Accounts and Balance Sheet From 1st January to 31st December 1919

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET EEOM 1ST JABUAEY TO 31ST DEOBMBEE 1919. xxxviii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL %BV, Balance Sheet at LIABILITIES. & s. d. £ s. d. Sundry Creditors:— Corporation of Maidstone for rent of Library accrued 22 10 0 Local Records 0 10 0 Provision for other outstanding Accounts 10 0 0 Provision for Vol. XXXIV. and general printing work done 53 2 6 Annual Subscriptions paid in advance 25 0 0 Canterbury Wills 4 2 0 115 i 6 Research Fund 29 6 9 Accumulated Fund:— Balance as per last Balance Sheet 2869 18 5 Less amount of decrease to bring value of Consols to 503 152 12 5 2217 6 0 Escess of Income over Expenditure for the year 85 7 10 2302 13 10 £2447 5 1 W J. KING AMD SON. Chartered A ecountants. GRAVESEND. 1920. SOCIETY. xxxix 3lst December 1919. €l\ ASSETS. £ *. d. £ s. d. Cash at the Union of London & Smith's Bank, Ltd. (Maidstone), Current Account 2S5 2 G Less Petty Cash overspent 8 9 2 276 13 4 Investment in 5 per cent. National War Bonds 192S . 200 0 0 Investment in Consols (as last) £1840 15*. id. at 39 . 10S6 1 0 Additions £38 17s. id. at 50| 20 0 0 1106 1 0 Less Amount written ofi to reduce to 50J ••• 152 12 5 953 S 7 Library and Collections at Maidstone Museum 1000 0 0 Insurances paid in advance :— Fire 3 7 6 Income Tax recoverable to 5th April 1919 13 15 8 (Subscription Arrears, as per List, £52 10*.) £2447 5 1 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. WALTER C. STUNT, ) „•„, , ,., CHARLES H. DRAKE, J * 0 * AH**™ 8th March 1920. xl KENT AR0HJ)OLOGICAL 101*. Account of Beceipts and Payments, RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from last Account:— Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account ... 195 0 4 Jew Petty Cash overspent 4 1 8 190 18 8 „ Annual Subscriptions received, including Arrears 248 10 0 „ Records Branch 3 10 0 ,. Sale of Publications 64 0 9 „ Dividends on Consols (less Tax) 32 4 4 „ Subscriptions (excess payments by Subscribers) ... 0 4 7 „ Entrance Pees 27 0 0 „ Life Compositions 20 0 0 „ Miscellaneous Receipts (Annual Meeting) 3 12 6 „ Interest on War Bonds 10 0 0 £600 0 10 W. J. lilNG AND SON. Chartered Accountants, GRAVESEND. 1920. SOCIETY. xii 1st January to 31st December 1919. €r. PAYMENTS. £ s. d. By Porter's Wages „ Curator's Salary ,, Printing, Stationery and Postages „ Rent of Rooms „ Eire and Burglary Insurance „ Employers'Liability Insurance ,, Accountancy and Disbursements (1918) „ Subscription to Archaaological Congress „ Subscription to Harleian Society „ Expenses of Production of Publications :— Sundry Persons re Volume XXXIII 15 8 10 Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, re Vol. XXXIV. 147 10 0 „ Miscellaneous Expenses „ Subscriptions to Records Branch „ Collector's Commission on colleotion of Subscriptions „ Invested in Consols „ Balance carried forward :— Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account ... 285 2 6 Less Petty Cash overspent 8 9 2 £ s. 6 12 40 0 33 4 30 0 3 7 0 11 6 1 1 0 2 2 d. 0 0 5 0 6 0 0 0 0 162 7 4 6 20 18 6 0 4 0 10 9 0 0 0 276 13 4 £600 0 10 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. WALTER C. STUNT, \ E m . A u d i t m, CHARLES H. DRAKE, S Uh March 1920. xlii KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL •J0V. Income and Expenditure Account £ s. d. £ s. d. To Rent of Library and Council Chamber at Maidstone 30 0 0 „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 „ Porter's Wages 6 12 0 „ Eire and Employers'Liability Insurance 3 18 6 „ Printing and Stationery 27 19 5 „ Subscription to Arohseological Congress 10 0 ,, „ Harleian Society 2 2 0 „ Accountancy :— W. J. King and Son, Fee and Disbursements, 1918 6 1 0 ,, Volume XXXIV.:— Mitchell Hughes and Clarke 200 12 6 Other persons, packing volumes, etc 2 18 6 203 11 0 „ Collector's Commission 6 4 0 ,. Miscellaneous Kxpenses 0 2 1 ., Excess of Income over Expenditure for the year... 85 7 10 £412 17 10 W. J. KING- AND SON, Chartered Accountants, GRAVESEND. 1920. SOCIETY. xliii for. Year ended 31st December 1919. Uh March 1920.


Abstract of Proceedings 1919-20


Accounts and Balance Sheet From 1st January to 31st December 1920