Symonson, maker of the Map of Kent: Dated 1576-1596

( 271 ) FURTHER NOTES ON PHIL. SYMONSON, MAKER 01•' 1'1-TR MAP OF KEXT DATED 157G-159G. IlY THE IION. H. HANNEN. IN the short paper 011 Phil. Symonso11's early Map of Kent, which I contributed to the last Volume of Arclueologici Oantiwna, I had to say that I had failed to obta,in any information concerning him. Since then I have, through the kindness of Mr. A. A. Arnold, F.S.A.., learnt several particulars about him and bis work. It appears from enhies in the Rochester Bridge Warden's accounts, which Mr. Arnold bas been good enough to extract for me (the originals of which, by the courtesy of the Bridge Wardens, I have been permitted to examine), that Symonson was appointed "Expenditor,"* Supe1·intendent and Suneyor of the Bridge and Bridge Estates, and was also employed to " plot" several of the latter. He was appointed at Whitsuntide 1592, and held the office until his deat,h on the 30th of September 1598. The Bridge vVn,rdens still possess three plans of certain of their estates, all, apparently, made by him. They are Nashenden and Little Delce, the Manor of Langdon (near Faversham), and La.nds near Dartford. The "plot" of the V\7 arden's estate at Tilbury in Essex, though referred to in the accounts, is not now to be found. That Symonson was a man of local importance is shewn by the fact that he was Mayor of Roehester for the year 1597-8. He succeeded a Mr. Richard Harlowe as "Expenditor for the Bridge," who was Mayor for the years 1570, 1571, 1573, 1578, 1579 and 1586. * More particularly an officer appointed to expend 01· disburse money collected by tax for repairs of sewers; in this case for repatrs to ltochester llridg e, 272 FURTHER NOTES ON PHIL. SYMONSON. The fo1lowing are the references to Phil. Symonson and his office that appear in the Bridge Warden's accounts, as extracted by Mr. Arnold:- Account for the year, from Whitsuntide 1591 to Whitsuntide 1592. (Vol. II.) [The following is the first reference to Symonson, and is entered on an almost blank page near the end of the account, and in a different band from what precedes or follows it. Mr. Arnold sug• gests that it may be very likely in the handwriting of Symonson himsel£.J Hue usq. Mr (sic) Richardus Harlowe, qui obiit Mo1·tem die Mercurii viz. xxim0 die Februarii Anno domioi juxta computacoem Ecclie Anglicanie 1592 Anuoq. regni Dfie Regnire (sic) Elizabethre nunc tricesimo quinto, et sepultns foit die Saturni viz. xxiiijt0 die mensis supradicti in Ecclia Oath. Ro:ffen. ,j(, Et Philippus Simonson (sic), generosus, predicti Richardi officium expenditoris pro ponte Roffense die et anno ult. suprascriptis in mauus suaa ccepit ex dono et concessione gardianor et communitatis Pontis predict. 1592-3. Paid to Phillip Symonson, gentleman, for his fee, due unto him at this present accom:pt heretofore granted to him for his paynes in Sounding the gullets, and furnishing the Bridge with chalke, the sum of . iijll vis viijd 1593-4. (Vol. iii.) Paid to Phillip Symonson, gent., for his fee for his paynes taking about the affairs of the Bridge, the 􀀂􀀃 - 􀄟 1594-5. [Thomas Fludd and William Lambard, Wardens for the year.] Paid to Phillip Symondson (sic), gent., master of the Bridge work, £or his fee xii Paid and allowed to the said Phillip Symons (sic) £or his paynes in plotting ye Manorst of N ashenden and Little Delce in Kent, and for the Manor 0£ East Tilberye in Essex, and £or a survey * There exists no record of his burial in the Cathedral so far as can be nsoerta.ined. t These Manors still belong to the Wardens. :FURTHER NO'l'ES ON PHIL. SYMONSON. 273 ancl. certificat to be made of the Stad.les'x' in the Coppis woocl.hendyn and Delee :1.foresaid, to be exhibited at the next gcmernll assembly of the -w ardeus nnd Assistants . · vi11 viij 9 iiijd [After the closing of the account ante begynnyng lim:-3 and eurlyng J,3!)4, fol' the which some he hi􀎲th 1tot since lrntl nny nllnwmH'ti by reason the snm0 was not deumnded in the lttst :iccompte . i:ix11 xviijs ix•1 More for foure loacles of Chalk at 5' the loade, nlso 01nitted at the last accompte xx• More for horse-hier for Richard "'Wood, tt•avelliug for the Shepey rent 11]" More for two plots of tlie Manor of Lnngdon and the bridge lande in Dartford . liij' ijd 1596-7. Paid to Phillip Simonson, gent., for his fee clue unto him this present Audit xii To him more for his pn,ynes iu over-seeing ancl looking to the Bridge Vv oodes for the preservation of the tymber liij" iiij" '» Stadle : "The root or stump of a tree, that has been felled, left by t,he ,􀎳ood•cutters for the next crop of underwootl to grow frolll;" "􀎴hu1dcl." romw timber trees that are nsually left in the felling- of copses." (Wright's K b. 1>.) YOL, XXXI, '-l' 27-:L FURTHER NO'l'ES ON PHIL. SYMONSON. 1597.-8. The like two entries for this year . xll liij􀁻 iiij" 1598-9. Paid unto M1·s Sy111onson for the fee due to her said husband from the eight dny of June 1598 unto the xxxth of September then next following, on whicl1 daie he. died iiij'1 iiijs iiijt! I should mention that my statement that "I had not come across a coloured impression of Symonson's Map a:,; mentioned in the original 'Descriptiou "' should have had a note attached to it, to the effect that "colour" as used in the" Description" meant only contrast of light and dark, i.e., shading. It may be noted that a certain Thomas Symondson was Head Master of the Maidstone Grammar School and a member of the Maidstone Common Council in 1585, and it is more than likely that he was a relat,ive of the map maker.


The Rectors and Vicars of St Mildred's Tenterden: With an Appendix


Researches and Discoveries in Kent 1912-1915