General Index

( 325 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Abell, Thomas, 187. Abingdon abbey, 8. Abraham, Robert, 124. Acholfc, Robt., 170. Acton, Thomas, 66. Adam, Henry, 296. a Dane, Wm., 198. Addington near Wrotham, The Helmet in Church at, by P. H. Cripps-Day, 319; wood-carving in porch of Church, 320. Adisham (Adesham, Addisham), 47, 235 ; chaplain of, 180. Adowne, Richard, 206, 227. Ageney, one of the Ohrist Church manors near New Romney, 147. At Hall, Thomas, 122. Ailesbury, Earl of, 271. Alcock (Alcok, Alkokke), John, 225, 227, 238—240, 242, 243 ; Richard, 296, 301. Aldington (Aldintone), chaplain of, 180 ; rector of, 178, 179 ; vicar of, 165, 177—179 ; visitation of, 178. Aldiff, Hamo, 89; John, 105. Ale (Alee), Henry, 211; John, 226. Aleyn (Alayn, Alen, Alyn), Alexander, 88 ; Alice, 87, 89 ; Joan, 87, 88, will of, 87 ; John, 99, 168 ; Joys, 87, 88 ; Margery, 122 ; Thomas, 88, 131, will of, 88 ; Wm., 77, 87, 88, 105,121, 122, 124, 129 ; wills of, 87, 88. Alkiii, Richard, 102. Allen, Joan, 194 ; Robert, 303, 304. Altarage, farming of, 168, 169, 170, 177. Altham, Christofer, 86. Aman, John, 228. Ameas, Robert, 237. Amys, John, 173, 174. Andrew (Andrewe), Agnes, 66 ; Clement, 133 ; Isabel, 66 ; Joan, 149 ; John, 6fi, 95; Robert, 92, 107, 108> 126 ; Roger, 66 ; Stephen, 63. Anlaby, Gilbert, 51. Anne of Denmark proclaimed Queen, 300. Annott, Thomas, 306. Antony, —, 242. Apeldre, chaplain of, 179. Appleton, Agnes," 50 ; John, 50; Richard, 51; arms of, 50. Arnolde, Colet, 208 ; Thomas, 97. Ash (Esse), altar of, let to farm, 166; chaplain of, 180; visitation of, 168. Ash next Sandwich, lands in. 28, 30, 32 ; extracts from registers of, 28. Ashenden, Robert, 297. Asherenden, Thomas, 296 (2). Ashford (Essettisforde), 171. Assize of Bread, 291. A Stone, John, 109. Atent, John, 225, 227, 228, 229, 241. Atkines, Widow, 305. Atkinson, Wm., 307. At Le (a Legh), Harry, 226, 244 ; John, 246. At See (Att See), Henry, 91; Wm., 93. Atte Bery, Ralph, 170. At Well, Harry, 226, 244. Atwood (Att Wode), Agnes, 74 ; Margaret, 74 ; Thomas, 198 ; Wm., 74. Austen, John, 296 (3), 298 (2) ; Thomas, 296 (2), 297 (2) ; Wm., 297 (3). Awger, Wm., 131. Awood, Thomas, 109,116,117. Ayler, Richard, 88. Aylesford, brass at, 44, 54. Ayleward, Alice, 89; Joane, 89; John, 87, 89 ; Margaret, 87 ; Robert, 89 ; Thomas, will of, 89. Aylonde, Richard, 80. Ayssheby, Joan, 66 ; John, 65 ; Richard, 65, 66. Ayston, Isabel, 69 ; Richard, 69, £$6 GENERAL INl>E±. B Badges worn by parishioners authorized to collect money, 223 n. JBaedae Historiae Ecclesiastieae Qemtis Anglorxcm, extract from, relating to the burial-place of Archbishop at St. Austin's, 9. Bak, Thomas, 206. Baker, Isabella, 90 ; James, 115; John, 296, 301; Peter, 296, 301; Thomas, will of, 90; Wm.. 115, 124. Balden (Ballden), Fraunces, 121 ; Robert, 98, 136. Baldwyn (Balwen, Bawldewin), Francis, 109, 121; Robert;, 99 (2). Ball, John, 306. Balser (Balsar), John, 209, 215; —, 216. Banking in Dover, early days of, 27& —275. Banes, Rob., 304, 309. Baptisteries, 6. Barbor, Clement, 217. Baret (Barate), John, 169 ; Stephen, 169; Valentine, 54. Barfreston, visitation of, 175. Barger (Berger), Didier, 188, 206, 207, 210, 230. Barham, 187 ; discovery of brass in church, lx. Barker, Wm., 224. Barminge, Thomas, 306. Barnard, John, 126 ; Eobert, 22S ; —, 226, 244. Barnes, Henry, 299. Baron (Baroun), Alice, 53 ; Katherine, 53 ; Margt., 37, 51, 52 ; Nicholas, 52; Robert, 52, 53, 75 ; Wm., 51—53. Barons, Roger, 246. Barrok, Nicholas, 155. Barton, Elizabeth, 185. Bawcon, Wm., 304. Baxter (Baxster), Aleyn, 130; Symon, 244. Bayley, Charlotte Mary, 279; Sir E. Or., 279; Richard, brass at Hoo St. Werburgh to, 40. Beardmore, Rev. H, L., reference to his list of Rectors of Ripple, 321. Beoham, —, 228. Bedell, Alice, 159 ; Simon, 159. Beer (Beere), John, 52 ; Mr., 306. Bekells (Bekelys), Nicholas, 214 ; —, 216, 220, 221, 223. Benenden Church burnt, 299. Bennett (Benet), George, 306; John, 306 ; Mr., 307 ; Wm., 205—207, 238, 240, 242, 246, obit of, 201, will of, 203. Bensfield, see Whitfield. Bergavenny, George. Baron, 317 (2); Henry, Baron, 317. Berghestede, vicar of, 177. Bery (Berye), Agnes, 84, 91 (2), will of, 90; Christine, 90—92; Joane, 91 (2) ; Wm., 81, 84, 90 (2), 91, 101, wills of, 90,91. Berkevile, John, 212. Berthen, Sir John de, 3 56. Bespitche, George, 306. Beste, Mrs., 305. Biggs, Wm., 133. Bilsington (Bilsyntone), rector of, 179 ; visitation of, 153. Bilson, John, 7. Birchintone, chaplain of, 179. Birling, The Nevill Heaume at, by P. H. Cripps-Day, 317. Birmyngeham (Burmychain), Wm., 225. 227, 239, 243, 244. Biselegh (Byseleye) in the diocese of Worcester, 41, 42. Bishopsbourne, legacies to church, 186,187. Bismour (Bysmer), Agnes, 95, 96; Alexander, 95 n; Barbara, 96 ; Bartholomew, 96 ; James, 95 ; John, 95 ; Margaret, 95; Richard, 95, will of, 95 ; Robert, will of, 95. Blackbourn, Thomas, 295. Blackmanstone (Blakmannestone), chaplain of, 179 ; visitation of, 155. Black Prince, 41, 42. Bladisdell, Christopher, 117. Blakisland, James, 102. Bleangate, bequest for marriage of poor maidens in the hundred of, 126. Blyndres, Christopher, 72. Boats, legacies of, 82. Bodle (Boddell, Bodill), Anthony, 299 (2), 303. 305 ; Wm., 306. Bokyngam, —, 219, 222. Boleyne (Boloyne), Joan, 53 ; Maud, 53 ; Robert, 53. Bolle, Richard, 91, 92; Thomas, will of, 92 ; Wm., 92, 110. Bolney (Bowlney), Master, 225, 227, 243. Bolwork, Gerard, 263. Bone, Agnes, 194, 195 ; John, 194, 195; Richard, 211; Robert, 185, 188, 194, 196, 204, 224, 228, 240, 245, obit of, 201, will of, 201; Thomas, 194 ; Wm., 194. Bonevill, Wm., 48. GENERAL INDE±. m Bonger (Bongeour), John, 102; Richard, 124 ; Robert, 124. Bonington, Wm. de, 157. Bonington (Bonyntone), rector of, 160, 179. Bony (Boony), Robert, 230, 236. Boodle, Rev. J. A., obituary notice, lix. Borell, Wm., 224. Borfys, John, 170. Botild, John, 56. Bouger, Robert, 121. Boughton (Boclonde), rector of, 180. Boughton Aluph, visitation of, 173. Boughton Blean, visitation of, 172. Boughton (Boctone) Malherbe, chaplain of, 180. Boughton Monchelsea, visitation of, 176. Boulogne (Bolen), taking of, 296. Bourne, Ralph de, 324. Bownde, Margaret, 92 ; Martin, 92 ; Miohael, 137 ; Nicholas, will of, 92 ; Richard, 92. Box, Robert, 159. Boxley (Boxele), chaplain of, 177 ; visitation of, 180. Boydon, Hen., 57, 69. Boykin (Boikyn), Alice, 129 ; John, 110 (2), 129 ; Thomas, 104. Boys, Edward, 295; Isabel, 68 ; John de, 68. Braburne, chaplain of, 180. Bradford, John, 228 ; —, 230, 239. Bradwell, dioc. Norwich, 45. Brailsford, Alice, 29 ; Luke, 29. Brampston (Bramston), Alice, 37, 74; Eliz., 73 ; Henry. 73 ; Joane, 37,73 ; John, 37, 73, 74, 75 ; Margaret, 74 ; Mary, 74 ; Richard, 73 ; Thomas, 37, 73—75 ; Walter, 96 ; Wm.. 73. Brandon, Robert, 110, 127, 139. Brandy, price of, 276. Brasses, Monumental, in Kent, by Ralph Griffin, 27. Bratt, Thomas, 305. Brawderer, Peter, 213. Braynes, Henry, 305. Breche (Bryche), Christopher, 226, 227 ; Richard, 229, 231. Bredbery, Hew, 222. Breeford, John, 215. Bregge, Margaret, 122. Bregge, dean of, 161. Brekebot, Lovekyn, 162. Brembre, Sir Nicholas, 51. Brems, Richard, 203. Brenchley, Wm., 67, 62. Brenzett (Brenset), 153 ; rector of, 179 ; visitation of, 154. Brett, Percival, 298 ; Thomas, 298. Briaunt, Nicholas Lynche, 244. Brickenden (Brikenden), John, 296 (3) ; Robert, 295 (2), 296 (3); Wm., 296 (3), 298. Brienne, Sir Guy de, 44. Brikbelle, John, 49. Brodsteyr Lynch, land given to the poor at, 80. Broke, rector of, 180. Brooke, Alice, 140; Bennett, 28; Cranmer, 92 ; James, will of, 140 ; John, 30, 31, brass to, 32, will of, 30 ; Magdalen, 31; Nicholas, 140 ; Richard, 140; Susan, 92, 93 ; Thomas, 84, 92, will of, 92 ; Thomas, Lord Cobham, 93 n ; Wm., 140. Brookland (Broclonde), rector of, 179 ; visitation of, 161. Broome, Alice, 30 ; Robert, 30. Broomhill (Promhulle), destruction of, 150 n; visitation of, 150. Browne. John, 232, 233 ; Lewes, 304 ; Thomas, 97 ; Wm., 297. Browning, Wm., 296 (2). Bruer, Andrew, 244. Brunig, Eichard, 159. Bruyn, Joan, 62, 63, 65 ; Richard, 58, 62, 63, 65. Bryan, Stephen, 89 ; Wm., 206. Bryce (Brice), Henry, 37, 75 ; John, 80 ; Margery, 75 ; Wm., 216, 218, 221. Bryte, Hugh, 226, 227; - , 229. Bubrose, Thomas, 125 ; Wm., 125. Buckland by Dover, 33. Bugle, Widow, 305. Bukke, Wm., 102. Buklond, John, 224. Bull, Nicholas, 304, 309. Bulling, John, 95. Bullok, Sir Alexander, 97. Bulvan, John, 305. Burbrigge, William, 128. Burd, Roger, 169. Burdefelde, church destroyed, 172. Burgawnt, —, 233. Burgess (Burges), Joel, 298 ; John, 224, 225, 227, 244; —, 236, 243, 245. Burgewe, John, 128. Burke, Richard, 49. Burmarsh (Burewaremerse), visitation of, 155. Burton, Christ., 323. Burwasshe, Thomas, 308. Bussy, M. de, 251. Butler (Buteler), Mr., 263 ; Thomas le, 167 ; —, 234, 237. Butt, Alice, 93 ; Joane, 93, 94, 136 ; Robert, 93, 94 ; Thomas, 82,87—80, $28 GENERAL INDEX. 91, 93,94,96, 103, 104,108,130,135, 136, will of, 93 ; Wm., 93, 94, 114. Bygge, Robert, 297. Bykerton, John, 65. Byneon, Laurence, 305, 308. Byrche, Richard, 230, 241, 242. Byrkes, Gregory, 49: Roger, 49. C Cade, Isak, rising of, 295. Cadman, Wm., 305. Calais (Callis), loss of, 297. Cambis, Count de, 270. Cambridge, Emmanuel College, 33, 34 ; St. John's College, 35, 308. Camilla, Theodosius de, 166. Cantes, Richard, 123. Cantlowe, Hen., 67 ; Wm., 63. Canterbury, Recent Discoveries in the Abbey Church of St. Austin at Canterbury, by Sir W. St. John Hope,l; Eadbald's Oratory, 3, 13; Excavations, 2, 10 —12, 16 ; translation of remains of abbots and kings, 13,15 ; Tombs of Saxon archbishops, 1,10,16,18, 21 —24. Canterbury, Austin Friars House, 198 ; Doge's Chantry, 216 ; Leper Hospital, 119 ; Pillory Lane, 194, 238 ; Rush Market, 120. Canterbury, St, Andrew, Churchwardens' Accounts, by Charles Cotton, 181; Cess for pews, 225 ; Cess for Roodloft, 243; list of Church Plate, Vestments and Books in, 204; Notes on the Income and Disbursements in, 197. Canterbury, St. Augustine's Monastery, 140, gift of books to Library of, 324 ; St. Dunstan, reference to Churchwardens' Accounts of, 196 ; St. George's, rector of, 178 ; St. Gregory, the prior of, takes tithes in Wingham, 166, in Ash, 168; St. Mary Bredin, vicar of, 178, visitation of, 176 ; St. Mary Magdalene, 193, rector of suspended, 161; St. Paul, 79, 193 ; St. Peter's, extracts from registers of, 29 ; St. Stephen's, nuns of, take tithes in Nonington, 170. Cappar, Peter, 225, 227, 244. Cardigan, Lady, 271, Carpenter, Thomas, 295, 296 (2), 301; Vincent, 111 ; —, 229. Carpenter, Bishop J,, Register of, extract from relating to Rector of Ripple, Wore, 321. Carver, Symon, 233, 235. Castell, John, 67. Castelocke. John, 305. Castlen, George, 297 (3). Catnach, J. and W., 256. Cavellys, —, 226. Cawte, Thomas, 323. Chadborne, Thomas, 209, 215, 218, 221, 223, 224, 227; —, 227, 229. Chadwell, Essex, manor of, 68 ; manor of Long House, 69. Chalcott, John, 86. Chapman, Joane, 90. Charles I. proclaimed King, 298. Charles II. crowned, 299 ; died, 299. Charles, Thomas, 160 (2). Charlton next Dover, visitation of, 179. Charroux, Poitou, 8. Charters of the Cincriie Ports, Jeake, reference to composition between Rye and Tenterden, 285. Ohartom, Thomas, 304. Chatbourne, Wni., 305 ; —, 305. Cherohesey, Wm., 56. Cheriton (Cerytone), chaplain of, 180. Chestfeld, Richard, 124. Chevening, Joano, 91. Cheyne, Wm., 56, 66. Cheystvyle, Stephen, 140. Chicche, Thos., 61. Chileham, vicar of, 161. Chislet, 93, 193 ; vicar of, 179. Chrustone, Wm., 304. Church, Richard, 96, 109, 117. Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Andrew, Canterbury, 181. Churchwell, John, 44. Cifrewast, Robert, 44. Circular Buildings holding remains of the dead, references to, 7. Clarckson, Vincent, 305. Clare, Thomas, 260. Clark (Clarcke, Clarke, Clerke), Henry, 305 ; Hugh, 157, 239, 242 ; Humfrye, 304; James, 92 ; Joan, 93; John, 157 ; Mr., 307 ; —, 245. Clere, John, 237. Cleresmyth, John, 234. Cleys, Simon, 162. Clifton, John, 49, 50 ; Margaret, 50. Clinton (de Glytone), Ivo de, 41, 42. Clones, Mr., 308. Clyve, R. de, Commissary of Canterbury, 147, 161, 166. Cobbe (Cobb), Agnes, 96, 97; Alexander, 89, 94—97, 106, 108, 109, GENERAL INDEX. S29 113, 115, 124—126, 131, 132. 137, will of, 97 ; Alice, 114 ; Christian, 97 ; Edmund, 303, 304, 309 ; Edward, 134 ; Frideswide. 97 ; James, 95—97, 124 ; John, 94—97, 109, 114, 115, will of, 97 ; Margaret, 97 (2), 98 ; Michell, 96, 97 ; Richard, 79, 96, 97. 107, 114, 131, 134, will of, 96 ; Robert, 95 n ; Rose, 114 ; Saunder, 139 ; Thomas, 95 n, 304 ; Thomsine, 97. Oobery, Thomas de, 154. Cobham, 92 ; brass at, 47. Cobham, Dorothy, Lady, 93 n; John de, 57, 58 ; Sir John de, 55 ; Reginald de, 47. Cocke, Edward, 324. Cok, Wm., 167. Coke, Richard, 224. Cokkow, John, 85. Cokys, Richard, 222. Cole, Thomas, 102. Colebran, Ruth, 278. Colens, Mr., 323. Coleshurst, Thos., 45. Collwell, George, 305 ; Robt., 305,307. Collyer, Amos, 292. Colman (Clowlman, Cowlman), James, 230, 237, 238, 242; John, 134 ; Mr., 232. Colrede, vicar suspended at, 160. Colyns, Wm., 141. OomfErey, Will., 162. Compton (Conitoon), Thomas, 215, 219, 224 ; —, 230, 246. Consanguinity, strictness of laws of, in the eleventh century, 146. Consaunt (Consant, Consent, Consont), Alice, 136; Joane, 136 ; Richard, 113, 134 ; Thomas, 88, 91, 103, 104, 107, 110, 111, 119, 128, 135, 136, 138; Wm., 102, 108, 122 —126, 131. Cook (Cooke), John, 306; Ralph, 242 ; Thomas, 213, 214, 306 : Wm., 137. Coppyn (Oopyn), John, 92, 124, 201, 241, 246 ; —, 229, 238, 242. Corbyl, Hamo, 154. Cordon, Riohard, 58. Comiwaile, Henry, 138. Corte, Thomas, 108. Oosington, John, 54. Cossington, manors, 59. Cosyn, Thomas, 119 ; Wm., 52. Cotmore, Thomas, 89. Cotton, Charles, on the Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St. Andrew, Canterbury, 1485—1625, 181. Coventry, arms of, 59 ; Katherine, 59. Cowper, Stephen, 80, 286, 289, 294, 297 (3), 301. Coysse, John, 95. Crankewalle, Edward, 115. Cranmer, John, 93 ; Susan, 93. Cripps-Day, F. H., on The Nevill Heaume at Birling, 317; on The Helmet in Addington Church, near Wrotham, 319. Cristian, John, 100. Croft, Avery, 305. Cromwell, Oliver, sworn as Lord Protector, 298, death of, 298 ; Richard, proclaimed as Lord Protector and deposed, 298 ; Thomas, Earl of Essex, 301. Crondall, Hants, brass at, 40. Crosse, George, 305. Crosses of Silver, price of, 78. Crouche, Agnes, 122. Crowcher, John, 101. Crowmer, arms of, 67; Sir James, 67 ; Margaret, 67. Crull, Robt., 45. Cruttall (Crotholl), George, 304, 306, 309 ; John, 297 ; Robert, 298. Cryel, Nioholas, 162. Oryspe, George, 308. Culmer, Richard, 80; Thomas, 119; Wm., 100. Ountrey, Thos., 31. Oupere, Richard, 168. Curteys, Agnes, 62 ; John, 213 ; Roger, 62. Curtis (Curteis), Edward, 299; George, 298 (2), 300; Jeremiah, 300 (3) ; Robert, 29S ; Samuel, 298 (3), 299 ; Stephen, 298 (3) ; Thomas, 297 (2) ; Wm., 292, 297 (2), 298, 299. Ousshyn, Mr., 239. Customals of the Cinque Ports, reference to, 291. Cutborowe, John, 215, 218, 221. Cuttel, John, 244. Cutthorne, lands in, 308. D Dalglish, Capt., 280. Dalton, Thomas, 63. Dandelegh, Sir James, 44. Dane, Wm., 198, 215, 216, 218, 222. Daniell (Danyell), Elizabeth, 122 ; Widow, 305. Dank, Peter, 226. Dartford, brass at, 50, $&> GENERAL INDEX, Davell, John, 244. Davy (Davye), arms of, 71 ; John, 102, 138, 295 (3), 300; Margary, 37, 71 ; Maude, 37, 71; Richard, 37, 71, 72 ; Robert, 296, 301 ; Wm., 71, 72, 296, 301. Dawe, Geoffrey, 86. Dawkyn, Sir Wm., 96. Dayne, John, 110. Deacon, Wm., 87. Deal (Dale), chaplain of, 180. Deale, Mrs., 304. Denby, John, 323. Dene, Richard de, 166. Denys, John, 305. Derlinge, Thomas, 121 (2). Derndale, Northfleet, manor of. 49. Deykin, Sir Wm., 120, 121. Digges, John, lx ; Roger, 44. Digon, St. Benignus, 7. Ditton Camoys, Cambs, manor of, 56, 68. Dixe, George, 305. Dodde, Richard, 136 ; Robert, 121. Dolfyn, —, 226. Doman, John, 305. Donett, John, 296. Donne, Robert, 295. Dorset, Duchess of, 255; Duke of, 267. Doubrosse, Benett, 127. Dover, Court of Lodemanage, 262 ; dangers to shipping, 258, 259; Domus Dei, lands owned by in Hope All Saints, 152 ; harbour in 18th century, 248,257; mail packets from, 250 ; Pier House, 249 ; Pilots, 257, 262, fees of, 263; St. James (Old Churcn), Monumental Brasses in, by R. Griffin, 27; extracts from register of, 29 ; St. John, rector of, 180 ; St. Martin's Priory, benefactions to, 186; St. Nicholas, rector of, 180 ; St. Peter, chaplain of, 180. Dover Merchant, Extracts from the Letter-Book of a, by William Minet, 247. Dowle, John, 140. Down, Richard, 208, 211. Dowsinge, O, 323. Dryden, Eliz., 200. Drylonde, Richard, 305. Dubrose (Dublerose), Alice, 130; Benet, 130; John, 118, 122. Dudley, Sir John, 301. Duglas, Balfe, 306. Dundy (Donde, Dundie), Gilbert, 305 ; John, 225, 228, 244. Durbourne (Dorborne), Nicholas, 212, 216. Durbrand, George, 323. Dusaultoir, Mr., 274. Dutch East India Co., 263. Dutch attack on our harbours, 299. Dyer, Widow, 305. Dygon, John, Abbot of St. Austin's Abbey, 188, 226. Dymehurch (Demecherche), rector takes tithes of Honnyngstone belonging to Sellinge,163; visitation of, 155. Dyxon, John, 307. E Earle, John. 263 ; Kindness, 263. Earthquake, 297. Eastbridge (Estbregge), chaplain of, 179 ; visitation of, 149. Easton, Nicholas, 106 ; Richard, 106. Eastwell, visitation of, 175. Echingham, Sir Thomas, 68, 66. Edrich, John, 41. Edward, Richard, 96 ; Walter, 167. Edwards, John, 298 (3). Egelsin, abbot, 4. Egerton, Arthur, 306. Egleden, Stephen. 306. Eglesfield, Leonard, 93—95, 112, 136. Eldyngate, —, 226, 228. Elfreythe, John, 303. Elham, dean of, excommunicated, 160. Elizabeth, Queen, death of, 297. Elmestede, chaplain of, 180. Elmet (Elmytt), Sir John, 95, 114, 132. Elriche, Alice, 64 ; Thos., 64. Brick, Abigail, 200. Erith, manor of, 53. Eslingham, manor of, 55, 56, 60, 61. Essettisforde, see Ashford. Etchingham, Joan, 55. Euyas, Roger de, 43. Evard, David, 66. Evebroke, Michael, 152. Evering, John, 113, 119. Ewell, Kent, 33, 34 ; vicar of, 180. Ewell, Agnes, 141 ; Alexander, 135, 136, will of, 98; Alice, 99, 100; Anthony, 100 ; Cristian, 99 ; David, 141 ; Eliz., 79, will of, 98 ; James, 98—100, 108, 110, 136 ; Joane, 98— 100 ; John, 79, 91, 94, 95, 98, 99, 111 ; Nicholas, 98, 99, 135, will of, 99; Richard, 94, 99, 100; Robert, 97—100,141; Thomas, 135, will of, 141; Thomasine, 100; Wm., 98, GENERAL. INDEX. ^31 99, 109, 115, 117, 124—126, will of, 100. Exchange with France, 276. Eyre, Simon, 72. Eythorne (Eghethorne). vicar excommunicated, 160. F Fagge, Edward, 307. Fairfield (Feyrefeld), visitation of, 161. Falam, Wm., 53. Fanting (Fantyng), Agnes, 102 ; Andrew, 101; Cristine, 101 (2); David, 137 ; Denis, 102; Edmond, 100; Giles, 101, 121; Henry, 81, 84, 102 (2), 106, will of, 100; Isabella, 100; Joan, 81, 100, 101; John, 100, 101; Margaret, 100, 102 ; Richard, 81, 82, 100, 101, will of, 101 (2) ; Simon, 79, 100, 101 (2), 102,138, will of, 102 ; Stephen, 100; Thomas, 102; Wm., 100, 101. Faversham, Abbey Street, 307; Court Street, 307 ; list of names in Cess, 311,314. Faversham, Copy of a Parchment Roll containing Orders of Faversham Wardmote for a Cesse for Shipping, by the late F. F. Giraud, 303. Fayerman, John, 133 ; Margaret, 133. Feotor, Jeremy, 278; John Minet, 278 ; Mary, 278 ; Peter, 278. 279. Felipp (Fillip), Edward, 296 (4); George, 296 (2) ; John, 58, 134. Feltoe, Rev. C. L., D.D., on the Rectors of Ripple, Additional Notes and Corrections, 321. Fenkill, widow, suit against to recover chantry fees, 198 ; —, 214. Ferduffe (Feraffi, Feroff), Eobert, 216, 219, 222. Fernyngam, John, 210. Feyne, Wm., 156. Filpott, Thomas, 102, 110. Finch (Fynche), Xpofer, 304, 309; John, 298 ; Thomas, 306 (2), 309 ; Wm., 298 (2), 308. Finener, Nicholas, 306. Fineux (Fyneux), John, 198, 215 ; Sir John, 123. Fish (Fisshe, Fyohse, Fyshe), John, 186 (2), 188 (2), 195, 201, 206, 209, 215, 216, 218, 221—225, 227, 230, 239; Mr., 232, 234—237, 243; Nicholas, 306; Thomasine, 186 ; Wm., 226, 244 ; —, 229. Fisher's drawings and dabs of brasses in the Collection of the Society of Antiquaries, reference to, 37. Fielding's Records of Roeliester Diocese, reference to, 42. Fleet (Flete), visitation of, 167. Foke, Mr., 243. Folkestone, monks of, take tithes in Fleet, 167 ; vicar of, 180. Fooks, Parnell, 238. Foorde, Eliz., 30 ; John, 30 ; Katherine, 30 ; Mary, 30 (2); Thos., 29, 30 (2), 32. Ford (Foad), Jane, 28; Joan, 28 ; Stephen, 297. Fordmell, Matthew, 92. Ford Park, 93 n. Fordwich, rector of, 179. Forminger, John, 110. Forreter, John, 307. Forstall, Margaret, 104 ; —, 31, 117. Forster, Christinan, 141; Thomas, 141. Forwoode, John, 306. Foughill, Wm., 295. Fowle, Barthelmew, 296 (2) ; George, 296 (2) ; John, 296 (3) ; —, 226. Fowler, Dr. J. T., 26. Foxe (Fokys, Fookys), Thomas, 222, 224, 225. Framlingham, Suffolk, reference to a heaume in vicarage at, 319. Frampton, T. 8., 28. Franois, John, 324. Franklyn (Frankelin. Franklen), John, 118, 124, 134 ; Margery, 118 ; Nicholas, 118. Freeman, Edward, 305. Freende, John, 305. Frenoh, Thomas, 201. Frenyngham, Mr., 235. Frindsbury, legacy to church, 64. Fright, —, 73. Frost, severe, in 1683, 299. Fryth, Thomas, 232. Fugler, Henry, 305. Fulbourne, Cambs, brass at, 43. Fulborne (de Fulburn), Robb,, 56 ; Wm., 43, 45. Fulham, John, 63. Fuller, Sir Thomas, 188 ; Wm., 188. Funnell, John, 297 (2). Furnyvale, Margaret, 50; Thomasia, 60. Furrier, Walter, 166. Fylkes, John, 307. Fynkell, Lenard, 230. S&2 GENERAL INDEX. G Gafierey, Thomas, 106. Gage, John, 296(2), 301. Garnet, Wm., 58. Garnish of Pewter, description, 126. Garwinton, Thos., 61. Gaymer, Henry, mayor of Rye, 284. Gaynesford. Nicholas, 66 ; Wm., 64. Geere, Wm., 228. Gefferey (Japhery), Joan, 124; Thomas, 113, 124, will of, 124. Gerald, cardinal of St. Sabina, 41. Germyn (German, Germin, Germyn, Jarman, Jarmyn, Jerman, Jermyn), Alexander, 107, 110; Alice, 102— 105, 108, 110; Christian, 110; Ciceley, 107, 108 ; Henry, 77, 81, will of, 105; Joan, 105—107, will of, 105 ; John, 78, 87, 103, 104 (2), 105 (2), 106 (2), 108, 119, wills of, 104, 106, 109, 128, 130; Juliane, 106; Leonard, 106—108, will of, 109; Margaret, 104 (2), 105, 108, 119, 137; Margerie, 104, 106 (2); Martin, 109 ; Michael, 305 ; Nicholas, 104, 109, 128, 130; Richard, 105; Robert, 109, wills of, 107, 110; Rose, 110; Thomas, 78, 79, 88, 89, 93, 95, 102, 103, 105—107, 109, 110, 119, 127, 128, 130, 131, 135, 137, wills of, 103, 104, 107, 108; Thomasine, 110; Wm., 89, 103, 104, 107, 110, 130, 137, wills of, 104, 106 ; Winifrid, 109. Gerveis, Edward, 297 (2) ; Henry, 295 (2) ; Wm., 290, 296 (2), 297. Gery, —, 232. Gerys, —, 226. Geywode, John, 89. Gibbon, Robert, 285. Giles (Gyeles, Gyles), Daniel, 304, 305 ; Erasmus, 298 ; Frances, 306. Gill (Gille), Elizabeth, 68, 69 ; Margaret, 68 ; Maud, 68 ; Richard, 57, 68. 69, 305. Gillingham, Richard de, 44. Gillinton, John, 121. Gilmin, Margery, 81 ; William, 81. Girdler, Simon, 298. Giraud, F, F., on a copy of a parchment Roll containing Orders of Faversham Wardmote for a Cesse of Shipping, 303 ; obituary notice, lviii, Glaiser, Henry, 241. Glewe, John, 305. Gloucester, Thomas, Duke of, 55. Glover, Peter, 292. Goatlye, Thomas, 306. Gocelin, extract from chronicles of, relating to alterations to the Abbey Church of St. Austin's, Canterbury, 4,12; on the tombs of the abbots, 18. Godfrey (Godefrey), Alan, 149; Matilda, 149 ; —, 231, 233—236. Godman, John, 149 ; Robert, 149. Gofferey, Thomas, 130. Goldene, Gilbert de, 166. Goldryng, Sir John, 211. Golds (Goldis), Wm., 216, 218, 221. Goldsmith (Golesmyth). John, 215, 224, 226, 228 ; Wm., 212, 214, 244. Goodhewes, John, 307. Goodneston (Godwynstone, Godwuneston), chaplain of, 180 ; visitation of, 171. Gookin, John, 32, 324. Gootley, —, 229. Gosnole, Mr., 305, 307. Q-ostling's Walls, view of St. Andrew, Canterbury, in, 1S3. Gorham, Gyles, 305. Gough, Henry, 181. Gouldthwayte, John, 306. Graunson, Margaret, 51; Thomas de, 61. Graunt, Thos., 67. Gray, Elizabeth, 32; John, 31—33; Judith, 32 ; Theophilus, 32. Green (Grene;, Richard, 212, 216, 218; —,221, 229,231, 242. Grenestreete, George, 305. Griffin, Ralph, on Monumental Brasses in Kent, 27. Griffith, John, 122. Grisbrook, Wm., 286. Gryffyn, John, 45. Guldeford, Sir Hen., 29. Gunman, Christopher, 267; James, 273. Guysborne, Sir John, 88. Gwynne, Juliana, 70 ; Thomas, 70 ; - , 7 0 . Gylward, Joane, 110; Juliane, 110; Thomas, 78, 79, 82, will of, 110. Gynes, convent of, 160. Gyvers, widow, 210. H Hackney, brass at, 59. Haffenden, Laurence, 295 ; Richard, 298, 299 ; Robert, 300 (2). Halden,, 61. Halden Park, rangership of, 302. Hales, Edward, 296 (3), 297 (9) ; John, 284, 295 (2)—297. Hall, John, 118 ; M., 251. GENERAL Hallett, John, 303. Hammerden, Capt., 263, 280. Hammond, Christopher, 228; John. 132; —, 226. Hamon, Agnes, 122; Clement, 214, 224, 244. Hampton, John, 304 ; Martin de, 322. Hanney, West, Berks, brass at, 40. Harbledown, legacy to hospital of, 187. Hardres, Nether, chaplain of, 178; legaoy to, 187. Hardres, Upper, visitation of, 174. Hardwick, Philip York, Lord, 279. Harenden, Wm., 295. Harflete, H., 31. Harman, —, 222. Harnett, John, 207. Harry (Harye), Thomas, 295 (2). Harte, Matthew, 305 ; Richard, 225, 227, 244. Hartrupe, Xpofer, 305. Harwarthinge, John, 295 (3), 300. Haseley, dioc. Lincoln, 47. Haslewoode, Wm,, 304. Hatch, Thomas, 292. Haulden, John, 305. Haute, Sir Wm., 187. Hawlett (Hallet, Haulet, Hawlott, Howlott), Agnes, 112 ; Alexander, 114, 115; Alice, 112; Christopher, 112, 115; Elizabeth, 116, 117, will of, 114; Elyn, 116; Hamon, 83, 111, 116, will of, 112 ; Isabella, 112 —116 ; James, 111. 133 ; Joane, 83, 111—116; John, 82, 83, 103, 108, 109, 111—115. 132, 133, 137, wills of, 111, 113, 115; Margaret, 112, 116, 117.; Margery, 114, 115; Michael, 116 ; Nicholas, 78, 82. 94, 95, 111, 112, 114, 132, will of, 113 ; Peter, 83, 114, 117; Richard, 112, 116, 117. 132; Robert, 81—83, 111 —115-, 119, 124, 133, will of, 114; Rose, 82, 132 ; Thomas, 82, 109, 111 —116,wilIsof, 111, 115—117; Wm., 83, 112,113,116,117. Haymon, William, 134. Heel, John, 49. Heler, John, 122. Hemp, Wilfrid J., 24. Hempsted, visit of Queen Elizabeth to, 297. Hempstede, Emma, 159 ; Henry de, 159. Hende, Wm., 114. •Henry VIII., visit to Tenterden, 296. Henry, William, 95, Henshaw, Hen,, 266. Hereford, Bishop of, house at Wymingswould of, 175, INDEX. 333 Herne, 193; chaplain of, 179 ; lands in, 94—140. Hernehill, 33. Hessill, Agnes, 37, 50 ; Wm., 37, 50, 51. Hethe, see Hythe. Hever, Ralph de, 55. Hewet, Mr., 237 ; see also Huett. Heynes, Thomas, 295, 300. Hicks (Hikks, Hyks), Agnes, 99; Alys, 99 ; Anthony, 98 ; Eliz., 99 ; James, 112, 113 ; Joan, 99 ; John, 89 ; Rose. 99 ; Thomas, 98, 99, 115, 117. Highmore (Higshmor, Hyghmore, Hymour), Sir Wm., 86, 95, 102, 118. Hikk (Hike, Hikke, Hyk, Hykke), Custance, 119; Isabell, 119; Isabella, 79. 82, will of, 118; Joane, 119; John, 79, 108, 111 (2), 118 (2), 132 ; Margaret, 108 ; Saunder, 112; Thomas, 79, 115,119(3). Hikson, Master, 214. Hilborough, Norfolk, 41, 42. Hille, John, 69. Hills (Hilles), Riohard, 305; Wm., . 295. Hinxhill (Henxele, Heryngsselle), chaplain of, 160,179. Hoath, chaplain of Holy Cross Chan- . try, 85'; lands in, 90—141 ; Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 17. Hobb (Hobbe), Agnes, 117; Joane, 117; Laurence, 79, 84, 88, 95, 103, 104, 117, 126 ; Margery, 117. Hoberd, —, 222. Hocktide, 212. Hodge, Thomas, 307. Hoeman, John, 305. Hogh, Sir Alexander, 119. Hoigges, John, 296 (4), 301. Hoke, John, 56. Hoker, Joane, 122 ; Eobert, 122. Hokkin, John, 81; Margery, 81. Hokman (Okman), Harry, 233, 236, 241, 246 ; —, 232. Hollestrete, Eobert, 169. Hollingburne, chaplain of, 177, 180. Homan, Richard, 294. Hoo, Thomas, 63. Hoode, Riohard, 83, 86. Hooker, Robert, 124. Hope All Saints, visitation of, 151. Hope, Sir W. St. John, on Recent Discoveries in the Abbey Church of St. Austin at Canterbury, l. Hopkyn, Ralph, 226, 244. 334 GENERAL INDEX. Horn (Home), Alice, 42; James, 108; John, 42; Wm. de, 61. Hornebolt, Gerard, 59 ; Susan, 59. Horses, import duties on, 271. Horton, rector excommunicated, 160. Horton, Stevyn, 219. Hosier, Christopher W., 290. Houdon, Wm., 42. Hougham (Huffam), Allice, 29 ; Bennett, 28 ; Christopher. 29, 30, 32 ; Edward, 29, 30, 32 ; Elizabeth, 28, 29 ; Frances, 29 ; Jane, 28 ; John, 29, 30, 31, 35; Magdalen. 28, 29; Michael, 31 (2) ; Riohard, 28, 29, 30, 31 ; Stephen, 28, 29, 30 ; Thomas, 29, 30; Vincent, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, brass of, 27, will of, 29. Hougham (Hugham), vicar of, 180. Howell, Sir Thomas, 133. Huckstepp, Thomas, 298, Hudson, Christopher, 305 ; Thomas, 305 ; Widow, 305. Huett, John, 237, 238, 239, 243. Hugham, see Hougham. Hughes, Charles, 266 ; —, 280. Hugon, Henry, 167. Hundyne, Anthony, 128. Hunt (Hunte), Agnes, 120, 121, will of, 121 ; Christopher, 120 ; Joane, 37, 74,119—121, 134 ; Martin, 120 ; Richard, 37, 74, 119, 120, 122 ; Eobert, 84, 85, 101, 102, 120, 121, 124, 134, 138, wills of, 119, 120, 121; Thomas, 95, 120, 121; Wm.. 305. Hussey, Arthur, 185, 200, 322; Chronicles of Wingham, reference to, 166; on Eeculver and Hoath Wills, 77. Hutson, Richard, 263. Hyllton, Robert, 305 ; Wm., 305. Hythe (Hethe), chaplain of, 180 ; mayor's claim to portion of salvage on stranded vessels in his mayoralty, 260. Hythe. West (Westhethe), visitation of, 165. Hywet, Master, 226 ; —, 229. I Ickham (Icham), chaplain of, 180 ; rector of, 178. Idele, Rose, 58 ; Wm., 58. Ifield, manor of, 65, 56. Iselande, Thomas, 296. Issilstayne, Holland, 301. Ive (Ivye, Tve), Alice, 122, 123; Cristian, 121 ; Elinor. 121; John, 86 ; Margaret, 122, 125 ; Margery, 121,122,123 ; Marione, 123 ; Nicholas, 84, 121, 122, 125, will of, 121 ; Wm.. 81, 83, 91, 92, 94, 95, 101,102, 117, 121, 125, 134, will of, 121. Ivychurch (Iveeherche), chaplain of, 179 ; visitation of, 177. J Jacobb, Wm., 103. Jakamyne, Agnes, 108. Jakys, John, 225, 228. James I., death of, 298. James II., succeeded to the throne, 299. James, —, 233. Jarvysse, John, 308. Jenken (Jenkyn), Alice, 123; Hen., 35, 123 ; Robert, 35 ; Thomas, 125. Joce, arms of, 71 ; Adam, 72. Johnson, Antony, 225, 244 ; James, 306 ; Richard, 96 ; Thomas, 304 ; Wm., 305. Jure, Cristian, 125 ; John, will of, 125. Juvenis, Thomas, 44. K Kaerwent, Nicholas de, 40. Kecherell, —, 232. Kegworth, Avice, 53 ; Simon, 42, 52, 53. Kelsham, Peter, 100. Kembar, —, 226, 245. Kempe, Sir Richard, 128 ; Robert, 98 ; Sir Thomas, 323. • Kemsyn, John, 197, 213, 214, 223. Kendall, —, 229, 231, 238, 242. Kendrycke, John, 306. Kenington, vicar of, 175. Kennett (Kenett), Elyn, 139 ; Joane, 125 ; Richard, 84, 122, will of, 126 ; Robert, 84, will of, 125; Thomas, 123—125. Kent, John, 212, 216, 218, 222. Keyshoe, Beds, 34. King, Richard, 298. Kingsdown (Kyngesdowne), manor of, 53. Kingston, vicar of, 161. Kirkby, Sir Wm., 180 ; —. 219. Knight (Knyte), John, 225, 228—230, 243; Richard, 136. Knoller (Knollar), Katherine, 90,127; Richard, 118, 128 ; Thomas, 90, 95, 109, 117, 118, 122, 124, 127, 128, 138 ; --, 97. Kokkys, —, 227, GENERAL INDEX. 335 Kybett, Humfrey, 309 ; Mr., 305. Kymberlee, Thomas, 85. Kyngesfold, John. 56, 64. Kynton, Alan, 66. Kyriell, Sir Thomas, 63 ; Wm., 323. L Lacy, Henry, 93 ; Mr., 92 ; Nicholas, 45 ; Peter de, 37, 38—45, arms of, 40, brass to, 37 ; Robert, 122 ; Wm., 102,124. Lagoe, John, 308 (2). Lakes, Stephen, 31. Lambe, Wm., 229, 230, 234, 239, 242, 243. Lamberhurst (Lomerst), John, 218, 222, 229, 230, 238, 242. Lambert, James, 305. Lame, Robt., 306. Laming, Margery, 75 ; Eichard, 75. Lamplugh, Bertram, 25. Lane, Margaret, 209. Langton, Eobert, 138. Lasabloniere, J., 274. Latymer, Richard, 87. Laurence (Lawrans, Lorrance), John, 305, 308, 309 ; Wm., 225, 227, 244. Layman, John, 308. Laysinbye, Robert, 106. Le Bret, Hamo, 151. Ledgegoode, Gyles, 306. Lee, Wm., 65. Leeds (Ledes), chaplain of, 177,180. Leek, Wm., 85. Le Hert, Joanna, 148 ; Wm., 148. Lenham, vicar of, 177 ; visitation of, 175. Lenten veil, parishioners to provide, 171. Levyne, Christopher, 193; Thomas, 193. Lewes, Robert, 244. Lidden, Kent, 33, 34. Lighthouses, dues paid by shipping for, 266 ; farming of dues, 266. Lilly, John, 80. Litlwood, Nicholas, 94. Llanbadarn Vawr, co. Cardigan, 43. Lodemanage, Court of, 262, 263. Lodynton, Nicholas de, 45. Lokyer (Lokear), Arnold, 225, 227, 228, 231, 233—237, 239, 241, 244 ; Peter, 225, 227, 241, 244. Lolland (Lowlain), —, 226, 245. Lomas, John, 294. London, All Hallows the Great, 64. Lambert's Hill, Old Fish Street, 64. Longe, Anthony, 304. Longele, chaplain of, 180. Longhe, Stephen le, 162. Loring, Sir Nigel, 44. Lovayne, Margaret, 57; Nicholas de, 57. Love, Cristian, 88; Joane, 125; John, 125 ; Nicholas, will of, 125 ; Thomas, 88, 125. Lovekyn, John, 52, 62 ; Mabel, 62. Low (Lowe), Harry, 104 ; James, 99. Lowes, Alice, 126, 127; Humfrey, 305; Richard, 78, 79, 84, will of, 126. Lucas, Wm., 148 (2). Lues, John de, 43. Lunce, John, 139. Lunden, John, 128. Lydd (Lyde), vicar of, 179. Lye (Legh), Wm., 37, 46—48. Lyle, Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount, .301. Lyminge (Lymene, Lymmynge), chaplain of, 179; vicar of, 180 ; visitation of, 159. Lympne, visitation of, 166. Lymsey, John, 59 ; Rose, 59. Lynche, Nicholas, 238. Lyncoll, Cristine, 127 ; John, 127 ; Margaret, 87; Phillip, 87 ; William, will of, 127. Lynsey, Robert, 125, 131. Lytilwoode, Richard, 140; Thomas, 140. M Maidstone (Meydestane), chaplain of, 177. Maitland, Eev. S. R., 181. Makenade, Wm., 57, 61, 62. Malpas, Philip, 68. Malyn, William, 119. Manington, Wm., 306. Mann (Man), Wm., 323 ; —, 245. Mantell, John, 299, 300 (3). Manwood, Sir Roger, 31. March, Earl of, 61. Marchaunt, Alice, 127 ; Edith, 127 ; Joane, 127 ; John, will of, 127 ; Thomas, 127. Marriage between persons related in the fourth and fifth degree, vicar presented for solemnizing, 159. Marsh, Stephen, 261. Martin (Marten, Martyn), John, 56 ; Robert, 134, 212—214 ; Wm., 96. Mary, Queen, death of by small pox, 300. Marynes, Thomas de, 144,164. Maston, Godfrey, 47. 336 GENERAL INDEX. Matson, Gay, 254; Mr., 280. Matthew, John, 119. Mawter, John, 99. Mawtyn, Richard, 72. May (Maye), James, 88 ; Joane. 127, 128; John, 128; Robert, 128 ; Thomas, 108, 128 ; Wm., 229, will of, 127. Maycott, see Meycott. Meade, Elyas, 304, 307. Median, John, 56 ; Maud, 56 ; Thos., 56. Melchebourn, Gilbert, 62. Menefeilde, Edward, 305. Menkyn, Adam, 166. Menstre, see Minster. Menvell, Thomas, 304. Merlande, Hen., 67. Mersham, chaplain of, 179. Meycott (Maycott), Agnes, 128 ; Anthony, 83, will of, 128 ; George, 128 ; Jone, 128 ; Eichard, 305. Michell (Mitchell), George, 305 ; John, 86, 107, 109 ; Sir John, 113, 115, 130, 137. Milde, Joane, 129; Eichard, will of, 129. Milner, Sir Lawrence, 133. Minet, Hughes, 265 ; Isaac, 249, 263, 267, 269, 271, 273, 276, 280 ; Mary, 278 ; Stephen, 249 ; Thomas, 278 ; Wm., 265, 273, 277, 279. •; Minet, William, on Extracts from the Letter-Book of a Dover Merchant, 1737—41, 247. Minet, The Huguenot Family of, 281. Minet and Fector, Bankers of Dover, 249. Minster (Menstre), vicar suspended, 161. i;. jg/.ct Mlyvere, Gabriel, 306. Mokynden Hall (Mugden Hall), manor of, 56, 60. Molynton, Agnes, Ix. 50 ; Robert, 50 ; Sir Thos., 50. Mongeham, visitation of, 180. Mokelton Hall, Essex, manor of, 65. Monkton, vicar of,J161 ; visitation of, 172,179. Monmouth, Duke of, beheaded, 299. Moore, Alice. 102. Morefield, Thomas, 305. Moris, William, 122. Morley, Anthony, 128 ; Thomas, 128. Mortimer (Mortemar, Mortymer), John, 107, 124,130. Moter, Isabel, 122. i Mottrum, Adam, 47. Moydor, value of, 274. Mudell, Henry de, 166. Muffliard, Robert, 177. ' Mulseye (? Molesey), Kingston, Sur- ; rey, 44. i Murcok, Joan, 96. i Mynot, Ann, 203 ; Edmund, 196, 201, 204, 211, 216, 219, 222, 236, 237, 241, 246, will of, 203. Myrfyn. Agnes, 53 ; George, 53 ; Katherine, 53 ; Robert, 53. N Nackington (Natyndon), visitation of, 171. Napiltone, Samson atte, 170. Nash, Edward, 33 ; Mary, 33, Nedyrsalys, Master, 228. Neel. Alice, 61, 62; Robert, 61, 62; Walter, 60, 61. Nethersole, John, 198, 215 ; Roger de, 168 ; —, 31. Neury-Saint-Sepulcre (Indre), 7. Neville, Sir Edward, 317 (2); Lady Eliz., 317 ; George. 317 ; John, Lord de, 44. Nevill Heaume at Birling, by F. H. Cripps-Day, 317. New (Newe, Niewe), Alexander, 129— 131 ; Alice, 130, will of, 129 ; John, 113, 129; Eichard, 113; Thomas, 85, 135. Newchurch (Newcherche), inquest concerning the vicarage, 157 ; vicar, 179; visitation of, 145, 166, 178. Newentone, Jordan de, Canon of Bilsington Priory, 153. Newes, Widow, 305. Newington (Newentone), chaplain of, 180. Nicholson, Mr., 306. Nightingale, Eev. Thomas, 128. Nonington (Nonyntone), chaplain of, 180 ; visitation of, 169. Northampton, Henry, Earl of, 294. Northbourne, Lord, 20. Northbourne (Norbourne), vicar of, 160. Northfleet, Monumental Brasses in Church, by Ralph Griffin, 36. Northwood (Norwode), Richard, 119, 130. Nott, Michael, 141; Nicholas, 101, 122. GENERAL INDEX. 337 Notingham, Sir Hugh, 177 ; Thomas, 137. Nustede, 45. Nutkyn, John, 135. 0 Obit lands, 195. Okenfolde, Thomas, 305. Oldberd, John, 132. Olecumbe, chaplain of, 180. Olyfe, Joane, 86. Orange, Prince of, landed in Devonshire, 300 ; proclaimed King, 300. Orgarswick (Orgareswyke), rector of, 179, takes small tithes belonging to Sellinge, 163 ; visitation of, 154. Ospringe, manor of, 57. Ostringehangre, see Westenhanger. Otterden, parish of Burdefelde united to, 172. Ottobon, Cardinal Legate. 146, 156. Ottynge, Wm., 113. Ouchterlony, George, 254». Overland, visitation of, 167. Ower, Alexander, 304, 308. Oxenford, Earl of, 32. Oxford, Lincoln College, second founder of, 322. Oxyndene, Thomas de, 168. P Paddington (Patynden), Surrey, manor, 62, 64. Paddlesworth, manor of, 159 ; things lacking in chapel of, 160. Palmer, Henry, 306. Pamplett (Pamplott), Agnes, 130; Alice, 130, will of, 130; Robert, 78, 107, 136, wills of, 130, 131 ; Thomas, 105. Panebrok, Hugh de, 177, 17S. Papillon, Mr., 280. Paramore (Pamor, Paromore, Parromor), Alexander, 79, 82, 108, 117, 132, 133, will of, 133 ; Cecyly, 134 ; George, 133 ; Hamon, 132 ; Joane 132, 133, will of, 132; John, 96, 121, 123, 124, 133, 134; Margaret, 89 ; Margery, 132, 134 ; Marione, 123 ; Marten, 134; Mary, 134; Nicholas, 133, will of, 131; Robert, 112, 132, 139 ; Thomas, 82, 89, 107, 109, 131, 132, 137, wills of, 132, 133; Thomasine, 134; Valentine, 117, 132 ; Wm., 97, 107, 110, 132—134 ; —, 218, 221. Parette, Margaret, 130. Paris, main roads from Calais to, 251. Parker, Hugh. 287,296 (3) ; John, 59, 296 (5), 301 ; Boger, 117; Wm., 111. Parmytory, Master, 209. Parrys, Thomasine, 134. Parsevall, John, 93. Pascall, Henry, 263. Pearoe (Pyerce), Richard, 303, 306 ; Thomas, 304. Peasse, Richard, 305. Peccham, Sir Walter de, 166. Peckham, Archbishop, 143, 322 ; Lenten veil mentioned in statutes of, 171. Peek, John, 64. Peel, Mrs., MS. List of Bailiffs and Mayors of Tenterden in possession of, 300. Pekbrugge, John de, 57. Pelham, Thomas, 304, 309. Pellycan, Elizabeth, 64 ; Wm., 64. Pemble, John, 800 ; Walter, 299 (4), 300. Pembroke, Aymer de Valence, Earl of, 60. Penalties to offenders against the sanctions of the Canon Law, 144. Pende, Thomas, 85. Pennell, Wm., 97. Penny (Peny), Wm., 96,102,109,121. Percier, Wm., rector of Ripple, 322. Pers, Wm., 295(2), 301. Pesmeth, Sir John, 224, 227, 230. Petlesden, Thomas, 295 (3), 300. Petokke, Jone, 226. Pette, Moyses, 296 ; Thomas, 295 (3), 296 (2), 300. Petyt, Thomas, 206, 207. 211. 214, 215, 224. Pettyman, John, 29, 30. Pevensey, Henry, 64, 66 ; Joan, 64, 65. Philip (Philipp), Thomas, 129 ; Wm., 72 129 Philipot'MS. Church Notes, F. W. Cock, reference to, lxi. Phillips, Edward, 297,301 (2); George, 297 (2). Philpott (Phyllpott), Agnes, 130.131; Mary, 199; Mr., 308; Thomas, 107—109, 114, 115, 130, 131, 132; Wm., 308. Pictures, duty on, 271. Piel, John, 45. Pigault, M., 251,276, 286. Pilcher, Wm., 90. Pilots of Dover, fees of, 257, 622, 263. Pinnocke (Pynnock), Elizabeth, 28 ; - , 3 1 . VOIi. XXXII. 7) 338 .GENERAL INDEX. Pix for the Host and various adjuncts • of divine worship, provision in every church for, 146; extract from Wilkins' Concilia relating to, 146. Plane, Wm., 225. Playce, Eliz., 51 ; Thomas, 51; Wm., 51. Playne, Simon, S9. Plummer, John, 298, 299 (5) ; Thomas, 298; Wm., 298. Podder, Adam, 104. Ponder, Wm., 66. Poore, Richard, 305. Poort, John, 81. Pope, Robert, 298 (2). Porchet, Stephen, 86. Pordage, Edward, 307 ; Eobt., 308. Poroges, John, 145,158. Porter, Joan, 134 ; Richard, 121, will of, 134. Pott, Thomas, 305. Potts, Rev. R. U., notes on St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 13», 16». Powwell, John, 304. Prato, Robert de, 177. Press-gangs, work of and protection from, 254. Preston, brass at, 54 ; vicar of, 160. Preston, Ralph, 225, 230, 244 ; Wm.. 295 (3), 296. Price, John, 125. Proceedings and Accounts of the Society, xxxix, lv. Prophet, John, 47, 58. Prowde, —, 307. Pughill (Puggill), Richard, 106. Pulteneye, John de, 57, 68. Pyerce, see Pearce. Pykoche, Wm., 170. Pyner, Harold, 25. Q Quested, Sir Richard, 107, 109. Quikenam, Thomas, 153. R Rafe, John, 32. Ramsey, —, 241. Randolf, Robert, 42. Ratcliff, Thomas, 80. Eavenna, Church, of San Vitale, reference to ground plan of, 3 ; Tomb of Theodoric at, 7. Eay worth, Francis, 32, 33. Eaynold, Jone, 122. Reade, John, 298. Eeculver and Hoath Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 77. Reculver, bequests of lands, in, 87— 141, 193; bequests of books and vestments to church, 135 ; legacies to church of, 7.7 ; patronage of the benefice, 172 ; vicar of, 179 ; visitation of, 172. Rede, Agnes, 53 ; Gerard, 53. Redhode, Eobert, 195 ; Wm., 195. Redwood (Redwode), Robert, 118 ; Wm., 79,118; — 31. Redyngate in Milfield, 193. Eennes, Brittany, textile made at, 209. Beve, John, 304 ; Michael, 306 ; Thomas, 90. Eevell, Mr., 280. Reyner, Hewe, 222. Richard of Cliffe, Commissary of Prior and Chapter of Canterbury, 143. Richard of Ferring, Archbishop of Dublin, 147. Richards, Henry, 34; Hugh, 34 ; John, 34 (2) ; Robert, 33, 34 ; Sibyll, 33 ; Steven, 34; Thomas, 34; Walter, 32—34. Richardson (Rychardson), John, 226, 244. Richfield (Rechefield, Rychefeld), Alice, 134 ; Joane, 77, will of, 135 ; John, 77, 81, will of, 134; Wm., 77, 78, 82, 105, will of, 135 ; Willimine, 134, 135. Richborough, A Short Account of the Records of, by W. D., review of, lxii. Rider, Richard, 117. Eidley, manor of, 55, 58. Ridley, Capt., 280. Rieux Merinville (Aude), 8. Rikhill (Rykkyllys), arms of, 59; Agnes, 70; Ann, 69; Eliz., 67; Geoffrey, 68 ; Isabel, 68, 69 ; Joan, 55, 62, 64, 66 ; John, 57, 60—63, 65—67, 70 ; Juliana, 70; Katherine, 57, 60, 62, 68, 69 ; Margaret, 67 ; Maud, 57. 68 ; Nicholas, 67,60 62, 68, 69; Richard, 70 ; Rose, 65—57, 59, 69 ; Thomas, 57, 64, 66, 67 ; Wm„ 37, 46, 54, 55, 57—59, 62, 69 ; Sir Wm., 46. Ringwood, Hants, brass at, 47. Ringwould (Rydelingewolld), chaplain of, 160 ; visitation of, 173. Ripple, Kent, Rectors of, Additional Notes and Corrections, by Rev. C. L. Feltoe, 321; rector of, 160, 322, GENERAL INDEX. 339 Ripple, Worcestershire, rector of, 3 Ripple, Solomon de, 324. River (Eyvere), Dover, 33 ; vicar 180. Roads, repair of bad, 82. Robson, —, 239, 243. Eochester Bridge, legacy to gu dians of, 56. Eocherye, Wm., 306. Roger, Robert, 157. Rogers, John, 296 (2). Rokyng, chaplain of, 179. Rolvenden, visitation of, 171. Eomney, chaplain of, 179. New, visitation of, 148. Old, visitation of, 148. Romneye, Richard, 305. Eooke, John, 136; Juliane, 136; Margaret, 137 ; Margery, 136 ; Matthew, 135—137 ; Eichard, 109, 137—139, will of, 136 ; Thomas, .98, 106, 123, 136, will of, 137. Rooper, John, 73. Roos, Wm., 238, 243. Roper, arms of, 70. Rouse (Rous), John, 49, 58. Rowndabowte, Kennyt, 220. Ruddoll, Robert, 289. Rumball of Whiting, explanation of, . 278. Rusper, Sussex, 56. Russell, William, 86. Rutland, Wm., 224, 226, 238, 242, 243. Ruttings, John, 106. Rygdon, Wm., 225, 238, 239, 241— 243. Rye, 283, 284; Composition with Tenterden, 287 ; visit of Queen Elizabeth to, 297. Bye, John, 304 ; Robert, 304 ; Thomas, 305, 309 ; Wm., 305 ; —, 52. Rykemund, Richard, 166. Ryppingall, John, 306. S Sadelar (Sadiller), Nicholas, 226, 238, 243, 245. Saint (Saynt, Sentt, Seyntt), John, 94, 103—105, 110, 125, 138; Margery, 137; Richard, 02; Thomas, 130, will of, 137. St. Albans, abbot and convent of, take tithes in Nonington, 170. St, Athelwold, bishop of Winchester, 8. St. Bartholomew, bequest to Hospital of, 57. St. Giles, Thanet, bequest to ohurch, 187. St. James Abattiswasborowe, 86. St. Leonard (Haute-Vienne), 8. St. Leger, Thos., 67. St. Margaret, vicar of, 180. St. Mary de Castro, rector of, 178. St. Mary in the Marsh, visitation of, 149. St. Mary Shelp, weir near, 111. St, Mildred, remains of, translated from Minster in Thanet to St. Austin's, Canterbury, 13. St. Nicholas at Wade, legacy to church, 187. St. Omer, Wm. de, 44. St. Quentiu, battle of, 297. St. Radegund, abbot of, 159. Saker, Henry, 304, 307. Saltwood, chaplain of, 180. Sampson (Samson), Hugh (Hywe), 226, 228, 245 ; Joane, 137 ; Margaret, 137 (2) ; Margery, 106M. 109 ; Tomsin, 137; Wm., 106», will of, 137. Sandgate Castle, 301. Sandwich, 295 ; dean and rector of excommunicated, 160. Sandwych, Sir Nicholas de, 153. Sapiti, Otho. 42. Sare, Robert, 222, 224, 225, 228, 239, 243 ; Thomas, 215, 224, 243. Sarre (Serre), visitation of, 174. Saunder, Agnes, 70 ; John, 70. Saunders, Thomas, 306. Saveray, Robert, 58. Sawkyn, —, 197. Saxten, Wm., 306. Scituate, Mass., U.S.A., 302. Scotland, abbot, alterations to St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, by, 4,5. Scott, Andrew, 239. Scott alias Rotherham, Thomas, 321, 322. Serene, see Skrene. Seame of Bread, meaning of, 119». Seasalter (Sesaltre), 29 ; extraots from registers of, 29; vicar of, 179. See, Hamon, 141; Robert, 122; Wm., 141 ; see also At See. Sellande, Widow, 307. Selling (Sellenge, Selynghe), manor of, 48 ; vioar of, 160 ; visitation of, 162. Selsey, Sussex, 41. Semar (Semere), Wm., 224, 233. Seniclas, V., 31. Seth (Seeth, Seyethe), John. 92, 124, 128 ; Robert, 92, 93, 97. Seys, John, 40. Shalrewey, Michael, 187. 340 GENERAL INDEX. Shank, Custance, 119; Isabel, 119 (2): Margot, 119; Mary, 119; Nicholas, 119 (2). Sharpe, John, 298. Sheft'elde, Master, 228. Shenley, Herts, manor of, 57. Sherman, Ralph, 228. Shinglewell (Shynglidwell), manor of, 58. Short (Shourte), Daniel, 298 (3); Edward, 297, 299 (3) ; George, 297 ; John, 297 (2) ; Peter, 296—298 ; Robert. 128; Thomas, 298 (3) ; Wm., 299. Shrnbsole, Mrs., 304, 308. Shyngwell, John, goldsmith. 211. Shyngwer, John, 215. Sigrine, Agnes, 138; Joan, 138; Stephen, 138; Thomas, will of, 138. Simeon, Isabelle, 138; Wm., will of. 138. Simmons, Anne, 186, 188; Henry, 186, 188 ; John, 186 ; Thomasine, 186. Sissinghurst, visit of Queen Elizabeth to, 297. Skeets, James, 298 (3). Skinner, Joane, 136; Thomas, 101, 130. Skrene (Serene), Ann, 69 ; Sir John, 69 ; Wm., 57, 62, 69 ; Sir Wm., 69. Smaile, Mrs., 306. Smallhythe, burning of, 296. Smeeth. chaplain of, 179,180; visitation of, 178. Smethys, —, 226. Smith, J. Challenor, 37 ; John, 135 ; Mary, 33; Mr.. 307; Robert, 87, 104, 123, 140 ; Samuel, 33 ; —, 240. Snave, visitation of, 156. Somar, Wm., 225. Somers, Henry, 305. Sonds, Sir Thomas. 308 (2). Sparche, Josias, 305. Sparkeling (Sparcklinge), Isabel. 133 ; John, 133 ; Mr., 304. Spencer (Spenser), Alice, 104, 129 ; Isabel, 138; John, 95, 101, 124; Katherine, 138 ; Richard, 84, 124, 138; Thomas, 138; Wm., 129. Sperkwell, John, 219. Spracklyn (Sprakling). Agnes, 119 ; Mr., 308. Spridlynton, Wm. de, 43. Spuddle, John, 304, 308. Stace, Freegift, 298 (2) ; John, will of, 141; Robert, 297, 299 (3), 300 (6); Samuel, 299 (2); Thomas, 297—299. Stainton, Mr., Ix. Stampard, Thomas. 93. Stanford (Staneforde), 159 ; chapel of, 160; chaplain of, 180. Staplehurst spire blown down, 299. Starke, Thomas, 233. Stayner, Gilbert, 246. Steckenbolde, Thomas, 295 (2). Stephens, Ed.. 258. Stephenson, Mill, 37. Stretend, Alice, 122 : John, 122. Stretton, Wm., 298, 299 (2). Stevens, Wm., 305. Stevyn, Syr., 225. Stibbing, John, 31. Stockbery, Wm., 198, 215. Stone, Bob., 304. Stone, chaplain of, 179. Story, Edward, 64. Stoughton, Thos., 32. Stourmouth, legacy to church, 187. Stowe, Wm., 61. Stowting, visitation of, 180. Stranger, Dynns, 227. Stretton, Wm., 298. Streynsham, Rob., 307. Studde, Agnes, 112 ; Philip, 112. Sturrey, 91, 193. Sty ward, John, 46. Suckling, F. H., A Forgotten Past, notes and pedigree of Huffam in, 35. Sutton, vicar of, 180. Swafham, Reginald de, 60. Swalecliff (Swalclive), chaplain of, 179 ; rector of, 178. Swan, arms of, 70. Swann (Swane, Swannys), Henry, 287 ; Joan, obit and will of, 201, 202 ; John, 202. 229, 230; Master, 224, 230; Mistress, 226, 239 ; —, 234, 237, 243. Swanscombe, manor of, 60, 61. Swanton, Thos., 61. Swayton, John, 305, 309. Swerdes, prebend of, 42. Swift, Abigail, 200; Dean, 199; Eliz., 200; Jonathan, 200 (2); Margaret, 199; Mary, 199 ; Thos., 199(2), 200; Wm., 199 (2). Swynf ord, Thos., 64. Symcockes, Humfrye, 306. Symon (Symonds), Nicholas, 238, 242, 243. T Tamworth, John, 43. Taylor (Tayler), John, 232 ; Mathew, 308. Tench, Allie, 29. Tenterden, The Municipal Records of, by A. H. Taylor, 283. 'GENERAL INDEX. 34 1 Tenterden, abjuration of a felon, 290 ; assize of bread, 291; Charters of, 284, 286, 287, 293 ; Composition with Rye, 287 ; constituted a member of the Cinque Ports, 283, 285 ; Court Hall burnt, 285; Court of Pepouders, 292 ; Decrees and ordinances of, 288, 290, 292 ; election day of Bailiff, 288 ; Incorporation of borough of, 283, 289 ; list of Bailiffs of the Towne and Hundred of, 295 ; oath of Bailiff, 2S8 ; precept for holding an inquest, 289 ; preservation of Records, 293; records of, 286 ; salaries of the members of the Corporation, 302 ; vicar of, 301. Terys. Wm., 245. Teynt (Tent), John A., 224, 243. Thanet, Earl of, 266. Thatcher, Margery, 134. Thomas, Henry, 152. Thorn, William. 10. Thornham, vicar of, 177,180. Thorpe, John, Notes on the churches in diocese of Rochester, 36. Thurburn (Thurbarne), Ralph, 44; Valentine, 323. Throwle, Walter, 306. Thurston, James, 306. Tilden (Tylden), Eliz., 67; George, 299 (3) ; John, 292, 297 (2), 298 ; Nathaniel, 298, 302 ; Roger, 67. Tilly (Tylly), John, 225, 227, 244. Tilmanstone, vicar of, 160. Tithes, enquiries relating to, at the visitations, 149, 151—155, 15S, 159, 163, 166—170. Toftes, John, 101. Tolken, Wm., 284. Tomlyn, —, 306, 308, 309. Tomson, —, 228. Tong, Alice, 122 ; James, 122. Tordington Manor, Dorset, 44. Toy, Sidney, 8. Trade with foreign countries, 275. Transer or Transor, meaning of, 126. Treserars, Master, 227. Trobylfyld, Mr., 228. Tuke (Tukke), Henry, 155 ; Rauf, 123. Tunstall, brass at, 67. Turbervill, Cecily, 48. Twyford, 41. Tyllman, Richard, 304, 307. Tyter, Alice, 148 ; Godfrey', 148. U Ullock, Henry, 324. Undyrwoode, Eabethe, 226. Upton, John, 303, 305, 30'9; Nicholas. 304, 309. V Vallance, Aymer, 2. Vaughan, Richard, 55. Verley, —, 231, 232, 234. Virgoe, Thomas, 305. Visitation Rolls preserved at Canterbury, Some Early, by Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 43. Vismes, M. de, 251. W Waghan, Richard, 58. Wainfieet, Mr.. 227, 239, 243. Waldershare (Waldweressare), rector of, 160. Waleys, Augustine, 65. Walker (Walkar), John. 86, 108, 125, 239, 244 ; —, 236. AValler. J. G., Church Notes made by, 37. Walworth, Sir Wm., 56, 57, 61. Wancy, Sir Edmund de, 44. Wandeford (Wangdeford), arms of, 48 ; Alice, 37, 48 ; Eleanor, 49 ; Margaret, 49 ; Wm., 48—50. Wandon, Robert, 45. Warde, Alice, 30 ; Edward, 30; Kath.. 30, 32 ; Wm., 29, 30 (2), 32. Wareson, Isabel, 55, 58 ; John, 55, 58. Warranty, form of, to exclude any implied warranty of title to land, 65. Warren, John. 323, 324. Warrener, Xpofer, 304, 307. War Risks off Dover in 18th century, 256. Warwick, Richard, Earl of, 301. Wasseyl, John, 85. Waterman, Thomas, 304 (2), 309. Watson (Wattson), Edward, 238, 242, 244 ; Richard, 131; Rev. W. Grylls, 200. Watton, Thomas, 320 ; family of, 319. Watts (Wattys), John, 185n, 204, 209 ; —, 308. Wayman, Wm., 304, 309. Weirs, 83, 111. Wells (Wellis, Wellys), Agnes, 70; Phelip, 138; Richard, 204; Thomas, 70. Wells (Welles), manor of, 59. Welmestone, John de, 166. Wengefeld, Sir John de, 44. Werchenden, Alice, 139 ; Joane, 138 ; 342 GENERAL INDEX. John, 138; Richard, 82, will of, 138 ; Robert, 138, 139 ; Thomasine, 139. West,'John, 224, 226, 244. Westbere, 91, 193 ; dean of, 160; rector of, 179. Westcliff (Westclyve), chaplain of, ISO. Westebregge, Wm., 157. Westenhanger (Ostringehangre), visitation of, 163. Westmorland, Jone, Countess of, 317; Ralph, Earl of, 317. Weston, Joan, 55 ; Nicholas de. 55 ; Robt., 70. Wharffe, Stephen, 305. Whetenhall, Anthony, 292, 297. Whitall, Thomas, 108. Whitchurch, Kent, bequest to the hospital of. 57. Whitchurch, Oxon, manor, 53. White (Whyte), Anne, 186, will of, 188 ; John, 58. Whitehead (Whitehed), Thomas, 295 (2); Wm., 111. Whitfield by Dover (Buesfeld), 33, 153. Whitfield (Whitefield), James,.299; John, 297 (2). Whitstable (Wytstaple), chaplain of, 179 ; lands in, 97. Whittals, Joane, 121 ; Thomas, 121. Whityngton, Richard, 69. Whope, Richard, 122. Whythe, Ann, 203. Whyttloke, Alys, 224 ; Mistress, 211, 216. Wickham (Wycham), visitation of, 174. Wickhambreux, 193. Widerden, Richard, 296. Wido, abbot, 12. Wightwicke. Humphery, 292. Wilke, Richard, 134. Willesborough (Wynelisberghi), visitation of, .172. William (Wyllm), James, 216. William III. died, 300. Williams, H. J., 320 ; James, 212. Wilnar, John, 324. Wilson (Wyllson), Edward, 304, 307. Winchelsey, Robert, elected to primacy of Canterbury, 143». Wingham, visitation of, 166. Witherden, John, 298. Wode, chaplain of, 179. Wolfe, Richard le, 162. Wolnoth, John, 149. Wolveston, Richard de, 43. Wombwell, Thomas, 49, 50. Women serving at Mass, 144. Womenswould (Wymelingeswelde), chaplain of, ISO ; visitation of, 168. Wood (Wodd, Woodd), John, 296 (2) ; Thomas, 134,296 (2) ; Widow, 305 ; Wm., 75 ; —, 307. Woodchurch, visitation of, 147. Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh, 200 ; on Some Early Visitation Rolls preserved at Canterbury, 143. Woolball, Robert, 298 (2). Worcester, Richard Beauchamp, Earl of, 317. Worshop (Worsop), Joan, 65 ; John, 65. Wourcester, John, 308. Wreake, George, 308. Wulfric, Abbot, 1,3; alteration to St. Austin's Abbey by, 1, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13. Wyar, Symon, 305. Wye, chaplain of, 180; Wylkynson, —, 232. Wylminton, John de, 162. Wymark, Robert, 85. Wyndwall manor, 53. Wynvale in Northfleet, manor of, 53. Wyse, Alice, 152 ; John le, 152. Wyspar, Richard, 226, 227, 229. Wysshell, John, 45. Wythorn, John, 61. Wytloke, Master, 207. Wyttrishesham, chaplain of, 179. Wyuelsted, Thos. de, 157. Y Yoklett, Wm., 106. Yonger, Pers, 205. York, Cecily, Duchess of, 53 ; Richard, Duke of, 53. Yorke, Henry, 324; Philip, Lord Hardwick, 279 ; Simon, 324. Youens, E. C., 25. Young (Yong), Alice, 139 ; Eliz., 30 ; Isabel, 81, 139; Joane, 81, 139; John, 139 (2); Richard, 125 ; Robert, 137, 139; Thomas, 29, 30 (2), 81,139, will of, 139 ; Tony, 30. r\ Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, London, \V.


Rectors of Ripple: Additional Notes and Correction


Front matter, Volume 31