Milton Wills (next Sittingbourne) - Part II

( 13 ) MILTON WILLS (NEXT SITTINGBOURNE)—II. BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. (Continued from Vol. XLIV,p. 102.) WILLIAM COCHE. 19 Novem 1522. Probate to his Will. Ex'or—John Cowche. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 5, fol. 120.) JOHN COWCHE. 7 August 1541. Buried in the churchyard beside my father. Ex'or :—Son Raynold and have my shop with all thereto. Sons John, Richard, and daughters Agnes and Cicely various household things. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen, vicar, Thomas Bocher, John Panton. [Probate 29 April 1542.] (A. Vol. 22, fol. 242.) RAYNOLD COWCHE. 16 Feb. 1556-7. Buried where I do end my life. Sons Amos and Jonas each 2 0 / - and a cow when 18. Daughter Denis 2 0 / - and a cow when 16. Ex'or :—Wife Joan and have residue. Debts I owe:—William Webb joiner £16. Thomas Redar of Bredgar 20/-. Thomas Carden of Sheppey £3. James Colsoll of Sheppey £3. [Probate 4 March 1556-7.] (A. Vol. 30, fol. 291.) JOAN COWCHE. 25 Feb. 1557-8. Will of Joan Cowche. Ex'ors—Thomas Master and Hamon Crowch who renounced ex'orship. Administration to John Cowch, husband. Bonds :—Nicholas Norton vicar there, and Thomas Harting in £40. (A. Act. Vol. 13, fol. 19.) WILLIAM CROUOHE, of ChalkweU. 10 Sept 1472. Buried in the churchyard next le ewe [yewtree]. High altar 20a!. Dom. John parish-priest 8d, parish clerk 6d, sacrist 4td. Light of St Mary 12d. Residue to wife Isabelle my Ex'or to pay debts. Wife have messuage in which I dwell, 4 acres in Sewers field next the Townmede, 1 | acres at the Forthe. 8 14 MILTON WILLS. Daughter Fehce wife of WiUiam Hogon my Barn with buildings, dovehouse, and 4 acres of land for life then to her issue. [Probate 16 March 1472-3.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 146.) ALICE CRUX. 7 Sept 1487. Buried in the churchyard. Light of the Cross of the High Loft a wax candle to burn during divine service in Hartlip church 6d. Joan Cotyng my sister 20/- and half my goods. Thomas Crux my brother 20/- and the other half of my goods. Residue to Thomas Cotyng my brother and Ex'or. [Probate 10 Feb. 1487-8.] (A. Vol. 5, fol. 21.) WILLIAM DAYWELL or PERYN. 24 Sept 1494. Buried in the churchyard. After debts paid residue to wife Margaret and Elie Catlott my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Messuage in Newington be sold and £3-6-8 to wife Margaret, the residue to pay debts. [No Probate. Cf. next will 21 Feb 1494-5.] (A. Vol. 6, fol. 52.) ROBERT DEBNAM. 18 June 1529. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or—Wife Joan and have residue after paying debts, with Wilham Awse overseer. Wife have the tenement I dwell in, also tenement bought from Thomas Keylog for her life, paying to my daughter Joan 40/- and daughter Ahce 20/- at their marriage. After the death of my wife son Thomas the younger have the two tenements in fee simple. Son Thomas the elder the tenement in St John's hold with two gardens there and the taynter lands1 when he is 25 in fee simple, giving to my daughter Ahce out of the tenement 2 0 / - at her marriage. If sons die without lawful issue, then after wife's death all lands tenements be sold, the money half in charitable works for our souls, other half 40/- to my daughter Marione the residue between daughters Joan and Ahce. Witnesses:—Thomas Austen vicar, Thomas Payne, Roger Yenes, John Bresenden, Nicholas Hart. [Probate 6 August 1529.] (A. Vol. 18, fol. 203.) JOAN DEDMAN. 22 May 1539. Administration to her goods granted to Ahce her daughter. Bonds :—John Payne of Wye, and John Plott of Iwade, in £40. (A. Act. Vol. 8, fol. 39.) 1 Tenter-ground, where tenter hooks were placed for stretching skins, cloth, etc. MILTON WILLS. 15 RAYMOND DICSON, Weaver. 5 April 1528. Buried in the churchyard. Son Robert my greatest brass pot, two candlesticks, etc, if he die to my wife. All residue after debts paid to wife Margaret my Ex'or, with Dom Thomas Austen vicar and Wilham Awse, overseers. Witnesses :—Dom Thomas Austen, vicar, WUham Awse, Wilham Loud parish-clerk. [Probate 28 May 1528.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 359.) MATHEW DIGGON. 28 May 1555. Administration to his goods granted to Margaret his widow. Bonds :—Wilham Okingwold and Simon Cloke, both of Great Chart, yeomen, in £40. (A. Act. Vol. 12, fol. 14.) JOHN DYNE, Weaver. 14 Novem 1545. Buried in the churchyard. Wife Ahce pay to Christopher Gaye of Sidingbourne and John Thorneton of Milton, at the next Feast of St Michael £12 to the use of my son Augustine Dyne when 22, but if dead to my three daughters Joan, Thomasine, Denys, at their marriage, if all died the money to wife Ahce if hving, or if dead to the next of my blood. Ex'or :— Wife Ahce and have residue. Witnesses :—Christopher Gaye, John Thorneton, Richard Buncker, Wilham Roose. TProbate 12 April 1546.] (A. Vol. 24,"fol. 31.) JAMES EGETTE. 8 Decern. 1474. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or. Wife have my messuage and five virgates of land at North street for 20 years, then or at her death to son John for ever, but if John die within the 20 years then at the death of Joan be sold, the money disposed in works of charity. [Probate 13 April 1475.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 380.) THOMAS EGETTE.1 10 Feb 1477-8. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Joan my Ex'or. Wife have my messuage at Northstreet, and to her heirs assigns for ever. [Probate 10 May 1478.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 163.) 1 A Thomas Eohet, husbandman, joined John Cade in 1450, and had pardon.—Arch. Cant., VII, p. 268. 9* 16 MILTON WILLS. RICHARD ELLIOTT. 17 June 1506. Administration to his goods granted to Katherine his widow. (A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 148.) JOHN ELIOTT. 5 July 1510. My body to the earth to be buried in a holy place (in loco sacro). Residue to wife Ehsabeth and sons John, Wilham, Thomas my Ex'ors, with Wilham Peerson overseer. Wife have one house that she will chose of the two for life then to my sons equally, the other to my sons. Witnesses :—John Stamford curate there, Wilham Peerson, Thomas Payne. [Probate 19 Sept 1510.] (A. Vol. 11, fol. 198.) MAWDE, widow of Cuthbert ELLWODE. No date. Buried in the churchyard beside my husband. John Ade have all moveables and debts owing to me to bring up my children until they be 14, and discharge me of the last WiU of Richard Horn1, and my brother John Huggine and Lockysmith of Tonge for my husband's Will. Anise [Agnes] my daughter 8 pewter platters, 4 pewter dishes, 2 sawcers, the greatest brewing kettle with the trivet, a chafer to stand by the fire, etc, at her marriage or when 20. Sons Robert and Thomas the residue of the pewter and brass. Mawd Watson daughter of my sister 6-8d at her marriage. Ex'or—John Ade, with John Huggine my brother and John Rede overseers. That a table, form and querne (handmill) remain to my house at Borden. Residue to Ex'or to pay debts, etc. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen, vicar, John Huggine, John Rede. [Probate 24 January 1536-7.] (A. Vol. 21, fol. 113.) WILLIAM FIGGE. 8 Decern 1551. Probate to his Will. Ex'or—Thomas Figge, brother. [No more information.] (A. Act. Vol. 10, fol. 109.) JOHN FINOHE, gent. 20 March 1548-9. [Probate 26 Sept. 1549.] (A. Vol. 26, fol. 275-9.) (This long Will is printed in Arch. Cant., Vol. XIII, 328-32.) 1 See the will of John Horne, 1528, of which her husband, Cuthbert, was one of the Exors. No Will of Cuthbert Ellwode. MILTON WILLS. 17 THOMAS FLAWNE. 18 Oct 1518. Buried in the churchyard. My brother Wilham Flawne [of Newington] my best gown and 6-8d. Margaret Bowdon my sister two seames of malt, and John Bowdonmy brother the best cow. Margaret Cheseman sister of my wife, the best gown of my wife. Residue disposed by my brother Wilham Flawne my Ex'or. Witnesses—Thomas Austen, vicar, William Flawne, John Higgin, John Catlott. [Probate 27 Oct. 1518.] (A. Vol. 13, fol. 326.) JOHN FRANCKLEN. 23 Sept 1554. Administration to his goods granted to Ehsabeth his widow. Bonds :—John Stone, tailor, of Milton, and John Bocchar of Sidingborne, tallow-chandler, in £20. (A. Act. Vol. 11, fol. 117.) JOHN FURNER. 9 May 1555. Administration to his goods granted to Alice his widow. (A. Act. Vol. 12, fol. 13.) WILLIAM FOSTAR. 3 April 1520. Buried in the churchyard. To the Brotherhood of St James 6-8d to the stock of the Brotherhood. To the gilding of the Rood-loft 3-4cZ. Ex'or—My daughter Joan, with Thomas Austen, vicar, overseer. Thomas Letcott1 her (sic) husband my colt. Joan my daughter have my house in fee simple and pay my debts. Residue to wife Cecile. Witnesses :— Thomas Austen vicar, Alexander Simpson, John Carpenter, John Hartt. [Probate 24 May 1520.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 78.) MARGARET, widow of WILLIAM GARDINER. 28 Decern 1554. Buried in the churchyard beside my husband. To poor people at my burial 6-8d. Agnes Gurnarde daughter of my daughter £3-6-8c?, and Gurnarde shaU not have the keeping of the same. Residue to Agnes and Ahce Pegram my two daughters. Ex'or :—Agnes Pegram with my brother John Colman overseer. Witnesses :—Thomas Bull, Raynolde Crowche, John Stonden, Wilham Coting. [Probate 21 Feb. 1554-5.] (A. Vol. 30, fol. 61.) 1 Thomas Letcote, of Halstow, yeoman, died 1540, married Joan Fostar, by whom a son, John.—A. Vol. 22, fol. 29. 18 MILTON WILLS. NICHOLAS GATE.1 26 April 1481. Buried in the churchyard. Dom Peter Dingle vicar to pray for my soul in the church a trental of masses 8/-. Ex'ors—Wife Margaret and son WiUiam, have residue to pay debts and dispose for my soul. Feoffees—Peter Dingle, clerk, Thomas Sayer, John Bull to sell three acres of land in Norkefied in Borden, the money in three parts—(1) wife Margaret, (2) son Wilham, (3) repair of my messuage and expenses of my burial. After the death of my wife my messuage in the Town of Middelton with land called Downe to son Wilham for ever. [Probate 19 Decern. 1481.] (A. Vol. 3, fol. 386.) THOMAS GEDDYN. 8 March 1533-4. Buried in the church next to my wife. High altar 6-8 RALPH HAYMAN. 15 Novem 1474. Buried in the churchyard. High altar for tithes 5/-. The parish-priest, parish-clerk, and sacrist, each Qd. Light of St Mary 10/-. Margaret Cosin three quarters of barley, WUham Denewey my servant 3-4c£. Residue to wife Agnes who with John Bole my Ex'ors. Wife have messuage in which I dweU and aU the Key late obtained from the Feoffees of Richard Hart 1 Schamel Hermitage (see Arch. Cant., XXIX, p. 54), on the north side of the main road and usually said to be in Sittingbourne, was probably in Milton parish as William Hart states, and refers to the Hermitage in that parish. 24 MILTON WILLS. now dead, for her hfe, then to my sons (no names), but if they die before Agnes then at her death be sold the money disposed for our souls. Witnesses :—Wilham Stevyn, Stephen Feltnall, WiUiam Coting, Thomas atte Water. [Probate 12 Oct. 1475.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 424.) RAPE HAYMAN. 1 Sept 1534. Buried in Milton church before the high quier door. High altar 3-4(7. A stone of marble graved with my picture, my three wives, three sons, and four daughters to the value of £3. Wife Marion and John Feltewell all my household stuff. Residue to Ex'ors to pay debts etc.—Wife Marion, John Miller, John Pordage, each to have 20/- yearly for 20 years. Wife have for life all my lands tenements, and when John Feltewell is 24, if my wife be dead then John have the house in which I dwell with my Wharf called the Kay, the house bought from Thomas Cardon, the house bought from Peter Smithe and Laurance Halsted, the smith's forge, all my lands in Sawiersfield, my part of Harts barn and garden, and to his lawful issue. If wffe die before John is 24 then Ex'ors take the income until he is 24. If John die without lawful issue then be sold by Feoffees, the money disposed in mending highways and other deeds of charity; except my part of Harts barn with garden and land in Sawiers field remain to John Bull and his lawful issue for ever, paying to my Ex'ors £13-6-8d to be bestowed in repair of highways etc. Then to Rafe Hills my house next the gutter with the Kay. After my wife's death Lawrence Benett have two acres behind the parsonage barn for his life, then sold the money in charitable deeds. After my wife's death my Shambles [portable-stalls] to maintain the Cross Light in the church for 20 years. After my wife's death my tenement called the Rose in Sittingbourne to Raufe Simonds and his heirs for ever, paying to Raufe Corser £10. My part of my house and lands in Rodmersham to Thomas Croft and his heirs for ever, paying £20 to my Ex'ors. Land called Putt Wood be sold money to pay debts. Robert Chamber have my house and garden at ChalkweU. Raufe son of Peter Hayman my Manor of Backchilde [Bapchild] Court with all the lands rents services thereto ; my tenement caUed the BeU in Sittingbourne 20 years after my death, and during those 20 years my Ex'ors have the profits to pay my debts, legacies, and when Raufe enters in he to keep a yearly Obit in Milton church of 40/- for the next 20 years ; if Raufe be dead without lawful male MILTON WILLS. 25 issue then the Manor and the Bell remain to my Ex'ors, to find a priest born in Kent to sing in Milton church for 20 years having £7 yearly. Richard Genin have the fourth part of my Boat caUed the Tome, or value in money if sold by Ex'ors. Witnesses :—John Joyce, Wilham Brown, Richard Genin, Robert Chamber. [Probate 27 March 1548.] (Con. Vol. 21, fol. 80.) JOHN HERWARD. 15 June 1466. Buried in the churchyard. To the parishclerk and sacrist each 2d. Residue to wife Marione my Ex'or to pay debts. Feoffees—Robert Mone and Robert Hennaker. Wife have messuage with all buildings thereto, in which I dwell, next messuage of Wilham Stevens, and five virgates of land next the rectory of Middelton, in fee simple. Also receive from Joan Berghman £20 for my messuage next the Key sold to her, and wife pay out of that money £3-6-8(7 to Joan my daughter after her marriage. Witnesses:—Wilham Stevens, Wilham Synett, Richard Bolle, Richard King. [No Probate Date.] (A. Vol.1, fol. 193.) WILLIAM HEWE. 20 May 1513. Buried in the churchyard. To the gilding of the Assumption of Our Lady 16(7. That two tapers of 3 lbs of wax be burned before St Loye. My house be sold and son Robert when 20 have 20/- and daughter Agnes 13-4(7 when 16, U both die then wife have the money. Ex'or—Thomasine my wife and have residue, with Robert Dounham overseer. [Probate 22 July 1513.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 183.) LAWRANCE HILLS. 4 July 1488. Buried in the churchyard. Dom Wilham Petitt vicar of the church have 13-4(7 to dispose for my soul. After paying debts ten ewes to my parents (not named) to each brother (no names) four ewes, and my mother have a small chest with all therein. Residue to Dom Wilham Petitt and Bartholomew Cardon my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :— Robert Coke, Beatrice Paine. [Probate 23 Oct. 1488.] (A. Vol" 5, fol. 19.) WILLIAM HILL, Weaver. 9 Feb 1493-4. Buried in the churchyard. A taper of 1 lb of wax before St Erasmus. Wife Ceciha have my tenement with 26 MILTON WILLS. garden for life, then to John son of my brother John HiU and his heirs for ever, if he die without issue then to Robert HUl my brother. My brother Robert Hill have a broad loom and a linen loom. Residue after debts paid to John Fye and Joan his wife my Ex'ors to dispose for my soul. Witnesses :—John Walsh my curate, John GormesfeU, John Turye, WUham Raynold. [No Probate Date.] (A. Vol. 6, fol. 8.) ROBERT HILLS. 2 Feb 1498-9. Buried in the churchyard. John HUls my kinsman all my craft and trade tools, a bacon hogg, all wood in the garden. Residue after paying debts to John and Wilham my sons. Ex'or—Robert Dobenham. To the making of a torch for the church 20(7. Witnesses :—Dom WUham Petitt vicar, Robert Dobenham. [Probate 27 Feb. 1498-9.] (A. Vol. 7, fol. 101.) THOMAS HOGAN. 20 August 1473. Buried in the churchyard. To the parishpriest, parish-clerk, and sacrist, each 4d. Residue to wife Elene my Ex'or. If I die from this sickness my wife have the messuage in which I dwell in the market-place of Middelton for life, then to Agnes my daughter and her lawful issue, in default to be sold, the money—for a priest to celebrate in Middelton and Newington churches half a year for our souls £6-13-4(7; Joan Cokelette my daughter 40/- ; Joan daughter of Joan Cokelette 6-8(7 ; Thomas Parkin barber 3-4c7; John Bole and Wilham Coting my Feoffees each 5/-, any residue to the highways and poor people. Peter Dingley vicar to be overseer and have 6-8(7. Witnesses :—John Cobbe, Wilham Denewey, John Carpenter, Thomas Sprotte, Thomas at Sole. [Probate 2 Sept. 1473.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 184.) WTLLIAM HUGGIN, of Quyntonstreet. 4 Oct 1513. Buried in the churchyard. To the gilding of Our Lady 40(7. Mawd daughter of my son a brass pot of three gallons, Thomas her brother a httle brass pot, John his brother 6d. John Harman 13-4(7 of which my wife shall pay 6-8(7 and John my son 6-8(7. Robert Huggin my brother 13-4(7 by 3-4(7. yearly. Residue after debts etc paid to wife Margaret, who with WiUiam Wreke her son, my Ex'ors. Wife have for life aU messuages, gardens, lands in Quyntonstreet in Middelton and Bobbing, except two acres at HulthUl be sold and money disposed for my soul; after wife's death to son John and his lawful issue. Son John aU MILTON WILLS. 27 my tenements and lands at ChalkweU and to his lawful issue, viz— the garden bought from Noke next the mill—pond of two acres, and two acres in Saweris field next to the town mede. Witnesses : Wilham PifcQl, John Hoggin. [Probate 21 Oct. 1513.] (A. Vol. 12, fol. 157.) MARGARET HOGIN. NO date. Buried in the churchyard next my husband. To the reparation of the church 3-4(7 where the vicar thinks best. Residue after paying debts to my sons William and Harry Wreke my Ex'ors. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, Edward True. [Probate 27 Feb. 1527-8.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 195.) JOHN HOGIN, senior. 25 April 1533. Buried in Milton church against the door beside the pillar, and there a taper of \ lb of wax be continued during the life of my son John. An Obit for ten years of 6-8(7 yearly. To amend the high street betwixt my house and the watering-place of the pond 6-8d. Wife Isabel have household stuff that she brought to me at our marriage ; also two seames of malt, a bacon hogg, and a shetehng [young hogg of a year], five hens and a cock, and her dwelling in my house. Daughters Agnes and Mawde a cow each. Residue to son John my Ex'or, and have all my tenements and lands. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, John Catlott senior, John Birdon. [Probate 16 Oct. 1534.] (A. Vol. 20, fol. 65.) WILLIAM HUGGING. 31 January 1532-3. Buried in the churchyard beside my wife Joan. Wife Margaret all my poultry, ducks, hoggs, 53-4(7, two flitches of bacon, and all her own household stuff. Son Bartholomew and Margaret my daughter have aU moveables, and all my lands at Merwood for ever ; my daughter to be under the governance of John Fowler and his wife with the use of her part until 18, then or at her marriage to Margaret. Ex'or :—Son Bartholomew and have aU my lands with my house. Witnesses :—WiUiam Brice, Thomas Warier. [Probate 7 May 1533.] (A. Vol. 30, fol. 36.) JOHN HOKER. 12 January 1474-5. Buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity MUton. Agnes my daughter 12 ewes, 8 quarters of barley, etc. 28 MILTON WILLS. To the Hermit of Milton 12d. Residue to wife Agnes my Ex'or. Wife have my messuage at Northstreet for 20 years, then to Agnes my daughter for ever, and if wife be with a son then after the 20 years to the son for ever, but if a girl to my daughters. Witnesses :—Peter Dingley vicar, Stephen Feltnell, Thomas utte Sole. [Probate 17 January 1474-5.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 366.) JOHN HOLNEST. 20 April 1474. Buried in the churchyard. Ex'or—Wife Joan and have residue of goods. Wife have my messuage in East street Sidingbourne for hfe then to Richard my son. [Probate 16 June 1474.] (A. Vol. 2, fol. 315.) GEORGE HOLT. 20 Oct 1469. Buried in the churchyard. To the parishpriest 6(7, parish-clerk id, the sacrist my red cloak. Wife Alice all utensils of my house. Dionise and Rose my daughters at their marriage each £3-6-8(7. Ex'ors:—Thomas Clenche, WiUiam Coting to pay all debts. Wife dwell in my house for a year then have for life 20/- yearly. The tenement called Robys with all lands to my sons (no names) and daughters, U they die without lawful issue then be sold, the money :—to the highway between the churches of Iwade and Bobbing £13-6-8(7, to a priest to celebrate for our souls 33-4(7, the residue by discretion of Feoffees. [Probate 15 Feb. 1469-70.] (A. Vol. 1, fol. 313.) RICHARD HORNE.1 No Date. Buried in the churchyard. Residue to wife Cecily my Ex'or. Feoffees :—Thomas Thomas and WiUiam Alen. The house in which I dwell be sold the money to pay my debts, and residue equally to wife and daughters (no names) when 22. Witnesses :—John Ade, WiUiam Alen, Thomas Denham. [Probate 2 July 1522.] (A. Vol. 15, fol. 169.) JOHN HORNE. 3 Oct 1528. Buried in the churchyard. In the church 10/- in masses and other good works for my soul and parents. Son Edward my best coat. Son James a bullock. Son John 8 seames of barley when he is 16 and Cutbert Elwood have the same unto 1 Richard Horne of Minster-in-Sheppey, who died 1505, left two sons, Bichard and John. MILTON WILLS. 29 that time, and yearly occupy it as a stock for the behoof of John, and if my son shall have need or necessity within the same time by reason of sickness or any chance, then my son have it to help him. That U John shaU have discretion to occupy two or three seames before he is 16, then so to do by the advice of my Ex'or and overseer ; but if John die before 16 the stock and increase be sold and disposed in Milton church for our souls. Residue after debts paid to my Ex'or—Cutbert Elwood, with Dom Robert Gate overseer, to dispose for my soul in good works. Witnesses—Dom Robert Gate, Edmund True. [Probate 18 Novem. 1528.] (A. Vol. 18, fol. 68.) GARRARD HUSSIB, senior. 11 July 1541. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 53-4(7. Dionise son of my wffe four silver spoons and silver maser. WiUiam Barbor four of my basons and all my boxes. Ex'ors :— Son Garrard and John Basinden, with John Reade overseer. Son Garrard have residue to pay debts, also my three tenements in fee simple. Son Thomas all my other lands tenements. Witnesses— Thomas Austen vicar, Thomas Blokke, John Panton. [Probate 20 July 1541.] (A. Vol. 22, fol. 135.) GARRARD HUSSIE. . . . . 1545. Buried in the churchyard next unto my friends. Son John £10 at his marriage or age of 24, if he die to Agnes my wife. Residue to wife Agnes my Ex'or to pay debts, with John Thornton overseer :—Witnesses :—John Thornton, John Dyne, Raynolde Cooke. [Probate 21 May 1545.] (A. Vol. 24, fol. 206.) EDMUND IDEN. 28 Novem 1525. Buried in Milton church. High altar for tithes 3-4c7. Residue after debts paid to wife Elyn, who with Mr John Cheyne my Ex'ors. Wife have my lands tenements for life doing repairs, then my godson Robert Bowre have 53-4(7 yearly out of the profits, but the tenement and lands to Frawncesse daughter of John Cheyne in fee simple, if she die under age then to her brother WiUiam Cheyney in fee simple. Witnesses—.Thomas Austen vicar, Richard Blackborn. [Probate 10 Oct. 1526.] (A. Vol. 17, fol. 235.) 30 MILTON WILLS. JOHN JEROM, Mariner. 9 May 1524. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 3-4(7. Ex'or maintain a taper before Our Lady of Pity for ten years, and a taper of 1 lb of wax afore the Sacrament as long as it wiU last. Wife (no name) all household stuff except one bed to my brother Thomas Jerom. Ex'or :—Thomas Jerom my brother [of Tenham] and have residue to pay debts. Thomas my brother my tenement and all lands in Tenham, and to his heirs in fee simple, also the tenement in which I dwell, keeping one Obit of Q-8d yearly for ten years. Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, John FeneU, John Snoth. [Probate 8 June 1524.] (A. Vol. 16, fol. 119.) MAURICE AP JOHN, rector of the parish church of St George in Exeter. 11 January 1498-9. Buried in the quire of Milton church. To Christchurch Canterbury 12(7. Residue of goods to Mr John Walsh and Dom Richard Taylour my Ex'ors. Witnesses :— WiUiam Petett, vicar of Milton, Hugh Howlett, John Clifford. [Probate 4 June 1499.] (Con. Vol. 5, fol. 31.) (To be continued.)


Annual Report and Accounts for the Year 1932


Stained Glass Windows at Stowting