Front matter, Volume 27

^npwtojjia Cantiana. " ANTIQUITATES SEU HISTORIARUM RELIQUIiE SUNT TANQUAM TABULiE NAUFRAGII ; CUM, DEFICIENTE ET FERE SUBMERSA RERUM MEMORIA, NIHILOMINUS HOMINES INDUSTRII ET SAGAOES, PERTINACI QUADAM ET SCRUPULOSA DILIGENTIA, EX GENEALOGIIS, FASTIS, TITULIS, MONUMENTIS, NUMISMATIBUS, NOMINIBUS PROPRIIS ET 8TYLIS, VERBORUM ETYMOLOGIIS, PROVERBIIS, TRADITIONIBUS, ARCHIVI8, ET INSTRUMENTIS, TAM PUBLICIS QUAM PRIVATIS, HISTORIARUM FRAGMENTIS, LIBRORUM NEUTIQUAM IIISTORICORUM LOCIS DISPERSIS,—EX HIS, INQUAM, OMNIBUS VEL ALIQUIBUS, NONNULLA A TEMPORIS DILUVIO ERIPIUNT ET CONSERVANT. RES SANE OPEROSA, SED MORTALIBUS GRATA ET OUM REVERENTIA QUADAM CONJUNCTA." " ANTIQUITIES, OR REMNANTS OF HISTORY, ARE, AS WAS SAID, TANQUAM TABULiE NAUFRAGII; WHEN INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS, BY AN EXACT AND SCRUPULOUS DILIGENCE AND OBSERVATION, OUT OF MONUMENTS, NAMES, WORDS, PROVERBS, TRADITIONS, PRIVATE RECORDS AND EVIDENCES, FRAGMENTS OF STORIES, PASSAGES OF BOOKS THAT CONCERN NOT STORY, AND THE LIKE, DO SAVE AND RECOVER SOMEWHAT FROM THE DELUGE OF TIME."—Advancement of Learning, ii. BEING TRANSACTIONS OF THE KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. >i \ •- \ ~ / ta > . / VOLUME XXVII. ILonfcon; P R I N T E D FOR THE SOCIETY BT MITCHELL HUGHES & CLARKE. 140 WARDOUR ST., OXFORD ST. 1905. The Council of the Kent Archosological Society is not answerable for any opinions put forioard in this Work. JSach Contributor is alone responsible for his own remarks. CONTENTS. PAGH Lists of Officers, Societies in Union, x—xiii; Rules, xiv—xvi; List of Members xvii—xxxii Cash Accounts for 1903 and 1904 xxxiii—xl Proceedings, Report, etc., 1903—1905 xii—lxi BILSINGTON PEIOBT. By 0. H. Woodruff, MS.A xlviii—li OBITTTABT NOTICES OE EAEL STANHOPE, E.S.A..; CUMBEELAND HENBT WOOD BUTE, ESQ., P.S.A.; CANON- CHABLES EEANCIS ROTJTLED&E, E.S.A.; W. H. BUBCH ROSHEE, ESQ., J.P lxi—lxiv EESEABOHES AND DISCOTEEIES IN KENT. By George Payne, F.S.A Ixv Discovery of a Roman Kiln at Galley Hill, Swanscombe. By JEl. C. Youens Ixxiii Note on an ancient Bell from Boxley Ixxiv Discoveries of Prehistoric Pottery in the Maidstone District. By J. H. Allehin lxxvi Bowl and Polished Celt from Rose Wood, near Ightham... Ixxvii Discovery of Romano-British Interments at Stone, near Dartford. By E. O. Youens Ixxix 1. IGHTHAM MOTE. By Henry Taylor, F.S.A 1 2. PEDIGEEE OP SELBT OE IGHTHAM MOTE, AND REGISTEES. By T. 0. Ooh/er-Fergusson 30 3. NOTES ON AN EABLT CINQUE POETS CHABTEB. By F.F. Giraud 37 4. THE BAEONS OE NEW ROMNET IN PABLIAMENT. By John Stokes 44 5. COBHAM COLLEGE. By A. A. Arnold^ F.S.A 64 6. COBHAM AND ITS MANOES, ETC. By A. A. Arnold, F.S.A 110 vi CONTENTS. 7. LETTEBS OE EDWAED HASTED TO THOMAS ASTLE 136 8. CALEFDAB OE ANCIENT DEEDS PBESENTED BT CHARLES MAROHANT, ESQ 167 9. THE REPARATION OE ROCHESTER CASTLE. By George Payne, F.S.A 177 10. A-NCIENT TIMBEE-EBAMED HOUSE AT SHORNE NEXT Q-RATESEND. By George M. Arnold, F.S.A 193 11. NOTES ON BETHEESDBN. By the Rev. A. J. Pearmcm, M.A 201 12. NOTE ON THE SO-CALLED TOMB OF THE COUNTESS OE ATHOL IN THE CATHEDRAL CHUECH OP CANTEEBURT. By W. H. St. John Hope, M.A 209 13. VISITATIONS OP THE ARCHDEACON OF OAJTTERBUET. By Arthur Hussey 213 14. FAVERSHAM HOUSEHOLD TNVENTOET, 1609. By Arthur Hussey , 230 15. A LIST OP THE RECTOES OP RIPPLE. Compiled by the Rev. H. L. Beardmor'e, M.A. .' ' 237 16. THE LEADEN FONT AT BEOOEILAND. By the Rev. G. M. Livett, F.S.A 255 17. CHUECH PLATE IN KENT—NO. III. By the Rev. 0. E. Woodruff, M.A 262 18. NOTICES OP BOOKS 301 G-ENEEAL INDEX 307 ILLUSTRATIONS. — —• PAGE Bilsington Priory, Views of, W., E., and N xlviii and li Portrait of Earl Stanhope, with Autograph lxi „ 0. H. Woodruff, Esq., F.S.A., with Autograph lxii City of Rochester, Plan of N.W. coraer of Roman City Wall...lxvi Embossed Design of Samian Bowl lxviii Mediaeval and Roman Pottery from Upehurch lxx Kiln, found at Galley HiU, Swanscombe Ixxiii The Boxley Bell bcxv Prehistoric Vessel found at Maidstone lxxvi Celt and Bowl from Rose Wood Ixxviii Roman Pottery from Stone Ixxix Ightham Mote, Kent:— Bird's Eye View 1 Block Plan 3 The Old Stables '. 4 Ground Floor Plan 8 First Floor Plan 12 The Quadrangle, looking north-east 24 „ looking north-west 25 East Elevation and Sections through Great Hall 26 South View 28 Cobham College:— Remains of the Old College Buildings, from the north ... 64 Reconveyance by Reginald de Cobham to Sir John de Cobham, 1581 66 Autograph of George Brook, Lord Cobham 72 Licence from Prior and Convent of St. Saviour's, Bermondsey, to Master and Brethren of Cobham College, 1370 73 Entrance to Old College Buildings, from the south 81 Exterior of the New College, from south-east 82 Seals of the College 83 Porch at the south-eastern entrance to New College ... 84 The New College, taken from the south-east 86 viii ILLUSTRATIONS. PA.8H Cobhambury, from the south-east 117 The Reparation of Rochester Castle:— Mural Recesses, Opening in south-east angle of Keep at Rochester Castle 179 Window discovered in Rochester Castle 181 Arch of Norman Recess in Eastern Wall of the Castle Keep , 183 Section through Well at Rochester Castle 187 House at Shorne near Gravesend 193 Front Elevation and Ground Floor 196 Tomb of Isabel, Countess of Athol, iu Cathedral Church of Canterbury 209 Tomb of Philippa, Duchess of York, 1431, in Westminster Abbey Church 210 Effigy of Lady Tryvet, 1433, in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury 211 Tomb and Effigy of Lady Tryvet 212 Brookland Font 255 Church Plate in Kent:— Chalice and Flagon in Canterbury Cathedral 267 An Alms-dish and Candlestick in Canterbury Cathedral 270 An Alms-dish at St. Andrew's, Canterbury 276 Elizabethan Chalice and Cover at Fordwich 294 3£unr Oncological Jswtet^ OFFICERS, RULES, AND MEMBERS. OOTOBER, 1905. ( * ) lUnt arcjaexiloatcal i^xiwtg* THE LORD NORTHBOURNE, F.S.A. HIS GRACE THE AROHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. THE MARQUESS CAMDEN. THE EARL STANHOPE. THE EARL AMHERST. THE EARL OF CRANBROOK. THE EARL OF DARNLEY. THE EARL OF RADNOR. THE VISCOUNT HARDINGE. THE LORD ASHCOMBE. THE LORD AVEBURY. THE LORD HARRIS, G.O.M.G. THE LORD HAWKESBURY. THE LORD HOTHFIELD. THE LORD CURZON OF KEDLESTON. THE LORD SACKVILLE, G.C.M.G. THE DEAN OF CANTERBURY. THE DEAN OF ROCHESTER. SIR DAVID LIONEL SALOMONS, BART. A. G. BOSCAWEN, ESQ., M.P. THE RIGHT HON. A. AKERS-DOUGLAS, M.P. F. S. W. CORNWALLIS, ESQ. THE RIGHT HON. JOHN GILBERT TALBOT, M.P. j THE AROHDEACON OF ROCHESTER. ; E. F. ASTLEY, ESQ., J.P. REV. C. E. WOODRUFF, M.A., Otterden Bectory, Faversham. $mtorar_- _&mtar_% S. EVANS, ESQ., Abbot's Barton, Canterbury. igonovatg &toasttm\ C. W. POWELL, ESQ., D.L., J.P., Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. (ALL THESE GENTLEMEN ARE EX-OFMCIO MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL.) LIST OF OFFICERS. xi 0toteB 4*tem&W3 of t.e ffiounctl. AUGUSTUS A. ARNOLD, ESQ., F.S.A Cobhambury. G. M. ARNOLD, ESQ., J.P., D.L., F.S.A Gravesend. HUBERT BENSTED, ESQ Bearsted. REV. J. A. BOODLE, M.A Boughton Blean. H. MAPLETON CHAPMAN, ESQ Canterbury. G. E. COKAYNE, ESQ.. M.A., F.S.A. Roeliampton. RICHARD COOKE, ESQ Detling. LIEUT.-COLONEL A. J. COPELAND, F.S.A Ramsgate. CHARLES COTTON, ESQ., F.R.C.P Ramsgate. A. RANDALL DAVIS, ESQ., M.R.C.S Bythe. LELAND L. DUNCAN, ESQ., F.S.A., M.V.O Lewisham. T. COLYER-FERGUSSON, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A Gravesend. ARTHUR FINN, ESQ Lydd. REV. T. S. FRAMPTON, M.A., F.S.A Dover. F. F. GIRAUD, ESQ FaversJiam. REV. G. M. LIVETT, B.A., F.S.A Wateringbury. THE HON. ROBERT MARSHAM-TOWNSHEND, F.S.A. . . . Foots Crag. HERBERT MONCKTON, ESQ Maidstone. REV. A. J. PEARMAN, M.A Rocliester. 0. W. POWELL, ESQ., D.L., J.P Speldhurst. MAJOR J. ROBERTS ATKIN ROBERTS, J.P Glassenbury. J. OLDRID SCOTT, ESQ., F.S.A Oxted. REV. WATERMAN GARDNER-WATERMAN, M.A Loose. REV. C. H. WILKIE, M.A Canterbury. i&xmttm. THE EARL AMHERST. THE LORD NORTHBOURNE. THE RIGHT HON. J. G. TALBOT, M.P. H. MAPLETON CHAPMAN, ESQ. igon. auOttors. HERBERT HORDEUN, ESQ., J.P. CAPTAIN CHAS. F. HOOPER, J .P. on. $i)otog;rai>!)$t\ E. C. YOUENS, ESQ. asanftws. UNION OF LONDON AND SMITHS BANK, Maidstone, CAPITAL AND COUNTIES BANK, Canterbury. ( xii ) HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES. !«af)foril ll!Hstrict. J, BROAD, ESQ. , , • • • • • • Aal,ford. llUackf)eatfJ aun Uehli!lf.)11111 iDiah'itt. w. ESSINGTON HUGHES, ESQ. • • • • • • 140 Ward11u1• St,reet, w. 􀈮ro111Ie11 il!Uatrict. L, M. BlDEN, EsQ. . • • • • • , • • • Bi·om,ley. (.lwinterbury il!li&h:itt, H. MAPLBTON CHAPMAN, EsQ. . . . . . . Oantcrbui·y. Ql:ra11brooft ilistrict. f • • • • • • • m1n:ttocll iDiatl'itt. B.. HOLT-WHITE, EsQ. • • • • • • • • . Bewley, Kent. meal aub Waltner ili!ltritt. THE REV, H. L. BEARDMORE, M.A. • • • • RiJJplc. MARTYN MoWLL, EsQ. • F. F. GIRAUD, ESQ, • A, H. GARDNER, ESQ, G. M. ARNOLD, ESQ, il9ober mistrid. Dover. jf aber11f)a111 ilf11trict. • • . • • . • . Favei•sltain. §olfteutone iDi!ltcitt. • • . • • • • • Folkcstone. Qiirabcsenn m iatl'itt. • • . • . • • Jlliltot􀈯 Hall, G·raves1md, 􀈰ytf)e il9€5Mct, A, RANDALL DAVIS, ESQ,. Ilytlw. Uonbon. w. ESSINGTON HUGHES, ESQ. • • • • 140 Wa1•dowr St1•cet, w. 􀈱aibutone mtstrict. HUBERT BENSTED, EsQ. . . . • • . • Maidstone. Jlllalltng mtuh:ict. MISS DUDLOW • • • • • • • • • • West Malling • .Min:gate ilt11trict. W. J, MERCER, EsQ. • • • • • • • 12 .Ma1-inc To1·1·ace, Jlfa1·gate. taamugate mtstrict. c. COTTON, EsQ., F.R.O,P. • • • • • • • Ila111,S9ate. 􀃆ocf)estcc mtstrtct. E. F. COBB, EsQ.. • • • • • • • • Roe/tester. 􀃆omney iliutt:ict. ARTHUR FINN, EsQ.. • • , • • • , J,ydd. ;ia11btntcf) l1i11tt:itt. ;iebenoaks l9istritt. GEORGE F. CARNELL, EsQ. • • • • • • • Scvc,waks. JOBN COPLAND, EBQ. DR, F. GR.d.YLING J. ELLIS MACE, EsQ. 􀁂teppe11 IU11trict. • • • • • • • • • Sl1oerness. 􀁃ittingllourne i.Di11trirt. • • • • . • • • • SittingblllW'IUJ, «e11terben i.Di11Mct. Tm1,tm•den. «onflribge 1Ji11tritt. R. WINGATE, EsQ. , • • • • • • • Hildenbo1' _scription, and not to have the right of voting at any Meetmgs of the Society; but to have all the other pi·ivileges of Membel's, ( xvi ) 18. The Council shall have powel' to appoint any Member Honorary Local Secretary for the town 01· dishict wherein he may 1·eside, in order to facilitate the collection of accurate information as to objects and discoveries of local interest, and for the 1·eceipt of subscriptions, and may at any time cancel sncl1 appointment. 19. Meetings for the purpose of reading papers, the exhibition of · antiquities, or the discnssion of subjects connected therewith, shall be held at such times and places as the Council may appoint. 20, The Society shall avoid all subjects of religious or political controversy. 21. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, to be communicated to the Members at the General Meetings. ( xvi ) Rev. W. W. SKEAT, M.A., LITT.D, (Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge), 2 Sali􀁕bu1·y Villas, Ca11ib1•idga. The BRITISH MUSEUM, 01'cat Rus.􀁖all St1•aet, w.o. W. H. ST. JOHN I-IoPE, EsQ., M.A., Assistant Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington ll.ou.􀁗11, P-icaadilly, W. J. MEADOWS COWPER, EsQ., F.S.A., Ilarbledown, Ga1itc1•bm•y. ( xvii ) MEMBERS. COEEECTED TO OCTOBEE 1905. THE * DENOTES LIFE COMPOUNDEBS. Abell, H. Prancis, Esq., Kennington Hall, Ashford. *Aoworth, Rev. R. William Harrison, EUora, Roohester. Adam, James, Esq., M.D., West MaUing Place, Kent. Adcook, W. J., Esq., Merton, Kearsney, Dover. Akers-Douglas, Right Hon. Aretas, M.P., Chilston Park, Maidstone. Aloock, Rev. John Price, M.A., Crayford Reotory, Kent. Alexander, Mrs. E. B., Cheveney, Hunton, Maidstone. Alexander, J . J., Esq., West Mailing, Maidstone. *Allchin, Dr. W. H., 5 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, w. Allen, Eric, Esq., Headcorn, Kent. Alston, Miss, Hathewolden Grange, High Halden. *Amherst, The Earl, Montreal, Sevenoaks. *Amherst of Hackney, The Right Hon. Lord, Didlington Hall, Brandon, Norfolk. Anderson, J. A., Esq., JJ?., Eaversham. Anderson, J. 0., Esq., 20 Westcliff Terrace, Ramsgate. Andrews, W., Esq., 15 Ashburnham Eoad, Tonbridge. Apperley, Rev. J. Marling, M.A., Tong Vicarage, Sittingbourne. Arkcoll, John, Esq., Poley House, Maidstone. Arnold, Augustus A., Esq., D.L., F.S.A., Cobhambury, Gravesend. Arnold, G. M., Esq., F.S.A., Milton Hall, Gravesend. *Ashcombe, The Bight Hon. Lord, Denbies, Dorking. Ashley-Dodd, Mrs., Godinton Park, Great Chart, Ashford. Ashton-Gwatkin, Rev. W. H. T., M.A., Wrotham Bectory, Kent. Astley, Edward Perrand, Esq., M.D., 29 Marine Parade, Dover. Athenseum Club, The, 107 Pall Mall, s.w. Athill, Charles H., Esq., E.S.A., Biohmond Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.o. Atkin-Boberts, Major J. R., J.P., Glassenbury Park, Cranbrook. *Avebury, The Lord, F.S.A., High Elms, Pamborough. Bacon, W. B., Esq., Durgates Lodge, Wadhurst, Kent. *Badcook, W., Esq., East Court, Detling. Bailey, Bev. Canon Henry, D.D., Canterbury. Baker, Herbert, Esq., Rondebosoh, near Cape Town. Baker, Peroy T„ Esq., Owletts, Cobham, Gravesend. *Ball, William, Esq., Hillside, Strood, Roohester. Ballard, E., Esq., 26 North Street, Ashford. YOIi. XXVII. Xviii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Balston, R. J., Esq., Springfield, Maidstone. Bannon, James, Esq., New Romney. *Barrett, P. A., Esq., The Hollies, Mason's Hill, Bromley. Barrett, J. P., Esq., 3 St. John's Villas, Margate. *Barron, Edward Jackson, Esq., F.S.A., 10 Endsleigh Street, Tavistock Square, w.c. Bartleet, H. S., Esq., Severndroog, Shooters' Hill, s.E. Barton, Arthur, Esq., Sunny Croft, Holland Road, Maidstone. *Bartram, Rev. Canon H., M.A., St. Mary's Vicarage, Dover. *Baxter, Wynne E., Esq., J.P., D.L., 170 Church Street, Stoke Newington, N. Baynes, Bev. M. C , M.A., Ringwould Rectory, Dover. *Beamish, R. J., Esq., Grove House, Gravesend. *Bean, A. W. T., Esq., 47 Prince's Square, W. Beardmore, Eev. H. L., M.A., Eipple Bectory, near Dover. Beck, Rev. Canon E. Josselyn, M.A., Rectory, Eotherhithe, s.E. Belcher, H. T., Esq., 24 Clephane Eoad, Canonbury, N. Belcher, W. D., Esq., " Eosemullion," Gubuyon Avenue, Herne Hill, s.E. Bensted, Henry Thomas, Esq., Court Lodge, Teynham, Sittingbourne. Bensted, Hubert, Esq., Bearsted, Maidstone. Best, Major M. G , J.P., Park House, Boxley, Maidstone. *Bevan, Arthur T., Esq., Dormers, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks. *Bevan, P. L., Esq., Chipstead Place, Sevenoaks. Bevington, Col. S. B., Merle Wood, Sevenoaks. *Bicknell, A. S., Esq., Barcombe House, Barcombe, Lewes, Sussex. Biden, L. M., Esq., 38 Parnaby Eoad, Shortlands, Kent. Bird, Rev. G. S., M.A., 28 Leyburn Terrace, Dover. Birmingham Pree Libraries (Mr. A. Capel Shaw, Librarian), Ratcliff Place, Birmingham. *Bishop, William H., Esq., 8 Prince of Wales' Terrace, Kensington, w. *Blakiston, The Very Rev. R. Milburn, F.S.A., The Deanery, Hadleigh, Suffolk. Bligh, The Honourable Arthur, 21 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W. Bligh, The Lady Isabel, Patherwell House, West Malling, Maidstone. Bliss, Rev. Canon, M.A., Betteshanger Eectory, Dover. Blogg, Eev. P. Babington, M.A., Great Mongeham Eectory, Deal. Blore, Bev. Canon G. J., D.D., St. Stephen's, Canterbury. Board, Major John, Springfield, Westerham, Edenbridge. Bodleian Library, The, Oxford. Body, W., Esq., Tenterden, Kent. Boggis, Bev. B. J. E., M.A., St, Augustine's College, Canterbury. Boissier, A. H., Esq., The Grove, Penshurst. *Boodle, Bev. John A., M.A., Boughton Blean Vicarage, Paversham. Booth, A. W., Esq., Scalers Hill, Cobham, near Gravesend. Borden, Sir P. W., K.C.M.G. (care of T. W. Burden, Esq., Headoorn, Kent). Borden, Spencer, Esq., Interlaken, Pall Eiver, Mass., U.S.A. *Borrowman, J., Jun., Esq., A.E.I.B.A., 10 Serjeants' Inn, Pleet Street, E.O. Borton, Lieut.-Col. A. C , Cheveney, Hunton, Maidstone. Boseawen, A. Griffith, Esq., M.p., Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. Boston Library, Boston, U.S.A. (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co., Dryden House, Gerrard Street, Soho^ Bottle, A., Esq., 4 Godwyne Eoad, Dover. Boulter, H., Esq., " Kent Argus " Office, Eamsgate. *Bowker, A. P., Esq., F.E.G.S., F.G.S., F.E.M.S., West Mailing, Kent. Boyce, C, Esq., M.D., Maidstone. *Boys, Eev. H. J., M.A., Layer Marney Eeotory, Kelvedon, Essex. Bramah, Mrs., Davington Priory, Paversham. Brampton, P. J., Esq., 25 Culverden Park Eoad, Tunbridge Wells. Bramston, Eev. William, M.A., Vicar of Minster, Sheerness. *Brent, Algernon, Esq., F.E.G.S., 12 MandeviUe Place, w. Brent, Mortimer de, Esq., Astley House, 17 Victoria Eoad, Clapham Common, s.w. LIST OP MEMBERS. xix Bridge, J. H., Esq., 6 Brewer Street, Maidstone. Briggs, C. A., Esq., Bock House, Lynmouth, North Devon. Brightman, Edward W., Esq., Sheerness. Brighton Pree Library, Brighton. Brine, Bev. A. L., M.A., Willesborough Eectory, Ashford. Broad, John, Esq., 5 Bank Street, Ashford, Kent. Brockman, A. Drake, Esq., Polkestone. Brooke, Edward, Esq., Ufford Place, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Brooke, H., Esq., 9 Badnor Cliffe, Sandgate. Brown, Alex., Esq., Hothfield, Ashford, Kent. *Brown, Lieut.-Colonel C. G., 30 Queen's Gardens, Lancaster Gate, W. *Brown, Eobert Boss, Esq., Strood, Eochester. Browne, Eev. E. C. Latham, M.A., Hever Bectory, Edenbridge. Browning, Arthur Giraud, Esq., Spencer Lodge, Wandsworth Common, s.W. *Bruce, Sir Gainsford, Tewhurst, Bromley, Kent. Bullard, Thomas, Esq., 158 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, Kent. *Bunyard, G., Esq., F.E.H.S., Maidstone. Burden, T. W., Esq., Headcorn, Ashford. *Burgess, Major C. J., Salisbury Tower, Windsor Castle. Burra, James S., Esq., J.P., Ashford, Kent. Burrows, A. J., Esq., F.s.i., Pluckley, Ashford, Kent. Butt, Gow, Esq., Hawkhurst. *Bywater, Witham M., Esq., M.E.INST., Invicta, 33 Telford Avenue, Streatham Hill, s.W. Camden, The Most Noble the Marquess, Bayham Abbey, Tunbridge Wells. Canterbury Cathedral, Library of the Dean and Chapter. Canterbury, The Dean of, The Precincts, Canterbury. Canterbury Munioipal Library, The Boyal Museum, Canterbury. Capes, Bev. Canon W. W,, M.A., Bramshott Bectory, Liphook, Hants. Carman, D. G., Esq., West Mailing. Carnell, George P., Esq., F.E.HIST.S., Sevenoaks. Carr, Rev. Arthur, M.A., Addiugton Vicarage, Croydon. Carr, Bev. Canon J. Haslewood, M.A., Adisham Bectory, Wingham. Carr, Rev. T. A., M.A., Vicarage, Marden, Staplehurst. Carr, Rev. T. W., M.A., Long Bede, Barming, Maidstone. Carre, Bev. A. A., M.A., The Vicarage, Headcorn. Caswell, Miss E., Elcot, St. Michael's Boad, Bamsgate. *Cazalet, W. M., Esq., J.P., Pairkwn, Shipborne, Tunbridge. Chambers, Miss M., Deepdene, Albert Eoad, Bamsgate. Chapman, A. D. B., Esq., The Birches, Penshurst. *Chapman, H. Mapleton, Esq., St. Martin's Priory, Canterbury. Charles, B. Stafford, Esq., 2 Broad Street Place, E.C. Charrington, M. V., Esq., The Warren, Hever, Edenbridge. Cheetham, The Venerable Archdeacon, D.D., F.S.A., The Precinct, Boohester. Cheney, A. D., Esq., Berwick, Lympne, Hythe. Church, P., Esq., The Elms, Sutton Valence. Churchill, Eev. W. H., M.A., Stone House, St. Peter's, Broadstairs. Clements, A. P., Esq., 139 High Street, Hythe. Clifford, James, Esq., Maidstone. Clinch, George, Esq., F.G.S., 22 Nioholson Boad, Addiscombe. Cloke, P., Esq., Sandwich. *Clout, Eiohard, Esq., Brome House, West Mailing, Maidstone. Coates, Mrs. Ann, Shorne, Gravesend. Cobb, E. P., Esq., A.E.I.B.A., 20 High Street, Eochester. Cobb, P. Marsden, Esq., Bank House, Margate. Cobb, H. M., Esq., Higham, Boohester. *Cobham, Charles, Esq., The Shrubbery, Gravesend. b 2 XX KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Cobham, W. G., Esq., F.S.I., 4 Woodville Terrace, Gravesend. *Cock, Dr. P. W., 1 Porchester Houses, Porchester Square, w. Cockburn, Edward, Esq., The Croft, Ellington Boad, Bamsgate. *Cokayne, G. E., Esq., M.A., E.S.A., Clarenceux King of Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.c, and Exeter House, Eoehampton. Coleman, Jos., Esq., South Villa, St. Peter's Eoad, Margate, Coleman, William, Esq., The Shrubbery, Buckland, Dover. Coles, Bev. Canon J. Oakley, B.D., St. Lawrence, Eamsgate. Collett, Bev. Anthony, M.A., Bredhurst Vicarage, Chatham. Collier, Eev. Carus V., B.A., Burton Agnes, Driffield. *Collins, Brenton H., Esq., Dunorlan, Tunbridge Wells. Collis, Bev. Henry, M.A., St. Philip's Vicarage, Maidstone. Collyer, H. C, Esq., Breakhurst, Beddington, Croydon. Collyer, T. H., Esq., Redcote, Walmer. Columbia University Library, New York (per Mr. G. E. Stechert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, Chancery Lane, W.c). *Colyer-Pergusson, Thos., Esq., F.S.A., Wombwell Hall, Gravesend. Congress Library, Washington, U.S.A. (per Mr. Allen, 23 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, w.c). Cooke, Eichard, Esq., The Croft, Detling, Maidstone. Coombe, A. E., Esq., Manor House, Ightham, Sevenoaks. Copeland, Lieut.-Colonel, F.S.A., Bamsgate. Copland, John, Esq., Sheerness. *Corfe, A. P., Esq., 5 Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone. . *Cornwallis, P. S. W., Esq., J.P., Linton Park, Maidstone. Cottew, Alderman G., Deal. •Cotton, Charles, Esq., F.E.CP., 42 Spencer Square, Eamsgate. Cotton, Henry Hugh Powell, Esq., Westerham. Couchman, J. B., Esq., Cruiserath, South-Eastern Boad, Bamsgate. *Courthope, George, Esq., Whiligh, Sussex. Courtney, E. M,, Esq., East Cliff House, Bamsgate. *Cowell, George, Esq., F.E.C.S., 24 Harrington Gardens, s.w. *Cox, Frederick John, Esq., 7 Osberton Boad, Lee, Kent. Cozens, Walter, Esq., Canterbury. Cradock, Mrs. G. B. W., Ellenlea, Boveney Eoad, Honor Oak Park, S.E. Cranbrook, The Earl of, Hemsted, Cranbrook. Cranbrook Literary Institute, Cranbrook. Crapper, Bev. P. M., M.A., Grammar School, Paversham. Cremer, C, Esq., Preston Lea, Paversham. Cresswell, Sackville, Esq., J.P., Hole Park, Eolvenden. Crocker, A., Esq., Lavenders, West Mailing. *Croft, Geo. C, Esq., 5 Green Street, Park Lane, w. Cronk, E. E., Esq., Sevenoaks. Crook, P. W., Esq., B.A., Beckley, Overcliff, Gravesend. Crosse, Eev. T. G., M.A., St. Lawrence Vicarage, Ramsgate. Crundall, Sir W. H., Dover. Cruso, Bev. H. E. T., M.A., Tunstall Eectory, Sittingbourne. Culleton, Leo, Esq., 92 Piccadilly, w. Curling, Lieut.-Colonel Henry, E.A., Chilton Lodge, Bamsgate. Curteis, H. M., Esq., 5 Beaconsfield Terrace, Hythe. Curteis, Eev. T. S., M.A., F.S.A., The Eectory, Sevenoaks. *Curtis, James, Esq., F.S.A., 179 Marylebone Eoad, N.w. *Curzon of Kedleston, Lord, G.M.S.I., G.M.I.E. Cust, The Lady Elizabeth, 13 Eccleston Square, s.w, Cutbill, P. T., Esq., Downswood, The Avenue, Beckenham. Dale, Eev. H. D., M.A., Hythe Vicarage, Kent. Darnley, The Earl of, Cobham Hall, Gravesend. LIST OP MEMBERS. xxi Davies, David, Esq., 57 The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. Davis, Arthur Randall, Esq., M.E.C.S., Oaklands, Hythe, Kent. *Day, Miss, Glenside, Upper Walmer. Day, Walter, Esq., Earl Street, Maidstone. Denne, Major Alured B., E.A., Chief Inspector of Explosives, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. *Dewey, T. C, Esq., South Hill Wood, Bromley. *Dewick, Eev. E. S., F.S.A., 26 Oxford Square, Hyde Park, w. Dickenson, Lieut.-Colonel J. Newton, The Precincts, Canterbury. Dickson, Bev. B. H., M.A., Eastchurch Eectory, Sheerness. *Dimsdale, John, Esq. (care of C. J. Mercer, Esq., Northwiok Lodge, Harrowon- the-Hill). Dixon, Lieut.-General, Wood's Gate, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. *Dodgson, W. H., Esq., Forest Lodge, Keston, Kent. Donaldson, Sir George, Wateringbury Place, and 4 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, w. Donne, Bev. Charles Edward, M.A., 18 Ladbroke Eoad, Notting Hill, w. Douglas, Mrs., Groton House, Walmer. Dover Proprietary Library (care of E. M. Worsfold, Esq., Market Square, Dover). Down, Capt. W. Thornton, E.N., Spearpoint, Ashford. Drake, Charles, Esq., Newton Eoad, Paversham. Dudlow, Miss, West Malling, Maidstone. Duffield, P. H., Esq., St. Oswald's, Shortlands, Bromley, Kent. Duncan, Leland L., Esq., F.S.A., Eosslair, Lingard's Eoad, Lewisham, s.E. *Durst, Eev. John, M.A., Cade House, West Malling. Dyke, Eev. John Dixon, M.A., 30 Crowhurst Boad, Brixton, s.w. Eagleton, L. 0., Esq., 6 Warren Boad, Bexley Heath, Kent. East, P. J., Esq., 42 St. Kilda's Eoad, Stoke Newington, N. *Eastgate, Eev. C, E., M.A., St. Paul's Vioarage, Eamsgate. Easton, Rev. J. G.', M.A., Murston Reotory, Sittingbourne. *Ebbs, A. B., Esq., Tuborg, Durham Avenue, Bromley. Ebbs, Miss M. E., The Hermitage, Upper Walmer. Edmeades, Major-General, Nurstead Court, Gravesend. Edwards, Thos., Esq., Ashford, Kent. *Elgar, J. P., Esq., Wingham Lodge, Boohester. Elliott, Eobert, Esq., Little Hothfield, Ashford, Kent. *Ellis, Bev. J. H., M.A., 29 Collingham Gardens, South Kensington, s.W. Elwes, Valentine E. H. Cary, Esq., F.S.A., Billing Hall, Northampton. Elyard, S. John, Esq., Brook Lodge, The Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey. Essell, E. W., Esq., 25 Bedford Eow, w.c. Evans, Miss A., Shenstone, Crayford. *Evans, Sir John, D.C.L., F.E.S., F.S.A., Nash Mills, Hemel Hempstead. Evans, Sebastian, Esq., Honorary Secretary, Abbot's Barton, Canterbury. Palche, Douglas, Esq., Allington Castle, Maidstone. Earn, A. B., Esq., Mount Nod, Greenhithe. Paulding, J., Esq., Boxley House, Tenterden. *Paunthorpe, Bev. John P., M.A., Elmfield, Bromley Common, Kent. *Pergusson, Sir James Banken, Bart., F.S.A. SCOT., Hever Court, Gravesend. Pinn, Arthur, Esq., Westbrook, Lydd, Polkestone. Finn, Edwin, Esq., Elm Grove, Lydd. Pinn, Mrs. Frederiok," Thornhy," Ethelbert Boad, Canterbury. Xxii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Firth, Charles, Esq., M.D., Gravesend. Fitch, Mrs. M. L., " Linda," Frances Road, Windsor. Fletcher, C, Esq., Yalding. Fletcher, Miss Isabella Margaret, East Court, Detling. Fletcher, William, Esq., Elmfield, Gravesend. *Plower, Eev. Canon Walker, M.A., 11 Cambridge Terrace, Dover. Polkestone Public Library, Polkestone. *Pooks, C. C. S., Esq., Reynolds Place, Horton Kirby, Eent. Fooks, E. J., Esq., Hatton House, Chislehurst. Forbes, Lieut.-General Wentworth, The Gleanings, Eochester. Ford, Edward, Esq., Bridgen Place, Bexley. Foreman, Owen, Esq., Hunton, Maidstone. Forster, W. Samuel, Esq., Eumwood, Maidstone. Pox, Col. George Malcolm, Little Glassenbury, Cranbrook. Pox, Mrs. Marian Jane, Little Glassenbury, Cranbrook. Pox, T. Hamilton, Esq., " Berkeley House," Hay Hill, W. *Foyster, Eev. G. Alfred, M.A., Guise House, Aspley Guise, B.S.O., Beds. Prampton, Bev. T. Shipdem, B.CL., M.A., F.S.A., 8 Town Wall Street, Dover. Pranks, F. W., Esq., The Loampits, Tonbridge. Fremlin, E. H., Esq., Wateringbury. Premlin, B. J., Esq., Heathfield, Maidstone. French, Eev. H. D., M.A., St. Andrew's Eectory, Canterbury. *Priend, G., Esq., F.K.T.B.A., Earl Street, Maidstone. Fuller, Samuel, Esq., 38 Queen Street, Bamsgate. Furley, Walter, Esq., Combe House, Canterbury. Fynmore, Eichard John, Esq., Wykeham House, Sandgate. Gardner, Alfred Henry, Esq., Folkestone. *Gardner, Saml., Esq., Oakhurst, Mount Park Eoad, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Gardner-Waterman, Bev. W., M.A., Loose Vicarage, Maidstone. Gardner-Waterman, Mrs. Wm., Luton House, Hythe. Garling, Henry B., Esq., Polkestone. Gascoyne, Mrs., Northiam, Folkestone. Gibson, P. G., Esq., Sittingbourne. Gilby, Eowland H., Esq., 45 Priolo Boad, Old Charlton, S.E. *Gill, J. Haymen, Esq., Eochester. Giraud, P. P., Esq., Faversham. *Giraud, Bev. B. E., St. James's Lodge, Fulham Palace Road, s.w. *Godfrey-Paussett, Capt. Edmund G., E.E., Cuokfield, Sussex. Godfrey-Paussett-Osborne, H. B. G., Esq., Hartlip Place, Sittingbourne. Golding, Humphrey, Esq., St. John's Lodge, Sevenoaks. Golding, Mrs. William, St. John's Lodge, Sevenoaks. Goldney, F. Bennett, Esq., F.S.A., Abbot's Barton, Canterbury. Goodwin, E., Esq., Cannon Court, Wateringbury. Grant, W. L., Esq., Sittingbourne. *Graves, Bobert Edmund, Esq., B.A., Lyndhurst, Grange Park, Ealing, W. Gray, Mrs., Birohington Hall, Birchington, Margate. Grayling, Francis, Esq., L.E.CP., Polveners, Sittingbourne. Greensted, Harry, Esq., Tunstall, Sittingbourne. *Gregory, H. E., Esq., Quintain House, Offham, Griffiths, Copland, Esq., Melksham, Wilts. Grinsted, D., Esq., Lynton House, Bromley. Ground, E., Esq., B.A., M.B., Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone. Guest, G. P., Esq., Devonshire House, Park Eoad, Hythe. Guise, Eev. Julian, M.A., Addington Bectory, Maidstone. *Gwynne, Rev. Gorges F. J . G. E., M.A,, Stamfordham Vicarage, Newcastle-on- Tyne. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxiii *Hale, C. G., Esq., Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks. Hale, Eev. J. B., M.A., Horton Kirby Vioarage, Dartford. *Hales, Bev. B. Cox, M.A., 27 Cambridge Boad, Brighton. *Hales, Mrs. Ada Young, 27 Cambridge Boad, Brighton. Halloran, Bev. J., M.A., Eastwell Eectory, Ashford. Hambrook, J. B., Esq., Strond Street, Dover. Hamilton, H., Esq., Albert Eoad, Ashford. Hannen, The Hon. Henry, The Hall, West Farleigh. Hardy, Bev. A. 0., M.A., The Eeotory, Lydd. *Harris, The Lord, G.O.M.G., Belmont, Paversham. Harris, Edwin, Esq., Boohester. Harris, W. J., Esq., Sittingbourne. Harrison, Eev. Alban Henry, M.A., The Bectory, Great Chart, Ashford. Harrison, W. H., Esq., Maidstone Boad, Eochester. Harvey, Sidney, Esq., F.c.s., Watling Street, Canterbury. *Haslehust, Arthur C, Esq., Thornden, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, s.E. *Haslewood, Eev. F. G., LL.D., D.C.L., Chislet Vicarage, Canterbury. Haslewood, H. Dering, Esq., 139 Temple Chambers, Whitefriars, E.c Hassell, Lewis, Esq., Giffords, Darenth, Dartford. *Hatfeild, Capt. Charles T., Hartsdown, Margate. Hawkes, E. J., Esq., L.E.C.P., West Cliff Eoad, Bamsgate. *Hawkesbury, The Bight Hon. Lord, 2 Carlton House Terrace, s.W. Hawley, Eev. C. C, M.A., Leybourne Eeotory, Maidstone. Haynes, Lewis, Esq., Burn Oak, East Peckham, Kent. Hayton, Eev. G., Eyarsh, West Mailing. Heale, Eev. J. N., M.A., St. Thomas Vicarage, Bethnal Green, N.E. Hellicar, Bev. A. G., M.A., Bromley Vicarage, Kent. Hile, D. G. M., Clydesdale House, Lambourne Boad, s.w. Hill, E. H. E., Esq., St. Keverne, Bromley. Hill, Mrs. Samuel, Moyle Tower, Hythe. Hills, Miss E., Trafalgar Villa, Westcliffe Eoad, Eamsgate. Hills, W., Esq., Gwdyr House, Dane Eoad, Margate. Hills, W. H., Esq., 40 King Street, Eamsgate. Hinds, A. B., Esq., M.A., 5 Nicosia Boad, Wandsworth Common, s.w. Hinds, Henry, Esq., Queen Street, Bamsgate. Hinds, Henry George E., Esq., 2 Birch Villas, Elms, Bamsgate. Hitchcock, W. M., Esq., Mayfield, Orchard Boad, Blackheath, S.E. Hoar, Bobert, Esq., Hawthorndene, Maidstone. *Hoare, W., Esq., Iden Manor, Staplehurst. Hodges, T. A., Esq., West Malling. Hodgson, J. B., Esq., 1 Boyal Cresoent, Bamsgate. Holden, E. J., Esq., Polkestone. Holmes, E. J., Esq., Cranbrook Literary Association. Holmes, Miss, The Laurels, Whitstable Boad, Canterbury. *Holt-White, E., Esq., Warren Wood, Bexley Heath. Homewood, Chas. E., Esq., Tunstall, Sittingbourne. Homewood, E. J., Esq., 14 Pelham Eoad, Gravesend. Homewood, W. J., Esq., Holmbury, Shawfield Park, Bromley, Kent. Honey ball, Jas. F., Esq., New Gardens, Teynham, Sittingbourne. Hooker, G. N., Esq., M.A., 2 Eichmond Villas, Bamsgate. Hooper, Captain Charles P., J.P., Harewell House, Sheldwich, Paversham. Horan, Mrs., The Mount, Lamberhurst, Sussex. *Hordern, Herbert, Esq., J.P., Throwley House, Paversham. Horsley, Sir Victor, M.B., F.E.S., 25 Cavendish Square, w. Hothfield, The Lord, Hothfield, Ashford, Kent. *Hovenden, Eobert, Esq., F.S.A., Heathcote, Park Hill Eoad, Croydon. Howell, G. 0., Esq., 210 Eglinton Eoad, Plumstead. Hoyle, John, Esq., Cliff House, Greenhithe, Kent. Hughes, C. G., Esq., Myrtle House, Canterbury Boad, Sittingbourne. Xxiv. KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Hughes, W. Essington, Esq., F.B.HIST.S., 89 Alexandra Road, South Hampstead, N.W. Hulburd, James, Esq.y High Street, Sittingbourne. Hurst, Miss M. J., Elba, Albion Eoad, Ramsgate. Hussey, Miss Anne, St. George's Plaoe, Canterbury. *Hussey, Arthur, Esq., Clare Eoad, Tankerton-on-Sea, Whitstable. Hutohinson, C. B., Esq., A.E.I.B.A., Upper Deal. Igglesden, C, Esq., Oakwood, Canterbury Road, Ashford. Jackman, F. O, Esq., 12 Market Street, Faversham. Jackson, Alfred, Esq., 12 St. James's Place, St. James's Street, s.W. *Jacobs, J . A., Esq., Sandwich. Jacolette, M. J., Esq., Biggin Street, Dover. James, J. B., Esq., The Manor House, Dartmouth, Devon. Jarrett, W. J., Esq., Hatton House, Westgate-on-Sea. Jaye, W. R., Esq., Springwood Lodge, Oakfield Road, Clapton, N.E. Jenkinson, P. J. H., Esq., 10 Brookside, Cambridge. Jenner, W. M., Esq., Sandgate, Polkestone. * Jennings, C. P. J., Esq., Braokley House, Beckenham. Jennings, W. J., Esq., Watling Street, Canterbury. Jobson, T. Baron, Esq., J.P., Brooksden, Cranbrook. *Johnson, M. Warton, Esq., 75 The Drive, West Brighton. Johnston, P. Mainwaring, Esq., 31 De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, S.E. *Jones, Erio A. Goddard, Esq., 3 Talbot Place, Blackheath, S.E. *Jones, Herbert, Esq., F.S.A., 42 Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, S.E. Jones, Robert Hesketh, Esq., Belfort, Park Hill Rise, Croydon. *Jones, E. S., Esq., M.A., New Hall, Dymchuroh. Joyce, Dr. T., Cranbrook. Joyce, Thomas Heath, Esq., Freshford, South Hill Park, Bromley, Kent. Keble, Harman, Esq., Abbeyfield, Price's Avenue, Margate. *Kempe, C. E., Esq., Old Place, Lindfield, Sussex. Kennard, David, Esq., Wester Hill, Linton, Maidstone. Keyes, S. Kilworth, Esq., Mirkin Eoad, Dartford. *Keyser, Charles E., Esq., F.S.A., Aldermaster Court, Beading. *Kidwell, John, Esq., The Banks, Eochester. King, S. H., Esq., Danesoliff, St. Lawrence, Thanet, Kent. King, W. J., Esq., Lifeby Villa, Gravesend. Kingsland, H. M., Esq., Headcorn, Kent. Kingsley, Mrs. Henry, Hillside, Hythe. *Kleinwort, H. G., Esq., Wierton Place, Boughton Monchelsea. Knight-Jesson, Mrs. C, Bayham Boad, Sevenoaks. #Knill, Sir John, Bart., South Vale House, Blaokheath, S.E. Knocker, Colonel Sir E. W., K.C.B., Castle Hill House, Dover. *Knyvett, Felix Sumner, Esq., Ashwellthorpe, Watford, Herts. Lacy, A. E., Esq., 17 North Street, Ashford. Lane, Mrs. H. Murray, St. Anthony's, Weybridge, Surrey. Langhorne, Eev, J., M.A., Lamberhurst Vicarage, Kent. LIST OF MEMBERS. . XXV Latham, Albert, Esq., 15 Ceoil Square, Margate. Latham, P. L., Esq., Gads Hill Place, Higham, Rochester. Lattemer, E., Esq., Church Institute, Maidstone. Laurence, Miss M. E., Gardenhurst, Park Hill, Bexley. Laurie, A., Esq., Rockdale, Sevenoaks. *Lavers, Nathaniel Wood, Esq., 22 Endell Street, Bloomsbury, w.c "Layton, Thos., Esq., 22 Kew Bridge Boad, Kew Bridge, w. Leatham, Herbert Rowe, Esq., Thanet College, Margate. *Legg, J. Wiokham, Esq., M.D., F.S.A., 47 Green Street, Park Lane, w. Legg, Rev. Wm., M.A., St. John's Vicarage, Newbury, Berks. *Leney, Harry, Esq., Selling Court, Faversham. *Leney, Hugh, Esq., Castle Street, Dover. *Levy, Lewis, Esq., Borden Hall, Sittingbourne. Lewes, Sir Samuel, 163 Lewisham High Boad, S.E. Lewis, W. Leaoh, Esq., J.P., Margate College, Margate. Lewis, Bev. B. W. M., M.A., 186 New Cross Boad, s.E. Lincoln's Inn Library (A. P. Etheridge, Esq., Librarian), Lincoln's Inn, w.o. Little, A. G, Esq., Sevenoaks. Littlewood, Eev. A. B., Vicarage, East Farleigh, Maidstone. Livett, Eev. Grevile M., B.A., F.S.A., Wateringbury Vicarage, Kent. *Llewellin, W., Esq., Upton House, near Poole. Lloyd, Eev. Prebendary lorwerth Grey, M.A., F.S.A., Cresborough, Haverfordwest, South Wales. Lochee, W. A., Esq., Oaten Hill House, Canterbury. London, The Librarian (pro tem.) of the Corporation of the City of, Guildhall, E.c London Library, The, 14 St. James's Square, s.w. Lord, W. Wylie, Esq., Westlea, Upper Walmer. *Lowndes, G. Alan, Esq., Barrington Hall, Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex. Lowndes, Mrs., Stone Cross, Eamsgate. Lubbock, Peroy, Esq., Emmetts, Ide Hill, Sevenoaks. Lucas, Eev. Arthur, M.A., Parkside, Tonbridge. Lushington, Rev. T. Godfrey, M.A., Bearsted Vicarage, Maidstone. MoCall, R. A., Esq., K.C, The Knoll, Walmer. Mace, J. Ellis, Esq., Tenterden. McGill, Miss, Bordyke, Tonbridge. MacKay, Miss, Hatherwolden Grange, High Halden. Mackinnon, Eev. D. D., M.A., Speldhurst Eectory. McLellan, Wm. Jno., Esq., Goddington Eoad, Strood. McMeckan, Major P. P., E.A., Dover. *Malcolm, John, Esq., 55 Beaoh Street, Deal. Manser, S., Esq., 26 Blenheim Eoad, Deal. Marchant, C, Esq., 11 Duke Street, St. James's, s.w. Marchant, Robt., Esq., Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford, Kent. *Marks, H. H., Esq., M.P., J.P., Callis Court, St. Peter's, Thanet. Marks, H. Cecil, Esq., Callis Court, St. Peter's, Thanet. Marshall, Rev. W, M.A., Ewhurst Eectory, Hawkhurst. *Marsham-Townshend, The Hon. Bobert, F.S.A., Prognal, Foots Cray, Kent. Martin, F. W., Esq., 57 Darnley Boad, Gravesend. Martin, Bev. J. Hankin, Headcorn, Kent. *Martin, P. A. B., Esq., Chipstead, Sevenoaks. *Martin, Bichard Biddulph, Esq., Overbury Court, Tewkesbury. Martin, Bev. W. T., Bioknor Eectory, HoUingbourne, Kent. *Mason, Bev. Canon, The Precincts, Canterbury. May, William, Esq., Northfield, St. Mary Cray, Kent. Maylam, Peroy, Esq., 32 Watling Street, Canterbury. XXVI KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Mercer, B. M., Esq., Dane John, Canterbury. Mercer, Eandall, Esq., Sandling Place, Maidstone. Mercer, W. F., Esq., Maidstone. Mercer, W. J., Esq., 12 Marine Terrace, Margate. Mesham, Colonel Arthur, Pontruffydd, Trefnant, E.S.O., North Wales. Millard, Eev. F. M., M.A., Otham Eectory, Maidstone. Miller, Eev. J. A., B.D., The Eectory, Ivychurch, Kent. Miller, Martin, Esq., Netherfield, Scott's Lane, Shortlands, Kent. Monckton, Herbert, Esq., Town Clerk, Maidstone. Monins, John H., Esq., J.P., Ringwould House, Dover. Montefiore, Eobert M. Sebag, Esq., East Cliff Lodge, Bamsgate. Montgomerie, D., Esq., 69 Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill, w. Morris, J., Esq., Abbotscliffe House, Polkestone. Morris, J. W., Esq., 5 Market Street, Paversham. Mostyn, The Lady Augusta, Gloddaeth Hall, Conway. *Mowll, Martyn, Esq., Dover. Muller, W. H., Esq., 12 West Chislehurst Park, Eltham. Murray, A. E., Esq., St. Clare, Upper Walmer. Murton, Sir Walter, c.B., Beech House, Chislehurst. Museum, The, Maidstone. Nash, Bev. E. J., M.A., Minor Canon Eow, Bochester. National Portrait Gallery, The (care of Messrs. Wyman and Son, Fetter Lane, E.C). Neame, Mrs. Frederick, Luton, Selling. Nevill, The Honourable Ealph, Birling Manor, West Mailing, Maidstone. Newberry Library, Chicago, U.S.A. (per Messrs. B. F. Stevens and Browne, 4 Trafalgar Square, w.c). Newington, Mrs. Campbell, Oakover, Ticehurst, Sussex. Newman, F. T., Esq., 13 Guildhall Street, Folkestone. Newton, W. M., Esq., Summerhill Road, Dartford. New York Public Library (care of Messrs. B, P. Stevens and Browne, 4 Trafalgar Square, w.c). NichoUs, W. F. G., Esq., The College, Littlestone-on-Sea. *Nicholls, W. H., Esq., Wellington House, Mill Boad, Deal. •Nichols, Wm. J., Esq., Lachine, Chislehurst, Kent. *Ninnis, Inspector-General Belgrave, M.D., Brockenhurst, Aldrington Road, Streatham, s.w. Nisbet, Bev. Canon M. A., M.A., Ickham Eectory, Wingham. *Noakes, Miss E., Brockley Hall, Brockley, S.E. *Noble, Wilson, Esq., Tangley Park, Worplesdon, Guildford. *Norman, Philip, Esq., F.S.A., 45 Evelyn Gardens, South Kensington, s.w. Northbourne, The Lord, Betteshanger, Dover. *Norwood, Edward, Esq., Charing, Ashford, Kent. Norwood, Rev. George, Manton Bectory, Kirton Lindsey, Lincolnshire. *Nottidge, Albert James, Esq., Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge. Nottidge, T., Esq., J.P., Ashford. Ochs, Albert, Esq., Walmer Place, Walmer, Deal. *01iver, Edm. Ward, Esq., 1 Corbet Court, Gracechurch Street, E.C Oliver, H. C. Hewitt, Esq., West Mailing. Oliver, Dr. H. H., Skinner House, Lydd. Oliver, J . S., Esq., Maidstone, LIST OF MEMBERS. xxvii Orger, Bev. E. B., M.A., Effingham Crescent, Dover. Owen, Rev. A.' F. C, M.A., Meopham Vicarage, Gravesend. Oxenham, E. H., Esq., F.E.S.L., Keston Villa, Bushey Green, Catford. Oyler, T. H., Esq., Langley Lodge, Sutton Valence, Staplehurst. Page, W. Gray, Esq., 2 Queen Street, Bamsgate. *Paine, Mrs. Dunkley, Cockshot Hill, Beigate. Palmer, John, Esq., M.E.C.S., Snodland, Kent. Palmer, Eev. J. H., M.A., Coniston, Main Eoad, Sidcup. Paramor, J. M., Esq., Canterbury Road, Margate. Parkes, B., Esq., Church Boad, Ashford. Partridge, Bev. P., M.A., King's School, Eochester. Patrick, G., Esq., A.E.I.B.A., Ivanhoe, Woodborough Eoad, Putney, s.w. Paxon, Arthur, Esq., Netherhall, Sidcup, Kent. Payne, Bev. Canon D. Bruce, D.D., St. George's Vicarage, Deal. Payne, George, Esq., F.L.S., F.S.A., The Preoinot, Bochester. Payne, Mrs. George, The Precinct, Boohester. Pearman, Bev. A. J., M.A., The Precinct, Boohester. Pearman, Eev. M. T., M.A., Iwade Vicarage, Sittingbourne. Pearne, Thomas, Esq., Carmel Cottage, Loose, Maidstone. Pearse, Eev. J. T., M.A., Chiddingstone Eeotory, Kent. Peokham, Thomas Gilbert, Esq., J.P., Hall Place, Harbledown, Canterbury. *Pembroke, G. P. Amos, Esq., 16 Featherstone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, w.c. *Penfold, Hugh, Esq., M.A., Eustington, Worthing. Pennsylvania Historical Society, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (care of Messrs. Stevens and Browne, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.c). Pepper, Matthew, Esq., 47 High Street, Dover. Percy, B. G., Esq., 26 Great Tower Street, E.c. Perowne, E. S. M., Esq., F.S.A., 20 Eandolph Eoad, Maida Vale, w. Perry, Eev. C. E., D.D., Mickfield Eeotory, Suffolk. *Phelps, Bev. L. R, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford. Phillips, Eev. E. E., M.A., Bower Hill House, Maidstone. Philpott, S. G. P., Esq., Tannavalla, Ellington Boad, Eamsgate. Philpotts, Miss, The Laurels, Whitstable Boad, Canterbury. Pittook, Dr., Canterbury. Pleadwell, W. G., Esq., 31 Castellain Eoad, Maida Hill, w. Pledge, Thomas, Esq., Newnham Court, Boxley, Maidstone. Plowden, Miss, 2 Albion Villas, Polkestone. Pole, Bev. H., M.A., Beaumont Terrace, Dover. Poole, M. J., Esq., 12 Chapel Place, Bamsgate. *Powell, C. Watson, Esq., D.L., J.P., Hon. Treasurer, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. Powell-Cotton, Major P. H. G., Quex Park, Birohington. Pratt, The Lady Frances, The Grove, Seal, Sevenoaks. Prentis, Walter, Esq., Boad House, Sittingbourne. Prescott, P., Esq., Dover. Preston, J. Harvey, Esq., The Haven, Eliot Vale, Blackheath, s.E. Probyn, Lieut.-Colonel Clifford, 55 Grosvenor Street, w. Trosser, W. B., Esq., Sittingbourne Boad, Maidstone. Publio Becord Office (care of Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 5 Middle New Street, E.C). Pyne, Lieut.-Colonel B. E., E.M.LJ., Junior United Service Club, 12 Charles Street, St. James's, s.w. Radoliffe, A., Esq., Lowther, East Cliff, Bamsgate. Radnor, The Earl of, 12 Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, TV. XXviii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Bammell, Bev. W. H., M.A., The Eeotory, High Halden, Ashford. Bamsgate Free Library, Eamsgate. Raphael, Lewis, Esq., Parrock Hal), Gravesend. Baven, Roger Abbot, Esq., B.A., Barfield House, Broadstairs. Rawes, Mrs., 10 Hyde Park Mansions, Marylebone Road, N.W. *Bayden, Arthur B., Esq., Birchington. Eead, Captain, Yalding. Eeeve, E. Dalby, Esq., 14 Cecil Square, Margate. Eeid, James, Esq., 12 Lower Bridge Street, Canterbury. Eendall, Bev. Seymour Henry, M.A., The Vicarage, Wye. Eichardson, Walter H., Esq., Bookwood, Eltham. Eoberts, Colonel Sir Howland, Bart., 31 Argyll Road, Kensington, w. Robertson, John C, Esq., Prior's, Keston, Beckenham. Robertson, Mrs. Scott, Barton Fields, Canterbury. Eobins, Eev. W. H., D.D., Gillingham Vicarage, Chatham. Eobinson, Geo., Esq., Strood, Bochester. Eobinson, W. P., Esq. (care of Messrs. Stevens and Browne, 4 Trafalgar Square, w.c). Eochester, The Dean of, The Precinct, Bochester. Boohester Public Library, Bochester. Eogers, G. H. J., Esq., F.E.M.S., 55 King Street, Maidstone. Eogers, Mrs., Barton Fields, Canterbury. *Roget, John L., Esq., 5 Eandolph Crescent, Maida Hill, w. Eoper, Joseph Stanley, Esq., Park House, HoUingbourne. Eoutledge, Miss, Little Colstrop, Henley-on-Thames. Eoutledge, Mrs., Cherry Barton, Molash, Chilham, Kent. Bowe, Thomas Smith, Esq., M.D., Union Crescent, Margate. Boxley, H. J., Esq., 16 Lansdowne Road, Tunbridge Wells. Royal Institution of Great Britain, The Library of, Albemarle Street, w. Ruck, P. W., Esq., Maidstone. Ruck, Walter, Esq., 11 High Street, Maidstone. Eust, J. Edden, Esq., Hillcroft, Roydon, Ware, Essex. Eutton, W. Loftie, Esq., F.S.A., 27 Elgin Avenue, W. Sackville, The Lord, G.C.M.G., Knole, Sevenoaks. Saint, Miss, Groombridge, Speldhurst. St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate, The Very Rev. the Abbot of. •Salisbury, The Lord Bishop of, The Palace, Salisbury. •Salomons, Sir David Lionel, Bart., Broom Hill, Tunbridge Wells. Sands, Harold, Esq., Craythorne, Tenterden. Saunders, Sibert, Esq., Springfield House, Whitstable. Sayer, John, Esq., J.P., Clear Mount, Charing, Ashford, Kent. Science and Art Department, South Kensington, s.w. Scott, J. Oldrid, Esq., F.S.A., Ridgway House, Oxted, Surrey. Scratton, John, Esq., Sole Street, Gravesend. Scriven, C. H., Esq., Thong, Gravesend. Seale, Miss P. E., 24 London Road, Sevenoaks. Sewell, Rev. T. J., M.A., Lynsted Vicarage, Sittingbourne. Sharland, G., Esq., Parrock Hall, Gravesend. Shawyer, J., Esq., Westerham. Shepherd, Rev. C. W., M.A., Trottescliffe Rectory, Maidstone. Shindler, T., Esq., M.A., LL.B., 43 Streathbourne Road, Upper Tooting, s.W. Shorter, Henry, Esq., 23 Walm Lane, Willesden Green, N.w. Shrivell, P. W., Esq., F.L.S., Thompson's, Golden Groen, Tunbridge. Simmons, G., Esq., Woburn Hill, Addlestone. Sinclair, W. B., Esq., Lynton, Parkhurst Road, Bexley,-Kent. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxix Skarratt, Rev. T. O, Kemsing Vicarage, Sevenoaks. *Smetham, Henry, Esq., Strood, Rochester. Smith, P. P., Esq., Watts Avenue, Rochester. Smith, H. W., Esq., The Cottage, Belvedere, Kent. Smith, Eev. Herbert, The Vicarage, Lenham. Smith, Jabez, Esq., Faversham. Smith, Rev. Eobert Cox, M.A., 10 King Square, Goswell Road, E.C. Smith, W. P. Haskett, Esq., 34 Eussell Boad, Holland Park, w. Smyth, E. P., Esq., Boohester. •Soanes, Temple H., Esq., 17 Calverley Park, Tunbridge Wells. Solly, G. C, Esq., The Bungalow, Stone Cross, Sandwioh. South, Eev. Hugh, B.A., The Eectory, New Eomney. South, Eev. E. M., M.A., New Eomney Vicarage. Southee, A. P., Esq., Edgecombe, Folkestone. Springett, Mrs., Ashfield, Hawkhurst, Kent. 1 Stamford, Dr., Collingwood House, Tunbridge Wells. Stanhope, The Earl, Chevening Place, Sevenoaks. Stanley, P., Esq., Rokeby, Edgar Road, Margate. Stapeley, J., Esq., Headcorn. Startup, T. R , Esq., Little Hothfield, Ashford. Stephens, A. P. W., Esq., Rome House, Chatham. Stevens, W. R., Esq., Summerhill, Goudhurst, Kent. •Stevens, Miss E. J,, The Parsonage, Cobham, Gravesend. Stirling, James, Esq., Belmore, Ashford. Stock, W. T., Esq., 2 Elm Villas, Eamsgate. Stokes, C, Esq., 22 Kent Avenue, Ashford. Stokes, John, Esq., Westlands, Grosvenor Place, Margate. Stokes, Miss A. R., York Villa, Grange Road, Eamsgate. Stone, Prank W., Esq., Tunbridge Wells. Strahan, H., Esq., Seabrook Lodge, Hythe. *Stratton, A., Esq.. Corringham, Reigate Road, Reigate. •Streeter, E. W., Esq., F.E.G.S. Strickland, R. A., Esq. Stringer, H. W., Esq., B.A., New Eomney. •Stroud, Eev. J., M.A., South Perrott Bectory, Crewkerne. •Stubbs, Henry, Esq., Danby, Ballyshannon, Donegal, Ireland. Stunt, Walter C, Esq., Lorenden, Faversham. •Styan, Miss Anne, 72 Oxford Terrace, w. Style, Miss, Boxley House, Maidstone. Sutton, P., Esq., Upton Lodge, St. Peter's, Thanet. Swaffield, H., Esq., Cornwall House, Granville Eoad, Sevenoaks. Swan, Eev. R , M.A., West Peckham, Maidstone. Sweet, H., Esq., Post Office, Strood, Kent. Swindells, E. C, Esq., Horton Park, Hythe. Swinford, P., Esq., Minster House, Minster, Thanet. Sydney, Pree Public Library (care of Messrs. Truslove and Hanson, 151 Oxford Street, w.). Talbot, Right Honourable John Gilbert, M.P., Falconhurst, Edenbridge. Tancock, Bev. C, D.D., School House, Tonbridge. Tasker, Henry, Esq., Maidstone. •Tayler, W. H., Esq., M.D., Hardioot, Kingsdown, Dover. •Taylor, E. Eeginald, Esq., Meadowsley, Sidcup. Taylor, Henry, Esq., Braeside, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells. •Taylor, B. Wright, Esq., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A., 8 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.c Terson, T. A., Esq., Castle Street, Dover. Thomas, J. Lamlily, Esq., 75 West Park, Eltham. XXX KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas, Mrs., Eyhorne House, HoUingbourne, Maidstone. Thomas, Rev. W. C, M.A., Northbourne Eectory, Deal. Thompson, C. W., Esq., Waltham, London Eoad, Deal. Thompson, Gibson, Esq., 24 Bride Lane, Pleet Street, E.c. Thompson, H., Esq., 1 Middle Eow, Ashford. •Tiarks, H. P., Esq., Poxbury, Chislehurst. Till, E. D., Esq., The Priory, Eynesford. Tillard, Bev. J., The Glebe, Penshurst. Tingey, Wm., Jun., Esq., Castle Moat, Eochester. *Tinne, H. W., Esq., Union Club, Trafalgar Square, s.W. Toke, N. E., Esq., Penfillan House, Folkestone. Tolputt, J. B., Esq., Polkestone. *Tomlin, E. L., Esq., J.P., Angley Park, Cranbrook. *Tomson, Martin J. E., Esq., J.p., Court Stairs, St. Lawrence, Eamsgate. Trimmer, Eev. H. E., M.A., Holy Trinity Vicarage, Sittingbourne. Trist, John W., Esq., F.S.A., 3 Great St. Helens, E.C Trollope, W. T., Esq., High Street, Tunbridge Wells. Tuffill, C. J., Esq., Boohester. Turner, J. H., Esq., Kentish Bank, Maidstone. Turner, W. H., Esq., Maidstone. *Tyssen, Amherst Daniel, Esq., 40 Chancery Lane, E.c Underwood, Eev. T. P. K., M.A., Kilndown Vicarage, Goudhurst. Upton, Eev. Archer, M.A., Stowting Eectory, Hythe, Kent. Vallance, W. H. Aymer, Esq., F.S.A., Burlington Pine Arts Club, 17 Savile Eow, w. Varty, G. P., Esq., Borough Place, Tenterden. Veasey, Mrs., Massetts, Scaynes Hill, Lindfield. Vincent, Wm. Thos., Esq., 189 Burrage Eoad, Plumstead. Vinten, Henry George, Esq., Elmside, The Elms, Eamsgate. Vye, G. P., Esq., Eydall House, Bamsgate. Wade, H., Esq., Chatham. •Wadmore, Beauchamp, Esq., 4 Lyons Crescent, Tonbridge. *Wagner, Henry, Esq., F.S.A., 13 Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, w. Walford, Arthur, Esq., 6 New Oxford Street, w. Walker, Adam, Esq., 2 Essex Court, Temple, E.G. Walker, C. B., Esq., M.D., F.E.G.S., 49 Lissenden Mansions, Highgate Eoad, N.W. Waller, H. W., Esq., St. James's Boad, Tunbridge Wells. *Walmisley, A. T., Esq., M.INST.CE., 9 Victoria Street, Westminster, s.w. Walter, John A., Esq., Berengrave, Eainham. Walton, James B., Esq., The Hermitage, Hythe. Ward, H. J., Esq., The Mill House, Parningham. Ward, H. Snowden, Esq., Golden Green, Hadlow, Tonbridge. Ward, Mrs. H. Snowden, Golden Green, Hadlow, Tonbridge. LIST OF MEMBERS. xxxi Ward, W., Esq., East Sutton. ' •Warde, Miss A., Selwood House, Manor Road, Folkestone. * Warde, Colonel C. M., Squerries Court, Westerham. Waring, A. T., Esq., Farningham Hill, Dartford. Warne, Bev. P. J. Cleave, M.A., Stoke Vicarage, Eochester. " •Warner, Edmond, Esq., Southend House, Eltham. *Wastall, E. E., Esq., J.P., Queen Street, Ramsgate. Watkin, Lady, Dunedin Lodge, Polkestone. Watts, Eev. J., M.A., Court Lodge, Teston, Maidstone. •Webb, Sydney, Esq., Waterloo Crescent, Dover. Welford, John, Esq., Lyleston, Eton Avenue, Hampstead, N.W. *Welldon, J. T., Esq., Ashford, Kent. * Wells, E. E., Esq., 4 Mallinson Boad, Wandsworth Common, s.w. Wheelwright, J., Esq., 7 Nevill Park, Tunbridge Wells. Wheler, Lieut. George W. B., 21st Lancers (care of Mrs. Wheler, Otterden Place, Paversham). *White, Mrs. J. B., Street End House, Canterbury. •White, James G., Esq., M.A., St. Monica, Micheldever Boad, Lee, s.E. White, Major-General, Eestoration House, Eochester. •White, Mrs. Thomas, 59 Cadogan Square, s.w. *Whitehead, Charles, Esq., F.S.A., F.E.G.S., Barming House, Maidstone. *Whitehead, G. H., Esq., Wilmington Hall, near Dartford, Kent. Wickham, G., Esq., Stone Wall, Limpsfield, Surrey. Wiokins, H. W, Esq., F.E.G.S., Brookfield; Wadhurst, Sussex. Wigan, Sir Frederick, Clare Lawn, East Sheen, s.W. Wigan, Mrs., Luddesdowne, Gravesend. *Wigan, Bev. P. P., M.A., Puokrup Hall, Tewkesbury. Wigan, Bev. S. B., M.A., Thornham Vicarage, Maidstone. Wightwick, P. P., Esq., M.D., 9A Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, w. Wightwick, Mrs., Barton Pields, Canterbury. Wightwick, W., Esq., Hilden, Folkestone. Wildish, William Thomas, Esq., Watts' Avenue, Bochester. Wilkie, Bev. Christopher Hales, M.A., Little Chart, Ashford. Wilks, E., Jun., Esq., 3 Wellington Plaoe, Deal. * Williams, Lieut.-Colonel C. Stanley, Ivy House, Edenbridge. Williamson, A. T., Esq., New Eomney. Williamson, J. J., Esq., 2 Queen Street, Deal. Williamson, Bev. Joseph, M.A., Parningham Vicarage, Dartford. Wills, Sir W. H., East Court, Bamsgate. •Wilmott, Eev. Edward W., M.A., All Saints' Vicarage, Witham, Essex. Wilson, Archibald, Esq., Pencester Boad, Dover. *Wilson, Cornelius Lea, Esq., The Cedars, Beckenham. Wilson, H., Esq., Farnborough Lodge, Farnborough. Wilson, Lt.-Col. H. C, Morden House, Littlestone-on-Sea. Wilson, Thomas, Esq., Bivers Lodge, Harpenden, St. Albans. Winch, George, Esq., Holcombe, Chatham. Wiugate, E., Esq., Hildenborough, Tonbridge. Wingent, H., Esq., Castle Moat, Eochester. Winham, Mrs., Western House, Brighton. Winton, Edwin W., Esq., Etherton Hill, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells. Wolley, Rev. H. F., M.A., Shortlands Vicarage, Bromley, Kent. Wood, Jas., Esq., Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone. *Woodhouse, Rev. R. J., M.A., Merstham Eectory, Surrey. Woodruff, Mrs. Cumberland H., St. David's, Shorncliffe Boad, Folkestone. •Woodruff, Eev. C. E., M.A., Honorary Editor, Otterden Bectory, Paversham. Woolf, M. Yeatman, Esq., 46 St. John's Wood Park, N.w. Woollett, Major W. C, 13 Lansdowne Eoad, Aldershot. •Woolley, Charles Boyle, Esq., Selwood, Beckenham. Worger, Miss Louisa, North Street, Ashford. Worsfold, E. M., Esq., Dover. XXXii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Wright, C. B., Esq., Hookstead, High Halden, Tenterden. •Wright, Rev. Charles E. L., M.A., Heathwood Lodge, Bexley, Kent. York, Rev. S., M.A., Borden Vicarage, Sittingbourne. Youens, E. C, Esq., 17 Tower Road, Dartford. *** Should any errors, omissions of honorary distinctions, etc., be found in this List, it is requested that notice thereof may be given to the Hon. Sec., S. EVANS, Esq., Abbot's Barton, Canterbury. BALANCE SHEETS J EEOM 1ST JAN-UAEV 1903 TO 31ST DEOEMBEE 1904. VOJD. XXVII. KENT ARCH^OLOGIOAL UJ r . Account of Receipts and Payments, RECEIPTS. & s. d. & s. d. Balances at Banks 1st January 1903 :— Kentish Bank, Maidstone 121 5 5 Canterbury Bank 65 0 6 186 5 11 Interest on Deposits with Bankers 9 0 0 Dividends on Consols 31 16 4 Honorary Local Secretaries and Bankers :— Annual Subscriptions 313 10 6 Life Compositions 69 10 0 Illustration Fund 1 10 0 Sale of Publications 10 10 6 395 1 0 £622 3 3 HBt, Account of Subscriptions and Entrance Fees & s. d. To Amount as per List sent with Accountants' Report of 13th June 1904, being due from Members whose names appeared in Vol. XXVI. of Arehceologia Cantiana 448 0 0 „ Amount due from Members whose names did not appear in. Vol. XXVI 55 10 0 „ Amounts due at 31st December 1903, not included in List because paid before date of Report 11 0 0 „ Further Amounts discovered by Hon. Secretary in the course of his Correspondence with Members 8 10 0 £523 0 0 W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, BANK CHAMBEES, CHATHAM. Wth June 1904. SOCIETY. 1st January to 31st December 1903. (£t» PAYMENTS. & s. Bent of Rooms, Maidstone Museum Fire Insurance of Library and Collections (two years to Christmas 1904) Curator's Grant (to Michaelmas) Porter's Wages Printing, Stationery, etc.:— Production of Volumes of Transactions, etc 171 15 3 General Printing, etc 16 7 9 188 3 0 Grant towards Excavations, St. Austin's Priory 25 0 0 Petty Cash 5 0 0 Balances at Banks 31st December 1903 :— Kentish Bank, Maidstone 52 12 3 Canterbury Bank 282 16 0 . d. & s. d. 20 0 0 4 10 0 37 10 0 6 12 0 335 8 3 ,£622 3 3 in arrear at Zlst December 1903. <£f. £ s. d. & s. d. By Cash Received 179 10 0 „ Amount estimated irrecoverable, Members having died, resigned, gone away, etc., etc 254 10 0 „ Amount remaining outstanding, but possibly recoverable 14 0 0 448 0 0 „ Cash Received 1 10 0 „ Amount irrecoverable, Members having died, resigned, etc 54 0 0 55 10 0 ,, Cash Received 11 0 0 „ Cash Received 8 10 0 £523 0 0 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found to be correct, H. HORDERN, I „ , ,., ^ . „ . „ „ ,,^L ,„,.,. > Hon. Auditors, CHAS. F. HOOPER,J 30*7* June 1904, KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL l@t. Balance Sheet at LIABILITIES. Sundry Creditors:— £ s. d. £ s. d. Rev. C. H. Wilkie re St. Laurence Parish Registers, cheque unpresented 11 6 Outstanding Accounts for Printing, Stationery, etc. 4 0 4 Ditto for Hon. Local Secretaries' Disbursements 1 12 10 6 14 8 Subscriptions for 1905 paid in advance 1 10 0 Entrance Fee, ditto 0 10 0 2 0 0 Research Fund, created 14th June 1904 100 0 0 Less Grant towards Excavations at St. Augustine's Priory 30 0 0 70 0 0 Excess of Income over Expenditure during the year 1904 241 16 10 General Accumulated Fund 2793 0 10 £3113 12 4 •Ut. Total Cash received during 1904 & s. d. To late Hon. Secretary 89 1 7 „ Hon. Secretary, Hon. Local Secretaries, and Bankers 136 11 6 £225 13 1 101. Account of Subscriptions & s. d. To 607 Ordinary Members at 10s. each 303 10 0 „ 60 Members at 10.9. each (Entrance Fees) 30 0 0 „ 9 Members for Life Compositions at £6 each 54 0 0 £387 10 0 W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GRAVESEND AND CHATHAM. 1st March 1905. SOCIETY. 3lst December, 1904. ©t . ASSETS. & s. d. £ s. d. Petty Cash in hand 5 15 10 Cash in hands of Hon. Secretary (since paid to Bank) 47 11 6 53 7 4 Cash at Canterbury Bank on Current Account .-. 344 2 4 Ditto Maidstone ditto ditto 156 1 7 500 3 11 Cash on Deposit at Maidstone Bank 200 0 0 Investment in 2£ per Cent. Consols, £1509 13s. Hd. Stock at 90 1358 14 1 Library and Collection at Maidstone Museum 1000 0 0 Consols Dividend, due 5th October 17 0 £3113 12 4 in respect of Arrears of all hinds. <£t. £ s. d. By Subscriptions 180 19 6 „ Illustration Fund 0 17 6 „ Sale of Publications 27 13 0 „ Subscriptions overpaid 0 0 6 „ Petty Cash, Old Balance 12 2 7 „ Entrance Fees '.. 4 0 0 £225 13 1 for 1904. ®t. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Cash—508 Members at 10s 254 0 0 „ Balance due—99 Members at 10s 49 10 0 303 10 0 „ Cash—47 Members at 10s 23 10 0 „ Balance due—13 Members at 10s 6 10 0 30 0 0 » Cash 54 0 0 £387 10 0 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found to be correct, H. HORDERN, 1 „ CHAS. F. HOOPER, \Hon- A™< dOth June 1906. KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL HPf, Income and Expenditure Account To Salary of Curator :— £ s. d. & s. d. Mr. Payne 25 0 0 Mr. Elgar 20 5 5 45 5 5 „ Wages of Porter 6 12 0 „ Expenses of Annual Meetings, etc. :— Excess Charges on Railway Tickets re Rochester Meeting 3 2 0 Mr. Finn's Disbursements re Romney Meeting 4 7 9 Rev. G. M. Livett, paid for Lantern Slides re Romney Meeting 3 8 0 10 17 9 „ Printing, Stationery, etc.:— Expenses of Printing, Plans, Bookbinding, etc., relating to the Society's Publications 224 7 10 Sundries, including General Printing and Hon. Secretary's Postages and Stationery 25 12 0 249 19 10 ,, Accountancy:— W. J. King and Son, Chartered Accountants, Fee and Expenses for Investigation 1898—1903 27 12 11 „ Miscellaneous Expenses :— Grant towards Repair of Weldon Tomb 5 0 0 Damage to Wall at Bilsington during Visit of Inspection 1 6 10 Subscription to Pipe Roll Sooiety , 11 0 Editor's Expenses, Rev. C. E. Woodruff 2 2 0 Cleaning, etc., at Maidstone 16 7 Sundries, per Hon. Secretary's Petty Cash 0 19 8 „ Hon. Local Secretaries'Disbursements „ Further Investment in Consols in respect of Life Compositions—£227 9s. 8^. Stock at 9 0 ^ ,, Balance, being excess of Income over Expenditure during the year W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GRAVESEND AND CHATHAM. Is* March 1905. 11 16 3 19 205 10 241 16 £803 10 1 5 0 10 3 SOCIETY. for Year ended 31st December 1904. et. £ s. d. By Subscriptions (Arrears to 1903) 180 19 6 „ Ditto 508 Members at 10s. (1904) 254 0 0 „ Entrance Fees (Arrears to 1903) 4 0 0 „ Ditto 47 Members at 10s. (1904) 23 10 0 „ Illustration Fund, Subscriptions (Arrears to 1903) 0 17 6 Ditto ditto (Arrears to 1904) 1 10 0 „ Sale of Publications (Arrears to 1903) 27 13 0 Ditto (Arrears to 1904) 1 15 6 „ Interest on Bank Deposits „ Dividends on Consols „ Life Compositions (1904) „ Petty Cash, Balance of old Account „ Miscellaneous Receipts „ Deposit Account (Canterbury Bank) :— Amount withdrawn £ s. d. 434 19 6 27 10 0 2 7 6 29 11 31 54 12 0 8 1 17 0 2 3 6 10 4 0 7 0 200 0 0 £803 10 3 Examined, compared with the Vouchers, and found to be correct. H. HORDERN, CHAS. F. HOOPER, 30th June 1905. I Hon. Auditors. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDIN<;}S, 1903-1905: · August 10th, 1903.-The postponed Council Meeting of July 27th took place this day at 20 Grosvenor Place, Earl Stanhope in the Ohair. Eleven membe1·s were present. After some discussion it was arranged that the Accounts of the Society, duly audited by Messrs. King the Accountants, be presented to the Finance Committee fourteen days before the December Council Meeting fixed for the 10th of that month. It was unanimously agreed that T. C. Colyer-Fergusson, Esq., of Wombwell Hall, Gravesend, be asked to act as Honorary Treasurer to the Society. September 24th, 1908.-The Council met this day at the Bridge Chamber at Rochester. Seven members were present, presided over by the Rev. A. J. Pearman, M.A.. After discussion it was decided that the next Annual Meeting should be held at Romney. It was resolved that in future that not less than seven days' clear notice be given of the Council Meetings. It was resohed that no alteration of the date of the Quarterly Meetings be made without the consent of the President. It was proposed to invite the Rev. Dr. Tancock to become a Member of the Council. It was resolved that a report be made to the Council at each Quarterly Meeting, stating the amount of Life Compositions received during the last Qua1•ter. Mr. W. Braxton Sinclair, ofLynton, ParkhurstRoad,Bexley, was elected a member. December 10th, 1908.-The Council met this day, by kind permission of the.Dean and Chapter, in the Treasury, Canterbury voL. mn. a xlii 'PROCEEDINGS, 1904. Cathedral. There were ten members present, Caq,on Routledge in the Chair. The Rev. C. E. Woodruff reported that Mr. George Payne was unable to be present, and that Mr. Payne had asked him to act as Secretary during the Meeting. The Rev. C. E. W oodru:ff then read the Minutes, which were approved, together with the Report of the Jfinance Committee. Permission was given to the Rev. Dr. Magrath, Provost of Queen's College, Oxford, to reprint -from A.rchOJologia Oantiana•, Vol. XI., etc., some extracts from the" Expense Book" 0£ James Master. The following persons were elected Ordinary Members of the Society: Miss Day and the Rev. Canon W.W. Capes. January 18th, 1904.-A Special Meeting of the Council, called by the Noble President, was· held this day at 20 Grosvenor Place. There were nine members present, presided over by Lord Stanhope. · The Minutes of the last Council Meeting were read aml approved. It was unanimously resolved that the following resolution be sent to Mr. G. Payne by the President: "That, as there has not been auy proper Balance Sheet of the Accounts imdited by Mr. King (the Chartered Accountant appointed by the Council), and as the Business of the Society has fallen into arrear through Mr. l'ayne's illness and pressure of other work, this Council now invites Mr. George Payne to resign his office as Secretary and Curator to the Society by the 1st March next." March 11th, 1904.-The Council met this day at Lord Stanhope's house, 20 Grosvenor Place. There were twelve members present, Lord Stanhope in the Chair. The Mi?-utes of the last Meeting were read and approved. Lor.d Stanhope reported that he had received a letter from Mr. G. Payne, in which he signified his willingness to resign his offices as Secretary and Curator to the Society. The Council unanimously resolved to accept Mr. Payne's resignation. It was resolved that the President be asked to write to Mr. Payne calling upon him to forward to 20 Grosvenor Place books, papers, and all other property of the Society before tlie 25th day of March next following. The Rev. C. E. Woodruff was appointed Acting Secretary p1·0 tempore, with authority to sign cheques. Mr. Woodruff was . PROCEEDINGS, 1904. xliii directed to communicate with the Local Secretaries with a view to receiving recommendations in connection with the appointment of an Honorary Secretary. . Mr. Woodruff was also requested to make enquiries with the object of finding a gentleman capable of acting . as Curator of the Society's collections at Maidstone. Mr. C. W. Powell of Speldhurst was appointed Hon. Treasurer in the place of Mr. T. Oolyer-l!'ergusson, resigned. The programme 0£ the Romney Meeting was submitted and, after some discussion, was approved by the Council. The following persons were elected Ordinary Members 0£ the Society: Mr. H. F. Boxley, Mr. Mortimer de Brent, Mr. A. D. Cheney, Mr. C. Fletcher, Mr. E. Goodwin, Mr. Walter Cozens, Rev. W. Arnold Carr, Rev. T. M. Pearman. June 14th, 1904.-The Council met this day at Lord Stanhope's house, 20 Grosvenor Place. Ther.e were seventeen members present, Lord S lanhope in the Ohair. The Minutes of last Meeting were read and confirmed, and the Minutes of the two previous Meetings were approved and signed .. The Report of M:;es.srs. King and Son, the Auditors, was read by the Rev. C. E. W oodru:ff and considered. It was proposed by Mr. A. A. Arnold, seconded by Canon Routledge, "That Messrs, King's further Report an!l all Accounts be referred to the Finance Committee, to report to the Council before July 26th." Carried. It was proposed by Canon Routledge and seconded by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff," That Mr. Sebastian Evans, Jun., be recommended as Honorary Secretary." This was agreed to unanimously. A vote of thanks to the Rev. 0. E. Woodruff £or his services as Acting Honorary Secretary was proposed by Mr. Burch Rosher and carried unanimously. A letter from Mr. King, the Auditor, was read, and it was agreed that his fee be approved after examination of his further Report by the Finance Committee. A letter from Lord Amherst was read, and his proposal that a separate volume be published for Church Plate in Kent was . discussed, but no resolution passed. It was resolved that Messrs. Mitchell Hughes and Clarke be requested to send out the volume of Ai·clueologia Oantiana to the members direct instead of through the Local Secretaries. d, 2 xli-v PROCEEDINGS, 1904. A Jetter was read from Dr. Cotton, and it was resolved that the subscription to the Index of Archreological Papers be continued and paid for at the rate of £5 per annum. It was proposed by Mr. Cumberland Woodruff and seconded by Lord Northbourne, "That the sum of £100 be withdrawn from the Deposit Account and placed to a separate account for the purpose of forming a Research Fund." Carried. A grant of £30 out of the Research Fund 'Yas made towards the Excavations of St. Augustine's Abbey. Mr. H. Elgar was appointed Clerk to the Society and Curator of the Society's collection at Maidstone at a salary of £40 per . annum payable quarterly, and that his full duties be formulated by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff and recorded in the Minutes. The following persons were elected Ordinary Members of the Society: Mr. F. W. Franks, Mr. Walter Prentis, Mr. H. E. Gregory, Mr. W. Leach Lewis, J.P., Rev. A. A. Carre, Rev. J. A. Miller, Mr. Humphrey Golding, Miss McGill, Mr. Eric A. Goddard Jones, Mr. J.C. Anderson, Mr. Robert M. Sebag Montefiore, Mr. Roger Abbot Raven, B.A., Mrs. Samuel Hill, Mr. E. C. Swindells, Mr. R. S. Jones, M.A., Mr. H. W. Stringer, B.A., Mr. A. T. WilHamson, Rev. Seymour Henry Rendall, M.A. July 26th, 1904.-The Council met this day at the Town Hall, New Romney. There were thirteen members present, Lol'd Stanhope in the Chair. The Minutes of tbe last Meeting were read and confirmed. The Acting Honorary Serretary then read the Report of the Finance Committee with regard to Arrears of Subscriptions, Investments of Life Compositions, etc., which was adopted. After some discussion on a motion by Mr. Cooke, that the Annual Meeting should extend over three days, the. Council adjourned. The Annual Meeting commenced at the ancient Cinque Port town of New Romney on Tuesday, July 26th, 1904. The President, Earl Stanhope, was, with the members of the Society, welcomed in the old 'l'own Hall by the Mayor 0£ New Romney, Colonel H. C. Wilson. After a few words from his Worship wishing success to the Society, to which Lord Stanhope replied, the usual business was proceeded with. PROCEEDINGS, 1904. xlv The Rev. C. E. Woodruff read the following Report:- REPORT, 1904. Your Council have much pleasure in presenting their Forty-Seventh Annual Report in the ancient dinque Port town of Romney after an interval of twentyfive years. It is hardly to be expected that much fresh material can be added to that which was so exhau􀆱tively illustrated by the late Canon Scott Robertson and others in 1879; but a new generation has arisen to which Romney Marsh is untrodden ground, and the kindly interest and co-operation shewn by some of the leading residents and authorities in our Proceedings encourage the hope that the Meeting will prove both attractive and useful. The Council regret the loss of several of our members, whose services to County Archreology have been eminent in past years. Among these Mr. Matthew Bell, who died on the 24th of December 1908, was au original member, a.nd for forty years one of the Society's trustees; Mr. John Dobree Norwood, who died four days later, had in past years rendered valuable service; and Mr. J. Humphrey, who passed n.way little more than a month ago, for many years ably represented the Society in Romney Marsh; whilst among members of wider celebrity the loss of Mr, Wilfred Joseph Cripps, the great authority on old English Plate, will be generally felt. To the regret of the Council Mr. George Payne, F.S.A., Honorary Secretary and Curator of the Society's oolleotions at Maidstone, has resigned his offices. Mr. Payne's services as Curator and afterwards tl.S Secretary extended over a period of fiftMn years, and for a muoh longer time he l1ad been widely known throughout the county as an energetic explorer and exponent of its primreva.l and antiquities, and especially of the arohreology of the Sittingbourne district. The question of to the Society a capable successor is one that has caused the Counoil considerable anxiety. After mature deliberation they have been-:f􀆲rtunate in meeting with a gentleman whom they believe well qualified to undertake the duties. Mr. Sebastian Evans of Canterbury, a nephew of the eminent archreologist Sir John Evans, has kindly consented to allow himself to be nominated. 'l'o the office of Clerk and Curator of the Society's collections at Maidstone the Council appointed Mr. Herbert Elgar Assistant Curator of the Maidstone Museum at n, salary of £40 a year. The Couucil hope that by Mr. Elgar's constant attendance at the Museum the Society's collections will be rendered more accessible in the future than in past years. Volume XXVI. of Arckaologia Oantia1ia was issued in April. The Council trust that the standnrd of former volumes has been maintained, and they feel .that any success in this respect is in a large measure due to the able archiwctural papers of the Rev. G. M. Livett, F.S.A. Under the e,uspices of the South Eastern Scientific Societies, the Annue,l Congress of which was held at Maidstone in June last, e, Photographic Survey, including both Archreology and Natural Science, was inaugurated. At the Preliminary Meeting the Council were represented by the Rev. W. GardnerWaterman e,nd the Re􀆳. C. E. Woodruff, who ex.pressed the .hope tl).a.t our xlvi PROCEEDINGS, 1904. Society would warmly co-operate in so desirable an undertaking. Information respecting the proposed Survey may be obtained from Mr. H. F. Wingent of Rochester, the Honorary Secretary. The past year has produced uo striking archrool\)gical discoverie8 within the county. Progress, however, has been made with the exca.vations at St . .A.ugustine's Abbey, Canterbury, which are gradually elucidating the ground plan of this ancient Benedictine house. The Society has made a further grant of .£30 towards the work, but a much larger sum than we are in a position to contribute is urgently needed, and Canon Routledge will be glad to receive subscriptions or donations. Balance Sheets shewing the financial position of the Society have been prepared by Messrs. King, Aocountants, of Gravesend. For some time past a sum of £400, representing the aooumulations of many past years, has been standing on deposit at the Society's Bankers. 'rhe Council have decided that £100, part thereof, be set apart as a .Research Fund, out of which grants for excavations and other special objects may be made from time to time. The Income of the Society is so little in excess of its Ordinary Expenditure that it is impossible to provide adequate assistance to research out of this source without interfering with the regular issue of L1.rckaolo9ia Oaintiana. Although the roll of our members is still a long one compared with similar bodies, the Council feel that in these days of increasing intelligent interest in the study of the past it might be largely extended, and they trust that during the ooming year a. considerable accession of recruits to its ranks will aid in stimulating the activity and augmenting the usefulness of our Society. The Report was unanimously adopted. The Rev. C. E. Woodruff proposed, and the Rev. G. M. Livett seconded, and it was carried unanimously: " That Mr. Sebastian Evans be elected Honorary s􀅛cretary in place of Mr. George Payne, F.S.A., resigned." Mr. Evans having thanked the members for the honour conferred on him, the retiring Members of the Council, the Rev. J. A. Boodle, Colonel Copeland, Mr. F. F. Giraud, the Rev . .A. J. Pearman, Mr. W. H. Burch Rosher, aud the Rev. Canon Routledge, were re-elected. The Rev. C. H. Wilkie, Vicar of Kingston, Mr. G. E. Cockayne of the Heralds' College, and Mr. Hubert Bensted of Bearsted were elected Members of Council. The retiring Honorary .Auditors, Captain Hooper and Mr. H. Hordern, were re-elected. '11he following persons were then elected Ordinary Members of the Society: R. H. Fremlin, Esq., Harry Leney, Esq., the Rev.Julian Guise, M.A., Hugh Laney, Esq., the Rev. Herbert Smith, M . .A.., the Hon. H. Hannen, Captain Read, Thomas Pledge, Esq., Walter PROCEEDINGS,· 1904. xlvii Day, Esq., the Rev. G. 0. Hardy, M.A.., the Rev. Hugh South, B.A .. , the Rev.J.Miller, B.D.,Lieut.-Colonel A. Pennefather, E.Finn, Esq., Lieut.-Colonel H. C. Wilson, W.F. G. Nicholls, Esq., Dr. Herbei:t H. Oliver, the Rev. Hankin Martin, Miss Anna Hussy, Miss MacKay, Miss A ls ton. The members then inspected the interesting collection of antiquities displayed in the temporary museum arranged in the Town Hall. 1'hese included the Corporation maces and insignia, and several of the earliest Charters of the Port. A.n interesting series of maps of the Marsh and its coast from 1588 to 1799, and other documents relating to the history of the district, were lent by Dr. Cock, who had very kindly forwarded for distribution a number of facsimiles of " The Oarde of the Beacons in Kent," from W. Lambarde's second edition of his "Perambulation of the County,'' and a portrait of William Harvey. Other objects of interest were lent by the Rev. R. M. South, Messrs. Arthur Finn, H. W. Stringer, W. Whitehead, '.l'. Brand, G. B. Anderson, A. Masey, A. Barnes, and Miss Bllss. After luncheon the members proceeded to the Church of St. Nicholas, where they were welcomed by the Rev. Hugh South, and the vn.rious points of architectural interest were pointed out by the Rev. G. M. Livett. The original Church, Mr. Livett thought, had a nave of five bays, with a fairly loug square-ended chancel without chapels. The present fine tower was probably built somewhat later even in its lower pot•tions. 1'here had been some alteration of the Church in the thirteenth century, but its extent could not be accUl'ately traced. In the fourteenth century, however, considerable enlargements had been made, the new portion beiug built round the old Church, which was disturbed as little as possible. The party then drove to the Church of All Saints, Lydd, where the members were received by the Rev. G. 0. Hardy, the Rector. Here also Mr. Livett acted as guide. Especial attention was called to the remains of the eighth-century Saxon Church, which now forms the western corner of the north aisle, and the gradual growth of the main portion of the Church was explained in detail. We hope to print Mr. Livett's paper on this fine Church in a subsequent volume. Mr. Arthur l!'inu then briefly described the monuments and brasses. From Lydd progress was made to the Church 0£ St. Augustine, Brookland, where the Vicar, the Rev. N. L. Batson, welcomed the party and displa.yed. for their iQspection the ea.dy Register Books. xlviii PROCEEDINGS,. 1904. Mr. J. Oldrid Scott, F.S.A., described the Church, its interesting detached cn,mpanile of timber-work, and nne late-Norman fout of lead. On the return journey to Romney a halt was made at the Church of St. Clement, Old Romney, wllich was briefly described by the Rev. G. M. Livett and the Rev. J. Wilkinson, the Rector. Upon the return of the members to Ntiw Romney the Annual Dinner was held in the Assembly Rooms. Lord Stanhope presided, supported by the Mayor, Alderman Edwin Finn, Lieut .• Colonel Pennefother, Mr. Arthur Finn, the Rev. G. M. and Mrs. Livett, Mr. and Mrs. Cumberland Woodruff, the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, and about sixty others. The Evening Meeting was held at the National School Room, under the Presidency of Lieut.-Colonel N. Pennefather. Mr. Arthur Finn, the Local Secretary £or New Romney, read an interesting paper, "Notes and Extracts from Lydd Records," which was much appreciat􀅟d by all present, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to him at the close. A paper was also read by the Rev. G. M. Livett on" Leaden Fonts," which was well illustrated by lantern slides, and a hearty vote of thanks to this gentleman brought the proceedings to a conclusion. On Wednesday the 27th the company partook of luncheon and proceeded in carriages to St. Mary's in the Marsh, where some delay was caused by a heavy thunderstorm. The members were received by the Rectoi·, the Rev. E.W. Woolatt, and the Church was described by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff. I vychurch was next visited, where the Rector, the Rev. J. A. Miller, described tbe fine Church, to the fabric of which some exten sive and much needed repairs are in course of execution. At Ruckinge, which was also visited, the members were welcomed by the Rev. R. Hamer, and the Church of St. Mary Magdalene was described by Mr. J. Oldrid Scott. Owing to delays caused by the wet weather it was decided to omit the visit to Bilsington Church and to proceed at once to -the Priory, where, after tea, kindly provided for the members of th􀅠 Society by Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone bridge, Mr. Cumberland Woodruff read the following paper on the remains of the Augustinian Priory:- BILSINGTON PRIORY. The Priory of Bilsington was founded in 1258 by John Mansell, Provost of Beverley, and dedicated in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Canons Regula.r of the Order of St. Augustine. · · BILSINGTON PRIORY, W. BILSINGTON PRIORY, E. PROCEEDINGS, 1904. xlix The founder, a man of note in Henry the Third's reign, and described by Matthew Pnris as "prudent, circumspect, and rich," stood high in the King's favour, and received so many preferments at his hands that he is generally spoken of as" the great pluralist." Ecclesiastic, lawyer, soldier, diplomatist-John Mansell may indeed be described as a man who in bis time played many parts. Bilsington is mentioned in Domesday as held by Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and on his forfeiture came into the hands of the Earls of Arundel, beillg held in grand serjeanty by the service of presenting the King's Cup on his coronation. On the death of Hugh, Earl of Arundel, in 124::J, the manor was divided amongst his £our sisters as co heiresses, and Upper Bilsington, or Bilsingtou Priory as it was afterwards called, became a distinct manor from Lower Bilsington, which iucluded the Church and Court Lodge. A vestige of the original tenure remained. In the third year of Edward I. the Prior of Bilsington is descrihed as having part of a serjeanty, holding this portion of the manor by serving the King with his cup on Whit Sunday. Upon a commanding eminence of the clay hills, surrounded by woodland, much of which remains to this day, and overlooking Romney Marsh, the Priory, thus founded and en.. A letter £rom Mr. Robert Hoar of Maidstone, with regard to the proposed ,demolition of the old Gate House at the entrance of the Palace Gardens, was read by the Honorary Secretary, and Mr. Livett told the Council that he had been present with a deputation to the Corporation to protest against its destruction. He had pointed out that the building was certainly old, being fourteenth-century work, that any objection to its present ugliness could easily be put right, and tha.t the objection aa to its interfering with a view of the Church would not hold good, as it was the fault of the trees. It was resolved that the Honorary Secretary write to the General Purposes Committee, saying that the Council of the Kent Society, while fully appreciatillg the good work done in tho neighbourhood of the Palace, earnestly deprecated the demolition of the ancient gatehouse. The following were elected members of the Society: Messrs. E. J. Holden, J ease Lam1ily Thomas, A. G. Little, Mrs . .Ashley Dodd, Mrs. Gascoyne. The Annual Meeting was held at the town of Gravesend on Tuesday, ,July 25th, 1905. The Noble President, Lord Northbourne, was with the members of the Society met by the Mayor, G. M. Al'nold, Esq., D.L., F.S.A., and Corporation at the Town Hall, and welcomed in a fe.w well chosen words, to which Lord Northbourne cordially replied. The General Meeting was then proceeded with. Lord Northbourne called upon the Secretary to read the Report, which was adopted on the motion of the Noble Lord, seconded by the Mayor, Mr. G. M. Arnold. D1·. Charles Cotton of Ramagate was unanimously elected a member of the Council. PROCEE.l>IN'GS, 1905. lix The six ret1ring members of the Council, Messrs. A. A. Arnold, Leland L. Duncan, Arthur Finn, J. Oldrid Scott, the Rev. T. S. Frampton, and the Hon. Robert Marsham-Townshend, were unanimously re-elected. Mr. Arnold proposed, Mr. Chapman seconded, and it was carried unanimously," That the retiring Auditors, Messrs. Herbert Hordern and C. l!\ Hooper, be re-elected." On the proposal of the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, seconded by the Honorary Secretary, Mr. J. Meadows Cowper; F.S.A., was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the Society. The following Ordinary Members were elected: Spencer Borden, Esq., Interlaken, Fall River, Mass., U.S.A., the Rev. H. D. Dale, M.A., Hythe Vicarage, Kent, Martin Miller, Esq., Waterfield, Scotts Lane, Shortlands'. This concluded the Business Meeting, and the company, which consisted of over 200 members and their friends, proceeded in carriages to the residence of the Mayor at Milton Hall, where they were entertained at luncheon in a spacious marquee near the entrance to the Park. At the conclusion of the repast Lord N orthbourne said it was impossible for the company to separate without thanking Mr. G. M. Arnold for the entertainment that he hacl afforded them, and wishing Mr. and Mrs. A.rnold many years of health in which to enjoy·their demesne among sueh beautiful surroundings. A move was then made for the brakes, and after a pleasant drive a. visit was· made to S·horne Church, where the members of the Society were welcomed by the Rev. A. L. Coates, M.A., who gave an interesting historical account of the Church. The party then drove on to Cobham Church through beautiful scenery, and on arrival were received by the Rev. A. Berger, M.A. The Rev. A. A. Arnold read a paper


General Index


Ightham Mote