Ash Wills - Pam to Yong + Ald to Bes

( 33 ) ASH WILLS. (Continued from Vol. XXXVI., p. 64.) BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. JOHN PAMOBE. 25 Dec. 1497. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6s. 8d., and to William the parish priest 20d. Ex'or: Elisabeth my wife, and have residue. The tenement where we live and all lands to m wife for life, then to son Nicholas the tenement only, and all lands equally between my sons Nicholas, Thomas, and William, each heir to the other. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 11.) SOLOMON PARAMOR. 20 March 1508-9. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20d.; to the Cross Light and the Hokke Light 12d. each; to Our Lady Light in the Chapel of Overland 4id.; to the reparation of Ash Church a quarter of malt. John Middleton have a pair of white hose, jacket, hat, and cap; John Parott my russet gown. Residue after paying debts, etc., equally to my sons William, John, Raymund, and daughter Constance. Ex'ors: Son William, and Rayrmmd att Checker. My tenement and lands equally between my children. Witnesses: John Ireland, cleric, Nicholas Yong, John Middleton. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 47.) JOHN PAUL. 10 Aug. 1504. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Joane, my ex'or. That my wife have my place and all lands for her life, then to my four daughters, Alice, Margery, Elisabeth, and Katherine, each heir to the other. Probate 19 Sept. 1504. (W., fol. 36.) HEWE PAYNE. 19 May 1509. Buried in the church before the Altar of St. John the Baptist. High altar 3s. 4 34 ASH WILLS. sing for my soul, etc., for a year at St. John's altar, and have £6 13s. 4:d. Daughter Isabell have £10 at her marriage, and after the death of Cristian, my wife, a cupboard. John Payne my brother have 10s., a russet gown, ray best dublett, and all my hoses. Residue of goods after paying debts, etc, to wife Cristian, my ex'or. Wife have my tenement for her life, and to keep one obit in the church every year of 3s. 4>d.; after the death of Cristian to my daughter Isabell and her heirs, but if none, to be sold and money disposed for our souls. Witnesses: Sir Thomas Colley, chaplain, Robert Gibbe, Christofer Watson, John Omer, Harry Brown, G-efferey Combe. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 43.) JOHK- PECKHAM. . . . . 1523. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Joan have my house until my son Richard comes to the age of 16 years, then to Richard. Daughter Sexburgh, when she is 18, have a cow. Ex'or: Wife Joan, and have residue. Witnesses: Sir Richard Baker, curate, Edward Lacy, James Soly. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 172.) CRISTINA, wife of Nicholas PEHT, sister and heir of Edward Pyes of Ash. 12 Aug. 1476. Buried in the churchyard. All lands and tenements to my husband Nicholas during his life, then to son John and his heirs, if none, to son Bicbard, but if both die to be sold, and the money—to the church of Ash 40s., and to the Chapel of St. Augustine* of Richborough SB 6s. 8d.; the residue for our souls. Probate 10 Oct. 1476. (W., fol. 66.) WlLUAM PEKT. 9 March 1485-6. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6s. 8d., and to the reparation of the church 20d.; to Sir William Simon, s priest, 3s. 4id. Edmond Peny my brother have my best cow andf urred coat; William son of Edward Muserede 6 ewes; every daughter of Edward (sic) Peny 33s. id., to be paid in corn and cattle. Peter Darby and Simou Eason, each have 10s. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Jone. Ex'ors : Wife Jone, Peter * This is the only will in whioh is mentioned tlie dedication of Richborough Chapel. ASH WILLS. 35 Darby, and Simon Eason, with Sir John Saunders, vicar of Ash, -overseer. That wife Jone have all my lands, etc., during her life, then to John, Roger, William, and Thomas, the sons of Edward Peny, equally between them by my feoffees : Sir John Saunders, vicar of Ash, Master Walter Sherborne, priest, Nicholas Alday, Richard Exherst, except John Peny have my chief tenement called Oulmers. Probate I486. (W., fol. 2.) JOHM- PENE. 12 fiept. 1523. Buried in the churchyard under the greatest yew tree. High altar 3s. 4^.; to the Cross Light at (sic) Hodyn a seame of barley. Wife Joane deliver to the wardens of the Light of St. John within two years after my death 35s. 4sd., which is the stock of that Light. Daughter Cecilie have £6 13s. 4 my house at Wedinton for one year, then to Robert with my close of pasture. Witnesses: William Syms, William Code. Probate 28 Feb. 1554-5. (Con. Vol. XXVL, fol. 15.) 15 Nov. 1548. Administration to the goods of Thomas Powlte of Ash. To son John. Bonds: John and William Gibbes in £10. (Con. Act Book, Vol. I., fol. 91.) EDMUKD PRATT. 17 Feb. 1512-13. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d.r and to the church for a yearly obit for ever by the churchwardens a cow, one half of the ferme for my obit, the other half to thechurchwork. Wife Juliane have three Iriue and all my household: stuff. Daughters Isabell and Alice each 5 ewes. Wife have my place with all lands thereto for her life, then to my daughtersequally, but if they die without issue to the children of Stejmen,. ASH WILLS. 39 my brother. Ex'ors: My brother Stephen Pratt and William Sawerey. Witnesses: Sir Thomas Fraunce, Simon Gason, William Clarke. Probate 13 May 1513. (W., fol. 139.) RICHARD PURY. 5 Nov. 1495. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Katherine have 12 ewes, a black horse, and all my household things (domicilia). To repair the church path (vie ecolesiastice) between the church and my messuage 4s. Ex'ors : Wife Katherine and son John, and have residue after paying debts, etc. Feoffees of my lands and tenements at Flete: William Lent and William Walsin. All lands, etc., to son John, paying to his mother 10s. yearly, and to my son William £5 when 22 years of age. Katherine to have one "camera" in my messuage. Dated at Flete. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 6.) JOHN RAEE (i.e. RALPH). 9 April 1553. Buried in the churchyard. To the poor men's box 2s. To mending the highway between Gildell (sic) town and Ash Church where most needed 20s. William Bate have 40s. when he is 20 years old, but if he die the money to the mending of the highway; Isabell Rafe 20s. at her marriage or age of 19 years. Son Edward my lease and term of years in six pieces of land pasture and meadow called Chilton, Calhell, Horsbrokes, Newland, and the meadows containing 71 acres in Ash and Wodnesborough, which are parcel of the manor of Downe Court, for all the years in the lease. Ex'or: Son Edward, and have residue after paying debts, etc.; also my messuage in Gilden town with all lands, etc., where I live, late purchased from John Maister of Sandwich, paying yearly to Thomas my son for three years after my death £3 6s. 8d. Witnesses : Thomas Hartlet, Wm. Gibbes. Probate 5 June 1554. (Con. Vol. XXV., fol. 57.) JOHN REEDE, yeoman. 6 Feb. 1555-6. Buried in the churchyard. To the poor people 26s. 8d. William Wingham have my freise coat; Alice Mosred 10s.; Thomas Hoole, my servant, shall have his sheep and lambs that be with me, and one quarter of barley. Agnes my daughter £20 at her marriage or age of 20 years, but if she die then £10 to 40 ASH WILLS. Martha Dadde and £10 to my son John. Wife Thomasin £50, eight kine, two horses, 40 ewes, half my household stuff, and all my poultry. Residue after paying debts, etc., to son John. That Richard Creek, my wife's father, in consideration of the £18 13s. 4rf. owing to him, have all interest in one piece of pasture ground called Emptie in Worth, late had from Thomas Boys, gent., but if Richard Creek refuse to take the land in recompense of his money, then my ex'or to pay Creek or his assigns £18 13s. 4d.; to the church work 6 ewes ; to the Light of Nell four bushels of beere (barley). A priest sing for me for half a year in the church and have £3 6s. 8d. Wife have a horse, cow, seame of wheat and of beere and of malt, one pair of jet beads, and such household stuff she brought with her; son Thomas a horse, cow, heiffer, ASH WILLS. 41 25 wethers, my best chest, etc.; son John a steer bullock, six ewes, the little stopyn that was his mother's, etc.; my cousin Godleve Rye various things (mentioned); Isabella Rye a pair of beads of jet with the pater nosters of silver; Alison Downing, my cousin, a eorse girdle harnessed with silver, and after her death to Godleve Rye. Ex'ors: Harry Downing and Simon Gason, have the residue to bestow for my soul. That there be laid at Westmarsh as most needed 25 loads of gravel. That [son] John Rye have a messuage •called Cowards with the lands bought from Welmiston and Motts, also 5 acres in Elmeston parish. Son Thomas a messuage at Ware, •3 rods and half of land at Coleshill, one acre at Waredown, half an acre at Porstall and the Westmarsh, and the messuage with lands thereto after the death of my wife. Probate 10 Dec. 1489. (W., fol. 92.) ROBERT SAERXE. 22 Jan. 1532-3. Buried in the churchyard. Sons Thomas ;and James each have a horse and eow; daughters Cristian and Elisabeth a cow to each; son John a yearling. Ex'or: John Rolle. Wife Mercye have residue of goods and five yards of land called Shrogge. Probate 6 May 1533. (W., fol. 191.) JOHN SEXNTNXCOLAS. 18 June 1462. Buried in the chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr m the church of St. Nicholas of Ash. To the work of the same chapel in the church in five years after my death 5 marcs (£3 6s. 8d.). To the church of Biirye in Essex 5 marcs. To the •chapel of Overland 40s. Each of my daughters to their marriage, by the will and consent of my wife Margaret, 40 marcs (£26 13s. 4 WILLIAM SINCKLAS (i.e., ST. NICHOLAS). 25 March 1544. Buried in the churchyard. At my burial indeeds of charity 10s. Cicely West and Joane Willes each have- 13s. 4sd., or in household stuff. Residue of moveables to the poorest people in the parish. Ex'ors: John Broke and Thomas Quilter. My house to be sold and half the money to Cicely West and Joane Willes equally, other half in deeds of charity for my soul. Probate 25 Feb. 1545-6. (W., fol. 227.) SIR JOHN SAUNDERS, prebendary of Wingham, parson of Dim church, and vicar of Ash next unto Sandwich. 14 Aug. 1509. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas of Ash, at the south side of the west door, afore the grave of mymother. To every priest of Ash at my burying and singing dirige and mass every day by the month next following 6s. 8d.; the parish clerk there for the same time doing his business 3s. 4d.; the sexton 3s. 4:3.; and to two children being there 20d. To every poor man, woman, and child at my burying and month's mind Id. each. To- Ash Church a paxbrede of silver and gilt, two cruets, a manuel, collectary, two proeessioners, which the wardens there be possessed and have in their keeping. The chapel of Richborough have one portuys printed, with a mass book that was Sir Thomas', the old: priest; and to the use of the same chapel 20s. to make them a new window in the body of the church. The chapel of Overland have my little portes of fine parchment written by hand, price 40s.; and to the use of the same chapel 40s. to make a better chalice or else a new window in the east end of the chapel. The church of Dym~ church have my great complete portes that I was wont to say my service upou. The college of Wingham £6 13s. 4d. towards the buying of a pair of organs, or else to some other necessity- asmaster provost and the canons think most necessary; to the provost to say mass for me 10s. To master commissary, Mr. John Williams, Mr. Thomas Orysed, Mr. Kyrie, Mr. Ambrose Payne* ASH WILLS, 43' rector of Lambeth, 6s. 8d. each ; also to every vicar of Wingham 5s., to every clerk 2s. 6d., to two choristers 12d. each, to say dirige • and mass openly without note all the month. The four priests that shall bear me to my grave, a silver spoon to each. Sir John Ireland my short sangwine gown lined with buckram. To the use of Ash Church one coverlet lined with canvas, and towards buying a book called an Antiphonar for holy-days and Sundays for the quire on the vicar's side £ 4 ; that a priest, being a quire man, sing in the - church and have £6 13s. 4d. The friars of Sandwich and each, house of friars at Canterbury 10s. each; the monastery of St. Augustine of Canterbury 40s.; St. Andrew of. Northampton 20s.;. St. James Abbey there 20s.; to the work of St. Giles Church there • 20s. Besidue of goods and chattels to my ex'ors: Master John Williams, clerk, Sir Stephen Sheppard, clerk, and John Boyse, gentleman. That the canons of Wingham shall have, and to their successors, the profits from the house called Broms with 8 acres of land thereto, a piece of laud'that was Master Aldey's by the vicarage,. and one acre of land at Inner stile, so that they observe and keep my yearly obit in Ash Church, and the vicar or curate of Ash forthe time being shall have the disposition thereof and oversight, giving to every priest that hath stipend in Ash Church who is at my obit 8^.; but if the obit be not kept then the churchwardens for the time being shall take the profits from the place and laud and' observe the obit and dispose as aforesaid, each of them having 12d. for their labour; the residue after the obit is kept to the church, work. That the canons of Wingham for the time being have theissues and profits from my messuage in Wingham that Mafchewe dwelleth in, and 40 acres of land there, to keep an obit yearly in the church of Wingham, giving to master provost 2s., to every canon 16d., every vicar 8d., every clerk of the college 6d., and to two queresters 4>d. each. All my other lands and tenements in Wingham, Ash, and Staple to be sold and the money to fulfill my will. Witnesses: Sir Stephen Shepard, Sir William Roger, chantry priests of Ash, Stephen Somery, Nicholas Yong, John Barton. [No probate date.*] (Con. Vol. II., fol. 18.)- FRANCIS SAXER. 10 Feb. 1547-8. My body to the earth. That my brother Raymund have my annuity out of his lands, on condition he pays * The next reefcor of Dimehurob, John Hedde, was admitted 7 May 1511,. on the death of John Sander.—Register of Abp. Warham, fol. 342. •44 ASH WILLS. to my two children William and Margaret £6 when they come to the age of 18 years. John and Lawrence. Howling, sons of my wife, 20s. each when 20 years of age, and Jane Howling, daughter of my wife, 10s. Residue to my wife (not named), my ex'or. Witnesses: John Brocke, Silvester Goulde. Probate 30 April 1549. (Con. Vol. XXIL, fol. 16.) REV. PATRIK SCOTT. 26 Oct. 1514. Buried iu the churchyard. Sir John Hobson have my best gown and Sir James my second gown. Ex'or: Sir John Hobson, and have residue to dispose for my soul. Witnesses: William Cowper, Thomas Brayne. Probate 26 Feb. 1514-15. (W., fol. 128.) JOHN DE SEPTVANS, Esquire. Sunday next after the Feast of St. Bartholomew (24 August) 1396. Buried in the west corner (in angulo oceidentali) of the •churchyard of Ash. John Bromhill, parish chaplain, 20s.; Joan, Prioress of Holy Sepulchre at Canterbury, 13s. 4>d., and each nun in the same 20^.; Thomas Monketon, chaplain, 13s. 4d.; Carmelite Friars in Sandwich 13s. 4>d. and five quarters of barley. William Cristemasse 20 sheep and James de Twitham 5 bushels of barley. Residue to wife Constance, who with Thomas Rolling and Gilbert Alflet (sic) ex'ors. Probate 5 Sept. 1396 by the Prior and Chapter •of Canterbury, Sede Vacante after death of Abp. Courtenay. (Register G., fol. 272, Cathedral Library.) DAME ALICE, the widow of THOMAS* SEPTVANS, Esquire, late of Ash. 16 Oct. 1488. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas, underneath the stone of my husband. To the high altar, my soul to be prayed for, 20d.; to the church works 40s. Thomas Upton 6s. 8d.; John May 6s. 8d.; to the twelve brethren and sisters of St. Thomas House in Sandwich at my day of burying and month's-day, to every one 6d.; Master Walter Sherborne 13s. 4id.; Godowther [? goddaughter] Diggs 6s. 8d.; Alice, daughter of Thomas Aldaye, my :god-daughter, 20s.; John Boyman, if he lives to 21 years, 66s. 8d. A priest sing for me in the church for two years and have * In Corner of Kent, p. 335, the name of her husband is wronger given as " Christopher." ASH WILLS. 45- £13 6s. 8d. To the daughter of Edward Septvans 20s. John Alday have a standing piece covered with vannes* enameled thereupon; John Boyman another standing piece covered, a second silver cup, and half a dozen spoons if he live to the age of 21, or else be sold and the money for my soul; Elisabeth Alday a flat piece, a nut with a cover, half a dozen spoons, and a dozen vesselsgarnished, etc.; the wife of John Alday the hangings of my bed,, second brass pot, silver salver, etc.; John Alday a vestment and chalice for the term of his life, then to Nicholas his son, and at his death to the churchwardens of Ash. Harry Downingf have 4 silver spoons, long diaper towel, and feather bed which was his master's,. Rev. John Middelton's. Eesidue of goods after paying debts, etc.,. to my ex'ors, John Aldey, Nicholas Aldey, and Harry Downing, to dispose for my soul, etc. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 89.) MASTER WALTER SHERBORNE. J 14 Feb. 1500-1. Buried in the church porch and a stone belaid upon my grave. High altar for all things forgotten 3s. 4id.; reparation of the church 6s. 8d.; to the Light of St. John 4s. 4id.. Reparation of Our Lady church of Trym in Ireland 6s. 8a?., and to the priest there 3s. 4d.; reparation of the church of St. Peter of Trym 6s. 8d., and to the priest there 3s. 4d. and all the instruments of my trade; son John 66s. 8d. and my best cupbord; residue of goods to wife. Ex'ors: Wife Isabella and Stephen a Foorde, with Thomas Omer, feoffee. Wife have one tenement in Sandwich in the parish of St. Mary near the Delff, and all my lands and tenements in Ash. Witnesses: John Saunders, vicar, John Parker, chaplain, Stephen Foorde. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 84.) JOHN STONARD. 2 April 1505. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'ors: Wife Katherine and Thomas Grandon. Wife have for life all my lands and tenements, but if she marry, to my sons John and Stephen, paying to their mother 13s. 4sd. each. If son John be a man of religion, then all the same lands and tenements to son Stephen, paying 13s. 4id. to John. My croft called Whitfield to son Jerome. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 38.) MARGERX TTPEINGTON. 3 Jan. 1553 (sic). Buried in the churchyard at the east side of the church. To the poor men's box 6s. 8d.; and to five of the poorest folk in the parish 3s. 4>d. John Halet my son have a man's harness—a breast plate, a black (sic) plate, and salett. Agnes ASH WILLS. 49 Hallet (sic) and Alice Hawlett (sic), the daughters of John Hawlett, each of them have a pewter platter. Residue after paying debts, etc., to Thomas Dance and Cecily Jordain, my ex'ors. Witnesses : John Brooke, Silvester Golde, Henry Dane, John Reede. Probate 23 May 1553. (Con. Vol. XXV., fol. 26.) EDWARD WALLER. . . . . 1495. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3s. 4>d.r and to the church a torch price 6s. 8d. William Neame have 4 seames of barley to sow his land at Staple; Thomas Neame 2 quarters of barley, and the same to William Neame the younger j Cristiane Neame a young heiffer and quarter of barley. Wife (not named) and Thomas Neame of Wynnysborowe shall be ex'ors, and have residue. Probate 26 Feb. 1495-6. (W., fol. 1.) WILLIAM WALMESTON. 20 Dec. 1493. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Agnes haveresidue of goods. Ex'ors: William Austen and William Ilent.. Wife have my tenement for life, then to Agnes my daughter and her heirs for ever, paying to John my son 6s. 8d. [No probate date.] (W., fob 106.) WILLIAM WEDEN. 4 March 1555 (sic). Buried in the churchyard. Elis my son have £60 when 21 years of age, to be in the keeping of William Syme, and my son to be kept to school and set forth as best to him; if son die then my wife, if alive, have £20 of the money, and £20 to William Syme, to John Brooke the younger £10, and to poor people £10. Nicholas Culverhouse have two bushels of wheat and 3s. 4d. My wife give to the poor of Ash 20s. To 8 men to carry me to the church 8d. each. Eesidue of goods after paying debts, etc., to wife Agnes, my ex'or. Witnesses: John Brooke, William Syme, Bennet Culverhouse. Probate 6 April 1555. (Con. Vol. XXVL, fol. 25.) ROBERT WOOD. 20 June 1557. Buried in the churchyard. To poor people 40s. at my burying. Son William £40 and four good kine when he is 20 years old, but if he die without issue, to my daughters and their VOL. XXXVII. E 50 ASH WILLS. heirs. Jane and Rebecca, my daughters, £20 each and 3 good kine at their marriage or age of 20 years, but if all my children die nnder age without issue the money to Thomas Wood, my brother. Alice and Margaret, my sisters, £3 each. Residue of goods to wife Alice; my wife my ex'or, with my brother Thomas overseer. Wife have all my lands and tenements until son William comes to the age of 21 years, then to William. Witnesses : William Syme, John Broke, Thomas Wood, Thomas Alee, Thomas Gibbes. Probate 6 Aug. 1557. ' (Con. Vol. XXVL, fol. 165.) JULIANE WXBRAND or ARNETS of Eaststreet. 4 Feb. 1495-6. Buried in the churchyard. William Arneys my son have my messuage with garden, and another garden called Maundevilis of three rods and a half; also three acres and a rod of land belonging to the same messuage; five acres of pasture at Cumbe, the other at East street, which came to me by right of •inheritance after the death of John, son of Hamon Broke. That half an acre of land at Weke be sold, and the money at my burial. Ex'or : Son William,* and have residue. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 107.) ROBERT WXMARK. 20 Oct. 1493. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3s. 4sd., and to the Light of Holy Cross one bushel of barley. Wife Agnes have my messuage at Ware for her life, then to Denis and Margaret my daughters. Ex'or : Wife Agnes, and have residue. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 104.) NICHOLAS TONG. 24 June 1523. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or: Wife Joan, and have residue, after paying debts, to dispose for my soul. Witnesses : Sir Richard Baker, curate, and Raymund Harriett. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 172.) * William Arnes or Arneys died in 1498, leaving a wife (not named) and' son Nicholas. (W., fol. 18.) ASH WILLS. 51 APPENDIX. The following wills were proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury:— THOMAS ALDX,* gentleman. 9 April 1534. Buried under the yew tree in Ash churchyard beside my father, and a stone to be laid on me with the four shields .of my arms and my two wives. High altar for tithes 6s. 8d. To the poor £ 8 ; and to two honest men that will take pains to repair the road between St. Thomas Cross and Echo £10. To every son •of my brothers Jerome and James Aldy 6s. 8d.; to every child of Thomas Wells of Wingham 3s. id.; Joane, my maid at Caleys, 3s. id.; and Philip, my servant, 3s. id. Residue after paying debts, to son Edward when 21 years old. Ex'ors : William Boys, John Boys, and John Monings, gentlemen. Henry Aldy, son of any brother William, £20, unless at any time he claim the lands willed unto me by my father, Nicholas Aldy. My manors and lands in Ash, Goodneston, and Wodnesborowe. All the lands I had by the will of Nicholas my father to my son Edward and his heirs; also son Edward when 21 have my manor or tenements called Hilles •Church gates, Hilles Downe, and all other lands lately purchased from Jerome my brother, and to the heirs of Edward; if none, to my brother James and his heirs ; if none, to my daughter Margery. Ex'ors to have the governance of my son," to bring him up virtuously in learning," and take the issues from my lands until Edward is 21, with which they shall find him honestly and put him forth to school and learning. The residue of the income on repairs and buildings to be made at Checker, as my ex'ors think convenient; any not so bestowed, to Edward when 21 years old. Witnesses: William Lancastre, clerk, Thomas Bruar, clerk, Thomas Chalice, and Tomson the carpenter. Probate 5 May 1534. (P.C.C, 14, Hogen.) JEROME ALDX. 1 May 1539. Son Adam ah lands in Kent in tail male, with contingent remainders successively to sons Nicholas, John, Charles, in tail male, according to the will of my father Nicholas. Wife (not named) have my house and lands in Kings Clif during widow- * Thomas was eldest son of Nicholas Aldy of 1520. (See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XXXIV, p. 48.) E 2 52 ASH WILLS. hood, but if she marry, to son Charles; if he die, to John; and if John die, to Besse my daughter. Goods and household stuff to be divided in five portions—(1) to my wife ; (2) son Nicholas; (3) son John; (4) son Charles; (5) Besse, my daughter. Wife to have the custody of the goods until children of lawful age, but if she marry to be put " in some safer bodies hands " for the wealth of my children. Ex'ors: Wife and son Adam. That son Adam have my best gown, jacket, doublet, half a dozen silver spoons " with knoppes? of lions," a nut with a cover, the largest silver piece, and silver salt with cover. Probate 26 Aug. 1542. (P.C.C, 9, Spert.) ROBERT BESTE, husbandman. 2 Aug. 1538. Buried in the churchyard. My wife Plesaunce have in money and money's worth £20, two kine, and a horse that was her own before, and half my household stuff. Son Richard Beste £16 13s. 4^.; and my father (sic) Thomas Kempe have the ordering of my son and his bequest until of lawful age ; if son diesthe money to iny brother Richard Beste and my brother (sic)) Clement Kempe. Custaunce, my wife's daughter, 20s. and a cow. James, my boy, 6s. 8d. and one ewe. Residue to my brothers- Richard Beste and Clement Kempe for eleven years, then to my son Richard, but if he be dead then divided between my said brothers. Ex'ors: My brother Richard Beste and my father Thomas Kempe. Witnesses: Jarvice Foulle, Henry Foyde, John Fissher. Probate 27 Sept. 1538. (P.CC, 10,- Crumwelh)


Notes on the Topography of Cranbrook Church


Some Early Professions of Canonical Obedience to the See of Canterbury by Heads of Religious Houses