Richard Lovelace of Bethersden Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 337 ) RIOHARD LOVELAOE AND BETHERSDEN. BY JAMES ROBERTS BROWN, E.R.G.S. THE name of Richard Lovelace has an especial interest to all lovers of Kentish history, and the foUowing transcript of an Indenture in my collection relating to property at Bethersden seems quite worthy of a place in Archceologia Cantiana. The biographical details of the cavalier Poet are now so well known from the article by Thomas Seccombe in the Dictionary of National Biography, that tbere is no need to repeat them here; but it may be well to point out that the date of the Deed corresponds with the misfortunes of Lovelace, and that the property therein-named passed to the same Richard Hulse who in 1649 purchased tbe Lovelace- Bethersden estates. (Hasted.) As there is no signature of Lovelace in the collections of the British Museum, it has been thought advisable to give it in facsimile:— To all Xxian people to whome this pre'te writinge shall come Richard Lovelace of Bethersden in the Countie of Kent Esq0 sendeth greetinge "Whereas by Indenture bearing date wth these p'nts made by the said Richard Lovelace of the one p'te and Richard Hulse of greate Charte in the said Countie gent of the other p'te purportinge that the said Richard Lovelace for the consideration therein ment'oned Hath given graunted aliened bargayned sold enfeoffed and confirmed unto the said Richard Hulse his heires and assignes All that his Messuage or te'nt Barne and Outhouses thereunto belonginge And also all his landes meadowes pastures and arrable lyeing in Halden in the said Countie of Kent, conteyninge Threescore acres more or lesse Togeather wth a p'cell of Woodland called Bottenden Wood al's Barr Bottenden conteynninge Twentie ffive acres more or lesse situafc in Bethersden aforesaid in the said Countie of Kent as in and by the said Indenture more plainely appeareth Nowe this VOL. XXIII. z 338 RICHARD LOVELACE AND BETHERSDEN. Writinge Witnesseth That the saide Richard Lovelace for divers good causes and Considerations him thereunto movinge Hath constituted ordeyned appointed and in his place and stead hath putt And by theis p'nts doth constitute ordeyne appointe and in his place and stead doth putt Isaac Hunte of Bethersden aforesaid yeoman his true and lawfull Attorney for him and in his name place and stead to enter and take possession of the said Messuage and landes and all and singuler the pemises in and by the said recited Indenture ment'oned to be given and graunted as aforesaid and after such entrie & possession thereof or of any p'te thereof in the name of the whole soe had and taken full & peaceable possession state & seizen of the same to deliver to the said Richard Hulse according to the teno0 purporte intent and true meaninge of the said recited Indenture Ratifyeinge and confirminge all & whatsoever the said Isaac Hunte shall doe or cause to be done touchinge or concerninge the premisses as fully whollie and effectuallie as if the said Richard Lovelace were then and there p'rsonallie p'nte and did the same In Witnes whereof the said Richard Lovelace hath hereunto sett his hand and seale this Twentith daie of March In the Nyneteenth yeare of the Raigne of o1' sov'aigne Lord Charles by the grace of god kinge of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the fEaith. Annoq1 ' d'ni 1643. Signed Richard Lovelace, and sealed with an oval seal (the impression of which is now obliterated). Endorsed, "Bethersden 1643." ^faM




Note on "Relics of Painting in Canterbury Cathedral"