~i♦threalogia allot, on the
nomination of two Members, any lady who may be desirous of lJecomin"'
a Member of the Society. 0
16. The_ Council shall have power to appoint as Honorary Member
any person hkely to promote ~he_ mterests of the Society. Such Honorary
Member n?t to pay any snb_scnpt1011, and not to ha,re the right of votiug at
any Meetmgs of the Society; but to have all the other p\·ivile"'es of
Members. 0
17. The Council slrnll have -rower to appoint any Member Honorary
Local. ~ecreb1ry for t11~ town or d1stric~ wherei~1 he may reside, in order
to fo~1ht11te the c?llection of accurate mf~rmat1on as to objects nnd discoveries
of lo?al interest, ancl for the 1·ece1p~ of subscriptions.
~8 •. _Meetings for_ the _purpose o~ readmg papers, the exhibition of
ant1qmties, or the d1scuss1on of subJects connected therewith shall be
held at such tim~s and places _as the Council may appoint. '
19. The Society shall avoid all subjects of i·eligious or political controve\
20. The Secl'etary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the
Society, to be communicl\tecl to tl1e Members at the General :Meetings.
( xii )
~ubfocll' mtstcict.
lilar.kbeatb anb
. . , .. . Aslif01·d.
iLellliabam lliatl:ict.
• • j 89 Alca,and,,•a Road,,
• • • 1 Hampstead, N,W.
lScomiey il!Hstcict.
'.l'. N. On.A.FER, EsQ. . .
} Hillside, .Ravcnsli01wne Road,
• • • • • • • • I Br01nlcy.
n, Oolg16itt St-rcet, Livc1•pool).
The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (Robci•t Cockranc, /i'.S.A, Ilon.
Sue., 17 Hi{Jli,field Road, IJubUn). '
The Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society (Rev. Prebc-11da1•11 H1111·vey, Lincoln),
The Norfolk and Norwich Archreological Society, Norii'ioli.
The Suffolk Institute of Archreology (.Rev. Ii', HaslMvood, Hon. Seo., St. MattlLC'ro'S
Rectoi"!J, Fptt1vioh).
The Sur1·ey A1·cbreological Society, 8 IJa;ncs Inn, St1•MLd, w.o.
The Susse,t Archreological Society, Lewes Castle.
The Wiltshire A1·chreological and Natural History Society, 1l£,use1tm,, Devi~es.
The Somersetshire Archreological and Natural History Society, Tamnton Castle.
'.!.'he Bl'istol and Gloucestershire Archreological Society (R(J'I}. w: Bazeley,
J1fatson Recto1·y, 0louccste1·).
The Cambridge Antiquarian Society (JJr. Hai·dcastlc, IJowni11{1 OoZlc{Jc,
(Jamb ,·idg e).
The Derbyshire Mcbreological Society (Artl111w (Jom, Esq., JUiU Hill, JJci·by).
The Powysland Club (Rev. TV. V. Lloyd, R . .1Y., Rasclbcck Rect01'Y, N01•tltampton ).
The Cumberland and Westmoreland Arcl.ireological Society (R. S. Fc,·guson,
Esq., F.S.A., (Ja1•lislc).
The Leicestershire Arcbreological Society, 5 0allowti·ce Gate, Lc-ieestcl',
The Society of A.otiquaries, Newca.stle-upon-Tyne (R. Blah•, Esq_., Soutli Shields).
The Shropshire Archroological Society (.Rev. W. 0. IJimoclt l!'lctolwi·, St .
.Jfic!J,a.cl's Viaai-age, 81111·e11:RlJm•y).
SocieM Al'cheologique de Dunkerque.
R. Societa. Roma.na di Storia. Patria, Biblwtcca Vall,iccUu1.11a, .Roma,
Akers-Douglas, Right Hon. A., M.P.
Clifford, Jas., Esq. .
Oranbrook, Viscount
Hughes, W. E., Esq.
Mercer, Si~muel, Esq.
Northbourne, Lord .
Sands, H., Esq. . .
Wad.more, J . F., Esq ..
vor,. xxrr. C
£ s. d.
I 10 0
0 11 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
1 0 0
Dt. Oasli A.ccountfrOl//'I, the 1st oj
1895. £ s. d.
Jan. 1. Baln.nce at the Bankers:-
Wigan, Mercer, and Co. . .......... .......... £604 0 1
Hammond and Co............ .............. ..... 302 0 11
906 I 0
Dividends on the Society's 2! per Cent.. Stock . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . ... . 32 0 2
Sale of the Society's Pnblications................................ ............. 17 7 6
Subscriptions through tbe fo1l01ving Local Secretaries and Bn.nkers :-
W. E. Hughes, Esq. (LM1.don,) .................... . £86 9 0
K, W. Wilkie, Esq. (ll{l/msgatc) ................. . 11 0 0
W. J. Nichols, Esq. (B1•011ucy) ................. ... . 12 0 0
J.E. Mace, Esq. (Tcntc,·dcn) ................. ... . 2 10 0
Miss Dudlow (}I1alUm,g) .. ........................... . 6 10 6
G. F. Carne11, Esq. (8evcrwalM) ................ .. ]2 13 6
W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Mai•gate) .................... . 11 6 0
F. F. Giraud, Esq. (1i't111J01·sh(llln) ................. . 13 14 8
J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Aslifo1·d) ........ ......... . 13 10 0
W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq. (Wa.Z,,1w1·) ........ .. .. 7 10 0
J . F. Wad.more, Esq. (Tonln•id,qe) ..... ........ .. 9 0 0
C. W, Powell, Esq. (Speldkwrst) ................ .. H 3 4
G. E. Elliott, Esq. (S'i.ttitngbowrne) .............. . 10 0 0
G. M. Arnold, Esq, ((l-ravese,nd) ,., .............. . 12 0 0
Dr. Boyce (Maidstone) ............................. . 21 4 0
H. StJ:inger, Esq. (New Jlo.mney) .. .............. .. 2 10 0
H. Neve, Esq. (Ol'anbrook) ....................... . 6 0 0
G. Wilks, Esq. (I-lytlw) .. ........................... . 12 0 0
J. Copland, Esq (Slwenwss) .. ..................... . 4 18 0
G. Payne, Esq. (Roelwster) ....................... . 20 0 0
The Bankers :-Wigan, Mercer, and Co. . ... .. 34 2 0
lfommond and Co. . ......... .. 29 13 0
---- 356 13 0
£1311 1 8
Ta,nuary to tlw 31st of lJecerriber, 1895.
1895. £ s. a.
W. Keeley, Binder ........ ..................................................... .. 1 7 0
Canon C. F. Routleclge, Petty Cash ........................................ .. 2 2 0
Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms ......................................... . 20 0 0
Kent Fire Office, Insurance ..................................... • ........... .. 2 5 0
}V. T. Wildish, Printing ............................................ ............ . 2 19 0
Curator's Grant (one quarter) .............................................. . 12 10 0
J. Lower, Porter's Fee ............................. ............................. .. 1 13 0
Mitchell and Hughes, Balance of Yo!. XXI. ......................... .. 269 15 2
Ditto Stationei-y, etc ....................................... , 11 8 0
Curator's Grant {three quarters) ............................................ . 37 10 0
J. Lowe.r, Porter ................................................................. . 6 12 0
Borough Treaslll'er, Rent of Rooms ......................................... . 20 0 0
C. F. Kell, Lithographer ....................................................... .. 65 12 0
Purchase of Consols (Life Compositions) ................................ . HJ 10 0
Marquee hired for Meeting at Dare.nth .................................. .. 1 10 0
Kent Fire Office, Insurance .................................................... .. 2 6 0
Canon Routledge, Repairs to St. Pancras .................................. .. 5 0 0
Pipe Roll Society, Subscriptions .... ............................ ............ . 2 2 0
Cong1·ess of Archreological Societies, ditto .. .............................. . 1 0 0
Rev. J.M. Cowper, one copy of Canterbury Mal'l'iage Licences ..... . 2 2 0
Dr. C. Cotton, History of St. Lawrence ................................... . 1 1 0
Deficit Cran brook Meeting .................... ............................... .. 6 5 4
Petty Cash for 1895 (including balance of £3 19s. 5d. from 1894) .. . 10 0 0
Includes Expenses at Cranbrook and Joul'neys ...... :£1 11 0
Halfpenny Stamps for Da1·enth Circulars ............ 1 18 8
One Penny ditto Cranb1·ook ditto . .. . ........... 3 11 9
Stamps for the yeiu, as per .Stamp Account .. ... ... . a 7 5
SundJ:ies ....... ................ ..... .... ... ... ... .. .... ... .... 1 8 8
Viggers and Bunyard's Accounts ..... ............ .... 0 10 3
In hand ...................................................... 1 11 8
£13 19 5
Dec, 31. Balance at Bankers, viz.:-
Wigan, Mercer, and Co. .. ................... £368 16 11
Hammond and Co. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .... ... . .. .. .. . .. 437 17 3
--- 806 13 2
£1311 I 8
Examined and compared with Vouchers and Bankers' Pass Books, and found
to be correct.
6 J'lfly 1896.
119r. Oasn, .il.ccownt fro1n tke 1st of
1896. £ s. d.
Jan. 1. Balance at Bankers:-
Wigan, Mercer, and Co. . .......... ....... £368 lo 11
Hammond and Co ............................ 437 17 3
806 13 2
Dividends on t,he Society's 2;l per Cent. Stock ..... ... ......... ...... .... 32 11 2
Salo of the Society's Publications........... .................................. 11 12 10
Subscriptions thl'Ough tbe following Local Secretaries and Bankers:-
W. E. Hughes, Esq. (L-0·1ulo1i) .................... .
W. J. Mercer, Esq. (1lla1·uatc) .................... .
J. 1r, \Vll,(lmore, Esq. (1'1mbridge) .............. .
R. Holt White, Esq. (Da1·tfo1'd) .......... .... ... .
G. I<'. 0arucll, Esq. (8<:vc,waks) ................. .
W. '.I'. Neve, Esq. (C'1'a1tln·o(lk) .................... .
W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq. (Wal111c1·) ........... .
J. 1£. Mace, Esq. (1'tmtcrckn) .................... .
K. W. Wilkie, Esq. (Ramsgata) ................. .
W. J. Nichols, Esq. (B1'n.1Jer on this impo1·tant
discovery for l,lw l,ocict,y'H 'fra11s1tctions.
At the Uonfercnce of Archmologiciil Socictfos, held at Uurlington House on
July 4t.h, it was resolvml: "'l'ltrit the Sta.nding Committee ho requested to ta.kc
such steps as they think advi!<:1blc to call iho nitention of the various Municipal,
County, 1ind other Autboriti(\S to the do()nlllents undei· their charge, pointing
out their great historical value and interest, and how desirable it h that steps
should be taken for their due proscrvntion."
Attention was also cnlled to tho 11roscnt state of the Ancient 1\fonumentH' .A.et,
and it was reported that the Government refused to a.ocept charge of any more
monuments under the Act.
There was a genornl fooling ex1iresscd tlmt such care as the Govenunent did
exercise was insufficient, and that the Act should be extended, and it was
resolved: "'fbat the County Societies bo requested to urge upon the representatives
of thefr Counties in the House of Commons the necessity of the
Government more thorougl1ly canying out the Ancient Monuments' Act, and
the advisability of extending its pl'Ovisions to monuments of lwrnano-British
and early Christian periods."
Both these subjects were introdt1ced by your Honorary Secretary who is a
mC?m1,,,,. of the Standing OommiUee. It is hopearablc, a~ for
1, l011;.: series of yP.:Lrs we h:we had tho bcuefH o( his lcanl<"d addresses on many
o[ the churches :md houses visited mttll
browu vase and a blttck pah. No. 2 grave, 8 foot from No. I,
was 7 feet long by 3 feet inches wide; the ske1eioJJ Jay soutliwest
by north-east, head toe latter, without relics. No. 3 grave,
7 :feet 4 inches 1011g by 3 it 2 inches wide ; the skele ton lay as
before, but with the head the south-west. 111 this case the l>m1cs
were not disturbed. The eleton was lying extended, the bones
of the hands being fouud un t11e pelvis. 'l'he skull was discovered
some years ago when layinlown a water-main whieh passox l,y the
head of the cist. At thu,ft shoulder tt i-uutll brown vaxe wi1 h
narrow neck witl:l met with.By the feet \\'Cl'(.) two i1·011 nail,i wl1il·h
1ia-Hornan feet long, with armR and legs straight,
upper part curved towards south. Au iron dagger-shaped kuifo lay
upon the pelvis.
Grave 5. Skeleton of a young female, under 5 feet long, in an
extended poRitiou. By the neck were t11ree opaque glass beads, two
reel and one green ; two reel beads were also found by the left hand.
It was interesting to note that the uncut wisdom teeth were visible
through a fracture in the lower jaw.
Grave G. Skeleton almost entirely decayed. On tlrn left side
of the skull an iron eipear-hca