Accounts and Balance Sheet From 1st January to 31st December 1924

ACCOUNTS AND . BALANCE SHEET FROM 1ST JANUARY TO 31ST DECEMBER 1924 xiii KENT ARCH^IOLOGICAL l 0 f Account of Receipts and Payments, RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from last Account:— Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account ... 142 7 6 „ Annual Subscriptions received, including Arrears 328 13 0 „ Records Branch 4 1 0 ,, Sale of Publications 18 2 6 „ Illustration Fund 10 0 „ Dividends on Consols (gross) 53 16 8 J,ess Income Tax at is. 6d 12 2 0 41 14 8 „ Subscriptions (excess payments by Subscribers) ... 0 6 6 „ Entrance Fees 30 10 0 „ Life Compositions 20 0 ft „ Interest on War Bonds 10 0 0 „ Miscellaneous Receipts (Balance of Receipts and Payments re Annual Meeting) 12 12 2 „ Balance carried forward— Petty Cash overdrawn 3 17 1 £613 4 5 W. J. KING AND SON, Chartered Aeoountants, GEAVESEND. 1925. 2 6 40 41 30 3 0 9 5 12 0 3 0 7 10 5 10 0 0 5 0 6 9 2 SOCIETY. xiiii 1st January to Slsl December 1924. ©V. PAYMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance brought forward from last Account— Petty Cash overdrawn ; ,, Porter's Wages „ Curator's Salary ,, Printing, Stationery and Postages „ Rent of Rooms „ Fire and Burglary Insurance Premiums „ Employers' Liability Insurance Premium „ Accountancy and Disbursements (1923) „ Subscription to Archseological Congress to 30 June 1925 10 0 ,, Expenses of production of Publications :— Mitchell Hughes and Clarke (on account of Vol. XXXVII.) 50 0 0 Hudson and Kearns 15 19 5 Watford Engraving Company 3 0 0 „ Miscellaneous Expenses „ Subscriptions to Records Branch „ Collector's Commission on collection of Subscriptions (1923) „ Donation to Reculver's Fund „ 900 Copies of Congress Reports „ Expenses re Meeting (Maidstone) „ Income Tax 1923/24 on War Bonds Interest 2 5 0 „ Balance carried forward— Cash at Maidstone Bank—Current Account ... 370 1 11 68 19 5 19 6 1 6 19 10 0 6 15 L 8 5 5 0 6 0 0 6 Cash in hands of Collector 0 10 0 370 11 11 £613 4 5 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. C. H. DRAKE ) S m . Auditors. ARTHUR SMITH,} 19th Febhuary 1925. xliv KENT ARCHJ10L0GICAL H t . Income and Expenditure Account £ s. d. £ *. d. To Rent of Library and Council Chamber at Maidstone 30 0 0 „ Curator's Salary 40 0 0 „ Porter's Wages 6 12 0 „ Fire and Employers'Liability Insurance 3 18 3 „ Printing and Stationery 41 3 5 „ Subscription to Archasological Congress to June 1925 1 0 0 „ Accountancy :— W. J. King and Son, Fee and Disbursements, 1923 9 5 2 „ Volume XXXVII. :— Mitchell Hughes and Clarke (on account) 50 0 0 Hudson and Kearns 18 10 9 Watford Engraving Company 3 0 0 Provision for estimated Work done to 31 Dee. 1924 192 0 0 263 10 9 „ Miscellaneous Expenses (Travelling Expenses, Packing Cases, etc.) 5 19 5 „ Collector's Commission 6 19 6 „ Donation to Reculver's Fund 10 0 0 „ 900 Copies of Congress Reports 6 15 0 „ Income Tax 1923/24 on War Bonds Interest 2 5 0 „ Expenses re Meeting (Maidstone) 18 6 428 17 0 „ Excess of Income over Expenditure for the year, carried to Accumulated Fund, vide Balance Sheet 26 11 10 £455 8 10 W. J. KING AND SON, ' Chartered Accountants, GBAVESBND. 1925. SOCIETY. xlv from 1st January to 31st December 1924. <£t\ By Annual Subscriptions received, including Arrears , Entrance Fees , Life Compositions , Sale of Publications Dividends on Consols (less Tax) , Subscriptions—Excess payments by Subscribers... , Interest on War Bonds Miscellaneous Receipts — Balance re Annual Meeting Illustrations Fund £ t. d. & 321 30 20 IS 41 0 10 12 1 s. 3 10 0 2 14 6 0 12 0 d. 0 0 0 6 8 6 0 2 0 £+55 S 10 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. C. H. DRAKE. lH o n . M v , ,, ARTHUR SMITH. 1 19th February 1925. xlvi KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL 33t. Balance Sheet at LIABILITIES. £ s. d. & s. d. Sundry Creditors:— Corporation of Maidstone for rent of Library accrued 22 10 0 Provision for outstanding Accounts 10 0 0 Records Branch 0 10 0 Annual Subscriptions paid in advance 45 10 0 Canterbury Wills 4 2 0 Petty Cash overdrawn 3 17 1 Volume XXXVII.— Hudson and Kearns'Account 2 11 4 Provision for estimated Work done to 31 Dec. 1924 192 0 0 281 0 5 Amount due to Brokers upon purchase of Consols ... '40 0 '0 Research Fund as per last Balance Sheet 29 6 .9 Accumulated Fund :— Balance as per last Balance Sheet 219.0 1 2 Add Excess of Income over Expenditure for the year 26 11 10 2216 13 0 £2567 0 2 W J. KING AND SON. Chartered Accountants, GEAVESBND. 1925. SOCIETY. xlvii 31s* December 1924. ©?. ASSETS. £ *. d. & s. d. Cash at the National Provincial Bank, Ltd. (Maidstone), Current Account 370 1 11 Cash in hands of Collector 0 10 0 370 II II Investment in 5 per cent. National War Bonds 192S (as last), £200 at 94£ (value about 106 °/0 at market price=£212) 189 0 0 Investment in Consols £2153 18 5 as last ... 964 0 9 Purchased during year 68 13 0 at 57i plus (settlement due Jan.) expenses 40 0 0 £2222 11 5 1004 0 9 (Value say at 57i per cent, at 31st Dec. 192+, £1278.) Library and Collection at Maidstone Museum as last 1000 0 0 Insurances paid in advance 3 7 0 (Subscription Arrears, as per list, £23.) / / £2567 0 2 Examined, compared with Vouchers, and found correct. C. H. DRAKE. X H Aud ARTHUR SMITH,) 19*7i February 1925.


Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society


Abstract of Proceedings 1923