A D L E S W O R T H I^«SLA


Sandgate Castle


The Service of Shipping of the Barons of Faversham