List of Books and Pamphlets added to the Society's Library since 1911

LIS'l' OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ADDED '1'0 'l'HE SOCIE'l'Y'S LIBRARY SINCE 1911. "The ]focords of lk>chester Diocese.'' Purchased. Hev. C. H. Fielding, M.A. February HH 1. "Report of the Exploration at Lesnes Abbey, 1910." Presented by the Woolwich Antiquarian Society. February Hlll. "1'he Registers of Staplehurst, 1558-1596." 'l'ranscribed by the Rev. ,J. S. ff. Chamberlain, M.A. Presented by the Author. March 1911. " Catalogue of the Manuscript Books in the Library of Chrii:;t Church, Canterbury." Compiled by the Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff. Presented by the Deau and Chapter of Canterbury. .Tune 1911. " Pipe Roll," Vols. 26 to 81. Purchased. June 1911. "Eltham in Past Times." Compiled by E. A. Presented by Miss E. Ande1·sou. July 1911. "Records of Lydd." Translated and transcribed by Arthur Hussey and M. M. Hardy. Edited by Arthur :Finn. Purchased. July H)ll. "1'he Roman Pottery in York Museum." 'l'homas . May, F.S.A. Presented by the Auth?r. July 1911. "Dode in Kent.'' G. M. Arnold, F.S.A. Presented by Bernard Arnold, Esq. November 1911. "Chilham Castle, Kent.'' Arthur Bolton. Presented by the Author. M,trch 1012. "Kentish Items." Ralph Griffin, F.S.A. "Note on the BrMs of William Holyngbroke, 1375, iu New Romney Church, Kent." Halph Griffin, F.S.A. "The Sidney Tombs at Penshurst and Ludlow." Ralph Griffin, F.S.A. Presented by the Author. March 1912. "The Victoria History of Kent," Vol. I. Purchased. March 1912. 30b :BOOKS, E'1'C., ADDED TO SOCIETY\S LI13ltAR'Y. "The History and Antiquities of Otford.'' C. Hesketh. Presented by the Author. August 1912. "LesuesAbbeyand Newington-next-Sittingbourne." G. W.Hewett. Presented by the Author: August 1912. " Kentish Manorial Incidents." H. vV. Knocker. "Special Lancl Tenure." H. W. Knocker. Presented by the Author. August 1912. " Parish Churl'h of St NicholM, Sevenoalrn." .John Rooker, M . .A. Presented by the Author. " Words and Places.'' Isaac Tay !or. Presented by Richard Cooke, Esq. "Reproduction of Matthew Poker's Original Romney Marshes, 1617." 2 Copies. August 1912. August 1912. MS. Map of the Presented by Dr. Cock, F.S.A. August 1912. The original map is now in the Maidstone Museum. 21 Vols. of the Journal of the Archroological Association, Vols. XII. to XXXII. inclusive. With the exception of Vols. X. and XI. the Society's Library now possesses a complete set of the Association Journal. September 1912. "Memorials of Canterbury Cathedra.l." By the Rev. C. E. Woodruff and the Rev. Canon Danks. Purchased. December 1912. "Kentish Items." "Pieston-next-Faversham." By Ralph Griffin, F.S.A. Presented by the Author. October 1912. The following Books and Guides were presented to the Library in February 1913, by C. J. Phillips, Esq, :- "Sketch of Knole." John Bridgman. 1817. " Guide to Sevenoaks." Cid. 1864. "Guide to Knole." John H. Brady. 1839. "Biographical Sketches" from Portraits at Knole. 1795. "Antiquities of Canterbury." W. Sommer. 1st edition. 1640. "Antiquities of Canterbury.'' W. Sommer. Edited by N. Battely, 1703. 'BOOKS, ETC., ADDED TO SOClE'l'Y'S Ll13ltAJlY. 301 "Perambulation of Keut." w·. Lambarde. 3rd edition. N.D. "Perambulation of Kent." '\V. Lambarde. 1656. "A ·walk in and about the City of Canterbury." vV. Gostling. 1825. "Dover Corporation." E. W. Knocker. 1898. "Some Memories of Old Dover." M. H. "Lady of Rochester Castle." Romance in Rhyme. J. Hearnden. 1891. " History of the Castle, Tvwn n.nd Port of Dovet·." S. P. H. Statham. 1899. "History of Dover Castle." Rev. ·w. Darell. 1786. * * * * Plan of the Anglo-Saxon interments £onnre,s􀇆nted by the Author. November 1913. 302 l3COKS, ETC., ADDED 'l'O SOCIETY'S LIBRARY. " Denorgilla, Lady of Galloway." Wentworth Huyshe. Presented by the Author. December 1913. " Historical Notices of St. Ge.rmrrns, Cornwall." Rei'. H. Fnrneaux. Presented by R. Cooke, Esq. "Kentish Items." lfalph Griffin, F.S.A. Presented by the Author. " Rome Indents of Lost Brasi:es in Kent." Presented by the Author. February 1914. I!'t•br11:iry 1914. Ralph Griffin, F.S.A. l􀉅ebruary 1!)14. "Journal 0£ the Chester Archroologicii.l Society." Volf<. 1-5. Presented by A. 0. Walker, Esq., I!'.L.S. Febrnn.ry l!H4. "'l'he Hundred of Hoo." F. ,T. Hammond. Presented by H.. Cooke, Esq. :'lfoy 1914. "The 1'hi rd Registet' of Staplehurst, 165􀉆-1695." Tra11s<·1·ibecl by the Rev. J. S. ff. Chamberlain, M.A. Presented by the Author. .Tune 1914•. "Biography of Men of Kent and Kenfoh Men." J􀉇ev. Winnifrith. Presented by R. Cooke, E;q. .Tune 1914. "York. From its Origin to End of the 11th Century." G. Benson. Presented by R. Cooke, lssq. Ortober H>l4. "The Archbishops' Mauo1·s in Sussex." S. 'iV. Kei·shaw, F.S.A.. Presented by the Author. 0 Odober 1914. l'he$cript of William Dunche. Transcripts edited with Notes by A.. G. W. Murray, :\1 . .-\., and E. F. l:losauquet. Presented by E. F. Bosanquet, Esq. November HH4. Proceedings of Archooological Societies in Union \\'ith the Kent Archroological Society, and the Publicatious 0£ the H:irleian Society.


Researches and Discoveries in Kent 1912-1915 - Sandwich and Deal District Manser


General Index